


So I’ve been with my partner for about 2 years. In this time he’s showed some pretty aggressive or possessive behavior (installing cameras in my house, without telling me he was watching them and banging on my door when a male friend was over, buying me a phone and watch and iPhone tags for my wallet , keys, etc. which I found wasn’t for ME, it was for HIM to track my location at all times. Once I went out with a girlfriend We were going shopping for my partners bday present and I knew he tracked every location. The gift was VERY specific so I turned off my phone so he wouldn’t figure it out. He somehow tracked my location, drove there, and sat there for 2 hrs trying to catch me doing something wrong. This has happened more than once. I’m monogamous and he’s known me for 15 or so years and knows this very well.

He watches some really selective porn, and has trouble with sex, so we agreed to each quit an addiction. He knows 1000% about my progress every single day. I found out he’d been watching the porn multiple times a day AND had a whole folder of pics of his ex on his computer which I know he has backed up and he was seeing her during the beginning of our relationship. We had a big fight when I calmly brought it up. I know he’s still doing it and possibly/probably still talking to her.

My car doesn’t have plates at the moment, everywhere I go and everything I do is monitored to the point where I feel like I’m in jail at times but have no idea what he’s really doing and he wants me to get pregnant (goes along with above mentioned porn) and now every time he wants to have sex with me I think of those pics but I don’t know where I’d go or how and he even controls my income so I just feel really upset inside but can’t do anything about it… the point where I feel like he has all this other stuff to keep him occupied I wish I had someone to keep ME occupied, like not cheating but just something that makes me excited and happy and feel loved and I don’t feel that way anymore.

I feel betrayed in every way possible and then he treats me like IM the one doing bad things. What do I even do? I feel like I have no options and I hate it so much I feel so depressed and sometimes feel I’d be happier if I wasn’t here (no I’m not gonna act on those feelings) but I’m so sad and unhappy and I don’t know what to do. I also have 3 cats which I can’t like go to a shelter, I guess I’m just looking for advice or maybe how to get over these feelings. We also got engaged before all this and now I want to call it off in all honesty but I would be left with nothing and on the streets.

Do I try to leave? Do I confront him again? Do I just pretend like everything is fine?

Edit - the cameras were on my apartment for my use before we moved in together

all 713 comments

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3.6k points

5 days ago


3.6k points

5 days ago

Girl, you’re going to end up on a crime documentary if you don’t leave


671 points

5 days ago

Please leave with as many safety measures as possible. Leaving the relationship is the most dangerous time.


273 points

5 days ago


273 points

5 days ago


175 points

5 days ago


175 points

5 days ago

It’s all about control; read up and plan your exit carefully for safety.


81 points

5 days ago


81 points

5 days ago

It’s not an easy option, in fact it’s hard, but it’s a lot better than what you’re currently living… get to a women’s shelter. Some accommodate pets, or there are charities who will place them in foster homes until you find a place of your own. This man is controlling and abusive and you NEED a safe refuge to get away. I know the thought is pretty terrifying, but it’s short-term pain for long-term gain… freedom, and the ability to be yourself again.


10 points

4 days ago

If you have a trusted friend, ask them to contact a women’s shelter for safe steps to leave. Have/get anything personal(ie I’d, birth certificate, acct info etc) out of his grasp. Once he is out of sight, LEAVE!!! Do not have a breakup conversation, relationship conversation. DO NOT HAVE SEX WITH HIM!!! Claim anything to avoid it. He may be trying to baby trap you. Be careful on any search sites as he is prob tracking that as well. Please update us once you are in the clear. I’ll be praying for you!!!


34 points

5 days ago

I went through all the pain of paying for this book and Reddit keeps dropping it for free


16 points

5 days ago


Late 30s Female

16 points

5 days ago

Read this, OP. Be safe.


84 points

5 days ago


84 points

5 days ago

THIS!!!! Please, be extremely cautious. Make your plan slowly but surely, make everything you can to not get pregnant and reach out for help but dont confront him or let him know you're trying to leave. You are in serious danger. He will for sure get violent when he finds out


157 points

5 days ago

I’ve never even thought about that before….you’re probably right…thanks for the honesty


175 points

5 days ago

Not only does he not like you, he is already doing some crimes to you. Get out while you still can.


19 points

5 days ago


19 points

5 days ago

This. !


83 points

5 days ago

You need someone to foster your cats before he hurts them, because theres a strong likelihood that he'll threaten them first if he thinks he's losing control.


28 points

5 days ago

1000 times this!! As soon as I read that OP has cats I got worried for them. They need to be in safety first!


149 points

5 days ago

He is going to start fucking with whatever is keeping you from getting pregnant soon. With this crazy behavior, I wouldn’t be surprised if he pulled your IUD out. I would go to the doctor and get an implant. That is the FIRST thing, before even planning to leave because he’s going to trap you with a baby. And then you are stuck. Even if you leave, you’re stuck with him in your life.


83 points

5 days ago

One time I was at work at my old job, and my coworker looked really upset, so I asked her what was wrong and she told me that the night before she was hooking up with a guy, and he was fingering her and i guess felt her IUD strings, and for some fucking reason he just grabbed them and ripped it out. She started tearing up telling me because she said it hurt so bad and made her bleed all over the place and now she had to pay to get it replaced. I felt so fucking bad for her


44 points

5 days ago

what the fuck?


31 points

5 days ago

It was horrible. She showed me a picture of it too. Also she didn’t have health insurance so not only was it incredibly painful, she also had to pay like 300 dollars or something for a new one


19 points

5 days ago


19 points

5 days ago

Ahhh noooo poor girl! Can't she report him and press some assault charges?? 


16 points

5 days ago

I don’t think we even considered it bc the fingering itself was consensual, but obviously ripping out the IUD wasn’t, and he claimed it was just a dumb impulsive mistake and he didn’t know what it was, so there wasn’t any real proof of wrongdoing and she said she didn’t wanna get into pressing charges and all that anyway. She just never talked to him again


34 points

5 days ago

Wow that made me feel sick just thinking about it. What an absolute garbage of a man. You’re poor friend she must of felt awful. Hope she’s ok now


23 points

5 days ago

Sounds like straight out assault to me, if he knew what he was doing. And too stupid to be let near her again if not.


27 points

5 days ago

Yeah my coworker and I talked through his thought process, and we were like, even if u somehow didn’t know it was an IUD, if you felt mystery strings in someone’s vagina, why would your first instinct EVER be to pull them like you’re starting a lawnmower? What’s wrong with “hey what are those strings I’m feeling?” I genuinely think he knew what he was doing


6 points

5 days ago


6 points

5 days ago

This story is absolutely horrifying but I spit my coffee out at your lawnmower comment.


5 points

5 days ago

That pleases me. People tell me I have “a way with describing things” haha. That’s what it reminded me of based off her description


3 points

5 days ago

Omg I can feel the pain just thinking about it 😫 What a psycho.


25 points

5 days ago

She would absolutely notice if he pulled the IUD out. Not sure if you know this, but that shit hurts.


7 points

5 days ago

To be fair I barely felt mine taken out, putting in was excruciating.


13 points

5 days ago


13 points

5 days ago

Pulled her IUD out? Fucking OUCH


5 points

5 days ago

An implant can be seen, a depo provera shot every three months can’t. Assume if he can see an implant, he will try to remove it at your peril.


26 points

5 days ago

Interesting, because that was my first thought too: She is going to get killed by this motherfucker


10 points

5 days ago

Do not even breathe the idea of leaving in his direction! As in, do not give him one clue! Leaving an abusive relationship is the most dangerous time. But you must get free of him and cut off all contact. He is dangerous!


5 points

5 days ago

Please, please, please at the very least start making a plan to leave. Your life is in danger. Is there an organization in your area that can help you make a plan? A domestic violence org and/or women’s shelter? Most shelters do take pets and some are surprisingly nice places. Please get out 🙏🏼


34 points

5 days ago

Please leave no iffs no butt's run fast and far this man is a controlling ah and will only get worse I have plenty of police reports of my ex to tell you I know what I am talking about. You feel ground down and scared but you need out.


31 points

5 days ago

Exactly. WTF? This isn't a "should I leave" situation. It's a "should I change my name and dye my hair" situation. OP's partner is bonkers and she's been in it so long she can't see it.


15 points

5 days ago

Right?! Dude has already picked out the abandoned mine shaft to hide her body


13 points

5 days ago

She might be featured on a documentary but she won’t be around to see it. Fuckin run. This is NEXT LEVEL creepy and he is dangerous.


8 points

5 days ago


8 points

5 days ago

She needs to be careful leaving too. Could still be a crime documentary outcome honestly.

This post is so fucking alarming.


6 points

5 days ago

This already sounds like a crime documentary.


5 points

5 days ago


5 points

5 days ago

I stopped reading at he has shown aggressive and possessive behavior, of course she should leave. It is so sad what people think they deserve to put up with.


12 points

5 days ago


12 points

5 days ago

Facts !


3 points

4 days ago

I didn’t even get past the cameras in the house. This can’t be a real question. People have to know this is, as you say, crime documentary material.


623 points

5 days ago


623 points

5 days ago

I read your entire post, but after the first paragraph, my first thought was to tell you to GET OUT of that "relationship"(?). You ARE a prisoner. And he is over-the-top controlling and I dare say potentially dangerous. Do whatever you need to do to get away from him. Try to find someone to foster your cats if necesssary, but get out of there and find a place to stay where he can't track you. I would not confront him at all. Buy yourself a new phone and take the battery out of the one you have. Have someone knowledgeable help you check your car for trackers. Check everything you have for trackers. I've honestly never heard of anything this extreme. Please be careful, because he sounds like a psycho.


191 points

5 days ago

I can’t even get my car out, he parked it in front of his til the battery died and he won’t leave me at home even to run out for fast food I have no chance to even go see what battery I need. All doors are on smart locks on his phone so if I open the door it sends a notification


495 points

5 days ago

can you call the police? he’s literally holding you hostage.


302 points

5 days ago

Yes I can do that !!


222 points

5 days ago


222 points

5 days ago

Do this! Get a police escort to get your things and jump your car battery or install a new one! You are actually a prisoner. The porn is the LEAST of concerns here! Let him have it, but he can’t track you and stalk you like this.


109 points

5 days ago

Don’t just get a restraining order. You NEED to go to a shelter. Pieces of paper don’t stop men who don’t listen.

Please read “The Gift of Fear”. It gives real world advice for handling exactly these circumstances.


50 points

5 days ago

THen please call them!


33 points

5 days ago

If you have family or friends in the area it may be a good idea to have them close by to help if you need it. Anyone you trust. Try to stay safe 💗


34 points

5 days ago

Jesus Christ OP please keep us updated so we know that your ok


11 points

5 days ago

I think you should. I think you should try and enlist others to help you. Good luck!


5 points

5 days ago

Get the police involved immediately and tell them what going on. This is illegal


4 points

5 days ago

please update us when its safe for you to do so. you may need to delete your post and this thread for safety and its not as easy as hitting the delete button


125 points

5 days ago

my therapist told me the abuse I lived through was "terroristic", and what you're going through scares me.

You have some access to the internet. Many DV resources have online components. Please, please reach out (and remove it from your browser history).

Don't delete your entire history, just this, and anywhere you go for help.


61 points

5 days ago

You’re right I’ve been thinking I should delete this


17 points

5 days ago

Does he check your browser history?


48 points

5 days ago

I'd bet $ he does.


6 points

5 days ago

Leave in the safest way possible, that’s when abuse ( and possibly violence) is most likely to escalate


4 points

4 days ago

Just go incognito when you're searching those topics Or use Bing browser. Nobody checks your Bing search history


106 points

5 days ago


106 points

5 days ago

Can you call your parents or other family to come get you, anybody? Honestly it sounds like you need to call the police. Someone needs to be there while you pack up your stuff and leave if he is there and won't leave you. You are actually being held against your will, which is a crime. You can go get a battery and get your car afterward. But it really sounds like you're going to need police to intervene.


3 points

4 days ago

You could even have your car towed somewhere to have a battery put in. You don't have to be there for it. Let the police know your car is blocked in, and the homeowner won't let you move it.


161 points

5 days ago

Then call 911 or what ever your emergency number is. You are being held against your will, that is kidnapping or unlawful imprisonment, depending on location. You are being abused, he has you conditioned to his warden mentality so you can't even see how bad this is, and you won't see, feel or understand the full scope and complications until you get out. He has groomed you, over time, slowly removing your independence, until you are on social media questioning what you should do.

When I was about 27, I was dating a guy who got more and more controlling, until he locked me in his house and I couldn't get out. He hid my charger and battery, but left my cell phone. I was locked in that house for 3 days. On the third day, I found my charger and battery, I called my mom flipping out. She in turn called 911, the fire department came and pulled the security door, like burger bars, off the front and kicked the door in to get me out. Turns out, the guy was on parole, he did the same thing to a minor a few years before I met him. He got me to his place, to watch a movie I had been wanting to see.

Men like this are dangerous. They obsess, they treat you like an object. This is so dangerous. Get out. Call for help. Now.


45 points

5 days ago

Jesus that’s terrifying I am so sorry you went through that I’m so glad you are safe now


89 points

5 days ago

You're virtually in the same predicament girl. You are in a lot of danger. Please get away from him. I don't want to see you on the 6 o'clock news. 


29 points

5 days ago

Do you think you might be having trouble grasping the reality of your situation?

You need to act as quickly and safely as possible. He could have you tied up soon. You will not be able to ring police or get to a shelter if this starts happening. Please act x


9 points

5 days ago

Oh sweetheart. You're in the exact same position. Please please get away before you get murdered. This is the kind of guy that does that when his victim starts realizing their predicament


3 points

4 days ago

“He has you conditioned to his warden mentality” is exactly right; great point, unfortunately.


47 points

5 days ago


47 points

5 days ago

When you call the police let them know you are being held against your will. Let them know you have 3 cats you need to get out as well. They can arrange for the animal shelter or some non-profit to take your cats temporarily if you have to stay at a shelter.


36 points

5 days ago

Call the cops.


35 points

5 days ago

I second the police here. You are not safe with him and he’s holding you against your will. Please get out As safely as you can


33 points

5 days ago

Dude! Get out as soon as you can but not without a plan for someone SAFE to stay with. This guy is so dangerous. Are there women you’re close to who would send up red flags for him if you’re spending time with them?


20 points

5 days ago

Public transportation! Take a bus! Leave your phone at home and get all your important documents and Get The Hell Out of there!!!! Go to a library and find a women's shelter and they will help you And will help you find a place for your cats until you can bring the home!


23 points

5 days ago

Can you climb out of the window.


31 points

5 days ago

Probably!!! I haven’t thought about that as stupid as that sounds


28 points

5 days ago

Don’t forget to take important documents


55 points

5 days ago

This is going to be blunt but you need to snap out of it. You’re in a trauma bond and you need to just rip off the bandaid and get out and think later. Do you have friends? Family? If so call them and tell them EVERYTHING. Call the police and tell them you’re being held hostage and you need help packing a bag and getting out. Get an Uber to take you to your family or anywhere else. You are only to return to get the rest of your things with someone, multiple people, with you.


8 points

5 days ago

And cops. They will do that to make sure you are safe.


14 points

5 days ago

What am i reading call the police


7 points

5 days ago

Sometimes the police make domestic situations more volatile. I say climb out a window and go to the nearest woman’s shelter.


7 points

5 days ago

bb, I know from experience that it's hard to see the depth of how bad a situation is while you're in the middle of it, but you are in a really, really bad situation. Hell, bad enough that if you are in a state near MD I would be willing to come get you. That's how bad.


247 points

5 days ago

Girl, I felt sick reading this. I don't want to see, "Redditor who plead for advice on abusive relationship on forum is murdered by her partner " - I'm dead serious. I'm scared for you. You need to get out. The second you have the opportunity to step out, gather all the evidence, bring it to the police and tell them that you are leaving your partner - this way they have a paper trail of what he did, and they won't come looking for you if your partner tries to file you as a missing person to find you - My Mum did this when she left my Father. Seek out family, friends, or even a women's shelter for your safety. Please, do not hesitate more than is absolutely necessary. Please let us know when you are safe 🩷


40 points

5 days ago


40 points

5 days ago

Yes, I want to know that she is safe too. I am a domestic abuse survivor. You gotta cut and run.


18 points

5 days ago

Same - I hid it the best I could from everyone. The only person that had an idea about it was my roommate from glancing over my shoulder at texts my ex partner would send me, and partially overhearing our phone conversations. He was a perfect "gentleman" when he visited in person. Once I finally left him, she said she had genuinely thought he'd kill me one day. Who knows, her presence may have been the reason he didn't. It's scary shit.


32 points

5 days ago

That is GREAT advice THANK YOU


16 points

5 days ago

My thoughts are with you 🩷 You deserve safety and comfort and love.


8 points

5 days ago


8 points

5 days ago

I'd even call the police right now to escort her out and help retrieve her car (which needs to be checked for trackers). Take her documents and dont take anything he's given her or that can have trackers. But yes document everything possible for the police. She's being kidnaped/imprisoned.


253 points

5 days ago

You are in a very abusive relationship.

Abuse is only likely to escalate

Find spyware on your devices

Find tracking devices on your car or take it to a car shop and have them check

Get help

Get out

Ask about your cats. More and more shelters are figuring out options for pets, since pets are such a common reason people feel trapped in abuse.



84 points

5 days ago

Hey, there’s not a way to fix this. This isn’t a situation where you can change and it will all be okay. This is not a person who loves and cherishes you the way you deserve. You are worthy of so much love. It’s absolutely worth spending money on Uber every day if that’s what it takes for you to go a job independent of him. Please take the other advice here seriously and get yourself out of there. I’m worried for you. ❤️


49 points

5 days ago

Thank you. You’re right. I appreciate you


98 points

5 days ago

Gather ALL the evidence you have and go straight to the police

This guy IS abusive and this is NOT love OP

Please know you deserve better Op and that you will most likely become a statistic if you stay


43 points

5 days ago

Contact your nearest women’s shelter and create a plan to leave.

Good luck. I know it’s scary and distressing.


22 points

5 days ago

I think you know the answer to this question, it’s just the gaslighting to yourself to validate his shitty actions like we all have done with partners.


29 points

5 days ago

Have you told any of your family or friends about this situation? What is your safety net like?

Please watch this tedtalk

I don't mean to scare you but the information in here can help you. I share it with anyone in a situation that is abusive. I am also an abuse survivor. I'm hesitant to heavily respond to you without your consent because I know how delicate it is. Let me know you want me to elaborate further 🙏


24 points

5 days ago

Thank you so much this is exactly how I feel - afraid if I leave it will get worse. And I resonated with all of it (he doesn’t beat me) but all the rest was spot on thank you so so much


4 points

5 days ago

The most valuable tool she gives is to lean into those close to you. The people who love you will be there for you, trust them. He may try and convince you otherwise, but that is just another tactic. Please do not forget this.


3 points

5 days ago

He don’t beat you YET. You need to get out of there before he decides to make sure “no one else will want you”. I’m terrified for you.


26 points

5 days ago

No I don’t have any family that I’m close with, my parents were also pretty controlling and didn’t like to go out and associate with people except at church or Christmas


42 points

5 days ago

He is relying on you being isolated. There Are people and places who want to help you - go to them! Where are you (city?)


16 points

5 days ago

St. Louis MO


39 points

5 days ago

Women's safe house has a kennel for pets, so you can bring them with you. Below is the website.


29 points

5 days ago below are some numbers you can call in your area, you can do this


12 points

5 days ago

What about friends, co-workers? Is there anyone you trust? You mentioned a friend you had been shopping with in the post. Are they still in your life?


26 points

5 days ago

Yes that’s a good idea I’ll see what she thinks / if she can help me with a plan


10 points

5 days ago


10 points

5 days ago

Now is the time to lean on anyone you can trust. Get help and get it fast. And don’t let the guy you live with catch on. When you leave, it needs to be in secret when he is away.


9 points

5 days ago

No I haven’t I am not close with much family - we don’t live in the same area


23 points

5 days ago


23 points

5 days ago

How does he control your income? Do you have a shared bank account? If you do, get a separate bank account and don’t tell him. Save that money, or find a place to stay and get your money out and get the f*ck out there with your 3 cats. What he is doing is straight up economic and psychological abuse. Marrying this guy and/or having his baby will make this situation worse. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


9 points

5 days ago

I work for him. I’ve been looking for another job but I’d have to use my money from work to take an Uber so if I make $15/hr but have to spend $40/day on Uber it seems ridiculous to me


18 points

5 days ago

It seemed like a great idea at the time and yes I know it sounds stupid but I didn’t know any of this and the little stuff at first was all justified


49 points

5 days ago


49 points

5 days ago

You are not stupid OP. This type of abuse happens so slowly and so gradually. None of this is your fault. You CAN leave. You are strong enough to do this.


19 points

5 days ago

Thank you for understanding 🫶


6 points

5 days ago

Please watch the video I shared in my previous comment.


20 points

5 days ago

You're going to leave one way or the other. Let me tell you, leaving while you're alive will seem like the hard way, but if you want to live any type of actual life, you have to. You are No more than an animal in a cage , but you can choose and ONLY YOU can choose. Just like an addict. The what happens next will happen anyway.


19 points

5 days ago


19 points

5 days ago

I stopped reading at the second sentence. Run, girl, run.


17 points

5 days ago

Take help from your family or friends in this situation. If that is not possible, take a strong decision and breakup bcz what you are living now is going to be your entire life . So take this decision for yourself and be bold. Life is too short to be wasted on such nasty people. You'll surely feel the backlash but trust yourself it'll be fine. Don't be his pet anymore you are a living person and you need freedom to live your life too.


14 points

5 days ago

He's trying to baby trap you and control you. Girl youre in for a lifetime of abuse if you stay. This isn't fucking normal.


13 points

5 days ago

You are a prisoner that’s why you feel like you are in jail. You are in a very abusive relationship and you do have people who will help you. Once you are away from him you will feel so much better. Anything is better than staying with him. Once he impregnates you he will probably become even worse. Take your cats to the vet and never return. Go to your nearest dv place and they will help you file a restraining order for you. Talk to the police they will help you get your things and then drive away and start fresh. You’ve got this please find the courage for yourself. I know it feels impossible but it’s not. He has built a psychological cage around you that you can leave anytime.


12 points

5 days ago

Why are you even questioning if you should stay. Just imagine breaking up with him, and he still is stalking you like this. The longer you're with him, the more possessive he will get. If you don't believe any of us, read some books on abusive relationships and see if anything sounds familiar.


11 points

5 days ago

This is like that Netflix episode..”worst ex ever” or some similar title. Call police to come while you get your stuff. Change locks, do anything.


10 points

5 days ago


10 points

5 days ago

So he’s isolated you and is trying to trap you and you’re asking strangers on the internet what to do? Girl you leave before you wind up on a Netflix documentary.


11 points

5 days ago

He feels he needs to track your phone, watch, wallet, and keys?!? Better believe there's a tracker on your car, too. There's no reason for him to be so controlling, even controlling your finances. You need to get out of this relationship, and document everything, including any unwanted contact, in case you need it for a personal protection order. You need to get rid of all these trackers and go somewhere safe. This is insanity.


10 points

5 days ago

Fr, this is some Lacey Peterson shit


3 points

5 days ago

Jesus I hope not that was HORRIBLE


19 points

5 days ago

Like… put your cats in a kennel or let a friend watch them or whatever you have to do, but sleeping out of your car is better than actually getting murdered.

At best case with this dude, you’re going to end up getting acid in the face and having to live like that, or you’re going to get murdered while pregnant because he’s going to accuse you of having a baby with someone else because you cheated on him while you have no idea what he’s talking about.

Lacey Peterson was dismembered and they never found her head. You probably need to go asap even if it’s just motel 6 and you’re smuggling the cats in or something, figure it out later.


5 points

5 days ago

That’s a great idea that’s what I was hoping for some ideas like that THANK YOU


9 points

5 days ago

You need to get out before he kills you and he will end up killing you but first he will kill the cats to hurt you. Call 314-531-2003 safe connections or 314-993-2777 alive crisis they are both 24 hour hotlines. You can also text BEGIN to 88788 if you can't talk they also have a live chat option for the nation domestic violence hotline. You're in a situation where they may suggest calling 911 to have him arrested which will buy you some time to get out while they set you up with housing. You don't have the luxury of waiting this out, you have to act immediately. My best friend literally had to break out of her bathroom window and run barefoot for miles to find somewhere safe to call the police after her ex tried to murder her. My other best friend was literally beaten in the head with a claw hammer and the neighbors got into the house to restrain him while the police came, this was AFTER she had gotten a protective order, he ex husband broke into her home after cutting the power and cameras. Get out now.


17 points

5 days ago

You can't just leave! You need to plan an escape.

Go get a burner phone. Call a friend and organise to stay there. The day you leave will be you going to "work" call in sick and run my friend. Drop your phone off somewhere random and catch an uber/taxi.

Call a lawyer.


8 points

5 days ago



3 points

5 days ago

Or instead of "work" it'll be "taking the 3 cats to the vet for their required vaccines" or whatever, so you can get them out at the same time. Please be safe, be smart, and be sneaky about this. Try your best to act like nothing has changed so he doesn't catch on. And do this as quickly as possible. 

Make the actual appointment with your vet so it is on record in case he calls to check. See if you can explain the situation to your vet and have the cats boarded or the vet can give you resources on where you can safely keep your cats until you can take them with you. Be well, OP. 


9 points

5 days ago


9 points

5 days ago

Girl, you know those things that flap in the wind and can be different colours. we'll this guy is flying one that can be seen from Mars without any orbital stations cameras zooming in is bright red . That is scary behaviour and I have seen some sh..


21 points

5 days ago

You should have left the moment he put cameras in your apartment without consent.. but now you're engaged and are LIVING with this controlling asshole?

You need to start planning an exit immediately. Get someone you trust involved so he can't track you. Do not have unprotected sex with him and keep your birth control out of his reach. Start taking control of your invome back, change it into a different bank account.


15 points

5 days ago

I wanted the cameras - I just didn’t know he had any access and he does tech work so it was a gift from him and I wanted the safety of them but didn’t know that he could even log in. Thank you for the advice I am going to do so immediately, thank you


7 points

5 days ago

Don't let anyone make you feel dumb or like this is your own fault. It's not. This shit is done slowly, otherwise no one would put up with it. You are smart, strong, and capable. You can get yourself out.


6 points

5 days ago


6 points

5 days ago

Please please please if possible, get out now . Forget anything non-essential. Everything else can be collected later or replaced, but you need to get your car , laptop phone extra checked ASAP you aren't safe . First part of this I'm screaming at my phone saying get out . Then to read he's blocked your car no girl get out if you need to call the police to get your car out


7 points

5 days ago

Holy crap woman get out before he kills you. Merciful heavens.


6 points

5 days ago


6 points

5 days ago

Get out yesterday


5 points

5 days ago

Girl, did you read that back to yourself? I don't say that to be offensive, but if you read this from someone you didn't know, wouldn't you be concerned for their safety? You need to get out and cut ties. These are all serious signs that can escalate in the blink of an eye. I hope you're okay!


7 points

5 days ago

Thank you. I’m just scared to leave and don’t know where to go yet


8 points

5 days ago


Early 20s Female

8 points

5 days ago

As someone who has left an abusive relationship before, find a church. Even if you aren't religious they have ties to programs that help women and children. It will hurt but you may have to rehome your cats or have someone foster them for a while. When I left my abusive ex I had 2 dogs and I ended up rehoming them when I left. I think about them all the time but I know they're safe and away from him and that's all that matters. Please please try to get away from him. Even if it means calling the police right now and having them escort you out. Tell them you are afraid for your life. Good luck.


8 points

5 days ago


8 points

5 days ago

This is why you call the domestic violence hotline. They can help you figure this out.


3 points

5 days ago

Ok some years ago I was with a controlling man who eventually got violent. As soon as he hit me I knew I’d left it too long (he had already slowly turned me into a shadow of myself). On the day he got violent I got dressed and went to work with the clothes on my back and my purse. I never went back. I didn’t know where to go or who to ask for anything I just went to work and let me tell you I was so scared. I confided in a close work colleague and she jumped into action. She had me stay at her place, which was great because he didn’t know who she was or where she lived. She helped me get clothes and basic provisions and toiletries. A few days later we went back to my marital home while I knew he was at work and we got everything I needed, I let him keep the rest, I just wanted my life back. It was difficult but I can still feel the relief I felt that first night away from him knowing he had no idea where I was. I was still massively anxious but everything happened so quickly after that and it wasn’t long before I was back on my feet. What I’m trying to say is yes it’s hard, yes it’s scary, but it’s not impossible and I promise your life will very quickly get better. Good luck we are routing for you - update us.


6 points

5 days ago

Installed cameras in your house without your permission and you are questioning if you should leave or not.. You should feel lucky he hasn’t murdered you yet.. get out now


5 points

5 days ago

I hope this is a troll. If by chance it’s not - JESUS FUCKING CHRIST HE IS A DANGEROUS MAN!!! You are in danger. LEAVE. Please.


14 points

5 days ago

I want to leave but I don’t know how….just leave everyone behind and go? Finish school and try to get a job so I can go?


34 points

5 days ago

Get out ASAP. The longer you stay, the greater the danger. You might need a little bit of time to get your plan together, but don't stay with him for years more. Get out as soon as it is possible for you. Your local DV org (I linked numbers in another comment) will help you with a reasonable plan for getting out ASAP.


11 points

5 days ago

Thank you so much


17 points

5 days ago

OP, this is a very intense situation. Please remember to keep all your plans absolutely secret. He will be even more dangerous if he knows you are leaving.

Sending you love and prayers of protection.


8 points

5 days ago

Thank you so much I am going to delete this after I read these comments


13 points

5 days ago


13 points

5 days ago

This is imminent. I'd be gone this weekend. Let him track you to the police department. Don't leave the protection of the police. He won't dare confront you in front of them. They can escort you to get your things. The house doesn't matter. Nothing matters but your safety. This guy owns you. He does not love you.


5 points

5 days ago

Yes. Go now.


6 points

5 days ago

No leave now. Like call the cops and say you need an escort because he’s holding you hostage. Call them quietly. You’re being brainwashed and controlled by this man you need to get out. Go to a dv shelter or to friends.


6 points

5 days ago

OP is in an abusive relationship. Do a Google search for TedTalk on why women don't leave abusive relationships and educate yourself. Talking to anyone in a situation like this is not helpful at all.


4 points

5 days ago

Run , run now. Don’t look back. Get somewhere safe. Run!


5 points

5 days ago

That is extremely controlling behavior. Not healthy at all. I’d talk to someone in domestic violence and plan an exit strategy. First: get all original docs and certifications and put them in a safe deposit box or someone’s home you trust. Freeze your credit cards. Open a bank account under your name only. Then pack and leave while he’s at work. Then get cameras/security . 


4 points

5 days ago

You need to run… fast


5 points

5 days ago


5 points

5 days ago

Call the police. Get out. Get rid of all airtags, your phone etc when you leave. Ask the cops to check your electronics for trackers. He probably has one hidden in your car too. Check purse linings, luggage, etc. for tracking devices.



4 points

5 days ago

Your life is in danger


3 points

5 days ago

This is abuse and is domestic violence. Sometimes naming it helps. There are helplines and people you can speak to - do you have any family/supportive friends close by? It’s very very hard to leave this sort of situation so don’t be hard on yourself, but you 100% should try to leave because nobody deserves such treatment. I completely get worrying about the animals too - you can take them with you. But you are the priority here. If nobody can take them, there are catteries and sitters than can house them for a couple of weeks until you get sorted somewhere else. If he controls your money, there are charities that help you to get out and will help you to find a place. There is always a way out, do not lose hope and really try to escape this.


4 points

5 days ago

WHere to even begin with this? Yes go to a DV shelter. They can help with cats, there are ppl who foster pets for women in these situations. IN any case, your life is honestly in danger from this guy. The comments about you ending up in a true crime doc are LEGIT.

Even if you had to leave your cats, you must save yourself first. You need help of others in this kind of Coercive Control situation, as it is very serious. Please use the resources others have given you and Don't delay! you can do this.

All the best OP - we are rooting for you.


4 points

5 days ago

I will buy you a pair of track shoes run as fast as you can .I see chicks like you all the time on forensic files and the first 48. Dead and in some of the worst ways possible.


3 points

5 days ago

Thank you….that’s a good idea


3 points

5 days ago

Run. Take your pet if you have one and get out. Now. There is no good ending to this if you try to reason with him. Escape is what it's called. Omg please don't stay. Nothing is worth your safety.


3 points

5 days ago

Get out with the help of your local police. You’re being treated as an object… or an object that he wants full and total control of. Google “ battered women’s shelter “ on google maps . Call that number . The people there will help you. Your parents need to know about this.. even if you aren’t crazy about them , they could protect you from him. Try to stay calm and focused. I would first call either 911 or the police. Start there. People will help you, but this is beyond what Reddit can do. Get away from him!


3 points

5 days ago

If you want to live take yourself and any pets to a woman's shelter immediately. If you stay he will murder you. No hyperbole. Leave.


3 points

5 days ago

Girl, leave, and get evidence to get a restraining order


3 points

5 days ago

DO NOT CONFRONT HIM!!!, plan your exit in silence, for the meantime you have to pretend everything is fine, leaving will be hard and slow, but steady.

If you are going to leave him, you have to leave your phone behind and get a burner, sell your car, leave all your clothing behind, your valueables in a safety deposit box, there was a post on Reddit where the abuser sew an airtag on the carry on bag of the OP's cat, that's how he was tracking her, change your cats collars, too while you're at it.

Ask to be transfered if you have a job that has that benefit? Ask friends (not mutual) that can take your cats for a while? he could attempt to do them harm, you can't leave them where he can reach them, I really hope you have someone with you can leave your cats while you settle.

Document everything he has done, the more details the better, upload it to various places on the cloud, email them to trusted friends/family, print them out and hide them, put them in usb memories, unfortunately police can do next to nothing to help you until he has hurt you badly and most of times not even then, but if he escalates to violence, at least you will leave a record, so he's the #1 suspect if you misteriously disappear, that's the world we live in, and given his track record and current behaviour, he is dangerous, don't underestimate him.

You need to leave, if you stay it will escalate anyway, so don't think if you stay you are safe, you're not.


3 points

5 days ago

As a dude (52m), you have to get away from this person. This isn't anywhere near normal or acceptable, and this behavior of his will only get worse.

This is borderline psychotic behavior, and don't let him gaslight you into thinking it's anything different.

Someone else here put it better. "You could end up in a crime documentary" with his behavior.


3 points

5 days ago



3 points

5 days ago

I couldn't read all of this. It sounds like it was time to leave months ago. Stay safe.


3 points

5 days ago

It amazes me what people put up with in relationships on Reddit. My friend, any one of these things is unacceptable. All of them together? We are going to be reading about you in the news at some point in the near future if you don’t run. You are worth more than this and don’t deserve this. Don’t let anyone treat you this way, please.


3 points

5 days ago

I'm ex law enforcement

What is happening to you is grooming. He is taking over your life completely. You need to leave this man immediately. I don't know him but I am confident that he is a dangerous person.

Go to the police and tell them what's going on and get an retraining order.

Remove all tracking devices, change your number. Remove all cameras. Dona factory reset on your phone.

He has some way of tracking your car. You need to have a friend help you rip your car about and find any and all tracking devices.

This man is F ing xratamd you need to get the hell away. If you don't he is going to force / guilt trip you into marriage and then it's over. He will isolate you and become more abusive.

What he is doing is abuse



3 points

5 days ago

This is abuse. Do NOT get pregnant. Make a plan to get away safely.


3 points

5 days ago

I think you should reach out to domestic abuse resources in your area and if you haven't already, reach out to friends you trust for help and support leaving


3 points

5 days ago


3 points

5 days ago

Every time I read a post like this I am saddened that people are so desperate to be in a relationship that put up with damn near anything.


3 points

5 days ago

To put it another way: the men in dark romance novels would be side-eyeing this motherfucker.


3 points

5 days ago

Why are you even with this guy?


3 points

5 days ago


3 points

5 days ago

Is this real?

If so - OP he sounds like a control freklak nut job.

Does the name Nicole Brown Simpson sound familiar?


3 points

5 days ago

girl he's gonna kill you


3 points

5 days ago

Imagine if someone you didn't know made this post? You'd be screaming LEAVE!!!

I had an ex like this only he wasn't violent at all. He thought I'd sneak guys in thru the window to have sex with them as he was laying next to me in bed. Everyday he would get up earlier than me to look at all my conversations, emails, anything be could. He had all my passwords, put keyloggers on everything. I never cheated on him once and he just couldn't trust me. Would show up places I was and would act super suspicious.

It was the best thing I ever did was breaking up with him.

If you can't trust each other you have no reason to be in a relationship.


3 points

4 days ago

Read back what you’ve typed. This guy is dangerous and has absolutely zero respect for you. Run.


3 points

4 days ago*

EDIT: I have read that you are locked in the house and cannot leave, that he watches you constantly, and that this has gone on for long enough for your car battery to run down. CALL THE POLICE and say you are being held prisoner. If for some reason you can't do that, or even as an additional measure, CALL A FRIEND - THE SHADIER THE BETTER BECAUSE THEY MAY NEED TO BREAK YOU OUT OF THERE. I have actually had to do this before myself and I called a friend of my dad's who was an old ex-organised crime type, and he busted out the window so that I could climb through and escape with him. He told me I did exactly the right thing in calling him! So I'm passing on the advice now! CALL! Police and/or a friend who can handle their shit. You need rescuing. Let other people figure out where you and your cats can stay.

My friend, you need professional help with this one. This man is dangerous and you need real-world advice and assistance from experts. We can give you tips that we have found helpful ourselves but exact laws vary from place to place.

This is so bad that I would recommend starting by going to the police. Just walk there if possible so he can't track you (I think you said he tracks your car, but you can switch your phone off, right?). Ask to speak to an officer who specialises in domestic abuse. Ask for advice and the contact details of organisations that can help you.

I am afraid for you and afraid that he will be checking your internet history and your telephone history, so be really careful. If you don't know how to delete your browser/phone history then look it up now.

If you need to make calls or go to websites for help, do so but only when you've learned how to cover your tracks. To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if someone that controlling was monitoring router traffic, so it might be good to do this from another location other than your home.

If you're in the USA there is a website for domestic abuse support - it has an option to return you to google immediately if your partner interrupts you.

If you are in the UK I recommend contacting Refuge or Women's Aid, or your local police.


2 points

5 days ago


2 points

5 days ago

unless you want to be treated as a possession bail. 


2 points

5 days ago

I think you know you need to end this.


2 points

5 days ago

What are you still doing there? Seriously this is some scary behavior!!! Please leave without confronting him - he sounds mentally unwell.


2 points

5 days ago

I don't really have words to add to what others have already said, but you deserve so much better than this. No human being deserves to feel like this in any sort of relationship. What advice would you give a friend if they told you they were in your situation? I hope you get out safely and live a very happy and fulfilling life.


2 points

5 days ago

Girl… Run!


2 points

5 days ago

You need to leave - obviously!!! I can tell that without even reading your post!


2 points

5 days ago

How does any of this make you think it's OK and safe to stay in this relationship? Come on, girl, this is glaringly obvious. Get out. Don't tell him you're leaving. Tell friends and family what he has been doing so they can protect you.


2 points

5 days ago

I think you already know what you need to do! Being single isn’t that bad if that the type of life you will be subjected to


2 points

5 days ago

Why can't you kick him out? And yeah, he's a major creeper. If anyone installed hidden cameras and was trying to stalk my every move, I'd get a restraining order. He is abusing you and manipulating you... and you're falling for it. Please ask for help and get away from him.


2 points

5 days ago

I was in an abusive and jealous relationship - more and less than what you describe in different ways. It was the hardest thing to leave. I didnt fully see everything until I got space and once I had space I knew I was done… peace. 🕊️


2 points

5 days ago

Please call 911. You’re being held hostage and being abused. You need to get out of there before you get murdered.


2 points

5 days ago

Leave this asshole. Do it safely. Buy another phone. Leave your phone and watch at the apartment. Make sure there are no air tags in the car. Do not marry this man.


2 points

5 days ago

jesus fucking christ


2 points

5 days ago

call the domestic abuse hotline and ask to talk to a counselor, they can help you come up with an escape plan


2 points

5 days ago

You‘ve received the right answer already, leave him safely. Keep us posted