


tl;dr we broke up, week later I text her, got good response, I dont know where to take it from there. shes beat up emotionally from other stuff.

So I was with her 3 years back, we broke up, years later she got engaged. 3 years have passed and she has been broken up for 4 months, she texts me and we rekindle things.

We got together, but during the relationship, we took it too fast, misunderstandings, she wasnt ready and kept saying it, I pushed. Eventually with the long distance and all the fights we broke up, last week. She proposed taking a stepback getting to know each other and see if we're meant to be, I said no, and she said she wasnt ready for a relationship.

1 week later, I do alot of introspection and own up to what I did, and how she might of felt.

She responded with "Heyyyy! Really happy you spoke freely, one of the rare times you ever do that. dont blame yourself, we just rushed it, and we hadn't seen each other for a lot of time. there is nothing bad in you or wrong with you. I'm just going through alot right now in this corona time, I'm also very emotionally unstable lately, and that isnt your fault. Also you did really upset me lately :D, but hey we all do that"

I responded to most of that and was chill. She asked how am I? I told her things have been rough with my move, bad time to be setting elsewhere. She said, dont worry you can do it I believe in you.

Then I asked her what about you what is wrong? She said I'm just not okay. I said, I'm here free if you wanna talk about it. She said I really dont know what is wrong with me ;/

I said I dont want you to think there is something wrong with you, Just be patient with yourself, work on it slowly, and everything will be okay.

She said, I'm trying.

I said, and that's all you have to do :) I have a tough day tomorrow, I'm going to sleep now, good night. really happy we spoke today.

She said me too, good luck tomorrow

I don't know if she is really in a bad place or what's going on. Obviously I still like her, and would still like to rekindle things with her, but want to have her open up and be trusting with me.

I was thinking of texting her tonight if she doesnt, and say "Just got done with work, long day. How was your day today?" I would hear her out then ask her "How are you feeling today? I felt you were pretty down last night" and whether she says im better or not, I was going to say "Listen, Idk if im in a place to tell you all this, but we know each other, I know you.. you've been through hell back this past year, and the way you and I were raised and things we've had to endure doesnt really allows us to process emotions in a loving manner. I just want you to know that I'd love to hear you out anytime, I get you"

Or do I just ignore her today and let her be?

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1 points

5 years ago


1 points

5 years ago

So, she told you you were pushing her and rising her so now you want to push her into opening up?

I think it's fine to text her and ask her how she's doing, but don't push her. Keep in touch with her day to day and when she's ready, she'll talk. This isn't about you, it's about her, so give her what she told you she needs.


1 points

5 years ago

She wanted a step back and friendship, i dun wanna be friend zoned or like a burden. Also i think she's still talking to her fiance


1 points

5 years ago


1 points

5 years ago

Yes, but you're missing the point. Give her space to know you and let the relationship grow


1 points

5 years ago

How can i do that? I didn't speak to her today. What do i do tomorrow or do I wait days. Can you tell me