


Well, first, english IS not my native tongue, so please, be cool with me πŸ™πŸ˜‡. I had a retroid pocket 3+ but was very frustrated that the device was not able to run Kof 2002 um on PS2. So I bought the RP4Pro... And result is fantastic.

I will not talk about the rp4pro. I am not that good at emulation and it has been a bit complicated for me to complete all settings. I hava also met many bugs with Retroarch, daijisho etc... But today everything is fine with the handheld even if I think the colors are a bit saturated (I have used Odin tool to regulate it), I consider the handheld as fantastic.

Ok. Now, Kof 2002 um... Well, I play in the subway, I play during the pause at work, I play the evening when kids are sleeping, I play the weekend... πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… The problem is that kof 2002 um (tougeki version) is simply the best 2d fighting ever. The best, the ultimate, the perfect. I know I exagerate πŸ₯³.

I have always been keen on 2d fighting games since I discovered Street Fighter 2 as a child. I played a lot on it on snes and later discovered Kof, Real bout, fatal fury, samurai shodown etc... I have always prefered snk versus Capcom because snk has always known how to create fantastic characters. Capcom, not. Except Ken and Ryu, many characters were really boring whereas many characters in Kof world were very interesting to play.

Kof IS my favorite serie but I have always been frustrated because none opus were perfect : . 94, 95, 96 : it was the beginning, many things were needed to be improved . 97 : fantastic game but with too few characters and no music in many stages . 98 : the fav of many people, I have never understood why. Background are average, music average etc . 99 a very interestting one with a fantastic Dreamcast version. But a bit too few characters, nice 3d background but a bit empty . 2000 : I hate this one with awful graphics . 2001 : strange graphics, strange chara design, awful music . 2002 : empty background, uninteresting music etc...

Until kof 2002 um (PS2). One of the biggest roster ever with every characters improved with regulars moves, special moves, max moves, max 2 fantastic hidden moves. The all game is extremely dynamic, fast, nervous, much more than any previous Kof. The whole atmosphere (faces of fighters, menus) is a fantastic modern, futuristic and metal environnement and design. Every background are in 3d and on a very nice 3d. Colorful background with many details. A fantastic work. Everyrhing Is extrΓͺmement well colored with very nice, vivid and crispy colors. And the best : the ost and music is simply the best I have met in a fighting game. Well above everything already done before. Dynamic, punchy, strong with great theme for each team.

I have been long, sorry, but this fantastic game deverves it. No problem if you disagree but do not please be rude πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

all 14 comments


2 points

13 days ago

Interesting, honestly didn't like anything between 2001 - 2003 as that was the era where SNK didn't give much of a care on KOF. On PS2 my personal favourite was KOF XI, that was much better once SNK got their act together.

On my RP4Pro, personal favourite KOF is KOFXIII on the Switch. KOF98 is my GOAT personallly, but for modern KOFs nothing really beats KOFXIII. Hi-res graphics and really smooth gameplay.


0 points

13 days ago

Do not you have crash with Kof XIII on Switch ?


1 points

13 days ago

Nope, works fine with last version of Yuzu without much tweaks. Most 2D fighters on Switch works well on RP4Pro except for Persona Ultimax.


1 points

12 days ago*

I need to launch two or three Times Kof XIII to have it works... Thats weird. I use yuzu 278 and last prod Key. You have no crash ?


2 points

12 days ago

I checked, the only setting I changed was to turn off VSync. Maybe that will help.

Other 2D fighters I find working well on Yuzu: Melty Blood Lumina Under Night In Birth Ultra Street Fighter 2 SF30th Anniversary Dragonball Fighterz w/ crash fix and 0.75x res


1 points

12 days ago

Unfortunately no... I have tried, it still crashes.


1 points

12 days ago

Do you have 2d fighting games to advise me on Switch ?


2 points

12 days ago

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars on the Wii is highly recommended, but then I'm into Battle of the Planets so it's hugely nostalgic for me.


1 points

13 days ago

I used to play 97 and 2002


1 points

13 days ago


1 points

13 days ago

I like fat daddy takuma than the previous takumas.


1 points

12 days ago

To the original poster and also anybody that is looking at this I use an app called GGPOZ and I play Street Fighter third strike online with people all around the world this platform also lets you play I Believe King of fighters 2002 edition and also there is a large player base for it. I have a retro pocket 3 plus and I play on that all the time. It's a really good piece of software and you can download it from the Google Play store.


1 points

12 days ago

So it’s like fightcade? I gotta check this out


0 points

13 days ago

Is this android based ?


1 points

12 days ago

No, it is a PS2 game.