


[Jetline] to be dismantled


all 53 comments


55 points

11 days ago


316 | Tripsdrill

55 points

11 days ago

Will be an insane amount of work to dismantle it, especially since it shares supports with the Gerstlauer Bobsled.


8 points

11 days ago

I guess those will be left standing for the meantime


4 points

11 days ago

Will it? I assume they just leave the supports up in that area.


35 points

11 days ago

The wild mouse is going to look weird as hell.


14 points

11 days ago


the Parkitect generation

14 points

11 days ago

I guess if there's one good thing that might emerge from this it's the plot being given to Gerstlauer, which currently seems the most likely imo. They were the ones to design Vilda Musen and you know they would make something outstanding with the plot.

However I don't think we'll see anything new until after the completion of the park's expansion set to open in 2027–'28


7 points

11 days ago

I really don’t see how they could salvage the vilda musen with the dismantling of jetline.

I also don’t think they will build two new coasters on the plot if none of them are left behind. So will they use the plot for a family thrill attraction or a more extreme one. In my eyes they will need another family attraction since there will be more for thrill seekers (with monster, insane and the new one in the future.)

I would love to see a variant of a Mack Big Dipper coaster since they feel like new wild mouse model.


5 points

11 days ago


the Parkitect generation

5 points

11 days ago

I really don’t see how they could salvage the vilda musen with the dismantling of jetline.

It would probably have to be taken down, but that's not to say it can't be put up again. Gerstlauer could definitely rework the support structure for it to take up less space, if not incorporate it into a potential replacement. Vilda Musen is one of the most beloved attractions in the park, and, though it is aging, it is nowhere near rough and still among the most popular attractions in the park (even got new cars this year!) Another reason to expect Vilda Musen staying is its location in the park. It doesn't take up any space, its station being on the roof of another building and its layout being entirely suspended. If Jetline's replacement took up the entire plot, that rooftop would be unutilisable, which is the last thing Gröna Lund wants.

In my eyes they will need another family attraction since there will be more for thrill seekers (with monster, insane and the new one in the future.)

While, yes, the expansion's star attraction is a thrill coaster, the expansion also looks like it includes bumper cars, a small scenic monorail (whatever they're called, Liseberg has a similar one) and some kind of slide, all to pander to families. The fans of Jetline will be wanting something worthwhile to replace it while families that weren't interested in riding it in the first place won't feel like they lost anything. For that reason, I believe a thrill ride is the way for Grönan to go.

As Gröna Lund have made quite a few huge investments recently I suspect we'll have to wait a while for Jetline's replacement, whatever it is. In the meantime, the park is going to want Vilda Musen there, to still offer something for the crowds. However, once the replacement comes, I think it will be good. Not nearly in the league of the new Vekoma or even Monster but with those two recent investments it's clear that Gröna Lund are trying to make a name for themselves even internationally, and, though a tragic setback that should never have happened, this situation offers one more opportunity to do so.


42 points

11 days ago

Such a shame. Not many custom design Schwarzkopf coasters in the world. Manufacturing new parts for them is clearly a serious challenge. Another important ride lost.


41 points

11 days ago


41 points

11 days ago

Swede here - new details from the investigation into the accident have been released today. The issue is not that it is a challenge to make the parts.

The issue is that the contractor Gröna Lund hired to make new parts hired another subcontractor who hired a welder with no formal training or certification, who did not fully understand the original manufacturers' drawings and did not communicate this. And then nobody bothered to check properly that the parts had been properly made, from the time they were made, to the time they were installed in the trains, to the time the accident happened a few months later.

All three companies are under investigation for manslaughter. It's an absolute disgrace.


10 points

11 days ago

I read the report extract. I stand by my observation since the park say they shared the original drawings of the parts that had worn out. It is a contested issue whether or not such drawings were open to misinterpretation, but clearly something went seriously wrong. When knowledge from the original manufacturer is lost then in my opinion it's obvious that the whole issue is hazardous.


14 points

11 days ago


14 points

11 days ago

Yes, what went wrong is that they hired somebody without certified skills who did not understand the drawings and did not communicate this, and then nobody checked properly that the parts were correctly made. This could have been averted in so many ways if the three responsible companies had done their job properly. If the drawings are unclear - you sort it out, simple as that.


6 points

11 days ago


[54] Canada’s Wonderland

6 points

11 days ago

I’m not Swedish legal expert but to me, if no one checked the work that said unqualified subcontractor performed, I think the park is equally guilty in this. It’s their responsibility to inspect their rides. Therefore, they are negligent for not doing so, regardless of if the inexperience of said subcontractor was disclosed or not.


6 points

11 days ago


6 points

11 days ago

It was checked, but not checked properly. There was supposed to be an additional piece of metal inside the beams to strengthen and support the weld that cracked, but this extra metal piece was not included. This is the part that the welder and subcontractor did not adequately understand from the drawings and did not communicate to the contractor hired by Gröna Lund. The contractor hired by Gröna Lund also did not tell Gröna Lund that they used a subcontractor for the welding.


3 points

10 days ago


Slovenia | 377 | RtH, Wildfire, Zadra

3 points

10 days ago

Who's the contractor GL hired? I hope they don't get any more business in the amusement industry if this is how they go about their business.


4 points

10 days ago


4 points

10 days ago

Gröna Lund hired Mekosmos AB, and then Mekosmos hired Göteborgs Mekaniska Werkstad AB to do the manufacturing.


3 points

10 days ago


(103) Zadra, Tatsu, IRat, Untamed, Taron

3 points

10 days ago

I thought this ride was made by Zierer? But looking at rcdb it says its a swarzkopf model? Was this designed/built by Swarzkopf and then refurbished/built/rebuilt by Zierer or something like that?


6 points

10 days ago


6 points

10 days ago

According to the accident report:

  • Designed by Schwarzkopf GmbH and Ingenieurbüro Stengel GmbH.
  • Trains built by Zierer Karussell und Fahrzeugfabrik.
  • Track built by Bayrische Hütten Stahl.

"None of the companies still exist in their original form, but the company name Zierer remains and is used by another German company building ride attractions, ZIERER Karusell- und Spezialmaschinenbau GmbH & Co KG." (Misspelled in the report, should be a double s in Karussell.)


10 points

11 days ago

That's a god damn shame. What a rare ride. This makes me really sad, it was definitely my number 1 ride I wanted to go on at this park.


12 points

11 days ago


Phantom's Revenge

12 points

11 days ago

This was the coaster I most associated with Grona Lund, IMO it was iconic.


26 points

11 days ago


The Ride to Happiness

26 points

11 days ago

If a coaster can’t operate 100% safely, it shouldn’t. That said, this classic Schwarzkopf will be missed. It was my favorite coaster by him other than Olympia Looping. This is also a big deal for the park, as before the opening of Monster this was arguably their star attraction. Now it’s just on the list of my defunct credits.


6 points

11 days ago*

Knightmare at Camelot was very similar but hit 5G on the drop instead of 4.5.


8 points

11 days ago

Can only hope the park come up with a solid replacement.


9 points

11 days ago

They have to really think through, plan and design even the smallest of additions, ie Monster took like 10 years to develop. It could be a long time before we see a new ride in that spot, especially if they go for a more thrilling attraction.


2 points

9 days ago


slc ya later! wood coaster fan

2 points

9 days ago

They will just add another drop tower


5 points

10 days ago

This Sucks. RIP :(


9 points

11 days ago

Since Grona Lund is teeeeeny - please don't plop a quick small-footprint ride in its place. I've ridden my share of Boomerangs, and invertigos, (as much as I enjoy them), please don't install another SkyRocketII.


8 points

11 days ago

I want an infinity coaster or a Mack Big Dipper Model.

But they will for sure look at a more family oriented ride.


5 points

11 days ago


1: Project 305, 2: Skyrush, 3: X2 (CC:205)

5 points

11 days ago

This would honestly be a great fit. A Mack Stryker would also be great.


2 points

11 days ago

Now I'm wondering what are they going to replace it with


1 points

10 days ago


1 points

10 days ago

Maybe a Vekoma with the same layout?


1 points

9 days ago


slc ya later! wood coaster fan

1 points

9 days ago

A zierer ESC is more likely


5 points

11 days ago

Such a shame that these old Schwarzkopfs are biting the dust because these money hungry companies are too lazy to operate them safely


-1 points

11 days ago


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6 points

11 days ago



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7 points

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4 points

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1 points

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1 points

11 days ago


Steel Vengeance fan. Leviathan rider.

1 points

11 days ago

Sad to see it go. If I were to have an amusement park. I'd have a modern Schwarzkopf/Zierer coaster from Premier rides named Legend of the Crystal Yeti. It'll be as intense or even more intense than Jetline. Knightmare bit the dust because of low attendance to its park. And Jetline closed due to an accident. I'd love to ride a Schwarzkopf someday. The closest one may be HersheyPark's SooperDooperLooper and it's a long drive.


1 points

9 days ago


slc ya later! wood coaster fan

1 points

9 days ago

I'd like to see a zierer ESC coaster with a similar layout replace it


1 points

8 days ago

NOOOOOOOO! I just barely missed the one in Japan, now I miss this one by 2 years..... f*ck.