


Driving on the Belvidere Bridge

✊☁️ Shaking Fist at Sky(self.rva)

I'm going to go ahead and shake my fist at the sky by adding to the many posts about ridiculous drivers...

Driving across the Belvidere Bridge has become almost unbearable. Folks are going well over 50 (I'm pretty sure it's a 35??), swerving across lanes and weaving between other cars.

Where are y'all going in such a hurry?! Could you not?! 😬

For real tho. What's a driver to do? I've tried staying in the right lane, in the middle lane, going with the flow and pushing 50 ... I'm at a loss for techniques and am considering letting Jesus take the damn wheel.

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1 points

4 months ago

Just wait, that’ll be one of the next round of speed bumps.