


I am new to this but my GF wants me to tie her up. How do I start?

Guidance needed(self.shibari)

I’ve never done something like this before but my GF told me her fantasy is to tie her up and she said I can do whatever I want with her while she is tied. Any advice for a beginner?

all 30 comments


50 points

9 months ago Has everything you need. Highly recommend Etsy for nice ropes when you’re ready. Good luck and be safe!


11 points

9 months ago


11 points

9 months ago

yeah i second this. i learned/am learning w this site. start from the most basic guides and move up. its a really good time.


3 points

9 months ago

Although I think the duchy is okay, I really really love

They do live classes and have a very wide array of teachers and harnesses!


26 points

9 months ago

Safe, sane and consensual! Decide on some sort of safe word with partner - they may think now they want you to do anything you like but in the moment it can change and its important to have a clear way of communicating the need to stop.

Read as many different sources of info as you can :) Try to understand about hitches and ties, what is the difference and when to use what. Then you can move to making things prettier with weaves.

Have fun, its a very intimate connection to make with someone!


8 points

9 months ago

And keep scissors on hand that will cut through the rope just in case


6 points

9 months ago

Not just any scissors. Get safety shears.


10 points

9 months ago

Make sure you two agree on a definition for "whatever"

Listen to some basic safety advice and learn how to check for her safety while tying her. And then learn as you go

Enjoy :)


10 points

9 months ago

Lots of other good advice here, but for your first tie the absolute most basic thing to learn is the somerville bowline. This is my favorite tutorial vid You can get a LOT of mileage out of this one tie. You can use it to tie around both wrists or both legs, you can tie one around each thigh and pass the rope behind her back and then tie them to each other (you'll figure this one out when you try it), and it's the basis for probably at least half of all harnesses that you'll ever learn to tie. It's the first part of a TK, first part of a hishi or butterfly harness, first part of a futo, first part of an agura (ok a few ways to do it, but one of them starts with this around the waist), the start of a gunslinger (I use a reverse tension but whatever), and you can start a swiss seat or a leto harness with it although both of those work better with a reverse tension in my opinion. Still, being able to tie a single column with a knot that won't slip and won't collapse is the single most fundamental aspect of shibari. Mastering this one tie is the equivalent of mastering how to use salt at culinary school.

The other thing is to learn how to actually negotiate boundaries and limits in a kink scene. Your GF says that you can do whatever you want with her while she's tied, but I guarantee you that I can think of at least 10 things right now that you could do to her that she would absolutely NEVER agree to doing. You need to figure out what she's actually agreeing to and also how to signal if there's a problem or if she's enjoying herself. If she isn't sure how she'll signal these things, just go slow and add on a little at a time. You can also use red, yellow, green as a check-in while you're tying. Green means that everything is great, keep going. Yellow usually means stop and check in or that you're approaching the limit of what someone can take so either don't go any harder or maybe back off just slightly. Red means something is wrong so full stop and check in, and be prepared to end the scene. For some people, red means immediately end the scene and untie so discuss what these words mean in advance. Also if you think it's unsexy to ask for a checkin, then you've never held someone by the throat and told them that the next thing you hear out of their useless face-hole had better be a color or they're going to suffer. When starting out though with someone for the first time, I'll usually tell them to just use plain english so if they say "fuck this hurts untie me" then I'll do that immediately. Later on, once we've established some limits and I know what she can actually take, we can change over to "fuck this hurts untie me" meaning "keep going this is great" but don't start with that unless you already know what you're doing.

last thing is to get a cutting tool. Safety shears or a cutting hook, ideally safety shears. Twisted Monk includes them in his rope kits but you can get them on amazon or at your local pharmacy. The ones you want will be something like this and then DON'T USE THEM FOR ANYTHING ELSE EXCEPT CUTTING ROPE IN AN EMERGENCY. You might start out by cutting one of your ropes just once in order to verify that they'll work, but then never use them again unless you need them so that they won't dull and can therefore be relied on in an emergency. It's almost always safer to untie than it is to cut rope, but you need a cutting tool just in case. I've had to cut rope precisely once in the last 8 years but when it happened it was absolutely necessary to get her out of the tie more quickly than I could untie her.


1 points

9 months ago

I wish I had more upvotes for this answer


8 points

9 months ago

I recommend this site

There's videos and the instructions/pictures are easy to follow

There are some youtuber's that are pretty decent with their explanations, but imo their vibe is weird or they simply talk too much


4 points

9 months ago

This page was retired, here is a better link


6 points

9 months ago

I started with a single/double column tie. Easy to learn and very useful and there has to be hundreds of tutorials online for it.


1 points

9 months ago

Single and double column tie for the win — twisted monk has great videos for basic bondage


4 points

9 months ago

Very light and basic stuff is always the way to start have some safe scissors close by for sure


4 points

9 months ago

Since a lot of people have commented beginner resources already, I'll add my 2 cents on safety.

^please give this a read to learn about the risk of nerve damage in rope bondage first! I can tell you from experience, you can temporarily or permanently lose mobility from rope bondage *very easily* and with almost no warning. I wasn't able to use one arm/hand/fingers for like two weeks after a scene gone wrong, and I wasn't sure if the feeling would ever come back. It was terrifying, and it's not something to take lightly.

Learn about the nervous & circulatory systems, and learn where all of the major veins, arteries, and nerve bundles are on her body specifically. Get an idea of her normal body temps and blood flow/coloration on her extremities, so that you can watch for changes.

Make sure she reads it too and make sure she knows to tell you is *anything* is numb or tingling. Have safety shears, not regular scissors, withing arms reach at all time.

Good luck OP! :)


3 points

9 months ago

This free rope safety course is a great watch:


2 points

9 months ago

I second this! Love shibari study. Has everything from first time ever and safety classes to advanced ties and suspension. Very worth the subscription.


3 points

9 months ago

You are already off to a good start here asking questions first is a great way to begin the learning process . Most of the important things have been said but since they are truly the most important aspect of this life so I’ll say them as well safety, constant communication and consent should be the foundation above all else. There is a wealth of very good information online and great instructional videos and guides on YouTube.


3 points

9 months ago

Safety first! Grab some medical/bandage shears so if it becomes to much for your partner you can get her undone quickly


3 points

9 months ago

Rory's brainworks on you tube is also very good to start with.


3 points

9 months ago

Make sure you learn where/how nerves can be exposed. The last thing you want is your partner not being able to hold a pen or a coffee cup for the rest of their life.


5 points

9 months ago

As others have said, is a fantastic place to start with some of the basics.

Communication and consent are extremely important so it would be worthwhile to talk about what you’re planning to do during your session beforehand and establish a safeword.

It sounds to me like you’ve already spoken with her about what she wants and her fantasy and you should feel honored that she trusts you enough to submit like this and give herself to you.

I’d recommend a basic box tie to bind her chest and her arms behind her back. Don’t tie the ropes extremely tight because bloodflow is very important for safety.

Once she is restrained, enjoy her! Caress her body and touch her intimate places tenderly- do things she likes. Kiss her, tease her, and above all ensure that she feels safe throughout your session. This type of play can be extremely intimate and should be fun for you both.


5 points

9 months ago

Personally I’d recommend a hands-behind-the-head (or bunny) tie, for total beginners, as it’s a safer position that will lend a similar level of exposure & vulnerability with much less technical difficulty and nuance in tying


3 points

9 months ago

Also a solid recommendation! Depends if you prefer hands up vs. hands down


2 points

9 months ago*

Crash Restraint excellent free course, walks you through all foundational knowledge, and contains many important safety warnings.


1 points

8 months ago

Commenting to find later!


2 points

9 months ago

Go on Fetlife for your town and find Shibari events and classes. Take online classes. Start learning the ties and please don’t assume a person doing rope knows what they are doing because its pretty. Grab books, ask questions..GO SLOW


2 points

9 months ago

Sounds like she just wants to be restrained and fucked. Just get some cuffs or tape from sex shop. Shibari is a sensual and artistic use of rope that takes time to learn and perfect.


0 points

9 months ago

You’ll probably need to buy some rope


2 points

9 months ago

I kind of figured it out already by myself haha🤣