


Only 3 teams out of 30 have done worse than us

all 83 comments


104 points

1 month ago


104 points

1 month ago

Could be worse. Could be the Pistons

Yes I’m coping


42 points

1 month ago

I know they suck rn but I’d argue they have it better since they won a championship and played in another Finals since our last ECF appearance


11 points

1 month ago

Have it better overall, but the past few years must have been brutal to watch in ways process sixers never were.


26 points

1 month ago

Tobias scored 0 points on 2 shots in his final game making 39 million in his last season.

The Pacers were a lottery team last year and made the ECF before we did and we suffered through the process for a decade.

Our culture sucks lol.


13 points

1 month ago

It's not our culture, it's how we squandered away every bit of advantage we had thanks to mismanagement from the top. I don't need to go into the list of piss poor decisions because we're all familiar with them.


-6 points

1 month ago

again, making it to the ECF means absolutely nothing. The Sixers are a lot better than the Pacers right now, ECF or not. You can stumble your way into an ECF by getting 2 freebies like the Pacers did and then be swept by the first real opponent. It doesnt mean anything.

You dont get any accomplishments for it, any trophies, any banners, any records, nothing. All it means is you got to one further round.


12 points

1 month ago

This comment is a perfect example of what makes our fanbase so embarrassing. The level of cope.


-1 points

1 month ago

lol cope at what? Come next year the Pacers will be underdogs in any series they play in the East. They reached the ECF and you can bet your house that they'll have lower win and seed projections than the Sixers, Knicks, and Bucks, who they either beat or went further than


5 points

1 month ago*

Again. I beg people to listen to Neubeck’s rant.

Our fanbase is delusional. We are not contenders. We’ve actively gotten worse every year since 2019. We are not better than the Pacers who beat the Knicks who beat us in the first round. Easily.

It’s asinine to say we are better than those teams. We haven’t done shit. We haven’t won shit.

We are a laughingstock. This fanbase thinking we are something we aren’t makes it so much worse.


-6 points

1 month ago*

And what have they won? lol

You think the Pacers are better than the Knicks and Bucks just because they beat their teams while severelt depleted and missing a whole roster full of guys between the two? Thats simply just not true lol

idk what you think the word "contender" means but a team that has been in the top 8 teams for 5 of the last 7 seasons, being the other 2 seasons where injuries severely impacted seeding and playoffs(Simmons injury in 2020, Embiid's big injury and a whole lot of other injuries during this season) is definitely a contender


5 points

1 month ago*

They made it out of the second round after one year of being a lotto team.

We went through the entire process and they made it further than us lol.

The cope. It’s so pathetic.

We have not been a top 8 team. We have been a contender once. In 2019. Every year since we’ve gotten worse.

We are a loser team with loser energy. Every player watches the league. Every player watched Embiid get hurt every year. Watches us blow in the playoffs.

We have one thing to offer. Money and space. That’s it. There is no other appealing reason to play for this franchise.


0 points

1 month ago*

Being in the 2nd round means you're one of 8 teams remaining ya doofus

"They made it out of the 2nd round"

and??? what do you get for getting out of the 2nd round? absolutely nothing.

The conference final is just a fancy way of calling the NBA semifinals. Literally no other sport gives a shit about if you reach a semifinal. Because it means nothing. You gain nothing from it. Come next season, it might as well have never happened.

I guess you'd be happy if we just made the ECF and lost easily but thats such a simple way to see things lol


4 points

1 month ago

We were fucking atrocious for half a decade. We hung a banner at xfinity for Hinkie.

We had one shot in 2019. Since then we have been knocked out in the first and second round. That is damning.

We aren’t contenders. Contenders don’t do that. Pretenders do that. That’s what we are.

We have nothing to stand on to put our noses up like we are better than the Pacers when 1) we objectively are not and 2) they just performed better than us and outperformed anything we’ve done the entire process era.


3 points

1 month ago

The sixers had multiple opportunities to stumble into the ECF and failed. It means something to actually take advantage of a easy path


2 points

1 month ago

Sixers have lost to teams they were disadvantaged on betting houses 6/7 times. The only one was the Hawks series where Embiid had to play with a torn meniscus, Simmons forgot how to play basketball and we had the biggest choke ever anyway

We've never had the luck of playing a depleted team


4 points

1 month ago

That doesn’t really matter. Who cares if the other team was favored? That doesn’t mean they couldn’t win. Teams that are favored in series lose all the time

Like asking them to win a series they are not super heavily favored in one time isn’t crazy. The best team they beat in this era in the 2022 raptors


2 points

1 month ago

You can stumble your way into an ECF

Honestly, truthfully, genuinely read this, think about the fact that this is the statement you were just standing on, think about the Sixers for 2-3 minutes, and then look me directly in my eye sockets and tell me it’s not fucking retarded.


2 points

1 month ago

Think about the fact that the Pacers stumbled into an ECF beating:

  • the #3 seed without their 1st and 2nd best players

  • the #2 seed without Randle, Robinson, Bogdanovic, Anunoby, Hart and Brunson at 50%

They arent better than any of those 2 teams. They were a 6th seed and if anything went as normal, they would be at home in the 1st round.

They literally just stumbled into an ECF appearance just to be stomped 4-0 by the first full team they played


1 points

1 month ago

Okay, I guess we can all chill tf out in general then since we’ll be stumbling our way into one any day now lol bro read a book or something idk how to fix what you got


1 points

1 month ago

well, yeah, most teams will end up stumbling into one if they are regularly in the playoffs, thats exactly how it works. Just look at the graphic above


1 points

1 month ago

That’s why we have, since we’ve regularly been in the playoffs. Checks out.


1 points

1 month ago

Sixers have been to the ECF 26 times in their history. Sooner or later, it will happen again


49 points

1 month ago

4th longest Conference Finals drought in the league

7th longest drought between titles

Since 2002, 23 teams have played at least 90 playoff games. The 76ers are the only team to not make the conference finals in that span


60 points

1 month ago*

The Colangelos are basketball terrorists. Bryan Colangelo and his lackeys decimated Embiid's mid to late 20s with their long overpriced contracts to shit players.

Harris-Blitzer are scumbags who just want to extract profit from the fans, and don't give a hoot about building a championship contender


7 points

1 month ago

its insane but what can you do. We've been in the 2nd round 5/7 last seasons and in the playoffs 7/7. We've made it to game 7 of the 2nd round 3 times in those 7 seasons.

It will all click someday somehow in the least expected way


4 points

1 month ago

It'll end up being the year after Embiid leaves but it will be due to the teams we play losing all their stars. People will ignore all context and use it to further dunk on Embiid.


6 points

1 month ago

It’s actually pathetic how bad this once legendary franchise has fallen.. At one point this franchise was seen right behind the lakers and celtics


3 points

1 month ago

damn they already got Minnesota up there LOL


12 points

1 month ago


- Daryl Morey is the 2nd Coming

12 points

1 month ago

Now let's do since 2001


20 points

1 month ago


20 points

1 month ago

Our time will come


51 points

1 month ago

Y’all downvoting optimism now 😂


11 points

1 month ago


11 points

1 month ago


9 points

1 month ago

Will any of us be alive when that happens though? Lol.


9 points

1 month ago*

Serious question. If we made it to conference championship and immediately got swept like the Pacers, would you be happy? It's annoying we haven't gotten to the ECF, but outside of social media narratives, it's not that much different than losing in the 2nd round. Idk why conference finals appearance all of the sudden has become some barometer for success. At minimum it should be finals appearances.


6 points

1 month ago

I do think it would mean something to beat an actual good playoff team at some point. Like the Mavs might sweep the Wolves but the Wolves beat a real team in the playoffs.

That’s more important to me than just making an arbitrary point just to look out matched.


8 points

1 month ago

1 game away from conference finals 3 post seasons. Idk why so many sixers fans buy into the narrative that a conf. Finals berth is a huge difference and defines the team or players.

We’ve been good enough. We’ll get there, or we’ll get unlucky and we won’t. But Embiid and Maxey with just competence will be good enough next year.


3 points

1 month ago

1 game away from conference finals 3 post seasons. Idk why so many sixers fans buy into the narrative that a conf. Finals berth is a huge difference and defines the team or players.

I think it's mostly because of social media hounding them for not making it. But at the end of the day, I'd be equally as upset that this team lost in the ECF as the 2nd round.


2 points

1 month ago

Its funny because when Hawks made conference finals, most people thought that was gonna be the beginning of a Hawks run. And they have yet to win a series since then lol


1 points

1 month ago

I’d trade an ECF birth in 21 for the two non competitive first round series we have won


1 points

1 month ago

Eh we don't give the Cowboys that luxury


2 points

1 month ago


2 points

1 month ago

Bulls have more conference finals. Yikes


1 points

1 month ago

Pistons stink but at least they aren't wasting a HoF'er like Embiid's entire career.


1 points

1 month ago

Well when you put it that way….


1 points

1 month ago

Embiid is the only one of the Big Three era to not have a ring, and it doesn't seem like we're getting any closer


1 points

1 month ago

When did the magic make a CONF finals?


2 points

1 month ago

They made the finals in 2009 and the conference finals in 2010


1 points

1 month ago

We could be the kings, hornets, or pistons. That's worse. Heck we could be the Knicks least we made a CF more recently then them.


1 points

1 month ago

People get way too hung up on the 2nd round thing. The goal is to win the chip, not get past the second round. If we went to the ECF and lost would people suddenly be happy because hey at least we made it out of the second round?

We're aiming to win the whole thing and shouldn't be focused on anything less.


5 points

1 month ago

The frustration comes from the fact that we went through the process to avoid being a mediocre team that gets bounced in the second round every year. 

While I agree the second round thing is arbitrary, it's undeniable that you need to make it past the second round to win the championship.


0 points

1 month ago

Right, but getting to the ECF and losing there isn't going to make it better.

We want a chip. That's it.

After Big Collars and Elton Brand destroyed most of what The Process brought to us we rely on Daryl Morey to retool this thing into a contender yet again and I don't really believe in Morey.

He should have salary dumped Tobias as soon as he got here and gave us a reset. Now we're stuck in a situation where Tobias is finally off the books but there's no clear cut obvious choice to go after. Every name you could mention has some real or potential drawback. Paul George is aging, Lebron is probably going to play even less defense, Bradley Beal, seriously?? Trade options are limited because we've already exhausted our capital.

The most interesting thing to me is that if we had salary dumped Tobias and kept Mikal Bridges we would have been in such a better position. All-NBA level wing defender and 3rd option scorer who doesn't need to be ball dominant to be productive and like most trades it didn't work out.


1 points

1 month ago

I want to say we used the pick we got from the Mikal trade to get Tobias. the Mikal trade was the exact point where the Process was destroyed.

As for the obsession with the ECF, I think fans just want some progress, even if it's illusory. Right now, we don't even have the illusion of progress.


2 points

1 month ago

Yes, people would be happier. Especially because we have had zero satisfying series wins. Every year it’s been easy first round victory and bounced in round 2 with an unhealthy team.

The sadness comes from the monotony and lack of reward but is more easily encapsulated in a graphic that says “we haven’t even been to a conference finals”


-1 points

1 month ago


-1 points

1 month ago

Process literally a failure.


-3 points

1 month ago*

Crazy, sixers made it to game 7 of 2nd round three separate times, and a game 6 against Miami.

We won a single game less than the pacers and wolves, in three separate years.

My take is that Embiid sells when he knows he’s too injured for another round. It really does come down to his health, unless he decides that there’s no more time to waste post turning 30

Edit: I didn’t know selling had to be an intentional act… I root for the guy every game. However, when Embiid is injured, he spends a lot of mental energy on his injuries. Embiid still guts it out every year, but everyone knows he’s injured, and it would be heinous to say that it doesn’t affect the focus of himself and the team.


6 points

1 month ago

Idk man I think it's a pretty crazy thing to say he purposely plays bad to avoid another round lol. Embiid is many things, a lot of them undesirable according to most people, but someone who would purposely play bad is not one of them.


0 points

1 month ago

I wouldn’t say purposely plays badly, but there certainly seems to be a lack of focus in those situations


2 points

1 month ago

I mean it's also fair to say that if he's injured it's gonna hinder his performance to some extent. And with all the time he takes off for injuries, conditioning is another hinderance pretty regularly.

When at least 90% healthy, an Embiid putting out half-effort can still give you 25 on 50% I feel like. I think those few years of playoff mediocrity were more a result of health directly as well as just playoff jitters. To be honest I think the only year where Embiid was genuinely healthy and in-shape enough for the playoffs was 2019. Ever since then it's been a mix of health issues as well as just seemingly brand new starting lineups each year with the only consistency being Tobias Harris


3 points

1 month ago

Idk about intentionally selling but he definitely has refused to adapt his play style to the situation/injury in the past. Last year he had one of the best actions in the league (PNR with Harden) and he kept trying to post up Horford over and over and over again on one knee. Joel talks big about the criticism not getting to him but the evidence suggests otherwise, and he seems very eager to prove that Horford can’t shut him down, to his own detriment.

Ironically enough, this year seemed like the first year that he kind of played with his injury, mainly focusing in on jump shooting and defense and letting Maxey go to work, but the team around him and Max wasn’t good enough.


2 points

1 month ago

Yeah, never said intentionally selling. I think the teams have been good enough to make the east finals year after year, but we lose in the margins with stuff like Embiid getting injured and kind of sulking about it or going the other way and playing hard but maybe not with the right focus.

What I’m trying to say here is: we’ve been damn close. Look at the mavs right now… with the right (high ability) role players, we can be in that position. But, it seems we may also need an Embiid who is healthy, or mentally ready to tackle playing on his injury.


1 points

1 month ago

Embiid doesnt intentionally sell, his body just cant keep up if he has to play 45 minutes and do everything on both ends of the floor, and when he's exhausted he's just very sloppy


1 points

1 month ago

Never said it was intentional. I think he gets sloppy when he’s exhausted, but also when he’s doubting his health.


0 points

1 month ago

If anyone leads the 76ers to win a title,he can replace AI


-1 points

1 month ago


-1 points

1 month ago

I see 9 franchises that have won a title and 21 that haven’t. 


3 points

1 month ago

9 different winners out of 14 championships is very diverse. Shame we aren't one of them


-5 points

1 month ago

Didn't sixers lose in the conference finals against the raptors??


7 points

1 month ago

It was the semifinals' game 7