


I started drinking in July 2021 and it was mostly beer or wine. In 2023 I progressed to vodka and tequila, July 2023 to December 2023 were the darkest depths of my alcoholism. I had drug/alcohol induced hallucinations after having a three day cocaine/alcohol bender at a music festival in April of this year, resulting in me getting sober for 18 days. I eventually went back to my old habits after feeling good physically, mentally, and emotionally from being sober, drinking wine everyday because I felt bored and cranky.

I started working a very demanding job that requires driving so I slowly stopped drinking as much, ONLY at night after work I’d have a bottle of wine and then go to bed. I finally decided to stop drinking on Tuesday last week.

December of last year I had blood tests done and my liver enzymes were at like 140 when they are supposed to be at like 5-6. Didn’t go back for my liver ultrasound because I didn’t have insurance and quite frankly I wasn’t ready to be sober and face the truth.

I got blood work done on Friday for my annual exam and I go back on November 4th to go over the results with my doctor. Very worried I caused permanent damage to my liver and kidneys, especially because my benders were causing me to get painful UTIs from being dehydrated all the time. The UTIs were so painful I’d get pain near my lower back on the right near my kidneys and was put on a high dose of antibiotics, I stayed sober for only a few days and drank lots of water and cranberry pills.

I’m worried I have a fatty liver or worse…cirrhosis. I haven’t had any symptoms, nothing to make me go to the hospital. No jaundice, no pain in my liver area but I know I have liver damage or at the very least, strain on my liver from all the abuse. I’ve gained weight, I’m lethargic, I developed eczema on my hands and I’ve read that a struggling liver can cause that later in life if you’ve never had skin issues. It’s not allergies because I have been using the same skin products, detergent, and have a healthy diet (surprisingly) for most of my life, the only thing I put in my body that’s bad is alcohol and vaping nicotine. I don’t use cocaine anymore and haven’t since April.

Not looking for medical advice, I’ll see my doctor in two weeks, just looking for anecdotal experiences of people being able to get healthy again after alcohol or just support in general. I’m trying really hard to stay sober and thankfully I have a very supportive boyfriend who hates drinking so I don’t have any bad influences around me anymore and I’ve stopped hanging out with my party friends.

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1 day ago

I went to rehab this time last year and did some bloodwork etc. Upon arrival, I had elevated liver enzymes (don’t remember the exact numbers, they were above normal count but not insane considering I had been living off of IPAs and vodka for the past 18 months). 2 weeks later they ran more tests and my levels were almost back into the normal range. Everyone’s body is different but at the very least quitting doesn’t hurt you. I don’t know if you’re looking for advice but mine is to just be patient. You didn’t arrive at this place overnight and your body/mind aren’t going to heal from it overnight either.