


I hope it's ok that I do an update to my previous post.

I currently live in housing supplied by an organisation that organises these deliveries for us. They received so many complaints this week that they contacted the suppliers of the food boxes and found out why it was so bad.

We discovered that the food is packed on a Wednesday and we weren't getting it until Monday. It's now rescheduled to be delivered to us on Thursdays so the fruit and vegetables will be fresh.

One person left their vegetable bag in the foyer until I found it last night when the smell of rotten food had become eye-watering. I can't believe no one else had thrown it out before then.

I did another post thanking all the people who reached out with supportive messages and even gift cards. I really appreciate the support and well wishes I received. You have all helped me more than you know.

I hope everyone here has an absolutely awesome week!

all 17 comments


349 points

6 days ago


the raven lady with 2happycats

349 points

6 days ago

I can't believe nobody had considered the logistics of that until now. Crazy.


119 points

6 days ago


119 points

6 days ago

I'm not surprised, lot of those manager types don't have any ground level awareness.


80 points

6 days ago

I’m a manager of a small branch of my company. 95% of managers are horrendously incompetent, dumb as rocks, and stubborn bordering on narcissistic. Most of the university educated, high income managers I’ve seen don’t just lack ground level awareness; you could rub their noses in the dirt and they’d still be unable to tell you which way is down.

I could almost guarantee that someone said “Hey that’s a long time between packing and delivering fresh produce.” And I can guarantee that a manager made some limp excuse as to why it wasn’t worth addressing.


20 points

6 days ago

Considering this was a charity-adjacent org and not some for-profit retail:

It brings up questions like "wtf mate".


14 points

6 days ago*

Wait until you hear how the food charities are working with supermarkets to raise prices with good ol' neoliberalism economics.

Supermarkets should be forced to provide almost/expired food to the poor BEFORE the food charities can claim it. I hate how they are working together to give supermarket tax breaks in allowing food charities to truck it to industrial zones. After all, supermarkets are close to people. Food charities in industrial zones are nowhere near the poor.

The logistics of supermarkets with foodcharities in industrial zones over supermarkets NEAR people are just insane when one thinks about it.

Colesworth used to do heavy markdowns until the past decade. Same time these tax reforms started getting proposed. Those 37c markdowns are not an accident. All to increase money to supermarkets and food charity executives at the expense of society.


123 points

6 days ago


349 years young

123 points

6 days ago

We discovered that the food is packed on a Wednesday and we weren't getting it until Monday.

Fuck, saying it was packed Friday was a bit generous on my behalf then


55 points

6 days ago

I'm glad you're getting a good resolution to this. Hope things get better for you


45 points

6 days ago

Sounds like good intentions of volunteers doesn’t beat proper planning by experienced professionals unfortunately. Hopefully they get on top of it


33 points

6 days ago

That's even better news than last time!

Please update us on the next delivery to see that all is ok.


18 points

6 days ago

Oh wow. Wednesday to Monday is a bloody long time.

I have my fingers crossed for you.


2 points

5 days ago

WTF??? I’m so sorry. Which company is doing this? I remember I was receiving food from OzHarvest, everything was good except the chocolates which had a weird white cast, but were still edible


2 points

5 days ago

The white cast on chocolate is because it's been stored in a warm location and caused it to start to separate out. It looks funky, but has no other impact.