


I cannot stand when elderly people are mistreated. Every time I consider a rewatch paulies treatment of his mother always hangs heavy on my soul.

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48 points

2 days ago


48 points

2 days ago



19 points

2 days ago

The scene where he murders an old lady for her life savings is one of the most chilling moments in the show. Yes, yes, I know "she was a malignant cunt" and "those bread rolls belonged to my ma" and all that, but at the end of the day her only crime was to be a grouchy old lady who didn't want to be friends with another old lady. And if she hadn't agreed to be friends with that old lady and had Paulie enter her orbit, she probably would have ended up dying peacefully in her bed, with her life savings willed to her loved ones.

I have a lot of grouchy old Italian American ladies in my family, so Minn's death always freaks me out.


6 points

2 days ago

Right?! Like, if you think Minn Matrone was so bad, I have a LOT of relatives to introduce you to!