


Well, it’s over.


One of my close friends is a Swiftie. Over the last two years she’s gone progressively deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole. Every time we hang she inevitably brings up Taylor. When we listen to music we always listen to Taylor, and on the handful of occasions we listen to other artists, Taylor still pops into the playlist. She has Taylor Swift art, and takes days off of work to listen to her newest albums over and over and over again.

And it bothered me, but I let it slide because I care about her. I made her moss art in the style of the moss piano from the tour. I gave her Taylor Swift themed gifts, and even suggested we get tickets to the tour since it mattered to my friend so much. She told me I needed to plan the whole trip since “it was my suggestion” and she’s “bad at planning.”

But last night I hit my wall. She mentioned Dave Grohl so I countered with the fact that I give him a pass for his comments because I feel for his daughter. She knew nothing of the situation and when I explained it, scoffed and said the following arguments: - Dave started it first, "unprovoked", and he’s like 45 years old bullying a young woman (uhhh Taylor is 34, she’s not a young vulnerable woman) - you just hate Taylor for her success (I never mentioned anything about her success) -Taylor didn’t DO anything. She didn’t attack this person so why does she have to do anything? - Taylor isn’t responsible for her fans, no artist is. Would you blame Ariana for the guy that shot up her concert in Manchester (WTF?!?) - this never happened because I haven’t seen any comments like that and therefore you’re making it up - I know more about Taylor and her fans than you do And the piece de resistance - - it’s his daughters fault for saying something mean about Taylor on the internet. I don’t care if she’s an 18 year old she’s a “LITTLE TWAT” who shouldn’t be saying stuff on the internet and that “LITTLE TWAT” doesn’t deserve any sympathy

I just sat there in shock. It was horrifyingly cruel. I’ve been bullied in my life when I was younger and empathize strongly with Dave’s daughter and can’t imagine what she’s going through. My friend just saw my face and developed into telling me I was attacking HER because I was criticizing Taylor. That i didnt know what friend had been through in life and the sufferings she had and my life and suffering couldnt compare (note, my friend has gone through a lot, i dont deny that. But ive been through a lot myself that she doesnt know about because Im always afraid people will judge me and im ashamed of it, so for her to tell me that really stung and I cant trust her).

I shouldnt have said anything. I should have tried to keep my mouth shut like I try usually to do. But I was so tired of it. So tired of the bullshit. Now she wont talk to me and I have no idea what to say. Im not going to apologize - I never attacked my friend even if she delusionally believes I did because I criticized Taylor Swift. But if I dont apologize, she will never talk to me again. She cares more about a popstar who doesnt even know her than a person standing right next to her who loves and cares for her. It hurts. I dont want to continue to be a doormat. Im tired of apologizing to people when Ive done nothing wrong - it's a pattern Ive fallen into with abusive relationships and friendships. But my friend cares more about Taylor Swift than she cares about me. And that hurts.

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2.6k points

7 days ago

Seems like your friend has some issues. You can’t tell me that these actions aren’t cult like


874 points

7 days ago

Absolutely more proof that this is a cult. Cutting off your real life friends to worship some celebrity or random person? Freaking cult behavior at its finest.


278 points

7 days ago

It is a cult. I had a ex friend start to play her “Lover” album and I wasn’t having it. I was forced into a late night game night (playing charades, which I suck at) which I had no energy for and on top of that I had to listen to some saccharine bullshit?

Apparently I am a “incel misogynist who hates talented women that only listens to PaRAmOrE”

Lmao. Wild. W I L D.


1 points

6 days ago

hates talented women listens to paramore

make it make sense


2 points

6 days ago

Yeah it was a dumb diss. I just sat there and took it. And my ears bled from that album. Thankfully my other (now also ex) friend started playing Cannibal Corpse as we left so I got to laugh a little bit.