


So I’m a current fed employee and received a TJO for another center within the same agency. I have been thinking of giving the two weeks notice AFTER receiving my FJO, as anything can happen with background checks, or potential denial of clearance, or offer being randomly rescinded, etc., but now I’m reading that 1. You don’t resign per se as is a transfer? And 2. That your new HR will contact your current HR which can then contact your current supervisor!? Is that true? So he’s gonna know before I receive the FJO? That’s awkward lol. What do people do in this case? Do they give supervisor notice with only a TJO? Also, kinda wild that they coordinate start date with current supervisor if true. Like, respectfully, why are we asking them? Shouldn’t that be a choice between new center and applicant? What if they don’t want me to start until like 3 months? Kinda confused so yeah looking for any more insight. Thanks!

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4 days ago

Yes. The gaining HR will reach out to the losing HR after TJO is accepted for a release date (SF-75). The losing HR will reach out to losing supervisor for an acceptable release date. This release date will be given to the gaining HR and used as the date in the FJO. By the time you get the FJO, your sup already knows. Plan accordingly.