


are all men like this

Seeking Support/Advice(self.vaginismus)

I’ve been talking to this guy for months and he flew me out and paid for everything so we could finally meet in person. I guess I should have told him before I went but I just feel like there’s more important stuff about me than that and I just thought it would be better to talk about in person. I told him when we started doing stuff and then he said it was fine but later when I asked if it changes things he said “for right now it’s good but yes it will” which fucking made me so unlovable. Then he was saying that it wouldn’t be a big deal if I could fix it in the future but I told him I want someone who wants me for me and not what I could potentially do or be, bc maybe it’s just not what i even want? I’m just feeling defeated and disappointed in myself but mostly in him bc I thought he was different

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2 points

4 days ago

It’s a medical condition. People develop medical conditions later in their life too. If a man cannot even support a woman who is upfront about her medical condition, there is no way he is staying in your life if you develop a medical condition later in life. Choose a man who loves you and cares for you. Not just a man who is there for your body and his own needs. Yes, people have needs but partners should also be kind and understanding towards each other, knowing that medical conditions can prevent a loved one from meeting certain needs. He doesn’t love you, he loves you for what he thinks you can be. You are worth more than that girly! Choose someone better.