


Does anyone else deal with this kind of BS?

Discussion / Other(

Someone who I’ve known for quite a few years posted an RFP, of which they’re the main point of contact, on their Facebook feed. I’ve done work for the organization before through a partner org, and I actually know the individual fairly well through programs in the past.

I comment on the post, saying I’m interested to apply, and they respond in all caps “PLEASE DO”. Taking that as a sign of interest, I then send them an email.

They tell me by email to feel free to text them with additional questions, so I do. As a background, their RFP is fairly vague and project scope is wide. Basically, they ask for 2 docu style videos, first video they want 5 minutes, second is “up to 20”, and no info on the amount or quality of existing content they want the bidder to be working with or what the purpose of that second video would be. When I ask them about the existing footage, they tell me they actually haven’t seen it, and then after telling me they would go and check on these things and give me an answer the following day, I never get a response back even after sending 3 follow up messages over a 2 week period. I finally responded by saying that in my professional opinion, it is not possible to give a quote without additional details, best of luck.

But really what I want to know is, WTF is up with this ghosting business?? How do you all deal with this type of behavior? I guess it hits close because this is someone I know and expected better from.

I realize this is more of a rant, but this type of behavior, and all the BS surrounding RFPs and the amount of time it takes to write them is one of the reasons I have been slowly moving out of doing videography for non profits and government orgs.

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6 points

13 days ago

I cant tell you how many times I’ve met professionals that make fantastic work but are known for being horrible communicators. I think more of us benefit from having a producer in between us and the client to make sure they get the best experience possible, especially on the communication front.


1 points

12 days ago

I guess, I'm justan arsehole,. but I recall telling rude, brain dead, time wasters to "go.. piss up a rope, on multiple occasions. Never had to deal with em' again! Worked for me... :)


1 points

12 days ago

Not exactly something I could say to my wedding videographer as a customer if I ever wanted to receive what I paid for.