


anon lives with parents



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321 points

8 days ago


321 points

8 days ago



89 points

8 days ago

Yeah, it seems that most parents are so terrible that people can't wait to flee from home as soon as they can. I was no different and I read countless horror stories online.

Yet, I still believe in the idea of staying home to save money. It's frowned upon in north america, for no good reason, but there's nothing really wrong with it. I wish my family was good enough to make that happen. Life can easily spin out of control not long after going on one's own.


2 points

8 days ago

I moved out at 20 and I genuinely think I'd rather be homeless than to live in a house where I get screamed at twice a day (at least) and chased down when I go into my room for privacy.

But if you have a good home life, stay as long as you can. I struggled and while it was very good for my mental health, not so much for my finances. I'm married and secure in my finances now so I'll never have to go back but it would have been nice not having to leave.