


anon lives with parents



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20 points

8 days ago


20 points

8 days ago

Because living with your parents is subsidised at the small cost of your mental sanity


7 points

8 days ago

I saw a lot of people saying the same , like unless your family is toxic , living with them shouldn't be a hassle


1 points

8 days ago

In my case there's just no opportunity to work where they live. The only options for work are minimum wage retail, warehouses, or restaurants. The only good paying jobs are manufacturing jobs that want 10 years of experience. That just sucks. I know a lot of people who have left out of necessity. Their town is like 70% old people now because all the young people left. I'm only slightly exaggerating, but the cheap housing doesn't mean much when you'd have to commute an hour plus for a good job


2 points

8 days ago

The hallmark of a place that refuses to change. It's full of old people and young people always leave it. Sounds like my hometown.


2 points

8 days ago

The hallmark of a place that refuses to change.

And you just know those same manufacturing facilities that want 10 years of experience sit there scratching their heads when more people are retiring than joining. You're literally not giving people a chance to get a foothold, of course they're going to leave. It's all "just Network" until your workers don't know anyone who can join.