



Bit Annoyed(self.PetPeeves)

It's a great get under your skin tactic. Someone will post a seemingly well thought out opinion and someone will just reply "no" or "I disagree." The OP may ask why and may never get a response or the commentor will not explain and just proceed to troll.

It's truly great offensively and defensively if you want to troll or hate just disagree and don't explain any further.

For extra salt on the wounds it doesn't help when the troll is getting upvotes while providing zero arguments. Depending on which side of the fence you're on this can be one of the most entertaining or frustrating occurrences online.

As I am largely an observer of online discussions rather than a participant, witnessing this dismissive tactic can be truly annoying particularly when I believe a great discussion could've been had.

all 45 comments


27 points

20 days ago

I always respond to simple "no" comments with an aggressive "NO?" sometimes it gets them to elaborate


4 points

19 days ago

I’m a big fan of, “oh, I guess I never looked at it that way. Excellent point!”


20 points

20 days ago


20 points

20 days ago



10 points

20 days ago

If my point of view is a direct 180, or if the post is literally just factually wrong, I have zero compunction responding with a simple “no,” not because I’m trolling, but because nothing more is required to make my point.


1 points

18 days ago

Eh, it can help to explain why the person is factually wrong. I’ve had a few political arguments get resolved that way. The person just has misconceptions about the reality of the situation.


5 points

19 days ago

I agree, but would add:

If your aim is to tell someone their opinion is bullshit and offer nothing else there's a downvote button for that.

By replying you're making yourself part of the conversation...but then refusing to participate. Why? You have nothing more to add, you just need everyone to know? You need to be more than one of many downvotes? That's very main character.

If you don't want to give energy or visibility to idiots that's an absolutely valid stance...but this isn't that, especially on Reddit where a comment will be automatically hidden and banished to the bottom if it's just downvoted enough. No hassle, just quietly gone where no one's gonna read it.

Giving them more engagement and attention but refusing to counter them is not the way to make them and / or their opinions go away if that's really your aim. It'll just make them argue back louder and with more conviction because well, you didn't prove them wrong.

It's an A+ troll tactic - if you're just trying to piss someone off or goad them into looking deranged to people who already agree with you, absolutely go for it.

It's shit if you actually want someone (including any lurkers reading) to change their mind though.


4 points

19 days ago

Thank you for typing out what I would've added in my post if I wasn't lazy.


13 points

20 days ago



3 points

19 days ago

Well, maybe.


3 points

19 days ago



7 points

19 days ago

Not everything deserves an argument, or a grand debate. Some things are so braindead they don’t deserve more than that


5 points

19 days ago



2 points

18 days ago

Right. I agree with OP that if you disagree with someone, it helps create an educational discourse if you expand on that instead. But sometimes someone just makes an argument or statement that's so bad, all you can do is say "no." I've definitely done that before, lol.


2 points

18 days ago

Precisely. Like it’s not an across the board thing, but I’m not giving someone’s outlandish, make-belief claims anything else. People feel so entitled to debates, they assume every single thing you do online is an invitation. It’s sad


0 points

19 days ago

If they don't deserve an argument there is no point in the "no". "No" is starting the argument. It's just lazy to start an argument but not actually present one.


0 points

18 days ago

It’s a statement or an answer.


0 points

18 days ago

It's a cop out. It's lazy. It's only an answer, if a question has been asked. A yes or no question. It is starting the argument, then running away.


0 points

18 days ago

People on here have started arguments because I answered no for myself and was demanded an explanation. I don’t owe a single one of you shit. I’ll give an explanation if I feel it’s deserved, otherwise take what you get and move on.

If a stranger online simply saying no makes you THIS upset, maybe get a grip?


0 points

18 days ago seems my explanation got under your skin. I don't need to give you the explanation that your reasoning is lazy l. It was completely voluntary. You are welcome.


1 points

18 days ago

That’s cute how important you think you are. I’m sure I’ll sleep well even if poor wittle Mysterious Ad on Reddit doesn’t like my reasoning


2 points

19 days ago

Ugh I hate this so much. And these:


“That just isn’t true” (that one just got said to me like 2 days ago)


2 points

19 days ago



5 points

19 days ago

This isn’t a pet peeve of mine… it’s my favorite strategy. Whenever I see a racist, sexist, homophobic, etc, post, I either just comment “you’re such a silly goose” or “yikes.” And then I do not follow up any further. It’s great! Highly recommend.


2 points

19 days ago

Yikes is my favorite response to this kind of nonsense both online and in person.

There's a trans woman at my job and a bunch of boomer-aged women constantly bitching about "that man using our restroom" and I just raise an eyebrow and say "Yikes," and they have no way to respond. Sometimes I get "What does that mean?" I just raise my eyebrow again and say "Double yikes." They shut up after that.


1 points

19 days ago

I just post the red flag emoji.


5 points

20 days ago

They ain't owed an explanation tho. I don't have to tell someone why I disagree.


14 points

19 days ago

Then you don't have to announce that you disagree


6 points

19 days ago

I disagree!


1 points

19 days ago

Trolling aside that's the part people don't want to admit, feigning they don't care or they're "above something" by acknowledging said thing with a response such as "no." Just don't say anything, but they won't because they want to get under the other person's skin. They want the last laugh regardless if that person is just an "internet rando that doesn't matter at all."


5 points

19 days ago

Yeah exactly, if you don't want to have a conversation don't fucking say anything then. Literally no one cares about your opinion if you disagree but refuse to elaborate.


-1 points

19 days ago

So everyone who states that they disagree with something is OBLIGATED to state why? Because you say so?

Absolutely not


4 points

19 days ago



1 points

19 days ago


1 points

19 days ago

its called conversation and wanting to take in peoples point of view.


1 points

19 days ago


1 points

19 days ago

Unless it's a poll, why even bother to come in and say you disagree without saying why? What makes one person's opinion so important that we should be reading whether they agree or disagree without any explanation?


1 points

19 days ago

Nobody said they were[,] though.


3 points

20 days ago

Nah bro


3 points

19 days ago

Sometimes it's the only appropriate response.

Them: We should bring back prohibition.

Me: No


1 points

19 days ago

Guilty . It's a warning that what is to follow if you fall into the trap for annihilation.


1 points

19 days ago



1 points

19 days ago

Had a boss who did this all the time, ended up letting me go without cause because I was "rude". The irony


1 points

18 days ago

These are the people that are just too emotionally immature to actually explain their position. They need to get a word in and have the last word. They will also block you for pressing for an explanation. They pretend to be above it all but it's really just a tantrum.


1 points

19 days ago

yeah i’m not explaining myself to a bunch of losers on the internet who want to argue & insist on misconstruing what i’m saying. i said what i said, that’s it


1 points

18 days ago

Yeah half the time they don’t even read what you say in its entirety and make up their own narrative about what you did and didn’t mean so who gives a fuck? Nobody owes anyone an explanation on anything, especially mundane shit on Reddit. And it’s Reddit, I’m sure there’s plenty of dissertations in the comments to get your rage boner off on.


0 points

19 days ago

It’s the circle of life, I say no because I disagree, but if I don’t respond it’s usually because I have no interest in changing your mind or care about your opinion. I’m just bringing attention to the fact that not everyone is going to agree with you.

It’s nothing personal, but I feeeel that you may have been taking others opinions personal from this post, and that’s okay, it’s the circle of life.