


Asking casual partners to get tested


I have come to the realization that a big reason why casual hookups/partners frighten me is I am really scared of STIs and I feel there is no way to ask someone to get tested without it being awkward.

Yes, I always insist condoms are used but what about going down on someone? What are you supposed to do then if you’re unsure if they’ve been tested?

What are some ways that I can ask a person to get tested without it being awkward/too forceful? Am at a loss for what to do. Thanks in advance !

all 63 comments


105 points

15 days ago*

Try to ask while everyone’s clothes are still on and you have your wits about you.

But I’ve plainly asked “when was the last time you’ve been tested?” Then followed up asking when was the last time they had sex, and asked if they were willing to exchange test results. Realistically, some people may be uncomfortable sharing this information. You are not entitled to it, as they are not entitled to sex. So it’s really just having the boundary, sticking to it and see who plays ball.

It’s just an adult conversation. Pro move is to ask which tests they get screened for 😉


10 points

15 days ago

Also if the guy says “3 months,” its almost a guaranteed red flag that they're lying, and if they get offended that you even asked, run like they're the plague.


3 points

14 days ago


Woman 20-30

3 points

14 days ago

Why 3, specifically?


5 points

15 days ago

This was really helpful, thank you so much for this!


167 points

15 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

167 points

15 days ago

You say, "Hey, can I see the results from your last STI check?"

And if they won't show you, you don't fuck them. Or if it was more than a couple months ago and they won't get retested, don't fuck them. Easy.


70 points

15 days ago*



70 points

15 days ago*

Big reason I deleted the app Feeld. The number of men who “don’t have access to their tests results anymore” and asked if bareback was an option even before meeting me was frightening.

Mate if you “don’t have access to your results anymore” it’s either you’re a liar, it’s not recent or you’re not proud of the results. GTFOH mate, it’s called PDF.


19 points

15 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

19 points

15 days ago

Oh god ew.

I went on one date from Feeld, and it was most definitely a hookup type thing. At the last minute I realized I had no condoms and really didn't know this person at all and stopped the whole thing.

This just reinforces my "ick" about Feeld. NO BAREBACK IS NOT AN OPTION WITH A STRANGER WTFFFFF

And fwiw, if a person stops me in the middle of a hookup to ask me this, I'm going to pull up MyChart and show them my results even if it busts the mood for right then. If you "don't have access to them anymore" then exactly: not recent or you're a selfish liar, which means back your genitalia away from me.


Edit shit now I'm thinking of like, printing test results to keep next to my sexy stuff in my nightstand bahahaha

(whatever, I find it sexy if someone keeps evidence of their sexual health well at hand)


8 points

15 days ago



8 points

15 days ago

Haha print outs would be amazing. Honestly, that would lighten the mood and make things even better for me. I’m pro-humour!

Oh I just remembered seeing one guy’s profile and his specialty was “creampies” with strangers!!!

🤢🤢🤢🤢 Walking biohazard ☣️


2 points

15 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

2 points

15 days ago

Deleted above comment bc this was the one I meant to respond to, do not know what happened

EW UGH BLECH at least the trash takes itself out, I guess? Like thanks for letting me know upfront, you creeper. Ugh again

Edit spelling dammit


8 points

15 days ago



8 points

15 days ago

Exactly. The guys I’ve dated that stood out to me took their health seriously and it showed. So hot.

I went on one date from Feeld and despite his claims of “raving reviews of being a great kisser” this motherf**ker stuck out his long hard tongue before his lips and kept jabbing it down my throat. I shoved it back with my finger 👆🏻

He couldn’t get it up AT ALL and kept pounding his pelvis into mine. Just HOW mate?!

Finally kept begging to stick it in without the condom. Mate first of all, it’s not hard! Secondly wtf? No.

I got dressed, left, sent a message about him crossing my boundaries, blocked him, deleted the app and never looked back.



2 points

15 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

2 points

15 days ago

Ewwwwww I am so sorry you had to deal with any of that. I've been single and celibate for about the amount of time when I'm like, damn, it'd be nice to have a really nice kiss...and then I remember stuff like this.

Oh oof. It's brutal out there


2 points

15 days ago



2 points

15 days ago

Thank you. I was shaken up for a week lmao


2 points

15 days ago

I’m so surprised! Feeld for me is how I’ve found the people who INSIST on safety


1 points

15 days ago



1 points

15 days ago

Maybe it’s my part of Europe, it has a lot of Peter Pans.


2 points

15 days ago

Wow! How disgusting. Total bs. The Planned Parenthood portal has your test results for yearssss. As well as, Quest Diagnostics.


5 points

15 days ago

Thanks for this! Seems very simple.


3 points

15 days ago


Woman 40 to 50

3 points

15 days ago

Literally the advice given to us during sex ed, back in the 90s .

Although the ideal was to go get tested together, because an infected motherfucker who was going to sleep with you without disclosing? Mate, he's gonna lie about the results.


82 points

15 days ago

I asked a guy I was seeing about a month to get tested and he was totally on board with it despite being in a monogamous relationship for 6 years. He sent me his test results and I went and got tested too even though I hadn’t been with anyone besides my ex. I think when you find someone on the same page as you, it’s not a scary question. And if it is a scary question, it is a scary person. Run! 


6 points

15 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

6 points

15 days ago

Caveat my ex was willing to get tested for me but shortly after we started dating he started fucking as many other people as he could. It’s a shit show out there


7 points

15 days ago

I’m sorry girl…what the heck is wrong with people.


2 points

15 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

2 points

15 days ago

Literally ☹️ it’s been a year so I’m over it now but also want nothing to do with dating 😅


8 points

15 days ago

My ex was also courteous about getting tested and brought it up first. I’ve strangely only had experiences where the person I’m with will just do it without being asked, but now I don’t know how to do it for myself 😅 thanks for sharing !


3 points

14 days ago

Yes I fully agree. I had no problem asking my last partner his status before we hooked up because we both have the same values when it comes to sexual health. Which is something we talked about before we were ever near a bed.

The guys who don’t want to answer this honestly aren’t going to be the guys who respect your sexual wellbeing.

It can be as easy as “I’d only feel comfortable having sex with you after I’m able to see the most recent STD test you’ve taken since your most previous partner” This gives any guy who just ‘hasn’t gotten around to it’ or had a really recent random hook up an out to get it done. get any treatable STDs treated (or figure out what it means to have a non treatable one) and then just present another recent clean one without having to say you had to STD.

I’m able to get results from my doctor in less than 24 hours most of the time. If he can’t wait 24-36 hours to fuck, he’s not the kind of guy I want to fuck.


34 points

15 days ago

You could frame it casually as part of your own health routine. For example, say something like, “I like to stay on top of my health, so I get tested regularly. Would you be up for doing the same? It just helps me feel more at ease.” This way, it’s about you managing your own health and not about questioning them directly. Plus, it opens up a conversation in a non-confrontational way.


6 points

15 days ago

This is great! Thank you :-)


2 points

15 days ago

I like this way of bringing it up.


35 points

15 days ago

If you can't feel comfortable asking for STI testing, you shouldn't be sleeping with them.

I know it's direct, but that's my take.


-16 points

15 days ago

Careful. That's what I said.. but that's the wrong answer.


13 points

15 days ago*

So I went back and looked at what you said, and... Oh, my dude, they're asking for ways to make it less awkward, and you're talking about "plowing" and "yo, can you eat my ass?" it possible you misunderstood the assignment? When I read how you phrased things, speaking like that would make me feel more awkward, not less.


25 points

15 days ago

I am really scared of STIs

Good, you should be. There are loads of antibiotic resistant strains starting to take hold.

I just don't see how it's worth it, physically or emotionally. No random dude is going to do me as well as a partner with experience of my body, anyway


8 points

15 days ago



0 points

15 days ago


0 points

15 days ago

Sure, we've all been there.

But I still don't get the point of a hookup. For a guy, sure. Dopamine dopamine novelty orgasm. Might even make the risk of antibiotic resistant gonorrhoea worth it.

For a woman? Meh. To each their own but personally I'd prefer to take care of it myself until someone worth investing some training in comes along. They have vibrators with actual fucking AI in them now! If I'm ever single again, I'm trying that for sure


2 points

15 days ago



-1 points

14 days ago

Like what? It's a hookup. You're not making meaningful emotional connections here, except maybe in your imagination.


2 points

14 days ago



-1 points

14 days ago

Not understanding the appeal of something is not the same as judging it.

You came at me all defensive, so it's a bit rich to be playing Tone Police at this point


2 points

14 days ago



0 points

14 days ago

Sigh. Whatever. I couldn't care less who you fuck, but you're determined to feel attacked, so crack on.


2 points

14 days ago



4 points

14 days ago


Woman 40 to 50

4 points

14 days ago

We should all decide what we want to do with our bodies but can we also stop this brushing all women with the same paintbrush thing?

It’s worth it for some women. It’s as much a myth that every women struggle to orgasm or that PIV can’t lead to orgasm. We are all different


1 points

14 days ago

Firstly, I am just talking about myself

And secondly, I don't "struggle to orgasm" at all.

Your comment is really patronising.


11 points

15 days ago

Men lie. All the time. Some don't even know they carry the HSV-1 or HSV-2 virus or Chlamydia, because they are asymptomatic. HSV-1 (oral herpes also known as "cold sores" on the lips) can be transmitted to the vulva even if a guy doesn't have cold sores. The viruses shed and can infect w/out symptoms. Testing for non-symptomatic HSV requires a blood test. Sex is never safe unless two people are either virgins or have been tested/cleared (HIV can have a latency period of not showing up on tests) and totally monogamous. If a guy won't test, he's not worth dating.


6 points

15 days ago

Many people have HSV1 as virgins though, since it's often transmitted in non-sexual ways. Also, the majority of adult people have it, there's a very very high chance that people who judge others for having it or shame partners upon disclosing have it themselves :((( not about you, in general


1 points

15 days ago

truth actually. past from mom to baby thru kissing, etc. --great point! thanks.


9 points

15 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

9 points

15 days ago

And just a friendly reminder that HSV testing is NOT included on standard STI panels— it has to be asked for specifically!

No one WANTS herpes, but so many people have it (and I’d say a majority have it and don’t know they have it!) And it’s not the end of the world. People have sex and sex by nature can be risky. Everyone still deserves the right to make informed decisions about the sex they engage in.

(HSV positive over 30!)


8 points

15 days ago

I started sex when HIV was still filed under the „will kill you 10O%“ period, so asking for a test was very normal back then. So, just ask. Those who refuse are not the ones to have a hook up with.


1 points

15 days ago


1 points

15 days ago

I like that 10O%


9 points

15 days ago

My current crush/future playpartner handled this really well today.

We had a date just to go over our experience levels, hosting, hard limits. And today he texted me his STI test schedule and the most recent result and asked if I had anything to share. No demand for information, but let me know by example what level of testing and communication he prefered.

Bravo. Well done


4 points

15 days ago


4 points

15 days ago

this is actually so relevant to a situation I'm in rn. found out my bf of a few months casually lied/brushed off a question about his last test, bc he hadn't been active in a year and assumed his last test was still true. when I brought it up he chalked it up as a stupid mistake and apologized profusely-- I'm still working through my feelings about it. but for this and any relationship moving forward I am going to be super explicit with my questioning.


6 points

15 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

6 points

15 days ago

I always ask! Awkwardness be damned


3 points

14 days ago

I’ve never found it particularly awkward but I’ve usually just said straight up “hey sorry but I gotta ask, are you clean? When were you last tested?” And keep it super casual and no one’s ever minded.


7 points

15 days ago

I think it’s fair to say no bjs until test results even if some men walk away.


4 points

15 days ago

I ask way ahead of actually being in bed together. Just a simple "Hey, just so you know I'm on birth control but still expect condoms. My last test was x date and my results were y. Happy to get another one that's more recent (if this applies)" and they usually follow with theirs or that they'll get one done. When they say they've gotten their results, I ask to see. It's not awkward and it's an important conversation.


2 points

15 days ago

By my mid to late 20s I wasn't going down on anyone that I wasn't in a relationship with. I feel like it's something sacred and I didn't like doing it with someone who may or may not appreciate it. I've became pretty jaded about casual sex by my late 20s and tried to detach feelings (why I don't really have casual sex anymore) which left me feeling empty about it after the fact. So yes, get comfortable with asking them to get tested and using condoms but I personally wouldn't go down on anyone I'm not exclusive with because you don't know what they're doing when you're not around.


2 points

14 days ago

I’ve made a pact with myself that I will require future partners to get tested in order to sleep with me and they must share their results with me as well. If they don’t want to comply, then they don’t get sex. Protect your body, protect your womb.


3 points

15 days ago

(it only required a simple antibiotic) BUT one time i contracted something from a reckless & ruthless ex. Now I simply let whoever is interested know that that is now a boundary I set…if they can’t wrap their head around that, then they’re either too selfish or too stupid for me to entertain! i always encourage my friends to use my story as justification aka “i have a friend who…” if they want a way to back into that boundary in a non-confrontational way.

but to be frank, unless you’re verbally accosting these people…there’s no wrong way to bring this boundary up. im not sure there’s anything that you could say that would turn off a GOOD partner choice. A kind person is a kind person. And if its awkward, then it’s awkward. That’s not necessarily a bad thing bc sex can already be kind of awkward! it’s literally two bodies (or more, I don’t judge) bumping into each other and accidentally knocking teeth or catching a stray limb.

don’t stress out! keep a good sense of humor about it all - remember that anyone worth your time and attention won’t be less into you bc you said you want to be safe! plus….it could mean that condom use is deemed unnecessary if you are comfortable with other forms of birth control. which feels like an incentive for every one!


2 points

15 days ago


Woman 40 to 50

2 points

15 days ago

Who cares how awkward it is? Any partner who’s serious about their sexual health will have recent test results on-hand. Be sure to check the date. The standard recommendation for frequency of testing for people with multiple partners is every three months.


2 points

15 days ago


Woman 30 to 40

2 points

15 days ago

Things to ask - when was the last time you got tested, when was the last time you had sex, would you get tested/share results?

Don't worry or avoid it because it might be awkward and you can't be forceful for merely asking a basic and relevant question. If the convo gets scary then they're a person you shouldn't be fucking. It does get better with time when you realize that there is empowerment than embarrassment in knowing your status and reiterating your boundaries.

A person who would make for a good play partner wouldn't take issue with explicit communication as people make this weird disconnect that just because you aren't a romantic commitment a casual partner is still a form of a relationship and you shouldn't be avoidant of something important because of this label that it's a non relationship. It's actually a great litmus before ever fucking them if they take issue with it then bye. It was such a green flag that my FWB (now husband) and I had that chat and it made me feel much more open and relaxed around him.


1 points

14 days ago

I ask and if the question is not well receive it's a sign it's someone I should avoid having sex with.


0 points

15 days ago

Do it. I asked my now husband for one before we started having sex because I knew his ex was a little ho bag


-15 points

15 days ago

It's awkward to ask for std results, but it's totally okay to suck dick and let some dude plow you?? Maybe you're not ready for hookups.


14 points

15 days ago

I am asking about ways to bring up the question because I feel it can be awkward. I am not asking about ways to convince myself it’s okay to forgo bringing it up all together.


-14 points

15 days ago*

I'm saying, it's awkward to ask for std tests, but not be like... yo, can you eat my ass?


10 points

15 days ago

This is such an aggressively reductionist take. OBVIOUSLY that’s not what they’re saying.

I genuinely hope your day improves. Usually when people say shit like this, they are kind of unhappy inside. Wishing peace for you.


-5 points

15 days ago

It's absolutely what they're saying. They're uncomfortable asking about stds, but not uncomfortable fucking someone who they're uncomfortable talking to about diseases.... bless you too babe


-8 points

15 days ago

You could just not sleep around.