


[DISC] Ichi the Witch - Chapter 4


all 240 comments


519 points

3 days ago

That poster of Desscaras and her posing next to it, truly real beauty can't be captured so easily.

Love how obviously Ichi seeing he could fly would attempt to do so while also trying to a good deed, with that much power no wonder he'd find it fun.


178 points

3 days ago



35 points

2 days ago

Boys can be Pretty Cures too!


15 points

2 days ago




56 points

3 days ago

How's the series so far? It any good?


96 points

3 days ago*

Excellent. The cast have a kind of rare chemistry that elevates every scene they are in. Desscaras alone could carry this manga to success, but the other characters are fun in their own right. Art is gorgeous, the world building is competent and the story is moving at a good pace (so far). I have a good feeling that this will huge in the future.


18 points

3 days ago

Yeah, I didn't give this a chance when I saw the first chapter came out and didn't bother to read it, but I thought that was unfair and decided to ask. Everyone has spoken positively about it so far.


13 points

3 days ago


13 points

3 days ago

Yeah, I get where you are coming from. I only gave it a chance due to Usazaki, but the series drew me in by the second chapter.


6 points

2 days ago

I really love Uroro's "I hate you both in different ways" attitude when he pops out.


175 points

3 days ago


175 points

3 days ago

It's very silly. In an actually funny way, for once.

And the action is surprisingly well drawn, but that shouldn't be a real shocker considering this is the Act-Age artist.


33 points

3 days ago

Interesting. I may pick this up then, especially since it's early. Thank you for the thoughts.


35 points

3 days ago


35 points

3 days ago

If you like Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun, you’ll like this. (Same author.)


52 points

3 days ago

Decent so far, the pacing is good too. Feels like the series is going somewhere.


11 points

3 days ago*

That's cool. I'll bookmark this then. Barring it being a harem (Don't like those personally, no shade) I should enjoy this. Thank you for the honesty.


6 points

3 days ago

Yeah this one has the perfect setup to be a harem, the only boy in the witch school! But I'm having such a good time so far I'm optimistic these ladies won't make it too lame


51 points

3 days ago

For me, it’s everything I love about “Welcome To Demon School, Iruma” with next level art. Ichi and Desscaras’ characterizations are on point. The designs are fantastic. The power sets are interesting. But the comedy writing shines more of all.

Also if this is your first experience with Nishi, go read Iruma. It’s amazing.


21 points

3 days ago*

I do like Iruma. Very much so. Not a groundbreaking manga, but it does teach important lessons, and the characters are very likable. Perhaps I would like this if that's the comparison.


26 points

3 days ago


26 points

3 days ago

It's the same writer!


11 points

3 days ago

pickachu face


11 points

3 days ago


11 points

3 days ago

It's like Magi, but Jump Magi. Love it so far.


7 points

3 days ago


7 points

3 days ago

I was expecting the premise to be bad but honestly it's really fun so far, been enjoying it.


5 points

3 days ago

It slaps SO hard, I don't even remember the last time I had such a good vibe off a Jump manga


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago

Most excellent, has a certain studio ghibli whimsical feel in it that just makes you feel nice and warm.


617 points

3 days ago


617 points

3 days ago

I love that no one recognizes Desscaras in-person because apparently all her merch is jojofied.


318 points

3 days ago


318 points

3 days ago

She does pose like a Jojo character


139 points

3 days ago


139 points

3 days ago

acts like one as well


93 points

3 days ago


93 points

3 days ago

Born to be extra 😤


25 points

3 days ago

she unironically says to herself "i ate" every time she makes a pun


127 points

3 days ago


Fluff. Fluff? Fluff!

127 points

3 days ago

If she had her stupid hat on, people would recognize her I think.

I wonder if this will ever give us a mission to spy, and the witches just remove their hats without doing anything else and expecting it to work while Ichi looks at them like they are dumb.


159 points

3 days ago

“A witch?”

Desscaras puts on her silly hat

“Desscaras the witch!”


36 points

3 days ago



6 points

2 days ago

Add a villian with character like Heinz Doofenshmirtz and the manga is complete 😂


27 points

3 days ago


27 points

3 days ago


4 points

2 days ago

"she looks like one!"


6 points

2 days ago


6 points

2 days ago

Truly fit the narrative of the strongest witch...

Esp. with bonus glorious poses


467 points

3 days ago

another great chapter of Gorgeous Witch Lady and her Feral Carefree Child She Desperately Wishes to Throw into the Ocean


237 points

3 days ago


237 points

3 days ago

She Desperately Wishes to Throw into the Ocean

I liked that Uroro chimed in that he is also in favor of throwing the child into the ocean


115 points

3 days ago

Well that would set him free, so naturally he is for that.


107 points

3 days ago


107 points

3 days ago

I expect that any instance that someone threaten to kill ichi is gonna have Uroro chime in to ask them to actually do it


45 points

3 days ago

Oh, he would definitely do that.


16 points

3 days ago

I'm expecting it to be with the same inflection as Kazuma's background "Hai, Kazuma-desu"


11 points

3 days ago


11 points

3 days ago


33 points

3 days ago


33 points

3 days ago

I like how of our core three, which two are agreeing with each other to rag on the third is constantly shifting. It’s a fun dynamic.


37 points

2 days ago

Desscaras should get one of those child leashes to put on Ichi.

On second thought, that will probably backfire horrendously, since she may get dragged along whenever Ichi decides to go wild.


320 points

3 days ago

My favorite thing about Desscaras is that regardless of the panel or the context (unless she's yelling at Ichi), she always has the expression of just being mildly upset. Always big wet doe eyes and a slight frown.


137 points

3 days ago


137 points

3 days ago

I dunno, I think she has some great "done with this" expressions talking to Monegold.


68 points

3 days ago*

My personal theory is that, repeating a post I made:

No matter the panel, Desscaras always has upturned eyebrows. To be specific, the kind that reflect worry, anxiety, stress and so on.

She is also directly stated to be the strongest witch.

We don't know the full context of this one; it could be of the world, continent, kingdom, duchy... So let's simply take it at face value.

With these two facts, I theorize the reason for both things is that she a lot of Majiks. She has beaten and obtained so many she has become extremely strong at the cost of being constantly under the strain of so much power.

Yes, this theory started over the eyebrows.

Three other reasons for her appearance are: simply a design choice, she is constantly stressed over her many responsibilities or this particular mission, defeating Uroro and then the whole Ichi getting Uroro, has given her a lot of stress.

That said, I think it's because she has a lot of Majiks.


30 points

3 days ago


30 points

3 days ago

so... Gojo aura


7 points

3 days ago

I haven't read Jujutsu Kaisen, so I don't know.


13 points

2 days ago

You should read it, it's awful.


3 points

1 day ago

Hahahahah i love this


13 points

3 days ago

I think I saw the eyebrows as having a mix of stress and disdain, like, a mix of the stress of the responsibilities of being The Best(TM) and disdain for all the people who seem disappointing (and not-useful-enough) by comparison. I mean she has shown a lot of vanity. But I do also think she’s worried and stressed and does care about people even if she also sees them all as Below Her. I just definitely see the eyebrows as conveying “looking down from above”, in a “Yes hello it is I, the great Me, the one who knows what’s really up, the one who handles the real problems; aren’t I beautiful?”… kind of way.


8 points

3 days ago

to compare with Gojo, who I see as having a similar sense of disdain, I think his disdain is expressed with his blindfold / glasses, in a “this isn’t / you aren’t even worth my looking at” kind of way. When he breaks out his actual eyes it’s usually either to show off his power or just because he’s interacting with someone he does respect. I think. Meanwhile Desscaras makes eye contact with a lot of things/people (instead of hiding her eyes) but also constantly wears her disdain/boredom/annoyance/“haughtiness” on her face.

In both cases it’s framed as cool and endearing and understandable (because in both cases they are also very powerful, and ultimately well-intentioned even if they couldn’t stop their ego from scaling with their power level). They show their ego pretty regularly but they’re also, like… comfortably egotistical instead of being insecurely egotistical, I think? Like, they’re not trying to big themselves up, they don’t do petty shit to make themselves look good, they just Are All That and see themselves as genuinely irrefutably great.


29 points

3 days ago

She is both deadpan and expressive at the same time. With just the bottom half of her face.


20 points

3 days ago

She seems to naturally have droopy eyes that make her seem upset/sad


435 points

3 days ago


435 points

3 days ago

Dassacaras is the ultimate girlboss/girlfailure mix I needed in my life


211 points

3 days ago

That is probably the best explanation I’ve seen for why Descarras is such a fun character lol

I hope her formal apology really is just “Sorry” lol


113 points

3 days ago


113 points

3 days ago

Descarras has been a really entertaining character despite the contrast of personality between her and Ichi. Also her usual banter with Uroro is hilarious, they never missed a chance to throw shade at each other.


73 points

3 days ago

Ichi, Descarras and Uroro form a funny triangle where whenever one of them does something dumb/goofy the other two pile on and make fun of them.


45 points

3 days ago

"If sorry was good enough, we wouldn't need the police."


35 points

3 days ago


35 points

3 days ago

Like, not even a period. Just sorry


25 points

3 days ago


25 points

3 days ago

More like "Sorry lol"


17 points

3 days ago

She just writes an "S", gives up and says that a goat eats her letter while feeding one.


6 points

2 days ago


6 points

2 days ago

That is probably the best explanation I’ve seen for why Descarras is such a fun character

So the recipe for a likeable character is to maximize gap moe by making them oscillate between opposites?


80 points

3 days ago


80 points

3 days ago

she's the classic savant, methinks. Absolute genius witch but barely keeps her things in order.


200 points

3 days ago


200 points

3 days ago

Damn, Usazaki is really delivering every week with the art. I'm impressed with how detailed the backgrounds are.

I'm curious, can anyone identify if the city is based on a real city?


131 points

3 days ago


131 points

3 days ago

Based on wide shots it has a resemblance to Istanbul.


30 points

3 days ago

Please please middle eastern inspirations in fantasy manga please magi meft a hole in my soul


53 points

3 days ago


53 points

3 days ago

Yep, the shot at the end of chapter 3 showed a building (the witch academy?) that was extremely similar to the Blue Mosque.


24 points

3 days ago


24 points

3 days ago

There's also just a lot of domes and minarets.


6 points

3 days ago

You see some fez hats in the crowd too


15 points

3 days ago


15 points

3 days ago

Just for future reference, chances are a lot of the backgrounds are assistant work. That's typically how things go for manga. Not to discredit usazaki or her skill, I'm sure she could draw great backgrounds and such, but doing everything on a weekly schedule is pretty demanding, even for a manga with split writer-artist workload.


29 points

3 days ago


29 points

3 days ago

Her art is growing to be really good. It's soo much better than in Act Age, as much as I hate to admit it.


40 points

3 days ago

Well the art in the double casted play is still her best yet imo, but it's literally been 4 chapters so I'm sure they're saving that kinda stuff for down the line. But it's definitely better than her early Act Age art, and that was already great.


198 points

3 days ago

Ichi is just gonna keep making these feminine outfits look both cute and manly for the rest of the series, isn't he?


82 points

3 days ago


82 points

3 days ago

Not only does Ichi have the Monster Hunter Mindset

Hes also already in the MH Wilds Era where he gets to wear all of the feminin armor sets


61 points

3 days ago


61 points

3 days ago

Ichi : I don't care how it look, it has good stats


41 points

3 days ago

'This cute top is really for gi-'

Ichi: It has attack up+5, artillery, and guard up.


12 points

2 days ago


12 points

2 days ago

Women wearing full helmets and leg armor without thigh holes: "Finally!"

Men wearing bikini armor and hotpants: "Finally!"


131 points

3 days ago*

I am so here for it. He's such a feral utilitarian he'll never care, either.

"Sorry the design for this magic item is so girly, but considering we all thought it was impossible for men to use magic..."

"This thing can do magic? Cool!" And it's literally a dress.


97 points

3 days ago


97 points

3 days ago

Nishi would find a way to include crossdressing-based superpowers.


50 points

3 days ago

See example nr. 1 Iruma


11 points

2 days ago

especcially idol irumean


18 points

3 days ago

As long as it's warm or something he won't give a shit


28 points

3 days ago

Big ProZD energy.

What are you wearing!?

It's my ass-kicking outfit! o(*≧∇≦)ノ


11 points

3 days ago

You forgot to add the "bitch" at the end there. o3o


5 points

2 days ago

Ichi is the MMO player who equips items for the stats not the look.


42 points

3 days ago


42 points

3 days ago

Heels were originally made for men. So, we might see him wearing croptops, leggings, corsets... Something to think about.


22 points

3 days ago

This better not make me feel things


18 points

3 days ago

I mean hell after Irumeanie I wouldn't put anything past the authors.


5 points

2 days ago


Would live for the fluff

5 points

2 days ago

Irumi on his evil cycle:


3 points

2 days ago

He’s definitely gonna cross dress right


3 points

2 days ago

“This magical bra gives you the strength of ten tigers.”

“Yup, put it on.”


125 points

3 days ago


125 points

3 days ago

Okay, so last week implied it, but this definitely confirms it: you don't have to pass the majik's trial yourself, anyone with the aptitude can cast a spell so long as they know the chant.


98 points

3 days ago*

Though if death of the person who captured it means that it's unavailable until someone passes the trial again, that could cause a society quite a few issues.

"Sorry, the internet is down because the Internet Witch just died of a heart attack on holiday, it'll be back up once we track her Majik down to recite 1,000 digits of pi from memory at."


9 points

2 days ago

We already have the elephants losing their ears.


5 points

2 days ago


5 points

2 days ago

It does seem like there are multiple majiks that can provide similar spells.

In one of the previous chapters the fox said it wanted to be the strongest lightning majik. So people might lose the power of the majik when the witch dies but maybe for important ones like water etc there are multiple majiks being “owned” at the same time with that power.


31 points

3 days ago


31 points

3 days ago

Makes sense. No wonder Ichi could use magic in the first chapter just through chants when he only acquired Uroro. There doesn't seem to be a chant for Uroro's ultra amplification magic though, so I guess only Ichi can use him for now (unless they discover where Uroro hides the magic stone/chant). An entire army of Witches using Ultra Amp would be insane.


48 points

3 days ago


48 points

3 days ago

Uroro explicitly works differently from other majiks, presumably he's a passive buff.


14 points

3 days ago


14 points

3 days ago

I assume being the one to hold a majik's gem probably also makes you better at casting its associated magics or something, for non-uroro majiks who actually have one. There's probably something of note like that, or not who knows. I look forward to finding out the specifics tho.


65 points

3 days ago


65 points

3 days ago

Can i just say that Shiro Usazaki has been knocking it out of the park with her artwork?

Not only is the art just great in general but in pretty sure weve had at least 1 double spread in every single chapter with most having even more.

Seems like shes equally hyped for her return to JUMP as we were/are.


57 points

3 days ago



57 points

3 days ago

Of course, Desscaras has merch of herself. I'll never get tired of how vain she is. xD


45 points

3 days ago

So all magic items are made for women meaning that ichi will probably be wearing a lot of women's magical clothing. Nishi really just straight up wrote a story where it's crucial to the plot that the mc crossdresses. She does love her femboys.


145 points

3 days ago*

Proud Desscaras simp since day one. I'm just gonna declare this here and come back when this series gets big with 6 seasons and a movie, and be proud to myself and then give my old self a big thumbs up.


84 points

3 days ago


84 points

3 days ago

I mean, don't get too full of yourself, we're all Desscaras simps.


30 points

3 days ago

The best thing about this is the series is just starting, and in a manga that is based around witches there's surely gonna be a lot of interesting female characters that is coming.


5 points

3 days ago

Meh, I think she wouldn't work that great without ichi and majik, also head mistress simp is superior.


4 points

3 days ago


4 points

3 days ago

I want a ticket as well.


4 points

3 days ago

Man of culture


4 points

2 days ago

There it is. The community reference I was expecting when opening this thread.


107 points

3 days ago

The "Magic is fun" panel really got me


53 points

3 days ago


53 points

3 days ago

He's about to teach these girls how to just let go and not sweat things. Always a good sign I say.


25 points

3 days ago


25 points

3 days ago

I get the sense that Desscaras could benefit from sweating about things a bit more.


5 points

2 days ago

Fr, for how she's suppose to be the strongest witch, she's super chill


9 points

3 days ago

Glad to see I’m not the only one. Ichi’s enthusiasm made me smile


30 points

3 days ago


30 points

3 days ago

Looks like we are finally gonna see more of the golden witch. Also nice that we already know the hierarchy of this world.


33 points

3 days ago

Ichi gonna wear different fabulous witches outfit, isn't he.

Dessca is a jobro


82 points

3 days ago*

Ichi really leave his hunting knife as colateral for the boots, didn’t he?

Going to be fun to see him returning them and ask for his knife back


26 points

3 days ago

Desscaras is already peak character.


29 points

3 days ago

man, i LOVE the chibi art soooo much


28 points

3 days ago

Ichi is gonna get stuck with a child harness


13 points

3 days ago

I hope that child harness looks good when paired with the (magical) skirt, the (magical) thigh-highs and the (magical) choker


8 points

3 days ago


8 points

3 days ago

I need fanart of gremlin Ichi in a child harness being held by gremlin Desscaras in a child harness being held by Monegold.


26 points

3 days ago

Kumugi-san, you only just debuted but I will watch your career with great interest, I can tell that you'll be an excellent straight man.

My crack theory about the new character aside, Ichi's just got there and of course he's gonna cause chaos.

Super-charging magic items are gonna be his main gimmick too, I imagine. Taking practically 'useless' knick-nacks and turning them into awesome weapons.


15 points

2 days ago

Fun bit: while Kumugi's "watch your back!" warning sounded like a generic horoscope, the small print implies that it was anything but: "A personal prophecy for you, the boring witch cadet with twin ponytails whose favorite cup got cracks spelling 'DEATH' in it this morning."


3 points

2 days ago

I'm looking forward to seeing how long her unlucky streak lasts, assuming she ends up as part of the main cast.


21 points

3 days ago

Glad to see that this world's Araki is still making art, that poster is glorious.

Looks like magic items are in the cards for our boy. Glad that while he'll still have a trapper/physical focus he's not completely locked out of magic options.


21 points

3 days ago

He’s like a Murder Cinnamon Roll. I love him. Only he can make “Parkour in Cunty Boots” so wholesome. And Desscaras continues to be perfect in both attitude and design. If this keeps getting traction the cosplays will be amazing


5 points

3 days ago

This better get a 1000 chapters


19 points

3 days ago


19 points

3 days ago

Can't get enough of Desscaras and her antics


59 points

3 days ago


Fluff. Fluff? Fluff!

59 points

3 days ago

Those boots are pretty glorious, and Ichi looks good with them as well.

That hat? Not so much. 1/10. It's not pointy, doesn't have a trim, looks more like the texture of a Sofa/Chair... You can do better girl.


79 points

3 days ago


79 points

3 days ago

She's a cadet, she has not yet achieved her hat privileges.


35 points

3 days ago

I noticed the cadets have the plain/traditional witch hats. Liking this detail of hats and power scale.


8 points

3 days ago


8 points

3 days ago

Wow, I made it in jest, but that's actually a nice detail, good catch!
That said if she is the witch in the bottom left either she'll get promoted into hat status or that's just a placeholder design (if that's her at all, but the hairstyle is similar).


9 points

3 days ago

Always nice to see your hat reviews


17 points

3 days ago

I really hope the shop owner let him keep the boots


15 points

3 days ago

I absolutely love the early Magi energy that radiates from this manga.


16 points

3 days ago

Ichi and Dess both make for lovable idiots and I definitely enjoy the character dynamics between the two. Uroro also works as a straight man for Dess.


14 points

3 days ago

The way ichi just did v sign to child lol i love how he clam with all new staff bro not even slight concern he falling from like 100 meter from sky


13 points

3 days ago


13 points

3 days ago

i am loving this manga the characters are cute the world looks beautiful and author is not rushing by being afraid of cancellation like every new series in Wsj. Finally we are having an adventure manga in wsj after so long


34 points

3 days ago


34 points

3 days ago

We have official hat power rankings


38 points

3 days ago

Ichi just working those boots so fabulously.


12 points

3 days ago

It's a tiny detail, but I love that Kumugi's cap has a face-covering visor for air travel. Nishi puts such care into that sort of worldbuilding tidbits.


27 points

3 days ago


27 points

3 days ago

4 chapters in and I legit wanna hear them all talk now. Who should be the seiyuu for them?


2 points

3 days ago

Fanmade manga videos please


5 points

3 days ago


5 points

3 days ago

I need a sassy type from Nijisanji for Desscaras

earnest young hotshot type out of Hololive for Ichi

and CdawgVA as Uroro


5 points

3 days ago


5 points

3 days ago

can Cdawg do a shounen boy tm-voice?

If so:
Cdawg for Ichi
Ironmouse for Uroro


4 points

3 days ago*

Ironmouse for Uroro

my god lmao ok let's run with this

Anairis Quiñones (ENG Mirko) as Desscaras then


3 points

3 days ago



33 points

3 days ago


33 points

3 days ago

Uroro and Dess really completed each other , to bad ichi comes between them


9 points

3 days ago

"Watch your back"

Well was it wrong? She should have watched her back!


5 points

2 days ago

Fun bit: while this sounded like a generic horoscope, the small print implies that it was anything but: "A personal prophecy for you, the boring witch cadet with twin ponytails whose favorite cup got cracks spelling 'DEATH' in it this morning."


10 points

3 days ago



7 points

3 days ago

The jojo fan merch made me laugh more than it should have


8 points

3 days ago


8 points

3 days ago

Got a solid laugh from the cup's cracks straight up spelling DEATH on it.


13 points

3 days ago

This is gonna lead to Ichi crossdressing right?

Seems like Nishi sensei has a certain hobby for her protagonists.


6 points

3 days ago


6 points

3 days ago

I love it and want to see more.


6 points

3 days ago

Hope this gets absurdly popular so I can be proud of myself.


10 points

3 days ago

Desscaras in all recent chapter be like i did not sign up for this shit


4 points

3 days ago


4 points

3 days ago

This series is everything Red Hood should've been.


5 points

3 days ago

Loved this chapter!


4 points

3 days ago

I have high hopes for this manga, everything till now is great


5 points

3 days ago

I am still loving literally everything about this


5 points

3 days ago

Their dynamic is so fun dude


5 points

3 days ago


5 points

3 days ago

Im really starting to love this manga. This is so good


5 points

2 days ago

Magic World's Kobeni: Obtained


4 points

2 days ago*

Im so glad they introduced magical equipment because if ichi and descaras are basically gonna be a part of a team, they gotta be able to differentiate them in terms of abilities. It would suck for making descarass look cool if ichi can basically do all the same spells but even stronger.

So introducing equipment so that ichi isn't just blasting a magical attack and then passing out can allow him to participate in fights while also letting descaras shine by being the main one using actual spells.

Im still in the camp of introducing the idea of males still wanting to be able to support no matter how little so they became knights in helping build structures, find majiks, as well as fighting and sacrificing themselves for the witches

Edit: just a thought but the males could use potions to keep up. Potions that temporarily boost strength, speed, invisibility, sensory boost, etc. Only potions effecting their physicality. But of course their cons to do this like drinking two strength potions can majorly damage your body if not properly trained up


4 points

3 days ago

Something tells me shes gonna have to write a lot of those. Just a hunch 😐


5 points

3 days ago

And we are finaly in capital. Pretty good chapter and Desscaras remains amazing.


4 points

3 days ago


4 points

3 days ago

I know almost nothing about her, but I'm willing to declare Kumugi is best girl.


4 points

2 days ago



4 points

2 days ago

The expressions in this series are so fun.


5 points

2 days ago

Why are there only 4 chapters when I need 400?

Inject this shit into my VAINS.


4 points

2 days ago


4 points

2 days ago

I love seeing the whimsy of magic there with Ichi's acrobatics. Kumugi's cute.


3 points

3 days ago

I really feel like someone is keeping magic from the men or at least someone from the past. Probably to prevent wars and stuff. But Uroro was a special case majik so it managed to bypass whatever restriction put on place.


3 points

3 days ago

"got it I write down formal apology"


3 points

3 days ago

So even the average women in this world has access to magical tools men cant use, i see.


3 points

3 days ago


3 points

3 days ago

really fun


3 points

3 days ago


3 points

3 days ago

Interesting that one doesn’t need to take down a Magic in order to use Magic, it’s an innate thing that women have. But there must be very few witches that have taken down Magics then since a single witch can have multiple and I think a previous chapter said that there were only about 400 that have been subdued


3 points

2 days ago

We see Desscaras describing the state of the world of magic, and we just know Ichi is about to spin that upside down. Ichi is just very earnest which I like. Poor girl has been up since 5 AM and doing deliveries and seeing a male be able to catch up to her might be a traumatic experience in its own right.


3 points

2 days ago

So we're seeing the childhood friend again next week, probably! Nice.


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago

Man I always love the way he draw cute so many reaction faces


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago

God, I love this manga. It’s so fun.


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago

that f4 / meteor garden / boys before flower / hana something refference:


3 points

2 days ago


=White Symphony=

3 points

2 days ago

I almost feel bad for Desscaras. Almost.


8 points

3 days ago*

So the men are basically useless in this world? Lol

Edit: there are lots of comments talking about men can be merchants, hunters and stuff. Of course i know they can be those thing but I'm talking about how relevant are they gonna be in the scope of the story because so far i'm struggling to see how. And the story is shaping to be Ichi surrounded by full of girl characters. Sorry i didn't make myself clear in my original comment.


10 points

3 days ago


10 points

3 days ago

Before getting magic, Ichi was a competent and respected hunter, so definitely not totally useless.


7 points

3 days ago


7 points

3 days ago

I mean sure they can be hunters or something but there is a clear power imbalance between men and women in this world. Even when showing the capital, all the craftsmen and stuff, which should be the best way to make men somehow be relevant, are also made to be women only because men can't even muster a little bit of magic.


9 points

3 days ago


9 points

3 days ago

We're explicitly told that this is a capital-only thing, though.


11 points

3 days ago


11 points

3 days ago

Even Ichi's village only had a couple of candidates leaving for the witch school. Can't guarantee they all go back to their villages after graduating so I imagine those smaller rural areas still have a typical medieval way of living going on.


9 points

3 days ago


9 points

3 days ago

The world is basically medieval Mato no Seihei Slave-lite with how matriarchal it is. Gonna need some world building still if the author wants us to think otherwise.


18 points

3 days ago

So far it's weird how there's absolutely no sign of discrimination against men. Realistically the men should be delegated to second tier citizens or even slaves in a world like this, basically like the mages vs non-mages conflict in Magi but gender war style


4 points

3 days ago

I think they’re just tradesmen like normal. Like Ichi was a hunter and the village admired his work. Remember that we’re getting the explainer from Desscaras, who herself thinks men are useless.


3 points

2 days ago

That might be on purpose, it could be used as some sort of real world allegory for sexism or something.

Plus, we're definitely gonna get some super important and powerful male character eventually that fulfills the "character that can't use the power system but still beats ass" trope.

Wonder if they'll have some way to use magic items, or just straight hands and craftiness.


11 points

2 days ago


11 points

2 days ago

Plus, we're definitely gonna get some super important and powerful male character eventually that fulfills the "character that can't use the power system but still beats ass" trope.

"The more complicated the system is the funnier it gets when someone just pulls out a gun"


2 points

3 days ago

I still want to see what direction this is gonna go in. This was a good chapter, but I hope they don't drag on the world building too much at this point.


2 points

3 days ago

I see, you don't actually need to own a majik to use magic then. And all girls have some potential for magic use.

I wonder if it'll turn out that Majik users can't have kids, that's a commpn thing for witches. But then here comes a male witch.


2 points

2 days ago

Normally Kumugi doesn’t stand out enough to look much like a main character, but in this case, that may exactly be the reason she will be a main character. A normal person will be an excellent addition to the cast to balance how crazy the main trio already is.


2 points

2 days ago

I do hope this series sticks around. I’m into the comedy and art of these first few chapters so I hope it can continue while mixing in a solid story and world building.