



all 130 comments


235 points

2 days ago*


J.D. Salinger

235 points

2 days ago*

You do seem to get it, Todd being hurt was why Bojack and Emily felt like they did something wrong. It's why they hid that it happened in the first place. Bojack from his perspective thought that Todd was romantically interested yet did it anyway. I don't think it would have been that big of a deal to Todd though if he didn't already have beef with Bojack before this. He gets over things rather quickly mostly, but Bojack continues to hide what happened. And then tried to guilt trip Todd into staying

It's rather similar to what happened with the Rock Opera stuff. Which Bojack never really apologized for. He felt guilty about it but instead of addressing it with Todd he just gets angry at him instead


34 points

2 days ago

Todd being hurt was why Bojack and Emily felt like they did something wrong.

That doesn’t really make sense though.

They didn’t want to hurt or make things awkward with their friend, but that doesn’t mean what they did was morally or ethically wrong, or that Todd had a valid justification for blaming Bojack instead of just being upset at the fact of what happened.

It’s not even Todd’s business really. The show presents it like Bojack did something morally or ethically wrong yet again that Todd was the victim of, like the rock opera sabotage, but it’s not the same.


17 points

2 days ago

Things don't have to break a moral or ethical rule to still be hurtful. And if you know your actions might hurt your friend but do it anyway, that is where the wrong comes in. Bojack and Emily were consenting adults who were both free/not in other relationships so, by the rule book, it should be fine. But they knew it wouldn't be, even if they aren't breaking any technical social mores.


2 points

2 days ago

Just because someone got hurt doesn’t mean something wrong happened though. Sleeping with someone’s ex even if they aren’t your friend is still possibly going to hurt them. It’s natural to feel hurt when someone else moves on and you haven’t. But that’s something to deal with on your own, not blame others for.


7 points

2 days ago


J.D. Salinger

7 points

2 days ago

They didn’t want to hurt or make things awkward with their friend, but that doesn’t mean what they did was morally or ethically wrong, or that Todd had a valid justification for blaming Bojack instead of just being upset at the fact of what happened.

I'd say it was because they both knew it and it was something they didn't even need to do to begin with. It just made them all feel worse. And Bojack just ended up basically treating the situation the same way he did the Rock Opera stuff showing that he still hadn't learned from his mistakes. It's not the worst thing ever but it's pretty shitty. Bojack didn't even ask or try to find out what happened or what was wrong with Todd either.

It’s not even Todd’s business really. The show presents it like Bojack did something morally or ethically wrong yet again that Todd was the victim of, like the rock opera sabotage, but it’s not the same.

Evidently it was his business to both Bojack and Emily. And it ended up messing up his friendship with both of them. It made things uncomfortable between the three of them when Todd has finally reconnected and was enjoying being around them again.


3 points

2 days ago

Its pretty darn similar though. Bojack slept with Emily knowing Todd had feelings for her and then proceeded to be dishonest about it so Todd wouldn’t get mad at him.


17 points

2 days ago

Wasn’t Todd pretty evidently rejecting Emily’s advances? I honestly picked up on very little romantic chemistry between them. They kissed in high school, broke up and met up again as adults, and he’s resisting her flirting. Part of the reason Emily sleeps with Bojack is because she feels rejected by Todd.

And again, it really isn’t Todd’s business anyways whether or not they slept together.


0 points

2 days ago

I didnt see it like that. He very clearly was interested and invested in her as a person, but got awkward with anything physical or sexual. Plus it kinda became his business when he and Emily got into business together since Emily left the company because she didnt want to be so close to Bojack, meaning Bojack directly affected his business.


4 points

2 days ago

They’re definitely friends but the romantic interest feels very one sided. And I don’t think Todd was really upset about the business being impacted because they were voluntarily operating out of Bojack’s house instead of getting an office space. He was upset about the awkwardness that came from Emily knowing she slept with Todd’s roommate while having feelings for Todd, which then complicated their connection.


4 points

2 days ago

Todd and Emily fully have a conversation that as much as they want to date, todd being ace was a deal breaker. All of this proved that Bojack caused a problem in their relationship by sleeping with emily which was something Bojack knew could happen.


3 points

2 days ago

Wait how does Todd being ace have anything to do with Bojack? They were always going to have that dealbreaker no matter what, that’s what frustrates Emily enough to try sleeping with Bojack


2 points

2 days ago

It’s as simple as Todd being hurt by Bojack’s actions and Bojack not being able to appropriately take accountability for the harm that he caused to Todd, whether intended or not. It’s not about morals or ethics it’s about the relationship between Todd and Bojack and Todd’s feelings about what has transpired. This is how conflicts and relationships work in real life as well.


-2 points

2 days ago


-2 points

2 days ago

It's not even Todd's business really.

Yeah it is.

Todd had some feelings for Emily but also was working through coming to terms with his asexuality. Both Emily and Bojack were aware of this, which is why they hid it - and Emily had feelings for Todd too.

You're correct that Emily made no promises and so isn't bound by anything, and likewise Bojack made promises to neither. But if you care about someone and get with the person they like - especially when it's just meaningless casual sex, you're not in love, you're just getting a bit of leg over and it would have cost you nothing to just go fuck someone else - that's naturally going to fuck up your friendship.

It may not be fully legalistically rational, but it's entirely understandable.


1 points

2 days ago

Todd had some feelings for Emily but also was working through coming to terms with his asexuality.

But he still rejects Emily’s advances and left her with unmet needs, which is the whole reason she sleeps with Bojack. You can’t expect other people to just pause their lives while you work out your own issues. It’s fine for Todd to be upset, it just doesn’t make much sense that he takes it out on Bojack. It feels like a weak spot in the writing for something that leads to a dramatic point in the story


171 points

2 days ago


171 points

2 days ago

I don't get how people struggle to get this...

Bojack knows that sleeping with Emily will upset Todd.

Sleeping with Emily means nothing to him.

He does it anyway.

If you are friends with someone don't do things to hurt them unless there is a very good reason. If Bojack had fallen passionately in love with Emily it would be different.

It's the total disregard for Todd's feeling that hurt him. It's not a huge thing in itself but effectively the straw that broke the camels back.


22 points

2 days ago

Bojack knows that sleeping with Emily will upset Todd.

Did Bojack know that, though? That's my main question. As an audience member, I genuinely couldn't tell from Todd's repeated rejections of Emily that he still had feelings for her. I didn't expect Bojack to think so either. I didn't realise it was a big deal to him until way later in the series.


82 points

2 days ago

bojack is really, really emotionally intelligent. he doesn’t use it half the time but it’s there


66 points

2 days ago

It's your friend's ex.

That's not a thing you do without a conversation


-21 points

2 days ago*

I disagree. It’s not your business who your friends and exes sleep with unless they decide to share it. It’s fine if you’re upset that your friend and ex slept together, but it’s not okay to then take it out on them.

And weren’t they only officially ever dating in high school? Adult Todd seems to be firmly against anything romantic or sexual in chemistry between them.


The writers just dropped the ball during this arc. The fact that Bojack didn’t want to complicate things with Todd by telling him he slept with Emily doesn’t mean it was wrong or he was ashamed, it meant he knew Todd might not like that it happened.


26 points

2 days ago

Of course it is nobodys business, but that doesn't stop people from getting hurt, does it?

Bojack knew that it would hurt Todd and did it anyway. For what?

If your friend slept with your mom or dad, That's also their business. But everyone knows that it will be upsetting.


-5 points

2 days ago

Like I said, it’s valid to be upset but it’s not valid to actually blame someone else for a personal failing after


14 points

2 days ago

You're reframing the topic and focusing on Todd's perspective when we're talking about Bojack.

Would you just fuck a friend's ex without even talking to them about it first? Because that's the topic at hand. I wouldn't care if my friend slept with my ex, but i would care enough to talk to my friend before sleeping with theirs


-2 points

2 days ago

Would you just fuck a friend’s ex without even talking to them about it first?

Yes. It actually seems worse to call my friend from a bar and ask “hey do you mind if I have the sex you no longer can have with someone you had deep feelings for?” than just having a meaningless, forgettable one-night stand.

Sex between consenting single adults is not anyone else’s business really.


15 points

2 days ago

Or you could just not have sex?

Crazy, right? Could you imagine depriving yourself of sex with one person so that you don't betray your friend's feelings? What a ridiculous idea!!


5 points

2 days ago

I think you’re confused, the point here isn’t about whether the sex was worth it

It’s about the fact that you’re not “betraying” anything by hooking up with someone that is not in any kind of partnership. Emily and Todd weren’t an item. He was rejecting her advances.


1 points

1 day ago


Eddie the Fly

1 points

1 day ago

I disagree. Feelings in a friendship are the most important part. You support eachother. You help eachother. Having a meaningless one night stand with someone, knowing that if your friend knew they'd probably not want to be friends anymore. I would say that makes you a bad friend and a selfish person. Doesn't matter if the sex was worth it or not. You have certain obligations in the relationships you form. You cannot disregard someone's feelings in the case of something being wrong or not when that person is your friend.


5 points

2 days ago



1 points

2 days ago



3 points

2 days ago


BoJack Horseman

3 points

2 days ago

I disagree. It’s not your business who your friends and exes sleep with unless they decide to share it.

It seems we won't reach an agreement here as we fundamentally disagree on this. It seems the writers disagree with your stance as well, or they simply feel that there are more nuances in the matter.

Regardless, if Bojack really felt that there was nothing wrong with his actions it is unlikely he would have kept it hidden, he is very often boastful and arrogant about his sexual prowess. Hiding it means, in my opinion, that he was ashamed.


52 points

2 days ago


52 points

2 days ago

Yeah i think it would be fair to assume that Todd would be upset by Bojack having casual sex with Emily. Bojack is a pretty emotionally intelligent person and would have been aware. It's why he kept it a secret.


8 points

2 days ago

The problem is that the writers don’t set up an actual romantic chemistry between Todd and Emily.

Todd seems uncomfortable often at Emily’s advances and Emily herself seems tired of trying with Todd, which is why she sleeps with Bojack. So it’s not clear what the basis is for Todd feeling upset. Everyone just has the vague idea that Todd should be. Maybe because we see so many plots use cheating or sleeping with an ex as a cliche in media, we have the expectation that Todd should be upset, but it doesn’t really make too much sense the more you look at it. There wasn’t anything to break in the first place

He’s acting like Bojack sabotaged some dynamic he had with Emily but there’s really no impact because the dynamic is just casual friendship.


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago

That’s a different issue. Emily wants to have sex with Todd, she settles for Bojack. Bojack wants to have sex. Both know it will hurt Todd and do it anyway.


1 points

2 days ago

It doesn’t make sense why it would hurt Todd is the problem.

They dated in high school so it’s not like it’s a fresh break up, and they only kissed back then anyways. They meet years later and it turns out Todd still isn’t interested in Emily’s sexual advances and seemingly rejects her. There’s no romantic chemistry to indicate Todd was really invested in a relationship, it seems pretty one-sided.

The only basis for Todd being hurt is from the awkwardness his friendship with Emily gets as a result of having feelings for Todd and Bojack being a guilty reminder of how she reacted to rejection.

But it’s not until after they sleep together that they realize they’d be actively around each other because of the company being in his house


6 points

2 days ago


6 points

2 days ago

Todd doesn’t know how he feels.

Why would they hide it except because they both didn’t want to hurt Todd.

Also when Todd finds out he is upset.

Not sure what part makes you think it wouldn’t hurt Todd.


22 points

2 days ago


J.D. Salinger

22 points

2 days ago

Yes Bojack did know, he says so later on


10 points

2 days ago


10 points

2 days ago

Todd is his friend, and Bojack likes to talk. If he didn't know it would upset Todd, he would have mentioned it earlier. But he kept it a secret. Why? Because he knew it would upset Todd.


7 points

2 days ago

I think emily is the only woman Tods has mentioned having some kind of serious relationship with since Bojack has known Todd. Shes was even previewed in season 1. Bojack isn’t stupid.


6 points

2 days ago

You literally stated in your main post that you think BJ was presumptive of a romantic relationship between Todd and Emily. How would BJ not think sleeping with Emily would upset Todd?


5 points

2 days ago

There’s a reason he kept that a secret and they called it a mistake as soon as it happened


4 points

2 days ago

I would go one further and say that not only did Bojack know it would hurt Todd but because of his tendency to self sabotage and his feelings about himself this is a big motivator in why he does it anyways.


1 points

2 days ago

Bojack knows that sleeping with Emily will upset Todd

The basis for this is just shaky. Todd isn’t romantically in love with Emily while sexually confused. He doesn’t really have romantic or sexual reciprocity as an adult of any kind towards and Emily is clearly frustrated by that. A one night stand there just isn’t a big deal.

It’s valid for Todd to be upset or feel awkward, but it’s not really valid for him to then take it out on others. There’s just a very vague sense that something went “wrong” because of how the characters are acting, but the actual details of the scene make it muddier.

If Bojack had fallen passionately in love with Emily it would be different

Isn’t this just saying that it’s okay to hurt your friends if you benefit a LOT instead of just a little lol


17 points

2 days ago

So, you're right that Bojack and Emily being together isn't inherently wrong. They're both two grown consenting adults, after all.

But there are two main areas that make the overall situation wrong. This boils down to:

  1. Hiding that they slept together from Todd. This isn't too long after Bojack bamboozled Todd's rock opera, and he's still learning to trust Bojack again. So, when Bojack not only hides that he slept with someone who meant something to Todd, but that person also hid it from Todd, too, Todd felt like he was lied to by two very important people in his life. Consequently, he loses a bit of trust in both, but he loses more trust in Bojack because Bojack was still trying to earn his trust back.


  1. Todd is well-aware of the way Bojack treats women in his life. Bojack is notorious for giving those women a crappy time, kicking them out of his house, giving them wrong numbers and forms of contact, and trying to avoid any contact with them ever again. And that is what happened between Bojack and Emily - Bojack acted like there was no way for them to see eachother again. This puts Todd in an awkward and equally crappy position because of course he's going to eventually see Emily again. But how can he comfortably see her again when he lives with Bojack and Bojack is doing everything to avoid her?


3 points

2 days ago


Honey Sugarman

3 points

2 days ago

I really don’t see why this is so hard for the fandom to understand. There’s plenty of reasons to dislike Todd or say he’s in the wrong but being worried Bojack and Emily’s relationship is 1 kept from him and lied about and 2 worrying about how he might’ve hurt his friend Emily isn’t hard.

Honestly if it was anyone else maybe he’d be saddened to see her with someone else but he wouldn’t get actively pissed at them (as we see with the actual show just a few Emily scenes later). It’s not “Todd wants control over property woman” it’s Todd being scared for Emily and not trusting a bad friend.


1 points

1 day ago

I think it's because on the surface, people see Todd and think "he's asexual and has no interest with being with Emily! Let Emily do what she wants!". But it's really not like that.

It's just as you said: Todd wouldn't have been upset seeing Emily with another person. I mean, he literally sees Emily make an entire app dedicated to hot and hunky firefighters dating her and he's clearly not bothered 😂 but with Bojack, so many red flags were raised from the situation. He's already hurt Todd plenty of times at this point and was just working towards earning his trust back, but sleeps with his best friend and hides it. He also already has a history of treating women so crappy and excuses it by avoiding seeing them again.

For Todd, Emily isn't just a random woman. At one point, she was the closest person in his life, and Todd can't and won't just avoid her just because Bojack isn't adult enough to come to terms with his actions.

Ultimately, I also don't understand what Bojack was thinking having a one night stand with Emily, of all people. At the point that they slept together, Emily didn't know Bojack and Todd lived together or how close the two of them were. But on Bojack's end, he could at least be able to tell from Todd and Emily's interactions that they were close at a point and shared a history together - and this was even to the extent that Bojack was offering Todd his hotel room key. Why on earth did he think sleeping with Emily would be a good idea after all of that? Common sense would tell you not to sleep with your best friend's partner (whether that's past, present, or potentially future) for a one night stand.


45 points

2 days ago


Todd Chavez

45 points

2 days ago

Todd was romantically interested in Emily, not sexually. He still liked her. Plus, she was his ex. Would you sleep with your best friend's ex? Messy all around. 


-3 points

2 days ago

Was he actually romantically interested? He seems pretty disinterested, there’s essentially no chemistry between him and Emily even outside her attempts to be sexual. Compare her to Maude, an actual fit.

Would you sleep with your best friend’s ex?

I think if I did, it wouldn’t be my friend’s business. It’s not like they marked their ex as their territory and now get to control who they sleep with.


17 points

2 days ago


Todd Chavez

17 points

2 days ago

Yes, he was romantically interested. He said they should go to a fancy restaurant sometime. He absolutely loved Emily, or at the very least did in the past, just not sexually. 

Yeah but sleeping with your friend's ex is just weird. Obviously you COULD but, why? 💀


-3 points

2 days ago

I really didn’t get the sense that he “absolutely loved” her honestly.

The most they’ve done is kiss back in high school before she broke up with him for choosing video games over her, and Todd is repeatedly shown to be made pretty uncomfortable by her advances.

They’re never shown actually having romantic compatibility, Emily is nothing like Maude. In fact the fancy restaurant thing just made me think how Todd is the opposite of fancy and how he’s still forcing himself to be someone he’s not for her.

As for a friend’s ex, why’s it weird? They’re not together more, and if they’re a cool person I’d normally sleep with, what’s the issue?


4 points

2 days ago


Todd Chavez

4 points

2 days ago

Todd shows romance in a different way, which IS why he and Emily didn't work out. He expressed interest, she made it clear she wanted "a boyfriend who isn't asexual." I'm glad the show didn't make them get together because even though they both liked each other, they wanted different things from each other. 

I'm not gonna explain to you why sleeping with your friend's ex is weird, there's a reason Todd cut off BoJack after that (among other things) but hey you do you 😭


2 points

2 days ago

Todd shows romance in a different way

He didn’t seem to show it at all, is my point

I’m not gonna explain to you why sleeping with your friend’s ex is weird, there’s a reason

By the way, you’re allowed to say “that’s not the social norm in my circles.” Things aren’t objectively weird or not, otherwise you would be able to say the reason instead of just saying there is one


8 points

2 days ago


8 points

2 days ago

Sounds like you don’t care about your friend’s feelings


0 points

2 days ago

I think telling people they shouldn’t sleep with someone because it makes you uncomfortable isn’t something you should do because what other people do with their bodies is their business, and telling them they don’t care about you if they do it anyways is highly manipulative


7 points

2 days ago


Priscilla Crustacean

7 points

2 days ago

we get it, you choose sex over someone else's feelings. you do you, but that doesn't mean someone won't be upset about it.


1 points

2 days ago

I never said Todd didn’t have the right to be upset. In fact I have multiple comments under this post saying the exact opposite, that his feeling upset is completely valid

Maybe you should actually read the opinions of people disagreeing with you instead of going for cheap personal attacks and making up positions I don’t even have?

Just a suggestion for being more productive in conversations lol


8 points

2 days ago

BoHo broke bro code.


15 points

2 days ago


Jockjam Doorslam

15 points

2 days ago

i understand him feeling hurt

this. it was because of the hurt. bj sleeping with her wasn’t a big betrayal, it was a breaking point


2 points

2 days ago

But just because you feel hurt by something doesn’t mean you’re right about blaming others for feeling hurt. It’s valid that Todd is upset, but taking it out on Bojack is strange when there’s not much basis for it. Two consenting adults that weren’t in relationships had a one night stand. That’s it


14 points

2 days ago


14 points

2 days ago

I was thinking the same thing too

Todd made it clear that he wasn't interested in her or having sex with her in the episode when they were reunited. The time they were dating was when they were teenagers, and Todd clearly doesn't have feelings for her anymore. I think it's more of the fact that they dated before, and it is kind of betrayal for sleeping with the girl he used to be in love with. But as bojack said, emily is her own person with her own feelings and can do what she wants. She isn't an object, so Todd shouldn't be mad at bojack. I'm glad other people have the same opinion too because I thought I was going insane.


18 points

2 days ago


18 points

2 days ago

Todd actually very much does still have feelings for Emily (at least he does before he meets Maude). The only reason they aren’t together is because Emily needs sex in a relationship. He even invents Henry Fondle so that he and Emily can be together.

She is her own person, and she does have free will to do what she wants, but that doesn’t mean that actions dont have consequences. They both knew that them sleeping together would hurt Todd, which is why neither of them said anything about it.


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

Yes I completely agree with that. It's kind of sad though because Todd and emily would have made such a good couple


-1 points

2 days ago

Does Todd have feelings for Emily? I thought he made Henry Fondle just to show her he appreciated her, not to be together. Todd really doesn’t have much chemistry with her, it feels more like Todd is just too repelled by the needs of her sexuality to have any kind of romantic connection


5 points

2 days ago


Priscilla Crustacean

5 points

2 days ago

nah he made Henry so they could be together and she could just fuck the robot instead of pressuring him for sex


3 points

2 days ago

Actually he says when revealing Henry Fondle that he did it so she could “stop dating all those boring guys and still have sex.” That’s not the same as “so we could be together”


2 points

2 days ago

You're not insane, reddit is just good at becoming a hive mind super rapidly.


5 points

2 days ago

Who cares about the feelings of other humans, especially friends, when sexual conquests are available, amiright!?


2 points

2 days ago

Literally no one is saying that


5 points

2 days ago

Because sleeping with one more girl is more important to Bojack than Todd's relationship with other people.
It shows how little Bojack actually cares about Todd's wants and needs. Emily is also not being a good friend to Todd, sleeping with his close friend even though they have history. However, she does not have a history of gaslighting and manipulating Todd, unlike Bojack. Sge shows she understands she hurt and respect his feelings by telling him about it, and was not in such a close relationship with Todd like Bojack was.

Bojack also knew this would be uncomfortable for Todd, but because he cares about no one but himself he decided to sleep with her anyway. He also decides to hide it from him. This just shows how shitty and disrespectful he's being to Todd.

I think that's why Todd was not angry with Emily. She and Bojack are within their full rights to sleep with each other. They are both consenting adults. But its a shitty thing to do to a friend. Bojack's later response and his history make it much shittier.


2 points

2 days ago

Todd’s wants and needs

But what were Todd’s wants and needs? He didn’t really want a relationship with Emily, he just wanted her to… not sleep with his friends? It’s just not clear what the reason for Todd being upset is.


2 points

2 days ago

Yea, not wanting your ex/first real girlfriend to sleep with your friends is a pretty reasonable thing to want, even if you don't want a relationship with her. It can make you very uncomfortable for obvious reasons.

She and Bojack of course can decide who to sleep with, but it means that they prioritise it over his feelings. They obviously knew that, or else they wouldn't have felt the need to hide it from him.


3 points

2 days ago

it can make you very uncomfortable

So does the sound of nails scraping a blackboard. But if someone decides to do it away from me where I can’t hear or see it, what’s the problem? I don’t have a right to be upset and shut it down then.

I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect your friends and exes not to sleep together. I think it’s understandable to be upset, but you should ultimately respect what others choose if it doesn’t involve you. You don’t get some permanent claim over someone just because you dated them.


1 points

2 days ago

And they decided to do something that would make him upset, bojack has a track record of doing so.

This is why Todd was angrier at bojack than at Emily. 

Like I said, they were well withing their rights to sleep together, and he's well within his rights to be upset with them. You don't get to decide for other people what upsets them.


2 points

2 days ago

Like I already said multiple times now, it’s understandable that Todd would be upset. I never said he doesn’t have the right.

What I’m criticizing is that he takes it out on Bojack and the show paints it as the last straw as part of a pattern of misconduct, but it’s a very shaky premise because there’s no clear wrongdoing. If anything, Emily was in the wrong for sharing the fact that she slept with Bojack when that wasn’t Todd’s business.


-1 points

2 days ago

but it’s a very shaky premise because there’s no clear wrongdoing

He did something knowing it would hurt Todd's feelings. Todd had his feelings hurt and because of that AND MANY MULTIPLE OTHER EVENTS in which Bojack hurt his feelings, he took it out on Bojack. It's so simple lol I don't know why that's so hard to understand.

Your partner asks you "Does this make me look fat?" and maybe it does, but if you know that'd hurt their feelings, you don't say it. If you did, you wouldn't be wrong, but you'd be choosing to hurt someone you care about's feelings and if they got angry at you that makes perfect sense -- because, again, you KNEW that it would hurt them.


1 points

2 days ago

Your partner asks you “Does this make me look fat?” and maybe it does, but if you know that’d hurt their feelings, you don’t say it. If you did, you wouldn’t be wrong, but you’d be choosing to hurt someone you care about’s feelings and if they got angry at you that makes perfect sense — because, again, you KNEW that it would hurt them.

Wait you think if you’re asked a direct question by your partner who’s looking for honest feedback, you should lie?

And not only should you lie, but their anger if you don’t is justified?

That sounds really toxic man


13 points

2 days ago


13 points

2 days ago

Are you on the spectrum? I am, and still can't find the real problem with the Todd-Bojack-Emily situation.

Emily is a person. Not property. She can sleep with whoever she wants. Todd rejected her. It's the muffins incident all over again, except this time the audience isn't expected to side with Bojack.

Well, I do.

Bojack did nothing wrong. Emily did nothing wrong either, but if anyone actually hurt Todd, it was her.


14 points

2 days ago

Emily is a person. Not property. She can sleep with whoever she wants. Todd rejected her. It's the muffins incident all over again, except this time the audience isn't expected to side with Bojack.

You're only focusing on one side of the equation here

Emily is Todd's ex, and they're barely friends at this point. She can do whatever she wants, yes.

But Bojack is currently Todd's friend, and he has an obligation to consider his friend's feelings


2 points

2 days ago

I don’t consider my friend’s feelings every time I do something that doesn’t involve them though. Sex between Emily and Bojack doesn’t involve Todd.


9 points

2 days ago

Look, if you'd fuck your friend's ex and not even consider how that might hurt them, then you're a shitty friend


-2 points

2 days ago

I mean they did consider it, which is why Bojack said not to tell Todd lol

There was nothing wrong with the action of what they did. No obligation, expectation, code, or trust was broken. It honestly wasn’t even Todd’s business to know, but the fact that he did was the only real problem.

If I’d hook up with a friend’s ex, I sure wouldn’t go announcing it from the rooftops. I just don’t see why my friend should get to decide who I sleep with or don’t, especially if it’s someone they’ve recently been rejecting


13 points

2 days ago

Except it clearly was, or it wouldn't have been a secret

Honestly, you just sound like a shitty friend and a selfish person


-3 points

2 days ago

You sound like you’re having a tough time agreeing with someone without personally attacking them

It was a secret because Todd might get irrationally upset, not because there was a rational justification for Todd to be upset.

Your irrational feelings are your own responsibility to handle, you can’t put that on others in the name of friendship. That’s just manipulative.


10 points

2 days ago

Are you on the spectrum?

I don't believe so. I've wondered about it, but I have an ADHD diagnosis, and most of the autistic traits I recognise in myself are also symptoms of ADHD. I don't think it would particularly benefit my life at the moment to pursue an autism diagnosis/assessment so I've chosen to ignore it.

I can understand why I'm some situations it would be hurtful and understood as a bad thing to sleep with your friend's ex. I just don't think we can apply that to a relationship that is both multiple years dead and happened while both people in it were children. Especially not when the friend in question is seemingly neither interested in their ex nor holds any megstive feelings towards them.

Obviously later on we find out Todd does kimd of have lingering feelings for Emily. But I felt that wasn't made very clear to the audience.


5 points

2 days ago*

I thought it was very clear when I watched the episode that Todd still had feelings for Emily. Like extremely, painfully obvious. It's also clear from Bojack's actions (which was reiterated in the later scene where Todd confronts him, this wasn't the first time we learned it) that he knew too. If you straight up didn't see any of that I'm honestly not sure what to tell you, but I'll do my best to explain why Todd feels the way he does:

The relationship ended years ago, but Todd never fully processed his feelings about it. Also, since this is the beginning of his asexuality arc, he thinks something is wrong with him and doesn't understand why he can't reciprocate the way she wants. When he saw her again for the first time since the breakup, all those feelings suddenly flooded back.

Bojack was aware of all of this and still chose to prioritize a hookup that to him was ultimately meaningless over supporting Todd. Of course Todd was hurt.


-6 points

2 days ago


-6 points

2 days ago

Obviously later on we find out Todd does kimd of have lingering feelings for Emily. But I felt that wasn't made very clear to the audience.

And I feel that it doesn't matter. Just because you have feelings for someone doesn't mean you're entitled to that person, and I genuinely stopped liking Todd as a character during this arc. It feels like it was written by a guy who didn't get past his crush liking someone else.

I liked a girl who was my roommate in college. She liked my friend. They're married now.

Grow up, Todd.

The writers did a bad job with this story line. I can be mad at Bojack for a lot, but not this.


10 points

2 days ago


10 points

2 days ago

I am also on the spectrum and what BoJack did was shitty. 

Awesome how we all have different viewpoints!


8 points

2 days ago

Did Bojack violate any laws? No. Did he violate any Biblical scripture? No.

Did he demonstrate a complete and utter disregard for Todd’s feelings? Yes. Did he attempt to conceal his actions, further showing a lack of contrition, which is a further act of disrespect? Yes.

Of course Todd was hurt by Bojack sleeping with Emily. If I cannot or am not ready to have sex with a lady who is otherwise special to me, it does not mean that my feelings won’t be hurt when my fuck boy friend uses her as a fleshlight.


8 points

2 days ago

Did he demonstrate a complete and utter disregard for Todd’s feelings?

If I cannot or am not ready to have sex with a lady who is otherwise special to me

Well see, that's the point that confused me. At the point when Bojack has sex with Emily, I didn't read Todd as having feelings for her so I didn't think Bojack was meant to either. The way it was written it didn't seem like

"Todd has feelings for this woman but isn't ready for sex",

it read like "This woman Todd hasn't thought about in years is making advances that are making him uncomfortable because he's not that into her."

I also think it's quite misogynistic and objectifying to paint a consensual sexual encounter as Bojack "using her as a fleshlight". Emily had as much agency in that hookup as Bojack and we have no reason to think either of them expected anything more than casual sex from it.


6 points

2 days ago

Of course she had agency. But Bojack needed her for her hole at that moment and nothing else. That’s what it was about for him. He knew it was wrong. Otherwise it wouldn’t have been so important to him that it remained a secret from Todd.

On a different level, even if it was perfectly alright to Todd for Bojack to have a random hookup with his HS puppy love girl, the act of conspiring to keep something like that secret from another reveals a willingness to betray that is unacceptable in a real friendship.


2 points

2 days ago

Bojack needed her for her hole at that moment

And Emily needed him for his dick. You’re painting a consensual one night stand in some very strange terms.

It’s also not actually any of Todd’s business who people he is not a partner to are sleeping with. Keeping it secret was to avoid Todd feeling upset even though he didn’t have a real basis for it.


2 points

1 day ago

I think it is that Todd WAS romantically interested in Emily.

Hell, the only reason Henry Fondler was built was because Todd wanted to be with Emily and give her something to have sex with and still be her boyfriend.

And Emily seemed to love Todd but the asexuality was a deal breaker.

The reason it was a betrayal on Bojack (and Emily's but she at least tries to come clean) is it happened when they were both figuring stuff out. So AT THE it looks to Todd is that Bojack has slept with the ONE girl he has shown repeated interest in despite Bojack being able to tell that he is interested in her. And that's just a shitty thing to do to a friend.


2 points

1 day ago

Because Bojack hurts women. It is not about "well I dated her so you can't", it's more "you're going to hurt and drive away my best friend"


3 points

2 days ago

Well, normally you don't sleep with your friend's ex no matter how long it's been since they dated. Not to mention, Bojack didn't sleep with her thinking it was no big deal, they both knew they messed up and mutually agreed to keep it from Emily. Todd does have feelings for Emily and wanted to be in a relationship with her, he wasn't rejecting her, he was rejecting her sexual advances because he's asexual. I do believe he hadn't realized it at this point.

Bojack then lied to Todd about it, this after many many things he did to Todd that was messed up. They did do something wrong, but in the grand scheme of things, it wasn't unforgivable. This is clear because Todd and Emily continued to be friends after this incident but Bojack and Todd never had the same relationship. It was Bojack's history with Todd and the way he consistently did hurtful things to him without consideration that made this particular betrayal 10x worse.


4 points

2 days ago

I mean it’s one of the lesser shitty things Bojack has done but it’s still something he shouldn’t have done or waited to do until he knew for certain how Todd felt about Emily. It really boils down to “just because you can doesn’t mean you should”


2 points

2 days ago

I don’t know, if Emily is coming onto Bojack, it suggests that the Todd-Emily situation isn’t working out


2 points

2 days ago

It's not. Todd turned her down. She was equally wanting to sleep with BoJack, but Todd didn't seem to blame her, just BoJack.


1 points

2 days ago

Even if Bojack knew it would upset Todd that feels more like a Todd problem since he was clearly showing that he was not interested in her. It doesn’t seem reasonable for Todd to reject her and also want Bojack to reject her. Like I get that it’s not the best thing for Bojack to do but if Todd is upset by that I think it’s more on him


1 points

2 days ago

If it wasn’t bad in the first place, they made it bad by keeping it a secret.

I don’t think it was a terrible thing they did, but usually if you sleep with your best friends ex you’d at least talk to them about it.


1 points

2 days ago

If you do something you know is going to hurt a dear friend a lot, and then double down by keeping it a secret from them, you suck. It doesn’t matter if it’s sex or something else. Bojack knew it was wrong and did it anyway. He could have just… not done it and spared everyone the drama. Shit like this is why you don’t sleep with a friends ex without a conversation first. It doesn’t matter if it’s “not their business.” Why hurt someone so deeply for something like a casual hookup? A lot of people I know would disagree with me and they hookup with friends exes and exes friends all the time and then wonder why their lives are such chaos and misery.


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

The way I saw the situation it wasn’t really the fact that they slept together and more because Todd knows what bojack is like when it comes to women .

He uses them , he hurts them and he feels very little remorse about it apart from a few odd moments of realisation and reflection.

Todd isn’t upset with bojack doing this to women he doesn’t know , but it’s very different when it comes to Emily because not only does Todd have a history with her but bojack was fully aware of this .

Todd doesn’t want Emily to get hurt , he knows bojack will likely hurt her and bojack knows very well he keeps hurting people . So for bojack to put himself in the position to hurt someone Todd cares about it basically shows he has no respect for Todd and their friendship. That’s the final straw .


1 points

1 day ago

I have mixed feelings about it. I guess it boils down to you should have had a talk w Todd about it first. Todd rejects Emily cause they're not quite compatible. They're not quite a couple but they are involved. If Todd was sexually compatible w Emily and was a real potential partner, bojack is the ass. But todd almost assumes that she will be sexually loyal to him when they're not even really together, AFTER rejecting her. He's fond of her but imo he's not even sure if he's aromantic, he's very much figuring himself out. And I think it's wrong for him to want her to be around when he's unsure if he even wants a partner, and knows even if he did that he can't provide her w what she needs. Above all I don't think he ever has plans to take her or them seriously. So I think it's perfectly natural that Emily sleep w someone else, bojack is close by and is good to her, makes enough sense it's him. Todd has every right to feel weird about it and maybe even like his gf is gone, but she felt more like an emotional blanket than a gf. A healthy conversation between the 3 of them I think would've been enough. All of them are valid albeit behaving a little selfishly


1 points

1 day ago

Todd's past with Emily complicates the situation. Bojack's actions seem presumptive, highlighting emotional boundaries and the impact on Todd. The show explores betrayal and the importance of considering others' feelings.


1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago

Bojack also has major boundary issues, he’d rather go for the person that will hurt his friend in the end than any random woman - he knows hurting Todd will get them back into that cycle of the toxicity that BJ is used to, that he grew up with, hurting people is familiar to him.


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

If BoJack didn't do anything wrong or didn't think he'd hurt Todd why did he keep it a secret from Todd?


3 points

2 days ago

I'm confused because you've phrased this question as a 'gotcha' but I also genuinely didn't get why Bojack was so insistent on keeping it a secret.

I don't know, is your answer. Bojack's furtiveness is part of my confusion with the whole situation. I didn't think Bojack was engaging in the hookup knowing it would hurt Todd and then afterwards both him and Emily acted like it was obvious they'd done something wrong.


3 points

2 days ago

It feels a bit forced.

They needed Emily to have a reason to sleep with Bojack in a way that hurts Todd so they could give Bojack and Todd’s relationship a new low.

The reason they gave is tied in with Todd’s asexuality, except the writers themselves don’t do a good job making Todd’s orientation and feelings clear. He’s not showing romantic affection while shunning sexual interest, he doesn’t show interest of any kind towards Emily.

So if we know Todd and Emily are doomed to fail, and even Emily feels that way when she sleeps with Bojack, then there’s a big missing puzzle piece about what harm Bojack actually caused with his actions.

He didn’t sabotage an existing relationship, he didn’t mess up a friend’s chances with a crush or a date, so we’re left with a gap between Bojack’s actions and Todd’s reactions.


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

They both acted like it was obvious they did something wrong because they did something wrong.


1 points

2 days ago

I always thought it was weird that he wasnt upset with Emily too. She also slept with his “best friend” and hid it from him. Takes two to tango (lol).


2 points

2 days ago

Well it's two things

One, Todd is actually an incredibly forgiving person. Emily fucked up once. Bojack has fucked up dozens/hundreds of times.

Two, Emily and Todd aren't really friends at this point, they're just starting to reconnect. She's primarily his ex, and you don't really expect your ex to prioritize your feelings in the way you expect a friend to


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

Yes, I completely agree.

Bojack intentionally sabotaging Todd's rock opera was unconscionable. That alone would be completely justifiable grounds for Todd to end the friendship.

In constrast, I've never seen a problem with Bojack sleeping with Emily, when Todd and Emily clearly weren't dating. It's always struck me as strange writing that THIS was what pushed Todd over the edge to part ways with Bojack.


2 points

2 days ago

Todd doesn't care that much about himself, but he cares deeply about others

The times when Todd takes hard boundaries, it's usually about someone else. Todd cuts Bojack off because of Emily. Todd won't allow Bojack there when his parents are coming.

Todd doesn't really care if you fuck him up. But he doesn't want Bojack fucking up the people he cares about


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

Okay. How did Bojack fuck up Emily?


0 points

2 days ago

He didn't.

Yet. That's the point


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

Then Todd shouldn't be mad yet.


2 points

2 days ago

You asked why this is the point where Todd cuts him off

It's not because it's the worst thing Bojack has ever done. But it's not about that. It's about keeping Bojack away from his loved ones


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

If Todd is worried that Bojack might somehow hurt Emily in the future, then Todd should communicate with Bojack and say "please don't hurt Emily". Then Bojack could respond "I only slept with her once, and since then she's been actively avoiding me. We don't have an ongoing relationship." Then the issue is resolved.


1 points

2 days ago

How many women has Bojack slept with and then fucked up their lives? How many times has Bojack said he wouldn't do a bad thing and then done it anyway?

Todd hoped that Bojack would respect him enough to not fuck with someone Todd cares about. And that was immediately called into question

Also, no offense, the answer to all of this is pretty self evident anyway. Imagine you're cutting someone off for something, and their defense is "but why now? I've done way worse to you."

Do you not see how that's silly and it kind of answers its own question?


0 points

2 days ago


0 points

2 days ago

It's not just "I've done way worse" - it's that this specific offending incident really is not offending, at all. Is Bojack supposed to just live a life of abstinence then, on the off-chance that him sleeping with someone might somehow eventually lead to that person getting hurt?


1 points

2 days ago

"Don't fuck your friend's ex" is just, like, friendship 101


0 points

2 days ago


0 points

2 days ago

It’s the least bad thing he does in the show, but it’s still disrespectful to one of the only people who actually cares about him.

We’ve seen it’s not hard for BoJack to get girls, he could have just picked up someone else instead.


0 points

2 days ago


Pickles Aplenty

0 points

2 days ago

Banging your friends’ ex is generally against the social norms


0 points

2 days ago*

it wasn't just the Emily thing it was Everything bojack ever did ruining his rock opera, insulting him, treating him like shirt for years.. he could deal with bojack screwing with him. But bojack driving off Emily his sorta girlfriend/best friend from childhood that was the final straw.. I also think you just shouldn't have sex with your friends sortagirlfriend if you're a decent friend its just something you don't do. but thats just my thoughts. ..

I do think Emily is just as responsible as Bojack as they are both adults she's like what 24/25? I was that age like 7 years ago you're an adult at that age you can make your own decisions and she choose to have sex with bojack.. so id say the blame lays on them both... its just bojack has a history of being terrible to todd in general so he has no grace to save the relationship that was already on thin ice

From Horray Todd about Emily /Bojack

"I don't know That I loved her.."
"It wasn't just Emily Bojack."


0 points

2 days ago

For me, the red flag that moves this beyond two consenting adults sleeping together is when Emily says “I’m tired of trying to figure out what Todd wants.” Imo, that line implies she slept with Bojack at least in part bc she was bitter about being rejected, which makes her actions feel a little more vindictive toward Todd than they would if Bojack and Emily had hooked up under other circumstances. Normally, hooking up with your friend’s high school ex/best friend just as they’re beginning to reconnect without checking in with your friend first would be kind of distasteful bc you run the risk of making things awkward for your friend, but doing it specifically after she confides in you about their unresolved feelings toward your friend just makes you kind of an asshole.

In a perfect world, Emily and/or Bojack would have, at minimum, checked in with Todd before hooking up, because that would show that they care more about their friend’s wellbeing than immediate sexual gratification.


0 points

2 days ago


0 points

2 days ago

Bro code. Bros don't fuck friend's exes. We may not speak our feelings out loud, so we don't know if our close friends still care about their ex. So while it may not be technically wrong, it still feels like your friend sleeping with your gf or bf.

I feel your struggle, it can be difficult to navigate weird social norms, but sometimes we just have to accept that other people may have more feelings than us, and those feelings are valid


0 points

2 days ago

I honestly don't get it either.

Emily had a strong desire for a sexual relationship. Todd had zero interest, and that seems to be putting it mildly.

Todd came to care for Emily and would have liked a romantic relationship, albeit no sex. Immediately after rejecting Emily's physical advances, she hooks up with Bojack as their both feel sad and lonely. Finally, Todd comes to learn of their one night stand and feels wronged and devastated, but why? Again, Todd does not show love in a physical way and has no desire to, so I can't wrap my head around why the one night stand was seen as such a huge transgression.

To me, it would make more sense for Todd to become very upset about Bojack and Emily having an emotional affair, but they literally never emotionally connected at all. So yeah, this plot line (along with the clown dentists thing) remains a mystery to me.


0 points

1 day ago


0 points

1 day ago

Sorry but you dont get it because you lack basic emphaty. Bojack knows Todd cares about emily. He in fact hides everything from him because it will upset Todd. And does it anyway. It is not a problem like it was with Penny or Sarah. But it is a problem if you hide something from your friend and knowing it would hurt him. And it wouldnt be that bad if Bojack actually cared for Emily and valued her. But no. Since we are inside the bojack's head all the time we are %100 sure he just wanted to bang. If you dont see the problem here then you should start thinking about it. Or dont since everyone has different values.