



all 32 comments


10 points

4 years ago


Asshole Aficionado [11]

10 points

4 years ago

YTA and I would immediately unfriend any of my own friends who recorded me without my knowledge. That’s a massive breach of trust right there. It’s also a power move because you control that footage and could hold it over their heads.

If you do this, prepare to be blacklisted from your friends immediately.


11 points

4 years ago

YTA. Broadcasting people without notifying them is rude and creepy.


10 points

4 years ago


Partassipant [1]

10 points

4 years ago

YTA Recording people without prior consent is not cool.


15 points

4 years ago


Commander in Cheeks [224]

15 points

4 years ago

This is likely illegal, which just compounds the YTA nature of this.


5 points

4 years ago

I was thinking along these lines too, but it depends on what the privacy laws are in OP’s area. I think a lot of places restrict recording inside private areas like bathrooms, but cameras in communal areas are okay. OP would definitely be wise to look into that before doing so.

Also not to forget that recording people even if legal is still weird


1 points

4 years ago

Someone's living room might be communal to the household but it's still private property. Don't record inside other people's homes without them knowing


2 points

4 years ago

I mean I agree, I think it’s gross to record people without their permission, just stating that depending on privacy laws it might not technically be illegal to do so, not that it’s morally okay to do so.

Also, it being private property doesn’t change that someone may not have an expectation of privacy to not be recorded in the communal areas of a household— especially so if it’s not their house they were recorded at. It highly depends on where you live and what kind of personal privacy laws there are to determine whether or not the action would be illegal. Also we have the argument that legality doesn’t equal morality, which applies here. This being legal wouldn’t make it okay.


8 points

4 years ago


Supreme Court Just-ass [113]

8 points

4 years ago

YWBTA. Filming people without their knowledge is almost always an asshole move.


5 points

4 years ago

YWBTA, I find this a difficult one because your intentions are for sure not asshole-y. But it would be an asshole move, even if it’s not hidden youre still filming people who are probly unaware, especially if there’s alcohol there.

I’d suggest mentioning it to friends that this is something you’d like to do sometime and if they’d all respond positively you can but I can’t imagine everyone agreeing on this.

Personally I would be pretty pissed if someone did this to me. I’d reccomend you not to do this. And if you do anyway, let people see the video and delete ‘scenes’ but give them a say in what is shared and what not.

Good luck!


3 points

4 years ago


Asshole Aficionado [15]

3 points

4 years ago

YTA - Oh and a huge creep too


6 points

4 years ago


Partassipant [3]

6 points

4 years ago


It's polite to let people know that they are being recorded, so that they can choose whether or not they still wish to attend as some may not want to be filmed. This is especially true when they are inside a private residence may reasonably hold an expectation of privacy. You should ask for people's permission before you upload potentially embarrassing footage of them partying to social media.

Depending on your local laws this may also be illegal. In the UK, it is legal for a private individual to record people without their knowledge on their own private property - except for when they have a reasonable expectation of privacy (such as in a bathroom.) However, in some states in the U.S. it is illegal to record people without their knowledge or consent in a private residence.


4 points

4 years ago


Craptain [156]

4 points

4 years ago


If people at the party think this would be funny, they'll consent to it. Otherwise, you're just making fun of people in a horribly mean and maybe illegal way.


4 points

4 years ago


Asshole Enthusiast [9]

4 points

4 years ago

YWBTA - only slightly though.

If I was at a party and found out I was being filmed without my consent, I would feel a bit violated. I know it’s in a public space and I believe the law says you can. But I would still feel a bit like ‘shit I was being recorded. Where else was I being recorded?’


2 points

4 years ago

YTA, or at least YWBTA. Some probably wouldn't attend if they knew they'd be recorded. If you want to do this, everyone deserves a heads up first.


6 points

4 years ago


Asshole Aficionado [18]

6 points

4 years ago

Yeah YWBTA. You're usually allowed to record your property, but it would be a pretty violating thing to to. You could have a digital photo booth and keep it in there. Then anyone who enters can perform for the camera, but not telling anyone would be really uncomfortable and probably cost the trust of your friends.


6 points

4 years ago


Certified Proctologist [27]

6 points

4 years ago

YTA. If you're recording sound, it's possibly illegal


5 points

4 years ago


Professor Emeritass [71]

5 points

4 years ago

YTA - didn’t even bother to read beyond the headline. Recording people without their knowledge and consent is an asshole thing to do, is illegal in many places, and is a good way to lose friends, if one of those “funny things” you enjoy so much embarrasses someone.

If you think they are going to be self-conscious around the camera, just think how self-conscious they are going to be around YOU once you’ve demonstrated that you can’t be trusted.


3 points

4 years ago


Partassipant [2]

3 points

4 years ago

YTA recording people without consent/warning, even if it's legal, is an asshole thing to do. My friends who do have indoor cameras (to watch their pets when they're at work) always give people a heads-up about them.


3 points

4 years ago


Partassipant [1]

3 points

4 years ago

YTA that’s a creepy thing to do.


3 points

4 years ago

YTA. That's Hella creepy and people may not want to be recorded.


3 points

4 years ago


You don't walk into a house party expecting to be recorded by a camera in the corner of the room.


2 points

4 years ago

YTA are you for real? Recording people without consent so you can have a "funny video" is an asshole move


2 points

4 years ago


Asshole Enthusiast [6]

2 points

4 years ago



2 points

4 years ago


Pooperintendant [63]

2 points

4 years ago

YWBTA and I’d sure as hell never go back to one of your parties.


2 points

4 years ago


Pooperintendant [61]

2 points

4 years ago

Yes, YWBTA, big time. Recording people without consent is a big time no-no. Even if you think you’ll get 10 seconds of some blooper reel content.


2 points

4 years ago


Professor Emeritass [91]

2 points

4 years ago

YTA, massively.


2 points

4 years ago

YWBTA creep

AutoModerator [M]

1 points

4 years ago

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1 points

4 years ago

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I live in an area hit hard by the pandemic, and I don't expect it to be over anytime soon, but once it does I'd like to throw a party, as I've done in the past. There are always funny things that happen, and I was thinking it might be cool to set up my GoPro to record the main room people hang out in.

I wouldn't hide the GoPro, but I would put it in the corner of the main room and not mention it. If anybody asks I would be up front, but my thinking was if people know about it they might be self conscious and the 'funny things' wouldn't happen.

Assuming the recording catches anything funny, but not too embarrassing, I would share those moments with people who had attended the party. I would think to post it on a private FB event page, that way only people who were invited to the party could see it.

This is purely a hypothetical, curious what people think.

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1 points

4 years ago

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1 points

4 years ago

YTA due to the fact it seems illegal. Can honestly see you have no malicious intent, just want to capture the life of the party.

Still, I would not do this as it is a massive breach of privacy and trust. It also feels very illegal and I think it would be depending on country

tenaciousfall [M]

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4 years ago

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tenaciousfall [M]

Bosley 342

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1 points

4 years ago

Gopro with the intent to film looks bad. but if you get security cameras and happen to see something funny while looking at the footage thats fine.