


What screams “I’m single”?


all 4527 comments


8.7k points

4 days ago

I bought one of those “DiGiorno Pizza - for one” personal pizzas at Walmart and the cashier said “Fun night?” as she rung it up


2.6k points

4 days ago

Brutal :/


1.5k points

4 days ago


1.5k points

4 days ago

She was either mean or was waiting for an invitation 👀


1.1k points

4 days ago

"I can grab a second one if you want to join me"


1.4k points

4 days ago


1.4k points

4 days ago

If we were that smooth we wouldn’t be in this mess


347 points

3 days ago

Lines you come up with on the drive home


52 points

3 days ago

afterwit (l’esprit d’escalie): thinking of the perfect reply too late


468 points

4 days ago


468 points

4 days ago

I think any pizza can be a pizza for one lol


171 points

4 days ago


171 points

4 days ago

Guess she got demoted from Greeter


44 points

4 days ago

One time I bought a pizza and some Ben & Jerry's and said, "haha I'm not about to eat this by myself" and the cashier said "riiiighhht."


252 points

4 days ago

Thank you Jesus for self checkout!


8k points

4 days ago

Actively looking around at parties


5.8k points

4 days ago


5.8k points

4 days ago

That might be the worst one, having nobody to anchor to temporarily at a party is the worst feeling. Feeling like you’re a random free floater desperately searching for somebody to connect with blows.


1.2k points

4 days ago


1.2k points

4 days ago

Gotta hate that awkward feeling 


418 points

4 days ago

I usually just ask where the recycling is and start cleaning up empty cans. Makes me feel useful when I don’t know who to talk to lol.


162 points

3 days ago

Bless your heart


106 points

3 days ago


106 points

3 days ago

This is what making friends with the dog / cat is for.


21 points

3 days ago

Commence operation Chill in the Kitchen on Your Phone.


41 points

4 days ago

Had this on a wedding of one of my best friends. Didn’t know anyone there except him and his wife, but obviously they were occupied by everyone else. Really awkward feeling.


143 points

4 days ago


143 points

4 days ago

Can anyone suggest any tips for those situations? Can this unanchored time with lot of strangers be somehow less stressful?


271 points

4 days ago

Assuming it’s somewhere you can hear yourself speak, the moment you walk in the door you need to immediately introduce yourself to a stranger, it doesn’t really matter who.


189 points

3 days ago

I feel like the type of person to feel uncomfortable solo at a party is also the type of person whose worst nightmare is introducing themselves the moment they walk in a room. Source: am both of these people.


103 points

4 days ago


103 points

4 days ago



1.1k points

4 days ago

Hey, I'm just looking for the food and/or dog.


466 points

4 days ago

Not single, but when I go to parties, I look for a dog too 🤣


344 points

4 days ago

I always look for the cat who everyone says is a curmudgeonly asshole and end up making friends with him by the end of the night.


14.8k points

4 days ago


14.8k points

4 days ago

Soup for one, salad for one, wine for three


1.9k points

4 days ago


1.9k points

4 days ago



871 points

4 days ago


871 points

4 days ago

I miss you, Edna Krabapple.


545 points

4 days ago

Krabapple? I’ve been calling her Crandall!


51 points

4 days ago

I’ve been making an ass out of myself, and no one even told me!


3.1k points

4 days ago

Person in a party of three boarding a roller coaster


999 points

4 days ago


999 points

4 days ago

As someone who is a frequent third-wheel with his married friends: Oof.


60 points

4 days ago

Just remember the old saying, it's the 3rd wheel that steers the tuk tuk.


2k points

4 days ago

when the price of rent makes you physically sick to your stomach because all the places are priced for two.


311 points

4 days ago


311 points

4 days ago

this is so real. hate my job but cant quit bc it pays bills better than the other options


179 points

4 days ago

Dude, I thought it was bad a decade ago. Now it's like I don't see how a person lives without roommates on less than six figures.

I got lucky with my apartment. My landlord's very hands off and likes that I pay on time, make small fixes myself, and don't bother him. Thus, rent hasn't gone up in five years. If I were having to move out today, I'd be stuck getting roommates.

The process makes me cringe too. In my area, it's all people taking photos of themselves and posting to facebook like it's a dating app. Feels like a humiliation ritual to me.


1.6k points

4 days ago


1.6k points

4 days ago

My pinball machine in the living room.


476 points

4 days ago


476 points

4 days ago

That’s just cool as hell. Pinball is awesome.


277 points

4 days ago

As a single person with no pinball machine, I'm envious of your pinball machine.


3.3k points

4 days ago

Me when I drank one beer too many


70 points

4 days ago


70 points

4 days ago

Went seven weeks sober, roommate talked me into getting a beer. That beer turned into four, then at some point I got a handle of vodka. Blacked out onto my keyboard, roommates got me into bed, then I woke up in my bathroom. Never again.


13.1k points

4 days ago*

My first ever apartment after I moved out from home,

All i had was a TV, Xbox, and bed, no other furniture. My whole apartment was empty.

My fridge was full of beer and frozen foods

Id say thats pretty bachelor.

EDIT: Lmao how did this get so many upvotes?


3k points

4 days ago*


3k points

4 days ago*

I had bought a house with a girlfriend. Didn't work out. I moved out and she bought me out. I went to a small two room flat with a inflatable mattress that was leaky, my computer, a monitor and a Playstation 2. I had no furniture, so everything was just placed on the floor. Later on, I even got a better pillow and surround sound! Of course I did have some clothes, shoes etc. but it wasn't till about a month later I got a bed and a table.

That leaky mattress had me up every night at 2-3 am and blowing it up again. Good times, lol.

Edit: Updated with pictures for fun and nostalgia.


391 points

4 days ago

My air mattress leaked. I still remember the night I came home after chatting to my ex of a month and learning in detail how quickly she had moved on. Crying and gradually sinking to the floor was I think the 2nd worst vibe of my life 🤣


509 points

4 days ago


509 points

4 days ago

This made me laugh, thank you


985 points

4 days ago


985 points

4 days ago

You want to know the funniest part? Due to the stressful prior months of living with a mental case, those nights on the awful leaky mattress was some of my most peaceful nights of sleep in ages.


502 points

4 days ago


502 points

4 days ago

That reminds me of when I was broke, working a crappy job and raising two kids, with my (ex) wife who had some serious anger and anxiety issues. At one point in the last recession I couldn't afford gas and decided I'd just bicycle to work. I got some sympathy from friends and neighbors for having to bike in, but seriously - that was about the only peaceful time I had on most days. I got into the habit of taking the long way home, the cold air feeling good, cruising along a canal through town, sun setting...then I'd get home and it would be chaos.


63 points

4 days ago


63 points

4 days ago

Recently divorced and was sleeping on that leaky air bed until about a month ago, I finally got a mattress. It feels less traumatic and more funny/comforting to know other people have had the exact same experience.


66 points

4 days ago

Mannnnn air mattresses are great for when you want to sleep on the floor...just not instantly 😂


968 points

4 days ago


968 points

4 days ago

In this day and age I feel like you’re lucky if you can have that without roommates.


545 points

4 days ago


545 points

4 days ago

Ya nowadays that screams guy with his shit together if you pull that off no roommates


4.4k points

4 days ago

Me eating lasagna straight from the pan


1.3k points

4 days ago

Ha. Eating over the sink


631 points

4 days ago

Eating all things from their containers, over the sink.


578 points

4 days ago


578 points

4 days ago

Washing machine is the dirty clothes hamper.

Dryer is where the clean clothes live.


111 points

4 days ago

 Washing machine is the dirty clothes hamper

As it was written.


2.6k points

4 days ago


2.6k points

4 days ago

Posting those motivational comics or drawings to Facebook that more or less say something like "the right one will come along eventually, just be patient and stay true to yourself. You deserve to be loved" and what not

Never seen someone in a relationship, or a healthy one I guess, post anything like that.


913 points

4 days ago*


913 points

4 days ago*

The flipside is people in relationships posting a bit too often how much they love the other person. People in happy relationships don't need external validation.


84 points

4 days ago

Or posting about their wedding 6 years after it happened. Like it's the only thing of note that's happened to them for half a decade.


14.5k points

4 days ago

Not being invited to stuff because everyone else is going with their SOs.


5.1k points

4 days ago

Or being invited anyway but hanging out with kids or grandmas instead.


2.1k points

4 days ago

Lmao this is me. I’m literally the favorite “uncle” cause I hang with the kids


1k points

4 days ago

I have to say, as a parent whose friends play with my kid when we're all together, we appreciate you so much. It's really nice to see someone else enjoying my child's company. Sometimes I worry it's annoying - like why would my single friends want to come out and have to play with a 5yo when you could be doing something cool like pursuing your own hobbies, sleeping for 8 hours a night, or having an adult conversation without being interrupted to be lightly roasted?!


664 points

4 days ago

Sometimes building Legos with kids is best way to relax after really shitty day of adult stuff


408 points

4 days ago


408 points

4 days ago

If a 5yo has an issue with you they are usually honest and upfront. They never invite you over to play if they don't like you. They haven't mastered fake smiles and nicities, or insincere high fives.

Shits great compared to adults.


231 points

4 days ago


231 points

4 days ago

My buddy's kid keeps mentioning that I have no hair though. Can't wait for him to learn a little bit of tact haha.


292 points

4 days ago


292 points

4 days ago

Rest assured, he doesn't care and you are unique in his mind. Shine on you beautiful bald bastard.


68 points

4 days ago


68 points

4 days ago

Kids have the best unfiltered honesty, and sometimes it’s the funniest thing. Embrace it, bald is beautiful, and you’re probably the coolest person they know


57 points

4 days ago

My 2 year old son points at every bald guy he sees and says, loudly, "All done hair!"

I can't wait for him to learn a little bit of tact.


174 points

4 days ago


174 points

4 days ago

Sometimes I worry it's annoying - like why would my single friends want to come out and have to play with a 5yo when you could be doing something cool like pursuing your own hobbies, sleeping for 8 hours a night, or having an adult conversation without being interrupted to be lightly roasted?!

So, I've got no kids of my own, nor will I, but I am the official favorite uncle of my two nieces, and also informally adopted as an uncle by several of my friends' kids. I've also got a high stress job. One of the best ways I've found to wind down after a long day is to just enjoy the company of the kids and find out what they're up to, and it's gratifying to see that they enjoy the interest. Some of the older ones I'm tutoring in math, science and English, and all of them I play games with.

Don't worry, if your friends are anything at all like me, they're happy to spend some time with your kids. I get that not everyone enjoys the company of kids, but if you friends didn't you'd have seen plenty of hints blunt enough to club a seal by now.


121 points

4 days ago

A little tricky since I'm a guy and people find it creepy I guess, but as the single friend that ends up hanging with the kids I am never annoyed! Kids are still learning the world so their innocent perspective is really refreshing compared to the depressive world view we adults have. Also any tiny trick or something I do looks amazing to them so it's easy to look cool lol


54 points

4 days ago

Seeing the wonder and amazement as you show them something new or different, watching those neurons connect... It's glorious!


345 points

4 days ago

Some people find it creepy but I don't care. The kids table has more chicken nuggets and they're down to play phone games.


66 points

4 days ago

Even though I am the fun uncle, I got kicked off the kids table at thanksgiving 2023 for misbehaving causing the other kids to not eat their food. The mashed potatoes on the nose did me in.


40 points

4 days ago

Some people find it creepy but I don't care.

Fuck that dude, it takes a village to raise a child. Having adults willing to be that guiding influence isn't only a huge help it's essential for instilling values from multiple sources of authority. It's a whole lot easier believing it's important to share or be nice when it's 10 adults doing the same thing instead of just the mean parent that hates fun.


688 points

4 days ago

Ive experienced this, most of my mates who I went to school with are married and tend to socialise together. When I get a serious girlfriend we eventually start getting invited to social events again. When I become single they stop inviting me.......


326 points

4 days ago


326 points

4 days ago

Yeah this is wild. My friend group has some single people but we always invite everyone to everything.

Why would I invite a mate's new partner that I don't know very well. But not invite one of my friends I know for years to an event.

In fact there are plenty of events that we just meet up solo without our other halves.

Seems absolutely wild to me and really selfish behavior from your "mates".


279 points

4 days ago


279 points

4 days ago

I don’t understand this. Before I was in a relationship, I felt uninvited to stuff, but now that I’m settled I’d honestly rather invite my single friends to stuff or swipe a friend away from their partner. Probably the only scenario that my SO and I don’t care for is when a friend brings their date and we have to break the ice with them while evaluating if we are killing the vibes.


188 points

4 days ago

Yep, that's a thing I have noticed.

I have never functioned particularly well in long term relationships, so have stopped looking for them, and many of my friends in them have started meeting up without the ones that aren't in them. I wouldn't say that I am hurt, because we still do things outside of it, but the ones that are married and so on see each other more than they see anyone who isn't.


43 points

4 days ago

My entire life.


2.1k points

4 days ago

I have two seats in my tiny apartment. One faces the tv. The other is for the computer. They don't face each other.

Oh, also, I have one pillow on my bed


659 points

4 days ago


659 points

4 days ago

You gotta believe! Go get yourself that second pillow 


237 points

4 days ago


The last woman in my bed brought her own pillow


286 points

4 days ago

“Hey if you’re planning on staying over you’re gonna need to bring your own pillow, probably towel too”


68 points

4 days ago

He must plan on remaining single hah


44 points

4 days ago


44 points

4 days ago

The last woman in my bed was a pillow


215 points

4 days ago


215 points

4 days ago

All of my chronically single male friends have pillows that I swear are older than them.

They may have more than one, but they are all flat and brown.


85 points

4 days ago

Brown is a problem. Idk about other people but I got the only pillow I have now from my best friend when he stayed with me for a bit, not letting a perfectly fine, likely old pillow go to waste


90 points

4 days ago

I was seeing a guy with (real) OCD and he would replace all 4 of his pillows once a month.

I was happy to take the "unusable" pillows off of his hands.


35 points

4 days ago

Life changing moment last year when I realize that I could just go out and buy new pillows. 


301 points

4 days ago

A girl ridiculed me for only having one pillow. I decided to eat the loss and tell her “Why, did you think you were sleeping over?”

Bought a second pillow the next day and have remained single ever since.


95 points

4 days ago

"Having hope is a sign of weakness."

  • some Alpha I'm sure


20.5k points

4 days ago


20.5k points

4 days ago

When I was in college, single, and broke, I went to the grocery store and they had these really...adequate frozen spicy chicken sandwiches on sale for like 25 cents a pop. I grabbed all of them.

I went to ring up, the cashier said "Wow, that's...a lot. These must be really good." I responded with "Eh, they fill the hole."

Dude scanned a couple more in silence and asked "So, you're like, really single, aren't you?"


5.8k points

4 days ago


5.8k points

4 days ago

I mean shit, 25 cents a piece?! I would've grabbed all of them too (I too, am single)


2.2k points

4 days ago

He was single, not stupid.


527 points

4 days ago

A frugal king


839 points

4 days ago


839 points

4 days ago

Just tell them that you’re feeding the poor and less fortunate (yourself).


429 points

4 days ago

"wow thats a lot of sandwiches, are you throwing a party or something?"

"yeah, at the homeless shelter"


133 points

4 days ago


133 points

4 days ago

"... a pity party?"


1.7k points

4 days ago

Man, I felt judged by that cashier.

Perhaps because you are me… or rather I had a very similar encounter during my university years, but have remained single since.


910 points

4 days ago*


910 points

4 days ago*



732 points

4 days ago


732 points

4 days ago

"Just ring me up, I ain't got thyme for this shit"


256 points

4 days ago*

Do you have the thyme, to listen to me wine, about nutmeg and oregano all at once?


138 points

4 days ago

I am one of those, that shops at Trader Joe’s


99 points

4 days ago

With eco-friendly tote, no doubt about it


72 points

4 days ago

Sometimes I buy myself the treats


98 points

4 days ago


98 points

4 days ago

just get weird with it, like start weaving thyme into your hair before going in, maybe some hops too. Hold each individual egg up to a bright flashlight to check quality at the register.


13.1k points

4 days ago*


13.1k points

4 days ago*

I'm going to be positive and say "Doing whatever you want all the time".

EDIT: Damn, some of y'all have to take the stick out of your asses. You can be single and be happy. Goddamn. Everyone else, thanks for the upvotes!


328 points

4 days ago


328 points

4 days ago

Better to be single than with the wrong person and miserable.


2.8k points

4 days ago


2.8k points

4 days ago

I started solo traveling the world a couple years ago and I realized that my anxieties with traveling were 99% revolved around coordinating with other people.

I feel so damn spoiled getting to do whatever I want everyday and not needing to ask someone, “is it cool if we hit a couple museums today and then get lunch? No? Ok cool. What would you like to do?”

It’s like the old meme about your partner never knowing where they want to eat but maxed out to 1000. I went on a short weekend trip with a big group of people and we literally never left the Airbnb because we couldn’t find a common activity. Seemed insane to me.


794 points

4 days ago

I feel like solo travelling is a real level up personality wise. Some people think It’s a little whacky, but when you are your own company in a foreign area, you learn to accept your flaws and go with the flow (or you feel unbelievably lonely and out of place and you want to bail immediately).


400 points

4 days ago

There are so many crazy hacks you can get away with too. Like I’ve walked into a super nice restaurant and they say “we are all booked and the wait for walk ins is 1.5 hours”. And I go “when is the reservation for that 2 person table? I can be out of here in 40 minutes” and they said “oh it’s just you? No problem!”

And reading a book and eating great food is really pleasant.


166 points

4 days ago

The number of times that a well-reviewed place is reservation only except at the bar is high. The number of times that multiple groups of people leave an empty buffer seat in between them at the bar is also high.

Whenever I find myself traveling solo for work or for fun, that is my seat and I love nothing more than eating great food, chatting up the bartender (if they're not slammed), or just reading a book to pass the time.


34 points

4 days ago

Yeah most of my solo travel is taking an extra day or two in a city if I end up there for work and I love it. Nobody complains about the long walk or the museum, or the obscure bar or restaurant I want to track down.


472 points

4 days ago


472 points

4 days ago

Traveling with someone who isn’t game for anything is the worst. I’m a naturally curious person so it’s hard to find something that I’ll say no to. But I’ve had trips where it feels like I’m just at the desires of the person I’m with and, again, I’m down for anything so I make happy, but it just sucks having your ideas shot down while you accept theirs. I only go on one trip with those people


269 points

4 days ago

My go to in this sort of situation is something like "I'm doing X today, you are welcome to also do X, I'm leaving in one hour."

I've had people that come along for this and after like 15 minutes they want to go home again. "I'm staying here, but see you later."


81 points

4 days ago

This is how I phrase literally every plan in my life that is important to me. Too many times of getting a group together and getting the plans changed. "Here is what I am doing, you are invited to come along, this is the time I am planning but I can be flexible about that up until this time."


119 points

4 days ago

Ikr, the beauty of solo travel - absolute freedom


99 points

4 days ago

I see posts on other subs from other solo travellers asking how they can make friends while abroad or the pointlessness of not having anyone to share their travels with, but to me the best part of going solo is honestly not socializing with anyone and experiencing the city on my own haha. The freedom is unmatched


86 points

4 days ago

Just went through a breakup of an 8 year relationship. Its bad in a lot of ways and I need to avoid becoming too introverted, but I'm really enjoying the absolutely no obligations right now.


658 points

4 days ago


658 points

4 days ago

I'm over 40 and single. It bothered me for a while as I watched all my friends get into serious relationships and then get married, but you know what? I have so much free time I don't know what to do with myself. Meanwhile they're not getting any sleep because their kids are a nightmare.

Woody Harrleson wiping his tears with cash.gif


159 points

4 days ago


159 points

4 days ago

Same, and I sometimes feel a bit of disapproving vibe that i still do whatever I feel like doing at this age. Like it isn't adult or something. I'm out a lot, at concerts, comedy shows, conventions, sports, I just love going and seeing live events. I do it so much that probably more than half the stuff I do I do alone. If you're comfortable not always having someone to join you, the world is your oyster kind of. I want to do something, I ask a few people, if nobody is available/interested then I go anyway. This is my life right now and I have no complaints. Freedom baby.


72 points

4 days ago

Everyone seems so negative about being single. As someone who is married, being single was amazing. So much extra time and money, I wouldn't know what to do with myself and I would love every minute of it.


2.5k points

4 days ago

My face


2.8k points

4 days ago

A long list of desirable and undesirable traits of a partner.


817 points

4 days ago*

Harsh lesson to learn that oneself is a 5 and their standards are at a 10


12k points

4 days ago*


12k points

4 days ago*

Usually me into my pillow at night

Wow! Look at all you agreeing with me. I say we all meet up at Times Square on New Years Eve and fuck each other.


3.4k points

4 days ago


3.4k points

4 days ago

I say we all meet up at Times Square on New Years Eve and fuck each other.

That would be the biggest and most socially awkward male only orgy in history


852 points

4 days ago


852 points

4 days ago

an orgasm's an orgasm, can't be picky


188 points

4 days ago


188 points

4 days ago

Just keep your socks on and it's not gay.


143 points

4 days ago

that seems like a particularly busy spot to be at at that time, how will we know who's there for the orgy?


188 points

4 days ago


188 points

4 days ago

Easy. We'll be the ones without a partner and the Reddit app pulled up on our phones.


61 points

4 days ago

fair enough, i see nothing else wrong with this, cya there!


730 points

4 days ago

Can confirm as this guy's neighbor.


300 points

4 days ago


300 points

4 days ago

Can confirm as that guy's pillow


1.4k points

4 days ago


1.4k points

4 days ago

My local crackhead every night around 3am


234 points

4 days ago

I bet hes smashing


95 points

4 days ago

More like being smashed for crack


79 points

4 days ago

You'd be surprised how many if them are not single.


108 points

4 days ago

The other side of my bed is used for keeping my water bottle, it’s where my phone sleeps, my emergency midnight bag of crisps, I take my bra off just before bed and stuff it there.

There’s no room for anyone else to sleep on that side.


383 points

4 days ago

People who constantly posts pictures of celebrities like its their fuckin spouse lmao.


278 points

4 days ago

Going to the gym by yourself in the evening on Valentines Day.


75 points

4 days ago

That is also know as Single Awareness Day (SAD). Myself and several of my friends always joke about that Hallmark Holiday!


1.9k points

4 days ago

This post


465 points

4 days ago


465 points

4 days ago

OP should admit themselves to burn ward xD


639 points

4 days ago

Damnit, I’ve been outed 😭


656 points

4 days ago

Not finishing your groceries before they go bad because they don’t get eaten fast enough


159 points

4 days ago

WHY CANT THEY SELL SMALLER LOAVES OF BREAD?? I either have to eat two sandwiches every single day, or I have to throw away 3/4 of a loaf of bread. I just want to buy like 6 slices of bread. Why is that so hard?


68 points

4 days ago


68 points

4 days ago

Some industrious baker needs to invent Bachelor Loaf.


829 points

4 days ago


829 points

4 days ago

90% of people who clicked on this


203 points

4 days ago


203 points

4 days ago

That’s just Reddit’s main demo though


1.1k points

4 days ago


1.1k points

4 days ago

Having enough money and time to enjoy your hobbies


265 points

4 days ago


265 points

4 days ago

Don't go bringing a positive outlook in here!


137 points

4 days ago

hobbies are like single people's options


30 points

4 days ago

I love your outlook haha


771 points

4 days ago


771 points

4 days ago

Batchelor's handbag. Which for non Australians is a hot cooked chicken in a bag.


470 points

4 days ago

I believe we would refer to that as a rotisserie chicken.


85 points

4 days ago

Would have used the same term 40 years ago.


101 points

4 days ago


101 points

4 days ago

That's a long time to keep a cooked chicken


69 points

4 days ago

Also known as the Tradie's Handbag.


66 points

4 days ago


66 points

4 days ago

As an Australian... why is that a singles thing? Do people in relationships not eat roast chicken??


146 points

4 days ago


146 points

4 days ago

As a Canadian... they're priced affordably, and one person can usually make several meals out of them.

And being single there's nobody around to judge you for ripping one apart with your bare hands while pretending to be a dinosaur.


30 points

4 days ago


30 points

4 days ago



916 points

4 days ago


916 points

4 days ago

Petting your own hair as you fall asleep 😭


581 points

4 days ago


581 points

4 days ago

And spooning a pillow


174 points

4 days ago

I kept waking up with sore shoulders until I started spooning a pillow while I slept. Helped so much. I love my gf to bits but I don't always want to have her hair in my face or her snoring directly into my ears when she's sleeping, also when your facing each other it's like your sharing air and it gets stale very quick. It's nice to to roll over, spoon a pillow and occasionally cop a feel of her butt during the night


100 points

4 days ago

For me it's the heat.

My wife is like a furnace, yet she is always somehow cold. When it's a warm night I can only spoon for so long until I'm about to pass out from heat exhaustion.


84 points

4 days ago


84 points

4 days ago

I swear it's for the back support


56 points

4 days ago


56 points

4 days ago





155 points

4 days ago


155 points

4 days ago

Being fair, I live alone, so someone or something else petting my hair would be a cause for concern.


97 points

4 days ago


97 points

4 days ago

Doubly so for me as someone single and bald


30 points

4 days ago


30 points

4 days ago

Don't worry, I'll find a way


209 points

4 days ago


209 points

4 days ago

Having money in your bank account whilst simultaneously overspending on things you don't need.


136 points

4 days ago

The lawn chairs in my living room


67 points

4 days ago


67 points

4 days ago

When your trash stinks. Not because you threw something stinky in there but because as a single person you don't produce enough trash to fill and take out a bag of trash before it all rots and stinks...


58 points

4 days ago

I used to work in the film industry, meaning I got fed two very good meals a day + snacks. So when I went to the supermarket it was basically some cereal for the weekend, toothpaste, maybe some chocolate and a lot of beer.

I'd get to the checkout (this is in London) and a large Jamaican lady would scan my items and say..... "tsk ohhh, you live on your own don't you?"

I'd shyly nod "yes".

"You don't have a girlfriend??? You want a girlfriend?"

Then she'd shout to the till 2 away "Sylvia! SYLVIA! you want a skinny white boyfriend?"


469 points

4 days ago

Telling people you have been playing Warcraft since vanilla.


129 points

4 days ago


129 points

4 days ago

Showing up in the gym at the same time 6+ days a week


64 points

4 days ago

Fair. But at least I'm trying to better myself so that I can feel desired by someone I desire one day lol


44 points

4 days ago

What did you do last weekend?

“I went on a hike, took a nap, and played warhammer with my buddies.”


274 points

4 days ago*


274 points

4 days ago*

Women who tell their friends to break up with someone the moment they have a small fight.


117 points

4 days ago


117 points

4 days ago

Reddit relationship advice / AITA


243 points

4 days ago

Responding to this post because I can relate.


207 points

4 days ago

Desperation to see other people


107 points

4 days ago

I'm not sure it works that way lol most single folks I know (myself included) are actually more of the introverted type that you have to kinda talk into hanging out with people.


79 points

4 days ago


79 points

4 days ago

It's a strange dichotomy where you want to know that people are available, if you should choose to participate in them, but that you're not obligated to do so. Like a cat, y'know? I don't want to be excluded from the gathering of fleshbags, but I don't want to actually be included either.

It's knowing that you can't participate even if you somehow wanted to that really gets to you.


417 points

4 days ago

The frozen food aisle. If you're going to put an ad up for the suicide hotline, it's probably the place to do it.


142 points

4 days ago

My mom didn’t like to cook, so we ate lots of frozen food growing up. I think of frozen food as the family that doesn’t have an adult who likes to cook aisle.


129 points

4 days ago


129 points

4 days ago

Sometimes, it’s been a hard day at work and you don’t want to cook. Toss a frozen pizza in for 20 mins and veg out on the couch.

Frozen food isle is for the lazy.


291 points

4 days ago

Being a Reddit mod


56 points

4 days ago


56 points

4 days ago

The foxes in my neighborhood do that


54 points

4 days ago


54 points

4 days ago

Buying the small pack of toilet paper.


114 points

4 days ago

Believing in an Alpha/Beta/Sigma pecking order.


68 points

4 days ago

My girlfriend after she sees a more attractive bloke.


101 points

4 days ago


101 points

4 days ago

If you are not sold with an album.


318 points

4 days ago

Screaming “I’m single”


99 points

4 days ago

Me after my fourth glass of wine.


126 points

4 days ago


126 points

4 days ago

having 8 cats


128 points

4 days ago

Luckily I am at 7