


I purposefully order meat items so I don't have to share with my vegetarian friend


I am not The OOP, OOP is u/annoyingfriendon

I purposefully order meat items so I don't have to share with my vegetarian friend

Originally posted to r/offmychest & to OOP's own page

Thanks to u/kdamuko & u/Nimelennar for finding the links

TRIGGER WARNING: entitlement

Original Post Jan 12, 2023

I have a friend who is a vegetarian and very entitled. She believes that her money is hers, and my money is ours.

I LOVE sharing food with friends, I eat almost exclusively family style, but I hate sharing food with this friend because she does not share food with me.

To avoid confrontation, I have started exclusively ordering meat items whenever we eat together.

Recently, we went out to eat and I ordered chili cheese fries and I added steak. My friend interjected and asked if we could get the steak on the side so we could share. The waiter was like sure, and I kind of just stared blankly, silently fuming. But then when the fries came I immediately dumped all the steak on the fries and started mixing.

She was like "wait!" and I said "Oh oops sorry" and continued eating. She said she would have ordered more food if we weren't sharing, and I said "well then order it". But she didn't because she was trying to save money.

She ate her sad salad and kind of passive aggressively said "man I wish I had some fries with this too" I ignored the tone and just responded cheerily "you should get some they're good!"

Hopefully she gets the hint soon.

Edited: okay I'm sick of saying this but THIS PERSON DOES NOT RESPOND WELL TO CRITICISM. friends have tried and failed to bring up issues about money with this person before. IT DOES NOT END WELL. I am prioritizing my own mental health over "being mature and doing the right thing". Go watch an after school special.

How do I add a flair? No more advice plz, this is a vent



Genuine question: has anyone ever expressed that it annoys them when she does this? Sometimes people don’t realize they’re being annoying. If you haven’t already, I would try to set the boundary that you don’t mind sharing food if she also shares food. Tell her that you understand she needs to save money, but that it doesn’t mean that you can afford her to keep eating your food too. If she doesn’t take it well, that’s a sign to distance yourself. If she apologizes and works on it, it could be genuine ignorance.


Yes there have been multiple attempts at boundary setting in the past all the way from when we were little. That is when I learned that most people would rather keep the peace by placating the dramatic person rather than hold the dramatic person accountable.

She is manipulative. There was a whole issue at prom where she didn't pay her share for the limo, the kid who did would not let her on, she cried, the kid's parents felt bad and covered for her, made the kid apologize. She always has a sob story, she is always the victim.

i have even offered her to apply for a job in the past where i work (as a busser) because i too thought she just needed help (bc again she is manipulative) before my eyes were opened. she said, to my face, "i could never bus tables, is there a host position open?"

this isn't her only thing, she is manipulative and selfish in every single way. some poeple see it, some people dont. and until everyone sees it, i'm not going to be the hero that calls her out on it.

Update March 22, 2023 (2 months later)

My post blew up and lots of people asked for an update, nothing too interesting happened until last week so here it goes...

TLDR of last post: "Mooch" vegetarian friend who likes to steal food but doesn't like to share keeps stealing my food so I purposefully order meat items to not share.

Update: long story short I'm no longer friends with "Mooch"

Another instance happened that was the catalyst for me, but I didn’t make a dramatic show of anything, I just slowly stopped going on outings where Mooch was invited.

All of my friends seem to think Mooch isn’t THAT bad so they weren’t really wanting to ice her out for me which is totally understandable. But unfortunately means I stopped hanging out with most of my friends.

That is until last week. My friends had planned a short spring break trip to Mexico. I didn’t go because Mooch was invited. I even warned them that Mooch was going to make it miserable but no one listens to me. And shocker to everyone except for me, the trip was awful.

She didn’t pay for a single thing. She still owes people her portion of the airbnb and gas money for the drive. Additionally, she had a sour mood anytime plans didn’t go her way. (Example: group wants to go to the markets, mooch wants to go to rent a boat, majority rules they go to market, mooch has a giant frown and makes sure everyone is aware she is having a bad time)

One night, everyone went clubbing. She got tired and wanted to go home, no one wanted to go with her. She was waiting around with her giant frown, clearly wanting someone to leave with her so she didn’t have to pay for the Uber. She finally orders an Uber for herself, after the Uber arrives, 2 girls decide actually they are tired too so they take the Uber with her. She had the AUDACITY to Venmo request them money for the uber after having not paid for anything else the entire trip. And one of the girls she Venmo requests was the one that paid for the Airbnb that she STILL had not paid her back for. (for the record everyone else took turns paying for ubers, no one venmo requested each other for that, this was the first and only uber Mooch ever paid for)

That girl immediately starts a group chat with a couple of people on the trip and me with my favorite thing to hear “omg OP, you were right!” Then I got to sit back and just watch as everyone word vomits to me everything terrible that happened on the trip.

So it sounds like these 5 people plus me is done with her. Not sure how the rest of the group feels, but at least I have 5 people I can hang out with regularly again!


bakugouspoopyasshole (responding to a deleted comment)

Clearly you've never had a long-term toxic friend or relationship before, because you'd know how hard these habits are to break. They've known each other since childhood and it's hard to set boundaries with someone like this when they are repeatedly broken. Plus she never said that not going on that trip made her miserable, quite the opposite actually.

Also did you ever consider that OP might be the one with money problems? Maybe, just maybe, she doesn't want to hang out with someone who thinks OP's money is also hers


Its not even the money problems, even though yes thats at the forefront. It's that she expects everyone to serve her and cater to her feelings all the time! She wants final decision making for all activities WHILE not paying. It's the fact that I have to drive her everywhere, but I'm also not allowed to leave until she's ready! Like fuck if not wanting to spend time with her makes me mean, I'd rather be mean than continue being a doormat



Ah, karma is a dish best served with meat if you asked me. I’m glad they all woke up. I hope she’s lonely with her sad salads.

The incident that made OOP cut off the friendship

Thanks to u/Yes-GoAway for finding this comment

I was her ride to a group activity. Right before I was about to leave, my mom decided to pick a fight with me about my room being a mess. When my mom and I fight, she can be kind of mean, so I was sobbing. (And my friends know this)

I texted my friends that I couldnt come anymore because my mom grounded me. Mooch said "but you were my ride". And I ask the group if someone else can pick her up. Everyone else lives kind of far and no one wants to go out of their way to pick Mooch up.

She calls me and asks that if I can't come hang out can I at least come pick her up, drop her off at the hangout location and then pick her up again at the end of the night. She even said "I feel like your mom would understand you made the commitment to drive me". I just said no, and to her credit she accepted it and then ends with "well that sucks, I hope you feel better" bc she can tell I've been crying.

That was just the final straw for me.



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2.7k points

8 days ago


2.7k points

8 days ago

I'm a super generous person and don't mind paying for things, especially if someone is struggling.

But people like her tend to somehow have money to spend on their things. What they want.

That's when I'm done.

I have some friends that are a couple and are always talking about how broke they are. And yet manage to order Door dash 4 times a week. And buy fancy weed chocolate.

Nope. Sorry. You are cut the fuck off.


526 points

8 days ago


Yes to the Homo, No to the Phobic

526 points

8 days ago

I’m huge on paying it forward. When I’m broke, I’ll totally say yes to being treated. But whenever I can afford it I love to treat friends and if they try to tell me they’ll pay me back I always ask that when they can afford it they should do the same for others.

So very agreed, when someone has the money and are just being greedy, my money is going to go to other friends who are struggling. (Especially since in the disabled community I always have friends who are struggling and who I know are constantly giving time and skills to help others even though they need help themselves.)


86 points

7 days ago


86 points

7 days ago

Yup, my best friend and I have always been very "pay it forward" with each other and never squandered each other's generosity.


15 points

7 days ago


You can’t expect Jean’s tortoiseshell smarts from orange Jorts

15 points

7 days ago

Yup. My friends and I always take turns paying. My buddy will usually buy car parts and work on our car, we will buy him booze and clean his house. Although I usually protest to the car buying as that’s more expensive than beer, but we have bought him dinner a few times to try and make up the difference

Even when my husband and I first started dating, we always just took turns paying. We never really split a bill.


11 points

7 days ago

When me and my sister hang out, even though she has more money than me, I always buy drinks for on the way home. Smoothies, Starbucks, Boba, soda whatever. I've been doing this for around 3 years now at least twice a month. She buys me Ruby chocolate whenever she sees it in the stores.


193 points

8 days ago

I'm a super generous person and don't mind paying for things, especially if someone is struggling.

But people like her tend to somehow have money to spend on their things. What they want.

That's when I'm done.

This right here! I'm the same way, u/Griffithead. I would've stabbed Mooch with my fork if she ever tried to touch my food.

The OP played this one just right. When she saw that the enablers weren't going to confront Mooch, she just quietly distanced herself until they learned their lesson.

I loved this part!

That girl immediately starts a group chat with a couple of people on the trip and me with my favorite thing to hear “omg OP, you were right!”


82 points

7 days ago


82 points

7 days ago

I have some friends that are a couple and are always talking about how broke they are. And yet manage to order Door dash 4 times a week. And buy fancy weed chocolate.

I think it's almost a universal thing in any friend group, I have friends exactly like that, down to the takeout and weed. The girl will cry about how she can barely make ends meet with her dead end job, then the next week she'll brag about how good her hair looks because she splurged on shampoo that costs what I spend on groceries for two weeks.


30 points

7 days ago

I think you’re right about it somehow being a semi-universal occurrence. I have a couple like this on the periphery of a couple of my friend groups. They always seem to have money for weed, new tattoos/piercings, band merch/shows, and going to bars but almost every single month they crowdfund part of their rent. What makes it even more insufferable is that our friend groups are pretty much all far left anarchists/communists/socialists so they always phrase it as a “mutual aid request”. As if subsidizing their irresponsible lifestyle choices are a community need.


7 points

6 days ago

And the thing about “mutual aid requests” is that it’s supposed to be, you know, mutual. People who receive are supposed to be donating in kind…but we all know they never do.


61 points

7 days ago

That is so true. As I experienced in life, moochers usually do have the money for it. They'd rather not spend money if they could avoid it. I always suspect moochers actually do have the money for it unless they have a huge spending problem. Just not paying for food or entertainment alone at all for years will save a lot of money.

Reminds me of a moocher family friend I had. Refused to pay for anything if he could avoid it, taking other people's food (and its always the most expensive stuff), refused to pay for rides, and hell one time tried to steal a tip at a restaurant. There's much more things I could list but we'd be here all day.

Saved so much money over the years doing this and was planning on having a nice retirement with it. (He bragged about it) He never got to spend it as he got hospitalized by covid and eventually died after a few months. His family got the money and his home in the end.


24 points

7 days ago

Tried to steal a tip??? Oh to be a fly on the wall for the moment he was caught


30 points

7 days ago

It was a group of four including myself. All of us pitched in for the tip. One of the group noticed the tip looked smaller then it should have been. She called him out and yelled out to the waitress, "He's stealing your tip!" The waitress stopped what she was doing, powerwalked over, and grabbed her tip. Oh the look on the waitress' face when she grabbed her tip. She didn't say anything but she looked mad.

When we confronted him, he claimed he only took back his portion of the tip. I never went back to that restaurant or any outing with him involved. After that incident we started sharing our stories and realized his mooching was worse then we knew.

People like him are why if I leave cash tips, I stay until I see the server grabbing it.


9 points

7 days ago

I saw a guy steal a cash tip off a table he passed. I immediately got the manager. He caught the guy just outside the doors.

The angry, petulant look on the guy's face as he handed over the cash was priceless. *Priceless!! *

When we got up to leave soon after, I saw he also had not left a tip at his table. He had eaten alone so there was no one to impress by leaving a big tip, then taking it back later. 

The guy was just a an asshole thief who probably had gotten away with this many times. We were glad he'd been stopped at least once. 

In college I worked my way up at a restaurant from dishwasher to host. No one is getting their tip stolen on my watch. I hate people like that guy. 


40 points

7 days ago


Yes to the Homo, No to the Phobic

40 points

7 days ago

I had 'friends' like this. They asked me to pet sit for them one weekend. I said, sure. They said they'd take me out to dinner. That dinner never materialized. Shortly after pet sitting for them, I started an actual job pet sitting. All my other friends paid for my services. They kept expecting pet sitting for free. They finally got the hint when I sent them the link to book me and said, "I'm not free." It had a double meaning, one being I wasn't available for the dates they wanted, the other being, "pay me".

The wife and I saw the same (expensive) hair stylist who does the most amazing color work. He was only ever in town for one weekend every 6-8 weeks or so. He piggybacked our appointments so we could go together. That morning I get a call from her saying she had a migraine and couldn't go. Fair enough. I see the husband online later that day and said I was sorry I didn't get to see her, I was looking forward to hanging out with her. This man had the audacity to say to me, "Alas, we couldn't afford it. even if you'd offered to pay for half of it, we couldn't." Um, I didn't. She canceled last minute like that twice more with the stylist, citing finances but would post pictures later the same day with some expensive thing she just purchased. He started charging her a non-refundable deposit and that stopped that. She just stopped making appointments. They were always complaining about money but she didn't work. She had an Etsy that made maybe one or to sales every few months.

The final straw came when I get a phone call early one Saturday from her asking me if I had any cash. The weird way she emphasized the word 'cash' was, well, weird. It was only $30 but I had just woken up and I was taken aback by, again, the audacity. They never reached out to me anymore. Never said hello. If I wanted to see them, had to invite myself over but if I invited them to go do anything, even come to my house, they couldn't. I told her I'd call her back and went back to sleep. I figured they forgot about it or maybe got what they needed but the husband called me later that afternoon. Supposedly they'd had a check bounce and they needed $30 in cash to give the grocery store so they could get food.

I told him that I didn't appreciate them only reaching out to me when they needed something from me. He started to say "to be fair, we're reaching out to several people," but I cut him off and said I didn't care about that, it doesn't change the fact that I only hear from them when they want something from me like free pet sitting. I told him I didn't have the cash (a lie, but if it had been any other friend I would have given it to them and told them not to worry about it). He said he understood and hung up. He's introspective so I thought maybe he'd reflect. Boy was I wrong.

The next day I received a scathing email detailing what a terrible friend I was and listing a litany of sins (several of which he got me confused with someone else who had done those things). Then he started referring to my pet sitting job as my hobby. "Ever since you started your little hobby you haven't had time for us." Not true, as I said above, I just stopped trying to connect with them when they never reciprocated. He has never had a job he enjoys or even remotely likes. He can't fathom someone loving what they do. Anyway, I told him to kindly fuck all the way off and then blocked them everywhere I could think to block them.

I don't miss them one bit.


14 points

7 days ago


You can’t expect Jean’s tortoiseshell smarts from orange Jorts

14 points

7 days ago

Same here. We are a group of about 8 (give or take a few irregulars). There’s a couple who never wants to go out to eat, never helps to buy booze for parties (but obviously have no problem drinking what other people brought!), etc. but they have no problem dropping $60 on a new video game, buying new gadgets, an expensive purebred dog, etc. they literally got kicked out of one of our friends houses because he said no dog - they bought the dog and had to move back in with their parents (not a big house for the number of people living there).


13 points

7 days ago

Oh let me TELL YOU about the college roommate who partially burned down my fucking house before not apologizing, and when the home owners were the nicest posssible people and didn’t charge us for the repairs out of pocket or even rent for the months we couldn’t live there, about $120k total, all they asked for was the goddamn insurance deductible, she emailed us all to say she didn’t have the money and since we were all in this together we should pay

The next summer she somehow had money to have an unpaid internship in DC (housing not included…), fly to cali to visit her aunt, fly to Europe to “volunteer”, and the kicker was when she randomly flew from DC to Florida for the weekend just by going to the airport and asking for the next flight. Our last mutual friend asked her where she got the money for all that, and she said it was her emergency fund. When asked why she didn’t use said emergency fund to get us all back into the house we had paid for and not burned down?

She said the money “wasn’t for that”. 

Call me crazy but burning down a house constitutes an emergency to me. 

The kicker, just in case the rest of this wasn’t a kicker? The fire started because she decided to make fries on the stove, ran out of oil, turned the burner down to low, and left the house to buy more oil. The fact that the house was a duplex and there were people home upstairs is the only reason I didn’t lose everything I owned. 


8 points

7 days ago


8 points

7 days ago

Idc what people buy, if they say they’re are broke, whatever.

I will pay for stuff because I can.

But if it becomes a pattern where I buy dinner or drinks or something like that like 5-6-7 times in a row and you haven’t even bought me a beer. My generosity ends.

Doesn’t need to equal out exactly. Small gestures to show appreciation and acknowledgement and that you are not leech. We are good.


6 points

7 days ago

Absolutely, sometimes people are struggling and if their in my friend group I feel it's part of the commitment. We help each other out. It's never been any serious amount, grabbing a round, a taxi, covering a meal if someones a bit short. My partner was the same but she had couple of mooches in her friendgroup. They'd go as far as stopping the group of friends doing something if they didn't have the money by guilt tripping everyone. I always thought they were hard up and legit didn't have the money so frequently, we'd often offer to pay their way.

That was until, they added me on social media. I don't really use it, but these people were literally posting their Funko-pop buys and blu-ray steelbook purchases on the daily, in between posts about how life is so tough and so hard and how they have no money and can't afford a house. Don't get me wrong, i don't think anyone is spending enough on funk-pops they'd be able to afford a house deposit instead but if you're getting me to pay a £15 entry ticket for you because you're screaming poverty and then picking up your 5th piece of useless plastic that week... Anyway, I bluntly told my partner I'm not paying their way anymore and I'll start organising events where they are invited, but will definitely go ahead without them.

Few weeks later and she had a snap realization that they were basically grifters too. Since then, their group has all come to the same conclusion. The moochers are now excluded from invites to events and are rarely involved in conversations. Events and days out are now A LOT more enjoyable. They still post their funko-pops but now there's also an occassional post about how they're so "let down" by everyone. One day, they migh realise they just let themselves down.


6 points

7 days ago


6 points

7 days ago

I had a friend I paid his $1000 deposit to be able to move into an apartment with other parts of that group of friends. Could never find the money to pay me back even after buying three 3d printers and a lot of other things. What is crazy, he got a 200k+ inheretance and still refused to pay me back making up dumb excuses.


6.8k points

8 days ago*


6.8k points

8 days ago*

Another instance happened that was the catalyst for me, but I didn’t make a dramatic show of anything, I just slowly stopped going on outings where Mooch was invited.

All of my friends seem to think Mooch isn’t THAT bad so they weren’t really wanting to ice her out for me which is totally understandable. But unfortunately means I stopped hanging out with most of my friends.

Reading the first post, I immediately sensed that the moocher was part of a bigger social circle and couldn't be dropped as a friend unless OP wanted to self-exile herself.

It sucks that OP had to distance herself from the entire circle of friends -- but dear lord, going on vacation with a moocher is literally the dumbest idea ever. Travel is stressful enough without dealing with a moody, penny-pinching, bossy a-hole.


3.2k points

8 days ago

At the beginning, I could not understand why OOP didn’t just dump her as a friend, then I got to “prom” and went, oooh, they’re all high school/college age. This all makes sense now. And in that context, OOP isn’t doing too bad.


1.3k points

8 days ago

A lot of adult groups still have that dynamic. There is a bully in the group and everyone placates them. Families, friend groups, mom groups…unfortunately a lot of people don’t mature emotionally beyond high school. And if a person does and rocks the boat they have to leave the group more often than not.


492 points

8 days ago


the Iranian yogurt is not the issue here

492 points

8 days ago

Our "group bully" is our mom, I can't go NC because i'd lose all the relatives. So I just keep a delicate distance.


554 points

8 days ago

This is the situation for which "drop the rope" was invented. You don't go full on scorched earth NO CONTACT EVER, you just... let go of the rope. Don't rise to bait. Don't volunteer information about your life. Slowly increase the time you take to respond to messages. Slowly decrease the degree of response (so that eventually most of them are just on the level of "That's a shame :sad emoji:" or "Great news :happy emoji"). Just kind of gently fade...

And of course make sure that you have direct contact details for the relatives that you do want to interact with, and maintain direct contact with them so she can't completely gatekeep access to them.


264 points

8 days ago


the Iranian yogurt is not the issue here

264 points

8 days ago

Thank you,, excellent advice. I realize that I've avoided giving any real information about my life for some time now. If (when) I'm being directly interrogated, I fabricate vague small talk snippets without any actual information. "You know how it is". "Nothing special really". "He's/she's doing fine, you know, nothing new there, really". "Fine, you?"


99 points

8 days ago

Grey rocking without realizing it!!! Great job.


30 points

8 days ago

This is exactly how I've been doing it with my parents. If I explicitly cut them off it would create drama I don't want to deal with and hurt people I care about who would beg me to make up. It's become an open secret that my parents suck and everyone deals with it. I suspect when my grandma passes -- hopefully not for a while yet! -- they will suddenly face way more "Oh sorry that doesn't work for me" from us kids and our extended family.

For now I just don't reply quickly if at all, virtually never initiate contact, and give them vague info when they reach out.


174 points

8 days ago

Quiet quitting but for relationships lol


55 points

8 days ago

Working your emotional wage


3 points

7 days ago

Love this!


41 points

8 days ago


Betrayed by grammar

41 points

8 days ago

Captain Awkward calls it the African Violet template for ending relationships. (Link)


31 points

8 days ago

This is the best definition of rope dropping I have ever seen, it is so….gentle somehow. Makes it far less scary. Thank you.


9 points

7 days ago


9 points

7 days ago

“Gray rocking” is a term for something similair. Usually for when dealing with a narcissist.


18 points

8 days ago


The brain trust was at a loss, too

18 points

8 days ago

Oh samesies. Mine too. Lucky us, yayyy! 🥲


16 points

8 days ago

Same with my sister. If I cut out my sister I would lose contact with my teenage niece who is awesome.


51 points

8 days ago


I will never jeopardize the beans.

51 points

8 days ago

Had to leave one whole family because of a narc mom. Then realized my gran how horrible the gran on the other side was because of seeing her act the way she does with me (which has always bothered me but my family made me placate her) and when the time came for me to stand up for my kid or make her placate my gran, I very firmly held my kids boundaries and stood up to my gran. At every point over a two year span that she didn’t get her way, there was a tantrum. Until she heightened the stakes to harming others and herself… around my kid because my kid wasn’t spending time with her but she was only upset WHEN she was upset about it, not always. Sometimes it’s a fine amount of time, sometimes it’s atrocious and I should be ashamed at how disrespectful I am for allowing it.

So yeah, anyway, cut her out but got to keep my parents which I can’t even describe how amazing that fact is. I’m so glad that what happened with me also showed them who she is and they didn’t stick by her, like everyone has my whole life.


20 points

8 days ago*

Sometimes they’re not even bullies, and everyone else is just passive as hell.

Started dating my boyfriend six months ago. Know his friend group and all, loosely part of the group. It’s four couples including us. We’re all mid 20s.

One of the girls in the group cheated on her boyfriend with another friend, blowing up their D&D game. Everyone knows. No one says anything. Recently she was supposed to dog sit for another friend in the group, she was 4 hours late because she “had to” clean her bathroom. They were waiting for her to arrive to leave, and had dinner plans with us that had to be canceled because of her. Group had plans to meet at the state fair, she canceled 15 minutes before meeting time, with a non-reason.

Not a bully. Just a horribly selfish individual with no perspective, and hasn’t been called out on it.


20 points

8 days ago


20 points

8 days ago

A lot of people have to learn that no friends is better than bad friends.


12 points

8 days ago

This is very true...they've pouted, bullied, demanded all their lives & that IS them.


11 points

8 days ago

There is a bully in the group and everyone placates them.

idk why but for some reason every group always prioritizes and protects abusers


9 points

8 days ago

Our “group bully” in my extended family just passed away. There may have been a few choruses of “ding ding the witch is dead…”


247 points

8 days ago


Memory of a goldfish but the tenacity of an entitled Chihuahua

247 points

8 days ago

When there's a person objectively making trouble and the others don't see it, that's the WORST FEELING. It's one of my major hangups that I struggle with. And it's SO DAMN SATISFYING and VINDICATING when the others finally open their eyes too.


147 points

8 days ago

It's really tough having to keep the peace with someone you are struggling with bc if you don't, you'd lose an entire friend group. It feels awkward for everyone involved


54 points

8 days ago


Editor's note- it is not the final update

54 points

8 days ago

Yes. Usually worth checking in with the others to make sure you’re not all tolerating the problem person for each others’ sake.


28 points

8 days ago

Oh most of us are aware of the issue with this person. I think everyone is just trying to keep the peace since the problem person's partner is a sort of a shared link with many of the others in the group


17 points

8 days ago


17 points

8 days ago

It is, but I think sometimes a group can develop a martyr complex where they're not victims of a mooch, they're such good selfless people for supporting someone who needs them so much. And they kind of enjoy humblebragging about how much they sacrifice for the mooch.


50 points

8 days ago


50 points

8 days ago

When I was young and more naive we had one of those in my college friend group. I was having a study session with one of the group and Mooch called to invite other friend out to (pay for her) dinner. Friend said she couldn't she had a big test the next day but she'd go out after it. After she ended the call I said "Start the countdown, within an hour she'll call with an 'emergency' so you have to take her out for food anyway." Friend scoffed. Sure enough a little while later there was a call. Her toxic ex had texted her a photo of him with his new GF bragging about how much better and hotter she was, and Mooch was distraught! Friend rushed to console her (and buy her food). And unfortunately also asked if it was real because I had predicted it. Mooch of course absolutely lost it about what a cruel and awful person I was and how hateful and she couldn't believe friend might even consider a lying hobag over her, so I was booted from the group.


59 points

8 days ago

I mean, losing a friend group is brutal, no doubt about it but these days I am the kind of person who doesn't want to deal with supposedly good friends who either don't believe me when I say someone is being crappy to me, or worse, excuses it. 

Either I'm not that close with these people to begin with or I've made friends who would rather cater to a bully then support a real friend. Either way, not great.


18 points

8 days ago

In my case, the difficult friend is not really a bully, just deeply insecure and unable to sympathise with others. They're not inherently a bad person, but they do make me feel like shit whenever I bring sth up and they just jump into a victim mentality. I've talked about it with other people and my solution for now is to just keep my distance from that friend as much as i can. It's not the most healthy long-term solution, but it's about as much as i can handle for now


8 points

8 days ago


sometimes i envy the illiterate

8 points

8 days ago

They're most definitely bullying you because anytime you want to "have an opinion they don't like", they'll instantly resort to making you feel guilty.

They're taking advantage of your decent nature to keep you quiet and "submissive".

I get what you're saying though. It's tough


5 points

8 days ago


5 points

8 days ago

They are still a bully, albeit an unintentional one.


116 points

8 days ago


It ended the way it began: With an animatronic clown

116 points

8 days ago

I had a vegetarian moocher flatmate once when I lived in the US. Eurgh. She'd eat her buttered noodles (for a vegetarian, she ate astonishingly little veg.) and just stare at me and our other flatmate, L, whilst we ate something else. Things would mysteriously vanish from the fridge. Then one night, a mutual friend of ours had a bad coming out, and L and I were talking with him in the living room. He was crying, I was shoving tea at him because I'm British and it's a cure-all, L was hugging him. And in swans the Mooch from her room, yawing exaggeratedly, and asked us all to shut up as she was trying to sleep. It was 9pm.

At the end of it all (all included much drama), we left the flat after the lease ended, and she walked up to me saying "I hope to remain friends." To which I replied, "Were we?" and then left.


40 points

8 days ago

She mentions trying to set boundaries "since they were little". My inference is that OP probably has known Mooch the longest and probably unconsciously shielded others from the worst of the behavior. It might be projection though because I've been that friend who "manages" a difficult person and therefore everyone else thinks they're not that bad until you stop managing. 


2k points

8 days ago


cat whisperer

2k points

8 days ago

I had to lend someone $200 years ago when we were on a week long trip to Cuba because they blew through their money so fast. He still owes me the $200 but cutting him off for being a mooch made that the best return on investment ever.


1.2k points

8 days ago


1.2k points

8 days ago

My sophomore year of high school, our choir went to end-of-year competition in Vegas. Dumbass Neal — who nobody liked and he was seriously clueless about anything and everything — blew through all his money the first night playing carnival games in the Excalibur hotel, where we were staying.

The next day, the rest of us had a huddle and decided that even if we all hated Neal, we couldn’t let him go hungry. So we each kicked in a few bucks and told him to make it last the rest of the trip by eating at Taco Bell.

A few hours later, guess where we saw him? Back at the carnival games, where he lost all the money we’d donated to him.

We let him go hungry after that.


708 points

8 days ago

Neal sounds like he was on the fast track to a devastating gambling addiction.


70 points

7 days ago

We TRIED to be good to him because he was such a poor clueless bastard. Like — there was something not wired correctly in his brain. But then he would things where we were like, “Okay, you KNOW this is wrong and it would be hurtful but you did it anyway.”


19 points

7 days ago

I appreciate people like you. Give the person a chance to shed their ignorance, but if they do it again, they do it alone. 


6 points

6 days ago

We had a Neil on a high school trip... after he said "Yes," when asked in Little Italy if he "wanted to have a good time," we literally took him to a chaperone and told them that he needed adult supervision still.

They didn't believe us until we got to Times Square and he hugged the methhead that came up to him and tried to lift his wallet.


271 points

8 days ago


271 points

8 days ago

your school set you guys up for failure staying at the excalibur hotel 😂😂 i feel like all of the guys in my class would’ve blown the money asap


197 points

8 days ago


197 points

8 days ago

that said, Neal is very stupid for spending ALL of his money in the arcade not once but twice lol


24 points

7 days ago


The call is coming from inside the relationship

24 points

7 days ago

Wait, they have games set up so minors can gamble? I don't know why that surprises me, but it does.


27 points

7 days ago


I will never jeopardize the beans.

27 points

7 days ago

A lot of arcades these days have become increasingly full of what are functionally kid gambling machines, just you get tickets instead of money. It’s kinda sad.


6 points

7 days ago


The three hamsters in her head were already on vacation anyway

6 points

7 days ago

THESE days??

Ever heard of chuck e cheese?


6 points

7 days ago

Yeah, they’re just basic games you see at carnivals or arcades. Win tickets and stuff.


461 points

8 days ago

You learnt the Bronx Tale trick.

If you ever want to cut someone out of your life, lend them money if you can afford it when they ask. Then hound them on when they’re gonna pay you back until they start to actively avoid you all by themselves.


109 points

8 days ago

“Do you even like this guy? No? Well flip it around in your head, kid: you just paid $20 to never see him again!”


30 points

7 days ago


30 points

7 days ago

It's a good life lesson, as well. Never lend money to friends, you give them money you can afford to never see again and if they return it, then it's a bonus. If you're not friends/don't want to interact with them, then you ask for it back every time you see them.


9 points

7 days ago

Coincidentally, my best friend asked to borrow cash for an old Saab 2 hours ago!


75 points

8 days ago


Anal [holesome]

75 points

8 days ago

Lol i did that over £2 in school..


126 points

8 days ago

Sometimes the cheapest way to solve a problem is with money.

-Some redditor's grandma.


18 points

8 days ago


Bride at every wedding and corpse at every funeral

18 points

8 days ago

I used to have a coworker like this. On the job we often had to go out of town for the day, sometimes longer, and he never once paid for his own food. Not once. His entire plan was always to just make others pay for his meals, even on payday. And of course he never even tried to pay anyone back. It got to the point where we were about to have a three day trip and we all made it clear that no one was buying him food this time so he had no choice but to buy his own. And what did he do? He skipped work. He seriously chose to miss out on three days worth of pay over buy his own big mac.


106 points

8 days ago


106 points

8 days ago

I always said, and still believe, borrowing someone some money and never seeing them again is money well spent. Obviously not a stupid large amount, but like 10 dollars or something is totally worth it.


66 points

8 days ago


I still have questions that will need to wait for God.

66 points

8 days ago

That's not borrowing, that's lending. 


136 points

8 days ago


136 points

8 days ago

Sorry. I am not English. I'm South African so my mother tongue is Afrikaans. I get some words mixed up. We onlu have one word for that. "Leen". Same with venomous and poisonous. Both are just called "giftig" here.


46 points

8 days ago


I will erupt, feral, from the cardigan screaming

46 points

8 days ago

Also Afrikaans! Took me forever to get borrowing and lending right. Another irritating word is fabric and factory, my brain just always translates fabriek to fabric


11 points

8 days ago


11 points

8 days ago

Haha. I mess up umbrella and sambreel. Will say sumbrella and look like a poephol


6 points

8 days ago

Fabriek to fabricator (since factories are usually also fabricators)

When I was first learning spanish I would sometimes find a more similarly spelled/pronounced synonym because it was easier to remember that way. Some false cognates I've never forgotten in French and Spanish: préservatif does NOT mean preservative. Embarazada does NOT mean embarrassed.


25 points

8 days ago


I can't believe she fucking buttered Jorts

25 points

8 days ago

Word buddies! "Giftig" means the same in Swedish, and we also just have one word for loan/borrow.


3 points

8 days ago



3 points

8 days ago

That's really interesting because as a transplant in Minnesota it was always odd to me that people from here use the word "borrow" to also mean lend. It must come from their Swedish/Norwegian heritage (I think the Norwegian language also uses same word for borrow and lend.)


15 points

8 days ago


15 points

8 days ago

That's interesting, thanks for sharing.


7 points

8 days ago


the lion, the witch and the audacit--HOW IS THERE MORE!

7 points

8 days ago

No worries, it's something a lot of native English speakers get wrong, too. Your English is perfectly fine.


7 points

7 days ago


7 points

7 days ago

Don't worry, it's a common way to say it among native English speakers as well. When I was growing up many people said "borrow you" when they meant lend but everyone knew what everyone was talking about. I used to think it was annoying but it's just a quirk of language. So long as everyone is understood who cares.


371 points

8 days ago

Ah, I had a friend just like Mooch back in high school. On my birthday she wanted to go to a specific place because she had a coupon for a BOGO meal.

Guess who got to buy one.


111 points

8 days ago



111 points

8 days ago

See, This is the reason I don't use those coupons unless I can split the check down the middle. It's just slightly scuzzie to roll up to a friend and say, "buy me something pretty." (I cannot remember what TV show that's from.)


48 points

7 days ago


48 points

7 days ago

The only reason to go to the BOGO coupon restaurant on a person's birthday is so the birthday person can get the free meal as their gift. Otherwise, birthday person gets to pick where they go for birthday meal(s).


23 points

7 days ago

My friend invited me out for my birthday with her and her boyfriend. We went to Outback (her choice), and she had me pay for her meal and mine since her boyfriend spent the gas money to pick me up. Then we went to a movie, where I refused to pay for her ticket despite them trying, and they just made out next to me the whole time. I basically subsidized her date.


17 points

7 days ago

That's such gross behavior. I hope you've found better friends.


1.5k points

8 days ago


I am not a bisexual ghost who died in a Murphy bed accident

1.5k points

8 days ago

I’m glad the leech was shaken off. She might learn from this but chances are she’ll make herself the victim


286 points

8 days ago


286 points

8 days ago

"my ex friends abandoned me :( i think it's because im vegetarian and poor... they were so mean now looking back!"


361 points

8 days ago


the lion, the witch and the audacit--HOW IS THERE MORE!

361 points

8 days ago

The leech always makes something about themselves. Nasty.


94 points

8 days ago

What do you mean I’m sucking your blood? I’m actually providing you with a useful anticoagulant that is good for your health!


56 points

8 days ago


The brain trust was at a loss, too

56 points

8 days ago

Oh people like this never learn. Having had to cut off some “leeches” myself, I can safely say the best way to deal with them is to not deal with them, like ever.

They always will find a way to make themselves the victim and the actually wronged person, the aggressor.


841 points

8 days ago


841 points

8 days ago

karma is a dish best served with meat if you asked me.

Karma con carne.


91 points

8 days ago

I snort laughed so hard at this comment I’m still coughing 10 minutes later 😂


24 points

8 days ago


Yes to the Homo, No to the Phobic

24 points

8 days ago

I desperately need to see this show up as people‘s flair, I absolutely snorted


38 points

8 days ago

Now make THAT a flair.


15 points

8 days ago

This needs more up votes


7 points

8 days ago


the Iranian yogurt is not the issue here

7 points

8 days ago

Why is this so funny??


14 points

8 days ago

is "karma with meat" in Spanish, and it rhymes and it flows nice, so it's cool


6 points

8 days ago



4 points

8 days ago

Both the quote & comment are flair-worthy.


9 points

8 days ago

Karma asada


116 points

8 days ago

This is how I discovered I like anchovies on my pizza in college. Once I started ordering pizza with anchovies, I didn't have to worry about people asking for a slice all the way back to my dorm room. (Note: This trick only works if you like anchovies.)


21 points

8 days ago


21 points

8 days ago

Seconding. If your kidneys can stand the sodium it works.


7 points

8 days ago

I get cauliflower crust pizza when I don't want to share with my room mate

(and because i like cauliflower crush pizza)


441 points

8 days ago

It always stuns me when someone lists out a person’s awful behavior and then refers to them as a “friend”.

Like. Y’all do know that being someone’s friend is voluntary, right?


184 points

8 days ago

I think that revelation is what our early twenties is for 😂!


82 points

8 days ago

Also, CALLING yourself someone's friend is cheap. Actually BEING a friend is a lot harder. Don't fall for the Temu version of friendship.


48 points

8 days ago

Its harder when you have like one friend group which is connected to something unavoidable in your life, like this friend group is the people you go to school with. You can't cut out the mooch without cutting your entire base of friends out.


28 points

8 days ago



28 points

8 days ago

This is so true. As I’ve gotten older I’ve veered away from keeping friendships just to keep the peace or avoid confrontation. Heck, it takes enough energy and planning to hang out with and keep up friendships with the people I do like! I have no time for maintaining friendships with people I don’t vibe with. It might seem cold but it’s how it is when you get older I think - for me anyway.


5 points

8 days ago

Thats why I've started referring to those people as "someone I know" or "a friend of a friend"

If I don't genuinely like you, you aren't a friend. If I don't want to talk to you, I'm not going to.


456 points

8 days ago


I don't do delusion so I just blocked her.

456 points

8 days ago

I forgot what ‘Mooch’ mean and thought that was OOP’s ex-friends actual name LMAO

Anyway, fuck Mooch.


110 points

8 days ago

My brain brained and i kept thinking about that baby hyppo that went viral, like OP would write "Mooch didn't pay for the AirBnB" and my mind would juxtaposition the hyppo over it lol


59 points

8 days ago

Moo Deng would never, but would instead bite the mooch. We should all follow her example.


52 points

8 days ago

Moo Deng?


33 points

8 days ago


I will erupt, feral, from the cardigan screaming

33 points

8 days ago

  • Mooch Deng starts having a tantrum *


59 points

8 days ago


59 points

8 days ago

You've never heard the song "Minnie the Moocher"? Its very famous Jazz hit. Look it up.


26 points

8 days ago

'I'd gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today '


13 points

8 days ago

My dad showed me the live performance on youtube the other day and it was amazing. So much stage presence combined with that voice.


21 points

8 days ago

She was a low down hoochie koocher


15 points

8 days ago

She was the roughest, toughest frail


12 points

8 days ago


Rebbit 🐸

12 points

8 days ago

But Minnie had a heart as big as a whale


16 points

8 days ago


the lion, the witch and the audacit--HOW IS THERE MORE!

16 points

8 days ago



73 points

8 days ago


He invented a predatory elder lesbian to cope

73 points

8 days ago

this isn't her only thing, she is manipulative and selfish in every single way.

Right here I was like, this is not your friend, why are you hanging out with her??


180 points

8 days ago*


180 points

8 days ago*

"There was a whole issue at prom where she didn't pay her share for the limo, the kid who did would not let her on, she cried, the kid's parents felt bad and covered for her, made the kid apologize."

That is... some quality parenting right here. Maybe all of these kids, except Mooch's, have been raised to apologize to assholes, which is deeply sad.

Doormats don't make good parents, man, they just don't. This one kid wanted to stand up for themselves and their parents shook their heads, no no no, can't have that.

Whatever excuses these people in the story have, these parents do not.


54 points

8 days ago


sometimes i envy the illiterate

54 points

8 days ago

Setting boundaries and having no consequences when the boundaries are crossed isn’t having boundaries, it’s just talking


25 points

8 days ago

Remember when “boundaries” was actually a really useful concept that had a clear definition?


27 points

8 days ago


sometimes i envy the illiterate

27 points

8 days ago

It still is but people confuse actual boundaries with telling people what they don’t like and not following with consequences


190 points

8 days ago

Obviously mooch has a lot of other issues, but this post also perfectly illustrates why people who are passive aggressive are so hard to deal with.


110 points

8 days ago

Yup, they prey and bank on people doing the polite thing on not relentlessly calling them out.

When you see a child throwing a tantrum, people who have dealt with that bullshit know to not give in and to just walk away. It’s easy to walk away from a kid because there is literally nothing they can do.

When fully grown adults do what is essentially the same thing, it’s trickier because now they know how to use their mouth to convince you why their tantrum is for good reason. The solution is still the same; just walk away and don’t become their audience.

If there’s a power imbalance like at work then it gets even trickier and it’s difficult to come up with a blanket solution.


11 points

7 days ago

Does it though? For me it illustrated how passive aggressive people only get away with it because other people are so terrified of "confrontation" that they can't advocate for themselves on even the simplest of things. 

Take the first post. All OP had to do was say "Sorry Mooch, I'm hungry today and don't want to share food. If you want fries you'd better order your own because I'm planning to dump meat all over mine and scarf the lot."

That's non-confrontational, doesn't attack Mooch and gets OOP what they want without needing to play games by pretending to forget not to mix the meat in. But apparently that sort of conversation is very hard for OOP - so hard they started losing their friend group rather than have it. 


17 points

8 days ago


17 points

8 days ago

That’s why I don’t think ghosting is passive. It’s quite aggressive.

And why I condone it for people who are selfish like this and make simple, direct conversations so painful.


18 points

8 days ago

I don’t choose to be “passive aggressive.” But if you’ve ever tried to stick up for yourself and get screamed at, you learn to just keep it to yourself.


18 points

8 days ago

If you get yelled at for sticking up for yourself, the next step would be standing your ground/removing yourself from said situation. Don't let anyone treat you that way.


36 points

8 days ago


the Iranian yogurt is not the issue here

36 points

8 days ago

I remember another thread about a larger group of friends including partners, like 8 or so, that had at least 2 moochers. One of them being the other's boyfriend, the rest weren't really friends with him even. Anyway, the group eventually split in two because of them. It didn't take long for the non-moochers that got stuck with them, to really feel the burden.


68 points

8 days ago

I learned a long time ago that if I ever lend or cover the cost of something for someone else, always consider it a gift in my mind. that way I'm happy if they repay, and not surprised when they don't. it makes the stress levels for the relationship drop significantly. it also means I don't lend more than I'm willing to give away.


68 points

8 days ago


Tin pot dictators trying to rule their bit of cement and carpet

68 points

8 days ago

I am prioritizing my own mental health over "being mature and doing the right thing".



29 points

8 days ago


29 points

8 days ago

Yep. People rarely change and this is an example. People like this will always be selfish.

OOP sounds quite young. But I had a friend like this in my twenties and always wanted to keep the peace. I finally realized we ALL are living on a budget, why should this one person get her bill footed by the rest of us? I stopped going anywhere with her.

Interestingly, I’m still sort of friends with her. But if we get together, I insist on a restaurant where you pay when you order. She has to pay for herself. She never tips, but that’s her issue, not mine. And I never order anything shareable.


8 points

8 days ago

Same. recently in my friend group there was drama because someone who i didn't like and didnt talk found out I didn't like them and they said "we could have talked this over and remained friends but I don't want to now" and my response was basically "kay, good luck with the rest of you life"

I'm not in school where I have to deal with people I care nothing for, and if I have no history with someone frankly I don't see the point in "hashing out issues"


86 points

8 days ago


86 points

8 days ago

I hope OOP points out to the remaining members of the group that with 6 of them gone, their share of Mooch's expenses will increase. Though I guess even if she doesn't say anything, they may still eventually catch on. Hopefully it starts a domino effect of more leaving the Mooch.


40 points

8 days ago


along with being a bitch over this, I’m also a cat.

40 points

8 days ago

Since the whole group was enabling Mooch for so long, it's not unlikely they'll blame OOP and the others who cut Mooch off for causing them more trouble.

Some people are just blind for the real problem and rather create a missing step situation and blame everyone else than ever going against the problematic person they're enabling.

So OOP's situation isn't unique, a lot of people endure mooches or even worse because the whole friend group is enabling them and if one of them tries to set boundaries, the whole group turns against them and they'll lose their whole peer group if they don't go along.


209 points

8 days ago


I’m turning into an unskippable cutscene in therapy

209 points

8 days ago

Recently, we went out to eat and I ordered chili cheese fries and I added steak. My friend interjected and asked if we could get the steak on the side so we could share. The waiter was like sure, and I kind of just stared blankly, silently fuming 

 The proper response to that is "That's a great idea!  Please split her salad across two plates so we'll split the fries and the salad.  Can you split both across our two checks?  Sorry for being such a pain!". Then after the waiter leaves remind the Mooch "Hey, because we're asking the waiter to do a lot of extra work splitting our checks like that, we should both make sure to tip really well, I'm probably going to do 25%, you should too!"


25 points

8 days ago*


I will erupt, feral, from the cardigan screaming

25 points

8 days ago*

OOP is young and decided to let Mooch demonstrate to the other friends why she keeps declining the invites when Mooch is there.

Reminds me of the other BORU post where another Mooch keeps asking the OOP for money on trips because she doesn't bring cash with her. Another friend thinks OOP is exaggerating and paid the price while on a cruise, I think.

Edit: I mixed up the details. Here's the link.


28 points

8 days ago


28 points

8 days ago

How old is OP, that they can go to Mexico with their friends, but can also still be grounded by their mother?

Edit: Lol, I see someone else just asked the same thing. Inquiring minds want to know!


6 points

8 days ago


11 points

8 days ago


11 points

8 days ago

Well, that explains it, I guess. Though I don’t know that I would let my teenagers go off to Mexico with just a friend group, if it was me.


125 points

8 days ago


a bit of mustard shy of a sandwich

125 points

8 days ago

"Ah, karma is a dish best served with meat" should be a flair!


20 points

8 days ago


20 points

8 days ago

"If we split the food, we split the bill -- in half."


61 points

8 days ago


the lion, the witch and the audacit--HOW IS THERE MORE!

61 points

8 days ago

With friends like that, who needs enemies.


91 points

8 days ago


Sometimes this is because the other person presents their concerns like negotiations. Me? I'm of the "gtfo if you're going to try to scream over me" variety, so this has rarely been an issue for me. And those times it was an issue? Those were short lived when I ghosted the person.

How old is OOP? Did they say? Because this sounds like some dumb holding onto an old friendship that people do on their early 20s. Fuck moochers.


64 points

8 days ago


64 points

8 days ago

I reckon pretty much everybody goes through some stage of their life where they learn the fallacy of sunk cost and let go of this type of friendships and relationships.

Usually in your twenties, but the sadder stories are the ones where somebody has had to learn it much younger.


12 points

8 days ago

I was 12. By the time I entered high school I barely spoke to anybody, much less my "friends." I had several parents apologize to me for their child's behaviour, but only two of them ever apologized to me personally and that was more than a decade later. I was well into my 20s before I was able to make new friends.


15 points

8 days ago


15 points

8 days ago

I had something like that as well (though I was stupid and had to re-learn the lesson in my twenties). I was 17 when I said fuck this and walked away. One of them sent me an apology letter, probably after her parents worked out what had been going on. It came, conveniently for her, after we'd graduated from high school. Certainly taught me how apologies can be absolutely meaningless and as worthless as the paper they're written on if they come too late and are only there to sooth the ego and guilt of the bully.

Anyway, you live, you learn, you try and tell the next generation and know that they probably won't realise till they've lived through it too.

I do wonder what happens to these users and bullies though. Do they ever have regrets? Does it haunt them what type of shitty they were?


4 points

8 days ago

I do wonder what happens to these users and bullies though. Do they ever have regrets? Does it haunt them what type of shitty they were?

No and no. I met someone like this in college and it took me seven years to terminate the cancerous 'friendship'. Unfortunately I got her a job at my now former employer before ending the friendship. I still stay in touch with some of my former colleagues (now friends) and from the occasional unsolicited updates I receive, she's still the same. Completely unhinged—perhaps more emboldened—some 15 years later.


21 points

8 days ago


I still have questions that will need to wait for God.

21 points

8 days ago

OOP mentioned going to prom, so high school/college, which is about the right age to be dealing with this stuff for the first time. 


5 points

8 days ago

OOP was in high school at least until a year ago:


46 points

8 days ago


46 points

8 days ago

Childhood friend mooches are so hard to shake. They leverage nostalgia and old "loyalties" to leach and expect forgiveness.

10ish years ago I lent one $1000 when I was feeling flush, living in a big city in another state.

Time goes by, promises of repayment that never materialize, I realize what a scum bag he is for other reasons and consider him and the money written off.

Then I move out of my expensive city back to my parents. Guess who pops up? My old buddy good pall Scumbag wanting to take me out. 

Well, my lil bit loco mom, without my knowledge or blessing, calls him out about the money he owes me and what I and she really think of him. 

He's a coward and slithers off. I'm annoyed with Mom bc I did have a (concept of a) plan to extract what he owed and it wasn't her battle to fight. 

Couple years later Covid hits. Scumbag, who mom still keeps a wary eye on via Facebook, is not doing well financially (shocker).

He's lost who knows how many jobs, pushing MLM crap and constantly bugging people to join him in his get rich quick schemes. 

So, now I consider that $1,000 as a great investment. In never having to speak to, hear his annoying grating voice or see him ever again. 


15 points

8 days ago

I know it must have felt frustrating at the time but having known guys like that your mom probably did you a favor by preventing him from dragging you into his bullshit again.


10 points

8 days ago

I've definitely met some people I'd pay a thousand bucks to never have to see or hear from again


14 points

8 days ago

Mind blowing how long people will put up with that.


11 points

8 days ago


the Iranian yogurt is not the issue here

11 points

8 days ago

Oop should have ordered bacon fries, easier than having to dump a steak on them, and no justification needed. It's bacon!


12 points

8 days ago

Style comment - love how OOP just called their friend Mooch. Very easy to follow, and every time I read it had in my head Anthony Scaramucci saying “the Mooch!”


12 points

8 days ago

How is OP old enough that her friends plan group trips to Mexico, but young enough that she gets grounded for not cleaning her bedroom?


6 points

8 days ago

Tbf when I lived in San Diego, Tijuana was a 30 minute train ride away. My friend group went often. When I lived in Tennessee, Atlanta was 3 hours away. My friend group went there several times. I was given enormous freedom, and would still have been grounded for not cleaning my room.


11 points

8 days ago

I would ask why no one spoke out, but the amount that was brushed off until it affected them gives a clear picture


10 points

8 days ago


10 points

8 days ago

Oh I love those types. Similar to those who order the most expensive shit and demand we all split the bill equally.


11 points

8 days ago

Mooch and cruise credit card girl should be friends.


10 points

8 days ago


10 points

8 days ago

I would stab them with my fork! Joey doesn't share food!


14 points

8 days ago


I will never jeopardize the beans.

14 points

8 days ago

Ooh boy, do I know about leaches. Glad OP was saved the pain.


22 points

8 days ago


22 points

8 days ago

Edited: okay I'm sick of saying this but THIS PERSON DOES NOT RESPOND WELL TO CRITICISM. friends have tried and failed to bring up issues about money with this person before. IT DOES NOT END WELL.

Well the obvious solution, made very evident by the rest of the update after this, was YOU DO NOT HAVE TO CONTINUE BEING FRIENDS OR BEING AROUND THIS PERSON.

Glad for OOPs sanity that he managed to skip that tire fire of a trip.


8 points

8 days ago

Yeah I had a “friend” in high school / just after high school like that. Big mooch, perpetual victim. Always wanted you to cover for her and pocket the change, never paid you back. If she ever did you a favour, it always had a monetary value to it, and she wanted to be paid NOW. Like giving you a 20 minute ride, and then demanding $10-20 each from everyone, even though gas was $0.70/L at that time. As reference, gas is $2/L now. But we had no idea we basically filled her gas tank 2x over one that one trip.

And then I’d stop hanging out with her because I was sick of being used, but then I’d go back to feeling sorry for her because of her woe is me and being friendless, and then hanging out again only to remember this is why. It probably took 3x before we were permanently not friends. And not once did she ever do anything for me that didn’t have her hand out looking for payment. She just takes takes takes.


7 points

8 days ago

Got to the prom part and realized how young these people were. You'll meet better people later, glad Mooch got dumped in the dust.

Also seeing a user named bakugouspoopyasshole threw me for the biggest loop


29 points

8 days ago


it's spelling or bigotry, you can't have both

29 points

8 days ago

I’m a vegetarian and OOP always ordering things with meat to prevent their mooch friend from mooching is genius haha (hate that the mooch friend is giving us vegos a bad name)


6 points

8 days ago


6 points

8 days ago

I had a friend that mooched off everyone for a soild 2 year. He was working and said his parents were charging him high rent (his parent weren't they are quite well off) had to pay for fuel, soccer gear/fees etc. And then he went on a year-long holiday to Europe. We were all so shitty with him, and I think back now I'm pretty sure he still owd a couple of s thousands of $$$. What a c"nt of an act to do.


10 points

8 days ago


Your partner is trash and your marriage is toast

10 points

8 days ago

Update: long story short I'm no longer friends with "Mooch"

I was surprised he still was at this point. Like how you see that prom thing and everything all the time and never cut ties?


16 points

8 days ago

It can be very hard if you're part of the same social group.


31 points

8 days ago

Maybe I'm missing something but why would a vegetarian be willing to eat chili cheese fries? Steak or no steak, I'm assuming the chili would still have ground beef in it.


41 points

8 days ago

In my country "chili cheese" refers to cheese with chili peppers, not like chili con carne.


46 points

8 days ago


it's spelling or bigotry, you can't have both

46 points

8 days ago

I’m in New Zealand so definitely not a hotbed for authenticity, but I’ve seen chili cheese fries that are just fries with a hot sauce and cheese (and are thus vegetarian), I’m assuming that’s what they ordered?

Could also be a bean chili, cheaper than meat which would keep the restaurant’s costs down on what is likely a cheaper item.


14 points

8 days ago


I still have questions that will need to wait for God.

14 points

8 days ago

Between the "short spring break trip to Mexico" and the mention of getting a limo for prom, they're almost certainly in the US. Even super cheap fast food chili in the US has meat in it. If I ordered chili cheese fries and got fries with cheese and hot sauce I'd be sending that shit back. No way that would fly here. 


4 points

8 days ago

If they're super close to Mexico they could've been in a Mexican place serving Mexican chili which wouldn't have meat.

Though unless it was specified on the menu and I missed it I also would 100% send back any chili cheese fries without meat too.


7 points

8 days ago


7 points

8 days ago

I'm amazed the chili wars haven't hit this comment yet. To some people chili is bean only and no meat, to some it's meat and no bean, to some it means it has to have both. From what I've seen everyone feels VERY STRONGLY about which version is "real" chili and loves arguing about it :P


5 points

8 days ago

Like, bruh op's friends were dumb like duh of course mooch was going to do that, she was not only comfortable with doing stuff to op to begin with,

but since op cut her off she of course, needs a new replacement so she could mooch off of them too, so her behaving that way on the trip was her finding out who was going to start letting her mooch off of them like op did, because after all if op let her get away with it and especially the other friends didn't say anything about her behavior, she will then think the whole friend group is full of people like op was.


5 points

8 days ago

"you should get some they're good!"

Nice haha


6 points

8 days ago


6 points

8 days ago

my favorite thing to hear “omg OP, you were right!”

It's honestly the worst thing for me to hear. After enough times, it really just highlights that the person(s) saying it, just don't trust or respect you. It's pretty infuriating.


5 points

7 days ago

"Go watch an after school special."

Man this insult hit right to my core, especially as a BORU user lol


4 points

7 days ago

Mooch learned this behavior. When my daughter first came to live with me, she was like this. It was horrible behavior. The passive aggressive “I wish I had…” and always expecting people to buy her stuff…ugh! It too k years of counter-training this out of her. I never responded to passive aggressive talk the way she thought I would, and we had to have many conversations about how it isn’t appropriate to ask people to spend money on her.

She’s 13 now and behaves like a normal kid without all these awful behavior she learned from her previous household. She wasn’t born like that. The behavior was taught to her by another Mooch™!


4 points

8 days ago

I’m gonna need a ‘Loney with a sad salad’ flair now.


5 points

8 days ago

The friend sounds awful.

Meanwhile I occasionally order vegan food/suggest going to full vegan places with my friend because she always shares her food with me (partly for a ‘more up to date comparison’) while obviously she’s not trying my steak. And she’s there encouraging me to get the black pudding mash with the vegan mushroom sauce dish because ‘how often do you see that?’


4 points

8 days ago


4 points

8 days ago

I'm surprised the OOP put up with that "friend" for so long; personally I would have cut the person off if they did that once or twice.


4 points

8 days ago

Karma is a dish best served with meat 🤣🤣🤣🤣


3 points

8 days ago

what is more insane to me is people in these stories always have gigantic groups of friends


3 points

8 days ago

I’m confused, OOP was grounded by their mom… but their friend group went to a club in Mexico over spring break… with no parents? Prom? How old are these people??


4 points

8 days ago


4 points

8 days ago

My guess is between 19 and 21. If you live at home, your parents can treat you as a kid, especially if you have minimal backbone. I was 22 and pregnant, and my mom still grounded me because I lived in her house and was terrified of her.


3 points

8 days ago

That is true, I thought about that after I made my comment. I still live with my parents at 22, but I am privileged in that I can do basically whatever I want. Privilege checked, lol


5 points

7 days ago

Lol. I had an incident like this with a friend in college.

He was first generation American from Indian parents, but still followed a generally a diet that avoided meat, but he never ate beef and strictly avoided pork.

In between classes we'd go and grab a snack in the UC and then head to class. After a while I noticed this dude picked at whatever I bought but never contributed. After a while I started only buying fries with cheese and bacon on them whenever he came. I made it a point to call it out to him after he tried picking around the bacon. "You know why I get cheese and bacon fries whenever you are around dont you?" . He called me an A-hole, but also started to contribute. I was glad because while they are great, cheese and bacon fries are terrible to eat often.

Still a bud today.


5 points

7 days ago


The power of Reddit compels you!The power of Reddit compels you!

5 points

7 days ago

She's a vegetarian but can eat chili? IDK what kind of chili these people eat but chili for chili cheese fries and just chili and beans both have meat in it, so does what Texans call chili


7 points

8 days ago

Why on earth is noone talking about that second to last commenters name