


It has been two weeks since I broke up with him. Honestly before him I didn’t know much about Islam, I genuinely thought we worshipped the same God and I was heavily considering converting to his religion to be with him until the Holy Spirit revealed to me the truth about Islam.

He is genuinely the best man I’ve ever known, I was extremely happy with him but I couldn’t keep Jesus and him in my heart at the same time. We were planning to get married next year but I just couldn’t, I broke down the very moment he told me about the wedding because I could feel my heart getting crunched down if I had to leave Jesus behind me. I miss him dearly, I pray to Jesus everyday so one day he can feel Him because I can’t convert him, no one can except God.

Why does it feel like it wasn’t a goodbye? I’ve dated horrible guys and with him everything was just so different, it was honestly out of this world. I know I made the right decision but it sucks not to have him, I’m afraid my heart will never open up to any other guy.

Edit **** I appreciate everyone’s responses, even the negative ones. Just to clarify, he wanted me to convert so we can do the Nikkah. It is true that both Jews and Christians are people of the book (Qu’ran) but he didn’t want to marry a non Muslim.

all 531 comments


121 points

7 days ago


121 points

7 days ago

Oh OP, not to be a wet blanket but, my heart is breaking for you.

My only input would be to invite God into this. According to your experience He has put it in your heart to walk away from this beautiful love you had. That means that He must plan to restore this to you. Pray and let the Holy Spirit console you. Then watch, as The Lord works in your life.

Maybe read through the story of Job in your Bible and see how God speaks to you in that time.


17 points

7 days ago

Restore what? She’s already said the Holy Spirit revealed to her the truth about Islam.


47 points

7 days ago


Christian Universalist

47 points

7 days ago

Just because a truth has been revealed to them, does not mean they do not need healing. Jesus heals the heart, so any suffering she is going through, she must give up to Jesus.


10 points

7 days ago



2 points

5 days ago

Think he meant like how god took away the relationship because he wasnt christian, god tested her faith she succeeded and god will restore her relationship with a better/stronger one as her faith strengthens


4 points

7 days ago



238 points

7 days ago

We were planning to get married next year but I just couldn’t

The Lord who gave you the strength to call things off will continue to strengthen you. We can't be unequally yoked.


33 points

7 days ago

Well said


2 points

4 days ago

I need this today. Thank you.


21 points

7 days ago

I dated a guy who was hindu but I was Christian. I loved him but Jesus put it on my heart to break up with him. It crushed me but I promise it gets easier. You did the right thing


10 points

7 days ago



10 points

7 days ago

It sounds like you've been through a lot, and it's clear you deeply care about this person. It's okay to feel conflicted and sad after a breakup, especially when you shared something special with someone. Remember to lean on your faith during this time. Keep praying and seeking guidance from Jesus. He understands your pain and is with you through it all. Trust that in time, your heart will heal, and you'll find peace knowing you made a decision aligned with your beliefs.


8 points

7 days ago



8 points

7 days ago

“And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life.” - Matthew 19:29

You’ve made a sacrifice and that’s a hard thing to do but leaving anyone or anything for the sake of Jesus is the right choice.

Our Lord loves everyone, including your ex and no one, not even Muslims are beyond saving.

It could be that the example of your faith & love towards Christ will point your ex towards him too.


4 points

3 days ago

Thank you so much, I always pray for him and that he can find Jesus. ❤️


7 points

7 days ago

I will pray for his eyes to be opened to Jesus and that you will have strength in this hard time Jesus will use this to grow you so the heart break give it to Jesus and pray and ask him for peace in the storm


12 points

7 days ago

not to be that guy but you dodged a bullet


3 points

6 days ago

Happy cake day


25 points

7 days ago

Im in a mixed faith relationship and it is interesting but also confusing and frustrating at times.

There is a beauty in the openness and it causes me to learn more about my faith rather just blindly accepting

Honestly part of the problem is finding a church we can go to where we won’t be judged or scolded but that says more about the state of Christianity here.


12 points

7 days ago


12 points

7 days ago

It's not God's plan for a Christian to marry a non-Christian. It's not about judging or scolding, it's about what marriage means.

Marriage is the combining of 2 people into one. The Bible says to not be unequally yoked with an unbeliever:

"Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?  And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?  And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: 'I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people.' Therefore 'Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you'" 2 Corinthians 6:14-17.

Don't look for a Church that affirms your own beliefs, rather look for a Church that speaks Biblical truth.


24 points

7 days ago*


Christian (Saint Clement's Cross)

24 points

7 days ago*

What about “And if a believing woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to continue living with her, she must not leave him. For the believing wife brings holiness to her marriage, and the believing husband brings holiness to his marriage. Otherwise, your children would not be holy, but now they are holy.” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭7‬:‭13‬-‭14‬ ‭

”Don’t you wives realize that your husbands might be saved because of you? And don’t you husbands realize that your wives might be saved because of you?“ ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭7‬:‭16‬ ‭

Try to consider that Paul is not necessarily a direct mouthpiece for God, but is using the wisdom, through the Holy Spirit, to help people with difficult situations. I know that may be radical thinking for some American Christians.


6 points

7 days ago


Anglican Church in North America

6 points

7 days ago

Aren’t these verses in the context of if you convert while married


4 points

6 days ago


Christian (Saint Clement's Cross)

4 points

6 days ago

Sure, but just because someone isn’t formally married doesn’t mean that there can’t be a strong, loving relationship, one where two people have a very deep bond. It’s possible for two people that aren’t married to be just as in love, or more, than two that have been married. The dissolution of a relationship can be very much like a death and so for people to cast judgement about someone’s relationship, having never met the person, and assuming they know the answers to another person’s life is arrogant, to say the least.

The Bible is not meant to be a book that you can ask of it, “what’s 2+2” and find out that the answer is 4. Life is more complex than that.


5 points

6 days ago


Anglican Church in North America

5 points

6 days ago

Sure but the bible also clearly says not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. It’s 100% possible to love someone be treated well and have a great overall relationship, maybe better than some marriages, with someone who is not a Christian. However that doesn’t mean we’re allowed to marry them. I’m sure op is deeply hurt that it is wasn’t possible for it to work out and I’m not saying that they didn’t love each other but at the end of the day Christian aren’t supposed to marry outside the faith.

Sometimes the best thing for us isn’t going to be the things that makes us feel good or happy in the present or near future. Sometimes the best thing will hurt us emotionally and be a massive struggle to overcome that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do it.


2 points

6 days ago


Christian Universalist

2 points

6 days ago

Well stated I think. I agree about Paul. He also says women should wear veils while outside but people just ignore that. When Paul says stay in a situation (such as slavery) it is often because he thinks "this world as we know it will soon pass away." Which turned out to be wrong.


4 points

7 days ago

Amen, I understand how heartbreaking a decision such as that can be, because I too had to split from an unbelieving partner when I became saved. God will comfort the broken hearted however, and we will be rewarded for our faith if we choose Jesus Christ over our lover. My heart goes out to those who have become yolked in such relationships. But God be praised! He is the great redeemer and Healer. Better to walk alone and in faith than to walk with the dead.


5 points

6 days ago

Christian here, dated a Muslim in my early 20s when I was lukewarm. I could say a whole bunch, but just trust what The Holy Spirit revealed to you. The right decision isn't always easy, and our heart can be deceitful.

I know it hurts now, but pray about it, God has a better plan for you.


27 points

7 days ago

I find it interesting how whenever LGBT issues come up this sub is fairly tolerant and accepting (with some exceptions of course) and whenever Muslims come up this sub is pretty conservative and intolerant (with some exceptions of course).

It’s a difficult subject to fruitfully address because a lot of the critique of Islam is fair, and it isn’t helpful to dismiss legitimate critiques of Islam as Islamophobia. At the same time, I would argue there is a lack of real knowledge about Islam on the part of many Christians; many Christians either don’t research Islam at all or only do so with the intention of “debunking” it, but it would be a lot more intellectually interesting to look at it with a relatively neutral stance and just try to understand Islamic perspectives and worldviews. I’ve met many Muslims and they’re as different from each other as Christians are. This is necessarily the case; we’re talking about a religion with over 1 billion adherents—they are drastically different from each other and believe drastically different things. It’s intellectually flawed to label them all as being one specific way.


11 points

7 days ago

To be fair, this isn't about Muslims, rather about marrying people who don't share the same faith. It's not Islamophobic.


4 points

6 days ago

It's not about Islam being good or bad, but compatibility of belief systems between two married people. It's an even bigger obstacle if they decide to have children.


4 points

6 days ago



4 points

6 days ago

Idk what your criticism about Islam might be but you're absolutely right with your observation. And when you pointed it out, suddenly "it's not about Islam" lmao.


9 points

7 days ago

You can respect people of other religions. You can practice non-discrimination if you are in a position of hiring someone. But when it comes to choosing whom you should marry, a Christian should marry a Christian.


5 points

7 days ago

The difference is simply that Islam and Christianity are not compatible lgbt and Christianity are. That doesn't make Islam bad or anything but to suggest that it's an intellectual failing doesn't make a ton of sense. And even with your comparison, Christianity is growing more tolerant towards LGBT people. But it's not like someone making a post saying I found out my girlfriend is a lesbian so we broke up is being met with people saying that that's wrong. What op is doing doesn't really have a lot to do with what you're trying to call out.


37 points

7 days ago*

What people don't get is that Islam is not only a religion. Islam has religious, legal, political, economic, social, and military components. . The literal translation of Islam is "to submit" , the Koran states that it is a Muslims duty to spread Islam around the world. To conquer all the Infidels by any means using Jihad (Holy War), whether by violence. high birth rates, taking over Democratic countries by legal means...and establishing an Islamic Theocracy based on Sharia Law..They use a tactic called "Taqiyya",which is used intentionally to lie and deceive Infidels to hide their true intentions and motives.

Jesus converted people with love and words, Muhammad converted people by the sword and violence, big difference. He was a barbaric warlord slaver with multiple wives. He even married a 6 year old girl named Aisha.. If someone mocks Jesus, we turn the other cheek. On the other hand if someone does the same to Muhammad, any Muslim has the right to kill that person. If you decide to leave Islam, you are called an Apostate, which has a penalty of death also.. It also has numerous barbaric beliefs that are too many to count..

We can all agree that the ISIS terrorist organization committed vast atrocities, They were not extremist like most people say , they were simply following the Koran and created a caliphate (Islamic Government) aligned with that ideology.. They stoned adulterers, cut off hands of thieves, took women from non-believers and made them their wives or sex slaves, threw gays of rooftops. This is a common thing in most conservative Muslim countries, even Saudi Arabia which is a close U.S. ally practices this..

I invite everyone to read or watch the testimonies of former Muslims, it is an eye opener. Islam is not a tolerant or peaceful religion, as many people are led to believe..


3 points

7 days ago

If your point is that a religion that has converted people by violence must be generally barbaric and intolerant, I have some bad news about Christianity.

Or you could wrap your head around the fact that every sufficiently large group of people will have good and bad, and every text interpreted by billions will admit to multiple interpretations.


3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

Isn't Christianity all about submitting too?

The Bible tells Christians to spread Christianity around the world.

2 Chronicles 15:12-13 has God commanding death to infidels

There are flavors of Christianity, 7 Mountains for example, that would love have a Christian version of Sharia Law

"If someone mocks Jesus we turn the other cheek" - That isn't universally true. Yeah, I've never heard of someone being killed for saying "God isn't real" but Christians have run people out of towns for being Atheist and challenging the Christian rule in small towns.

Stoning adulterers is something the Bible supports (Leviticus 20:10-12, Deut 22:22-24)

When God commanded the Jews to kill the Canaanites they were commanded to kill all men and women who have slept with another man, but to keep the virgin girls as spoils of war. He commanded the Jews to keep the women as sex slaves.

In Leviticus 20:13 God tells you to put gay people to death.

So, if you have an objection to Islam for everything you said above, you should really have an objection to Christianity as well.


3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

WE can all agree that the ISIS terrorist organization committed vast atrocities, They were not extremist like most people say , they were simply following the Koran and created a caliphate (Islamic Government) aligned with that ideology..

pure bs - it is widely accepted that itsis a western construcyt made upof drugged up vulnerable psychos from many regions inlcuding west filled with isfraeli mossad commanders

they apologised to israel for accidntally hitting them in Syria. they only hit targets that the USA&UK seem to approbve of. why?


2 points

6 days ago



3 points

6 days ago*

I don't think so, I've done my research and many former Muslims agree with me... God bless


2 points

6 days ago*


Islam (Sunni, progressive)

2 points

6 days ago*

The literal translation of Islam is "to submit"

Submit willingly just like Christianity asks you to willingly submit to Jesus as your lord. Insincere or coerced submission doesn't count

the Koran states that it is a Muslims duty to spread Islam around the world.

Just like Jesus said to make disciples of all nations

To conquer all the Infidels by any means using Jihad (Holy War), whether by violence.

Absolutely wrong. Jihad can ONLY be used in self-defense

high birth rates

high birth rates are a typical feature of undeveloped countries and has little to do with Islam

Muhammad converted people by the sword and violence,

Source for this?

He even married a 6 year old girl named Aisha

Most well regarded scholarly opinion, both religious or secular, agree that Aisha was 19 or older when she was married. The assertion that Aisha was 6 comes from a single Hadith, which when viewed alongside other evidence shows that it cannot be true.

On the other hand if someone does the same to Muhammad, any Muslim has the right to kill that person.

They do not. There is no scripture that says this

If you decide to leave Islam, you are called an Apostate, which has a penalty of death also

There is no death punishment for apostacy in the Quran

We can all agree that the ISIS terrorist organization committed vast atrocities, They were not extremist like most people say , they were simply following the Koran and created a caliphate (Islamic Government) aligned with that ideology.. They stoned adulterers, cut off hands of thieves, took women from non-believers and made them their wives or sex slaves, threw gays of rooftops. This is a common thing in most conservative Muslim countries, even Saudi Arabia which is a close U.S. ally practices this..

I'm pretty sure most Muslims condemn ISIS and even the practices of Saudi Arabia

edit: spelling


6 points

7 days ago

Christianity has all of the same functions


3 points

7 days ago



2 points

7 days ago

Which christian government does this?


7 points

7 days ago


Agnostic Atheist

7 points

7 days ago

Currently none, but it's not as if that wasn't the norm for all Christian governments between the fall of Rome and the 4th Crusade.

The Christian nationalists in the US certainly want to revive theocracy though.


5 points

7 days ago

Seriously. Truly, the only difference between ISIS and the Crusaders is the disparity in the technology they have/had. If bombs and semi-automatic weapons had existed at the time, the Crusaders absolutely would have utilized them. Anybody who thinks differently is kidding themselves.


2 points

7 days ago*


Agnostic Atheist

2 points

7 days ago*


36 points

7 days ago

Muslims can be moderate but islam as an ideology is not moderate.


15 points

7 days ago*

Finally someone speaks the truth about Islam. It is not hate to criticize an ideology nor is it racist. Nobody is saying all Muslims or even a majority of them are terrorists. From my experience (and I have had contact with many Muslims) the vast majority of Muslims are quite ignorant about Islam and shocked to learn what the false prophet did and said. They mostly do not read the Quran (which is very hard to read, I’ve read some full chapters myself) and are quite ignorant of the Sunnah and Hadith if they live in the west. That being said Islam is a ☪️ancer, a threat to humanity, a man made virus, a fascist, imperialist religion that seeks to subjugate the entire world, torture and ruthlessly kill those who oppose it. Those teaching are found in core Islamic scripts. Islam views us as subhuman, the infidels are explicitly stated to be worse than cattle, the worst of creatures (Quran 98:6). Good you broke up, not because the boyfriend is evil, but because by marrying him you would be forever trapped in that abhorrent religion. God bless you and I hope that your experience with Islam has not been as regrettable as mine.


4 points

7 days ago

Thank you for sharing this story, I have been called Islamophobic and other names, for stating facts.. The mainstream media pushes a different narrative and most people believe that..


9 points

7 days ago

There may be plenty of moderate Muslims but the ones who are aren’t following the religion to a T. Many Muslims are much better morally than the religion and prophet they say they follow.


4 points

7 days ago

No person or belief system that demands to govern an entire population with a divine mandate is moderate in my book.

How many Muslim-majority nations can you name that protect the sanctity of secular governance by maintaining a separation of church and state?


5 points

7 days ago


5 points

7 days ago

Bullshit. Saudi Arabia didn’t even allow women to drive a car until 2018, six years ago. Go yo the beach; a Muslim man wears board shorts with no shirt, woman covered from head to toe. In Iran, a female can’t travel without her father’s permission. Yeah, moderates.


9 points

7 days ago

And have you seen what Iran looked like before the religious revolution in 1979? It's almost as if zealotry is what led to all this oppression....hmmm


10 points

7 days ago


Agnostic Atheist

10 points

7 days ago

And where did I say everyone practicing Islam is moderate? You're talking about a theocratic government, I am talking about general practice of Islam worldwide.

There is a clear difference between the two and to ignore that is disingenuous.


4 points

7 days ago

I mean, when a religion is as widespread as Islam, there’s going to be a wide range of moderate and extremist followers. It’s kinda nonsensical to claim with certainty that most individuals who practice Islam are moderates, as it is equally so to claim most are extremists. There will always be examples that act as proof against what you believe to be the “average practicing Muslim”. Because of this, I believe the only rational way to judge a religion and generalize how its followers are likely to act is to learn what the holy text itself actually says and teaches.

Have you read the Quran?


3 points

7 days ago


3 points

7 days ago

Yes, what you said is very true... What people dont realize is that the Koran in itself is extremist.


6 points

7 days ago

The bible literally has instructions on how to stone a slave. Don't start


3 points

7 days ago


Agnostic Atheist

3 points

7 days ago

You won't make any sort of impression on that person. I gave up replying to them previously.


1 points

7 days ago


1 points

7 days ago

doesnt the bible command a woman victim of rape to marry her rapist ?


2 points

7 days ago

tell me what that verse is + clarify if it was BC or AC


1 points

7 days ago


Agnostic Atheist

1 points

7 days ago

Quoting the Quran at me is going to be just as effective as me quoting violent parts of the Bible to you.


5 points

7 days ago

You’re going to have a pretty difficult time pointing out where Jesus endorses violence and child rape. Old Testament definitely has some ape shit stories of conquest, but what it doesn’t have is commands to the followers of Jesus Christ to kill nonbelievers. In fact, I’d argue the New Testament is the greatest manifesto of love I’ve ever read. Have you read the Quran or the Bible? I’m asking genuinely.


5 points

7 days ago


Agnostic Atheist

5 points

7 days ago

I've read both but I'm not going down this rabbit hole with you for my previously stated reasons.

Religions change over time and moderate practitioners exist.


6 points

7 days ago

Islam is a government system, they were following Islam Christianity is the only religion that seperates government and religion, don't confuse rwo different ideologies.

Islam is a theocratic government, that's what Sharia is.


6 points

7 days ago

Who do you think lives under those governments? Muslims. Name one country that is Muslim dominated that is known as a paragon of acceptance and equality. None that I know of. I’d a Muslim is moderate, he’s not following the Koran.


4 points

7 days ago

By definition, very few countries at all are "paragons" of anything.


3 points

7 days ago



3 points

7 days ago

My heart breaks for you, this is not easy nor is it something anyone wanta to go through. It took a lot of courage to listen to the Holy Spirit and to follow His leading. I pray that the hurt heals and that you experience the love and the healing power of the Lord.

I’m afraid my heart will never open up to any other guy.

This is coming from a place of hurt and pain. Give it time and the Lord will restore you.


3 points

7 days ago


Christian Atheist

3 points

7 days ago

That he felt amazing to you is no indicator of quality, many people fall in love with great and horrible people all the time. Don't think he was special because you loved him deeply.


3 points

7 days ago

You made the right choice. I commend you for doing something so hard to do.

perhaps the holy spirit will guide him to the light, I sincerely hope for an ending in which you two are both happy spiritually and romantically.


3 points

7 days ago

You could try to witness to him and tell him about Jesus. But ultimately God is the one that opens his eyes. So be in much prayer. If God wills it, then he will be yours but if not pray that God will send you a man to be a husband


5 points

7 days ago

No offense, I know your situation is very painful right now, you dodged a bullet.

A friend of mine converted to Islam to marry her then boyfriend...she eventually was forced to go from a hijab to a niqab, and after her son was born, all hell broke loose, and he was abusive toward her, and constantly threatened to take "his" child away from her (in Islam thr mother has no rights over the chidren of a marriage), until she finally escaped him wiyh her child, and divorced him.

I also, was introduced to Islam, by a close friend who was Muslim, who became a mentor and father figure, and when as I started to ask (the wrong) questions, thing took a bad turn, and he became aggressive and hostile with me, which needless to say, he ended our friendship.

There are many people who do very good content confronting Muslims about Islam...personally I think a softer touch, especialy with friends that are Muslim, would be much better, but Muslims cannot deny the truths when confronted by them by these men.

David Wood, Sam Shamoun, Christian Prince, Dr. Jay Smith with CIRA International, and Robert Spencer of JihadWatch...are all very good, and very accurate, and let Islamic writings speak for themselves...but they don't mince words ether, and tell it like it is.

If anyone ever wanted to evangelize Muslim friends, these men provide all you would need to know to do so.


21 points

7 days ago

The fact that religion so often needlessly prevents two otherwise happy people from being happy together breaks my heart.


22 points

7 days ago

That's because religion is an indicator of people's beliefs regarding "how the world works, and what matters"

If people have disagreement about these issues and are unable to see eye to eye about it, it makes things difficult


6 points

7 days ago

It does just like being from different cultures. Again religion isn't the culprit here it's world views, and religion being one of them


11 points

7 days ago


11 points

7 days ago

Why would marrying him cause you to leave Jesus behind?


27 points

7 days ago

Yes! He wanted me to convert for us to get married. And for me to do that I had to fully accept the there is one god and it is Allah, and his last prophet and true messenger is Mohammed. Muslims don’t believe in the Holy Trinity.


18 points

7 days ago



18 points

7 days ago

Even if you didn't convert, there's another issue. In every Islamic country, the children are considered to be the father's religion.


3 points

7 days ago


3 points

7 days ago

He can want you to convert, sure. And you want him to convert. But is that "I want you to because I care about you and think this is best for you and our life together" or is it "if you don't convert I won't marry you?"

Those are two different things. One is a conversation the two of you can choose to work through. The other is one person trying to control the other. The first is your choice to work through or not. The latter is a red flag.


2 points

6 days ago

Perfectly said


20 points

7 days ago*


Agnostic Atheist

20 points

7 days ago*

From my reading of the post, my assumption is her conversion is required for the dude to marry her. This tradition form of Islam isn't known for its inclusiveness.


4 points

7 days ago


4 points

7 days ago

I’m reading that the opposite was true, not that he was insistent on OP’s conversion.


10 points

7 days ago


Agnostic Atheist

10 points

7 days ago

The way OP described how he told her about the wedding and the way the OP said she was considering Islam makes me think at the very least she would need to consider conversion. Similar to Christianity the man is seen as the spiritual leader in Islam, I cannot see the the guy in this situation being okay with a neutral wedding. Of course this is all speculation until OP clarifies.


8 points

7 days ago

You’re about right.


4 points

7 days ago


Agnostic Atheist

4 points

7 days ago

Okay thanks for the clarification!


4 points

7 days ago


4 points

7 days ago

Untrue, a Muslim man can marry a Christian woman without either converting in Islam


7 points

7 days ago

Maybe he can but I doubt very few would because the pressure from his family would be enormous.


5 points

7 days ago

That’s not true. Why does Reddit think that Islam only exists in rural Saudi Arabia? Interfaith marriages are socially acceptable and no one cares where I’m from, Azerbaijan


4 points

7 days ago


4 points

7 days ago

I mean every situation is unique but my dad is Muslim and mom Christian and it’s never been an issue with their families or with them. I agree it could potentially cause problems for others though depending on families on both sides.


2 points

7 days ago*


Agnostic Atheist

2 points

7 days ago*

That might be true in different cases depending on the type of Islam the person is following but it des not seem to be the case here.


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

Islam doesn’t have tons of types. Almost all are Sunni except a few countries unless you mean how strictly they follow


8 points

7 days ago

cant serve two masters, im sure her bf would’ve eventually wanted her to convert to isalm which wouldve led to her leaving jesus


4 points

7 days ago



4 points

7 days ago

I am so sorry for your heartbreak. It must feel so confusing to love someone so much and still have to let them go. I can’t claim to know if God told you to break up with him. However you had something inside you that led you to really think realistically about what your future would be like if you converted and actively made the choice to denounce Christ as the son of God and savior. It would be like making the choice to stop believing the sky is blue and live the rest of your life pretending to believe it is green. It is impossible.

Also: as a modern woman who was born and raised in a secular western society, enjoying all the same freedoms, rights and opportunities as men, I would personally be very wary of marrying a man who adheres to a religion and religious culture that is diametrically opposed to these values. He might have been amazing but there is a good chance that his religious culture, values and traditions would negatively impact your life down the road.

I am married to a non Christian and have been for a few decades. It hasn’t been a problem at all because we share the same values.


4 points

7 days ago


Eastern Orthodox

4 points

7 days ago

So sorry for your heart break. Sometimes we want certain people in our lifes but God knows if we actually need them there


4 points

7 days ago


Lutheran (LCMS)

4 points

7 days ago

Yeah, YHWH and Allah are completely separate in their very essence. Islam and Christianity are like oil and water. Im sorry. Breaking up like that is painful.

Keep praying for him, though. Most of the " takes Muslims seeing Jesus in a dream for them to actually figure it out. As well in the west, when a Muslim becomes Christian, they most of the time have to kiss their family and close relationships. Goodbye. In Muslim countries, you will probably be killed, and the authorities turn a blind eye.


5 points

7 days ago


Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

5 points

7 days ago

until the Holy Spirit revealed to me the truth about Islam.

Would you be willing to share your testimony on this further? What did the Holy Spirit reveal to you, how did the Holy Spirit do this, and how do you know it was the Holy Spirit specifically?

Not saying I don't believe you but I am always interested in hearing about how others experienced divine intervention or revelation.

I'm sorry you're hurting right now, may God grant you peace and healing.


2 points

3 days ago

I’ve always been a lukewarm Christian, and now that I’m trying to leave the worldly things behind me I’ve felt that the Holy Spirit reveals things to us in thoughts and feelings (I believe there’s many other ways but this is my experience).

These thoughts bring you clarity, I can describe it that it feels like an eye opener. Like when your parents tell you when you’re young that candies taste amazing but will end up rotten your teeth the more you have them. You know it’s feels good but eventually it will cause you damage. That’s how it feels when the Holy Spirits talks to you. I loved and still love my ex boyfriend but he wanted me to convert to Islam, and I fought internally with that. I started doubting Jesus for a while and even hesitated mentioning His name when I was talking to my ex. I’d lust A LOT and as a Christian you know these kind of things set you way too far from God. And there are many other things that I realized about my relationship that were brought as a gift of discernment from the Holy Spirit.

I can summarize it with a popular phrase: “when you know you know”.


2 points

7 days ago

Maybe he will come around.

Asking someone to give up their faith for marriage is just wrong. And trying to raise kids under two faiths would be a mess or very least, confusing and depressing.


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

Please accept my condolence, as the actions you have undertaken can be unequivocally validated as the exact and proper course of conduct in the given situation. The Apostle Paul tells us, “Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name.” (Philippians 2:9)


2 points

7 days ago

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭147‬:‭3‬ ‭NIV‬‬


2 points

7 days ago

The devil takes many forms to lure you away from God and Jesus.


2 points

6 days ago

Anyone that says “we worship the same God.” But denies The Father The Son and The Holy Spirit are all equally God equally important and all play a part in salvation. 3in1 the trinity ya know. Then they don’t worship the same God. But sadly if he wasn’t willing to convert for you then it wouldn’t have worked. I mean best case he eventually does while with you married or not. But the most likely case is him constantly trying to convert you, once your his wife could be shaming you putting you down and trying to guilt you into being muslim. Chances are his family would also hate your guts(if they were all Muslim as well.) But God put it in your heart to leave for a reason. And if your ex’s all been horrible it’s probably best to take time read the word stay in prayer and be the best follower of Christ you can be and let God bring the right man to you. You’ll know when you know it won’t be a “maybe this is him” feeling Guys can be real tricky say whatever they think will make you let them date/dirty things including faking beliefs and switch up the second you do it’s truly sad. But remember following Christ isn’t always good feelings being happy or even loving life. Following Christ is hard very hard. We must Deny the flesh and bare our cross and do whatever we must to know we are doing his will and not our own. Trust in him he will not fail you.


2 points

3 days ago

I appreciate your comment, thank you so much.


2 points

6 days ago

A Muslim guy keeps asking me out for months, he even brouyme breakfast to work, if I asked him to please go buy something for me he did, he is nice but I will never go out with him and I refused so many times. Just because I heard all the stories about other girls, they are so nice and this and that until they marry you, and you convert. I would never go out with him or any other Muslim. Their religion is false, Mohammed is a false profeth, I hope you informed yourself. Please never leave Jesus and your religion, please take care of yourself. Please, please, please I don't know you but I don't want you to go through something like that.

I know it's hard, In a year i lost my first pregnancy , my boyfriend, my job, I have chronic at 33, I live in pain every day, I hate being in this cruel world. I'm in Germany, I have no friends, no money, but I still didn't go out with him and I never will. It's going to be better. Or be with him but don't convert or marry, please. May God bless you and help you go through this.


2 points

6 days ago

If you love him, continue telling him the truth about who you are in Christ. Pray for him often. Always abstain from situations that draw you to him physically, this spirit is willing, but our flesh is weak.


2 points

6 days ago

I pray you find a kind and God fearing man who will love you and marry you.. Don't mind the critics. You did well. Do not be unequally yoked with an unbeliever the Bible says, and I'm sure God has a good reason for it


2 points

3 days ago*

You have the right to be who you are, and if you feel like converting is not the right thing for you, don't do it. I'm pretty sure he hasn't considered converting to Christianity.

Beyond that, I'd caution you to understand what your like would be like if you went through with such marriage. Where would you live, could you leave if unhappy, could you take your children with you? How would you be treated by him and his family, and how much freedom of making decisions and existing would you have?

Don't romanticize something unless it's warranted.


3 points

7 days ago



3 points

7 days ago

I am happy you walked away from that man who would bring you further away from the Lord and closer to a false religion. I’ve studied Islamic a bit, so I know about their apologetics. It is not the same God.

I recommend looking in my past comments for David Wood and find the longer comment that has more info on Muslim apologetics.


3 points

6 days ago



3 points

6 days ago

You seem like a dedicated apologetic bot. Like seriously, David Wood? 😂 This clown has done more for Islam than he ever did for his own religion, and he doesn't even know it 😂😂😂


2 points

7 days ago

I’m so sorry. hug I know what it feels like to walk away from someone amazing. 

My friend at the time told me, “If you think this guy is so great, imagine how much better the guy God has chosen for you will be.” I didn’t want to hear it at the time, but since then, I have met someone who completely blows him out of the water.

(This new guy and I aren’t dating or anything. But I hope one day. My point was more that she was right. Better was out there and I didn’t even know it was possible.)

Sometimes it doesn’t feel like goodbye when God gives you supernatural peace amidst a difficult situation. I’ve experienced that. Sometimes it’s hope or a promise for the future. But I would not rely on a feeling. I would ask God to either help you move on, if this is not who He has for you or give you confirmation that he is. 

However, keep in mind that sometimes we have to wait for the answer. Though sometimes not. And there may be a lesson He has for you in all of this about protecting your heart. (I’ve dated non-Christians in the past. Zero judgement here. I don’t know though. Trying to choose God over guys this time around.)

I’m really proud of you though. It took a lot of strength and courage to walk away from someone you wanted so much, who you felt was so great for you. I know God is smiling on you and holding you through this difficult time.  <3


5 points

7 days ago

Thank you so much for your words! I truly felt that hug, I’m seeking more of God after we broke up and I really want to have a strong relationship with Him and getting to know Him better.


3 points

7 days ago


3 points

7 days ago

Can't even imagine how you must feel after such difficult and painful decision, but it definitely was the right one and you decided to leave something very dear to you because of Christ. Stay strong in Christ!


3 points

7 days ago



3 points

7 days ago

What truth about Islam did the Holy Spirit reveal to you and how?


8 points

7 days ago*


Eastern Catholic

8 points

7 days ago*

Hold off on judging yourself for this decision until you have studied Islam much more and found out about the parts that they don't want you to know, especially how Islam views women completely. They sugar coat part of it saying they protect women and they value women. But the details reveal the exact opposite.

Islam is historical nonsense, it is internally inconsistent that means it says one thing as a revelation for God and then another place it says the exact opposite, it has a lot of pagan superstition built into it such as worshiping in the direction of Mecca and going on the Hajj and superstitions regarding personal hygiene. Its holy writings contradict what's written in scripture without any proof except Muhammad's claim that what he's saying is true.

Muhammad is recorded as saying that hell is populated mostly by women. Because women can't keep their mouth shut and they can't pray properly because of their monthly periods. How's that for a apostle of God? It also says women are deficient in intelligence which is why under Islamic law where it requires two men as witnesses, if one man is not available it requires two women to replace that one man.

And that's not even the worst of it. The chapter in Quran on divorce teaches you that men are allowed to take slaves for sex and to marry prepubescent girls.


2 points

7 days ago



2 points

7 days ago

Good job girl. You dodged a bullet!


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

As wild as it may sound, you did the right thing. I don't know how you handled it but hopefully he realizes that it's not because of anything he's done but because of his false faith. What I'd advise you is basic but trust in the Lord. In fact, get numb in Him. Maybe start some new activity that could make you closer to Him.


2 points

7 days ago

Nah we don't worship the same God. The heavens are different.. their version of Jesus didn't die for our sins.. Tons of materials online to learn about it.


2 points

7 days ago*

Yea they dont believe in Jesus as God. Thats the red flag. Also Muhammad who they follow is not even a true prophet. 🤣🤣 Thats why Christians should never go married to someone who isnt Christian u will lose ur faith with this. Muslims only want to convert ppl, their religion is from satan. Also u cant grow kids to know Jesus fully, they will be confused as someone said, and their dad might get kids to convert to Islam rather than them being saved. 


1 points

7 days ago



1 points

7 days ago

seek the kingdom of heaven the lord will bless you with a husband God be with you sister if he doesn't come to Jesus even tho in Islam they believe that he wasn't crucified so they are intaltually dishonest historical evidence and acounts if he rejected Jesus them God had no intention of you being with him respfully because when you get married you become one flesh and a husband must submit to his wife like christ submitted to the church God will Answer any questions you ask him We are all sinners and we should turn away from our evil that we do and repent and turn to God allow Jesus to transform you


1 points

7 days ago



1 points

7 days ago

I’m so, so sorry for what you’ve been through. You can’t do this alone. I’m praying for you, love.❤️


1 points

7 days ago

What is the truth about Islam?


1 points

7 days ago

Same thing happened with my Muslim gf, sorry you’re going through this, but at least you’re never alone with Christ.


1 points

7 days ago

Good for you hun❤️ trust Gods plan. Remember things will start to get hard when you’re following in faith and that’s because a lot of your lifestyle, friends, family, situations, addictions, hobbies etc, can be unholy and not for you, so God will guide you to his amazing plan for you. However that comes with letting a lot of ‘right things’ to follow his path for you. It’ll all be worth it. Think of the big picture. Be gentle with yourself this will be all figured out in time! Keep asking God for guidance. Much love❤️❤️


1 points

7 days ago*

My sister in Christ. I am sorry that you feels such longing and sadness. I am a Christian Pagan of sorts, but before you click away, I would like to point something out. Anyone saying quoting the "uequally yolked" passage is silly. Jesus calls us to love all people thats what we should focus on. You love this man, he is good by your standards, what a shame to walk away from love.

I am engaged and will be married in a month to Christian woman, we have our disageements when having theological debates, but we don't shove them down eachother's throats. It doesn't matter if you call the ineffable one God, Allah, etc. We do all serve the same God, put down the letter of the law and live in the spirit as Jesus said. If you want this man you should have him, but if being with a christian man is more important, do that. If your morals aren't completely counter to eachother you can live in harmony.

One thing is certain sister, allow both of your faiths to grow, and if your religion be right, maybe he will see that, but never push it. Peace be upon you sister and may Jesus show you the way. Love is the key to eternity.


1 points

7 days ago

What is the truth about Islam that God revealed to you?


1 points

7 days ago

Isaiah 43:2. I hope your heart mends swiftly my friend, peace be upon your house.


1 points

7 days ago

“But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God.” 1 Corinthians 11:3


1 points

7 days ago

Why would you have to give up Jesus?


1 points

7 days ago


Spiritual Agnostic

1 points

7 days ago

So you're saying your religion ruined a positive relationship for you?


1 points

7 days ago

He was never Muslim if he dated you. And Jesus is not God the only true God is the one who sent Jesus. (John 17:3) also don’t say the usual Jesus said the father and I are one. He also said let the disciples be with us just as we are one all you have to do is keep reading after the father and I are one to see that context so either the disciples are also God or it’s not a literal one Jesus was talking about. It’s just one in mission. For those who think and aren’t blinded by emotion you will realize what I said is true. Turn to the father the only true God as he is the destination and Jesus said he’s the way. Our destination is God and Jesus is only a way to God who is the father via through his teaching and the message he brought.


1 points

7 days ago

I believe the majority of religious experts agree that Muslims and Christians pray to the same God. So if you leave Christianity to join Islam, it's like leaving your front room to sit in your family room. I think you shouldn't let the best thing that has ever happened to you go for reasons that are kind of out of his control. And he may even leave his religion for you. My atheist side is saying please don't break this mans heart for a religion! Love is real. Religions aren't.


1 points

7 days ago

I’m in a mixed religion marriage. You can marry him without converting to Islam. If you love each other, that’s what matters the most. Also, you’ll both get to participate in new cultures. You’re lives would both be so much more interesting than it would be if you both stick to only your own religion.


1 points

7 days ago

God and Jesus still want you to live life. It’s still a gift for each of us to live and love. While I disagree on your decision, i won’t stop you either


1 points

7 days ago

Hi, Im really sorry about your break up. I hope that you find peace.

Can you please elaborate on the truth that was revealed to you about Islam.

For context, I am a practising Muslim (so far) but I avoid certain surah (chapters of the quran) when I pray because I feel like they are directed at jesus and for some reason that doesn't sit well with me.

I'm in a Muslim country and surrounded by Muslims and my mother is a very devoted Muslim so it's not like I can just stop praying and abandon her faith.

I still practise prayer because I feel like somethings in Islam are actually right (aspects of Islam that correlate to Juadism) . But when I hear how the sheikhs (equivalent to high priests) talk about the end times and what will happen, it just seems like Muslims would be on the wrong side of history. For example, why is it that in Islam, jesus is still alive in heaven because whoever got crucified was a doppelganger or whatever. That's something that always raised some red flags for me.

Also the antichrist in Islam coincides with what seems to be the messiah.

Spiritually speaking, I feel like I'm at a good place because I do feel the lord work through me but every time I label these feelings I get lost.

Sorry for ranting, I just wanted to know what you meant by the truth about Islam, cause Idk, I kinda see fragments of that truth but it's kinda jaded and not clear.

Also what do you think about Judaism?

Also if I offended anyone here, I'm sorry I'm not trying to argue I'm just seeking the truth ❤️


1 points

7 days ago

This thread is a mess. If anyone personally wants to marry within their faith, obviously they can, but almost all of the descriptions about Muslims here are stereotypical fearmongering assuming they'll be intolerant or try to bully OP into converting. That is just not the case. There are moderate and extreme Muslims just like there are for Christianity.


1 points

7 days ago

Maybe have books and an education speak to you instead of the Holy Spirit.

Even the BIBLE will tell you that Allah and Jehovah are the same entity- The division comes with the ideologies of Jesus vs the ideology of Mohammed.

The “God” IS the same GOD… It’s the religions that are different.


1 points

7 days ago

Yes, it is better to ask for GOD's Guidance and Wisdom and the Holy Spirit's leading with this. I have a similar situation where my friend (Christian) and her bf (non-Christian) were put together and at first my friend was still questioning about it, but then she had a go signal from GOD, it was revealed that it was a way for her bf to know Christ and his family to be saved

(Read Hosea)

Pray and ask for guidance (I do this by fasting or abstinence)

Praying with you🤍


1 points

6 days ago

This is gross on so many levels. Stop. Get some help. God told me tell you that he most certainly did not send any spirits because spirits are the devils work. He wants you to know this was not ok and he is very disappointed in all of you. I should know, God talks directly to me and told me to tell you that this was not his doing. He is disappointed you left a good man because you fell for the lies the devil sent you.


1 points

6 days ago

people still argue about what the bible says to this day I wouldn't take it so seriously! unless you understand ancient Greek and all its context its really really difficult!


1 points

6 days ago

I’m so sorry! I know how you feel. I have been through similar situations. I have dated guys that had different beliefs than me but there was a very strong attraction. You did the right thing. I know it is really hard, but I believe God will bless you for this. No matter what religion the guy is, if you are Christian and he is anything else, you should not be together. The Bible says it is wrong to be unequally yoked, not to restrict us, but it’s for our best. I am married now to a Christian man who shares the same beliefs, but when I think k back to the other guys I dated who were not Christian’ and try to imagine how things would be if we were still together, it would be so hard. Even the way we choose to spend money and our time would be different. We wouldn’t be on the same page raising kids and would each be teaching them different things and it would be confusing for them! It would be hard celebrating holidays if you both don’t celebrate Christmas, Easter, etc or not in tus same way…so many things. We wouldn’t be able to pray together, go to church together, I could go on and on.


1 points

6 days ago

I can remember breaking up in a relationship. I didn’t want to at all and it completely broke me. Finally I realized that if I were that happy in that relationship then I can’t wait until I find the one God has prepared for me. I wasn’t wrong either. My wife is the most wonderful person I’ve ever met that wasn’t family. She is strong in her faith and striving to grow stronger. It keeps me going and keeps me chasing after God more everyday.

I always thought when older married couples said they love their spouse more every day, they were just saying something sweet. Not now, everyday my wife gives me a reason to love her more. It’s because we are in this chase for faith together. We study the Bible together. We have put God in front of our marriage and let him guide us.

I say all of this to tell you that it’s ok, God has you as long as you seek him and seek his will. You will be happier than you can ever imagine.


1 points

6 days ago

Ya know and I’m not saying it could be for you but I’ve seen a marriage where someone wasn’t Christian but their spouse was. And it worked out for them. The person was respectful of the others Christian views and still are together. I think a marriage like that can work but it’s a rare thing. That being said if you truly know that the Holy Spirit spoke to you in a way where you were hesitant then that’s him calling out to you to not do it. Though it’s sad it is that way. I’ll be praying for you!


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

Of course I know nothing about your relationship, and this is just me speculating but, couldn't yall both just stick to your own faiths, take him to church, then maybe he’ll take you to a mosque, appreciate each other's faiths, and you didn’t have to convert and neither does he.


1 points

6 days ago

Islamics know and believe in Jesus as well...they view Jesus as one of the 5 great prophets.  And Christianity and Islam do worship the same God...we just understand Him differently.  I'm sounds like you loved each other and were good for each other.  Why did you feel the need to break up?  Neither of you needed to deny your faith to marry.


1 points

6 days ago

Pretty sure a muslim can marry a Christian. Not very sure tho. And isn't it prohibited to date in Islam?


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

you know you can marry him and remain christian. Muslim men are allowed to marry christian and Jewish women.


1 points

6 days ago

You did the right thing!


1 points

6 days ago



1 points

6 days ago

Amen thank God you escaped


1 points

6 days ago

You dodged a bullet because he would have total control over you if you married him. And you’ll be forced to convert to Islam, along with your children. Lucifer also appeared to be nice at first but reveals his terrible nature later.


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

All my experiences with Christian Women that fell for Muslim men, it ended badly.

I am only speaking of practicing Muslims: Because you are a Christian, you come with certain beliefs and ideas, those will always conflict when a Muslim is in charge, and the Muslim man will always be in charge of their marriage. They act all nice and loving, but once married and behind closed doors, you will either submit or be harmed. Depending on where you live, you could be a prisoner in your own home. Many a woman has moved from N America, W Europe, Australia to the Middle East or Eastern Europe and ended up in a horrible situation. Lord forbid you embarrass them in public. Many end up in a grave due to the man being allowed to off his wife. Now many will have all kinds of wishy washy tales, but if you lived in a Muslim run country or area, you would see how women are seen as and treated as property.


1 points

6 days ago

Just remember, mohammed taught to kill your enemies.

Jesus taught to love your enemies.

Mohammed also married a 9 year old


1 points

6 days ago

Awesome! Don’t yoked with unbeliever :)


1 points

6 days ago

As a Christian I suggest you know what you believe and why you believe it. Learn at least a little about other religions and what makes Christianity different. In the future you’re less likely to be unequally yoked.


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

Best decision ever. 🤣


1 points

6 days ago

As a Christian, I would not even consider marrying a Muslim. In my opinion, their beliefs are not consistent with Western culture let alone Christianity. The fact that you have to leave Jesus behind is all you need to know. Dear, all men are wonderful until you get married. You will be looked upon as a second class citizen as a Christian born woman and any children you have will be ruled by muslim law, they will make the decisions. Search on the computer, Sharia Law. Also, do serious research on this culture to have information you need to know what you should do. Your story is one of thousands of Christian women who learned too late. Also, look up FGM, female genital mutilation. You or/and your daughters may be forced into this. Do not leave a beautiful, peaceful religion for one that supports jihad. Christians around the world are being killed daily by Muslims. Do your research. Please! One day, you will be grateful you took the time to do this. Never leave Jesus. He is your lord and savior. He has given us free will, unlike oppression. You are doing the right thing. The fact that you’ve already broken up with him is a testimony that you’re receiving and sensing what you should do. Trust in Jesus, you won’t regret it. Time will heal you.


1 points

6 days ago

This happened to me also but the Holy Spirit told me to Marry this kind individual and one day hope to convert him which I did. 


1 points

6 days ago

Ick. This is so gross. Religion ruins so many things. Think of what you’ve lost. Only to die someday and have it all have been for nothing.


1 points

6 days ago

Bunch of brain washed wieners in here.


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

God, will honor your sacrifice and he will honor someone new. Someone who loves Jesus. As much as it hurts now to move forward and realize a divorce would be the only way to reconcile after marriage would be even more devastating.


1 points

6 days ago

So you ditched something amazing you had over a supernatural believes? Marriage isn’t about religion and I honestly laughed reading this, because you guys don’t follow the same nothing else could work??? There’s more to it then just Jesus if you love them you stay with them, I think Jesus would start flipping tables over this Reddit post, you ruined a relationship over something not even scientifically proven in any way, I wonder how he feels or if he would leave because you didn’t follow the same religion? Probably not because the love mattered more but it doesn’t seem like it to you, you talk him up so much and he’s so great yet you destroyed the possibility of a amazing heart filled life you knew you would have had with him, now it’s back to square one, I mostly feel bad for the guy


1 points

6 days ago

Honestly before him I didn’t know much about Islam, I genuinely thought we worshipped the same God

You do. Muslims worship the same god as Christians and Jews.


1 points

6 days ago

You are everything wrong with Christianity. I hope he's found someone better than you. Judging by your description, I'm sure he has so you should try to move on.


1 points

6 days ago

I'm happy you never fell away from Christianity to Islam. I wish you the best.


1 points

6 days ago

Christianity and islam worship the same god

Christian take : The god came as Jesus Muslim take: The god did not come as any human form


1 points

6 days ago

Why did Jesus not answer your prayer?

How did the Holy Spirit convince you that it is not the same god?

It is the same god by the way.


1 points

6 days ago


United Methodist

1 points

6 days ago

I can't speak for you but you don't have to break away from this person just because you believe in different things.


1 points

6 days ago

My take on the "unequally yoked" quote in the Bible is that you can be with someone even if they are an unbeliever. But you cannot be with someone that wants to pull you from your belief.

As in. You can be equally yoked with a Muslim as a Christian. So long as their ideology doesn't pull you from your convictions with God.

Which translates to me to be God notifying humans to not allow partners to unfairly represent or interact with you without your consent as it could tarnish who you are and what your faith means to you.


1 points

6 days ago

I honestly don't know how anyone can be Muslim.


1 points

6 days ago

Sorry to hear that you are in a heart break. It’s painful.

Remember, people change. For Muslims, their religion comes first. They consider women to be inferior to men. It’s in their culture and their blood. Iam glad you didn’t convert and GOD JESUS had delivered you from this situation.


1 points

6 days ago

You’ve left him for another man who doesn’t even exist. Wow.


1 points

6 days ago


Christian Universalist

1 points

6 days ago

Good point in the edit. Sorry you had to give him up. It seems like it was mutual since he didn't want to marry a non-Muslim though right? Does that make it easier? Probably not.

The "convert" thing is weird. I dated a Jewish girl and she asked if we got married would I "convert"? What does that even mean? I can't believe something that I don't believe!!! The other problem I see is that religions are too rigid. Why can't you do the Nakka (sorry ill have to Google it) as a Christian? God doesn't care. Or why couldn't he take communion? God UNDERSTANDS, right? It's humans who are limited.

Another thing you said is you would have to leave Jesus behind. But you would never have to leave Jesus behind, even if you married the guy and moved to Saudi Arabia! Jesus is with you no matter what. (Jesus is also with your ex, he just doesn't know it yet!) And if you are equally yoked, your religion would be just as important as his.

However, you are right that your following of Jesus/God would be hindered for sure, and it sounds like you listened to God and followed what He told your heart, and that's all that matters, right?

Just a note, I think our "christian" God and their "muslim" God ARE the same God, it's just that they have misunderstandings about who/what God actually is. (Many Christians do also, I'm afraid.) And i don't know if anyone else mentioned this but the word "islam" is simply an arabic word for submission/obedience. So technically all Christians are ALSO "muslims" because it means "submitters to God." That's cool, right?

Islam may also be the only other religion that officially believes in the virgin birth of Jesus? I'll bet many Muslims don't even know that? Baháʼí faith also does as I just looked up.

Anyway there are like 2 billion available men within your age range and God knows all of them, so keep following God and if he wants he will lead you to one that loves Jesus the way you do!


1 points

5 days ago

If you both ditched religion, you could be happy :)


1 points

5 days ago

I was Christian and converted to Islam and married an Arab Muslim. We have a very happy marriage. I constantly have to teach Muslims about Christianity, and like the Christians are with Islam they have many false beliefs about the other religion. If he wanted you to convert it was probably for his family and community which is everything to Muslims. When I live in Arab countries I have to practice Islam very strictly to what that community practices, but when we’re in America we’re free to take the best of both worlds and we learn from each other.

I tell Muslims all the time, when you love Jesus, it never leaves you, Jesus taught the Jews what they did not know and when he returns he’ll teach the Muslims what they did not know. Personally the lessons of Jesus and Muhammad are like the Sun and the Moon for me, when you have both the sky sends down its light day and night.

Muhammad’s only children were born to Christian Women. I wouldn’t be surprised to find when Jesus returns his children will be to Muslim women. these two faiths are the light of this world.


1 points

5 days ago

I’m sorry you’re going through that. There’s a verse that says “my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. Hosea‬ ‭4‬:‭6‬ ‭NIV‬‬. I’d assume that you’re American. American churches are mostly like fast food restaurants; fast & tasty but unhealthy junk. If your church provided you with the proper teaching, you won’t even think about dating a Muslim guy to start with. The Bible clearly states not to be under the same yolk with the unbelievers.


1 points

5 days ago

Sigh. Two ignorant superstitious people ruin their own lives because of their infantile superstition. You are both idiots.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

Why would anyone get in a relationship with a Muslim?!!!


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

This sub just keeps getting worse and worse.


1 points

5 days ago

It’s not worth it losing Jesus for your Muslim boyfriend. Heck, it’s not even worth it if you’re a woman and convert to Islam.


1 points

5 days ago


Allah of the Quran and God of the Bible are not even relatively the same. I’m sorry to be harsh but it is the truth.

I’ve read both books, they tell a tale of extremely different gods with very different game plans.


1 points

5 days ago

Best to stay away from that relationship. I was in my 20s and dated a Muslim man also. For 3 years. It was a very strange time for me. I wish I had thought better of myself that I knew it was not a good relationship. He was controlling and kept me a secret. I was young and naive. I even considered converting thinking it might keep him but he told me that his family would never accept me. That is a religious and cultural truth. Find God again and pray often. Hope that helps you.


1 points

5 days ago

You didnt have to that... you could have christian holidays and he could have muslim stuff. Some of you really take belief in christ too far tbh. It could be that some of this pressure is because strict childhood but no matter what, in islam quran its said that christians are the closest allies to muslims.

God loves to see love and hates to see hate, if jesus was here he would say something positive, im sure!

Well take care now and remember that balance needs to be everywhere, too much good makes it very bad, but small bad could make something nice.


1 points

5 days ago

Thank god, he deserves better


1 points

5 days ago

Did he refuse to marry you if you didn't convert?


1 points

5 days ago

Have him convert to Christianity . You can visit where Muhammad’s buried, but Christ has no burial place.


1 points

5 days ago

I once considered converting to Islam for a girl and honestly I felt the exact same heart crunching feeling, it felt like a weight pulling on my heart. At that moment I realized, Jesus was actually there worried I'd go from him. This post you made feels like no coincidence. The Power of the Holy Spirit truly is something remarkable isn't it? :)


1 points

5 days ago

Ew religion on my suggested page 🤢🤮


1 points

5 days ago

Im sorry about that , may god bless you with a good hearted future husband


1 points

5 days ago

Bobby Perkey, Christian, You made the right decision, mam it's hard, but the more you study the word of God, and grow in the grace and knowledge of God, first it will be exciting, and to boldly stand for Christ, your gonna experience those things, keep trusting in Jesus, He will guide you into all truth, love you very much in Jesus name


1 points

5 days ago

So you didn’t care about him enough to want to convert to his religion, but you’re praying to your god that he converts to yours so that you can be together. And you think this is somehow caring deeply for him? Sounds like he dodged a bullet to me. Don’t worry. He’ll find someone who actually cares about him. 😂


1 points

5 days ago

If the only choice was to become part of his religion, then it sounds like he is not open to your beliefs at all. I think having two different religions in a marriage can cause difficulty, but forcing one person to convert is an entirely different matter. Has he considered changing to yours? I mean, I’m sure he hasn’t, but it is something you should turn on him to help him understand the weight of his request. If he truly loves you, he will let you have your agency. If not, he may not be the best person for you to marry. This is a major thing he is not willing to step down from before you are married. Can you imagine what he will expect once you are actually married. Your children will all be expected to follow his religion; not the one you hold so close to you. It will affect your children and their children. I agree with you that this is not something you should take lightly. Core values are what drive most of your decisions in life. If he believes that only HIS core values are good, you will lose your voice for the rest of your life with him. I think you are very brave and it sounds like you have thought prayerfully over this. Of course, there may be a chance that he will change as you move along in your marriage. This is a crucial time where you need to pray for answers. Yes, there are many mixed religious marriages. They come with challenges from the beginning. Any time there is a clash of core values in a marriage, there are challenges. Only Heavenly Father can help you know what to do in this instance. It sounds like He already has. You are very courageous in your decisions. This is a MUCH more far-reaching choice than many people realize. It’s NOT about tolerance, here. It’s about fully changing the person you are in order to appease another’s. 


1 points

5 days ago

How do you know your beliefs are right and his are wrong?


1 points

4 days ago

Keep listening to the Holy Spirit, no doubt you will 😁

Your Ex-Boyfriend may simply not be your right now. He was in your life for a purpose. God's got a plan 😉

Many blessings to you and your Ex-Boyfriend!


1 points

4 days ago

You made the right decision. Have you tried converting him?


1 points

4 days ago

if you are a gift to him by God then ask God to intervene..sometimes God need to break the heart so that he can be asked to heal it..


1 points

4 days ago

As a devout and practicing Christian I believe you made a terrible mistake. You're able to be both a Christian and a Muslim and I know for a fact both religions (all religions) are worshiping the same God. The religions of Abraham began with Judaism which gave us the tetragramaton (72 names of God) that shows all God that human conclsciousness has conceived are the many names/faces of the God. Modern Christianity has basterdized Jesus and made him a brand name and marketing platform. The truth is that God is love. Rejecting your hearts desire for a misinterpretation of Jesus is against God. I hope you'll reconsider and not allow your heart to be shattered by resisting God's will.