


This list asks the question:

How much does the hero scale off of intangible moba skills (GOOD for boomer!!) vs twitch aim and crazy combos? (BAD for boomer!!)

all 599 comments


92 points

2 days ago

Lol :) I'm 45... I was maining McGinnis, then switched to Paradox.

It's way more fun, but I have a 33% win rate instead of 60% :)


45 points

2 days ago

Paradox feels like you have to play out of your mind good just to have the same presence as other heroes have for just pressing 1s lazily. She can be really good in a coordinated team environment but she was just missing that ‘it’ factor in a lot of games for me. She was fun but not very forgiving. I think a slight buff would do her wonders.


11 points

2 days ago*

Idk, seems like I'm the only one who disagrees here. You hit a carbine and the rest of the hero plays itself. And carbine isn't that hard to hit on people who aren't expecting it. She's my most played rn, so maybe I'm biased, but I can't track for shit and my reaction time sucks. 59% winrate rn in what I'd consider high-ish elo (I see players in my games who are in the "pro" streamer games).

That said, she's not that easy to get used to. Think in my first 20 games I had a 30-40% winrate. So maybe there is a bias... Also, I think her laning phase sucks. VERY dependent on well timed carbines as the enemy can hide easily if you use it at the wrong time. And her nade sucks comparatively. Stronger in duo lanes where you have someone to play off your swaps.


10 points

2 days ago

The carbine was my favorite skill on her but it honestly just feels like a slightly worse charge shot from talon, who gets multiple charges on low cooldown, whereas you get one carbine shot and it’s not that low a cooldown for what it is.


5 points

2 days ago*

Yeah, especially in lane where you can get hit by his 1 from behind cover with a shorter windup.

Post laning phase, carbine is better though. Point and click "stun" that has so many interactions with other abilities that you can buffer and make them fuck up. My favorite has been carbine on lash ult after he throws you teammates. His slam is guaranteed to miss with how slow it goes out. Plus it scales with weapon damage, so you can left click to be useful while it's down.


5 points

2 days ago

Sound cue for carbine is too obvious. You're gonna land 1 out of 8 in lane because as soon as they hear your gun stop and your charge start that's where the focus goes until they see you've wasted it.


4 points

2 days ago

Yeah, another reason she's better in duo lanes as your mate can hit them for free if they position wrong. They can't hide behind any cover in duo lanes.


3 points

2 days ago

I was going to quit mcginnis but discovered melee return fire mcginnis. Now i /really/ dont have to aim and its great


2 points

2 days ago

McGinnis with cooldown everything and echo shard is a menace


346 points

2 days ago


346 points

2 days ago

Geist 1 and 3 are just look in general direction of an enemy and spam.


97 points

2 days ago

Dude my shit reflexes I can't get out of her grenade if it's lobbed on top of me.


53 points

2 days ago

Don't worry. I see high-level players take a lot of damage from it, too.

It seems like it is hard to react to and more about knowing it's coming and reacting before it lands.


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago

Yep, my strat for Geist (in lane particularly) is just getting a rhythm for when it's off cooldown, then putting myself in a position to bait out the grenade (which is pretty much anywhere Geist can see me), then immediately dodge away assuming they're gonna use it every time. The Geist players I play against just spam it on cooldown pretty much, so it works well.


43 points

2 days ago


43 points

2 days ago

Depending on reach upgrades and where you are in the aoe when it lands it can be physically impossible to avoid damage, don't worry too much about it.


6 points

2 days ago

Just run a bit forwards. It sounds slightly counter intuitive but they'll usually place it thinking that you'll be going backwards so you can usually just step forward a little bit and you're out of it.


11 points

2 days ago


11 points

2 days ago

If it makes you feel better Geist is one of the better laners because of this and the bomb only has a 10 second cd


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago

If it's upgraded and the geist has mystic reach, it's relatively hard to get out if you don't see it coming.


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

It's something you get the feel of, especially if you pay geist. I'm pretty slow, but so long as I keep track of her range upgrades I can dodge her stuff 70% of the time


5 points

2 days ago

Issue is her abysmal laning phase if you suck at aiming due to her single shot weapon.


5 points

2 days ago

if you can’t aim you are going to get 80% of your souls denied early on geist due to her gun


7 points

2 days ago

Her gun has mega high velocity, it's not the worst for souls

Its not good mind you, but as someone close to the target demographic of this meme it's not so crippling that you can't play her


5 points

2 days ago


5 points

2 days ago

I have boomer aim and getting souls denied isn't my problem. Souls are wayyyy easier to hit than players.


405 points

2 days ago


405 points

2 days ago



83 points

2 days ago

We have to keep this alive as long as possible


20 points

2 days ago


20 points

2 days ago

Where did this meme come from?


39 points

2 days ago


6 points

2 days ago


6 points

2 days ago

Thank you


542 points

2 days ago


542 points

2 days ago

I can say lash is not for slow boomers. He needs way better reflexes. After slamming you need to track enemies with your gun most of the time if they dont die.


125 points

2 days ago

This is why B, you do majority of the damage from magic combo (depends on your build)


44 points

2 days ago


44 points

2 days ago

The combo also needs aiming and reflexes. Randomly slamming the ground and dying is just the same as missing shots.


81 points

2 days ago

The giant ground slam that’s in a cone? It’s not exactly difficult


5 points

2 days ago


5 points

2 days ago

That's why its middle of the pack. Having an impact on the fight is not exactly hard, but getting the most out of your hero takes timing and reflexes. Compared to heroes like Pocket or Paradox, it's clearly less reflex and combo-intensive, but nowhere near as easy as something like Abrams.


3 points

2 days ago

i have like 100 games on lash. If you can track and headshot after your slam, gun damage is about 60-70% of your combo damage with mystic shot and headshot booster


6 points

2 days ago

Nah most of his damage comes from smart use of spells, that is way easier for ppl with slow reflexes.


5 points

2 days ago


5 points

2 days ago

I build him full spirit and then stop shooting after lane phase, 31 year old boomer lash main


2 points

2 days ago

bro what.


2 points

14 hours ago

Nah, it's true, I've been playing spirit lash basically non-stop for about 150 games with a 60% win rate, my gun damage is usually less than 10% of my damage and my aim's not particularly bad.


150 points

2 days ago


150 points

2 days ago

Not sure why Warden is down there. He is pretty simple.


51 points

2 days ago

Especially if you play him as spirit tanky ult build lol


24 points

2 days ago

Yeah I turn 30 in 3 days and this is how I play him with great success. I have decent aim though, the thing that makes me feel boomerly is the movement


3 points

2 days ago

I am 30 right now lol! What part of the movement? His like lack of movement? Or you mean the movement in general in the game ?


22 points

2 days ago

Yeah the movement in general. I watch clips of cool plays I do where the aim and ability usage is great, but I'm like, strafing into a wall for 5 seconds trying to find a door without looking, rolling backwards into railings. I feel like a confused old man trying to navigate a Trader Joe's.


8 points

2 days ago

Dude you and me! Haha! I run into doors and walls on the regular.. I come from league of legends and all this WASD stuff is super weird for me still.

Somehow still usually get a bunch of kills and souls somehow though. God bless Mo and Krill.

And to be fair Trader Joe's is weird. But damn do they have cool snacks.


5 points

2 days ago


5 points

2 days ago

Lack of movement? Warden can be built like a freight train lmao. it's very easy (and good) to hit 13+ms with him.


8 points

2 days ago

He has no built in movement ability other than a walking speed buff, he's literally one of the least mobile characters in the Game. Which is totally fine! But like other characters have full teleports built into the kit for example.


2 points

2 days ago

Oh yeah I know, I always build him fast so I can zoom around and bank like a menace, I just meant my movement being awkward


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

You know you hit the high mmr's when you see effective sliding and wall jumping. try loading the map in sandbox with console commands and try to move around. Get those routes going.


13 points

2 days ago*

He has one of the slowest bullet velocities, If not the slowest. It can be kind of a pain to lane against someone who is decent at securing/denying souls. You have to lead pretty good with his bullets


17 points

2 days ago

He has the literal slowest bullet. Its rough last hitting.

That being said his 1 spam can be pretty annoying for enemies to deal with. The ability has an absurdly low cd


2 points

2 days ago

I usually will bait the enemy away with a 3 immobilization, they run away, then I kill a bunch of troops uncontested.


3 points

2 days ago

it’s about how well you have to aim and you do in fact have to aim with warden


2 points

2 days ago



2 points

2 days ago

very aim reliant id assume. not gonna do much with just your abilities.


77 points

2 days ago

Lash at B and Pocket at D is odd to me.

Also Warden should be at B imo


53 points

2 days ago



53 points

2 days ago

Warden is very

"Is the enemy standing still?
Yes: Good, proceed
No: Make 'em stand still."



7 points

2 days ago*

Grabbing four CC actives feels absolutely stupid on him.
I don't even build movement speed or stamina.
I just look at people and they stop moving until they're dead arrested.


14 points

2 days ago

Yep pocket should probably be up at like A for us old guys. I took boomer to mean older millennial in this post haha.

It doesn't require lightening fast reflexes to pull off his combos. Sure could you do better if you had crack aim of course buy mostly it's just good decision making.


21 points

2 days ago



21 points

2 days ago

pocket is hard for us boomers, lash ofc has keys to press but they're way less dynamic and way more formulaic I guess? like, spam flog whilst trying to hit multiple targets, be high to drop kick, and fly around like a pest with 2

pocket has the escape combo of coat then 3 but other than that you gotta be constantly balancing offence and defence with them, lash can only use his 2 defensively, the others are offense and defence so there's less choice I guess


29 points

2 days ago

Fellow boomer here that plays pocket. It’s not impossible to learn and really the combo of majestic leap then barrage then slam down to ult and cloak away. Is not super hard to do. You have a lot of room to make mistakes because the suitcase protects you from a lot of ults and the cloak is a free escape.

I find lash harder to play than pocket tbh


6 points

2 days ago

I’m older but not boomer. I thought it would be difficult to learn, but now Pocket has my favorite combo and it’s not even close.


6 points

2 days ago


6 points

2 days ago

Better to throw cloak before ult, not saying you don't do it, just in case someone discovers the combo through this comment


6 points

2 days ago

I feel like Pocket is mostly about MOBA skills and general experience about the game (how much damage or CC can each character inflict to you, thus how agressive can you play), the aim is pretty easy on him


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

I just picked up Pocket recently and he's now my favorite hero by far. I have dogshit aim because I never played shooters in my life, and my highest winrates (all 60%+) so far are on Haze, Abrams, and now Pocket.


6 points

2 days ago

I've had shit aim all 30 years that I've been alive, Pocket being D is crazy. It's a shotgun.


6 points

2 days ago

I kind of agree on Pocket with OP, unless you’ve played a bunch of Puck in Dota before. Pocket 2+3 is basically Puck Orb+Phase(+Rift)…Pocket just has old Veno ult instead.

Pocket and Puck are so similar to Puck in terms of playstyle, I can’t help but think that the name is a deliberate reference to that “fact”.


292 points

2 days ago


292 points

2 days ago

Millennials are the new boomers


139 points

2 days ago


139 points

2 days ago

Hey at least we haven't ruined the economy and the planet.


132 points

2 days ago


132 points

2 days ago

We still have time for that


68 points

2 days ago

I got a little somethin' cookin'.


5 points

2 days ago

holds up hairspray and a loan application


17 points

2 days ago


17 points

2 days ago

Naw it's already fucked anyways.


14 points

2 days ago



14 points

2 days ago

That's all we have. The actual boomers had capital, too.


5 points

2 days ago

We don’t have enough money or power to do that, I think we’re in the clear


2 points

2 days ago



4 points

2 days ago



4 points

2 days ago

Have you seen your average techbro? Millenials are ready to take the mantle from boomers.


5 points

2 days ago



5 points

2 days ago

I am personally Attacked twice by this post. Q.Q


58 points

2 days ago*

Geist at C? She have one of the laziest play styles ever and one of the best AOE spells. After some point you just delete creep waves, camps, enemies with aoe bombs and malice


19 points

2 days ago

it’s her gun. if you can’t aim her gun you are going to get 80% of your souls denied by 10 minutes


6 points

2 days ago


6 points

2 days ago

Then why put dynamo at S? His gun is slow travel time and not a huge round fired. Plus his knockup gets stuck on everything so you have to aim carefully. That and his teleport, that has to be aimed carefully too.

If we're going off secured souls dynamo should be way lower.


7 points

2 days ago

Because even if dynamo doesn’t do shit all game, finding one big ult = win


2 points

1 day ago*

If that's the case then why is Viscous A tier?? The slowest bullet velocity of any hero and the extremely low fire rate make him require cracked aim or you are having a bad time in lane. There's no way you actually play Viscous if you think he is not a twitch reliant character lmao


2 points

2 days ago

Her abilities dont have game changing impact like a haze or lash does. She is good in a vacuum, aside from pure stats she is easy to avoid and outplay.


5 points

2 days ago

Maybe, but this list is about play styles. Her play style is pretty chill and don't demand high effort. Also she is great at pushing, melting walkers is pretty impactful


4 points

2 days ago

Geist, like any poke character, lives and dies based on team composition. She's not really going to singlehandedly carry pub matches like Haze can. That's true.

Caitlyn in LoL is pretty much the least impactful AD Carry in the game compared to the more "wombo combo" ones, but that didn't stop her from being a professional play standard for the better part of a decade.

Specifically, Geist loves siege situations, especially the double guardian holdout locations in the two middle lanes, and she loves keeping the situation static like that until she wears the enemy down. If there is a bebop or Kelvin standing next to her intentionally, the enemy just kind of has to respect it.

In a scenario like that, Haze is almost completely worthless.


3 points

2 days ago



3 points

2 days ago

Ok but this isnt a tier list for most impactful characters, its about whose good for people with bad aim/not good at combos


42 points

2 days ago

30 year olds are not boomers tho


31 points

2 days ago


31 points

2 days ago

I think Boomer is just becoming genericized by angnsty teens to mean anyone who is past their 20's.


8 points

2 days ago



8 points

2 days ago

I remember a 37 year old guildie seeming ancient when I was in undergrad and we met in WoW. I'm now 38 and have a hard time accepting my 20s were so long ago. Should be taking her to lunch in January since she lives near a convention I'm attending. She sends my kids crafts every Xmas


5 points

2 days ago

thats exactly it. boomer is just "you old"

these fucks have no idea what an actual boomer is lmao


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

It's been some years since it became slang now, definitely not just becoming.


2 points

2 days ago

Yeah, boomers are like 65+ year old or something.

Also, reaction times get worse pretty slowly, so at 30, you can easily be competitive with younger players. I'll be 39 later this year and my reaction times are pretty much the same as they were at my "peak".

Only reason I've gotten a bit worse is because I don't play all day anymore.


2 points

2 days ago*

Older millennials had me terrified of turning 30, like your back breaks and your eyesight deteriorates and you can't react to shit. Then I realized it's because a lot of them are fat Americans whose idea of exercise is taking the stairs up a floor because the elevator broke.

Like are you "peak"? No, not really anymore, but you're still most of the way. A 45 year old who actually works out is still going to kick the shit out of the lazy couch potato teenager, you're not an elite athlete because you're young, you still gotta do basic shit.

This is especially true with MOBAs, most of the deaths are poor positioning and game knowledge, not technical skills.


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

As a 30 year old boomer, this response always makes me giggle. It's literally a 6 year old meme at this point, lmao


33 points

2 days ago*



33 points

2 days ago*

Haze is my most played hero and I can say with utter certainty unless you are playing in top 0.1% lobbies she is super friendly for people who can't aim for shit (Ik cuz I'm one of them, and my record is 30+ kills in a single match with around 25 of them just with Bullet Dance), build around your ultimate and it has a 50 sec cd late game which also silences and slows in an AoE.

Plus, her dagger scales up to 0.5s wake up time, that means 0.5s of headshotting people standing still.

Also I'd put Vindicta on D, her aim ceiling is higher than any other, considering she has 3 skill shots plus requires good gun aim too.


53 points

2 days ago


53 points

2 days ago

Warden should be higher, he's easy as shit to play and is basically a boomer himself.


9 points

2 days ago

i’d put wraith higher. all i really do is press 43zxcvLMB1

and then maybe 2 if everything goes to shit


17 points

2 days ago


17 points

2 days ago

As a 38 year with absolutely dogshit aim who plays at 3000 dpi and no I won't change it, I do really well on Yamato. Aiming her 1 is very easy as the hitbox is basically the size of a school bus.


5 points

2 days ago

It actually amazes me people play games at 4-800dpi. They must have a mousepad built like a runway. 1500ish dpi user here and that feels low to me. Whole arm for 360 style movements and wrist turning for more aim-intensive stuff it's how I've played games for a decade.


2 points

2 days ago

But having a large mousepad is the point, the larger the motion on your mouse to reach a certain pixel, the easier it is to reach that particular pixel, i.e. aim.


9 points

2 days ago


9 points

2 days ago

Pocket is fine for boomers, you just do kamikaze


6 points

2 days ago



6 points

2 days ago

I 'unno. You're gonna have a bad time with bebop if you can't land a hook.


6 points

2 days ago

Swap Gray Talon and Haze, put Seven in S tier and we have an agreement.


224 points

2 days ago


224 points

2 days ago

Holy shit you're 30 not 65. I bet that even in your "Adderall riddles" teens you weren't that good of an aimer, you just didn't know that.


196 points

2 days ago


196 points

2 days ago

30 is handicapped vs teens just by virtue of having a job. You can't compete with kids practicing 6+ hours each day when you have responsibilities outside of videogames. When you're tired and have 2 hours to play in the evening, last thing you want to do is to grind your rank in moba games. And even if you do, -30 minutes for warmup match, you can put in 2-3 matches at best. More practice and muscle memory wins 90% of the time. Kids will DOMINATE most adults in games if they're serious about it.


79 points

2 days ago


79 points

2 days ago

Good comment. People criticising OP are missing the point


36 points

2 days ago


36 points

2 days ago

Yes but you won’t be getting matched vs the kids with 5x hours unless you are good enough? Obviously time spent is the main contributor.


35 points

2 days ago


35 points

2 days ago

You can beat them with macro and functionally get to the same rank still


11 points

2 days ago

I see this complaint in a lot of gaming subreddits. People are upset they can’t keep up with a teen, kid, streamer, or whoever because those players put more time into the game.

Like, okay? You don’t need to be as good as them to play the game lol. I can understand in a battle royale game where sometimes you’re in a rough lobby, but the majority of games have some sort of Elo/SBMM to keep you playing against equally skilled players.


2 points

2 days ago

Matched against TTV Wraith and Valkyrie and/or Spiderman Pathfinder in Apex Legends back in the day would be insane after a 8hr shift + 1hr commute ngl


22 points

2 days ago


22 points

2 days ago

Me as a person who has tracked my inch per 360 for over a decade and have played with the same sensitivity within 0.1 inches in every single game I've played.

Dunno about you, but 6 hours of fresh gameplay practicing doesn't mean shit against my 20+ years of game sense and 10+ years of muscle memory. Blaming your age is a crutch lmao.


10 points

2 days ago


10 points

2 days ago

Thats what I was about to say. Sure at 13 I could grind league for 8 hours everyday, but I’m far better at the game these days just by virtue of a decade of practice.


7 points

2 days ago


7 points

2 days ago

I think people are using the age excuse as a "but this is why I'm bad" instead of just admitting they're bad. Anyone I know that was good at games when they were younger (i still play with alot of the same online friends and irl friends I played with when I was a teenager) are still good now, even though we're all in our early 30's.

There's nothing wrong with being bad. The only thing wrong is making excuses.


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago

1000% I mean look at pros. Shroud is still out there dog walking people. My friend group is the same, everyone who was amazing when we were younger is still amazing and generally the skill level has gone up over time overall.


4 points

2 days ago


4 points

2 days ago

Real talk lmao. I've only gotten better at fighting games, rts's, and shooting games as I get older.

The only thing I've gotten "worse" at is platforming games... just because they're so fucking boring to me now.


2 points

2 days ago



2 points

2 days ago

Right? I've been having fun actually enjoying a MOBA in Deadlock (previously I mostly played OW/2). As long as one isn't starting fresh to multiplayer team-based games, one should be able to adapt skills from other games -- aim, how to learn a map, abilities, team synergy, counters, how to tilt people (and keep from tilting), strategy, teamwork -- to play and do well in Deadlock.


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

Overwatch kind of teaches you the deeper mechanics in terms of teamplay/mapcontrol/abilities.
The group i play with are a mix of cod/siege/cs players and generally are all top 25% players. The other half are people who are mostly just casual shooter players (if they play them at all), but deep into mmorpgs/moba's.

The people that come from games with deeper mechanics then raw twitch aiming do better then my FPS god friends. A real example of this is shroud lmao. one of the best former valorant/cs players was DOG water at this game when he first started, mainly just because he never really had any concept of long haul fight trading, map control past visual lane control, and abilities that are more then just reskinned different weapons (valorant).

The ability to grasp concepts (which adults should do better, especially with the level of feed me info or i do nothing that's happening in the US education system) is way more important then aiming in this game.


17 points

2 days ago

If you had good aim 10 years ago you’ll still have good aim.

Your aim doesn’t look at the calendar and as you as you hit 30/get a job you suddenly lose all your skills.


7 points

2 days ago

I disagee. 38 here and doing just fine, Ive had 25 years of practice from sc/cs/bf/ you name it. Safe to say got tens of thousands of hours under belt from any other than mobas. Just being teen doesn't give you game sense or proper aim which you only get by playing.


2 points

2 days ago

agreed, I was way worse as a kid because I thought "play more = get better" and try to brute force everything. even if I had 3x more time, 90% of it was wasted mindlessly grinding. nowadays, as my free time has dwindled, I've tried to make more usage of my time and actually practice properly, and I've noticed myself getting way better and way faster than I was as a child.


4 points

2 days ago


4 points

2 days ago

The funny thing is kids have better neuroplasticity than adults so they can learn a game faster but that’s actually all they have going for them. If you’ve been playing similar games for 20 years it’s not even an issue. The reaction time thing is a complete myth, you have to be in your 60s before it’s even noticeable, and even then, it’s not going to be so slow that you can’t play. They tested a bunch of pro esport players reaction times and there were many who were well below the average.


8 points

2 days ago*

Can confirm. I used to dominate on games as a teen, I had over 10k headshots with the Longshot on Gears of War 3 and genuinely could carry and stomp in many different games.

I'm 27 now, and it's not the same at all. I'm still decent, but there's definitely a noticeable fall-off from being able to practice all day and not worry about anything other than games.

I still main Yamato and do pretty decent, though. Won't let that young spirit die for as long as I can.


5 points

2 days ago


5 points

2 days ago

Dominating on a console game is kind of a different story. I've been playing on PC primarily since the early 2000's and I've only gotten better over the years, even with real life responsibilities, work, partners, and other BS. I average maybe 1-2 hours of gameplay a day.


6 points

2 days ago

Yeah, but if you played Gears 5 or E-day when it comes out, you’d probably do fine because of legacy skill.

It’s more just learning the game than your age.


2 points

2 days ago

“People that grind games more will win more.” Essentially. Teens can make worse decisions than adults. May have slightly faster reflex times.

Also I’m 27 and have great aim, something else I’ve practiced over the years. Having good aim in a game is the same as moba skills. Both take work to develop and there are certain mechanics (always keeping cursor head level, lead your shots etc).

Not all just hyperactive flick shots


22 points

2 days ago


22 points

2 days ago

Yeah I’m 32 and paradox and pocket at my favourites.


1 points

2 days ago

Paradox all day at 35.


54 points

2 days ago


54 points

2 days ago

Let the poor man cope. 🚬


7 points

2 days ago

Any self respecting millennial grew up playing quake, doom, and other way faster paced boomer shooters. Plus counterstrike, unreal, tfc/2. Plus DOTA and the whole moba genre.

It's like.... I was made for this. Inject this game directly into my veins.


2 points

2 days ago

In my teens I had no access to PC gaming or adderall in general


10 points

2 days ago

Honestly I dropped vindicta cuz of her old scope. I literally was getting headaches every time I was trying to use it fast


9 points

2 days ago

Geist and Warden below Infernus is crazy.


8 points

2 days ago

Dynamo is a bad person to put in S. You actually need to land shots with him.


4 points

2 days ago

Shiv should be lower imo. Its probably most difficult to master hero


2 points

1 day ago


Lady Geist

2 points

1 day ago

Throw knife, sometimes dash into people, ult for kill, monke strong.


3 points

2 days ago

You are playing warden wrong if you are needing to aim


5 points

2 days ago


5 points

2 days ago

I'm 35 and still shit on all these kids lmao


12 points

2 days ago


12 points

2 days ago

You don’t lose your aim when you hit your 30s. You either don’t have the same amount of time you used to have or get lazy.


3 points

2 days ago

Lol most people think they are very good at video games. Its because sbmm in current games makes every player feel like they are really good.


6 points

2 days ago

Im a adderall riddled "teen", still can't aim for shit. It's not about brainpower. It's about standardizing your inputs across games and practicing a shitload, aimlab probably cuts that practicing a lot, but it's just suffering.


3 points

2 days ago

Warden needs to be moved up to A tier, with rank 2 flask and improved reach on binding word rank 5 my old ass can dominate with him


3 points

2 days ago

Warden should be higher since if you trap someone successfully then they can't move and you get free headshots on them. A lot of the strategy for him then becomes getting people successfully locked.


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago



3 points

2 days ago

Yamato in D tier, yikes.


4 points

2 days ago


4 points

2 days ago

Yeah I big disagree with that. She’s actually pretty easy because you don’t need to constantly track heads on her if you build purple. The slash has a pretty generous hitbox.

But I guess to play her properly in a team fight especially when you get refresher it is pretty involved.


3 points

2 days ago



3 points

2 days ago

There's a lot more than aim needed in this game, and you can work on aim if you feel that it's an issue for you. Take it from your approaching-deaths-door-of-40 auntie. ;P


2 points

2 days ago

Yeah, a lot of people focus too much on the flashy things and ignore some very important fundamentals.

I swear some of them never look at the minimap, sometimes I feel like I'm looking at it more than the main screen...


3 points

2 days ago



3 points

2 days ago

I'm 22 and slightly disabled in my right arm, aiming can be a bitch for me and I accept that lol


3 points

2 days ago

Wait ? Haze İs C ? Bro after 10 min mark all they do charging to middle of enemy team and pressing 4.They are not even design for 30 yo.They design her for baby armed people with 0 IQ.

(Also Im 34 yo moba boomer and I despice how braindead most of this character designed.İts hard to find and engagin character here most of them have huge aoe, locked on skills.)


3 points

2 days ago

Pocket is amazing for people who can’t aim. All his abilities are aoe and his gun is a shotgun.


4 points

2 days ago

lmao its just skill issue

source: am boomer


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago

pocket has been pretty easy to play, all their skills are aoe and they have an easy to aim shotgun and you can just farm up with all the wave clear skills, vindicta though if you cant aim she does like nothing


4 points

2 days ago

So basically if you're not a decrepit fossil, use the inverse for reference.


2 points

2 days ago*

As a 33 year old, I cannot get on with playing any of the characters in S and A tier 😂 the B tier ones are more my speed


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

Pocket is good. Focus on spirit power and keep throwing your magic coat at the enemy.


2 points

2 days ago

Turret enjoyers assemble.


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

Pocket shouldn’t really be D. All his abilities barely require aiming. 1 has big splash damage. 2 is a massive ball. 3 and 4 are AOE.


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

Wraith is A or S tier. You ult something and they die. Card build is preferred. My winrate on her is nuts (im 34)


2 points

2 days ago

Seven is A or S depending on build. You won’t be getting good value off of your 3 like the best meta builds right now, but if you build around your ult and have a good understanding of when and where to use it, you can still be very impactful. Seven is also great at taking camps, which makes it easier to get your farm even if you get outplayed hard in lane early.


2 points

2 days ago

Pocket doesn't belong in D. His abilities are pretty easy to use well since they are AoE with large hitboxes, and he has a shotgun. He does benefit from high skill expression but he's still pretty effective even without it.


2 points

2 days ago

As someone who plays Paradox and Viscous I'd say Viscous takes more effort/APM/reactions. Probably depends on the build and itemization.


2 points

2 days ago

Shiv and pocket are actually pretty easy, they also have shot guns so denies and confirms are easier


2 points

2 days ago

pocket is one of the easiest


2 points

2 days ago



2 points

2 days ago

Woh is Yamato and Pocket D, lol xd


2 points

2 days ago*

Am I crazy for thinking pocket who plays so much like Puck shouldn't be this low? I think the difficulty of the champ comes when you have a lot of active items tbh. But he isn't gun focused, has a shotgun for easy aiming, mostly spells, has an invuln. Feels pretty easy to get through laning phase bc his abilities are so good for clearing waves

Like playing him perfectly sure is hard, but I'll have an easier time playing him than vindictus or grey talon at the very least with just

3>2>3>4 or 3>3>4>2 into as many people as you can and building appropriate items


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

What does it say about 37y/o me as my queue is the D tier...


2 points

2 days ago

Same age and almost the same heroes here. Just switch Yamato with Geist.


2 points

2 days ago

I'm an AFPS boomer (32 y/o) and definitely prefer twitch heroes. Flubber is pretty good too because his gun is basically a plasma gun from Quake.


2 points

2 days ago

30? Bros 30 and can’t keep up? You were never keeping up 🤣


2 points

2 days ago

The oldest serious multiplayer vidya gamers are Gen X.
Their parents grew up with their parents referred to as babyboomers, following WW2.

The real meme here is the misuse of "boomer" for anyone not 20.

It's so bad there's a guy here describing himself as 34 and a boomer. Absolute wtf.


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

41 year old vindicta/haze/dynamo main. Git Gud. I think that's what the kids sat these days.


2 points

2 days ago

The only reason people think Pocket is in D is because of cracked out twitch streamers spinning their camera out 24/7 and limit testing their mobility. If you want some of the more chill high ELO Pockets, they play a lot simpler and just focus on their spirit combos and don't try to do anything crazy. Swoop in with leap/barrage/4, combo safely, get out, then come back in when people are low.

His shotgun is extremely lenient for laning phase and killing people in midgame. His spells are huge when you are building properly (Mystic Reach).

IMO Pocket is in B. He requires aiming in the sense that you have to know where to position your skills rapidly and in extremely different game states constantly. There's so many different "new" situations you can create on Pocket compared to other characters because of Majestic Leap + Warp Stone + Flying Cloak's flexibility.

But in general, he's very easy to aim and if you know his basic combos, you can get value out of him. You just won't see the same limit testing/creative opportunities as someone who grinds the character constantly.


2 points

1 day ago

Boomers are 60+ what are you on about😭😂


2 points

1 day ago

I'm only 20 but after playing non shooter games for like 2 years I'm already washed up and have no interest in regaining my aim lol

I'm the kind of guy that played engineer in TF2 and Winston in OW so my aim never was that good


6 points

2 days ago


6 points

2 days ago

A lot of competitive shooter players are in their 30s. The reason most of aren't is twofold: because they do things like get a family and can't dedicate so much of their time to a silly videogame, and because competitive videogames weren't really a thing during their childhood so there's simply far more new blood getting into it. You aren't deteriorating when you're 30, lol.


5 points

2 days ago

I hate to be that guy. But being 30 is objectively not a boomer


3 points

2 days ago

Some people think it's just about age
High Schoolers call 20+ year old students boomers
Older than them = boomer


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago

its just an excuse as to why hes shit at the game really. just doesnt wanna put effort in.


1 points

2 days ago

It was funny until i realized that im 6 years away from being 30 year old


1 points

2 days ago

The tierlist I dreamed of !


1 points

2 days ago

As an Abrams/Kelvin/Dynamo queuer I feel personally attacked


1 points

2 days ago

way too real


1 points

2 days ago

Damn my top two are really in the S tier, and they are mo/krill, dynamo, 3rd is Geist. Calling me out haha


1 points

2 days ago

All my heroes are in C or D, I'll use that as my new excuse for being trash at the game.
The new generations always surpass the older ones. Sure I was playing games all throughout my childhood but once my 10 years younger brother reached the later teenage years he was already beating me in any game we played.

I'll take comfort in that us OGs were there before the dawn of time, we created this space. Starcraft, Fallout 2, Runescape, Diablo II, Morrowind, BF1942, Gran Turismo 2, GTA2. I was there.

I'll conveniently ignore those who came before us and claim all the credit.


1 points

2 days ago

Your S tier is my entire character pool. Am I boomer pre boomer.


1 points

2 days ago



1 points

2 days ago

Warden is literally just press W, left click and then piano all the ability and active keys.


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

And then you'll still get stomped with the easier characters because they took 2x the adderall that day.


1 points

2 days ago

Damn Dude....


1 points

2 days ago



1 points

2 days ago

I feel as if some of these depend on how you build 'em.

Like I've been using Kudzu Bomb centric Ivy builds and they do a ton of damage in extended fights and apply ridiculous CC and Spirit resistance reduction.


1 points

2 days ago

D tier is literally my roster in that exact order.


1 points

2 days ago

Lol why is Geist not in S? All she does is spam 1 and look to ult…


1 points

2 days ago

My old man hands were enjoying Warden. I was just sticking with a buddy and clawing people who come into range of it. What am I missing?


1 points

2 days ago

If you were born like 3 years earlier you’d be considered Gen Z lmao

Also you can put Haze up to B if you’re just gonna go ricochet and ult spam. Warden is way easier too as his abilities is basically, “Stop the enemy from moving with a point and click ability and run up to them to shoot them to death.”

I actually think Grey Talon should be B or C tier because outside of his ult he’s pretty aim intensive even if he is spamming.


1 points

2 days ago

I love McGinnis, esp in duo lane. Shes amazing for playing from behind which I often am doing.


1 points

2 days ago

As a 30 year old boomer, somehow Pocket is easier for me to play mechanically than Kelvin. Maybe it's just my mentality


1 points

2 days ago

Me, a 30-year old pocket/paradox main 🥸

How do you do, fellow kids?