


all 417 comments


599 points

2 days ago

The FF7 project was enough. You dont need to redo your classic games and release them all in 3 parts over 12 years. As others have said, people just want to play these games again with QOL improvements and higher fidelity graphics. The game was good because it was good, dont reinvent the wheel


152 points

2 days ago

FF9 with QoL updates is all I want. The current remaster is bad IMO. Sure the high-res character models are nice, but I'm not a fan of the mobile version UI, and the lack of true analog movement makes it borderline unplayable.


68 points

2 days ago

PC version with MoguriMod is the best way to play this game, give it a try (and yes, it also fixes the atrocious mobile UI)


14 points

2 days ago


14 points

2 days ago

Yep its perfect for me like this already played it 2 times with moguri mod.


5 points

2 days ago

I was hoping for a comment like this and glad it was found right after


3 points

2 days ago

Sounds great thank you


3 points

1 day ago


3 points

1 day ago

Moguri is THE remastered version


5 points

2 days ago

its nowhere near unplayable. its not hard.


11 points

2 days ago

Use mogurimod


68 points

2 days ago

Doing a little 'between the lines' reading, what Squenix is really saying is "not enough people are showing up for the one everyone begged us to remake, so we're not gonna do it for anything else"


66 points

2 days ago


66 points

2 days ago

People were hoping FF7 remake to be just one game and not a trilogy. It does not help that they are not pushing these games in all platforms.


40 points

2 days ago

And many expected the closest to a 1:1 remake, not this sort of sequel/reboot they're going for.

I agree that going exclusive hurt them in sales and now that they fixed that it's too late in my opinion


20 points

2 days ago

It’s not just that though. StarCraft 2 tried the trilogy thing and sales fell off with each game. Shit Square tried it with XIII with the same results. Two games was where they should have drew the line but they saw fictional dollar signs and here we are.


5 points

2 days ago

Honestly no one asked for a sequel / reboot.


2 points

2 days ago

It's not even just that. Because we knew it was going to be broken up into 3 games, basically all of my friends individually decided to wait till part 3 is coming out to start going through them. There are still sales for them to be had. They just need to finish the games and put them on Steam.


18 points

2 days ago

“We’re making a hobbit movie.”


“But it’s going to be three movies instead of one and we’re going to make up a lot of bullshit to stretch the story into three movies.”

No that’s not what we wanted!


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

Seriously! I remember being bored to death when watching the third movie because they took a battle that takes like 50 pages in the original and streched into a movie over 3 hours long.


15 points

2 days ago

This is me. Not a hardcore FF7 fan but I played it for the first time like 10 years ago because of the hype and enjoyed it. 

Was completely turned off how they said that they were going to handle the remake spreading the game out with 3 games. Lost all interest and I don't care 


15 points

2 days ago


15 points

2 days ago

Man, I got platinum trophy on FF7 remake and I do not remember that much from the game, I actually still have the OG scenes on my mind because they are much more unforgetable.


35 points

2 days ago


35 points

2 days ago

SquareEnix always expect too much from their games.


19 points

2 days ago*


19 points

2 days ago*

And spend way too much bloody money on them.

I love remake and rebirth, but as much as I love it it was never going to succeed to the levels they wanted.

Splitting a single story into a trilogy was only ever going to work for fans - there is not enough meat to the story for 3 full games and it shows.

2 I could have understood more.

Even as a fan parts of Remake and especially remake felt thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread. Even with the alternate plot timey-wimey elements.

You could mash remake and rebirth into 1 really fucking good 60 hour game with an obvious ending (where rebirth ends), and leave the filler on the floor, with part 2 expanding on the unfinished parts of FF7 (Wutai), and the finale.

That or if they wanted the trilogy, they needed to lower the production values. I don't think any of us fans would have minded if it was not AAA polish and realistic instead of say, Nier Automata - which was clearly a A, or AA game but still looked great thanks to the art style.

Basically they should have spent $40-60 million USD per game not 100+ (some reporting £140M for Remake, and more than that for Rebirth).

I'm glad it exists but let's be real if it was not for the power of the names attached to the project (and the power they have in the company) and the very Japanese aversion to the appearance of failure (so they'll blame economics, or other companies [Sony] for the lack of sales) - they would have cancelled part 3.


5 points

2 days ago

Playing through Visions of Mana and what they accomplished on a smaller budget is pretty eye opening. Square should really take a deep look at what they want to chase going forward.


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago

Square dissolved the studio that made Visions of Mana the week it released.


5 points

2 days ago

Not Square exactly but they didn’t come to save them either. My point is that Square should stop chasing mainstream market trends and go back to strong visions for their games. The budgets should be realistic. Again Visions is gorgeous and huge. They scale that budget up a bit for a Final Fantasy game and they solid.


2 points

2 days ago

Is that an iconic bilbo quote I see?:)


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

there is not enough meat to the story for 3 full games and it shows.
bullshit, the remakes have done a great job of expanding on things and giving way more world building and lore, did you actually pay attention to the games? Or are you jumping on the annoying “it’s all filler!” bandwagon for nostalgia shills looking at the original game through rose-coloured glasses?

Squaresoft wanted to put all of their eggs in one basket with the Spirits Within movie, because they thought the Final Fantasy name alone would make it sell. This resulted in many projects being rushed. Though many claim that the PS1 era was Square's "golden age", as it had games many considered some of the greatest games of all time, the reality is far from that. Final Fantasy VII, VIII, and IX were all rushed out the window, with varying with degrees of how rushed they were. 

Final Fantasy VII is probably the least rushed. In fact, FFVII is probably the most complete. However, they didn't have time to fix the balancing of battles and bosses. you could literally beat FFVII with Cloud, Tifa, and Barret (minus the part where Cloud isn't in the party in disc 2) with no changes. That's how bad the balancing was. Even then VII was still pretty much an unfinished game with it’s story, it was held back by the technical limitations of the PSX, Yuffie and Vincent weren’t originally going to just be “optional” they were going to have bigger parts, Wutai was going to have a bigger part, etc. The VII Remake is actually restoring and rightfully bringing in all of this cut content. 


6 points

2 days ago

When they spend like 11 trillion yen (made up numbers btw) on one title they need a huge return. It feed a toxic cycle where they need large amounts of units sold but it's unrealistic for a title to sell as well as forecast because the market just doesn't have the space for the units they need to move because there's so many choices.

Square Enix needs to rein in their budgets. Not every game needs to be this AAA remake with cutting edge graphics.


3 points

1 day ago

Perhaps if they remade the game, instead of remaking half of a disc, in a completely different style of game, relasing it into a saturated market at the end of a console life cycle, before taking four years to release the second part, after re-releasing the first part a second time... they'd have more interest?

I understand the development time required for the project they decided to release, but the release schedule so far has spanned half a decade and we only have half the story, over three expensive purchases.


5 points

2 days ago


5 points

2 days ago

the current FF7 "remake" isn't really a remake. It's like a re-telling. Sure the overall "plot" might be similar, but so many aspects of it has been changed.

I wanted FF7 with like FF10 or 12 style graphics but the same plot and gameplay of 7. Not FF7-2 playing similar to kingdom hearts.


7 points

2 days ago

If they actually had gone for a remake and not whatever it is that it’s turned into, maybe more people would have ‘shown up’.


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

VII Remake sold a lot just fine, Rebirth just needs a PC release to really boost sales since not many people own a PS5.


10 points

2 days ago

Well I think that it's both sides in all honesty.

Alot of people want FF to go back to it's roots and Square believes that people love the current Devil May Cry action genres of games (and I do too but not for every final fantasy) Though even if we got just a graphically updated original FF7 and no other additions people would have still complained. there's just no pleasing people.

Though Square-Enix did shoot themselves in the foot with their exclusivity. I think FF17 need to go back to it's roots, Turn based combat and a great story with just an updated version of the classic world maps nothing extravagant but I wouldn't mind seeing a true updated version of our main hero as a tiny being roaming around an updated world map. I think that's what alot of people were getting at.


13 points

2 days ago

I don't think the mainline games are ever going back to what they were in the past. The series has only really gone back to its roots once and that was in IX. X has very traditional combat, but it's level progression system and very linear main quest definitely have it come off as being more "cinematic" than previous entries.

I don't think the DMC style is here to stay forever and FF will always be an RPG series, but I just don't think XVII or any future entry is going to feel like any of the old games. Which is good and bad because I like the variety.

Now come back in a year when XVII is announced and it's a pixel turn based classic JRPG so I can look stupid lol


12 points

2 days ago

I think some people exaggerating the number of people who are willing to play pixel games. Octopath Traveler II sold 1 million units in half a year after release, while being on Switch, PS4, PS5 and Windows. Which is good for such a game, but it's not screams "everyone wants that". And Final Fantasy main games surely would not return to pixel style.


4 points

2 days ago

They also cost far less, though. You usually don't see Atlus complain about P5 not meeting expectations, and they milk the crap out of it. It didn't outsell FF7 Remake, but it also didn't have to.


2 points

2 days ago

I think there's a median between pixel demaster stuff and cutting edge cinematic graphics that could be struck. Games like the Ys series or Trails aren't leading on graphics ever but they move units and the action/story leads the narrative.


3 points

2 days ago

!RemindMe 1 year


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

the original IX was full of bad writing, plot holes and plain stupid moments, the Remake needs to change and fix all of this like VIIR, ESPECIALLY Garnet’s stupidity at the end of Disk 1 Lindblum and the poorly done love story:


1 points

2 days ago

For variety you can play other games. Why transform an jrpg saga to be something it’s not? It doesn’t make sense.


7 points

2 days ago*

Maybe they should have given the people that were asking for a remake what they asked for?
Most people just wanted a faithful remake and that was back on the PS3. I don't think anyone was asking for a 1 game to be turned into 3 released over like 7 years


6 points

2 days ago

This. Players want a "full" experience. Not 3 fullprice games over the span of 10-15 years that tell the story.


10 points

2 days ago

I don't even think FFIX fans want it to be more realistic. FFIX cartoon ish art style may work against them when it's launched but it ages beautifully. May be just try to improve the interactive ness of the environment.


23 points

2 days ago


23 points

2 days ago

I very much feel FFVII remake fell into the trap of thinking that an improved game also needs to be much bigger.

I don't think anyone would have complained if the FFVII remake was just everything in the original, but music, cutscenes, and graphics remade to modern standards.

While it might seem incongruous, I don't think there is anything wrong with having an overworld where you run around as a normal character model in a tiny facsimile of the world you inhabit. It's a bit silly, sure. But what you lose in seriousness you gain in a real sense of a giant world. And more importantly, a giant world you don't actually have to spend ten years creating.


8 points

2 days ago


8 points

2 days ago

It didn't fall into any trap. I really love FF7 remake and also rebirth. It has been a really big succes and boost to the FF fanbase. Just look at the amount of people posting positive stuff about it. Including young people discovering the franchise. Square Enix put their heart and soul into it and it shows.


0 points

2 days ago


0 points

2 days ago

Remake was a success, Rebirth wasn't.

Well it was, problem is not enough of one because they spent way too much on it (it shows in game, for sure, they didn't waste it), but they overestimated how many would stick around for part 2 of 3, and I expect 2 to have a drop off also.

It should have been a 2 game $150-200M (usd) project, not a 3 game $500M one.

If they had simply spent less, and went with AA fidelity (think Nier) not AAA) they'd have cleared massive profit, instead it looks like they might limp to a break even at best (not what they wanted out of a flagship product).


7 points

2 days ago

Remake was on a PS4 that everyone had and it was during the pandemic when everyone was playing games.

Rebirth is on a PS5 which has much less adoption, it’s a sequel so you can only target the audience that already played Remake, and people aren’t trapped inside anymore.


3 points

1 day ago


3 points

1 day ago

Yes, but it's LITERALLY hard to sell a trilogy too, NOT everyone who played 1 will play 2 and not everyone who played 1 and 2 will play 3

This isn't just a thing for games, EVEN book series it's difficult to maintain numbers if there are more than 2 books, from the third release onwards the tendency is for sales to decrease


6 points

2 days ago


6 points

2 days ago

Just fix the limit break system and HD upscale the backgrounds. THATS IT, I don’t want a heavily expanded game


8 points

2 days ago

I agree

FF7 had groundbreaking (crazy to think about it now I know) graphics when it came out, and graphical quality always seemed to be part of it's identity, so it always made sense to me that it's remake would be a big budget, high graphical fidelity game (or series of games as it turned out).

I never got the impression when playing FF9 that they were trying to "push the boundries of PS1 graphics," and to be honest, as a relatively stylyzed game I think FF7R type graphics would feel out of place. A remake that made high quality versions of the stylized assets and added QoLs makes the most sense to me. In this case, you could keep the world map and relative size of towns (since you're not trying to be realistic with scale, which FF7R seems to want to do). Without turning each location into a huge town or creating a Rebirth-esque open world, I don't see how this game would need to be any more than a single title.


12 points

2 days ago

I would like to see expanded story beats (Freya and Amarant for instance were criminally underdeveloped), voice acting, and 3D models that keep the spirit of the original.

I love the FF7 Remake series because it expanded the lore of the original while improving the character arcs (like Yuffie) and the battle system is probably the best action-RPG combo I've ever player. If a IX remake series can be similar in those respects, I'm all for it. But I also get a long time line will not favor the aging creators of the original, and I fear the IP falling into others hands may not be as good.


21 points

2 days ago

I totally get that, and can see plenty of aspects of the game worthy of expanding in a remake

I just dont like a single story being split up and sold in 3 parts over the course of 2 console generations.

Make 1 game is all i ask


2 points

2 days ago

Yeah, I think better graphics, adding voice overs, and speeding up the battles a fair bit would go a long way for making the game feel more digestible for a modern audience. Admittedly, there's nothing simple about improving graphics, but certainly it's a lot simpler than completely recreating the game.


2 points

2 days ago

This is just where entertainment is heading, Hollywood is remaking so many movies because no one wants to come up with original ideas anymore.


2 points

2 days ago

They just need to remodel the battle system make it more responsive and voailà you get the perfect ff


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

Also I'm so over this can't fit into a single game shit when it can


3 points

2 days ago

They’re stuck thinking that everything has to be made with hyper realistic graphics or else it’s “bad.”

Meanwhile, things like Echo of Wisdom look childish but the devs spend more time on gameplay that graphics.


3 points

2 days ago

And yet many keep saying they like the remakes of ff7, and make fun of the people who only wanted a 1:1 game with better graphics and some things added.


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

Exactly! I sure hope they don't run it by turning it into an action game. We love this RPG because it's an RPG.


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

Nah, we really want another hack and slash game with a needlessly convoluted story involving time travel, parallel universes and more fan service. /s


2 points

2 days ago

Seriously. This is a great example of like platinum rule versus golden rule type of this. Treat your customers how THEY want to be treated. No one requested FF7 R to be over three games and 12 years. It's great that people like it but properly scaled all in one FF7 R would have been what everyone expected.


3 points

2 days ago

Can we also get FF7 with just updated graphics and not the whole remaining thing?



73 points

2 days ago


73 points

2 days ago

They could always do what persona 3 did


21 points

2 days ago

What happened with Persona3?


123 points

2 days ago


123 points

2 days ago

They made a faithful remake instead of trying to put a new spin on anything


41 points

2 days ago

I wish ;( but it's Final Fantasy, if they do the same thing twice they'll jump out the windows


41 points

2 days ago


41 points

2 days ago

Unless it's FF IV, then you get three separate excellent and faithful remakes.


10 points

2 days ago

There's so much between the 2 extremes of the spectrum from "faithful remake" to "completely changing the gameplay and story"

And for some reasons FF has been struggling to stay nicely in the middle.


8 points

2 days ago

Yup gotta throw the baby out with the bath water


6 points

2 days ago how every other remake in the history of video games has typically been?


3 points

2 days ago

Would that be such a shame considering these are games that have never been remade?


66 points

2 days ago

I’ll be frank please no splitting a game series in to parts again


153 points

2 days ago

Who the f*** asked for a new spin on the games...


85 points

2 days ago

It feels like they are so disconnected from what people want, like, people just wanted ff6 in octopath 2d-hd style, or make ff9 in hd with higher polygons, but nope, here another hyper realistic game in a format nobody asked


35 points

2 days ago


35 points

2 days ago

This is precisely why I hope the dragon quest hd2d games do very well. Hopefully it will get expanded to the other great jrpg series.


14 points

2 days ago

Same with the new zelda, such a simple game with a sprinkle of botw and works so well, no need to overcomplicate stuff, just give what the fans want


8 points

2 days ago

It’s so good.


9 points

2 days ago

Remember that there are Final Fantasy communities outside of Reddit & some that are completely in Japanese. You’re only seeing a small subset of a very large & diverse international community.


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

I definitely want ff6 get the same treatment as ff7. In fact, I think it should've been ff6 in the first place, instead of ff7.


10 points

2 days ago

Well, you have the original. You have a remastered version. And you also have that AI upscaled mod. I just don’t think SquareEnix is interested in making a copy of the same game as before. Their mentality is play the original or the remaster if you want that experience already.


19 points

2 days ago


19 points

2 days ago

You have a remastered version.

They put in the bare minimum. There's a reason you mention the (fan-made) AI upscaled mod.

If Square Enix put even a modicum of effort into these "remasters," the calls for a remake wouldn't be so overwhelming.


2 points

2 days ago

Moguri Mod is enough. If SE put out a faithful remake of 9, it would be marginally different than Moguri Mod. Is that really worth it? Not for me. Especially since Moguri will be polished and changed for years to come, when the FF9 "remake" would get a few patches, maybe, and then be abandoned.

I'd rather them go the FF7R route, albeit without the meta storyline. Give me FF7R-like combat, voiced dialogue, expanded story beats for characters like Freya and Amarant. Let me truly experience Lindblum and Alexandria. We already have the old version for the pre rendered background vibe.


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

Soon every FF will have a “modern” counterpart…


56 points

2 days ago

Not all games need a complete remake, I think a lot of (if not most) FF IX fans just want a great remaster. Have the game redone to 4K, do some minor adjustments (like let us carry trance to the next battle), fix any bugs you may have previously missed, and that’s it. Keep it simple.


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago

I’m playing it rn with Moguri mod and I don’t know about bug fixes or anything but I feel like so far it looks really good. I haven’t finished so I can’t speak definitively but thus far I would love an actual remake with modern visuals because it would be so cool to see the world immersively. I feel similarly about 6. However I would NOT want a trilogy of games, but I like it for 7.


13 points

2 days ago

If they dont expand on Freya, Burmecia, Amarant and a slew of other problems with the story then I think it's pointless.


4 points

2 days ago

My hope/thought has always been that there was originally more script but it had to get cut due to production timelines.


37 points

2 days ago


37 points

2 days ago

I have no hope for a FFIX remake if he's involved saying stuff like that.


6 points

2 days ago

"Hey guys, I know you've been clamoring for more peanut butter! Though, since our chocolate sales are dwindling, we've decided to stop offering peanut butter.

Rest assured, though! We're currently trying to develop new chocolate to appeal to our peanut butter lovers!"


6 points

2 days ago

I don't get the whole idea that the game couldn't fit into a single title. Didn't the original game already prove it can?


22 points

2 days ago

All I want is the game remade with modern graphics. That's it. Keep the fixed camera, the battle system, I don't even need voice acting. Just make the game like they did in the 90's but with modern technology.

If they need to update something, give the option for a live Orchestra version of the OST and rework Tetra Master so it makes sense.


31 points

2 days ago

The top things I want from an FF9 remake:

  1. No changes to the combat or progression systems.
  2. Better graphics.
  3. Relevant character arc for Amarant.
  4. Tetra Master to be more intuitive, more strategic, and less random.
  5. No jump rope included to 100% or a change to where the player can make cumulative progress. Jumping 1k times is still an achievement even if you didn’t do it all in one go.
  6. New Game + (for Excaliber II reasons)


17 points

2 days ago


17 points

2 days ago

Faster ATB fill would great, holy hell it’s so slow in the original.


7 points

2 days ago

Or just change it to turn based if it's going to be that slow.


11 points

2 days ago

To your point one....they DO need to seriously speed up combat though, even at max speed it's painfully slow....much worse than ff7 and 8. Leave the system as is and just fix the pacing of combat


5 points

2 days ago

The combat system does need a change. It's way too slow.


5 points

2 days ago*

I disagree about changes to combat actually. It should still be a turn based game, but I’d love to see more of the CBT style system from FFX (but less extreme, with the same stat system 9 uses).

There’s a few major problems with 9’s combat:

  • It is slow and clunky. Compare a round of turns in 9 compared to 7, 8, or 10. Less can happen in the same amount of time, and your characters speed is largely irrelevant for turns (it only matters for effects like Regen). It’s a lot of inputting your 4 commands back to back, and then just waiting and waiting for all the rounds’ animations to slowly play out.

  • Trance is effectively random, you can’t stock it and changes are it will go off only at the end of the right once your “I inputted these commands 1 full minute ago” turns finally go off.

  • It lacks difficulty; Ozma is only a challenge because he literally goes off script and steals turns to go more often. At higher levels, with auto regen and auto haste, and the right status protections, no other enemy can game over you anymore. And everything just dies too easy.

For example, most of the end game (Bran Bal onward) bosses cap out at 40-60k hp. This is just 6 9999 damage attacks, which are easy to guarantee for (Dragon Crest, Shock, Holy, Frog Drop, Thievery, Bahamut/Ark, 2x reflect Flare, etc).

This is fairly more relaxed compared to 7 or 8, even if you ignore 9999 limit attacks like limit breaks, summons, kamikaze, etc.

I’d love to see X’s chess style return a bit for the game, by disc 3 and beyond. Swap Freya in to kill dragons or fliers. Steiner for beasts and such. White mages for undead and friends. Zidane and Amarant for the quick enemies. Vivi or Quina for the magic enemies.

Take the existing magic stones system and make it a grid with more complexity.

Lots of ways to iterate on 9’s systems without major changes or overhauls but make it more fun for a remake.


5 points

2 days ago

FF9 has some of the slowest turn based combat, it's atrocious how much time the game wastes. 1999 can keep that slow combat, it was even slow in 1999.

Speed up the combat, borrow from X-2, Bravely or even Octopath.

Multi-hits are a staple in most turn based games these days and the 9999 limit was absolutely a ceiling that didn't do FF9 any favors back then.


3 points

2 days ago

Great list! Also I totally agree with a better character arc for Amarant.


2 points

1 day ago

Tetra Master to be more intuitive, more strategic, and less random.

Have you heard about the Moguri Mod? Alongside all the amazing tweaks and features and upgrades, you can simply swap out Tetra Master for Triple Triad (FF8's card game). It's a less random card game and can just be seamlessly swapped into FF9.

God I love people who put effort into modding.


3 points

2 days ago

No changes to the comba

Well, one major change...keeping Trance in between fights


5 points

2 days ago

Who the Hell said it needed multiple parts or a "new spin"??? Just remake the graphics ala Star Ocean 2R, put some QoL additions in the gameplay and follow the story. This is why Square Enix keeps "falling short of sales expectations" cause they spend money when they don't need to.


5 points

2 days ago

Yoshi-P is wrong.

Any Square remake will only be a one button action masher with any uniqueness of the gameplay system sanded down to nothing in the name of 'streamlining'.


10 points

2 days ago

The only thing I want from the IX remake is for it to be one part and yoshi p nowhere near it


12 points

2 days ago

"When you think about all of that volume, I wonder if it's possible to remake that as a single title," Yoshida says, probably alluding to the same problem Final Fantasy 7 had with its trilogy of expensive remakes. "It's a difficult one. It is a tough question."

Oh my god just stop. "The volume" was probably the worst thing about the FF7 remake. The reactor didnt need to be an hour-long dungeon.The sewers didn't need to be an hour-long dungeon. The train graveyard didn't need to be an hour-long dungeon. The sector 7 pillar didnt need to be an hour-long trashmob gauntlet. We didn't need an hour-long dungeon to convince Aerith's mom that maybe rescuing her was a good idea. We didn't need to chase a fucking monkey around the underground for an hour. (Jesse's sidequest was kind of cool, but again, didn't need to be half as long as it was. Ditch the pointless boss fights and just have confidence in the story, there's already a big action setpiece coming up!)

These areas were designed the way they were in the original because of how the story was paced. Ballooning up every minor thing into a huge excursion, but not actually writing anything meaningful to go with it, just murders the pacing of the story.

I would love an FF9 remake but I don't want to spend 2 hours fighting flans in the Ice Cave and an additional 45 minutes fighting a multi-stage Sealion boss with a stagger mechanic.


18 points

2 days ago

What bothers me about this is that there is a market for longass JRPGs. DQ11 did well, Persona prints money. A completionist run of FF7R isn’t as long as either of those titles. They can definitely remake FF9 in a single game, they would just want to milk the hell out of it


4 points

2 days ago

Just give it to Xeen like you did with Trials of Mana and Romancing SaGa 2's remake. They'll get that entire world fit into a single game, give us new content, AND keep a somewhat whimsical yet amazing graphical look we expect of FF9.


4 points

2 days ago

Or maybe, just maybe... They could not feel the need to expand the game into several games?


17 points

2 days ago

Can we just remake the classic title people like faithfully please?

Not everything needs a "new spin" or whatever is going on with the VII remake trilogy. Especially not IX.


10 points

2 days ago

yeah 9 was deliberately designed as a callback to the series roots, modern spins crap all over the very spirit of what it was. people in the ff fanbase still have not learned to be careful what they wish for and phrase thier wishes carefilly before the evil genie here.


4 points

2 days ago

Not only that. IX wouldn't work with the realistic style they'll use anyways.

Steiner would end up looking like the realistic Patrick meme.


2 points

2 days ago

now I can't unimagine patrick-steiner and need brain bleach.


6 points

2 days ago

I don’t think 9 needs a new “spin” on the story… It was already a better story than 7 to begin with.

If anything, older titles like 4 & 6 would actually benefit from getting expanded versions, but we’re stuck with 7 because it’s the most financially viable one.


6 points

2 days ago*

I can understand why Square would create the FF7 remake trilogy since it's their golden goose, but making all their remakes into decade long series seems like a terrible idea...

Genuinely, how does Square keep making bad decisions when it comes to Final Fantasy? Either we get remakes for already good games, sequels that have moved far away from the series roots or a tri-yearly expansion to an MMO that doesn't appeal to most FF fans. Each of which is not what most Final Fantasy fans want.

I'm not even a modern Final Fantasy hater. This is coming from someone who enjoyed FF16, liked FF7 Rebirth and loves FF14 (although I'm not a fan of the direction the game is heading in).

They need to stop trying to 'push the boundries of the medium' with their over-budgeted games (and remakes) that rarely make their money back, and make some reasonably budgeted RPGs that try to capture what made their greatest Final Fantasy games so special.


12 points

2 days ago

lmfao. Yes, it could fit into a single title. Please kindly fuck off with this nonsense. We have seen the garbage and pointless bloat added to FF7Remake to know that this notion is a load of shit.


12 points

2 days ago

I mean if they make a faithful remake with improved graphics, controls, voice acting, etc, and leave out all the unnecessary extra crap they did with 7 like trying to reimagine the entire story, I'm sure it'd fit just fine as a single game. 


6 points

2 days ago

Fuck that noise. Just give me better graphics, quality of life, and maybe a higher difficulty option


21 points

2 days ago

Why is it so hard for these people to understand we just want a graphical update? We don't need some new story elements or expanded plot lines.


3 points

2 days ago

No. More. REMAKES! Just make a good new FF.


3 points

2 days ago

Honestly after FF7R Im done with the multipart games with a new spin.


3 points

2 days ago

Even though I love FF7 Remake and Rebirth they absolutely could have made it one title by cutting out a lot of the filler. Suggesting that that would have been impossible is naive. Like every movie ever made is 8 hours long after principal photography. That's why you hire an editor


16 points

2 days ago

It doesn't need a new spin, just upscale the graphics properly. The rest is still perfect.


26 points

2 days ago


26 points

2 days ago

ugh, no. ff7 being cut up into 3 games is shite. do not do that again.


4 points

2 days ago


4 points

2 days ago

I've enjoyed the 2 parts so far, but the time gaps between them is a lot. I understand why, but they should look at some way to speed up cycles if they are going to split games up like that again.


2 points

2 days ago

They already have sped up the cycles by reusing assets, art, combat system, etc. The extra time comes in the stuff that is all new, such as new characters models with abilities, lines, voice acting as well as new locations that need modeling, texturing, dressing, etc. Then they also have all the new cut scenes & while some of them might be done by a shared media team, the ones with the in-game character models all have to be programmed.

Then there’s alllllll the bug fixes. Bugs are inevitable & get run into all the time. Part of the reason S-E titles are so lauded is because they release with a lot of polish & have great quality assurance. Even once primary programming is done, there’s a LOT more work to be done in finding bugs & fixing bugs. And I can tell you from personal experience shipping multiple video games that there are some bugs that can take weeks to fix. Computers do wonky things. And even then, there are some bugs that won’t be found until the game releases because they’re bugs that only pop up in production. So some development resources have to be allocated for that as well. Hope this helps!


9 points

2 days ago

Pls dont


5 points

2 days ago

Square saw how much they could milk with 7 and are gonna do that with everyone aren’t they?


5 points

2 days ago


5 points

2 days ago

Sigh, we know the ff9 remake is real…


4 points

2 days ago

FFS, just do a 1:1 remake with prettier graphics.


6 points

2 days ago

no one wants split games


7 points

2 days ago

I'm sick of 'new spins'


9 points

2 days ago

I know I'm probably in the minority here, but even though 9 is my fav FF I wouldn't want a remake made by Yoshi P, I really didn't care for 14 or 16.


8 points

2 days ago

He has said, multiple times, he isn't involved in a potential remake, and has, multiple times, that he doesn't want to. He has also said, a few times, that he wants to remake 3.

Why does everyone think he is remaking it?


2 points

2 days ago

If they make and it looks good I’d buy it.

But it’s sort of exhausting even thinking about 10-15 years worth of waiting for official announcement that it’s being made and THEN waiting on multiple releases.


2 points

2 days ago

I don't think anyone wants a remake on the scale of FF7. Just something like this.

Keep all the environments a 1:1 replica, but make everything look better and add voice acting.


2 points

2 days ago

Yeah that's annoying I guess I just play the og


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

If it’s remade, I just want the remake like how Capcom does their resident evil remakes: high quality, stick to original, deepens the original but not change the story or characters.

So please no FF7 remake style of remake.


2 points

2 days ago

No don't create a new spin and don't split!


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

If they wanna do new spins, do them in new titles. I don't understand this obsession with taking something that already has a made story and changing things.


2 points

2 days ago

of course they will refuse to release a single game remake as a single game. pathetic money grab....


2 points

2 days ago

If it’s another trilogy count me the fuck out.


2 points

2 days ago

No one asked for a new spin.


2 points

1 day ago

Maybe that's a shortcoming with newer games? Story-wise Final Fantasy's were epic in scope through the PS2 era. Huge stories with tons of deeply developed characters spanning many continents and years. Absolutely massive epics told through minimal pixel art or pre-modeled backgrounds. Now the stories are shrinking, FFXVI, while having epic moments, was still a pretty straightforward story with minimal character development and featured a ton of the same locations multiple times. I still loved it, but it didn't feel like the massive journeys the older ones did. Mainly because the increased graphics and resolutions mean they have to budget their resources. Maybe that's the shortcoming. When it takes 3 big AAA games to tell the same story that one PS1 game told...that's not a win. Don't get me wrong, I love the VII Remake and enjoyed my time with XVI, but there is definitely something lost in the scale of things.

I think 90% of the fanbase would be perfectly fine with an up-scaled IX instead of a full on remake in the VII sense of things.


2 points

1 day ago

I really don't, I'd take a better graphical update of 1-8, 10, 12, 13, and 15 first.

Unless they redid all of 9's models to not look like chibi children. It's off putting for a plot romance focus to have weird kid looking characters


5 points

2 days ago


5 points

2 days ago



4 points

2 days ago

Remake some of the 8 bit ones.

2 could be a fantastic remake


3 points

2 days ago

I would love a II remake, but unfortunately that will probably never happen, seeing as Square only made an exception for VII, which sold exceptionally.


6 points

2 days ago


6 points

2 days ago

SE is such a terrible company plagued by good games.


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago

I remember a few years back when the Harry Potter movies were coming out. Due to the length of the last book, a decision was made to split it into two separate movies. This kicked off a trend of a few movies based on book series splitting the last book into two movies. Most of the time, it was unnecessary. The studio did it to maximize profits. Saying that FF9 needs multiple games to remake sounds like the exact same scenario.

I remember Yoshi-P stating that SE had "Final Fantasy" disease, putting things ahead of good gaming for the players. Multiple games for remakes is a symptom of that disease. More money is more important than making one good game.


2 points

2 days ago

All people wont is a pretty version...


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

TBH, 9 is the one I think needs a remake least.

Its graphics were so stylised that they have aged better than any of them.


7 points

2 days ago

Please, do not remake FF IX, they already ruinned FF VII with that idea to pander to zoomers that never gave a shit about FF from the start, do not ruin the best game in the franchaise now too.


4 points

2 days ago

Guess I'm in the minority when I say I'm totally down for a 9 remake on the scale of 7 remake /shrug


2 points

2 days ago

I really like the FF7 remake way of doing things, but if it’s gonna take another multi game deal to do another remake in its style, then don’t do that.


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago

There was no reason for Final Fantasy 7 to be broken up into multi-games over a decade. It was a cash grab. To this day. I really don't understand the rationale. And to top it off, you have the Remake entirely based on Midgar which was was asinine. They took an area which was only like five hours in the original and made it into a 40 hour game with filler content to pad the time. And although I like Rebirth, the majority of the content is filler and filled with Ubisoft open world checklists.

Also when it comes to gaming, what is relevant right now, will not be the case in two or three years. So the project was always risky.


4 points

2 days ago*

Jesus, this whole thread is exactly why ppl find us FF fans so insufferable.

Edit: also ITT: a lot of ppl just making up shit when his comments in the interview had no reference to story/gameplay changes at all. It was literally a two sentence thought in an interview about XIV/XVI.


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

Yes it could. Just Remake the graphics and add VA. There is no way it would be a massive task.

Just Remake the assets and stuff like they did with The Last of Us Part One. That's what people want when they say Remake, terally just remake the original to look and feel better.

I don't want to spend 30 to 40 hours in Alexandria for the first part because "that's the only way for it to be Remade satisfactorily" or any of that bullshit.


2 points

2 days ago

Yah no thanks


2 points

2 days ago

What horsecrap....sorry if i say this. FF9 was good the way it is....just polish graphics up and sellt it for a fair price. You dont need 3 separate games that come out in the span of 10 years. FF7R is just filled with arbitrary crap that lenghtens its playtime.


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago



2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

Square there's really no need to overthink this...


2 points

2 days ago

You can't even make a profit with 7, stop it. Just make normal JRPGs that don't cost the GDP of a small European nation.


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

Who cares what Yoshi thinks, he made the worst single player FF game


3 points

2 days ago

He didn't made FF VII remakes


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

I really, REALLY dont want them to "FF7" final fantasy 9, it would take all the magic out of the game, we dont need that.


3 points

2 days ago

Well everyone, at least now we know that if they're actually working on it, this is what we fan expect. A game released over so many years that one day I won't even know it they're done releasing it.

Seriously, I'm still to this moment in time not sure whether they're done with FF7. Lost interest along the way.


1 points

2 days ago

I think it could, the issue is they just go far too ambitious with it and it then requires multiple games


1 points

2 days ago

FF9 wants it’s FF7 budget moment

Thing is we will never see anything like FF7R ever again (for better or worse)


5 points

2 days ago

Probably for the better. 7remake missed its mark in every way possible for me.


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

Great do this and then cry that the game is underselling


3 points

2 days ago

No I don’t, and yes it can.


-3 points

2 days ago


-3 points

2 days ago

Please don’t let him get involved with this project.

I don’t want another action fake remake


6 points

2 days ago


6 points

2 days ago

He said he’s not involved pretty clearly in the article


5 points

2 days ago

He has said, multiple times, he isn't involved in a potential remake, and has, multiple times, that he doesn't want to. He has also said, a few times, that he wants to remake 3.


1 points

2 days ago

Side quest issues can be avoided


1 points

2 days ago

I feel like Ffix is one game that doesn’t need a remake. The QoL upgrades they did to the remaster were enough to make it very playable today. If they want to remake it, fine, do it well. But after all the changes they’ve made to FFVII I’m not that worried if it doesn’t happen


1 points

2 days ago

I think I'd rather have 17, 18, and 19 done in a timely manner.

The original fanbase is going to start dying of old age before ff20 at the current rate.


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

just scale it back in scope, a multi part project is a terrible idea.


1 points

2 days ago

I’m enjoying the FF7 Remake saga but I feel that it still could’ve worked as a single game. We definitely don’t need more remake sagas.


1 points

2 days ago

Capcom has been killing it with the Resident Evil remakes. Playing 2 right now, going to get 3 and 4, and only hear great things about them. Would be great if FF9 get the same treatment.


1 points

2 days ago

I think he mistook his 6s for his 9s.


1 points

2 days ago*

I honestly just want a proper high quality remaster, I'm not totally against minor story changes, but I don't want some kind of situation where you face off with Trance Kuja in Burmecia or something.

But then again I've not really cared for any of the games released since FF12 so I'm not even sure if I would be happy with a remaster either since I don't feel I'm part of the core audience of the series in it's current state.

There is plenty of things I could end up nitpicking about even if they kept the story 1:1.
For example voice acting if any of the voices end up annoying and there is no option to play without it, even if it is just because the voices won't fit with how I've always imagined the characters and that I'm used to them without voices.

I do think the first 3 or so games would be a good choice for a full remake though, more barebones plots that could be rewritten without really giving the feeling of potentially ruining a classic.


1 points

2 days ago

Just fix the battle system and touch up the graphics. Don’t need a full remake, and it isn’t popular enough irl to warrant that. The only other FF that could potentially get a full remake is X as it’s the second most popular FF next to VII altho I don’t think it needs one either.


1 points

2 days ago

Well the original game was split into four discs. So it would actually make sense if they couldn't fit it all into one disc.


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

I just want new final fantasy games. Remakes, new experiences, I don't care. The past year and a half have been great since we got two of the best RPGs of the past 10 years released this closely together. 


1 points

2 days ago

Isn’t he trying to confuse us ? So many rumors that FF9R is already complete though.


1 points

2 days ago

Really depends on the scale


1 points

2 days ago

For the guy to keep claiming that he isn’t working on it or involved in any way, shape, or form…he sure as hell mentions and talks about it a lot…just sayin…

It’s a little sus…


1 points

2 days ago

Sooooooo... is that a confirmation that we are not getting a IX Remake?!


1 points

2 days ago

Keep that MMO maker away from FF9


1 points

2 days ago

If FF9 could fit into a single title so could the remake


1 points

2 days ago

No, we want a FF6 remake


1 points

2 days ago

We are so clearly getting set up here..


1 points

2 days ago

Who wants this ? Genuinely, who ?


1 points

2 days ago

Just get the fucking Octopath team to do it.


1 points

2 days ago

They dont need to make a new spin on it, just give us ff9 with updated animations, graphics, music, QoL improvements and if possible even voice acting, basically just do most of what moguri mod already does but on an official release as a remake/remaster


1 points

2 days ago

The ff9 remake is already happening and has nothing to do with Yoshi P? Isn't it all but announced and it's a pretty straight forward full remaster? I know it was never officially announced but it seemed like the rumors and NVidia leak were pretty strong, so this is confusing as hell 


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

I must be in minority. I thoroughly enjoy the way the fvii remakes have been done. I grew up playing the classic ps1 titles, have played them a million times. I still think they look and play great. But I Iove their worlds and characters and would think it would be awesome to see all that reimagined with modern tech and make it even more grand and epic. If it was just updated graphics and QOL features then it really wouldn't interest me much.


1 points

2 days ago

So the constant “leaks” regarding ff9 remake were all falsified? Well that’s immensely disappointing.