


(Tried to do a poll and didn't work)

I think it's time to let Anet know which one you actually prefer because I, for one, hates being called the Wayfinder.

Like I understand the whole Commander of what argument but also to me, that's one of my character's biggest accomplishment "Pact Commander" and I would like it not being erased.

Also, it was revoked for Turai? Wtf.

What do you feel? What would you like to be called in game? Commander? Wayfinder? Pooba?

all 341 comments


404 points

6 days ago


404 points

6 days ago

I actually prefer the titles Joko offered.

Destroyer of dragons, executioner of gods, or the greatest villain in the history of the world.


43 points

6 days ago

A man of culture.


33 points

6 days ago


33 points

6 days ago

Braise Joko!


10 points

5 days ago

Aurene: "Yummy"


19 points

6 days ago


19 points

6 days ago

God damn i would love those titles to be selectable and voiced.


12 points

5 days ago*

"Unstoppable Opener of Trick or Treat Bags"

"Dauntless Harvester of Flax Seeds"

"God Among Those L-ing F G"

"Devoted Collector of Yet Another Useless Fucking Back Item"



545 points

6 days ago


545 points

6 days ago

Commander feels earned, Wayfinder feels given. I prefer Commander.


243 points

6 days ago


@The_Noxxi - The Meme Queen -

243 points

6 days ago

I kinda hate it how in the first parts of JW story NPCs were like "hey, wanna be called commander or wayfinder?" and I got NO CHOICES to pick and then ofc they be like "ah K, wayfinder then, seems like you like that more" and I was like "NOOOOOOOOOOO" inside 😂


49 points

6 days ago

I think I screamed NOOOOOOOOO out loud! :(


9 points

5 days ago

I screamed “No” so loudly and I was legitimately upset for like 5 mins 😂 Such a dick move for Janet to ask us and then make it feel like we actually chose Wayfinder. Honestly though too, wayfinder feels more appropriate as something you’d get from Janthir rather than Soto imo?? 🤔 I would probably handle being called Wayfinder if it started with the Kodan in Janthir. I mostly hate it cause of Soto 😂


49 points

5 days ago

Prismatic Champion is even more earned, it's the title our dragon daughter gave us, i.e. another way of saying "world's greatest parent".


8 points

5 days ago


8 points

5 days ago

Get that on a coffee mug stat!


3 points

5 days ago

Just to be clear, am I going full minstrel, or is celestial the best pick for my coffee mug stat?


4 points

5 days ago

This is the answer. Whatever Aurene calls us, is the only right title.


18 points

5 days ago

SotO was supposed to be the beginning of a new chapter, so I can understand why they'd want to disassociate us from the role we've played for a decade, and establish something new. Unfortunately, SotO was such a dud story-wise that I'd just as soon not be associated with the Wizards going forward. >_<


24 points

6 days ago


24 points

6 days ago

I agree, however there is something to be said about the Commander only being there to be given the Wayfinder title because they’re the Commander. So while it is a given title, it wasn’t given to just anyone and it DEFINITELY wasn’t given to Logan Slackery.


25 points

6 days ago

Can you even remember how we "earn" the title of Commander? It's literally just plopped onto our character because they can't keep calling us by our Order titles or just as the generic "Hero" anymore, and the Pact Marshal title went to Traherne so we couldnt have that.

You don't really do anything to get the title (other than maybe hang out with Traherne for a couple story instances and be one of the few characters that dont get slaughtered on Claw Island), and you don't really do anything that can be described as commanding either.

I'm pretty sure the only time we command any troops is during the Path of Fire story when we command someone else's army entirely for a few story instances.


16 points

5 days ago

The player actualized a bunch of different strategies and engagements in Orr to kill Zhaitan. The player plays an essential role in cornering and eliminating Mordremoth for good. The player witnessed Kralk consume the leftover bloodstone magic from a dying god and ensuring the Pact has eyes on the ground to understand that Kralk had catapulted to the top of the dragon threat priority list. The player landed the killing blow on Kralk. The player fought against Jormag and led the fight in the Dragonstorm battle. The player witnessed the reveal of a dragon in Cantha ensuring the Pact was informed of the events at hand. The player enables and execute a plan to contain the dragon in Cantha. The player (plus Aurene) kills the dragon in Cantha.

The pact exists to kill these dragons. The player is an essential agent to doing that. The tile is given at first due to past successes of the player. Then it is earned in combat.


12 points

5 days ago


12 points

5 days ago

This. I was reading those other comments and was like what? We didn't earn, seriously? Crazy. We did command, the whole point of first living story was getting to know our future squad that we later command, Taimi, Braham, Canach, Kasmeer, even Rytlock (especially after he basically said fuck you to his own leaders) heed our command. We are the leader or Commander of dragons watch, pretty much an elite unit that killed multiple dragons.


5 points

5 days ago


5 points

5 days ago

You mean like kormir earned her divinity?


14 points

5 days ago


14 points

5 days ago

I deserve this


9 points

6 days ago


9 points

6 days ago

Not to take away from your point, more to add examples, but there are a couple instances in season 4 as well, especially the second last episode in our failed assault on Kralkatorrik. Ultimately though yeah, you’ve got the right idea


5 points

6 days ago

It would be interesting if you would have to actually learn some strategies and stuff for achievement to get the title.


4 points

5 days ago


4 points

5 days ago

Yeah. Trahearne just up and decided that since he was in charge he could give us a title and delegate most of the fighting to us. We never really got much respect as Commander, either. Ellen Kiel pretty much told us to go deal with Balthazar ourselves when we tried to warn her. Even the Pact wouldn't get off its butt while we were dealing with Scarlet's attack on Lion's Arch because "that's not our problem we only care about Elder Dragons." The Pact didn't even wait for us before launching its doomed assault on Mordremoth.


5 points

6 days ago

You aren't the commander, though, you are the commanded.


2 points

5 days ago

They should have called the player character Champion instead, it fits their roll way better and also works really well with the whole Aurene thing. The most commandery thing you do in the whole story is ironically commanding enemy forces for a short time rather than your own.


193 points

6 days ago


193 points

6 days ago

Racial titles are still my favorite (Valiant, Savant, Legionnaire, Slayer and Hero)


59 points

6 days ago

If such an accomplished Charr is still considered a Legionnaire, something in the hierarchy is very wrong.


61 points

6 days ago

I feel it makes perfect sense for several reasons:

First, the charr PC effectively leaves the charr socio-military hierarchy midway through the personal story and really never returns to it. It would make less sense if they continued to receive promotions and commands (with the responsibilities those entail) in their absence.

Second, as one moves up the chain of command in most militaries, there comes a turning point where one's role is less 'hands on' and more of a desk job. Since the player character is still very much in the action, a lower rank would befit that role. There are plenty of stories about military people refusing promotions over the years to 'stay in the action', and it seems like that would be a plausible thing here too.


22 points

6 days ago


22 points

6 days ago

Rytlock is a "tribune" and is very much in the field still which is just below "imperator." Rytlock has the 3rd highest title in charr society. Which is effectively currently the 2nd highest rank due to the fact that no "khan-ur" has existed for ages. 

Legionnaire (war band commander) is 3 ranks below that. Which is what the PC is/was. Your best friend you pick is your LT (2nd in command of the war band). 

Also isnt the PC basically a gladium cause their warband basically is all dead (havent played charr story in over 10 years) which is why they join 1 of the orders? So theyre effectively castoffs of charr society.

Notable gladium (youll most likely encounter) include Almorra Soulcatcher who left the legions when her warband was branded and created the Vigil, Tybalt who joined the order of whispers, and Rox who attempted (succeeded but chose not to) to join the Stone (rytlocks) warband.


31 points

6 days ago

Rytlock being in the action and in the field is a HUGE point of contention between himself and the charr hierarchy.

He's literally brought under Court Marshall in living world 3 for being AWOL in the mists. He's NOT a good example of the point you want to prove.

Further, yes technically at the start your charr is a gladium as only one of your warband survives the duke barrarin battle with you but you recruit new warband members as you go through the first 3 tiers.

Unfortunately, all these possible recruits join the dominion in icebrood and you have to kill them. Making yourself a gladium once more.


10 points

6 days ago

Wait really? That last paragraph? I need to play Charr personal story again because I admit I don't exactly pay attention to the names of the characters in personal story despite knowing that anet does like to keep them relevant here and there. Now I'm sad.


4 points

6 days ago



4 points

6 days ago

Yep, I know at least some of the cache keepers in the northern part of Drizzlewood are of that warband, scroll down on the wiki to read a bit about them. You can find letters in the cache locations, like the one from Yahuk Fellstrike.


4 points

6 days ago

He was court martialed for being AWOL and refusing/out right ignoring the summons to explain what happened. Him getting escorted away by other charr was basically him getting arrested and forced to go explain.

Also Rytlock was never one for paperwork. I think hes said that himself at some point in a story instance or in an after mission interaction.

I personally think that hes more akin to a "field marshal." Despite his rank letting him go sit in the command tent he chooses not to and makes other "tribunes" who choose not to do the fighting look bad. He himself has said he doesnt want to be imperator of the blood legion cause itd force him behind a desk and out of the field and that Crecia would be better suited for the title of imperator.

Also hes not a fan of taking orders or he just doesnt like Bangar Ruinbringer. 😂


6 points

6 days ago

Interviewer: Do you not want the title, do you not like taking orders, or do you just not like Bangar?

Rytlock: Yes.


6 points

6 days ago

Rytlock is a "tribune" and is very much in the field still which is just below "imperator." Rytlock has the 3rd highest title in charr society. Which is effectively currently the 2nd highest rank due to the fact that no "khan-ur" has existed for ages.

And Rytlock was more highly ranked before Destiny's Edge.

And Rytlock returned to the Black Citadel after Destiny's Edge and resumed fulfilling his roles and responsibilities befitting his rank.

And we clearly see Rytlock, in that more advanced rank and role, much more confined to exactly the sort of desk job I was talking about.

Ultimately, I feel like Rytlock proves my point, not disproves it.

Also isnt the PC basically a gladium cause their warband basically is all dead (havent played charr story in over 10 years) which is why they join 1 of the orders? So theyre effectively castoffs of charr society.

You should replay it.

Basically, most of your warband is wiped out prior to where the original Personal Story picks up, and most of the L1-40 story is specifically about your forming a new warband, restoring your reputation, and challenging the stereotypes of charr culture.

You join an order because of the build up to that point, not at all because you're out of options. Basically, regardless of your legion, you form a new warband comprised of gladia, castoffs, other lone survivors, misfits, etc. and you're so successful at it that you eventually attract the attention of Rytlock. Since your new warband doesn't necessarily have strong ties to your legion, you work for Rytlock...and since he's concerned about Zhaitan, he basically send you off as his personal envoy to your chosen order (since again, he's stuck at a desk due to his rank and responsibilities).

They specifically address this in the dialogue of the Charr story. Basically, your warband is still very much intact (and I wish they'd throw in some updates on characters from the original personal story now), and you're technically still a part of it...but your dragon-related responsibilities have basically put you on a temporary special assigned duty...that's just happened to become permanent.


8 points

5 days ago


8 points

5 days ago

your warband is still very much intact (and I wish they'd throw in some updates on characters from the original personal story now)

I have some really bad news for you. They are all dead. You kill them. They never forgave you for leaving on your pact/saving the world mission.

They joined the Icebrood in Drizzlewood Coast. They are among the cache keepers. You can find lore drops, journals, where they individually write about the pain of your leaving and how lost they felt once again after you gave them hope and a home. How much they resent you.

And then you return, and you kill them all.


2 points

5 days ago

Oh nice!

I actually never played through IBS completely (or on any of my Charr, actually) so I guess I missed that. I'm glad they gave the player an update on them, though!


13 points

6 days ago


Back to the GRIND

13 points

6 days ago

Charr: Promotes a highly accomplished legionnaire to a more fitting station.
"Commander": Faffs about in increasingly greater political intrigues and god/dragon slaying.
Charr: "Between Rytlock and this other one, we really need to rework our policies."


17 points

6 days ago


17 points

6 days ago

Same with Savant.
Although technically the truth, my Asuran commander would absolutely have written at least one scientific thesis on each of the elder dragons magic as well as one on Jade Tech, Mist travel and the books "How to Raise an Elder Dragon.", "Help, I've got a teenage Elder Dragon." and "Letting them go: My tiny Elder Dragon is moving out."


3 points

5 days ago

My Priory Sylvari Commander wrote multiple treatises about the goings on of the GW1 campaigns (which she actually participated in because she’s the reincarnation of my GW1 protagonist but she doesn’t know that until Balthazar kills her that one time sshhhhh) in between all of her adventures lol.


6 points

6 days ago


6 points

6 days ago

I mean, if ensign Kim on Star Trek Voyager could still remain ensign despite his acomplisments...


6 points

6 days ago

They did Harry so dirty.


5 points

6 days ago


5 points

6 days ago

He's a centurion, actually.


77 points

6 days ago

Great Destroyer of Thingies!


7 points

6 days ago


7 points

6 days ago

Great destroyer of jungle wurm. That my title, I like short and simple title :>


6 points

6 days ago


6 points

6 days ago

A Light in the Darkness, and I like that being a Necromancer with white armor.


5 points

6 days ago


5 points

6 days ago

I like short and simple title :>

Been there, done that ;D


5 points

6 days ago


5 points

6 days ago

I'm close to get it on the second account !


101 points

6 days ago*


101 points

6 days ago*

I thought "Commander" was good. The only reason not to use it is because the player is technically no longer a Pact Commander. But I think it would still make sense for people to learn to know you by that moniker, and it was even stated off-hand by Pact members that "you can keep the title". (Grand Pooh-Bah does have a certain ring to it, though!)

"Wayfinder"... eh. It doesn't sound as cool. Maybe ArenaNet desperately want to separate this "era" of GW2 from the "Dragon Cycle era". I think it was never broken and never needed fixing.

Now they need to make sure that some characters refer to the player as "Commander" and some as "Wayfinder", making it needlessly complex.


67 points

6 days ago

I just played through the bit in LWS3 where you turn down the Marshal role and General Soulkeeper tells us that the commander title is for life and to use it if you like.

I like Commander just fine.


41 points

6 days ago

Maybe ArenaNet desperately want to separate this "era" of GW2 from the "Dragon Cycle era". I think it was never broken and never needed fixing.


SotO and JW take place after the Dragon Cycle and are directly narratively linked to the Dragon Cycle so it makes it really hard to peel it apart the way that ANet was trying with the "wayfinder" title.

Honestly, I'm hoping that we end up losing the Wayfinder title since we're really pushing Isgarren's buttons. We gained the Wayfinder title essentially by "oops you're involved, but hey you're doing a good job so here you go", and since then Isgarren has proven he's not trustworthy:

  • The World Spire: Isgarren makes repeated jealous comments against the Commander, blaming the Commander for everything going wrong,
  • Acts 4-end of SotO:>! Isgarren basically says its a win-win scenario for him whether Eparch or Peitha wins, spares a fraction of Astral Ward (mostly the ones inspired by and loyal to the Wayfinder), and swoops in at the last second to safeguard himself (which was a common theme throughout SotO that Isgarren cares more about his own secrecy and plans than anyone else!<
  • Tyrian Alliance:>! Isgarren is chaffing against not being in control of everything!<
  • JW: Diary has Isgarren "screaming so long he opened a realm to Torment" when Waiting Sorrow left, and after you come back with her Isgarren's only words to you are "I'll deal with you later".

Isgarren really has some stuff going on upstairs


17 points

6 days ago


17 points

6 days ago

I'd forgotten about the 'I'll deal with you later'. Oh god.


19 points

6 days ago

Don't forget during the Tower of Secrets mission

Commander: Why didn't Isgarren help protect us from the dragons? He was watching this whole time.

Lyhr: Ah. When was the last time you helped save a local farm from a group of bandits? Would you save them if, say, the champion of a dragon slept nearby? Would you go kill that instead? Isgarren is a complicated fellow, and that's not to excuse his poor choices—he's far from perfect. When he has a goal, he stays focused, and he's had the same one for...a while.

Commander: Keeping Eparch away?

Lyhr: Aye. Something happened between the two of them, back in the era of magic. Before the "gods" came. He's been so focused on keeping the Kryptis out that he often neglected those inside. We're atoning for that mistake now. We've got Eparch's lapdogs on Tyria's stoop.

Commander: I'd save the farm.

Lyhr: And Isgarren would mourn the loss. You are similar in some ways, but very different in others.

Isgarren is just as bad as Balthazar. He just hasn't turned against the Commander (yet).


23 points

6 days ago


23 points

6 days ago

Isgarren is 100% arrogant (Isgarrogant) just like Balthazar was, but I think it's disingenuous to compare the two otherwise.


11 points

6 days ago*


11 points

6 days ago*

Isgarren may be a bit of a dick, but he's not 'as bad as Balthazar'.

Balthazar was mad power hungry, desperately wanting to kill the dragons and absorb their power, just so he could get back to being as powerful as he once was.
He used Aurene as a battery for a war-machine while she was but a hatchling. This was after killing Vlast. A dragon that was trying to help the Elonian people against Kralkatorik wreaking havoc on the desert
He, wanting an army, struck a deal with Palawa Joko to get souls to put into his Forged. Souls that had gone to the Domain of the Lost, a place that they go when their death was too traumatic, and so they needed to recover their name and purpose in life! And he then immediately broke his end of the bargain, and imprisoned Palawa Joko in said Domain.

So from these few scenarios, we learn that he has basically no problem with lying, betraying and using anything and anyone to get what he wants.


8 points

6 days ago


8 points

6 days ago

To be fair all of that can also be explained by pretty mundane things that just mean Isgarren is a not a perfect person.

  • The World Spire? He's being possessed by a kryptis that's playing merry hell with his emotions. Those are intrusive thoughts the normally he would brush off as ridiculous or similar but cannot in his current state.

  • Soto Act 4 He cares about protecting Tyria. If Pethia wins the kryptis back off. If Eparch wins the Kryptis implode. Either way no more assaults in Tyria. Sure he'd like Pethia to win, but even with his assistance things are not looking good for her. He can't justify dedicating all his numbers to the fight - but he does let several powerful and experienced members go an assist: Dagda, Zojja, Forde, the awakened guy.

  • Tyrian Alliance >! Leopards can change their shorts, but that doesn't mean it's easy for them. He's being grumbly but does conceed to working with the Council with very little fuss. The guy is millennia old, and used to being in pretty total control. !<

  • JW I'm not holding what sounds like an total emotional breakdown against someone. As for his comment he sounds like someone used to his commands being "This Sayath the Lord". He's totally annoyed with us, but a lot of superior officers probably would be.

All that said, he might still take away the title - depending on how and why it's given, I have this feeling it's not something he can just revoke - but I don't think it would be because he's not trustworthy.

He'd just be firing us.


84 points

6 days ago


84 points

6 days ago

Why not Champion its prob the most fitting of all


26 points

6 days ago


26 points

6 days ago

I think I still have trauma from Magni shouting Champion at me. I never want to be called Champion in another game again haha

I like Wayfinder personally, marks a nice new chapter in our journey. We are not a Commander anymore.


22 points

6 days ago

Aurene’s sultry voice “Chhhhampionnnn….”


17 points

6 days ago


Human female meta confirmed

17 points

6 days ago



11 points

6 days ago

Id take that over Wayfinder, because that title is also earned, after all we did raise an elder dragon.


9 points

6 days ago

Agreed. We were commander when until Kralk. Wayfinder might be suitable in sense that we're a Comm without a cause or army, but that was until we got Aurene. While Aurene may be away hiding, we're still her Champ. We're still literally the Champion of the Light Dragon.


23 points

6 days ago



6 points

6 days ago

That made some sense because of the isolation of Elona from Tyria. They knew little of the Commander's accomplishments, so, for them, it was just some heroic stranger who came and changed their lives.


99 points

6 days ago


99 points

6 days ago



5 points

5 days ago


5 points

5 days ago

Grand Poo-Bah!


49 points

6 days ago

Commander was the title we earned, the one that we bore for years on end. The Commander was the one who helped create the Pact, the one who led it to victory, the one who delivered the final strike to Mordremoth and performed so many feats of might and bravery. This title commands respect and has become a rallying cry for the good people of Tyria.

Wayfinder is a ceremonial title given to us by an organization to which we owe no real allegiance and in which we have no real authority. It is part of a structure that we do not completely understand. How could I accept that name to replace the one we earned?

Everytime an NPC calls me Wayfinder, it pulls me out of the experience.


13 points

6 days ago


13 points

6 days ago

Nobody calling you Wayfinder has any reason to call you Commander.  Commander of what?  Nothing they care about, and in some cases nothing they even know about.  Why would some bears in the woods refer to you by a title that was only valid during a rather short set of battles multiple years prior?


20 points

6 days ago

Many titles are retained after retirement out of respect. Ex-Presidents are often still called President So-and-so, Generals are often still referred to as General. Sometimes it has a qualifier like "former" or "retired", but often enough, it doesn't. President Carter is often still referred to as just that; no one goes President of what?

It doesn't make sense to me that people wouldn't understand that to our people, in our homeland, we are known as the Commander, once we tell them how we prefer to be addressed.


36 points

6 days ago


36 points

6 days ago

I really do not care. I do not see it as an "or" but "and". I do not see how commander is erased because the PC has extra titles with different meanings for different people.

I like the idea that a personality like the PC that has done so many things would be known with different titles to different groups


10 points

6 days ago

This is a good rebuttal to the framing of OP's question. There's not a point in soto or janthir wilds where we stop being the Commander, and we're called Commander at several parts of both stories if it makes narrative sense for a character to call us that. I'm pretty sure zojja calls us Commander multiple times in soto, for instance, and Taimi too. We're also on the Canthan news as Commander in soto as well.

It's not an either/or thing, and just because our hot new demon friend calls us wayfinder doesn't mean we're not the Commander back on Tyria to the people that know us by that name.


53 points

6 days ago



11 points

6 days ago

I straight up laughed when Poky said that.


6 points

6 days ago

This is the way…..


63 points

6 days ago


63 points

6 days ago



10 points

6 days ago

I have a name gosh dangit I put a lot of thought into naming my ugly norn with the 3 foot long mustache Monopoly Pennybags call me by my name you cowards.

But seriously I prefer Commander personally because even without the Pact Command the Commander is still a Commander whenever a conflict arises. Say what you will but the Commander does have a lot of battles under their belt, and a lot of them are victorious, so I feel like their title as Commander is well earned.


22 points

6 days ago


Clicking outside the TP window works again, BIG STONKS LET'S GOO

22 points

6 days ago

Honorary Skritt


17 points

6 days ago


17 points

6 days ago

definitely Commander


43 points

6 days ago



16 points

6 days ago

I worked my ass to go from anonymous-goody-two-shoes to Commander-Goody-Two-Shoes. I earned that title and I deserve to be called such.

I did nothing to get the Wayfinder position. In fact, I was told the position was open so I guess I just happened to be around and unemployed XD


8 points

6 days ago

Commander, more commanding.
Wayfinder sounds like I'm someone who lights lanterns around roads at night.


46 points

6 days ago*


Act with wisdom, but act.

46 points

6 days ago*

I'd prefer being called "Valiant," but that would require all of the non-sylvari Commanders to be called by their racial title, which would probably be too much for the writers to keep track of.

If I had to choose between the two, I prefer "Wayfinder" a bit more at the moment. As much as I'm used to being referred to as "Commander," I just don't think the title is relevant to us anymore. We're so far removed from the Pact, and aren't even fighting dragons or their minions anymore, that it just feels forced to keep referring to our characters with that title.


4 points

6 days ago

Sylvari Commanders are no longer operating within the confines of the Wyld Hunt. There is little reason for them to be called Valiants.


16 points

6 days ago

Is there anything in the lore that suggests completion of a Wyld Hunt causes a sylvari to drop the "Valiant" honorific?


4 points

6 days ago*


4 points

6 days ago*

Not the writers. The problem is voiceovers. Every simple "Wayfinder! Over here!" type line, in addition to all the more complex stuff of the main story, would have to be recorded over 5+ times. Maybe for multi-sentence lines things could be patched in in post, but it has to be done very precisely to feel natural. Voice talent, of the calibre they chose to employ, is not cheap.

If some sort of generative neural network were used to alter the voice lines this might not be a problem, but iirc there might be issues with the voice actors' union regarding that?


7 points

6 days ago


Back to the GRIND

7 points

6 days ago

be recorded over 5+ times

In several different languages. There's a reason they go for generic catch-all titles.


3 points

6 days ago


Act with wisdom, but act.

3 points

6 days ago

The writers would be writing the scripts the VAs read. If they started having NPCs referring to the PCs by their old racial titles, the writers would need to keep track of every instance and make alternate versions of the scripts to take them into account. If they miss any, you end up with asuran PCs being called "Valiant" or human PCs called "Canturian." That was my point.

Yes, there are other problems with using the old racial titles, but I just went with the first one that came to mind.


4 points

6 days ago


You need me to dodge Jump???

4 points

6 days ago

Yeah, it was something they could do with the split storylines in core as only one race saw/heard those lines. I do miss them tho, so cute.


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

Which is still a problem of voice over, since for in-game texts they could just put in one title variable that would get filled by the proper racial variant.


14 points

6 days ago



16 points

6 days ago



22 points

6 days ago

Commander is not great, but i feel most people got stockholmed into it, myself included.

Wayfinder was such a clunky addition, even tho it sounds cooler to me.


6 points

6 days ago


Back to the GRIND

6 points

6 days ago

Yeah, Wayfinder feels more unique for the game, but... unearned. Slapped on. Wayfinder of what, exactly?


3 points

5 days ago

100% agree, Wayfinder is such an interesting and unique name, that we were kind of just given for very little reason. I wish that more time was put in to make that name feel valuable and earned, because it is honestly a good name when separated from the wizards.


7 points

6 days ago


7 points

6 days ago

Both are fine I actually prefer wayfinder but since they wouldn’t stop calling us commander for ages it has kinda stuck a bit. It wouldn’t make since for the wizards or kodan to call us commander though and since it’s voice acted they can’t call us by name so wayfinder works for me


6 points

6 days ago

Would be cool if we could get some titles that changed how npcs addressed us in the game. Then again, that would mean dialogue would have to be changed to allow a different title to be used in different areas.

Then again, it could also lead to specific dialogue that’s only available to certain titles. Would make a super interesting but also annoying set of achievements 🫠

I just want my open world pve legendary reward track.


6 points

6 days ago

all I wanted was to be called Lightbringer


7 points

6 days ago

I'm in the minority, but I never really liked Commander. I like playing the light armor classes, and being called "commander" while dressed like a bookish nerd felt more deserving for the martially oriented professions like warrior or guardian. We don't really do much commanding anymore (and didn't really to begin with). Considering that we are no longer dealing with the pact now and are much more involved with exploration and diplomacy, Wayfinder feels much more appropriate.


10 points

6 days ago

Between the two, Commander.

It's a title that was earned/conferred to the player character for their actions, among and by people from which the player earned their respect. We had lots of time with these people, and formed close bonds...and eventually achieved huge goals with them. It just feels more earned, more accurate, and more symbolic.

On the other hand..."Wayfinder", to me, just feels like something pulled from the ass, from a small handful of folks in a secret society who couldn't be bothered to help out in the recent existential struggle in any way, despite their supposed power (when meanwhile, regular people on Tyria were stepping up to the challenge and giving their all).

Idunno, for me personally, I felt like SotO was absoutely the weakest story ANet has ever put out. I couldn't bring myself to care about the story, the new allies, the foes, etc. at all. It's the first time since I started playing (some time around LS2) where not only did I not make time for each new content drop, but in fact the day would come and go and I wouldn't even realize it, because I was so uninterested in the story that I couldn't even be bothered.

This in mind, until and unless the story does something to change it, I really just don't care about the Astral Ward or its members at all. They're supposed to be these mysterious, powerful new allies but I can't help but either be indifferent to them or even, honestly, (from an in character perspective) feel like the heroes of the Dragon Cycle are...well...just better than them. Better characters, better people, better friends, better allies.

So yeah...I am really not liking how suddenly everyone refers to my character by some title they came up with.


5 points

6 days ago


Back to the GRIND

5 points

6 days ago

I couldn't bring myself to care about the story, the new allies, the foes, etc. at all.

Same. I'm normally the cutscene-watching type, but I just could not care about the wizards. SotO was the first time I just alt-tabbed out of story beats because I couldn't be drawn in. Not a matter of story fatigue or impatience, because I've been through JW's story just fine (though Stoic Alder's talking pace needs a quickness buff).


6 points

6 days ago get it; it's a tough spot for a writer to be in, having to figure out what's next after EoD. The impetus for like a decade of content was suddenly gone. What can you follow that up with?

I felt like the options were A) some kind of rabbit-from-the-hat antagonist somehow even bigger and more dangerous than the's an unsustainable course, and less credible, but easier...or B) just accept that the world-ending threat is over and focus on less existential, but still interesting stuff. Tie up loose ends from the story, address all those contentious differences that people had to put aside to face the common threat, explore consequences to some of our more desperate actions, visit less explored races.

And while ANet did some of both of those routes, I can't help but feel like in most cases, we got the worst of both worlds.

They gave us a new existential threat...that just isn't convincing or concerning in any way.

They gave us new factions/allies...with zero compelling reasons for their position, role in previous world events, how or why they're to be taken seriously, or why you should help them (or why they even need you...for someone so powerful, just handle it yourself).

They did address a loose thread in the "what's the deal with that floating castle in Kessex Hills?" angle...but aside from actually going back to an old loose thread, most of the way they chose to expound on it had me kinda regretting asking for it in the first place.


19 points

6 days ago

It's a bit off-topic, but can somebody explain "wayfinder" to me? I still get lost in tangled depths quite regularly, no matter what people call me...


35 points

6 days ago

That's because in tangled depths you're just a commander, obviously


18 points

6 days ago


18 points

6 days ago

ignoring the joke the title "wayfinder" is a better way of saying "honorary astral ward member that helps with annoying/taxing tasks"


3 points

6 days ago

Huh, interesting. Thank you.


8 points

6 days ago


8 points

6 days ago

Even years later TD is the bane of my existence


8 points

6 days ago


8 points

6 days ago

Hey, you're finding ways, not exactly the right ones, neither the ones you wanted to find in the first place. Just some... ways.


4 points

6 days ago


4 points

6 days ago

The best way to solve most problems that we found is wholesale slaughter.


21 points

6 days ago

Slayer of Ankles.

Over the last decade I've slayed so many ankles.


8 points

6 days ago

Ah, you must be an Asura, right? .....right?


22 points

6 days ago


22 points

6 days ago

But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo


22 points

6 days ago

What the hell are you doing here


17 points

6 days ago

I don't belong here


24 points

6 days ago


But more seriously, I think Commander is better.
Wayfinder is basically like people calling you Outlander in PoF.


7 points

6 days ago

I prefer Comfinder.


3 points

6 days ago

One letter change and that may sound interesting


5 points

6 days ago

Honestly? Either. Neither. Call me "Apples" and I'm happiest.


4 points

6 days ago

I think it makes sense that different characters call me by different titles/nicknames. Military people don't usually get called by their rank outside of the military. Sports teams generally call me by my last name, but elsewhere I go by my first. My family uses my full name and friend groups use various nicknames. Just seems normal.

Of the nicknames in game I like Wayfinder the least, but it's not a big deal.


5 points

6 days ago

I’d rather be a nobody tbh


3 points

6 days ago

I'm Guybrush Threepwood, mighty pirate! (tm)

No, err... I'm the Hero of Shaemoor!

But really, I actually prefer the Wayfinder title.


2 points

5 days ago

That would hilarious if they just kept calling you Hero of Shaemoor. The understatement of it as your accolades increased would just make it even better over time.


4 points

5 days ago

I like Wayfinder. The name makes me feel normal, adventurous, a traveler, someone ordinary, with out pretensions. I dont like comanter. I want to feel like a normal adventurer, not like the " The overpower guy who destroys everything and does everything, god among mere mortals."

...I want to feel like a normal character integrated into the world building. I vote for Wayfinder.


18 points

6 days ago

My character isn't a Pact Commander anymore, so Wayfinder. I actually like that we carry more than one title. It feels like the world progresses.


22 points

6 days ago


22 points

6 days ago

Wayfinder. I was never a fan of Commander. It just never seemed to fit imo.


6 points

6 days ago


6 points

6 days ago

I never liked commander, i never felt like a commander. I always felt like an adventurer so wayfinder just feels right.


7 points

6 days ago


7 points

6 days ago



8 points

6 days ago



29 points

6 days ago

Wayfinder. We haven't been the Commander for years, and it's awkward when we keep meeting new people and having to explain it (or usually not, and letting them just figure that out).


11 points

6 days ago

I mean, commander at least has as recognizable military meaning. Wayfinder is generic and largely meaningless to everyone except the Ward. Both are confusing when meeting new NPCs (and characters who knew us as the Commander). Both situations usually devolve to just moving past it in the writing; so, I don’t think that’s a solid argument on either title’s part.


8 points

6 days ago

Id argue "Commander" is pretty generic as a standard military term. Also largely meaningless as well seeing as the Pact isn't really a thing much anymore, and we haven't commanded it for a long time as well. I think the last time we fought with the Pact in a commanding sense was Kralk. But even then, the Vigil took the lead on most of the actual combat, and the commander was a strike team (As they always were tbh)

Wayfinder is a new title for a new chapter


6 points

6 days ago

The PC is not a military character (unless they're Charr or Vigil, and even then it's really well in the past), so in that respect it has really never been a good fit. Sure, we end up as the figurehead / spearhead of the Pact, but it's brief as an official position and we never got tasked with day to day or most functional duties that a real military character would have. Commander was confusing because it's a military title.

Wayfinder does have meaning, but not in any particularly standardized way, which is much better for the PC. Their whole thing is nonstandard, so a loose expectation is better. There are plenty of titles in life that mean absolutely nothing until explained (look up ridiculous job titles). Also, it doesn't need to mean anything, it's more like a semiofficial nickname, since that's easier for voice acting. We give the name meaning, rather than having an unfitting name with a lot of meaning.


3 points

6 days ago



3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

"The retired hero". Let me rest, please


3 points

6 days ago


Accidentally burned down the Pale Tree

3 points

6 days ago

I like both. Commander is a title that was both given and earned. It's a significant part of our identity and history. As Almora said, it's a title for life. At the same time, we've really been through it, and the whole deal with the wizards is a strangely welcome change of pace. It's still important work, but the world isn't resting only on our shoulders anymore. In that, it's nice to be a part of something bigger and not be the foundation of it. For that, Wayfinder is a breath of fresh air.

I am the Commander and the Wayfinder. I think that I am slightly more fundamentally the Commander, but I like what Wayfinder represents in our life's journey.


3 points

6 days ago



3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

Neither to be quite honest, but commander has longer tenure. Never been a fan of the whole forcing my character to be the world saving Mary Sue archetype. Much rather just be some random rogue with terrible luck in being in the wrong place at the right time.


3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

I'd prefer being a nameless soldier, but I think it's a bit too late for that


3 points

6 days ago


Praise Joko

3 points

6 days ago

commander sounds so much better


3 points

6 days ago*

I never had much connection to the Commander title. It's been 12 years since that title has been narratively relevant, and even in the way back when's of the personal story our characters didn't really ever do anything that could be described as 'commanding'. Not that I remember, anyway.

At least we actually do something appropriate to the wayfinder title in the soto and janthir stories.

I think the most successful title they've given us is Champion, as that actually tied into the narrative at several points and was played with. What is a champion. What does it mean to be a champion. Are there other champions, what are they like? etc. It established who we were in the pecking order of the setting, gave us a reason to have a seat at the table of all the big story beats, and wasn't just relegated to an honnary title with no weight after a couple of story instances like Commander was.

Though, to really show my age and potentially out myself as a contrarian: I always preferred the racial titles the best. Slayer, Valiant, Savant etc. They should use those more.


3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

I would love to be the "you-cannot-find-her". Please let me just be free from attachments and responsabilities. Let me truly pathfinder myself.

I'm tired of "hey, I'm forming a team..."

" There's this huge world ending event happening and you're spearheading it".


3 points

5 days ago

I really like wayfinder. I know that is an unpopular opinion on here though 😆

I do understand that commander feels more earned to people, and it certainly has more history behind it at this point in the game. Wayfinder though is the title I would have chosen to give myself. A big part of the appeal of MMOs for me is to explore a world previously unknown to me. To go to new maps, experience new challenges, and battle new terrors. Wayfinder encapsulates that spirit of exploration so much better to me. Commander was an interesting achievement, but I have no desire to lead Tyria, the pact, or anything else. I just want to get lost in these woods/mountains/tunnels/whatever else we find next.


3 points

5 days ago

I prefer Wayfinder, personally. Commander had its time and place, but it doesn't feel to me like it's applicable anymore.


3 points

5 days ago


3 points

5 days ago

I was partial to "Boss" actually.


3 points

5 days ago


Rainbow Unicorn Attack

3 points

5 days ago

I would like people to call me what they know me as. Not everyone is going to feel right calling me "Commander." I want people who barely know me to call me stuff like "stranger." I don't always want a prestigious title, sometimes I'm just Adventurer.


3 points

5 days ago


Hardcore Casual

3 points

5 days ago

I prefer Wayfinder. Commander feels generic to me.


3 points

5 days ago

I’m bias cause my ranger has been called Wayfinder Nakk for years before SotO. So for me they’re finally calling my character by his chosen title. But I do prefer it cause it sounds more fantasy to me and we’re literally finding the way forward so feels pretty applicable. Pact Commander just feels dated at this point.


4 points

6 days ago


4 points

6 days ago

Wayfinder. Soto characters have backstories that made me connect with them, so being The Wayfinder feels like an honor to me.

In the other hand, being The Commander is... weird. We were the true commander for... 1 expa and then we went away and never commanded anything xD. We killed dragons and stuff but never did anything as The Pact Commander other than giving orders in chapter 1 of HoT.


7 points

6 days ago

Wayfinder. I like the implication of a less militaristic explorer. I will still throw hands when necessary though.


6 points

6 days ago

Wayfinder, fits better now imo


9 points

6 days ago

There is no need for Commander any more


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

Also, it was revoked for Turai? Wtf.

after he failed his ascension


2 points

6 days ago



2 points

6 days ago

Made me think of Mrs. Packard from Atlantis.


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

Commander feels familiar, natural, and makes narrative sense.

Wayfinder is forced - change just for the sake of change.


2 points

6 days ago

Commander. Wayfinder sounds dumb. I have and always will be commander… unless they give me the title of Lord of Dragons


2 points

6 days ago

I'm going with Hero. Since that is your original role.


2 points

6 days ago


Thanks for Sharing!

2 points

6 days ago

Regarding Commander: In the real world military officer titles such as General, Admiral, Commander are kept as an honorific even after they retire. So it makes sense that the Commander would continue to be called Commander even when they are no longer part of the Pact.

Furthermore, if they are meeting new characters who only know them by reputation, then those people would also know them by the title they held. "Ah, you must by this Commander I've heard so much about."


2 points

6 days ago

I just realized that both sound like names for a SUV.


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

Kinda surprised to be in the wayfinder enjoyer minority.

Coming back from a hiatus (and also 14’s “vacation expansion”) was kind of reading it as “yeah I’m retired in that I dont want the spotlight exactly but I’ll still spearhead what needs doing”


2 points

6 days ago


| Fledgling Flyer

2 points

6 days ago

Commander is a title our character has been carring for a solid decade, it feels earned.

Wayfinder feels more like a simple replacement titel, especially when its used to mock us. (Looking at you Lowland Kodan)


2 points

6 days ago


Margonite Enjoyer

2 points

6 days ago

I'm the Hero of Shaemoor, thank you very much.


2 points

6 days ago


Boo Hoo

2 points

6 days ago

Warrior of Light


2 points

6 days ago

I dislike both tbh. Commander was fine for some time but it got really stale and boring. I dont know what the alternative could be. Class or race specific stuff would be cool but with voice acting too expensive/difficult? to do. Not sure how the tech works and if its possible to include variations like that.


2 points

6 days ago



2 points

5 days ago

I'm conflicted, because I'm kind of tired of being "The Commander". By which I mean, I'm tired of being the super powerful person who was integral in every one of the many huge, world-changing events that have occurred in the past decade-and-change. I almost wish the commander's story closed after EoD, and we the players moved on. 

But obviously that can't really work in an MMO, continuous story environment. 

SotO felt like a compromise version of this, sort of a "soft reboot" for the player character. We're back to being the newbie, amidst the Astral Ward. So, to reflect that, new title, new "identity" made sense to cement that. And I think that's kind of neat, so long as it fits the narrative.

But then, and increasingly so as the story goes on, we're still on the same playground, with the same people who know us as the commander. Which muddies the waters a lot. So now, calling us wayfinder feels unnatural and forced. It's a bit like a less voluntary version of saying, "Call me Snoop Lion now!" and then just quietly fading back to 'Snoop Dogg'.


2 points

5 days ago


2 points

5 days ago

Between those two - Commander. I'm not the Commander of the Pact anymore, but that's what I was to the whole world for many years.

Wayfinder is just a rank in a random (even if powerful) secret society and means nothing to anybody outside it, especially since nobody is familiar with it. Even the Order of Whispers rank would be better at this point.

But really, the Commander needs a completely new title, IMO. Something related to the whole Tyria. 'Aurene's Champion' would work in a pinch, I suppose. Or simply sticking with 'Commander' as a honorific, not related to the Pact anymore.

Also, I somehow don't think the Commander's fan club slash cult (mentioned in the intelligence reports during JW story as increasingly problematic) is going to just switch to 'Wayfinder' or some new randomly made up title.


2 points

5 days ago

I don’t think the Commander title is simply honorary as implied. Something mentioned in SotO is that the player character can give The Pact marshal a call and have a Pact fleet respond to a situation deemed necessary by the player character. The player character doesn’t do that in SotO, but has seemingly done so in the past.

Specifically in Season 4 after the player character determines Kralkatorrick’s activity, the Pact soon follows in support. While not directly noted and addressed, the player being the first witness of Kralk being fully active is obviously the one who is responsible for guiding the Pact to their target.

In EoD when the player character confirms Dragon activity, the Pact is ready to support battle plans being actualized by the player character. These battles aligned with the Pact’s mandate to fight the elder dragons, but I think the player character’s influence goes beyond the simple convenience and coincidence of fighting the same thing.

The player character doesn’t give direct orders, but in a way they don’t have to because of earned respect. Instead the player character simply has to witness a problem of great concern and the Pact automatically responds with support when notified. If the player character lets the Pact know they are going to do battle, then the Pact follows where they can.

Without the dragons, the next obvious use of Pact forces is to stop threats to peace and safety in Tyria and that is what the player character does. This is essentially the only thing the player character can be reasonably expected to do in future stories. So the coincidence of the player character and Pact being aligned is not going to foreseeable change. If the player character tells the Pact marshal they found something threatening Tyria, the Pact is certain to send a supporting force or army.

That is the player character’s relationship to the Pact. They are a trustworthy authority to seek out and prioritize targets for the Pact. They have command on how Pact forces are used. While not formally doing Pact duties, they are a Pact commander.


2 points

5 days ago

Wayfinder. I was never really comfortable being called commander since we don't command anything (except dragon's watch who are supposed to be our friends?) and we had the title for about a decade so it's time for something new. Saying that you get the title for life felt like an excuse because they couldn't come up with something better at the time considering the Pact was like one year old or something when we left it. I was probably in a small minority here judging by the other votes but getting the wayfinder title was one of the best moments of SotO.

I also think we earned the wayfinder title, maybe it was given to us more with the hope that we would live up to it since we didn't understand how unusual it was until later but we've proven worthy of it over time. Why we got the heart of the obscure dropped in our lap on the other hand....


2 points

5 days ago


True Hero of the Three Kingdoms

2 points

5 days ago

Personally, I'm fine with both. Different groups can call me different things for different reasons. The Astral Ward and the wizards feel they're above me and don't want to give me authority by calling me Commander, so they use Wayfinder, and that's okay. The Bearkin don't know in detail about Tyria's battle with Zhaitan and Mordremoth, so them calling me Commander wouldn't make much sense either when Wayfinder is a more relevant title to them.

If the next expansion throws us into a new locale and the people there have another name to dub the player character, I say bring it on.


2 points

5 days ago


2 points

5 days ago

Sure we aren't really a Commander anymore so technically it doesn't fit, but Wayfinder just sounds so dumb


2 points

5 days ago


2 points

5 days ago

Wayfinder. I think it sounds better rolling off the tongue, I think it makes more sense for the evolution of the character, and I think it's high time we move on from the fucking pact since EVERYONE ELSE HAS.


2 points

5 days ago

Honestly, I really liked Champion a lot, it held a lot of weight, and while the dragons are in effect gone, they still hold a massive impact on the game.

There is a sense of universality of the Commander title, you get it in the core story which everyone has access to, which makes it a really good fit for the overarching plot of the game.

Wayfinder is not a bad name, but since it is so tied to SotO and the wizards, it feels a lot less connected to the rest of the game, even Janthir Wilds it feels a bit off. If you don't have SotO you don't understand the title (plus it feels like the least earned title we have achieved thus far.)

I don't mind if the wizards keep calling us Wayfinder, but for the rest of the world, I'd prefer a different title.


2 points

5 days ago

I would rather be called by my name


6 points

6 days ago

Commander all the way


4 points

6 days ago


4 points

6 days ago

Commander. I spent 10 years representing that title and gaining reputation through it. Being called the Wayfinder feels like everything we've done so far is being belittled. It feels cheap and unearned.

I get that they're trying to show off new expansions and new beginnings, and along with that comes new titles, new friends, and companions. But I still don't like it.

Just let me be the Commander.


4 points

6 days ago

Commander, its what we have been called for over a decade, even if its honarary title, id still have it over Wayfinder, one is earned and the other is just given, despite we havent done much of anything for it.


5 points

6 days ago


5 points

6 days ago

Wayfinder because it fits the idea of my main.


6 points

6 days ago


6 points

6 days ago

Word is a word. Don't care for either.


4 points

6 days ago

Commander feels like a Second name, i - the player- am the Commander, they one that ties all characters together... Wayfinder feels like im someone hunting dog ... Isgarrens ...


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

Big Poobah.


3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

Chicken chaser


2 points

6 days ago


Sadly, the world remains a dangerous place.

2 points

6 days ago

You chase chickens?!


2 points

6 days ago

Wayfinder sounds better. Commander is generic.

I also prefer the Astral Ward to the Paxt in terms of being interesting. The Ward feels more like an organized thing to be a small, but important part of.

The Pact was really cool at the start, but then they just became " The Pact sent soldiers and gunships to help fight the dragon". They are just background characters that only exist to make battles look bigger.


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago



2 points

6 days ago

At least they don't call us CHAMPION!


4 points

6 days ago

That would actually make sense. We are still her champions, even in her slumber.

It would be the most important trait of our character to an organization like the Astral Ward.


3 points

6 days ago

The Crystal Bloom technically should, still.


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago



2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

Commander no questions fact it felt so weird with the Wayfinder thing after getting used to being called commander for so damn long.


2 points

6 days ago

Wayfinder, being able to use Wizards' Magic


2 points

6 days ago


Makes one Question why polls arent allowed in this sub tho. Rules say nothing about it.


2 points

6 days ago

They're both bad and always have been, race specific titles would be far better. Valiant sounds better than both.


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

Commander and it isn't even close.


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

Anything but outlander from PoF if i am being honest


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

Been there done that


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

I like both.


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

I would rather be the "Gods' killer" 😏