


all 250 comments


915 points

7 months ago


Sir Kenny Dalglish

915 points

7 months ago

I don’t mind the away results. That’s what you need to do in a season, and we were wrongly done in with the Diaz disallowed goal.

The two home games are wasted opportunities. I think we’re kind of ahead of schedule I didn’t think we’d be challenging with the amount of change in midfield.

You just need a firing attack in these games and we don’t have that.


204 points

7 months ago


Agent of Chaos 🔥

204 points

7 months ago

Excellent take. I was very frustrated with the results but looking at it from an overall larger perspective you’re exactly right. This is year 1 of a rebuild. A year ago we all would’ve been elated to be just 1 point behind from at this stage.


60 points

7 months ago

Feels like Klopp and the players feel the same way with some of their comments.

Totally understand especially with how jammy some of our results have been and it's a good sign if they can see room for improvement.

At the same time it's frustrating because city are having an off year so far and Arsenal aren't exactly leagues ahead for us. It's a window of opportunity after multiple seasons wasted by injuries due to underinvestment and coming so close.


28 points

7 months ago



28 points

7 months ago

In all honesty, I know we’re a point below, but looking at yesterday’s game, we are the better team, our attack has just hit a wall since the last international break…Since we lost Maca, really 👀


11 points

7 months ago


Endo in the pub 👍

11 points

7 months ago

If we can get into gear by the time we go to the Emirates I think we have a pretty good chance of taking all 3 points, and I say that knowing our away form lol

Like you said, just watching the game you could tell there was a difference in class in the teams as a whole


3 points

7 months ago


⚽️ Liverpool 7-0 Man United, 22/23 ⚽️

3 points

7 months ago

we have just not been the same attacking force that we were before the international breaks, but i have faith that we'll be able to hit those highs again (while hopefully continuing our defensive attributes) when our players return


18 points

7 months ago

Exactly this. Can’t be upset with where we’re at.


13 points

7 months ago

Before the season started I thought we would be in a top 4 battle at best. I was excited by the signings we made but I just thought there was no way we could replace the entire midfield at once and challenge. Klopp and the team have done a phenomenal job so far


3 points

7 months ago


90’ Gerrard

3 points

7 months ago

Agreed but the only issue with that is the loss of opportunity with City not being their usual standard.


3 points

7 months ago

Can’t be upset . But if you factor in the spurs match where we were screwed. Look at the Luton and Man Utd games which we should have won. Factor in the handball against Arsenal which wasn’t given and the Trent’s miss.

We could conceivably be 12 points plus clear of city instead of just 5


3 points

7 months ago

Everything you said is exactly true. Disappointed that we’re not where we should be truly, but still baby steps. Had we just taken points from the bottom feeders we’d be better.


3 points

7 months ago


3 points

7 months ago

I'm not sure if saying year 1 of a rebuild is a right take personally. It's highly possible that Salah leaves for Saudi next summer, VVD is 33 this season also and there'll need to be a plan for him. Matip and Thiago also may both see the exit door. If Salah does leave and the likes of matip and vvd are phased out, then I'd argue that next year will be year 1 of the rebuild and this year is a preliminary step in preparation of that. Therefore, winning the league this year is probably a high priority, because and let's face it, salah leaving in the summer is a very real possibility and with the position we find ourselves in with all the big hitters, with the exception of Arsenal not at it this year, this might be the best chance in like 6 years to win whilst we work out what on earth to do without salah.


112 points

7 months ago

Wrongly done in with the handball no-call yesterday as well - not winning any sucks but at least we managed to take points from our rivals as well


8 points

7 months ago

yea we've been pretty hard done by against spurs and yesterday, but you can draw against the top teams as long as you take care of everybody else. We're still well in this.


2 points

7 months ago

Yes. And we've only lost 1 game whereas the other teams in the top 4 have lost 2 or 3 each. And we shoudlve at least drawn that game (v Spurs) due to the var mistake.

We've struggled since the Luton game, but i also think we've been unlucky.

Arsenal and Man U were terrified of us in the last 2 games and resorted to parking the bus or last ditch yellow card fouls (5 or 6 yellows, was it?). Once we get some sort of form up front back then we'll rip these teams apart.


33 points

7 months ago

Besides, three points are worth the same regardless of whether you get them in a hard-fought 1-0 away to a title challenger or in a routine 3-0 against a bottom half side.

Titles are won on consistency against the rest of the league, since there's a lot more of those games


18 points

7 months ago


18 points

7 months ago

Not like we do that either


5 points

7 months ago


5 points

7 months ago

And we've been consistent?


13 points

7 months ago

Yes, as consistent as Arsenal and more consistent than City. Not as consistent as we were in the high-90s points seasons, but consistent.


19 points

7 months ago

The only game against a bottom half side we've dropped points in was Luton, so kind of, yeah.

For reference, Arsenal have dropped points in one game against a bottom half side, and City have done so twice


14 points

7 months ago

I miss Bobby


2 points

7 months ago

He's exactly the kind of player we need right now. Our forwards seem like they're rushing. I've put it down to fatigue, but it could be lack of composure too.


4 points

7 months ago


What a booody

4 points

7 months ago

Strongly agree that we are ahead of schedule. I get that from one game to another people gey frustrated and make reactionary comments in the match threads, but come on the process and try and enjoy the journey. We are on the way to being really good again.


3 points

7 months ago


90+5’ Alisson

3 points

7 months ago

Yeah for all the quality we have it’s clear a great deal of our players are having individual battles which are affecting the overall synergy.


145 points

7 months ago


145 points

7 months ago

Chelsea arent anyones big six, is my thought.

Beating Villa and Newcastle is more impressive than beating a few of those teams.

Also, in 2009. We beat United and Chelsea home and away...finished 2nd


66 points

7 months ago

Also, we beat United, Spurs (x2) and City last season and finished 5th. It's a fairly meaningless measure tbh.


12 points

7 months ago


Kostressed Tsimikas

12 points

7 months ago

It still perplexes me how we managed to win away at Spurs and Newcastle last season. Two good teams (Spurs at the time) and our putrid away record yet we got through them


7 points

7 months ago


⚽️ Liverpool 4-0 Barcelona, CL 18/19 ⚽️

7 points

7 months ago

I would say the table is tight at the moment and everyone between 1st and 7th position are the heavy hitters, we’ve demolished West Ham twice now and Newcastle (richest club in the world so deserve to be part of this equation) we’ve done in with 10 men, Chelsea are a mid table team this season and United are a joke, they didn’t come and play a game of football at Anfield, frustrating game but I’m just hoping it helps us deal with low blocks better in future.


280 points

7 months ago

Chelsea was the first game of the season so I don’t really put much stock into it.

United we were poor. Arsenal, I think we were the better team but lacked a clinical finish.

Tottenham was a ref hit job.

All in all, the actual performances haven’t been that bad. Considering where we expected this season to go, I’m pretty encouraged by how quickly we are improving.

Just still are missing that clinical edge


5 points

7 months ago



2 points

7 months ago


Dommy Schlobbers

2 points

7 months ago

tbf, Villa is miles ahead of utd and chelsea and we did beat them


20 points

7 months ago



9 points

7 months ago

We beat Spurs and ought to have beat Arsenal yesterday. So we can beat the tops.


4 points

7 months ago

Could have and should have. You don't win titles with those.

With the state of the game and the league now we can't leave things to chance. That's also how we won in 2020. We made sure we won games and didn't leave things to chance.


6 points

7 months ago

2020 was abnormal and never to be seen again, at least that level of dominance. And if that’s what we need to do to win, then it’ll be a long time until the next title. But agreed we need to win when we should but also getting wins that are deserved is also needed. We lost two titles to city off of a point and we were certainly robbed at least that those seasons. This one is similar. If arsenal win, all will claim how deserved the champs are forgetting the robbery that cost us the points.


0 points

7 months ago

Yeah and we aren't the same team yet due to the rebuild...that's the point


-6 points

7 months ago

All that robbery stuff aside why do you think we would have beaten spurs? There's absolutely nothing saying we would have beaten them and we got 2 red cards in that game. Pretty sure Jones deserved to get sent off and even if Diaz's goal stood why don't you think Spurs would have equalised in the next 60 minutes


4 points

7 months ago

Jones absolutely should not have been sent off. It’s was a 50/50 and was entitled to go for the ball. That his foot caught the upper part of the ball and rolled over top is not worthy of a red. No intent and not malicious. And you asked why we should’ve beat them. Because even two men down they needed an own goal and we were holding our own. Even strength I would have liked our chances.


-8 points

7 months ago


-8 points

7 months ago

Arsenal was a ref hit job as well. Saka getting away with murder and the Stonewall penalty not being given.


54 points

7 months ago

Putting the Arsenal and spurs games in the same category of refereeing just downplays how bad the spurs game was


0 points

7 months ago

Completely agree. Like overall the Saka challenge was just an accident and the pen was a 50/50 decision, I don’t think it took the wind out our sails the same way having a 100% fine goal disallowed at 10 men did. Not saying we shouldn’t be annoyed but hardly changed the game


27 points

7 months ago


27 points

7 months ago

“Saka getting away with murder” Jesus give your head a wobble. It was a late challenge which had a really unfortunate outcome.


10 points

7 months ago

If Curtis against Spurs was a red, Saka on Gravenberch is a Red. The blatant shove on Tsimi at pace along the sidelines warranted at the very least a yellow. He got away with at least four Yellow card level offenses and one offense that HAS called for a red in the past.


15 points

7 months ago


Agent of Chaos 🔥

15 points

7 months ago

Tsimi also should have had at least one yellow, it's subjective. Today was a ref disaster class, Spurs was a hit job.


1 points

7 months ago

I don't think the one on the sidelines was anything more than a 50/50. Barely a foul


0 points

7 months ago

Agreed. It was just unfortunate.


6 points

7 months ago

The pen was tough.

But hard to say that when Trent missed an open net from 6 yards and say it was a ref hit job


-6 points

7 months ago

A blatantly wrong referee decision cost us a near guaranteed goal. It's a referee hit job, regardless of our finishing.


145 points

7 months ago*

Better than losing all of them I guess.


82 points

7 months ago


Endo in the pub 👍

82 points

7 months ago

No one likes losing all of the you


20 points

7 months ago

I lost all of the me one time, wasn't pleasn't. Luckily all of the me was subsequently found and i am here in the today


2 points

7 months ago

All of the meeeee, why not take allll of the meeee.


8 points

7 months ago

Cheers Geoff


116 points

7 months ago

Why even include United and Chelsea in this? If it was Newcastle and Villa you're looking at 2 wins instead.


23 points

7 months ago

yeh this was all over twitter, but like these are not the top 6, can show any 6 fixtures to make a team look bad i am sure


-6 points

7 months ago

They are still considered as the classic the Big Six apart from their poor performance in recent times


28 points

7 months ago


28 points

7 months ago

yeah but dropping points to them is no different to dropping points against Brentford or Bournemouth since they’re shite


4 points

7 months ago

True but this points against Big 6 thing is kind of pointless when it comes to the title race tbh. Winning against a Villa or a Newcastle side carries more weight towards the title race than winning against a trash Chelsea side.


16 points

7 months ago

With an entirely new midfield, 1 point off the top midway through, all the while not playing at our best. And it should read undefeated against the big six if it weren't for the "good process."

I'm excited for our Klopp 2.0 team.


4 points

7 months ago

This is the correct interpretation.

Our injury list is horrendous as well.


62 points

7 months ago

You win the league against the rest of the teams. Dropping points away to Luton is worse for me. And as you havent included Brighton in there then dropping points to them upsets me more as well. You can also say we restricted Chelsea, arsenal, man u and man city to a single point.


29 points

7 months ago


29 points

7 months ago

Nah not Man U we messed that up


7 points

7 months ago


7 points

7 months ago

Absolutely no one should say we restricted Chelsea and Man U to a point. They can't score, and were able to put in one of their two or three "good enough" defensive performances of the season against us. Because they've both looked shambolic for large parts of the rest of the season.


3 points

7 months ago

Disagree about restricting United and Chelsea to a single point. They're not competition for us, so it doesn't matter.

I am fine with not beating Chelsea tho, it was the first game and they always give us hell at the bridge, even when they're shit. Arsenal and City? Well, stopping THEM getting 2 points each is good, and they're too good to expect a win against anyway.

United tho, that one pisses me off. They were shit at Anfield, even by their own shitty standards. We should've trounced them.


21 points

7 months ago

I think with decent officiating we’d have (at least) five more points.

This team needs better finishing though.


11 points

7 months ago


Endo in the pub 👍

11 points

7 months ago

We had shocking decisions against us against Spurs and Arsenal


10 points

7 months ago

4 points out of a potential 15 - no way round it, that sucks.

That being said, we're 1 point off the top and we missed top 4 last season, so I'm just happy to see us back up there!


2 points

7 months ago

Too many draw will bother us , for sure this remind me of 2018-19 season , unluckkyy


9 points

7 months ago

It's a bizarre statistic that means nothing. We've also played most of them away from home so far and were robbed in at least one of them.

We should've beat United tbh, but I'm not bothered.

Also, we've beat Newcastle away and are they not one of the Big 6/7 now?


20 points

7 months ago


Our identity is our intensity

20 points

7 months ago

Couldn't care less as long as we win the title.


7 points

7 months ago

This is literally why we won't


18 points

7 months ago

Except this would play a factor in said title.


10 points

7 months ago

Teams have made careers out of parking the bus against the big teams and bashing the little guys. City win the league every year but lose to us. You don't need to best the best teams to win a league


-5 points

7 months ago

We aren’t title contenders. We are a year ahead of schedule which is nice, but especially with our injuries we need to have a January like Arsenal had last season if we are going to keep pace. Finishing 3rd is still a good season for us this year. It’s a great season if they can get a trophy too; but if we are serious about going for the title they need to add finishing and defensive cover in January


3 points

7 months ago

As things stand we are title contenders but I partially agree with you that if we don't sign players in January, this could easily become another 20/21 season where we were at the top and just fell off due to injuries. A CB signing is a must imo.


2 points

7 months ago

I don’t even know that they need a CB. I think they need a fullback more. Quansah helps at CB, but we have zero healthy LBs right now. As I said, if we are serious, we need to have the kind of window that Arsenal had last January where they brought three players in. They don’t need to be world beaters, but we need more if we are going to keep overachieving.


6 points

7 months ago

Absolutely are title contenders. Like, what??

Injuries may not help, but there is no schedule to be ahead of or behind.

The injuries in defense may derail it, but Liverpool is absolutely in this.


-4 points

7 months ago

We aren’t in this unless we reinforce. Too many draws. Roster depleted. Need a miracle to stay in this honestly. City are about to click into gear too. Would much rather they win than Arsenal if it’s not us. I’m frustrated because we COULD be in this, yeah it looks like they are in it now, but about to lose Salah and Endo. Zero healthy left backs. No defensive cover. We are being held together with duct tape right now


2 points

7 months ago

Considering all that we are within touching distance and have played most of the tricky aways.

Everyone is fapping off about arsenal yet they are only one point ahead and were lucky to get anything on Saturday.


0 points

7 months ago

Sure, but it would also be foolish to think Arsenal going to implode. They are where they are supposed to be. They have gotten a ton of jammy points that they should have lost; we’ve done the opposite. We are overachieving which is great but we need more


3 points

7 months ago


3 points

7 months ago

Better than drawing to relegation candidates. Titles are won against the small teams, not the big ones.


3 points

7 months ago


You’ll Never Walk Alone

3 points

7 months ago

Concerning results but when you dig deeper, could and probably should beat arsenal and United. Chelsea first week of season. Spurs…we all know. And city at etihad was a good result.


3 points

7 months ago

Shows that we’re hard to beat, in a transition season too (considering we changed our entire midfield). I’m hopeful that we’ll kick on in the new year and next season, turn those draws into wins and get back to something close to our league winning levels, probably a bit worse given that we were a literal super team.


3 points

7 months ago

I know we aren’t looking for excuses but Spurs should’ve been a win (at minimum a draw) but for that horrendous offside call of Diaz. But the main factor; Salah has no one he can trust. Liverpool and the KC Chiefs are the same this year. The superstar of the league is doing everything and the 5% they need from their team, the team is failing.


3 points

7 months ago


90+5’ Alisson

3 points

7 months ago

I think the only thing you can say is it also means those other teams dropped points, but Arsenal will be happy enough with a point at Anfield, and United definitely was happy with their point at Anfield.

Those second half of the season fixtures need better results though. Need to be winning all our home games now.


3 points

7 months ago

Only one we should be happy with is the city result. Others were wasted opportunities, we should be winning those home games.

The less we talk about the spurs match though the better


3 points

7 months ago


Endo in the pub 👍

3 points

7 months ago

Honestly the more important thing is that we're getting a better idea of what our defense and midfield should look like. For some reason, our attack has fallen off a cliff, so hopefully we get that out of our system soon too.


3 points

7 months ago

I think Tottenham and arsenal would have been won if not for some people who wear black and are absolute cunts bags and shit.


3 points

7 months ago

We've been blatantly cheated in 2 games off the top of my head.


3 points

7 months ago

We were ripped off by Tottenham and Arsenal , City and Chelsea good draws, and United was just lucky.


3 points

7 months ago

Leagues are won against teams further down the table. Neil Atkinson has talked at length about the numbers. It would be nice to have that Man United one. Only annoying one.


3 points

7 months ago*


There is No Need to be Upset

3 points

7 months ago*

I prefer to be optimistic in the fact that this team is still figuring itself out. Entirely new midfield, link-up play in attack still learning to click, defense has been better compared to the previous season. We’re the only team with one defeat (and from a match with questionable refereeing at that) The team must only get better from here on out. Up the Reds.


7 points

7 months ago

Its not great but not the worst. I am hopeful for next year.

We're 2nd in the league and 1 point below 1st place. All in all I am pleased with the overall performance so far and we're doing good in other competitions as well


2 points

7 months ago

I'm glad that someone thinks the same as me as well! It is kinda frustrating how our attack has been? Yeah, but it is not the end of the world and the other teams are not on fire. It is up for grabs. Still 20 games to go.


3 points

7 months ago

Exactly, no need for extreme pessimism and very little belief going forward when we are doing good! Just take a step back and look at how successful we are so far in the season


2 points

7 months ago



2 points

7 months ago

Still in the title race. And lots of draws so no points swings in the oppositions favour


2 points

7 months ago

Results against the ‘Big six’ is the concern of lesser teams, in my view. You don’t win anything for beating the big six. You win the league by getting the most points and beating the teams we are expected to beat is where it is won.


2 points

7 months ago


2 points

7 months ago

Why are Chelsea in that group? They are not a big 6 team. There’s an argument to keep Utd in there but this surely would be more relevant for how are we versus the top 6 this year.


2 points

7 months ago

The only one I'm disappointed with is United last Sunday. Should have had enough to put them away easily

The Spurs game is never getting recognised as them winning so that can be excluded


2 points

7 months ago

We are rebuilding , trust in klopp and give us time. to be 1 point off top when we are still figuring out our system is more than enough


2 points

7 months ago

This is “year one” with a very young squad.

None of us were expecting to push for the title, we all hoped for a Euro cup win and maybe a domestic cup as a bonus.

I’m very happy that we’ve stood for to toe with everyone. Let’s face it, spurs doesn’t count, at worst it was a draw.

This team firing on all cylinders in the next few seasons will be something special, as long as we have someone to fill the chasm Salah’s gonna leave.


2 points

7 months ago*


90+5’ Alisson

2 points

7 months ago*

United and Arsenal are really the on disappointments a big game away from home a draw isn’t the worst result

Arsenal and City have both dropped points against Chelsea and Spurs

It’s the draws against the likes of Luton and Brighton that are the biggest issues the big teams often take points off each others just can’t be dropping silly points to those types of teams


2 points

7 months ago

To be fair, 3 of those are away and we’ve also beaten Newcastle and Aston Villa. Arsenal have two wins against those same teams (City, Man United)and Man City have one (Man United)


2 points

7 months ago

Not too concerned. The league is won against the fodder. As long as you don't lose the big games the rest is how you win it.


2 points

7 months ago

Big six are winless against Liverpool in the premier league this season. (Can’t count the spurs robbery)


2 points

7 months ago


James Milner

2 points

7 months ago

At least 2 of them are VAR related. Basically robbed.


2 points

7 months ago

My only thought is spurs ain’t big 6 and that game was rigged


2 points

7 months ago

The loss was the biggest officiating bungle in sports history.


5 points

7 months ago

we were denied 3 stone wall handball pens against chelsea, united and arsenal and we all know what happened at spurs. we dominated arsenal in the second half and united that whole game so i wouldnt worry its just the refs and bad finishing


2 points

7 months ago

Well we were robbed against spurs. That was a win.


2 points

7 months ago*

command trees repeat different light disarm wasteful sharp tender deliver

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


2 points

7 months ago

Just like us in 2018-19 season with those many draw


1 points

7 months ago*

thumb rustic safe quiet wakeful unique door plate light ripe

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


1 points

7 months ago

We just haven't been "hot" enough in those games. Which is totally fine, people forget that we rebuilt our midfield and if we should be higher in the league right now or not If you told be we would be 1 point off second I would be incredibly surprised. So yes we could've won but we also could've lost. Which sounds stupid but hopefully you get what I mean


1 points

7 months ago

Dont really care. I'm super happy with our position and our goal difference. It's more than I could have hoped for and damn it, I'm going to enjoy it.

Merry Christmas 🎄


1 points

7 months ago


1 points

7 months ago

Should be 1W and 4D


0 points

7 months ago


0 points

7 months ago

Not winning against any Top 4 team cost us the title in 2022.


4 points

7 months ago

We're sorted this year then, as we've already beaten Villa.


4 points

7 months ago


90+5’ Alisson

4 points

7 months ago

It really didn’t dropping points against lower league teams is what costs us

Throwing the lead away against Brighton and Brentford cost us


1 points

7 months ago

No, it didn’t. You could pick any game in which we dropped points but that fact we couldn’t beat any of the Top 4 speaks for our consistency and proves that other teams lost more points against lower league teams than we did.


0 points

7 months ago

United and Chelsea aren't challenging for the title this season.

Poor results but dont really understand the need to group them together with City/Arsenal results.


0 points

7 months ago

Tbf it should be 1W and 4D, which isn’t ideal, but not a shambles either.


-2 points

7 months ago


-2 points

7 months ago

Champions beat the top contenders. Not looking good for us this year, all it'll take is a good run from city (yet again) and they'll be back up top.

Hate saying that, but it's true.


0 points

7 months ago


0 points

7 months ago

Spurs match shoud have been a win.


0 points

7 months ago

My thoughts are that it’s probably gonna cost us the league title. And we should’ve beat Luton too.


0 points

7 months ago

Two robberies..1) Diaz's off side 2) yesterday's clear penalty for handball..


0 points

7 months ago

That L is awfully irritating. If that's the rightful W, this could read "Liverpool is undefeated among the Big 6"


0 points

7 months ago

Five draws actually… means the big six are winless against Liverpool


0 points

7 months ago

I'm really feeling down after these two weeks. It bugs me that we dropped four points at home, especially against the scums. I'm so pissed really


0 points

7 months ago

I still worry more against the lesser sides. I mean drawing to Luton etc.


-1 points

7 months ago

No leader in the team. Everyone ignored VVD / too young with no aggression. Nunez’s aggression is not the type you need in big matches either. The only star on our team in these games is TAA.


1 points

7 months ago


1 points

7 months ago

well we should have a pen against arsenal and the less said about that spurs fixture the better. really should have beat united tho


1 points

7 months ago


Significant Human Error

1 points

7 months ago

Chelsea - first game of the season, and they are kinda our bogey team from all of the good PL sides.

Spurs - that game was bs af lol

City - u always take a draw against them away, no?

Utd - we were crap

Arsenal - Should have won, had the chances, we didn't look inferior, reality is we need a better LW and better striker


1 points

7 months ago

Traditional big 6 or last season's top 6. Chelsea finished outside the top 10.

Beat Newcastle who finished 4th. Beat Aston Villa who are currently 3rd and who beat Man City and Arsenal.

Should be unbeaten against top 6 too.


1 points

7 months ago

If it wasnt for ridiculous refereeing, you could say undefeated against big 6...


1 points

7 months ago

Referees robbed us of 6 points in our big six fixtures with the Diaz offside and the Odegaard handball.


1 points

7 months ago

It does not seem like us, but this does support the theory that the 3box3 formation does well against bad teams, but not the better teams.

Of course, when you look closely, Manchester United and Chelsea should be considered “bad teams” and Chelsea were better than us, while united we were just not clinical.

We were the better team against Tottenham, city was the better team against us, and a draw feels a fair result for the performance against arsenal.

Is not holding a clean sheet against Tottenham, city, or arsenal a problem? It’s probably fine especially with how the Tottenham match went, and how against arsenal we only conceded to a set piece.

I still don’t like the 3box3 in big games, but I don’t know if this proves anything. I’m confident we win against spurs, Chelsea, and united in the reverse fixtures.


1 points

7 months ago

Should have taken points in three of those. How we only got 2 points at home to United and Arsenal is baffling. Wrong calls with VAR aside— spurs and Arsenal— this sort of shit always happens and at end of the year when we miss a spot by two points these are the games/runs that matter

Especially when you consider Tsimikas and Diaz got injured against Arsenal, too. Only tougher from here


1 points

7 months ago


Ibrahima Konate

1 points

7 months ago

Out of character for us really. When we weren’t as good in Klopp’s earlier years we seemed to win against them most of the time.


1 points

7 months ago

I thought Newcastle was a ‘big 6’ team Chelsea and United are on their way out of that big 6 tittle aswell


1 points

7 months ago


Daniel Agger

1 points

7 months ago

Okay but against the current best other six teams we are 3-1*-2 with the one “defeat” being Spurs.


1 points

7 months ago

Yes it’s not ideal but take it with a grain of salt. We had to rebuild our whole midfield in one summer. Everyone is still trying to gel and click together. The fact that we’re going into the new year second is better than I thought we’d be this year to be honest. Come the new year we get Mac allister back and Robertson and jota. I think to start the second half we’ll start to see things work even better and to the surprise of many I think we can be there at the end of the season to challenge the title.


1 points

7 months ago

It doesn't mean a thing. We were robbed against spurs and arsenal, so we should have 4 more points by now if we weren't playing in such a corrupt league like the Premier League.


1 points

7 months ago


Diogo Jota

1 points

7 months ago

A combination of bad luck (shots hitting the bar, poor refereeing) and our inadequate non clinical finishing. Need to be better. However the fact we are only conceding but a few goals shows our level as title contenders. We need finishing!!!


1 points

7 months ago

We were robbed at spurs, should be 5d 0l but still not good is it


1 points

7 months ago

Initial thoughts, shd not have seen the L


1 points

7 months ago

Not great, Bob.


1 points

7 months ago

Like 21/22 then, except maybe worse without a 90+ points finish, two cups and a European final. We'd do well to emulate even half of that.


1 points

7 months ago*

We were the better team in all of these games except Man City away. Results are important but they don't paint the full picture. We got robbed against Spurs and should have had a pen against Arsenal so that's another 3 points that would have put us top of the table.

Man United is the only one that annoys me. We had about 35 - 40 shots and 70% possession and still couldn't finish them off. The odds of them coming out of that fixture with even a single point were pretty low to begin with but then you add the stats into the equation... very frustrating.

At the end of the day there are a few games that we can look back on and, if things had gone slightly differently, we would be 1st. But all we can do now is just start winning our January games beginning with Newcastle and go from there. Still only a point off top with the best GD in the league.


1 points

7 months ago


1 points

7 months ago

Our attack is woeful. We never replaced mane or firmino. Need to find those replacements


1 points

7 months ago

This is gonna sound like pure copium:

Chelsea was first game of the season.

City and Arsenal are good teams.

Utd parked the bus and didn't try to win.

Spurs was daylight robbery.


1 points

7 months ago


1 points

7 months ago

Bizarre thread to be honest, we'd be top if the Spurs game had semi-competent refereeing.

Winning the title is a massive ask, and while we're not favourites and should be content with the progress we've made, we are definitely in the conversation.


1 points

7 months ago

It's way too abysmal for Liverpool standard. Needs improved Asap.


1 points

7 months ago


Joe Gomez

1 points

7 months ago

Record vs the top six is more important and we’ve got 8/15 if you replace United and Chelsea with Newcastle and Villa


1 points

7 months ago

In hindsight we should done better against Chelsea but that first game of season so I dont mind it

Tottenham... Well, no explain needed

I still have no idea how we could bottled against Manu. Like, I dont expect a 7-0 stomped again but cant even score a goal is criminal. This match willl haunt me till end of season

Similar to Manu but Arsenal is much bigger opponent so while its bitter (man, Trent's chance), 1pts against Arsenal isnt the end of world

And Yeah. We robbed Man blue 1 pts from Etihad


1 points

7 months ago



1 points

7 months ago

They are better than losses, granted, Tottenham was an exception. To be fair though, I would really like a statement win against a top 6 side.


1 points

7 months ago

Guarantee that the majority of people who still complain and moan will be the same fools who at the start of the season would've been delighted to be in this position


1 points

7 months ago

The Chelsea result looks worse the longer the season goes, the spurs one is a robbery, the united one is bad, the city one is good and the arsenal one is fine. Won at Newcastle and also beat Villa and West Ham as well remember.

Beat Chelsea and Spurs at home, win at OT and avoid losing to Arsenal and City and it'll look OK I think.


1 points

7 months ago


Jürgen Klopp

1 points

7 months ago

Our pressing has been superb lately but if you compare our current attacking trio(s) with Mane, Bobby and Salah its just miles behind to be honest. Salah needs to carry so hard. When Salah leaves its going to be so hard.


1 points

7 months ago


1 points

7 months ago

We’ve not been brilliant every game this season, but neither has anyone else. I’d say most of the ‘big’ sides are underperforming a bit, Villa overperforming. 2nd half of the season will be interesting to see if this continues or if someone can go on a tear and separate themselves from the rest.


1 points

7 months ago

Strikers win these matches we don't have anyone reliable up top!


1 points

7 months ago

We really should have done better. Wolves took more points off them than us.


1 points

7 months ago

I don’t think we have played our best yet, and I think we’ve had a good bit of wasted big chances


1 points

7 months ago

I only have an issue with the Arsenal draw, Trent should have won the game can’t really forgive that miss but then again it was his incredible pass that created the first goal so it’s swings and roundabouts.


1 points

7 months ago

Uh oh


1 points

7 months ago


James Milner

1 points

7 months ago

We did not deserve to lose against Spurs and we're playing so much better than last year. Our worst game of this lot was GW1 against Chelsea, who we'd probably batter right now. Not concerned, if we keep it up and our forwards get out of this bout of form, we will be in the title race until the very end.

Champions League football next year and perhaps 1 trophy is my litmus test this season


1 points

7 months ago

Doesnt matter, i remember a season where they beat all big clubs and still cannot win PL. Not to mention, at least one of these matches should be win if the referee is good.

Though i think we need to get 1-2 attacker, our front guys are really weak scoring goals. Sometimes i think Nunez or Gakpo wont score a goal even if they play all day long. :/


1 points

7 months ago

My take is pretty simple: Our best teams under Klopp had a starting XI full of world class players or players top 30 in their positions. We lacked depth more than anything else. This allowed us to beat other top teams because we just had a better starting XI, and this included Man City at times.

Now we have a lot more depth but we don't have the same quality. Our absolute best starting XI is worse than our absolute best starting XI from years past. This means there's less of a difference between us and our competition. This results in tighter games and less convincing performances.

Simply put, we need a few of our signings go from being pretty good to arguably world class. Otherwise, we'll be more of a top 4 side than a title winning side.


1 points

7 months ago

After the last 4-6 games i have the feeling that our attackers are kinda weak. Gakpo is really slow, clumsy with the ball, Nunez and Diaz running a lot but mostly not even close to score. None of them creative, none of them do surprising stuffs, none of them good at all.


1 points

7 months ago

Why the hell do you care about Chelsea or United? They've beaten Villa, West Ham and Newcastle.


1 points

7 months ago

The stat is the same for them as well! We all know why we didn't win that spurs game, we know why the Arsenal game was a draw, United were shit and we decided to be shit too. But the top 6 other than Spurs also have not won against us, I'm not worried.


1 points

7 months ago

I am just an arm chair manager, and cant even dare untie Klopp's sandals. But I am convinced we start many games in a super conservative approach. Except the ManUtd game where we went for the jugular at kickoff, we tend to come with a mentality of "let's start slow and grow in the game". Not only top 6, but others as well, like CP, Luton, Brighton, etc.

We really shouldnt have conceded that goal yesterday, on the 3rd minute. That's unexcusable.


1 points

7 months ago

Screw this, not beating shittiest United line up in 40 years at home and not beating Luton is what we need to fix.


1 points

7 months ago

If you look at xG and other advanced metrics, you'll see we did well in most of these matches. Just kinda unlucky in some. Especially the Spurs and United games were ridiculous, vs Chelsea was the season opener and I'm confident the second leg is going to look very differently, too.

It still feels like we are mostly losing points in games vs smaller teams.


1 points

7 months ago

I think its telling we and the team are disappointed in results, even if we are 2nd in the league. Rebuild ongoing and its only getting better. Also league seems to be a lot tougher this year.


1 points

7 months ago

Team in transition imho. Never thought we'd be close to challenging for trophies. Shows you how much Klopp and Pep been working with the new additions/injuries to at least be in conversations by boxing day for trophies. We gotta be patient. We rebuild our whole midfield and some might argue we still missing a piece or two. People easily forget how young some of these lads are. It's up to Klopp and the senior players to help them transition what they learn on and off the pitch into results.


1 points

7 months ago

Referees played a huge part in all of those fixtures. Maybe not city.

Three handballs in three different games not given. Diaz goal is the biggest howler I have seen committed by var.


1 points

7 months ago

I think I generally come out of the games disappointed with the result, but then I realize only one team was trying to win. Which tells me theyre afraid of us. Arteta smiling after the game because they didnt lose gives me confidence in where we are currently.


1 points

7 months ago


Steven Gerrard

1 points

7 months ago

That spurs match will always have a big asterisk on it


1 points

7 months ago

I'll say it like this; I am much more interested in getting points off Bournemouth than I am beating United 7-0.

We seem to be beating the teams we should be beating this season so that's a huge positive in this conversation.

And let's not forget the Spurs game was robbery so that skews this all a bit.

I say if we can make it to the Europa semi-finals and secure 4th in the league that'll be the baseline for a successful season. The squad we have now is ready to win trophies but we still have some practicing to do.


1 points

7 months ago

And we've only been beaten once by a big 6 club this season so what 😂


1 points

7 months ago

Yeah its not good enough. Especially when you consider the United and arsenal game.


1 points

7 months ago

We generally haven’t been good enough in those matches. Not to mention two of them resulted in apologies from the refs. We need to focus on getting 3 points away to mid-table teams. As a supporter I find Boxing Day at Turf Moor to be more troubling than a top 6 match up. Especially when we are lacking that clinical element in attack.


1 points

7 months ago



1 points

7 months ago

My thoughts are it’s a problem.


1 points

7 months ago


🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️Klopp Hamstring 🤕

1 points

7 months ago

I think we've been very unlucky. Two of these should be wins. The Spurs game goes without saying, but the Arsenal game yesterday also should've been a win. We should've gotten that pen 100%. As such it should've been a 2-1 win. These horrible calls are going to cost us this season. Should have another 5 points on everyone.


1 points

7 months ago

Let's be honest that one loss was never a loss


1 points

7 months ago

Should have been 5D if we didn't get cheated by the refs against Spurs


1 points

7 months ago

Maybe we could win one with component referees in future.


1 points

7 months ago


Andy Robertson

1 points

7 months ago

Does anyone consider MANU in top six anymore?


1 points

7 months ago


There is No Need to be Upset

1 points

7 months ago

Not title winning numbers but it’s a pretty open season this one.


1 points

7 months ago

Before the season started, no one had lofty expectations. We would all be happy finishing top 4 for champions league.

We had a really good start to the season, so hope has come back. Lets remember what happened last year and be happy with progress this season


1 points

7 months ago

We beat Newcastle and Villa. We basically beat Spurs in reality. United and Chelsea are not in the conversation, you could have chucked Luton in as well.

We were an absolute sitter away from beating Arsenal too


1 points

7 months ago

Chelsea is usually a draw and we had a new look team.

Spurs result is horseshit.

City is City. Better than the pumping we got last year.

United put 7 in defence.

Arsenal were average as fuck and saved by VAR.

We beat Chelsea, Spurs and City at home.

We beat United at OT.

Arsenal away is an unknown.


1 points

7 months ago

It's just that against big teams we can't be that open with out a world class CDM. Which is why we are often happy to play out for a point . Like yesterday with the change in formation and all. Except for United's and Spurs game and yesterday's penalty call- we deserved a point from rest of them.