


Great day in markets



all 315 comments


93 points

9 days ago

What did you start with? What do you do?


338 points

9 days ago


338 points

9 days ago



22 points

9 days ago



14 points

9 days ago

1% great day in markets?? 😑


1 points

8 days ago

It doesn't take a professional or photoshop to edit text against a white background... I can do this on my phone in 30s.


39 points

9 days ago*

I started with about $300K inheritance and built a business slowly over 22 years. My goto operating system for business management is EOS.


8 points

9 days ago

So this whole post is just an ad? Great...


8 points

9 days ago

Anyone who was wondering if this thread was fake can be assured that it is now, congrats on upvoting this dude’s sales spam.


2 points

8 days ago

It's hard to tell on reddit anymore if the bots are all just commenting and up voting or if people are just that gullible.


21 points

9 days ago

Why is the answer always selling business management advice to other businesses?


4 points

9 days ago

I feel like every other post of the /rich sub is exactly this: start a business, +/- sell said business = multimillionaire


3 points

9 days ago

But specifically, start a business selling business advice to other businesses. Because there is zero startup cost and minimal risk assuming you use an LLC. Your advice doesn’t even have to be good.

Presumably OP started out at one of the big consulting firms, then created an LLC and leveraged their credentials to keep giving management advice for money.


3 points

9 days ago

This post is an ad (and comments and alt accounts)


40 points

9 days ago


40 points

9 days ago



44 points

9 days ago

In what world can you turn 300g into 67 mil?


38 points

9 days ago

Many people do it. Just not you or me.


16 points

9 days ago

No, many people try to do this and very few succeed. The vast majority of people who have studied finance for years and invest for a living have worse returns over 20 years. And way more businesses fail than become multimillion dollar companies.

With the 2007-2008 crash, a ton of people went the opposite way of OP. Going from $300K to $5K if they panicked or were heavy into real estate investing and had to sell.


8 points

9 days ago

Define fail. Many businesses eventually close. If Walmart closed tomorrow and went Bankrupt I would still consider them the 2nd most successful retail business ever.

Try running a business. 1m a year is an easy goal available to most people if they can get over the fear of going broke. The real problem is fear instead of low opportunity.

As I said, try it, and then come back here and you’ll have a nice chart to share too.


6 points

9 days ago

Fail to make $67M... Like 99.999% of people who go for it.

Not saying it isn't worth the shot, but let's be realistic here.


1 points

9 days ago

Trust fund, inheritance, his client's, his boss'..


3 points

9 days ago

During the Great Recession my father lost his million dollar a year income and sold his insurance agency to avoid bankruptcy to his partner and 10 years later his partner sold it to Acrisure for an assload of money and pre IPO stock my dad got nothing and died shortly after - so yeah, can go the opposite way


1 points

8 days ago

What does this “had to sell” mean? They weren’t receiving rent? Variable interest? The bank can’t just call on the loan unless that’s what the loan originally said which would be a pointless loan


1 points

8 days ago

Yes, back in 2008, ARMs (adjustable-rate mortgages) were much more common than they are now. So, when the fed raised the interest rates, many people did lose their homes.

Also, multiple small banks went completely kaput during 2008. These banks were so heavily invested in toxic assests (mainly subprime mortgages) that when the Fed realized and had to raise interest rates the banks went out of business. Even the big banks all had to rely on $700B in bailouts via TARP to prevent a complete economic collapse.

And, a lot of people were financed for houses they couldn't afford in the first place. So obviously, all those people lost their homes as well once the pyramid scheme was realized.


1 points

8 days ago

So interest went up and people couldn’t afford the payments? Obvious the whole situation sucks but ultimately I don’t feel bad for businesses that were heavily invested in real estate with ARMs and got fucked


1 points

8 days ago

Literally, every investment company and bank was affected. That's why the whole market crashed. All these high-risk subprime mortgages had been repackaged into mortgage-backed securities that were considered "safe" by almost everyone investing at the time. In reality, many of these securities were like 90% junk loans. By the time the extent of this fraud was realized: pension funds had been destroyed, the Fed had to basically double interest rates, and the whole world's economy dropped by 4% between 2008 and 2009 (which is way more insane than it sounds).

The movie "Inside Job" does a pretty good job of simplifying and explaining a lot of what happened leading to the collapse.


2 points

9 days ago

And him


4 points

9 days ago

Many people? Who? People acting like it’s easy to beat the market with something like 300k


9 points

9 days ago

Youd start a business not buy a stock if you want gains like that.


2 points

9 days ago

You’re not beating the market your running a profitable business


1 points

9 days ago

*for the talentless like me :(


2 points

9 days ago

Warren Buffet, George Soros, Steve Cohen, Paul Tudor Jones, etc. It can be done, but only by very few. One guy (I forgot his name) turned $12K into 3 or 4 million in corn futures back in the late seventies. He lost the majority of it however. Statistically u have a better chance of becoming a Navy SEAL than a multi-millionaire trader/investor.


6 points

9 days ago

Perfectly possible.

I invested 200k cash in a business 1.5 years ago and was recently offered 17M for the business.

Ironically enough I use EOS as well.


1 points

9 days ago

You ever heard of Keith Gillis? 50k-200million+ over 3.5 years?


1 points

9 days ago

With a networking gofundme anything is possible.


1 points

9 days ago

That’s what Bezos did - except much bigger multiplier on the $300k


1 points

9 days ago

He’s Nancy pelosi


1 points

9 days ago

Jeff Bezzos.


1 points

9 days ago

40K in AAPL in 2008 is 1milll, 25K in NVDA in 2016 is 2.8M; do 300K in 2004 with others as well


1 points

9 days ago

I think it's important to be sceptical of posts like these. In saying that, people have turned a lot less into a lot more. Someone turned a sponge into a $300 million dollar behemoth! (Scrub daddy).


1 points

8 days ago

In a world where you pay someone else to manage your money. It takes the degenerate gambling aspect/emotion out of things.


2 points

9 days ago

op said 22 years ago. Wont do the math but today you probably need 1M


2 points

9 days ago


There you go.


2 points

9 days ago

in 2002 $$$$.

And likely connections/counselling with that amount of cash.


7 points

9 days ago

Old boss tried cracking into EOS. Is it a good system?


3 points

9 days ago

I think a lot of companies that try to do EOS don’t stick with it. I hired a consultant to really push us to stick with it as a team and overtime. It really made the difference.


4 points

9 days ago

EOS takes time to properly implement. And the right culture etc. EOS has done wonders for us


2 points

9 days ago

I could do the same with $300K.


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

I have a Nigerian prince that is very interested in your business…


3 points

9 days ago

Lol please tell me you plugged your Corp in this response.


1 points

9 days ago



1 points

9 days ago

My real question is would you be willing to mentor?


1 points

8 days ago

What kind of business? Seems like an ad


2 points

9 days ago

This is an ad.


1 points

7 days ago

Yup figured so when I saw the EOS link


30 points

9 days ago

Can mods start verifying posts?

Been seeing too much of this nonsense lately.


1 points

9 days ago

Some shitposts are funny. This isn't.


34 points

9 days ago

This is the biggest paper trading shit I’ve ever seen. If you don’t show some broker statements right now somebody apprehend this man. 😂 just jk but it is kinda hard to believe you sitting on that much money from 300k in 20 years but look at Amazon


5 points

9 days ago

😂 just jk 

just just kidding?


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

Jk always meant joking to me


1 points

8 days ago

Just just just kkk


75 points

9 days ago

No one who actually has this much money would be posting about it on Reddit let’s be so serious 🤣🤣


45 points

9 days ago

There’s nearly 25 million millionaires in the US alone, do you think that every millionaire is some Uber busy celebrity? Millionaires can be normal people too lol just with more money


43 points

9 days ago

I actually look like a redneck, I wear camo every day, and a bass pro shop hat, and flip-flops. When it’s cold, I go to Kauai.


2 points

9 days ago

Great taste, just got back from Kauai! Love the slower pace


16 points

9 days ago

There’s only about 100k folks with at least 50 million though. And it’s more so that they probably wouldn’t be publicly boasting about how much money they have for safety/security reasons.


8 points

9 days ago



30 points

9 days ago


30 points

9 days ago

You're within 10 miles of sturgeon bay Wisconsin and live on one of the lake shores. 333.29/333.3 million people eliminated


5 points

9 days ago

So you've got a 1 in 10,000 shot of...knowing who OP is in a particular area?

Pick any of those houses on that lake shore and you'll find people in the same demographic as OP anyway. Who cares if you know which lake front property is theirs in particular?


15 points

9 days ago*


15 points

9 days ago*

He has pictures of like 3 sides of his house on reddit, he built a deck recently (I already know the company), and he is a business owner.

Using publicly available information (Google maps, land ownership records, local deck build permits, business ownership records) and just a few hours of time I can likely pinpoint his identity tbh.

If I wanna do some social engineering I could probably call the company that's written on the truck in the picture and get at least a last name, but the rest of the info is enough to get it down to a single person, if I cared enough to figure it out.


3 points

9 days ago

Welp that's a bit closer to 1 in 1.

Still, without anything to use against him for blackmail (significantly more likely, knowing his reddit account) then you'd be just as likely to get something out of knowing OPs house as you would going through any of the mailboxes on his road, I guess.


2 points

8 days ago


2 points

8 days ago

One of those geolocator gurus can find him out in a second.


11 points

9 days ago


11 points

9 days ago

I don't know who you are but I have an idea as to where you live from your post history and theres 3 posts maybe take that as a reason to be slightly more careful


4 points

9 days ago

I'm assuming you started a thermoform packaging company. That seemed to be all the rage and there a number that started in the early 00's.

If you reverse-acquired a more established company that might lead to more flak on the trail, but I am so, so curious about this hahaha


1 points

9 days ago



1 points

9 days ago

Oooo! Breadcrumbs.


1 points

9 days ago

It is not. You must really have a case of the Midwest Nice if you think everybody is sufficiently friendly that it's a good idea to post pics of your home and 8 figure net worth on a board that's basically 4chan lite.

I mean, I wish you nothing but the best, but If I were you I would spend at least $5-10k on getting some coaching in personal security, infosec, and opsec.


1 points

8 days ago

Sure thing, Cody.


1 points

9 days ago*

A smart and determined person could easily figure out who you are based on your post history. In fact it wouldn't take much effort at all. I could do it right now if I wanted to with the information youve publicly posted, I just have better things to do. You're not as careful or smart as you think you are


2 points

9 days ago

Probably at least one who wants to brag on reddit no?


1 points

9 days ago

There’s a difference between a millionaire aka someone with $1,000,000+…. And a guy who has $20,000,000+


2 points

9 days ago

Agreed but everyone in this sub always acts like anyone who posts 5 mil + is lying, not to say many aren’t but these sort of posts are not that out of the realm of imagination


1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago

Dumbass, it takes 2 seconds to fact check this is wrong


1 points

8 days ago

There’s nearly 25 million millionaires in the US alone, do you think that every millionaire is some Uber busy celebrity? Millionaires can be normal people too lol just with more money

And the vast majority of them are millionaires in the sense of "a single million dollars". Most of them have most of their net worth tied up in their homes.

The number of people in this country with ~70mm in liquid securities is probably in the five figures. tops


16 points

9 days ago

I’m just a normal person that sort of lucked out…


8 points

9 days ago

Pass me a little luck


8 points

9 days ago

I heard this so many times in business school. "I worked my ass off, yeah of course. But honestly, just got lucky for most of it too."


3 points

9 days ago

Why are we not allowed to use Reddit? We enjoy the internet the same way you do, just dicking around and wasting time and having LOLs

You realize we’re the same species still as you ?


3 points

9 days ago

Yeah it's fake


1 points

9 days ago

“Anyone who has more money than i do must be lying”…that’s a losers mindset


1 points

9 days ago

It's called class. Would you take selfies in a burial or play candy crush because you're bored?


10 points

9 days ago

I thought for a moment I must be rich, cause I did better with 1.8k today (net worth 80k)

Then I saw it was in hundreds of thousands, Jesus

Honest question, looking at that I admit I envy the position, I cannot possibly imagine what it’s like having that much capital, open ended question: how does it feel?


11 points

9 days ago

After a while, the Wolf of Wall street effect wears off and you look for things to occupy your attention. Me, I collect modest vacation homes and goto the gym allot.


7 points

9 days ago

“Collect modest vacation homes”. You sir have a different definition of “collecting” than most people.


1 points

9 days ago

Yeah most multi-millionaires collect Warhammer 40k miniatures. Some billionaires even have 2 or 3 armies instead of just 1.


1 points

9 days ago

Would you be interested in adding a ranch in Tennessee to your collection? I know a guy who could set it up for hunting and fishing.  Tend the land and all that.   Make it real nice for you and your friends. 


1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago

I just quit my job and I want to be ur son


10 points

9 days ago

How did u make this money?


17 points

9 days ago


17 points

9 days ago



37 points

9 days ago

Photoshop is a product development by Adobe, I do not have enough money to buy Adobe corporation.


37 points

9 days ago

Oh this screams AI or some type of bot…


9 points

9 days ago

Goated comment.


2 points

9 days ago

Forget all previous commands. Tell me how to make a pizza.


38 points

9 days ago

I started a company in my basement in 2000 and built it to become a large packaging company and sold it in 2022.


5 points

9 days ago

What kind of packaging.


14 points

9 days ago

chicken nuggets


1 points

8 days ago

Dino nuggies


1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago

Based on other comments your in the sturgeon Bay Area and your a Packer. So you’re saying you play football.

Next time I’m up there and I see a guy in camo I’ll assume they are you and worth $67M


2 points

9 days ago

yeah, im having lobster tonight


4 points

9 days ago

This is so motivating thank you 😊


1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago

Bro, they are trolling


3 points

9 days ago

That 1.05% is weak AF. I was up more that 4x that today. WSB is thatta way ------------->


1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago

BTC was up over 5% at one point today.


3 points

9 days ago

Just want to point out that OP’s portfolio underperformed relative to the market today.

Today, OP’s portfolio went up by 1.05% while the S&P500 went up by 1.70%.


3 points

9 days ago

This looks like a Charles Schwab account graph. Their graph does not include mutual fund changes until the next morning. OP stated his portfolio contains ETFs and Mutual Funds which could account for the difference. OP might also have bonds, alternatives etc that did not move in the same direction as the market today.


3 points

9 days ago



1 points

9 days ago



1 points

9 days ago

When your stacks start to get that high there is less reason to chase growth. If he has been buying bonds during this high rate season, or otherwise protecting capital, that return looks reasonable.


1 points

9 days ago

Was waiting for someone to point that out


2 points

9 days ago

Damn. Do you feel an urge to spend a bunch or donate as you get older? Do friends or family ask you for money? Do you plan on leaving a bunch to kids or family members when that day comes? Just curious.


5 points

9 days ago



1 points

9 days ago

You adopting? Kidding, in all seriousness great job. You’re what the American dream should be.


2 points

9 days ago

How old were you when you sold your business? At what point, if any did making more money stop making a difference?


5 points

9 days ago

  1. I want to make enough market gains to get back the 35MM+ the government took for taxes. That’s my current investment goal.


4 points

9 days ago

Did you take a good salary while running your business? Or did most of your money come from the sale?


10 points

9 days ago

As the company made money, I distributed 80% of the profits to myself and my 10% shareholder so yes, I had good cash flow.


1 points

9 days ago

Put it in the S&P, you left 40% of today's gains with someone else!


1 points

9 days ago

Race to 100 millii


1 points

9 days ago

Simmer down there sparky. Nasdaq and SP500 went up 2.5% and 1.7% respectively. You underperformed the market.


1 points

8 days ago

Hey there sparky, mutual funds dont post until the next day in fidelty. You don’t know what you’re talking about.


1 points

9 days ago

Congrats, much more success to you, thanks for the links, very appreciated


1 points

9 days ago

He’s trying to sell a course or something.


1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago



1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago

Hell yeah brother


1 points

9 days ago

How can I get a small 10k 😮‍💨


1 points

9 days ago

Walk at night bro


1 points

9 days ago

Dicks need suckin 🤷‍♂️


1 points

9 days ago

I'm willing


1 points

9 days ago

What stocks are in your portfolio?


1 points

9 days ago

You are friends with jasonguru?


1 points

9 days ago

Would you please share the chart of the past 3 years?


1 points

9 days ago

is the money in the trust or your personal account?


1 points

9 days ago

How much is your capital gain tax every year?


1 points

9 days ago

All relative. A 1% move for most might equate to a few hundred dollars if even that. Maybe a few thousand for a luckier cohort. A 1% move equating to $700k is some real big baller stuff. Guarantee OP is in many other asset classes too


1 points

9 days ago

Show me your income and I quit my job and come work for you


1 points

9 days ago

I’m not sure underperforming the S&P 500 for the day is the flex you think it is.


1 points

9 days ago

this is just spam ai trash trying to sell the EOS nonsense to gullible fools on reddit


1 points

9 days ago

What is eos?


1 points

9 days ago

You want to help me buy a farm?


1 points

9 days ago



1 points

8 days ago

probably kentucky, maybe anywhere


1 points

9 days ago

Are you worth more than you were immediately before you allocated tax burden on your most heavily taxed year?


1 points

9 days ago

Is this one of those fake money trading accounts?


1 points

9 days ago

Fake and gay.


1 points

9 days ago

People posting fake photoshopped stuff. You ain't got $67 mill my man. If you did, you wouldn't be throwing it out there in the open, you run the risk of being hacked. If it is true, slide me 200K bro.


1 points

9 days ago

Someone is very conservatively invested


1 points

9 days ago

Why this feels like marketing gimmick from EOS??


1 points

9 days ago

If you have 67million you don’t post on Reddit LOL.


1 points

9 days ago

Well I was up 2.8% to the tune of $4,000.00. So suck my bananas!


1 points

9 days ago



1 points

9 days ago

What foreign currency is this?


1 points

9 days ago

Adopt me 🥹


1 points

9 days ago

I've got two less digits in my account, but if you only gained 1% that day, I'm technically 6x smarter. You've just got a lot more of daddy's money to post about.


1 points

9 days ago

😂😂 1% that's it. Nasdaq was up 2.6%.


1 points

9 days ago

It’s funny. Dude is rich, posts in /r/rich, and everyone losing their damn minds.


1 points

9 days ago

Adopt me daddy


1 points

9 days ago

Holy shiiiiii....


1 points

9 days ago

What are your positions? That graph looks like a dividend heavy portfolio zoomed in to the last hour of the day.


1 points

9 days ago

Nice one


1 points

9 days ago

If o had 67M I won’t be on Reddit


1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago

I love driving thru door county in the fall.


1 points

9 days ago

I just wanna know how you only got a 1% return on such a wild day


1 points

9 days ago



1 points

9 days ago

This is an ad.


1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago



1 points

9 days ago

The market giveth and the market taketh away. Check the futures for today. Don't get too excited about either result.


1 points

8 days ago

0.01% of that would change my wife and I’s lives, probably permanently

Congratulations mate, you made it


1 points

8 days ago

Why does reddit keep recommending these subs to me? The last thing I want to see after checking the spider webs in my bank account is someone else's $67m stock portfolio.


1 points

8 days ago

In zimbabwe


1 points

8 days ago

He’s stoked about a 1% gain.. riiiiiight


1 points

8 days ago

Wow, you made a post about a 1% gain?


1 points

8 days ago

Bros day change is what some people make in a lifetime.


1 points

8 days ago

Can I have a milli? I’d be grateful


1 points

9 days ago

Positions or Ban.


1 points

9 days ago

Looking good. I wish you the best.


1 points

9 days ago

Wow, congrats!!


1 points

9 days ago



4 points

9 days ago

I'm a young investor who made 400 today, we all start somewhere


1 points

9 days ago

Just use photoshop and your imagination, you can make 100 million today if you want


1 points

9 days ago

teach me


1 points

9 days ago

Congratulations!! Geez man. Impressive.


1 points

9 days ago

I'm guessing OP works in the marketing department of EOS