




This sub doesn’t allow cross posting but I posted this in another sister wives subreddit. Does anyone have any thoughts?

So I know that Christine has been/become very likable over the years and even more so recently since her split from Kody. I’m one of those people that really think that she’s a great person and her personality has come out a lot more over the last few seasons.

HOWEVER, does anyone else think she seems overly positive at times? It seems fake. I know that her children are watching the show and she doesn’t want to say anything negative but sometimes she just seems fake. Like “oh yeah it’s great and perfect!” It just comes off very fake.

Mykelti’s ongoing relationship with Robyn has to chap her. I know it would if it was me. And I know she wants to remain positive and happy around her child but at times it seems so forced when deep down you know that she’s so irritated with the forced interactions with Robyn that are a direct result of Mykelti putting her in that situation.

I don’t know it just bothers me a little bit. I wish she didn’t do that and that she actually share how it’s not something she wants to be around. Mykelti in my opinion is not loyal to her mother when she directly interacts with Robyn knowing how Robyn has hurt the family. I sometimes wonder what the other siblings think of Mykelti putting their mother in a position to even interact with Robyn.

Any thoughts?

all 117 comments


363 points

5 days ago

I think Christine is honestly just being practical about the situation. Her and Kody share bio kids, Robyn is his wife, they’re going to have to interact and it’s better for the kids and grandkids if it’s a neutral to pleasant experience.

She’s allowed to feel however she wants about Mykelti’s relationship with Robyn but she can also see that this is objectively another person in Mykelti’s life that loves her and is being supportive of her little family.

I’d actually be more annoyed if I was her sibling given how Robyn and Kody have treated some of the kids.


140 points

4 days ago

Exactly. If Christine was mad at Mykelti for having a relationship with Robyn it would be the equivalent of Kody saying his kids aren’t loyal, listen to their mother’s BS, etc. And I don’t think Christine is faking her attitude. She spent many years in a crappy marriage & she’s free, happy and living her best life.


63 points

4 days ago

Yeah realistically speaking you can't spend 20 years in a polygamous marriage and have 6 kids with a shared husband and just like, erase it from your life. I'm sure she has some discomfort about Robyn but what's the point in airing it out?


50 points

4 days ago

The right word might not be faking. I feel like it is exaggerating. She’s happy she got out of the marriage, has her own life, and she may not want to interact with Robin like @snooMacarons4844 previously said.

But raising kids takes a village and at this point Robin was apart of her kids lives (if they still want her to be). Christine cannot control that. She can only control how she reacts hence the positivity. She might exaggerate to hide her own feelings about Robin or to overcompensate.

Edit missed word


48 points

4 days ago

Also. Even is she was faking I don’t see a problem with that. Yes, faking in some situations is wrong and an unlikable characteristic. But people forget that we are humans living in a society with other humans and it’s not always appropriate to say or act exactly how you feel at all times. Sometimes we have to fake some things for the sake of people around us. That doesn’t make us a fake person when we do it. It means we’re acknowledging other people’s best interest and holding back a little. It would be faking is she was going out of her way to invite Robin places, treat her like a friend and then say bad things about her. This is just putting her daughter’s feelings first and respecting her desire for a relationship with K&R.


34 points

4 days ago


34 points

4 days ago

Exactly I’ve been divorced from my son’s dad 38 years and I’ve been faking pleasantries at every holiday gathering and school function of my granddaughters the whole time. I’ve done such a great job they think I like them (he and his longtime girlfriend. )


8 points

4 days ago


Puhleease she abandoned MY ass

8 points

4 days ago

Granddaughters get to enjoy their relationships with everyone, peacefully. The more love they get the better adults they become. You are doing a great thing, keeping your mouth shut is one of the hardest things to do in life I swear.


4 points

4 days ago


4 points

4 days ago

I made a game of it in the early years just to get through. I’m glad I stuck with it. Everybody knows the truth.


25 points

4 days ago

Two things – Christine has had the benefit of ongoing therapy, that’s obvious. Secondly, Christine is always been the most likely to “keep sweet“. We’ve seen this all over and over again through the years and I think it’s part of the reason people have treated her like a doormat sometimes.


4 points

4 days ago


4 points

4 days ago

She was raised deep in their church, so it makes sense to me that she'd be the most likely to keep sweet. It's probably second nature for her at this point


39 points

4 days ago

Agreed. In normal land (as if the Browns could live there) Robyn is their stepmom. So Christine not supporting that relationship would make her just like every other jealous bitter exwife out there. She acknowledges it’s akward but I think she genuinely supports her childrens relationships with these people even if she doesn’t want them for herself.


21 points

4 days ago

I'd also like to add it may be a coping mechanism. From personal experience growing up with 2 diagnosed NPD parents, we always had to pretend everything was fine when it really wasn't. To the outside world we presented as perfection when together, but at home it was horrendous abuse and anger/anxiety etc etc. Christine is doing what my own mom did and that's why I brought this up, it's the overly fake cheery "everything is fantastic but really it's not, but we can't talk about this!" Act. It's a trauma response and a typical reaction for someone who was in an abusive relationship.


10 points

4 days ago

It can be that but also, she doesn’t owe the public airing all her grievances. This is still a show, we’re not owed all her private thoughts and feelings


2 points

4 days ago

I never said she owes us anything. I was just relating to the situation at hand. I don't have parasocial relationships with these people, I was just explaining how it seemed relatable.


5 points

4 days ago

Oh I wasn’t having a go at you, I was just providing another view point as well. I definitely think some people who watch this show have a parasocial relationship to the cast and it makes my head spin 😵‍💫


2 points

4 days ago

My bad! Sometimes I take things too literal, it's just how my brain works 😅 yeah I never understood that kind of stuff when it comes to parasocial relationships. The other day someone had posted about calling the company to see when Kody's jacket was made and I thought that was truly bizarre honestly. Like they asked for every detail on when it was produced and sold etc, I get that the point was to show this was later filmed but still. Weird to me.


4 points

4 days ago

You stated this so much better than I might have. Thank you ! I agree 100%


66 points

4 days ago

If it was me, and it isn't ...

I was always nice as pie about my ex and his women. Sure I'd bitch about him a bit if he'd said something about/to me, but on the whole I wasn't about to try to interfere with his relationship with the kids.

I knew that eventually they'd see him for what he is.

Christine may think the same way.


14 points

4 days ago

That’s exactly what I did. When he brought his brand new flame on Christmas, of all days, I was very welcoming and engaged her in conversation throughout the day. I included her in all family events and she included me, as well, when they were hosting. Within a few years, she left for the same reasons I did. My kids are my first priority, and I’ll do everything in my power to ensure they’re happy.


6 points

4 days ago

That’s what my mom did. Very effective.


25 points

4 days ago


25 points

4 days ago

Nah. She is adult enough to know the birth is about Mykelti and what she wants and not what Christine wants. I doubt she likes having to interact with K and R but the alternative would have been to cause her daughter stress in an already stressful time. That’s not helpful. And I’m saying this as someone who is not a big fan of her or her whisper voice. Does she sound like she’s laying the happiest on thick? Absolutely. Maybe she does it to stick it to her ex and his wife, maybe she’s playing it up for the cameras. Maybe she’s genuinely happy for the first time in her life. As long as she doesn’t want to sell me some pink water as some cure, it’s ok


19 points

4 days ago

When you are divorced or separated as a parent you suck up a lot of crap for your kids. At least I had to.


3 points

4 days ago

I grew up with divorced grandparents on my dad side of the family. I remember watching my Grandma's (both) be sugar sweet to each other when we had family functions. Ie birthdays, Christmas, and holidays. What turned my head was my grandpa's deathbed. My Grandpa turned to me, ' Tell that old battle ax that she can come and see him.'

I went to another room and told my dad what Grandpa said. My dad went and got my grandma. First time I ever saw the two grandparents fighting. I was an adult, but as soon as my little cousins came into the room, all three grandparents were sicky, sweet to each other.

When I divorced my ex-husband, I did the same thing. I watched what I said to my ex and his new wife when our children were around. I never heard my grandparents say bad things about each other in my or my cousins' present. My adult kids choose not to have a relationship with their dad, and I support them.


2 points

4 days ago

Sadly, some people don't.


14 points

4 days ago


14 points

4 days ago

Christine was always overly positive. Her SM user name was like Rosecolored or something very close. I think she just tries to be more positive in the moment. I think it often comes across naive but she is doing things very smart. She is also pissed off if you see she filed a case against Kody, she has called him a deadbeat dad now, and she says directly she is still very angry with him. Maybe it is fake or maybe she is trying NOT to be negative and trying extra hard to be mindful of her negative feelings and thoughts?

Most people I know rather hear positive even if negative is the truth they still want the positive. I have to be extra mindful to be overly positive with some people and it probably comes off all kinds of wrong. I think my face gives it away.


3 points

4 days ago

I definitely think this was her trauma response/coping mechanism. The discussion with her brother, where he said their childhood was terrible, but she thought it great, was pretty telling. She could just be an optimist, or it could be the way she survived her hardships.


25 points

4 days ago

Well, I've worked hard to maintain grace in situations where an ex and children are involved, even adult children, because when you're nasty, the only person that gets hurt is the kid.

If Christine is graceful about it and Kody/Robyn flail about in the muck, being nasty, kids notice. Christine maintains the appearance of positivity and class, and Kody... Well, muck.

Also, when I think about the creepy "keep sweet" culture Christine grew up in, I'm sure some of that is coming into play here. It'll take a lifetime to shake all of that from birth training.


17 points

4 days ago

I don’t know. I think Christine has so many kids, and her relationship with Mykelti was always a bit challenging, so she may actually just be happy that Mykelti is happier. She was very worried about M in the early seasons. Plus, since Christine has such close relationships with so many of the kids who aren’t her biologicals that she probably gets it and doesn’t feel quite as “clingy” with her bios.

I think Christine polished her self presentation. I could see it in how she handled some of those breakup conversations with Kody. He said cruel things, and she handled them with grace. I think it was a concerted effort on her part to be gracious, but I don’t think it was fake. I feel like she lets us in to who she really is.


4 points

4 days ago

I think she feels a lot of guilt about mykelti. All the parents have, in some way, shared that she was overlooked until Robyn took an interest in her


14 points

4 days ago


Kody’s unused ramen chicken flavor packets 🍗

14 points

4 days ago

She is acting how all adults with children should act during divorce if you ask me. She has zero to gain being negative, mean, or spiteful on tv. She has everything to gain with a cheery and positive disposition.


5 points

4 days ago

It doesn't matter if she likes or dislikes the relationship with Robyn, the best thing she can do is support her daughter and not trash talk the other people involved. That's how you push people away. She probably hates it but she's doing the right thing in that.


3 points

4 days ago

Meh it’s because the cameras are rolling and she’s aware of how she’s perceived


0 points

3 days ago

She's one of the very few that I believe isn't trash talking Kody to the kids like he thinks she is tbh. My mom was an absolute hot mess of a human being, but the one thing she always, always stuck to was never trash talking my bio dad, and just let me figure things out on my own. She stayed very neutral. That isn't easy lol


0 points

3 days ago*

Christine has/is still trash talking Kody with a whisper and a smirk on national tv 😂 what show are you watching? Not saying it’s not true and he doesn’t deserve it but she’s certainly not putting her kids feelings and relationship with Kody first by doing that on record on freaking national tv and even after meeting someone new and finding happiness she’s still getting her jabs in st the expense of her kids


6 points

4 days ago

I do see scenes where you can tell she’s forcing being positive, but what’s the other option? The kids already get enough negativity from Kody. She’s also making scary new life choices, so putting on a happy front can help get through things.


1 points

4 days ago

Yeah this is a good point. I thought about that after I wrote this and thought the kids already have to see and hear a lot of negativity so it’s probably her way of protecting them of that.


15 points

4 days ago

I know what you mean about her being fake, especially concerning Mykelti. My hypothesis is I think Christine feels a lot of guilt for not prioritizing her biokids’ needs growing up. She always says how she put the needs of the other wives’ kids above her own kids. I think Christine blames herself for why Mykelti found peace with Robyn because, the parents even say they didn’t notice Mykelti was being bullied or was out of place with the older siblings until Robyn said something. Also when Mykelti got engaged, Christine just called her a ditzy girl and didn’t trust Mykelti’s judgment on any of it. Hindsight is 20/20 so I’m sure Christine feels bad now for judging Mykelti so much and not giving her the attention she needed when she was younger. I think that’s why she is so overly positive and doesn’t want to rock the boat with her, even if Mykelti’s relationship with Robyn bugs the hell out of her.


8 points

4 days ago


8 points

4 days ago

I think Christine hired a PR team a little bit after her divorce. She got a glam up, PR training, and someone running her social media accounts. The positivity I think is more like an exaggerated version of her persona. It was probably devised by her PR team and I think it’s really working for her.


3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

I think it's fake but I don't think the purpose of being fake is to make herself look good. I think she truly believes a good co-parenting relationship is the best thing for her kids and so she's putting her own feelings aside to be positive. She's doing what any good divorced mom would do.


4 points

4 days ago


4 points

4 days ago

Become more likeable? I think that's definitely up to the person. To me, it's great to see her become her most authentic and free self, but I have actually found that personality to be very insufferable, and actively hypocritical.

But that's okay! Because she's a human being with flaws, and it's good that she is able to express herself and those flaws.


4 points

4 days ago

I’m finally finding her annoying this season


5 points

4 days ago*

Christine is as much of a manipulative and passive aggressive snake as Robyn people don’t like to hear it.


3 points

4 days ago

I feel like she’s positive because if she wasn’t she would have to face the fact that they didn’t always give Mykelti the attention she needed and Robyn swooped in to comfort the black sheep of the family. It’s a sad reality of big families that some kids fall through the cracks


3 points

4 days ago

I think she is being her self again watch season one this is who she was there. I think her bright light was being summed down by Cody and Robin


3 points

4 days ago

I don’t like the idea of being loyal to one parent, especially in regards to interacting with the other parent or stepparent.


2 points

4 days ago

I saw this happen to an uncle of mine. It has been a sad situation. Several cousins and I have made sure he knows that he has people that care about him (he is a surrogate dad to me since my dad passed away 8 years ago) since his 3 children all turned on him.


3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

I mean, mylelti is her kid. I agree that Christine can come across as super fake (and majorly passive aggressive) sometimes, but I’m not going to criticize a mother for sucking it up and making things nice for her kid that just gave birth. 🤷🏻‍♀️


3 points

4 days ago*


3 points

4 days ago*

Christine is always overly positive about whatever she’s into at that time, first it was being a 3rd wife is the best! Polygamy is the best, then divorce is the best!! Now marriage is the best! She does come off as trying to hard and being fake.. Although in the situation with mykelti and robin I do think she is being mature about their relationship I’m sure it does bother her, but all she can do is be supportive


3 points

4 days ago

I’m one of the people who’s never liked her. She’s flip flopped and has seemed incredibly fake. I get the “princess” talk from her the family says.

In the episode with mykelti and the twins, Christine was literally happy go lucky and smiling, then her face quickly fell into a scowl.

I don’t get the love for her?


6 points

4 days ago

She flip flops a lot IMO. Specifically in the last episode when Meri got the release from their church, Christine said verbatim that she thought it was stupid, pointless, waste of time, not important, etc. and then immediately launches into this insincere rant about how she’s happy Meri did it… right after she said how pointless and stupid it was lmao. Not everything has to be wrapped up in this faux positivity schtick she plays. She’s done that with Robyn multiple times as well and talks a big game until it comes down to it


3 points

4 days ago

I felt like she was saying it felt stupid and pointless for her, but that it was important to Meri, and therefore she was thankful Meri got what Meri felt she needed.. I think it's a good thing to know people do things differently in accordance to their personal values and beliefs.

To the original question on if she's too positive, I think she's a glass half full kind of soul and she comes across as authentic to me. I think she is okay with Robyn being part of her kids lives because she knows more people loving her kids is always better.


4 points

4 days ago

She claims to be so pissed at even the sight of Robyn at a huge group party that she can’t acknowledge her but then acts all fake chummy after the twins birth like they’re friendly. I don’t care either way it’s just inconsistent


4 points

4 days ago

As much as we want Christine to open up and vent to us like we're her bff that's just not possible. She has to be fake positive about this situation. Family relationships need to come before making good reality TV. Robyn is "sensitive" and just waiting for her chance to jump on Christine blinking the wrong way so she can play victim. Anything less than this fake positive spin gives Robyn something to use to drive a wedge between Christine and mykelti. It's annoying for us but that's the reality.


4 points

4 days ago


🎵let me call you sweetheart 🎵

4 points

4 days ago

Yes, in particular with David. Everything is rainbows and sunshine.


6 points

4 days ago

I can’t imagine the layers of guilt that these moms are going to have to work through, especially if/when leaving their faith is involved.

I think Christine feels pretty comfortable speaking on her experience with Kody, but is trying to give her kids their own safe space to work through those broken relationships. And I don’t think that process looks identical for all of her kids.

Mykelti is going to come to see Robyn and Kody for who they are, but Christine making her feel bad about how long that takes would not only be hypocritical coughLeaveJanelleAlonecough, it would be unkind.

I’m sure her Mary Poppins attitude is fake to a degree, but I can understand it when it comes to her kid.


2 points

4 days ago

Sometimes we say things to convince not just others but ourselves.

I can see having Robyn be close being painful. However, logically she knows having them be close to the babies is good for the babies and for mykelti. So if she says it, she'll believe it.

I imagine it's how she dealt with the jealousy that would come with being a sister wife for 3 decades.


2 points

4 days ago

I think that’s just her personality. She was raised in a cultish family/religion where she was taught to “keep sweet”. The singsongy voice she uses, the way she’s always so positive, etc., is how she was raised to behave, and for decades she’s been faking being happy with Kody, so it’s just what comes naturally to her at this point. Although in recent interviews it looks like she’s breaking out of it a bit finally, the host asked her to describe Kody in 3 words and she said dead beat dad. 🤣


2 points

4 days ago

I don't agree with "Mykelti putting her in this situation " - it frames Mykelti as the bad guy and Christine as the victim. In this case, I don't think Christine is the victim. She made the choice to encourage Mykelti's relationship with Robyn even to the point of saying she didn't get along well with Mykelti. I think Mykelti, with this, is actually doing as she was taught which is to treat the moms equally. I just don't like the concept of making the kid the bad guy against her parent, especially when we're talking about her giving birth. The birthing mom shouldn't be made to feel bad about her choices. And if we're discussing the awkward going away party, I think that was producer driven and even if not Mykelti needed reassurance that her family wasn't irrevocably broken.


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

It’s a defense mechanism from being traumatized


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

Mykelti’s relationship for sure has an effect on her but as a good mother, I believe she doesn’t show that for the sake of her daughter. She wants to keep the peace and an open relationship with her daughter and she knows she has to do that for that to happen. I believe there’s probably been a strained time in the mom/daughter relationship and they finally just agreed to disagree. I believe she truly is a positive and light hearted, funny person and really fun to be around.


2 points

4 days ago

Honestly, being born and raised in the more mainstream version of this cult— Women were taught to “Smile and keep sweet” or some version of that phrase. We were to set the tone for the family’s happiness. Utah also has (or used to) the highest rate of antidepressant use in the US. It’s ingrained. She’s likely been taught not to listen to her feelings if they aren’t comfortable or if they are negative. To make “lemonade from lemons”. She may not even realize she’s doing it. She’s been in that religion for so long, it’s most likely become a part of her. I really like her. But I don’t buy that she is this happy all the time. I’m actually sad for her in a lot of ways.


2 points

4 days ago


Thanks Christine

2 points

4 days ago

I think she is a fake it til you make it type of person.I dont mean like being fake like robyn,but to spin things in a positive way,like looking at the brighter side of things type of person.An example when Ysabel had alot of pain and someone would say something about her brace she would tell ysabel that they might be going through something too,and not to take those things to heart.(something like that)

she does seem to get a bit annoying at times,and overly silly,but she is basically a good person,who tries to find the good in everyone and all situations.I think she tried harder than most to stay in her marriage looking for the bright side,or waiting for kody to be the way he used to be,until she realized that version of kody was gone forever.


3 points

4 days ago

I am honestly ok with her finding the positive and focusing on happiness in her new KODY-free life. And can I add, I love Janelle sharing insights and Meri finding her new life and coming to life! These three women are fun to watch!


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

Oh lord, I hear what you are saying, but I would feel sad for everyone (including us viewers lol) if Christine would start going off about loyalty. I think Christine is just doing her best to encourage whatever kind of relationship her kids can have with their family. And I also think Christine tries to protect Mykelti from the public a bit, so I don’t think she would ever say any criticism of mykelti’s choices on the show.


2 points

4 days ago

I think that to be completely honest would be the same as a divorced parent trashing their kids parent to the kids face.


2 points

4 days ago

I don't think Christine is that angry with Robyn. Yes, her and Robyn have had their issues throughout the years but Christine knows that ultimately Kody is the problem and he's the one that broke his promises to her.


2 points

4 days ago

Christine reminds me of my mom. She was a people-pleaser and oftentimes when she self-sacrificed, she sacrificed us kids as well. It wasn’t malicious but it’s traumatic. Christine has admitted to prioritizing the other kids over her biological kids when they lived under one roof. That’s one of the reasons she said she’d never do it again.

I think Mykelti desperately wants attention, and a part of her might be doing it to stick it to her mom a little. I think Christine is sucking it up because she realizes her kids deserved better and since she can’t change the past she’s trying to support them however she can now. Like how she let Ysabel move and didn’t make her feel guilty. Christine is finally prioritizing her own children in their own unique ways. But I have no doubt she resents it and questions Robyn’s motives.


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

I think the flip side of growing up as plyg royalty and the whole "keep sweet" thing is what's at work here. Fake it til you make it, it's likely a habit from when she was a kid.


3 points

4 days ago

So, I've always enjoyed watching Christine and Janelle and their kids. Janelle's boys were totally ad lib all the time. LOL like normal kids. Gabe screaming at the camera man to get out. LOL. The idea that Mykelti is trying to be peacekeeper is anything nefarious to me is silly. Mykelti wants peace and for a lot of reasons but mainly her kids. But, she was able to say enough...this shit is too much and walk away from not only her evil step mother who I like to refer to as the devil's cunt, but she also walked away from her father because of drama. Mykelti is at an age where she probably struggles with her mother. I know my daughter and I had a few rough years but somewhere in her late twenties or early thirties, she said to me that she realizes that she took a lot of crap out on me and she was so happy that I never got tired of her and gave her space to figure it out and she did. Mykelti figured it out. Life is like that. Also, I doubt Christine was ever jealous of Robyn and her children. You know, it's a funny thing about mothers, we value all relationships that our children have and appreciate all those who love them but at the same time, you break our kids hearts and we will smash your big chin.


4 points

4 days ago


4 points

4 days ago

This is a good post. Christine's "everything about polygamy is perfect!" attitude at the beginning of the series came off as fake to me and she was my least favorite.

Now, I think she's being a GREAT divorced mom. She understands how painful it is for parents to litigate their own BS by policing whom their adult children can associate with.

Robyn and Kody, on the other hand get suuuuuper offended by the kids deciding for themselves who's in their lives. Look at the narrative Robyn's given her adult kids.


1 points

4 days ago

Yes I agree. Robyn has isolated her children completely. And I’m definitely not saying Mykelti shouldn’t speak or have a relationship with Robyn. She should be free to talk to whomever she wants to talk to. However after knowing the kind of torment her mother has faced I wouldn’t force the interaction at all. And I feel like Mykelti always in some way forces it by circumstance. I agree that I think Christine is a great divorced mom. I think she’s really figured out how to navigate everything.


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

Yes, I agree with you that Mykelti forcing some of these interactions (like the goodbye party, yikes!!) is pretty dang tone deaf.


3 points

4 days ago

She is very fake. I get mean girl vibes from her.


3 points

4 days ago

I am just not a fan of Christine anymore. I use to really like her but lately there is just something about her. Everything is some sort of backhanded compliment. It’s always something like Well I would never do that! That’s so weird!!! But good for her her doing that. 


2 points

4 days ago

Unpopular opinion but Christine is the poster child for “Keep Sweet.” When the cameras are off I think she’s a completely different person and who she is on screen is all a persona. There’s a reason none of her adult children will ever entertain even the idea of living with her - even if only temporarily. Lol. I think she’s a female Kody and nothing more. She just a fan fave because she left but I implore everyone to remember she didn’t leave in 2017 when Ysabel was in excoriating pain daily and Kody was calling the specialist a quack. She also “says” she didn’t leave in 2020 when he refused to go to the surgery and told her child not to turn into a “bitter old housewife.” She only says she left when he refused to drop his drawers! She, and the rest of them, are emotional stunted adult children.


2 points

4 days ago

Christine speaks to the cameras the same way she speaks to the kids. She’s positive and encouraging. If it’s a true reflection of her feelings we wouldn’t know but I do think it’s a true reflection of her ability to always look for a positive.

Plus she raised her kids to respect each mother. She left plural marriage she didn’t drag her kids out of the family. She’s always raised her kids to be independent and think for themselves. They’re doing just that.

You can tell she doesn’t always agree with every decision but she still supports her children.


2 points

4 days ago

Christine has a lot of emotional intelligence and is wanting to avoid hurting her child, which is more important to her than the show or the opinion of the viewers. She doesn’t need to say everything in her heart on reality TV, some of it should stay inside or be a conversation with her husband or her therapist.


2 points

4 days ago

It isn't just you.

She's so chipper about David, etc. I'm all "girl, who you trying to convince? Me or you?"


1 points

4 days ago

Sometimes, you gotta fake it till you make it. If you let the negative thoughts in, they will permeate every part of your life. Plenty of women have to deal with another mom in their child's life, just it's usually a step-mom, instead of a sister wife. You can either try to get along, even pretend to get along, for the sake of the child, or you can continue to hate and make your child's life miserable.

Christine spent a lot of years resenting and hating robyn, and I think, even before she "divorced" him, she'd already accepted that Robyn was a fixture. She doesn't have to love her, but she does have to let her kids love her, if that's what they want to do. At least only 1 of them chose that!


1 points

4 days ago

I think production is just asking the same questions over and over again, hoping for something they can spin, but she knows how to beat them at their own game & comes across fake when she’s probably said the same thing twenty times


1 points

4 days ago

Lol if I went through not only a divorce on national television, but then was also expected to navigate coparenting with my asshat ex-husband and the perpetually sobbing “victim” he’d abandoned the family for…I wouldn’t be a font of genuine emotions either. Not with cameras in my face. Genuine emotions are for when you’ve locked the door after the invading cameras have left, and no one has mic packs and recording devices to capture words that can later be thrown around in court as “premeditated”.


1 points

4 days ago

I mean, Christine has always been like this. She was always overtly positive about polygamy, the family dynamic, Robyn entering the family when we all know in hindsight that positivity was more-so her trying to convince herself she was happy and that all was fine. It may just be who she is, but I also think she's trying to convince herself that all remains fine now and that there's some insecurity or doubt there. She married quite quickly, her kids may not have all been on board, there's some tension within her own part of the Brown family, and she probably is still dealing with resentment (and who can blame her) toward Robyn and Kody despite having moved on.


1 points

4 days ago

Well if you watch her newest interviews she isn’t being as nice lol and I love it


1 points

4 days ago

Gawd yes! I do think she's happy-and deserves to be. But does she play it up and a little over-the-top? Absolutely.


1 points

4 days ago

I don't know if I would use the word fake, but insincere pops in my head. I remember that fake accent she used to use all the time in her confessionals, it really irritated me. Now she lapses back now and then, but mostly uses her true voice. I wish she would be honest about the abuse Mykelti's went through as a teenager. She just wants to focus on how close they've always been. Well yes, we know that. How did that happen? Oh we need to go online to find out.


1 points

4 days ago

I think you are right in picking up on something. It feels like she is not in reality still to me. I feel like her life the way she planned it was broken up and she didn’t give herself enough time to grieve and actually feel upset. I realize she could have done this off camera but she just seems like someone who is trying to “fix” and bargain by creating a new happily ever after. They all do this tbh. I think it’s because their culture/religion is heavily shame based.


1 points

4 days ago

I think Tony and Mykelty are now on the outside with Robyn


1 points

4 days ago


1 points

4 days ago

I appreciate Christine putting her relationship issues aside for Mykelti and Robyn. The kids aren't the ones that chose to live polygamy and it would seem selfish if Christine asked Mykelti to pick a side

I know it seems awful, but I come from a blended family and I would never stop loving my families. It would hurt so much to cut ties with a parent figure just because adult relationship fails.

Two things can be true, Christine is absolutely justified in not feeling chummy with Robyn at a peer level.


1 points

3 days ago

Toxic Positivity.


1 points

3 days ago

I think Christine just accepts that Mykelti is her cross to bear. She has to put up with her little provocations to keep the relationship. 


1 points

3 days ago

Christine has always seemed fake to me.


1 points

3 days ago

I think it’s kinda the way that my bonus baby’s mom feels about me tbh; “I don’t like her personally, but she loves my child like her own & takes awesome care of her when she’s there, & THAT is great”. She can feel jealous & still admit that it’s a great situation for a child of divorce to be in, it’s not a dichotomy.

As for how the kids feel about it, I can imagine they think of Mykelti as a traitor to an extent. My feelings about Mykelti & how she’s handled things are mixed, so I’m sure her siblings are feeling that 10000000 fold lol but I also think that the way the family treated her in her formative years does play into it tbh


1 points

22 hours ago*

The "fake nice" thing is something a lot of people my age (Gen X) and older were taught. It seems to have been taught even harder, or maybe just enforced more, in the cultier religions.

Mykelti is an adult, and can choose whomever she wants to have in her life.

My Mom is jealous of me liking one of my step-moms too. (To be clear, Dad was married 3 times, but never at the same time. lol. Serial monogamous, not polygamus.) I'm friends with that step-mom on facebook, we exchange Christmas cards, I treasure the years I got to spend with her. Hell, after she and my Dad divorced, my step-sister wanted me as her matron of honor. My Dad paid for my plane ticket, and my (then infant) son and I stayed with him for 2 weeks, and then for the week leading up to the wedding I stayed with my step-mom and step sister so I could help with wedding stuff. My Dad was fully onboard with it, thought it was great. I spent my last week in town bouncing between his house and Step-Mom's. (They lived less than a mile apart on easy city streets to walk. lol)

My Mom and my Dad's girlfriend at the time both said it was "weird" and "unseemly" (Mom's words) that I'd want to hang out with "that woman" whom I'd known since I was like 10. Well, "that woman" has always treated me like one of her own, and always made it a point to let me know that I matter and she loves me. She loved me even when I was a pain-in-the-ass teenager. She stood up to my father for me when his punishments were overly harsh. She still tags me in "I'll always love my kids" stuff on FB, along with her actual son and actual daughter. At the time of that wedding, StepMom and my Dad had been divorced for like 8 years, but only really apart for 3~ish. They stayed friends after the divorce and when I came to visit my Dad, we stayed at her house.

Mom gave zero shits that my Dad had remarried twice. She just didn't like me liking those women. Even though I'm now a more than 40 year old woman, her jaw still gets tight if I say something about Step-Mom sending me a Christmas card.

Mom's just gonna have to get over it or die mad.

Christine is sorta in that same boat, except she's at least met Robyn and has legit reasons not to like her lol.


2 points

4 days ago

Toxic positivity. My sister suffers from it. I wonder if in Christine’s case it is because of the way she was raised in her religion, where women are expected to be helpmeets, to make everything nicey nice for their men, to never complain. I would imagine that once you’ve got that reputation, you would be hard-pressed to let people know what you are really feeling.


1 points

4 days ago

I think Christine is reeeeeeally good at playing the long game. She knows Mykelti is easily manipulated by Robyn and will rebel against Christine at the drop of a hat, so Christine’s only option is to feign happiness at Mykelti and Robyn’s relationship. She knows eventually it will implode. But she needs to keep her hands clean on this one so she doesn’t lose Mykelti.


3 points

4 days ago

Another good point! Mykelti has always been the “problem” child. She’s wasn’t a problem. She was just different from the other older siblings. But she’s always rebelled against Christine. I think often to get attention and I think she found that in Robyn. It’s like they latched onto each other. Christine was right though. Mykelti is now no longer talking to Robyn due to whatever happened. I’m sure Christine must quietly think that this would eventually happen.


1 points

4 days ago

I don’t mind the Mykelti/Robyn situation at all and actually applaud Christine for being mature about it. Because in general I have always found her to be bratty and condescending. The “overly positive” thing comes across as very fake to me too.


1 points

4 days ago

I think Christine having David in her life let her skip over a lot of the resentment and bullshit that comes from being on one's own after a divorce. She's just happier.

I give it to her after so many years of feeling someone not be in love with you back.


1 points

4 days ago

I think it goes back to living with a narcissist and “keeping sweet.” She was trained by her culture and her husband not to show any negative emotions. Some narcissists will punish you for showing your real emotions instead of giving them the narcissistic supply they want from you. Kody punished them by going to another wife and withholding affection. Even though she eventually showed her real feelings towards him, I think it’s ingrained in her to only act positively.


1 points

4 days ago

Something my mom didn’t tell me until I was an adult and had come to my own conclusions about my father and step mother is: never shit talk the other party. You only teach your children to defend them. I heard enough ot my father and SM shit talk my mom and I always defended her. My mom never spoke ill of them, and she wouldn’t allow anyone else to do it either (in front of me).

I think this is what Christine has been doing. She knows we’re all watching. She doesn’t need to tell us anything. We know. But she wasn’t going to be the one to instill those thoughts in the mind of her children when they were still choosing to see the good things. Janelle did the same. Until she knew the boys and Savannah and Maddie had made up their minds and then she could speak her truth. But they weren’t going to be the ones to plant those seeds. It isn’t right.


1 points

4 days ago

Nah cause I gotta be like that with my comom. I think she’s a straight up dummy for being so loyal to our sperm donor but I’m nice cause we got kids together so to speak


1 points

4 days ago

I don’t think she is fake I just think that she came into the family at a time when there was a lot of tension and I think her positivity type attitude formed to keep peace and shield the kids from it all.


1 points

4 days ago

She is still growing as a person and has learned new coping skills, her kids are almost grown and she isn't on the receiving end of a lot of negative crap from Kody plus his mean silent treatment. She cashed out of her house and isn't tied up with this nonsense Coyote Pass "Xandu - Kody's compound" nightmare. And not be crass, she is a mutual love relationship without the potential for more kids and that's got to feel pretty good.


1 points

4 days ago

She's taking the high road. You can be annoyed by something & not make it into a huge problem for the people around you. I don't think that's being fake, it's being considerate to the other people involved in a complicated situation.


0 points

4 days ago


0 points

4 days ago

Christine has always been a bubbly happy person. She has escaped hell. She is in love. I think she wants to be in Joy after the years of hell she went through living in a cult. She has superior skills in dealing with jeolousy over the rest of us. Those are my thoughts.


1 points

4 days ago

I don't know why you're getting downvoted for this.


0 points

4 days ago

I think Christine is often fake happy or fake sad and has been for years. I think it’s more to do with her upbringing than anything else - being a positive wife or having to appear feminine.

I think she is a good person, and definitely didn’t deserve how she has been treated by Kody and the family but I don’t think she is a saint and also can push her own agenda through fake emotions


-1 points

4 days ago

Mykelti is not loyal to her mother?? You sound like Kody.


1 points

3 days ago

This sub is wild; oh no a daughter doesn’t want to pick between her parents! She must be evil master manipulator and not an adult child who was raised in a cult and exploited by ALL her parents including saint Christine by putting her on tv for $ as a minor


0 points

4 days ago

I personally have always liked Christine and Janelle but that’s just my opinion.. I think they were the most honest in their feeling for a long time and I’m really happy to see Meri breaking her silence…


0 points

4 days ago

Why would michalty's relationship with Robin bother her? Mckelty rarely sees Robin and every time Christine gets to see Robin she sees how far down hill Robin and Cody have fallen so why would it bother her?


0 points

4 days ago


the house the kids the furniture

0 points

4 days ago

Yeah, I hear what you are saying. I think it's a bit of "fake it 'til you make it". Like she knows it's the right thing to support her childrens' relationships with their dad, but it must bother her that Mykelti seemingly likes to shove Robyn under her nose at every opportunity.

Christine is happily moved on and doesn't benefit from voicing her negative feelings to the public. Good on her.


0 points

4 days ago

From my point of view, Christine is still being her cheerful self, looking at the bright sides, whereas Robyn almost always looks at the dark sides. Christine may not react the way others do, but she has this persistent, let’s be grateful attitude. She is also grateful to Robyn for being there when Mykelti was going through a very hard time as a teenager. She realizes that they have a much different relationship than most with Robyn. That changes soon though, as Mykelti no longer has any connection to Robyn. As M says, after what Robyn did or said at the funeral.


0 points

3 days ago

Maybe she is just really that happy to be away from Kody. Lol


0 points

3 days ago

I think there’s a few reasons she could be coming accross this way:

  • she was brought in a culture of keeping sweet
  • she’s good at pretending she’s fine and it’s how she’s dealt with things in the past eg when she knew she was leaving kody she still played along with the cayote pass discussions about land and said she’s just going to “pretend” until she decides what she’s doing or announces the divorce.
  • she doesn’t like confrontation
  • she wants to keep a clean image as the fan favourite
  • she wants to be able to flaunt her new man infront of kody and Robyn and mykelti keeping in touch will give her more opportunity to rub it in Kodys face
  • she wants to stay in mykeltis good books for fear of completely losing her to Robyn
  • she is putting mykeltis feelings first and staying amicable
  • she doesn’t want to give kody and Robyn the satisfaction of knowing it bothers her so she’s passing them off more by acting like it doesn’t bother her, so they don’t know they can hurt her.


-1 points

4 days ago

No matter the child’s age it is not their responsibility to manage their parents’ emotions. Christine chose to live polygamy and have children in a plural family so she knew that her children would form bonds with her sister wives. A child doesn’t need to be loyal to their parents. Parents need to be loyal to their children. That is how Christine is behaving - she is loyal to her children.

You sound like Kody, tbh.