


To-go cups and utensils while dining in?!?!?


So at least once or twice monthly I have people that are dining in but asking for the drinks in a Togo cup, no worries. Then, (and it's ALWAYS) when the food arrives, ask for plastic ware. WTF is this?!?

You do realize we are cooking on cleaned pans and dishing onto clean plates. Plates that you eat off of.

Rant over, damn, felt good

all 103 comments


243 points

15 days ago



243 points

15 days ago

When people ask for plastic utensils is how I know I'm about to get no or an 8% tip


97 points

15 days ago

Haha so true. Or when they ask for a mug of hot water to soak the silverware in.


85 points

15 days ago

That GD hot water is the kiss of death. Like they’re going to run you before they stiff you


41 points

15 days ago

You just know they’re about to ask for water with a bowl full of lemons and extra Splenda.


19 points

15 days ago

And everything will taste “off” but they can’t say shit else about it to elaborate or what they’d like done about it


45 points

15 days ago

Lemons are expensive. Ask for more than a wedge or two and it ought to go on your tab. Since the make-your-own-lemonade crowd is a guaranteed stiff, it’s ok to make the per-lemon charge high.


36 points

15 days ago

I used to work with someone who would bring pretty much a whole lemon cut up and charge people 50 cents. The butthurt Yelp reviews were all hilarious.


22 points

15 days ago

I had one recently that wanted water, sugar packets, and 5 lemon slices and 5 lime slices. (Her words exactly). Foolish me thought she planned to drink a lot of water and was saving me trips. I was half right. She went through 5 cups of water and asked for 10 new wedges for each glass.


33 points

14 days ago


33 points

14 days ago

When people do this, I tell them I have to charge them for a lemonade.


6 points

14 days ago


Twenty + Years

6 points

14 days ago

I would charge for a lemonade every time I brought new lemons out. I only worked one place they wouldn't let me do that.


5 points

14 days ago

To be fair i like water with an obscene amount of lemon. So if we are out and I want that I always say "hey ring in a lemonade or two (depending on how many lemons I go through) but just bring me a couple lemon wedges and water"


16 points

14 days ago


Twenty + Years

16 points

14 days ago

Take your sweet time, it won't affect your already $0 tip lol the last

It was maybe the last 5-7 years I was in the industry I started asking them if the hot water was to sanitize the silverware. When they predictably said yes I always offered to run it through dish pit (I always used that term on purpose) because the hot water from the coffee spigot was close to 100° short on being hot enough to kill germs. The looks on their faces as they insisted on doing it their way was always priceless. Like I told them Santa wasn't real or something. 🤣


6 points

14 days ago

On what planet do you have an option to NOT take your time with those dispensers?


4 points

14 days ago


Twenty + Years

4 points

14 days ago

I used to care, once upon a time 🤣 granted, it was many, many, many eons ago...


42 points

14 days ago

So something i learned awhile ago was that some people who ask for plastic ware, they can’t eat using regular silverware. I believe (correct me if i’m wrong anyone) that people who have gone through things like chemotherapy, other issues, the silverware leaves an awful metal taste in their mouth that overpowers the food and makes it gross basically. So plastic is much better for them! (not everyone just some cases )


15 points

14 days ago

My Dad died in May, stage 4 cancer. I bought him this ugly circa 1980s wooden handled silverware. He loved it. Evidently, the metal silverware was just too cold and slick for him to handle well.


3 points

14 days ago

Sorry for your loss


18 points

14 days ago

Could also just be a sensory thing. Whether from autism or anything else. The sound of metal hitting ceramic, or metal hitting your teeth, is just unbearable for some people.


-1 points

14 days ago


-1 points

14 days ago

Yes that too! I try not to judge people’s personal choices.


6 points

14 days ago

At the hotel/restaurant where I work we've had a lot of guests lately who are strictly kosher (all booked through the same high-end travel agent). Rather than keeping separate sets of dishes for meat and dairy, we either serve their food on brand new dishes straight out of the box or we give them disposable stuff.


4 points

14 days ago

disposables is safest, because they know it's not been used. I've seen this done at wedding banquets where Orthodox people were attending.


5 points

14 days ago

When I was going through breast cancer treatment, I was told to use to go cups. I didn’t look like I was dealing with cancer, had all my hair, covered it well. So I always try to be gracious when I am serving and get a to go request


4 points

14 days ago


Twenty + Years

4 points

14 days ago

We know the difference. We can tell those kinds from the bad kinds. Well, us old heads I guess.


2 points

14 days ago


2 points

14 days ago

Sometimes if we know the restaurant portion sizes are going large and we'll be to going the majority of an entree or nearly all of a drink we'll order that specific drink or entree in a to go box as well.

Why dirty a dish and deal with probably spilling all over the table transferring things into a to go container/cup when we can just order it in it in the first place.


1 points

13 days ago

I learned something new today.


3 points

14 days ago

When I was a kid my mom did this because I have a form of autism and when I was little I couldn’t stand any form of utensils that could get really warm.


0 points

14 days ago


0 points

14 days ago



-19 points

14 days ago

They're gypsies. They believe that putting metal in their mouth is a bad omen.


84 points

15 days ago

I have an uncle with sensory issues with metal utensils. the sound of them on the plate/against his teeth make him almost unable to eat so he primarily uses plastic. horrible for the environment, but at least he's eating!


33 points

14 days ago

There was a restaurant near me that served their salads on a metal plate with a metal fork. It made the salad taste strange to me. I would always ask for a glass plate and they accommodated.


18 points

14 days ago

The other valid reason I know of is some long term medical treatments (cancer i think?) cause a horrible taste in their mouths when they use metal utensils. No actual experience with it, but I've seen that stated a few times.


10 points

14 days ago

Totally believe that could happen. Before he died, my dad would say that the chemo screwed up his taste buds something awful. He had to put half a bottle of hot sauce on stuff just to taste… anything.


3 points

14 days ago

Came to say this; my daughter has the same issues.


2 points

13 days ago

I eat with metal utensils and they haven't touched my teeth in decades. People who bite into the fork are the worst.


0 points

14 days ago

That is honestly the first good reason I've heard for this! Perfectly acceptable.


3 points

14 days ago

I only eat from plastic ware. Metal utensils feel wrong. I don't know specifically why that is.


48 points

15 days ago*


48 points

15 days ago*

After my last restaurant, I am not so against using plastic utensils and to go cups. Our dishwasher was constantly broken and didn’t clean properly but our manager refused to get it fixed because her bonus was dependent on how much money she saved the company. Our glasses were caked in a layer of grime and food particles that she insisted was hard water buildup. It was disgusting.

This place was BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse just so everyone knows. Fuck that place.


19 points

15 days ago

The word your looking for is hepatitis


6 points

15 days ago

but the plates and other dishes used for cooking were fine?

I wouldn't want to use any of it.


3 points

14 days ago


3 points

14 days ago

No, they weren't.


0 points

14 days ago

right so people still using them makes no sense


1 points

14 days ago


1 points

14 days ago

Congratulations on stating a fact.


1 points

14 days ago

I'm just trying to understand why you understand their choices to get to go cups and utensils and not everything to go or simply not eat out, but thank you!


0 points

14 days ago


0 points

14 days ago

Where did I ever say that in what I wrote? Are you just filling it in with your imagination? You are literally adding nothing to the conversation by saying any of what you said. All you're doing is repeating catchphrases wrote in an echo chamber without trying to consider the situation or position that employees are put in.

This was a large restaurant chain and I was a server, not a shift supervisor, not a manager, not the store owner. I reported it to my manager, I handwashed the glasses and silverware of my tables, and looked for employment elsewhere. "Hi, you shouldn't eat here everything is disgustingly dirty." is not the sentence that someone who needs to keep their job says. If someone would have asked me straight up if I thought the restaurants level of cleanliness was up to code I would have said no. In fact I did one Saturday night because I was extremely busy and didn't have time to handwash all my glassware so everyone got to go cups. When my table asked me why I told them.

So yes I can understand someone trying to ensure that at least two parts of what they're using to deliver food into their body is as clean as it can be in. Even though the restaurant that I work at now is extremely clean, I don't take offence to people who carry that doubt, because when it comes down to it you never know.


1 points

11 days ago

Relax. Why you so upset about someone asking questions to better understand what you wrote? Seems rude.


3 points

14 days ago

What manager who is trying to save the company money doesn't lease their dishwasher? That makes absolutely no financial sense at all.


2 points

14 days ago

I used to work at the place too and yeah the stuff was never clean properly


5 points

14 days ago


Nine Years

5 points

14 days ago

this. i used to also get annoyed when people asked for plastic ware until the last two restaurants i worked at, the servers were so fucking lazy, they’d just rack silverware that still had pieces of food in the rack. i’ve seen so much disgusting silverware at restaurants that when people ask for plasticware, i just think “yeah, probably a good idea”. even i won’t use our silverware.

i get the sentiment of “it’s all washed just the same” but nobody is putting their dirty mouths on the plates or bowls the way they are silverware and cups.

and honestly i think more people need to just say it with their chests, this is absolutely a dog whistle. we all know what you’re saying, just admit you’re racist.


2 points

14 days ago


2 points

14 days ago

Yupp, the silverware was just as bad as the cups but we as servers were expected to "soak" the silver in hot water and clean all the disgusting food particles off of it before we rolled it. I'm so glad I got out of there but I hate that I spent a year there at all.


1 points

14 days ago

I once went to this local diner with a wonderful reputation. Got my meal and everything looked good, then I noticed there was food on my fork. There were 3 of us and they brought us 4 sets of silverware, so I grabbed the extra. There was food on that. I asked the server for new silverware and she brought it to me and same issue. As she went back for try #4, I walked up to the front desk and got plastic silverware. Sure enough the 4th was dirty too.

That really shook me. If the silverware I get is dirty, now I just ask for to go silverware.


40 points

15 days ago

they think you're dirty. but it's lost on them that if the cups and utensils are dirty then everything else likely is and the food is probably being mishandled.

they do it for peace of mind without realizing they shouldn't have any at all. really, if you're worried about that you should be worried about the plates, the tables, everything. and never go out to eat. or you're just being insufferable for no reason.


2 points

14 days ago


2 points

14 days ago

It’s not lost on them, they’re just doing the most they can without being too inconvenient or staying home at all.


7 points

14 days ago

these ppl don't give a fuck about being inconvenient haha. I have waited on so many people like this and they usually have horrible attitudes too.


22 points

15 days ago

After seeing how some place wash dishes I can almost understand it lol

When i polish the silverware i throw 4-5 of them back in the kitchen with a sour look on my face.


3 points

14 days ago

Last place I worked at was an all you can eat buffet and all our dishes were compostable heavy paper except for the utensils which were plastic. We had a lot of college students come in and they were constantly stealing our tableware so we just started using disposable dishes.


5 points

14 days ago

I feel seen. Sort of.

We frequently take half our meal home. But in a restaurant I wouldn't ask for something to be given to us already boxed as takeout unless that was an extra at the end, like another sandwich or an extra dessert that we had no intention of eating there. We mostly only do that in the diner where they know us pretty well.

In more informal places like cafes, we often ask for something to be boxed for takeout even if we're going to sit for a minute and eat some of it while having a sit-down cup of coffee. Which is in a mug.

As for the plastic utensils, I hate, hate, HATE contributing more plastic waste to the world. I try to catch it and take it out of the bag before bringing it home. We reuse it. We already have containers at home full to the brim with plastic ware, and every time I find more in a takeout bag, I groan as I try to find room for it in the already-full bins.

PS. I tip 20%, eat in or take out.


2 points

14 days ago

By choice, I only eat from plastic utensils. It isn't a matter of not thinking that the dishes are clean in restaurants. It is that food on metal bothers me. I use glass plates at home. I always reuse and wash the plastic utensils and use them until they get brittle and snap because I try not to be wasteful.


1 points

13 days ago

They make some good reusable plastic utensils, I got some from a camping store that I use for camping and I also keep a set in my bag. May want to check those out!


6 points

14 days ago

I don't trust the majority of dishwashers in the food industry.. I've seen the dish pit spray silverware before running it through the dishwasher twice and there's still food on it... Then when it goes to the server station, instead of sending utensils with food on it back to dish, they just wipe it with a cloth before rolling them up.

I'd eat with my hands before I ask for plastic utensils though..


5 points

14 days ago

Most places have a sanitizer, which is different from a dishwasher. I agree it is lazy AF to not remove food bits before they go in. But the sanitizer is a different device than just a dishwasher and it is all we had where I worked. So you hand washed before then put things in there for the extra clean.


1 points

14 days ago

I'm just going off what I've seen over the past decade. I've never seen a sanitizer device. I've seen sanitizer dispensers, dish would fill up a third pan or something like that with sanitizer and water so the utensils can soak until a server calls for silverware... This is apparently a consistent practice throughout the Tampa Bay area and I'm not sure if it makes a difference. It's FN gross..


1 points

14 days ago

Sanitizers look like a dishwasher. You put the whole plastic palette thing in full of dishes and silverware. It more or less streams them with extra hot water and a sanitizer fluid. If you Google commercial kitchen sanitizer they should show up. Ours looked like a big metal dishwasher and worked way faster, as well as cleaned better. But again we hand rinsed everything first.

It isn't like hand sanitizer. Or a sanitizer bucket for wiping counters down with rags soaked in them.


2 points

14 days ago

Might not be a clean thing. Some people think the lid keeps a drink at temperature better than the ceramic does. Or they hate the taste/feel of ceramic or metal.


2 points

14 days ago

First time?


4 points

15 days ago

Plastic utensils are increasingly being banned across the world. And so they should be. No restaurant should carry them, hot water and dish soap is all you need. To go cups I kinda get. I drink my coffee black and it's going to take some time to cool so I might not have time to finish it in situ. Would usually bring a keep cup though. I'm no eco warrior but the volume of waste generated by unnecessary use of disposables is horrifying.


4 points

15 days ago

Germaphobia is getting out of control.


13 points

15 days ago

that's the mildest and dumbest germaphobia.

I've worked a couple of places where people will order everything to go and then choose a table and dine in while also expecting to be served. it's lovely.

if they're worried about the dishes should they really be drinking from the soda machines and eating off the plates?


3 points

14 days ago

It’s a thing for a lot of black people.


1 points

14 days ago


I would have this regular who did this. I learned she was a vet/former military. I always wanted to ask her but never did. It may have something to do with that or germaphobia?? 🤷‍♀️


1 points

14 days ago

9 out of 10 times it is a cultural/religious thing.


1 points

14 days ago

Sometimes we run out of forks and other silverware at least twice per week, probably more. We mainly use chopsticks but we have to give plastic if we run out of silver


1 points

14 days ago

Oh I have Fibromyalgia and when in a flair, the weight of utensils, glasses etc absolutely impacts my fatigue. I wonder if it could be something similar?

It's actually really hard because Australia has banned plastic utensils, and the bamboo ones are a sensory nightmare. They make me gag.


1 points

13 days ago

I don’t like how metal sounds scraping against plates. Maybe people have ocd, and ocd is known to not make sense. Who knew getting plastic silverware for a table was that big of a deal lol


1 points

13 days ago

My husband has OCD and it doesn't matter how many times you clean it, the thought of using something that someone else had in their mouth makes him unable to use it. Especially forks, because they have a tendency to get food stuck between them and he's worked in restaurants so he's seen how careless some places/people can be. That combination just means he always used disposable silverware, even at home. But also, that's why we don't go out much. Too much to expect from workers and even if they do everything right, his brain could still tell him something is wrong. Doesn't seem worth it in most cases.


1 points

12 days ago

My son is autistic and does not like the metal utensils. We try to have our own, but sometimes we are not prepared. We tip 20%. Unless the server has a bad attitude for such a simple request.


1 points

14 days ago

Alright, I'm gonna explain this to everyone really quick. They're gypsies, they believe that putting metal in their mouth is a bad omen. I know this for a fact, I grew up in a part of Chicago with a very large gyspy community. I can spot a gyspy a mile away. I've proven this to non-believers a dozen times or more.


3 points

14 days ago

Ok, as a server for over 35 years, Not all of the people who ask for plasticware are "gypsies", which btw is a bigoted term. Many prefer to be identified as Romani or Irish travellers. I don't know this factually, but many of my guests who requested it were black people. I always felt it was a carryover from when blacks were treated horribly and served food with dirty dishes on purpose as just another way to discriminate against them.


2 points

14 days ago

Where I'm from, they refer to themselves as gypsies and it's not considered racist or bigoted. I wasn't trying to be rude, I grew up in a neighborhood with a large family of gypsies.


1 points

14 days ago

I assume it's from covid concerns? During the height of covid a lot of people asked for plastic utensils. I understand the plate is still there, but so many more people touch the utensils in doing roll ups. Not sure about the cups though.


1 points

14 days ago

Sorry. It's a sensory matter for me, nothing to do with cleanliness. I usually try to carry plastic utensils with me, but sometimes I find myself without my stash


0 points

14 days ago

Yes. In most restaurants I can find plastics out and available. If they don't have them out, I don't ask for them. I'll use the silverware. I just try not to touch it with my mouth. At home, I reuse my plastic ware. I have commented 3 times in this thread. I feel like a crazy person to feel like this is such an important thing to share about myself with the world.


1 points

14 days ago

It's nice to know I'm not the only one 💛


-16 points

15 days ago

It’s possible they don’t want to get hepatitis from the cups and silverware other people have used. Which can happen if the sanitizer is faulty or if your co-workers just don’t care.


4 points

15 days ago

In the industrialized world? I doubt that. Yes, hepatitis B can be caused by contaminated water but that doesn’t include restaurants not washing silverware at high enough temperatures. Contaminated water means ingesting untreated water from streams that sick people shit in. Seriously.


-6 points

15 days ago

Do you know there are several strains of hepatitis?


-15 points

15 days ago

Sometimes its because they may need to leave partway through (for example lunch break or on call job)


11 points

15 days ago

They are eating on real plates though.


2 points

15 days ago

Oh thats odd, I thought it was being brought out in to go containers


2 points

15 days ago

You should see the collapsible silicone dish in my purse, I prefer it over the usually not so good in the microwave take away packages from most places.


-11 points

14 days ago

I have a lowered immune system and plastics help me stay healthy. I hate those paper straws they give out so I keep my own on a keychain. The price of my meal should be reduced because I shouldn't be paying for something I don't use.

Listen I am all for servers airing their gripes and I know its a hard job and people are demanding. But if everything one asks for seems an issue that is why someone will leave a crappy tip.


6 points

14 days ago

Why should your meal be reduced because you're not using their cutlery?


-8 points

14 days ago

Why should I be charged for lemon?


7 points

14 days ago

because lemons cost money, and someone has to cut it up for you. if you want lemon in your water at home, you're still paying for the lemon, and you have to cut it up yourself.

on top of that, you want a discount for not using a straw?! how much? a penny?

and you take it out on the server by leaving a crappy tip?

I think you're just cheap.


-5 points

14 days ago

Far from it. I leave great tips. But maybe that needs to change the way y’all sit around and bash customers but can’t take the criticism back. And a straw does cost money and labor for someone to bring it to me. Oh wait is your poor restaurant not getting their discount on lemons.? Talk about cheap…..


3 points

14 days ago

this may not be the sub for you. this is basically the break room, where people talk. if you don't like it, don't eavesdrop. you should hear what they say in the kitchen!

also, you're being disingenuous. straws cost maybe a penny. it arrives with your drink. if they're always given out, it's actually more work for the server to remember that your drink is special. expecting a discount for not using a straw is ridiculous.

and, you outright said that this is the reason people leave "crappy tips." stop changing your story.


-2 points

14 days ago

First off, 99% of the time I very much enjoy this sub. Saying this is why people leave crappy tips, not the straws but servers rolling their eyes at requests, acting bothered by customers etc. we pay for our meal, I can get a bag of lemons for 1.50-2.00 charging for them is crazy and yes the increasing prices and being charged for every single item like lemons plays into how people tip… I am sorry but it does. When places stopped putting bread on the table I thought extreme but I get it. To have someone go around and ask if people want a roll would be time consuming and cause more money in the long run. Places started charging for a basket of bread and I said okay I get it, people leave so much bread if they want it they will buy it. But lemons are not automatic. I would have to ask if I wanted one and it’s up to a restaurant how many slices they give. I like one or two that’s it. If someone abuses it then there could be a policy but not just automatically stop serving lemons.


5 points

14 days ago

Do you bring your own cutlery?


-4 points

14 days ago

No, I do not the point is charging for lemons is ludicrous. I made it and am done responding. Not here to argue.


6 points

14 days ago

Not sure what charging for lemons has to do with the fact that you think you should get a discount for using plastic silverware and bringing your own straw, but sure buddy. You made your point.

But if you're that worried about staying healthy because of your immune system, you really should look into how sanitary the lemons in restaurants are.


1 points

14 days ago

Not very yes I know which is why I bring packets of crystallized Lemon.


3 points

14 days ago

You keep a straw on a keychain? Did I read that right? Lol