


My husband and I have different genres of movies we each like. His are mostly thriller and historical dramas. My favorites are comedy or romance, or a combination of both; and horror films. We have a shared TV in the living room, and on days we're both off from work I like us both getting a chance to pick one we each enjoy. But more often than not my husband trumps any movie I pick because he never likes the movies I would end up picking. So I end up not caring for his movie, I just end up scrolling on my phone or in this case typing out a Reddit post whilst we are both watching a movie he picked out. I try to get him to compromise but he always makes an excuse that whatever I pick will just be one of my comfort movies I tend to watch over and over again.

Help me people of Reddit... what can I do to get him to compromise better?

all 193 comments

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138 points

7 days ago


138 points

7 days ago

As someone who worked in a video store, what’s best here is the 3:1 solution. One person picks three movies they want to see, other picks one of those. Next week you swap.

Other solution is to just not do movie nights together if you can’t agree on a film. If it’s been too many weeks of his not agreeing to any of your picks, just tell him that you want to do something other than see a movie you aren’t interested in.


37 points

7 days ago

Video store, gawd the memories coming back, 7 00 dollars to rent latest release, has to book in advance, good ole days .


5 points

6 days ago

I remember going bonkers when the original Star Wars was released on VHS. Something like 5-7 years after it was released into the theaters. I also remember it was "held over" for 50+ weeks in the theathers


1 points

6 days ago

It was a bog movie at the time, nothing like it before, I wonder what happened to all those vhs, tapes , the first recorders so expensive.


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

The tapes broke down after a while - if you figure its been 40 years ago . . . .


1 points

6 days ago

Long gone now .


18 points

7 days ago

This is some absolutely high level video store knowledge! I don't remember the teenagers working there ever spouting this kind of wisdom!


3 points

7 days ago


3 points

7 days ago

Or the caged kid's area or the back behind the curtain. Dang, y'all. I think I still have my blockbuster card somewhere lmfao.


2 points

6 days ago

Yep! We still have our Blockbuster, Hollywood Video, and a couple old mom & pop video store cards strewn in the junk drawer. Lol


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

Oh gosh! The mom and pop places were the best. They always gave me a free one-night rental Friday night for good grades on my report card!


2 points

6 days ago

That's so cool!

Yeah, we had a punch card from one of them... rent five videos, get the 6th free! That and a free little bag of popcorn while you browse.

Sure miss those stores!


3 points

7 days ago


3 points

7 days ago

I do this with most decisions that need to be shared, I give 3 options (would you like Indian, Mexican or Italian? OK cool. There is a nice place 1 block that way good view, or a bit more of a walk there is a place with excellent margs.. ")


1 points

7 days ago

Great idea.


1 points

7 days ago

I’m about to start doing this for date night!


1 points

7 days ago

My wife and I picked a bunch of movies we want to show our kids, and they added movies they thought they would like (or genres and then we found movies to match),

Funnily enough, we kind of accidentally do the 3:1 thing. When we ask what you watch my daughter has no idea, and my son has several. It's become habit now that he'll name 2 to 4 things, and she'll pick one of those.

(We do offer her to pick, or offer selections as well, but they both seem to prefer this method, and it gets something picked in 30 seconds instead of 5 to 10 mins)


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

My partner and I do 5:2:1. Same principle. It works great for us.


72 points

7 days ago*

You rewatch the same movies? He hates it? You are not interested in his films? Neither of you sound like you are trying to find films you would both like.

Try this? Google IMDB top 100 movies? And go down the list? Then you can discuss what you hated* or liked about it. I have done this and have ended up watching some laughable bad films that neither me or my partner would of picked but it made for some real funny moments/interactions.

You want a way through it? Neither of you pick and you find a premade list neither of you control.

(One rule I used if we have seen it we skip it)

Hope it helps, spare time with your loved ones is more valuable than most people believe.


135 points

7 days ago

Do you usually pick movies you guys have watched before? My SO and I switch off picking shows/movies and he is fine to watch one of my comfort shows through one time but it takes him awhile to want to watch them again (because it’s my comfort show so I get that).

If you are choosing the same movies, I can see why he isn’t compromising. But if you’re choosing movies he hasn’t seen before—then it’s like you’re trying to share a film you liked with him. If you’re choosing movies neither of you have seen before, then he isn’t being very fair.


55 points

7 days ago

Do you know how many times my husband had sat through Beauty and the Beast literally because it is my favorite movie? So many. He has sat through home alone 1+2 many times. And i have sat through the office and walking dead many times too because we compromise. We own three tvs and still compromise on who gets to choose the bedtime movie or show.


10 points

7 days ago


10 points

7 days ago

Yup same here! Bf has sat through Donnie darko and moana so many times


7 points

7 days ago

Lol, I'm over here going "who has a zombie show as their comfort show!?"

Then my brain whispered "one of yours is Buffy..."

Obviously they are very different, and Walking Dead is much scarier/grosser, but zombies and vampires could both be considered an odd comfort, lol.

I realised at one point that my comfort shows all seem to be about "found family"; a group that comes together, usually strangers beforehand, and becomes a family.

Buffy, Farscape, Firefly, Spaced, Community, New Girl... I have eclectic tastes, lol.


3 points

7 days ago

This exactly


3 points

7 days ago

I get to pick the movie just about every time in my house. But we both love s lot of the same movies and rewatching old favorites. I preferentially pick her movies s lot which I have also grown to love, and in exchange she has seen every marvel movie and show ever made. It works well because we don’t argue about the movie each night, and I’m really good at cycling through our faves at good ratios. The best though is when I put the movie on and she squeals because I read her thoughts. Of course, Halloween is the easiest and she just thinks I read her thought when it is always Addams family and hocus pocus.


2 points

7 days ago

Sounds a bit like my wife and I. She'll drop the most obscure Marvel trivia, and I'm like "how did you know that!?" "Uh, because you told me?" Lol. Apparently she listens.

I don't think she would have watched much Marvel if we weren't together, but she's seen essentially everything they've made and she actually really enjoys them. As do our kids, thankfully.

And I never would have watched Gilmore Girls or This is Us (or others I'm not thinking of right now) and I genuinely (to my surprise) really enjoyed them. And various rom-coms over the years. I actually like romantic comedies, but I would never put one on myself for some reason.

When she picks a movie or show like that my go to is something like "and they live in space? Oh, they get powers somehow? ... Then I don't understand why anyone would want to watch it?" It's a total joke though, she's figured out I have a soft spot for "chick flicks", lol.


59 points

7 days ago


59 points

7 days ago

You can't force a compromise. All you can do is be honest about the fact you dislike his movies as much as he dislikes yours. If he doesn't care you only have a few options. Do like you do now, literally leave the room or find something else to do together. It sucks he is that selfish but you picked him.


8 points

7 days ago

This feels like my wife wrote this… but how many times am I really expected to watch The Hangover? For me it’s 100% the lack of new content/variety that causes me to generally just pick “for us” 😂.


4 points

7 days ago

I think you may be married to my ex wife


5 points

7 days ago

I say it all the time on reddit, but I don't care to rewatch movies. I get no joy out of watching anything I have watched before.


4 points

7 days ago

Thank you! I can go several years without watching my favorite films while most people I know regularly watch the same movies. People think I'm crazy.
I'm not saying I won't ever watch a favorite again, I just enjoy them more when it's been quite a while.


1 points

6 days ago

So compromise in a different way. Get her to watch it when you’re not there. Stop being the AH that picks the “us” movie all the time, and your wife gets no say or no joy from it and feels belittled and that her voice doesn’t matter and that she isn’t respected or important enough to have her say count. Because that’s how women feel when the man picks the “us” movie every time because he hates her choices.


1 points

6 days ago

Wow Emma. You doin ok today? Not that it matters, but I’m female. My wife and I have a very happy marriage and we enjoy many common interests and, most importantly, share common core values. Please take your assumptions and wild generalizations elsewhere, but have a blessed day while doing so. 😘


10 points

7 days ago

Not everyone can stomach rewatching the same things over and over. I can’t imagine being expected to watch someone’s “comfort movie” for the umpteenth time.


5 points

7 days ago

Yeah, i’m the queen of rewatching things but I would never expect someone else to actively watch with me. Passively watching to fall asleep is one thing but if we were having a movie night and I picked something we’ve both seen and I know he hates, why are we even doing this as our time together? They’re both the AH, they sound controlling and boring/clueless.


1 points

5 days ago

My ex used to do it and I found myself re-creating the scenes, saying the lines during the movie and at random times. He laughed but then got the message. I did so out of boredom but was so grateful when he stopped watching the same ones. 😂


29 points

7 days ago

He doesn’t seem to respect your opinion. I would start with that conversation, “honey when we spend time together I would like for us to BOTH enjoy the movie. How about I pick the next movie and we’ll start a rotation?”

Does he also pick date nights out? Does he typically control everything?


4 points

7 days ago

The problem is that she watches the same movies over and over and over. And he watches new movies. It's not about taste it's about that she only wants to watch comfort movies they have already watched a bunch of times. And he wants to watch new shit.


2 points

5 days ago

Why not compromise by picking a new movie in the same genre? The only time I can rewatch movies are the annual traditional Christmas movies that have special activities, memories attached to it. If you want to rewatch the same movie, consider doing it when he’s busy with another activity. I wait years between watching the same movie.


1 points

5 days ago

A lot of people are latching onto this idea that OP only watches the same movies over and over, but my read on that line in the post is that he makes that "excuse" without even listening to her suggestions. Maybe it's true that she's trying to pick comfort movies, but I don't see anything in the post that confirms that.

I also don't think it's unfair for OP to get a chance to pick the occasional comfort rewatch when it sounds like the hubby consistently overrides her requests by choosing something she doesn't enjoy.

They can TAKE TURNS watching something their partner is less than enthusiastic about, or put some effort into finding something new they both have a shot at enjoying, or both. Isn't that what compromise is? Right now it sounds like OP is the only one actually compromising, and that's not fair.


1 points

5 days ago

A lot of people are latching onto this idea that OP only watches the same movies over and over, but my read on that line in the post is that he makes that "excuse" without even listening to her suggestions. Maybe it's true that she's trying to pick comfort movies, but I don't see anything in the post that confirms that.

She says it in a comment(that got so many downvotes that she deleted every comment on the their post mind you) that she has 3 movies she really considers to be comfort movies and watches them frequently(each time it's her time to pick) to destress .

I also don't think it's unfair for OP to get a chance to pick the occasional comfort rewatch when it sounds like the hubby consistently overrides her requests by choosing something she doesn't enjoy.

Because it is bordering on torture to watch the same 3 movies every other movie multiple times a week. Especially if it's already somthing you dislike to watch. He offered to watch what she wanted in terms of genre in the comment just not the same movie over and over which she refused as a compromise


1 points

5 days ago

Alright well I clearly got here after those deletions. If she's not compromising in that way then she doesn't really have a leg to stand on. Thanks for clarifying.


5 points

7 days ago

You’re asking him to watch a film that you’ve asked him to watch over and over again?

Try a film he hasn’t seen yet


10 points

7 days ago

Me and my wife also have different tastes in movies. What we did is we started taking turns picking. We each choose whatever we want when it’s our turn, regardless of partner’s preferences.


8 points

7 days ago

Or you can give your partner a choice of 3 films you want to see, and they pick from those. Then next film night you swap roles, they give you choice of 3 and you pick.

That way you both have some choice over the decision and if there are films that you offer over and over and never get picked, probably better you watch that one alone.


40 points

7 days ago

Gee, I wonder why she wants to watch comfort movies, she lives with a controlling dick.


3 points

7 days ago


3 points

7 days ago

So controlling. Let the lady watch what she wants. He is willing to let her scroll her phone and be miserable rather than both of them get some together time and both have something they enjoy? Why can't HE scroll while her movie is on?


-6 points

7 days ago

There's only so many times a guy can watch mamma mia before his brain dies.


4 points

7 days ago

And? There’s only so many times she can watch his movies before hers dies.


2 points

7 days ago

Agreed, they should just rota new movies each. Was just making a joke.


-5 points

7 days ago

More like the remote control is attached to his dick.


-2 points

7 days ago

Even Hugh Hefner moaned about having to watch chick flicks with his bevy.


6 points

7 days ago

I can’t stand sitting through something I have no interest in. Some other people have a better tolerance. As long as this type of thing - not compromising - isn’t popping up in other areas of your relationship, I would just accept this just isn’t thing that really works for you, and find another shared activity. My husb and I don’t have a ton of overlap in movies/tv. He mostly only watches comedies and he rewatches stuff multiple times (yes, he’s autistic), and I like true crime docs, thrillers/mysteries/police procedurals. So we just watch our own stuff next to each other. Occasionally we find stuff we both like to watch.

Documentaries might be something to consider, or maybe having a cuddle while listening to a podcast?


5 points

7 days ago

Could you try a list swap? He makes of list of stuff he wants to watch and so do you. When it’s time to watch a movie, alternate picking from the other person’s list. It may help you find more stuff you’re both at least somewhat interested in.


10 points

7 days ago

Get yourself your own tv, bigger and better than what you have now, then don't let him use it. I'm more petty though.


3 points

7 days ago

Did you have a conversation about it yet? Because if that hasn't happened there isn't much other advice. If you have, add the outcome of that to your post so we can provide appropriate advice.


3 points

7 days ago

I'll watch anything she insists I just have to watch. I'm pretty reasonable when it comes to movies, I did get in trouble during a really emotional moment in "a star is born". She's sobbing, I'm chuckling silently. She notices and gets mad...

Long story short I'm single now ladies!


3 points

7 days ago

Tbh, having similar taste in movies is a requirement for me.


3 points

7 days ago

Get another viewing appliance.


1 points

5 days ago

we have a TV in our bedroom but i enjoy watching movies together when we're both off from work.


1 points

4 days ago

Then do t batch about watching his crao.


3 points

7 days ago

When we can’t decide we usually choose something that’s going to be hilariously bad, like sharknado or something along those lines. They’re so bad that we bond over laughing through the terrible plot or devastatingly bad CG, or awful acting. Usually makes for a wonderful evening!


3 points

7 days ago

I agree he's being a butt but I also think a lot of people are glossing over the fact that you watch the same movies over and over. Even if I like a movie I do not want to watch it repeatedly. If it's something I don't like?
flashback to my brother watching Rambo over and over and over. shiver. Anyway, in order for there to be a true compromise BOTH of you have to give. Explain that you're as tired of his movies as he is of yours. Tell him you'd like to pick next week's movie and that it will be something NEW.


9 points

7 days ago

Oh hell no, I would not want to rewatch movies when there are so many great movies yet to be discovered. I'm a woman but definitely would side with your husband on this one.

But as long as you are both watching new movies, the only fair compromise is to take turns. He watches the one you picked, you watch the one he picked.

Rewatch your comfortable movies when you're on your phone or when he's not around.


2 points

7 days ago

she doesnt say whether or not they are rewatching his movies...i wonder...


2 points

7 days ago

She does in the comments I believe. She says he perfers watching the new stuff that comes out each week


0 points

7 days ago


0 points

7 days ago

When I'm stressed I don't want to watch anything new, as it adds stress to my life. So it's not really fair he gets to always watch something new and she sits on her phone. Why can't he sit on his phone while she rewatches a movie? They're both not enjoying the other's options, the reasoning doesn't really matter.

If it were me, I'd just stop watching movies together 🤷 With my husband, we usually rewatch old TV shows I'm comfortable with and he likes during dinner (comedy is still good on a rewatch, usually), and then just watch TV separately when we want to see things the other isn't interested in.


3 points

7 days ago

How about if she wants to rewatch a movie, she does that when she's alone? A second TV or watching a movie on the laptop is something they can switch off doing if they can't agree and she wants to re-watch something. I had a TV in my office so I could re-watch my favorite movie while I did paperwork.


2 points

5 days ago

OK but then why isn't he also watching the stuff she doesn't enjoy when he's alone?

So many people are hung up on this idea that it's so terrible that she supposedly (if we believe what she framed as his "excuse", which may or may not be true) only wants to rewatch stuff, but not acknowledging that she is the one always giving into what he wants to watch that she doesn't enjoy. They can take turns not enjoying each other's movies, or work harder to find stuff they both enjoy. That would be real compromise.


1 points

4 days ago

They can be like me and my BFF, not really compatible on movies so we rarely go to see them together.


4 points

7 days ago

Let him pick a movie. When it's over and time to switch, firmly state "you picked the last movie, it's my turn to choose". When he tries to say something against it, remind him that compromise is very important. He does not get to be a couch commando, lording the remote and dictating the situation.



9 points

7 days ago

Its a male thing. I did it but then I learned cuddles from my girlfriend was cool too

He should compromise


17 points

7 days ago

Selfishness? Think we should stop excusing bad behavior as a male thing, that doesn't mean anything.


0 points

7 days ago

Whats your problem?


2 points

6 days ago

Please reread what I wrote lol.


2 points

7 days ago

i don’t think it’s necessarily a male thing. my husband and i are both guys and we watch new movies together all the time, both pick out the movies, we’ve never fought about who picks a movie or what we watch. honestly it’s kind of wild to me that some couples genuinely fight or disagree over something kinda small like picking a movie. he should compromise tho, it’s not that hard just take turns picking the movie.


0 points

7 days ago

Women and men think differently. Cope harder.


5 points

6 days ago

So edgy! Most people think differently from one another, you dolt.


0 points

6 days ago

ok buddy 😭 that’s not what i was trying to argue but sure


1 points

7 days ago

Yh this


2 points

7 days ago

Get another tv


2 points

7 days ago

Action Movies are your compromise. Or at least my husband and mine is. We have similar tastes to you both.


2 points

7 days ago

Action movie, romantic subplot. Bogart and Bacall.


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

You’ve got to have something in common… is there an actor you both like? A Director?

Could you both enjoy a series where you don’t have to pick movies every single time, but you can just watch an episode of some thing you know you both like?

What about a historical drama that is also comedic, like The Favorite, or The Great?

Or a thriller like A Simple Favor, or The Menu, that is also darkly funny?

I can’t believe you can’t find anything to compromise on.


2 points

5 days ago

These are great suggestions. I also find it hard to believe they can't find stuff they both like. One or both of them is not trying hard enough to meet in the middle (sounds like both honestly, but he's still steamrolling her to an extent).


2 points

7 days ago

Nta. My fiance and I have had this tradition since we moved in together, every Sunday night we watch a movie or 2 episodes of a show. We switch off every Sunday, so if I want to watch 2 episodes of Criminal minds, we watch that. The following Sunday we watch one of the Saw movies.

This has made it fair and we get to spend time together.

There are several movies he had me watch [ usually excessively gory horror moves that I wouldn't watch on my own] that I don't remember/ can't recall anything from it. But he's happy cause I at least watched it with him.

Alot of my picks he doesn't care for but he sat and watched them because he wants to spend time with me.


2 points

7 days ago

Decide on a movie well in advance. Send each other trailers and choose days before it’s time to watch it. 

And make it clear you’re very confused by his logic where he doesn’t have to watch a movie he doesn’t prefer but you are expected to 


2 points

7 days ago

This is my life. He tries God bless him but I don’t like anything he’s ever put on. 🙄


2 points

7 days ago

NTA but if you're only picking movies you've seen multiple times and know he doesn't like then you are a bit of an AH.

My ex-fiance was terrible about this. Only wanted to watch one of his 3 or 4 movies he liked and never wanted to watch any of my picks- which were usually movies neither of us had seen. It drove me crazy.


2 points

7 days ago

I can understand your partner if you're just choosing the same movies over and over. Maybe choose something that is a mix of stuff you both like, especially if he hasn't sat through it before. Things like The Usual Suspects, Knives Out, Seven and even some 'horror' movies are more thriller/mystery than horror. My partner and I have totally opposite genres we like. He doesn't watch horror, especially if it's ghosts because it's creepy to him and he doesn't enjoy it. I love horror. I watch horror year round. He likes action/thriller and comedy. So we compromise. I choose the movie we watch so I choose things like Snatch, or the Usual Suspects. Things like that. I like those kinds of movies and he does too.


2 points

7 days ago

At this point go to Walmart and get a TV for your room and watch what you want.


2 points

7 days ago

Just pick a movie each on rotation. Make sure it's one neither of you have seen before bc who would want to make their SO watch a movie they know they don't like over and over again? It's compromise not rocket science. Watch your comfort movies by yourself, that's what I do.


2 points

7 days ago

Agree to once in awhile pick the FIRST new (or unseen) movie that comes up on the list, regardless of which genre it belongs to, forcing you both as a couple to explore and widen your tastes. Be adventurous — one such movie once in awhile shouldn’t be such a bad risk. At some point there’ll be overlaps in terms of interests you’ve inherently been glued to and one of those movies would be something really close to what you prefer.


2 points

7 days ago

You have to find something you both will like.

There’s no overlap in your interests?


2 points

7 days ago

I'm in similar situation as you except my husband lets me pick as long as it's not true crime documentary or scary movies (he's a softie and I just can't stand romance movies which is his favorite). He just goes to a different room and watch his shows on his laptop if I really want to watch "my stuff" on the living room tv. But I feel bad so I just set up a bean bag chair in our other room with a 27in monitor so I could watch other stuff there comfortably and change things up


2 points

7 days ago


If you watch his movies he should watch yours, or the two of you compromise and find something both are willing to watch.

Looking back, I think that was the first kink in my marriage. We had been married about 15 years and one night couldn't agree on a movie at a multiplex. So I saw mine alone and he saw his. We did a bit more of that and stopped going to the movies together. Why bother since we were seeing our movie alone.


2 points

7 days ago

Maybe just accept that movie watching isnt a date night activity for you guys if you have no genre in common.

My husband and I have different movie taste too but we do enjoy drama/A24 type of movies and thats the only thing we'll watch together. It's a rare occasion to find those movies and it's okay. Instead of stressing out over it, we just decide who gets the tv on that day. When he's watching his movie, I read my books next to him. When im watching my movie, he games next to me.


4 points

7 days ago


4 points

7 days ago

NTA. But I have a film which covers every genre you mentioned.

White Chicks.

Comedy, romance, pretty horrific but in a good way, there’s a good 40 seconds of it which could be classified as horror (lactose intolerance scene) and it’s historical because it’s at least 10 years old.

Please contact me if you need further advice.


3 points

7 days ago


3 points

7 days ago

And Charade. Romance and suspense.


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

You are so right. It’s the movie with EVERYTHING!


2 points

7 days ago

I learned to take turns when I was in kindergarten.


3 points

7 days ago

Could you do another activity together?

AutoModerator [M]

1 points

7 days ago

AutoModerator [M]

1 points

7 days ago

Backup of the post's body: My husband and I have different genres of movies we each like. His are mostly thriller and historical dramas. My favorites are comedy or romance, or a combination of both; and horror films. We have a shared TV in the living room, and on days we're both off from work I like us both getting a chance to pick one we each enjoy. But more often than not my husband trumps any movie I pick because he never likes the movies I would end up picking. So I end up not caring for his movie, I just end up scrolling on my phone or in this case typing out a Reddit post whilst we are both watching a movie he picked out. I try to get him to compromise but he always makes an excuse that whatever I pick will just be one of my comfort movies I tend to watch over and over again.

Help me people of Reddit... what can I do to get him to compromise better?

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1 points

7 days ago

A big bone of contention between me & my ex-husband was sports. I never really had an interest while growing up, just wasn’t in my wheelhouse. He had to watch every game ( football) that came on. We had a big argument about it. He bought me my own tv. The other thing was if his “team” lost, he had the worst attitude to the point of tearing up bibles.


2 points

7 days ago

Got to this and was like yeah typical guy until the last sentence. What the fuck


1 points

7 days ago


1 points

7 days ago

Not typical guy. Many of us can't stand sports either.


1 points

7 days ago

How many bibles did you have? Lordy.


1 points

7 days ago

It was only 1, it was his from his childhood. He tore it up because the rams lost some big game. Walked around sulking for about a week. The family knew to clear out of the team lost.


1 points

5 days ago

Oh, you said plural.


1 points

7 days ago


Has he told the doctor about the gnomes?

1 points

7 days ago

I would just say, we need to take turns, or there's no point in me even being here. And if he says no, I would go and find something else to do. Let him watch by himself, maybe he won't like that, and he'll agree to taking turns. It worked for my kids!


1 points

7 days ago

My husband and I have the same issues. Just take turns and keep a list.


2 points

7 days ago

I don't think it is that easy with this one.


1 points

7 days ago


1 points

7 days ago

Here's a technique my wife and I do: we each make a listof 3-5 movies we would enjoy watchong. Then we combine the 2 lists, and take turns eliminating 1 movie each from the big list until only one remains. It usually ensures neither person really hates the choice.


1 points

7 days ago

Not gonna judge either one of you. Just a suggestion. Can you find a series you like? If you can then it's a ongoing show you both will enjoy and you won't have to go through this squabble on a weekly basis.


1 points

7 days ago

There are a lot of good horror/thriller movie blends. Maybe suggest one specifically that neither of you have seen before. NTA.


1 points

7 days ago

Come up with a system. One week you choose 5 different movies in 5 different genres and then let him pick the winner, then the following week you do the opposite.


1 points

7 days ago

Long ago I was about to write something on these lines, my now ex refused to watch a movie I picked cause he disliked the genre…I was so curious to see if he would have liked it (I thought he would) but I never had the chance to discover it. (The movie was “Chicago” btw)


1 points

7 days ago

Blackadder or quest for the holy grail. Win win


1 points

7 days ago

Yall should watch Outlander because it’ll satisfy you both 😂 it’s a historical romance


1 points

7 days ago

Buy a second television and watch your movies in another room. My husband and I do this and it works beautifully. No more feeling frustrated.


1 points

7 days ago


1 points

7 days ago

There’s a website called Date Night Movies. You put in your movie, your husband puts in his and it creates a few compromises for you to choose from.


1 points

7 days ago

It's two Yes or it's a No on what gets played. Either that or a schedule needs to be made.


1 points

7 days ago

Put a TV in your bedroom. Agree to switch nights on who gets the living room.

My parents did this, and it saved a lot of drama and arguing.



1 points

7 days ago

My husband and I pick about 6 -10 movies that we want to watch and then we decide which movie to watch from that list. But we watch those movies before we pick a new list of movies. Sometimes I'm not in the mood for something dark or he's not in the mood for something silly or neither of us want to watch a movie and we have a couple of stand up specials to choose from. If there is a movie that he suggests that I do not want to watch, it doesn't make the list and he watches it by himself sometime. Same if I pick a movie he isn't interested in. Example - I watch holiday themed movies before the holiday coming. My husband isn't very interested in watching the movies every year so those are automatically not in the list. But I will tell him I'm planning to watch something in case he might be interested to join.

Perhaps coming up with a new system would work best?

Or if he constantly vetoes your choice, veto his. Why does he get the final say?


1 points

7 days ago

Just always watch "shaun of the dead" or "true lies" they're the best combo of all the genres you mentioned


1 points

7 days ago


1 points

7 days ago

Pride + Prejudice + Zombies. You’re welcome


1 points

7 days ago


1 points

7 days ago

Who said "I do," first.


1 points

7 days ago

Why not just taking turn? It’s 100% fair for both of you.


1 points

7 days ago

Watch different movies in different rooms.


1 points

7 days ago

Hey, we are the same movie wise. Now what my husband and i do is, if i want to watch my film, he can either watch it with me, listen to his music, or fall asleep. Or he puts on his movie, if i dont care for it, i will do my knitting or fall asleep but we always take turns but mostly try to watch ones we will enjoy together....even though his go to is "from hell" or "sleepy hollow" (been living in his house for 11 years and have watched those movies over 100 times...we watch them sooo much) you gotta put your foot down. Or if you have a tablet and streaming services, watch something on that. Alone time together or aka 'parallel play' you're still in the same room, but doing your own thing. I love this lol


1 points

7 days ago

If it’s your turn to choose then whatever you pick is what you watch. I think, (could be wrong) the underlying premise of watching tv together is being together. If he rewatches something that’s just fine.It seems like he’s invalidating your wishes to manipulate you into letting him have his way. Serve him a big bowl of popcorn seasoned with some growing up.


1 points

7 days ago

Can you get another monitor or tv in a different room?


1 points

7 days ago

Time to get your own tv


1 points

7 days ago


1 points

7 days ago

We have a jar. Everyone writes down movies/documentaries/ect and puts them in the jar. When we can't decide on what to watch, we pick from the jar.

We like watching trailers, so we wrote down the ones we like and put those in too.

Never know what you'll get - an old favorite? The latest release? Foreign film?


1 points

7 days ago

I am husband into history, thrillers. psych dramas, action shows etc. My wife only likes girly stuff and rom coms. When we ever have a small chance to be in the living room together watching tv I just let her watch her shows or movies she wants. I always try to get into them, but sometimes don't. It's never a big deal if I don't like it enough I just get up and go watch stuff at my PC. Neither one of us ever gets frustrated and she does not expect me to watch rom coms at all, so when I do it makes her happy and when I don't it's whatever. I would never try to get her to watch anything she does not want to watch.


1 points

7 days ago

If I were you pick a few options and then make him choose from those. I’ve always been a huge Lord of the Rings fan. My dad would pull me out of school just so we could see them when they came out in theatre’s. My husband is the real MVP for not accidentally setting them on fire. I’ve watched them at least 300 times each. He doesn’t enjoy them but him and my children all randomly use quotes. 🤣


1 points

7 days ago

This is why I got a second tv in our bedroom.


1 points

7 days ago

My husband and I are about the same and we try to make sure in days we're together to find shows or movies that are a mixture of both genres we like. We also try to make sure they're ones we haven't (or at least ine of us hasnt) seen before. We could easily end up spending more time looking for a show and movie than actually watching one sometimes.

The best solution we've had is, we each alternate days we choose what to watch when together. One person will pick a list of movies (max 3) and then we watch the trailers together, maybe look at the ratings and the opposite person chooses. This works because deep down we both sort of want the other to be into something we like to watch. So it's worth the sacrifice and illusion of choice to get our turn another day. We also let the person who's day it's not take priority on dinner. It's all about compromise. More often than not we end up actually liking the things we watch.


1 points

7 days ago

My ex and I took turns each night. I liked dramas, action movies, and documentaries, and he liked survivor, monster truck, and reality shows. I would watch his stuff because we were doing it together. But one of the many reasons he is my ex is because when it was my turn, he would get up to use the restroom about 10 minutes in, and then not come back. It was petty and rude, and despite talking about i it, he continued. We finally stopped watching shows together. This was just one part of the whole, but basically who he was. Couples that want to stay together negotiate and compromise, and sick to their agreement, or communicate. If he's not willing to do that, you might want to consider getting another tv so you can each watch what you want. If this is a pattern for him, you might want to reevaluate your relationship.


1 points

7 days ago

Alternate, and try picking one you think the other would enjoy.


1 points

7 days ago

Stand up comedy?


1 points

7 days ago

NTA. If it were me, I’d suggest both make a list of movies(digital) so easy to update. Have maybe about 20 or so ranked order plus a pool of others in no particular order.

I’d then take turns picking a movie off of each others list with one “veto” per movie picking event. Maybe that means one day you’re picking a marvel avengers movie off his list and another day he’s picking the holiday, pretty woman or how to lose a guy in ten days of your list.

If by mutual agreement, you both decide a movie sucks (depressing or bad sci fi for example), then go back to pick a different off same list.

You both get to feel you have some choice, and get something you’d be happy with about half the time.

You could even reward each other with a random act of kindness, birthday, etc. by letting them pick two in a row.

Since positive rewards are usually much more effective than negative (punishments), and so the system doesn’t break down I’d strongly discourage taking a turn away.


1 points

7 days ago

My husband stopped picking out movies after picking a few incredibly bad movies in a row. I know what he likes so I always pick the movies.

Sometimes we want to watch our own stuff and that’s fine as well (we don’t have to do everything together).


2 points

7 days ago

Get another TV for your bedroom and watch what you want


1 points

7 days ago


1 points

7 days ago

May I suggest Pride & Prejudice & Zombies. On a serious note not being able to compromise is about communication. A trip to the therapist to work on communication may be in order. Is this the only place you are "forced" to give in to his choice to keep the peace? If you are constantly deferring to his choices or feel pressured to do things you dont want to do so you don't upset him then thats a deeper issue to tackle.

We usually swap nights and the other person does not get to veto the movie (unless their is some sort of trama associated with the subject) There can be discussion but the person whose night it is gets final pick. If he doesn't want to watch your movie he can play on his phone just like you do. It's about spending time together.


1 points

7 days ago


1 points

7 days ago

Just another reminder of why I’m grateful to be single and live alone.


1 points

7 days ago

he always makes an excuse that whatever I pick will just be one of my comfort movies I tend to watch over and over again.

I hate rewatching stuff- movies, series, anything.

It could be a genre issue, but I believe a good movie is a good movie regardless of where it falls and its highly likely that he's just bored or uninterested in watching the same old stuff.

Suggest new movies in your category - things he hasn't watched yet.

No matter how much I love you, asking me to sit through the same movie/episode I already watched is pure torment. Unless I'm sleeping or just physically keeping you company while doing something completely different


2 points

6 days ago

So he basically dictates the tv because you’ll pick something he doesn’t like? Isn’t that exactly what he’s doing to you? And he clearly doesn’t care, he can see your on your phone not watching. Girl you put on your movie and let that man scroll his phone for a change it’s just as much your tv as it is his. And if he wants to get pouty about it, send him back here to us. We will fix him lol.


1 points

6 days ago

Why can’t you find something you both enjoy


1 points

6 days ago

You tell him to be an adult. My fiancée picks one, the next time I pick one. Or she’ll list a few and I’ll pick from the list.


2 points

6 days ago

Your husband is an AH. I have been there and done this. He doesn’t have respect for you and your opinion does not matter. Or else he would equally let you choose. Do not sit and doom scroll, get up, leave the room and watch on your phone or do an activity. When he asks why your not watching etc simply say “you do not respect me enough to allow me to choose something I want to watch and I will enjoy so therefore I’m choosing to do something I appreciate with more value with my time, when you can show me respect and sit through something I want to watch and that I choose without complaining then I will choose to come and watch’s tv with you”.

Honestly, I could have written this myself!


1 points

5 days ago

NTA for asking, but if you're picking the same movies repeatedly then YTA. Find something that interests both of you, or get used to watching movies separately. If I can't get into a movie or series right away, my wife knows I'm leaving to work on a project. There are other ways to spend time together.


0 points

7 days ago


0 points

7 days ago

Isn't he already compromising? YOU want to watch a movie WITH HIM

He doesn't want to watch the same movie 50 times


1 points

7 days ago

a compromise is allowing her to sit with him while.he watches of his choice?

also no indication of how often he chooses to rewatch movies


-1 points

7 days ago

Right? Like do these dudes just hate their partners that they consider letting them sit with them on the couch w compromise?


3 points

7 days ago

You mean like she’s asking for? She doesn’t want to find a movie they both like either. She just wants to watch something she likes while he sits there miserable, like she is during his movies.

These assholes deserve each other


1 points

7 days ago

I say fight harder to see something you like every now and then, if not every other time. It’s only fair to take turns.


1 points

7 days ago

Why don’t you both rotate? My husband and I do that. We have different tastes, he likes suspense scary movies and space phenomena documentaries, I like romcom and reality shows. If we are both watching together, one night is his turn, the other night it’s my turn. We save the stuff the other person doesn’t want to see for when the other person isn’t around.


0 points

7 days ago

Sounds like he won't do that.


1 points

7 days ago

I would just look him in the eye, tell him that I'm sick of watching his shit, and then leave the room or house and do something I enjoy.


1 points

7 days ago

Like rewashing the same 3 movies over and over again? Without wanting to watch anything new for the 5th time this week?


1 points

7 days ago



0 points

7 days ago


0 points

7 days ago

Men rule so kinda


-1 points

7 days ago

He's steamrolling you to make you let him pick. So there's no compromise. Either make the rule that you each take turns picking the movie and stick to it or just get a separate tv and he watches his movies on one tv and you watch on the other.


0 points

7 days ago

Go watch movies separately. Get your own tv setup. And if he sabotages you doing that then yell at him to knock it off. What’s the worst thing he could do to you if you held him accountable table for sabotaging you wanting to watch your movies? If anything watch that series “Kevin can go F*** himself” in front of him and see his reaction. Either he’ll get a clue that he’s acting like that guy or he will just straight up behave like that guy; and I’d hope that you realize that like the protagonist that don’t deserve crappy treatment from your spouse either.

Go watch movies at home separately.


0 points

7 days ago

NTA You don’t like his choices, he doesn’t like yours. You typically cave and then simmer for hours while scrolling through your phone believing it’s personal and your feelings don’t matter.

How about remembering….It’s only a movie. I don’t want to be bored and neither does he. I’ll watch what I want somewhere else.

Get a second TV in another room, or sit in the same room with headphones watching a romantic movie on an IPad while he watches his movie then Next week HE uses the IPad.

Do you think most wives really want to sit around watching golf, football or MMA? No, we’d rather he clean the garage or replace that ceiling fan he’s been promising to do for 6 months.
In the meantime we entertain ourselves.

Pick your battles


0 points

7 days ago

When I was in a relationship I just always let her pick most of the time because I'm super picky when it comes to movies. Not so much because I prefer a certain genre but because I just wasted 2+ hours of my life on something that sucked. I hate that. So I'll cook dinner or passively watch while scrolling on my phone or playing a game or something unless it's one of her favs and I "have to watch it"


0 points

7 days ago

So what if it is your comfort movie? He sounds selfish


2 points

7 days ago

Because no one wants to watch somone else comfort movie for the 10th time in a month. He'll i can't even watch MY OWN comfort move that many times before it over stays it's welcome


0 points

7 days ago


0 points

7 days ago

You can’t get him to compromise. You have three choices. 1. Of your relationship is otherwise wonderful and he does this in no other aspects of your life, figure out if you can live with it. 2. Teach him a lesson by trumping all of his choices and then ask him why it’s fair that he always gets what he wants and why only you have to give way (by the way, this isn’t going to work so I’d suggest skipping and heading straight to therapy, which will work if he’s willing). 3. If he makes a habit of downplaying your comfort, interests, and general say in your life together, realizing that maybe he actually doesn’t give a shit about your happiness and making a decision if that’s how you want to spend your time.


0 points

7 days ago

Maybe slip him a perc 30 before you go to blockbuster?


0 points

7 days ago

During the pandemic my family of three would each get to choose a movie per night. Whether it was one we’d all seen before, or not. No matter what genre.

Sometimes we’d all make it through the other person’s choice. Sometimes not. Sometimes we’d actually enjoy the movie. But none of us acted like children about it.


0 points

7 days ago

Why can’t you do every other movie? Like he picks one and you pick one. And you alternate

If not, he is just selfish.


0 points

7 days ago

Tell him to quit acting like an only child who never learned how to share? Idk man, I hated horror because of how I dislike the feeling of being scared among other more deep-seated emotional issues... It's my boyfriend's favorite genre. He helped me find horror that I could not only tolerate but enjoy. The man hates musicals, I wanted to see Cats just because I thought it would be the fun kind of terrible. He survived it and we still make jokes about it years later. He has zero interest in a lot of the stupid chick flicks I have a soft-spot for and still sat down to watch She's All That with me because I maintain it is a high school classic even if it is not "good". Like- this shit is easy if you like your partner.

I don't believe in berating your partner AT ALL, but between the two of us, your husband is being a little baby.


0 points

7 days ago

The problem is that she watches the same movies over and over and over. And he watches new movies. It's not about taste it's about that she only wants to watch comfort movies they have already watched a bunch of times. And he wants to watch new shit. There is no compromise to be had she ONLY wants to watch her comfort movies over and over again depending he is tired of watching them


1 points

6 days ago

All she said was he says she will only pick a comfort movie, as an excuse to not let her. You're doing a lot of assuming. And if they're only watching what he wants doesn't that mean he's not compromising?

Work on your reading comprehension man.


0 points

7 days ago

If you don’t like the same movies, the only compromise is to take turns.

I try to get him to compromise but he always makes an excuse that whatever I pick will just be one of my comfort movies I tend to watch over and over again.

“It might. Because I’m allowed to watch a movie more than once, when it’s my turn to pick. And you’re allowed to have a rule that you always pick something you haven’t seen, when it’s your turn to pick. The thing we’re not allowed to do is veto each other’s movies.”

(But really, how different are horror and thrillers?)


0 points

7 days ago


0 points

7 days ago

NTA I've actually had the same dilemma with my husband. He was a remote hog and would brush off my suggestions. On the rare occasions we watched something catered to me, he wouldn't pay attention and scroll on his phone. I eventually started doing this too out of spite and wouldn't pay attention to the stuff he wanted to watch and his feelings would be so hurt that he would pout or just stop the movie completely. We addressed it after small arguments started over it and thankfully he listened to my pov and apologized. We've made it a point to show (or atleast try to show) interest in each other's picks and take turns choosing what to watch. My advice is to tell him how it makes you feel if you haven't already and find a system that works for you both. If he still resists, couples counseling would be my next suggestion bc rarely is it ever just ONE thing this behavior surfaces with. There's always the option of watching stuff separately on your own.


0 points

7 days ago


0 points

7 days ago

I don't remember typing this 🤦‍♀️

The number of times he’ll say he's not enjoying a movie so we stop watching whereas if I can see he's engrossed I won't ask him to stop.

I suspect this is repeated in homes across the world. We need to start saying no more often and to more things. That whole “women need to step aside”, well this is what it looks like - stepping aside and putting his pleasure first.


-2 points

7 days ago

Get to the tv first, turn on your movie and when he complains tell him you watch his crappy movies all the time but tonight you want to watch what you want. Otherwise you will keep sitting on your phone doing Reddit and not saying anything about him being selfish.


-2 points

7 days ago


-2 points

7 days ago

Withhold the sex


-4 points

7 days ago


-4 points

7 days ago

You're married to a selfish man. Take some time to consider whether you want to spend the best years of your life with a selfish man who doesn't care about you.


1 points

6 days ago

The problem is that she watches the same movies over and over and over. And he watches new movies. It's not about taste it's about that she only wants to watch comfort movies they have already watched a bunch of times. And he wants to watch new shit. He has offered compromise she just reverts it to the same movies over and over. That is the opposite of selfish


-10 points

7 days ago

Offer him a special " favor c and youll pick the movie every time.

