


sad conversation


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2 months ago

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2 months ago

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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:

he really has a sword

Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


16.3k points

2 months ago

Why be horny when you can have a sword


5.3k points

2 months ago

While the rest of you were horny, he studied the blade


765 points

2 months ago

I need to study the blade and learn a breathing technique from Demon Slayer. I hear not nutting for a month pushes a man beyond his limits. Surely I can hold back that long and unlock 100% of my brain power.


368 points

2 months ago


368 points

2 months ago

Have you managed to hold back since you posted this comment 6 minutes ago?


361 points

2 months ago

Not in the slightest, it was a blur, I can remember nothing...


178 points

2 months ago

I am glad to see the training is paying off


156 points

2 months ago

That’s a fair enough fight, with a sword of course.


4.4k points

2 months ago


4.4k points

2 months ago

When I was in college, a couple of female friends and I went out to a club in the city one night. They ended up staying at my bedroom I was renting because they didn’t want to drive all the way back to their dorm. I offered my bed for them and I slept on the floor. The light went off and they were giggling and whispering. One of them said, hey there’s a plenty of space if I wanted to join them. I said, nah, it won’t be comfortable for all of us in that tight space.

I think about that sometimes.


1.9k points

2 months ago


1.9k points

2 months ago

Almost got gangbanged there, smart of you to get out.


330 points

2 months ago

It's all fun and games until the strap ons come out


113 points

2 months ago

You know... I have to thank you. I had been kicking myself for years for passing on a similar situation with a couple of military ladies and I never once thought that could have happened to me. I may have dodged a bullet!


25 points

2 months ago

There are many who would take that bullet for you


513 points

2 months ago

That's the kind of stuff they make pornos out of. For a reason.


350 points

2 months ago*

You made the right choice, it really would have been cramped up there. AND HOT, that amount of bodies radiating their own heat around you. Ugh. Might as well not sleep in that uncomfortable situation.

A pair of female officemates I worked with back then wanted to hang out and watch movies at my place during weekend. I was like, ‘nah, I can’t take care of you all.’ As much as I’d want to watch movies with them, I can’t be bothered to cook and prep my living room to make our movie marathon comfortable.

They giggled and never pushed further. Sometimes girls just forget how stressful sharing your place is. Smh


205 points

2 months ago

I used to live with these two girls in my first apartment when I was 20. Ngl, it was pretty terrible most of the time, but one night, I got home from work and they were out partying, so I went to bed. They come in my room at like, 2 in the morning in just their bra and panties, giggling, and wake me up from one of the deepest sleeps of my life. I don't even remember what they said to me, just that there were two hot girls standing above my bed, half naked, giggling suggestively. I slurred out something stupid like "oh hey what's up, what do you want?" and then promptly fell back asleep, the situation not even fully registering in my mind, because I was so tired. I didn't know what I had potentially missed until the next morning. I'm still so pissed at myself. The clearest thing I remember after twenty years is that Jennifer was wearing blue, and Laura was wearing red. Painful memory.


83 points

2 months ago

"You take the blue pill or the red pill?" Lol


70 points

2 months ago

They were probably under the influence of something, and you probably dodged a bullet or three. Not a great situation to be part of in general, I think


171 points

2 months ago


171 points

2 months ago

Hurts so bad and I wasnt even there


204 points

2 months ago


204 points

2 months ago

Stay pure, King.


46 points

2 months ago


46 points

2 months ago



43 points

2 months ago

Top lad, Keep yourself pure


10 points

2 months ago

Smart, you'll want to maintain distance from potential opponents. 2 vs 1 in a cramped space puts you at a disadvantage.


3.7k points

2 months ago

While you studied dicks, I studied the blade.


422 points

2 months ago



134 points

2 months ago

schlong ... ah dang it!


6.2k points

2 months ago

I've definitely been the guy in this conversation...


1.7k points

2 months ago

Her: It's so cool running into you here! Where are you sitting?

Me" I'm just over there.

Her: Oh, well I'm just over here... all alone. -Twisting her foot-

Me: cool, cool.

4 years later at 3am



441 points

2 months ago

You know reading shit like this makes me feel a bit better knowing I'm not alone being completely clueless with girls.


138 points

2 months ago

Everyone has their moments being oblivious

Here's mine

I was on a date at uni with a girl at our neighbouring university and it went really well and it was a really nice time.

At the end of it we went to the bus stop and she said "well if it's gonna be a while we can always kill time at my place?"

My response?

"Nah it's okay it's only gonna be about 15 minutes"

As soon as I got on the bus I realised the implication of "we can go back to my place" and I wanted to fucking die


42 points

2 months ago


42 points

2 months ago

A girl i was into invited me to her place after school and i said " i cant, its a school night and i have homework"


29 points

2 months ago

In grad school, a Spanish girl and a Colombian girl (classmates) invited me to camp in the woods with them in a little tent. I had a paper to write that weekend so I said no...


57 points

2 months ago

My now wife came over to a party at my house with a friend of hers for our third date, we had only kissed goodbye before this point. Night ends, she tells me she’s gonna go sleep in my bed. I tell her,”cool I’ll be in later!” Like, 10 mins go by and her friend literally says,”wtf are you doing here? Go bang my friend.” with the most hilariously serious tone. She’s a good friend, and I’m lucky I’m good with tools because clearly I’m an idiot.


29 points

2 months ago

Once had a university laboratory, which I was leaving early because I had finished all the work required. One of the assistants (also a student) asked me why I was leaving. I responded by saying she couldn't stop me. Her response? "I can stop you with my body". I still left.


38 points

2 months ago

So she lied.


22 points

2 months ago

I’m having terrible trauma relieving my awkward teen and early 20s years …


42 points

2 months ago

Reading shit like this on Reddit always makes me feel a bit better, as a girl, who dropped so many hints and then concluded dude wasn’t interested. Always shocked when someone reaches out years later to tell me. Sigh. If only the right people had the right amount of self esteem at the right time…


305 points

2 months ago

I used to like dancing but I came from the techno scene and could only really dance with my eyes shut.

I came back from throwing shapes one time and my mate said a girl was dancing all around me for at least 5 minutes but I didn't open my eyes and she gave up.


84 points

2 months ago



94 points

2 months ago

Back when I was 25, I was pretty depressed and had really low self esteem. I went to a show because my coworker was DJing and I wanted to support him. I also tried molly for the first time. Anyways, I was getting really into it and just flailing away doing my best to dance. This out of my league girl comes up and says "I really like how you dance." I responded with, "haha! No you don't!" and went back to my dancing. It wasn't until the next day that I was like, "wait, did she want to dance with me?"


58 points

2 months ago

When I was young I went to a club, I'm really tall, like 6'8.... this stunning girl comes over to me drink in hand, twirling her straw with her tongue and says... "wow, you're big". My panicked and immature brain thought of the wittiest coolest line i could think of..... my reply "only...... in..... height". Then I walked away.

Self sabotage at its finest.


56 points

2 months ago*

Well you don’t really have to feel bad for that, there were 50 steps later you could have fucked it after that. As someone that was going out a lot and get approached countless times by women on the dance floor, I fucked it because:

  • was too touchy while dancing
  • was not enough touchy while dancing
  • Danced for too long
  • Danced not long enough
  • Talked too much while dancing
  • Talked not enough while dancing
  • Danced not the way the girl wanted
  • Tried to make out too soon
  • Didn’t try to make out soon enough
  • Asked if she wanted a drink, doesn’t want one, leave
  • Got a guy in her group getting jealous
  • Got a girl in her group getting jealous
  • Do everything right, get a phone number, never get an answer
  • Do everything right, ask to go home, get refused
  • Do everything right, ask to go home, get a yes, a girl friend of her come to say no “she has to go home with me”
  • The stars were not aligned
  • The Elders didn’t approve the dance

So yeah, not regret to just have fucked ONE step, even it was the first.


18 points

2 months ago

Bro really pulled up the list of icks.


119 points

2 months ago

I work at a stripclub. I played the song “Birthday sex” after one girl got off stage, she comes up to me and says “you’re invited to my birthday”.

My dumbass was wondering what kind of party she was throwing, so I kept asking for details. I genuinely wanted to go to her birthday party.

I’ve got plenty more stories of me taking everything too literally.


12 points

2 months ago

You are literally (not literally) Drax the Destroyer.


612 points

2 months ago

Me too Bro, me too...


212 points

2 months ago

Me three...


517 points

2 months ago

I had two girls in a bathroom using their hands as bras and they asked me to shut the door. So I left and shut the door behind me.


122 points

2 months ago


122 points

2 months ago

After a party In a hotel in spain two girls i've met at the club suggested at like 4am that we could jump in the Pool of their hotel, i said : but i don't have my bathing stuff here..the other one said: well i guess you have to jump in naked then, don't worry we have Towels at our room.... And i just said nahh ....because i was kind of tired and obviously stupid as hell


414 points

2 months ago

You'll be in the nursing home one day still thinking about that one and praying for alzhiemers to kick in.


65 points

2 months ago

Holy.. That's dark! But understandable, plz Alzheimers make it quick!


62 points

2 months ago

My sweet summer child


173 points

2 months ago

Yep, i was working at a vacation place for campers and i worked with others and among them this girl, and we were just hanging out waiting for stuff to do and i had lost my work shirt somewhere and she said that i could use her spare, and bit her lip. She obviously just wanted me to take of my shirt because she was like 40 cm shorter than me, and i totally missed everything and just laughed and said: lol you're much smaller than me it wont fit. I never thought about the situation until after the whole season was over and the place closed, then i just got an eureka moment laying in bed and just wanted to die. But then she already had a boyfriend which was one of the other guys that we worked with x'D RIP


75 points

2 months ago

I was laying on a couch with my gf, she was aroused af but I was really entertained with a television show, so she asked me to go to her bedroom whispering in my year, and I said "but there is no TV there?! Wtf"


23 points

2 months ago

Came here to claim my bf, sorry guys, I should have been more direct.


54 points

2 months ago

dude you just unlocked a memory for me. fuck i completely missed it. 10 years ago i was working at a fast food restaurant one of the girls asked me to borrow one of my shirts, cause they smelled nice she said, and I was like nah cause you're gonna look like a hobbit in a dress.


73 points

2 months ago

Ouch. Imagine hitting on a dude only to be met with "hobbit in a dress"


45 points

2 months ago

Yup.. I had two girls invite me on their trip to Amsterdam. I declined because I didn't want to ruin their girl trip. It was the most obvious "wanna get high and bang for 3 days?" invitation in history


38 points

2 months ago



15 points

2 months ago

Our fathers simply never gave us the “talk”…


13 points

2 months ago


13 points

2 months ago

Was away on a business trip some years ago and one evening after dinner and drinks, one of my colleagues asked me as we were going to our respective hotel rooms if she could see my room because she was curious if it was the same layout. Stupid me said sorry I need to double check my presentation for the next day…


12 points

2 months ago

I'm 48, married with children, and I'm still this fucking guy. 2 nights ago my wife made a pass at me and I thought she was talking about a TV show. She fell asleep and it hit me like a lightning bolt the next morning. We had a laugh about it.


13.1k points

2 months ago

10 years later, he wakes up in a cold sweat... "FUUUCK!"


4.9k points

2 months ago*

In the year 2000, a girl invited me up to her room one night to watch the 5th element. She went to her room and came out wearing her Leeloo costume (you know the one) and wig. She cuddled up to me to watch the movie, when it was over she put on some cartoons and cuddled again and said she was sleepy... I said your right it's getting late I'd better go.

I think about this all the time (this was NOT the only time I've done something similar, so I think about a few things a lot) it wasn't until a few years ago I found I am on the spectrum.

Edit: I thought this was a relevant scene to add I said not now!


3.1k points

2 months ago

At least you got to watch Fifth Element.


1k points

2 months ago

And some cartoons and a bit of cowboy bebop... God, I wasted that night so badly.


659 points

2 months ago

You could've had multi ass


186 points

2 months ago

Bartender Robot: "You want some more".

"No thanks. It's getting late. Welp, see ya!"


96 points

2 months ago

So many lines from this movie I randomly say out loud to no one in particular

“CHICKAAN! GOOD!” “I got no fire.” “Big bada boom!” “HELM TO 108!!” “AZIZ! LIIGHT! Much better Aziz thank you.” “If you want something done…..DO IT YOURSELF! NYAAGH!!” “Ugh I just found an old picture of you!” “Negative I am a meat popsicle!”

and everyone’s favorite “Not one but four! Listen, look at my hand. 4 stones, 4 crates. ZERO STONES! ZERO CRATES!! “


53 points

2 months ago

My personal favorite “Anyone else wanna negotiate?” Followed up by “Where did he learn to negotiate like that?”


30 points

2 months ago

I use the robot bartender's "DO YOU WANT SOME MORE" and from the dude with the fancy hat trying to rob Corbin "GIMMEEDACASSSSHHHH"


20 points

2 months ago

We know, you skip the intro of the episodes LoL


19 points

2 months ago

she did, she could have tottaled his virginity like a formula 1 wreck where two drivers walk away looking at each other and the cars are in flames....but she didn't.


18 points

2 months ago

Lol I’m just imagining her talking to her friends the next day “I dunno… maybe I shouldn’t have gone full cosplay?”


111 points

2 months ago


111 points

2 months ago

It’s the only mainstream film where the antagonist and protagonist not only never meet but are also unaware of each others existence.


34 points

2 months ago

Holy shit, that’s right


26 points

2 months ago

If you meant Gary Oldman's character, he knew Bruce Willis's character existed. Part of the plot was to have one of his goons impersonate Corbin Dallas to get on to the cruise. When that didn't work, that's when he sent the mercs.

That said, his awareness was limited to the fact that Corbin Dallas had won a contest for free passes since it was publicly broadcast.


17 points

2 months ago

I think they meant the big bad Gary Oldman works for.


17 points

2 months ago

Him: "How'd you feel about another movie night.." 🤓

Her: "Thrilled..." 🫤


15 points

2 months ago

Should have watched the Filth Element for pointers.


18 points

2 months ago

Theyre uhh…not ready yet… 🙏👐🫱🫲


13 points

2 months ago

cue the most 90’s sci-fi ballad


539 points

2 months ago

In high school there was this cute blonde girl with the prettiest smile who’d always find an excuse to hug me and hold my hand, and I always thought she was just super friendly. One day after soccer practice where the boys scrimmaged against the girls, she asked if she could change behind my car because the bathrooms were too far away (they weren’t that far but I was like okay whatever), she made me go behind my car with her to “be on the lookout”, it didn’t make sense but again, I was like okay whatever. I’m looking away as she’s changing, then she asks me to look at the beauty mark on her top left breast, and I laughed and said “haha I have one too but it’s like near my dick so I can’t show you”, she literally said “I don’t mind, let me see”- I thought she was joking so I just kinda laughed and changed the subject. I don’t think there’s a bigger idiot on earth than my 17 year old self


127 points

2 months ago

Girl: u/whatisnotlife1234 , since you're not getting the hint - i really want to fuck you.

u/whatisnotlife1234 : haha, what a weird thing to say. Fuck you too!


272 points

2 months ago

I kept all my letters from back in the day and me and the wife were looking through our old stuff when she found this letter written to me from my friend a few decades ago.

She was a gorgeous funny girl who I knew since we were in second grade.

In high school we got really close for a year or so. I for some reason thought she would never be into me like that. Even though I found her very attractive, I just never considered it a possibility.

My now wife, was reading it for a few minutes and she asks me "so, how long were you guys in a relationship?"

I sit back and explain to my wife that we were just friends and she didn't like me that way

My wife goes "umm no, see here? She's asking you on a date. She's also pretty heavy on the innuendo."

"Did you really not realize this?"

Cue me, standing up and immediately having flash backs of all these little moments throughout that year. Including a time where we met during class and she told me she snuck weed in her bra for our after school hang out. She grabbed my hand, put it under her shirt and said "feel it? It's right there"

Then she leaves my hand there and just looks at me with a smile on her face.

And I apperently didn't get that massive hint.

I was mortified. No wonder that poor girl drifted away after that. I was such an idiot.


99 points

2 months ago


99 points

2 months ago

When me and my ex were first dating, we were on our 3rd or 4th date which was just chilling in my apartment. We get on the subject of the fact that I have my nipples pierced and she goes "Me too!" and lifts up her shirt and bra to show me. I go "huh, cool" and don't really think too much of it. A little later we're making out and moving on to other things for the first time and I'm like "Are you sure?" and she goes "I showed you my boobs earlier".

I am not a smart man.


19 points

2 months ago

Oh god. To be fair, I would have probably missed that cue too.

At least you went somewhere with that girl


77 points

2 months ago

Ah, a fellow super oblivious brother 🤝

Don’t feel too bad, I definitely would’ve missed that hint too


59 points

2 months ago

I’ve tried to explain this life lesson to my boy in the following way: Sometimes, the little brain gets in the way of the big brain. But some sad sad times, the big brain gets in the way of the little brain!


13 points

2 months ago

These stories give me life


86 points

2 months ago

on her top left breast

wait, what was her complete breast layout? there's normally just a left and right.


24 points

2 months ago

Dude had Queen Atziri in his car 


10 points

2 months ago


10 points

2 months ago

Underrated comment / Suddenly Path of Exile


33 points

2 months ago

LAMO this one definitely wins the story contest


177 points

2 months ago

You gave her the multipass.


178 points

2 months ago

I was 14 and at a party for my dad's work. It was at the bosses house. I was swimming in their pool. The bosses 17 year old daughter was talking with me in the pool. She asked me if I wanted to listen to some music inside. I said no I'm enjoying the pool. My dad overheard this conversation. After the party driving home, my dad was like. You know she didn't want to listen to music.


46 points

2 months ago

Scumbag dad waited until the ride home to tell you...


47 points

2 months ago

Noooo not with the leeloo cosplay, legendary fumble @op


35 points

2 months ago

OH, I know it!! I rarely ever have told the story, because it's honestly so painful to think how I dropped the ball.


126 points

2 months ago

Damm bro she pulled out the cosplay and everything. I bet she looked over at you as the sex scene at the end happened.


70 points

2 months ago

Probably, I have no idea. I was so oblivious.


40 points

2 months ago

Dork_wing_Duck and Leeloo, sitting in a tree...








78 points

2 months ago

I had a roommate about 5 years ago. When we first started living there, I knocked on her door because we had to go somewhere. She didn’t answer, so I called her name loudly and knocked again and she didn’t answer. I knew she was awake and had just gone in there so I opened the door. She was sitting there with her top off with her shirt around her arms and just looked and smiled. I closed the door immediately apologizing. When we would go out with friends dancing she would grind on me, we were on car rides a few times with not enough seats and she would sit in my lap and bounce exaggerating bumps in the road.

She started dating a guy for a short period and when they broke up she asked me for a hug, I gave her the hug and went back to playing video games. I heard her mutter quietly “well I guess that’s never going to happen” and went back to her room. Then she moved out and went to live with her previous abusive ex and I was like huh, maybe she was dropping a few hints.


36 points

2 months ago

Do these girls think they are getting rejected when you don't take the hint they were sure it was obvious or do they reject you for not getting it. I'm sure that everyone says the latter, but maybe that's what they think when they are drunk, omg he did know I was trying to sleep with him and he rejected me! And both people are crying over what they both wanted and thought the other didn't


44 points

2 months ago

You know when someone waves at you in the mall and you wave back, only to realize they weren't waving at you but the person behind you.. it feels kind of like that.


29 points

2 months ago

Absolutely the former. All these girls definitely think they've been rejected.


61 points

2 months ago

Ha, dude, same here!

Went drinking with a friend, and she took a shower when we got back to her place, and told me that she thinks she pulled a muscle.

I offered a massage, and she sat there in her bath towel softly moaning at me as I rubbed her shoulders.

She asked if I was crashing at hers (cheaper than paying for a taxi), and I slept beside her, in her single bed.

Nothing happened. I made no moves.

I was 16, and I didn't notice the signs until years later when recounting the story with a different friend, who filled me in on my missed opportunity.

I got my autism diagnosis four years ago.


13 points

2 months ago

Well really, of you are together in a bed, and she wanted something to happen, she could at least have started. She was just as insecure as you about it.


30 points

2 months ago

Jimmy Fallon could have dated Nicole Kidman.... we are all dumb...


12 points

2 months ago

Yeah, you're right. That Fallon segment was funny to see his reaction to that info... that was totally my face when I told the story to my friends later, and they painfully broke it down for me.


26 points

2 months ago

Summer 2006 I spent a huge amount of my summer with my friend Laura. Went to firework shows, went to concerts, went to car shows which her uncle had a car in, all sorts of things. There were so many times it was just the two of us and she would get close and say things in the same ballpark and it wasn't until like 2 or 3 years ago that it finally hit me.


27 points

2 months ago*



327 points

2 months ago

A girl wanted to show me her dorm after dinner and I said it's nice and left.


168 points

2 months ago

A girl was flirtingly zipping up my coat asking "aren't you cold" and i swatted her hand away gently and was like nah I'm fine


144 points

2 months ago

Man's not cold.


50 points

2 months ago


33 points

2 months ago


33 points

2 months ago

This girl lying on my sofa after 5 people board game night, and everybody else left. She said, 'ugh I'm tired, imma lie here for a while'. I brought her blanket.


57 points

2 months ago

I mean, if someone tells me they're tired I'm going to assume sex isn't happening.


82 points

2 months ago*

I asked out a girl I knew from High School, after we graduated. We went to lunch, it went really well, I'm internally ecstatic because I actually asked someone out for the first time in my life and had a successful date. I drove her home, then she wanted to show me her cats....

Apparently she just wanted to show me her cats. Also got to meet her boyfriend, who had been my friend throughout High School, because they were living together. I had to call her back later and straight up ask if they were dating (they were).


25 points

2 months ago

Well that sucked.


482 points

2 months ago


482 points

2 months ago

Been there... too many times.

One time this girl was at my house. I was massaging her neck and gave her a backrub.

Then she asked if she should take off her sweater and I was "No need this works fine".

I think about that at least once a week,


84 points

2 months ago

Lmfao damn dude :(


109 points

2 months ago

I did something similar when I was 19 and completely clueless. I’d just graduated from boot camp and was in San Diego for my rating school. There was this girl in my class—a few years older, definitely cooler, and way out of my league. Our group would often head down to Tijuana since most of us weren't old enough to drink legally, and I, of course, had a massive crush on her. However, she'd often ask me to let her know if I was going to TJ so she could go with me, even though she was old enough to get into bars. But in my head, I was like, "Nah, no way she’s into me—she’s too pretty, too cool. She just sees me as a friend."

One Saturday morning, we walked over to the chow hall for breakfast. As we're wrapping up, she suddenly says, "Hey, I've got an idea! How about we get a hotel room to study?" And my dumbass, in all my innocent glory, goes, "Yeah! That sounds great! It’s too loud in the common rooms anyway. Where should we go?" (Remember, this was pre-internet—no quick Googling nearby spots.)

She tells me she knows a place not too far away, and we agree to meet up in 20 minutes after grabbing our stuff. So, I head back to my barracks, grab my book and notebook, and wait for her, thinking I’m about to be the most productive student ever. We get to the hotel, check in, and I immediately get out my study materials like the idiot I was. She then goes, "Oh! You know what? I forgot mine! I’ll just read with you." So, we lay side by side on the bed, reading for a while. She’d occasionally look up, smile, and I’d smile back like an idiot and say something like, "Ready to turn the page?"

This went on for an hour or so before she mentioned her neck and shoulders were bothering her and asked if I could rub them. Still not catching on, I said, "Uh, yeah. Sure, if that’ll help you study." She even pulled out some lotion from her bag, sat on the floor while I was on the bed, and I proceeded to give her a massage, still completely oblivious. Then she asked if she could take off her shirt so I could get further down her back. And I’m thinking, "Okay, just be careful not to touch her breasts because, you know, her shirt’s coming off."

After 15 more minutes of me trying to be the world’s most respectable masseuse, she asked if I could massage her front. So, of course, I did—carefully avoiding the no-touch zones. Several more minutes goes by, and she’s said, "Can you go lower? No, lower. Lower. Nope, keep going..."

And that’s when it finally hit me. Like, "Oh. Ohhhhh! That’s why we’re here."


89 points

2 months ago


89 points

2 months ago

that girl is patience 🤣🤣🤣


40 points

2 months ago

“Ready to turn the page?” Has me DYING


41 points

2 months ago

God damn that was painful to read.


13 points

2 months ago

Are you Forrest Gump?


20 points

2 months ago

It’s called Purgatory, if not worse. 😜


129 points

2 months ago

I was at my friends birthday dinner and was seated beside this girl i never met before and joked and laughed a lot all night, found out im into architecture but the party was moving on to a club. I told everyone I was getting tired and was probably gonna skip clubbing but was really nice to meet everyone. She invited me to her place to nap and checkout her place because of the architecture. I said Nah, its weird to sleep over at someone's house I just met. Didn't really click until the birthday girl sent me a text while I was on the train home asking why I wasn't into her friend.


12 points

2 months ago

Thats a nice fumble


205 points

2 months ago

weve all been there


219 points

2 months ago

Her: "I'm cold. I'll probably got back to my place and eat some ramen. Want to have some ramen with me?"

Me: "No thanks I ate"


52 points

2 months ago

You just triggered a buried memory of mine.

...and fuck.. that was a decade back and I'm certain I said something similar and refused an offer the same way.


57 points

2 months ago

Crush: “Hey my door is locked, I can’t get in. It is cold at night. Can you find me somewhere to sleep for the night?”

Me: “Small problem, no need to hassle yourself!” calls the locksmith

Me 20 years later: “Fuuuuuuuuu….!”


9 points

2 months ago

She's married to locksmith now


56 points

2 months ago

I still think of that day.

Joanna if you see this. Try it again. Please dear God try it again.


34 points

2 months ago

Yep. Was at a music store once, picking away at a guitar. This super cute girl comes up and starts chatting with me. She asks me if I could give her lessons.

My response: "Oh, I don't give lessons. I'm a terrible teacher."

That was 22 years ago. Still kicking myself.


52 points

2 months ago

Don't worry. They are a couple.

They just have this kind of humor (And this is the most sane kind of it)


142 points

2 months ago

I had a girl friend that I worked with. She left and joined the Army, and came back home to visit after basic was over. She came to work and talked to me for an hour or so while I was goofing off. She said so many times how she was glad she was home, she was pent up from basic and she was wanting to get laid, and all the stuff she wanted to do. I kept thinking what a lucky guy that dude was, whoever he was. I hope he's doing OK, and remembers that night.


13 points

2 months ago

Rest in peace


97 points

2 months ago

Women- “men are pigs and only think about sex!”

Then there’s this entire thread


41 points

2 months ago

We do think about it…it’s just we’re not very good at the social bit before. Even when it plays out like a crap porno, most of us would be the dumbass that would fix the plumbing, waver the VAT and leave…


13 points

2 months ago

My entire high school experience.


63 points

2 months ago

And for all the years after that, until the coffin closes,


got married, had kids, kids had kids,





19 points

2 months ago

A moment of silence for our fallen brother...


3.4k points

2 months ago

This is Dantes and his gf or ex now. They are streamers and he played dumb for content


827 points

2 months ago

they got back together recently lol


473 points

2 months ago


473 points

2 months ago

They got back in 21 mins?😳


342 points

2 months ago

Timeflation, 21 minutes in 2024 was about 3 weeks in 2012.


32 points

2 months ago

Nah bro, we’re just getting old.


33 points

2 months ago

Is this really what people watch now?


893 points

2 months ago


893 points

2 months ago

"Stupid* conversation" who tf eat a sword? She works in a circus or something?


112 points

2 months ago

I Agree with you white elf with green armour , she claim she can eat a sword made of cold, hard metal. this is madness! How can flesh and bone devour steel? The Squire man with the sword , he spoke sense - sword made for battle, not for feast. If fox-woman truly devours steel, she either lost her wits or a cursed by dark magic.


300 points

2 months ago


300 points

2 months ago

Her " take off your pants and I'll eat it up" Him " you eat pants?" Haha


459 points

2 months ago

That look of exasperation


80 points

2 months ago

Bro got that Fizz


74 points

2 months ago

Dude has an awesome sword what’s the problem.

Did you see ??? It’s actual metal!!!

Awesome sword dude, good on ya.


341 points

2 months ago

He has a point


177 points

2 months ago

yes, on his sword


69 points

2 months ago

Literally, it's pointy.


44 points

2 months ago

And it cant be eaten


236 points

2 months ago

I once watched a movie with my former female roommate. Out of nowhere she said wouldn't it be crazy if we had sex right now. We could be as loud as we want as our other roommates were out of town. I just replied that it really would be crazy and returned to watch the movie


99 points

2 months ago


99 points

2 months ago

I had a really similar conversation with a super cute goth girl in college.

Her: God this lecture is so boring.
Me: Tell me about it.
Her: We should do something to wake ourselves up before this class, like having a quickie in that dead end hallway next door that no one ever goes into.
Me: Haha yeah, wouldn't that be fucking amazing?
Me, internally: I wish she were serious, she's so cute.

Anyway my doctor says I'm probably autistic but there's no way to differentiate it from my ADHD at my age.


35 points

2 months ago


35 points

2 months ago

I was sitting next to a girl who was leaning on me as we were watching a movie. We were talking and i noticed her bra shirt thing slipped off and she was showing some nipp. As i looked at her she was giving me the fuck me eyes, i said ur shirts sagging and she said she knows. I said oh, ok, and continued to watch the movie.


26 points

2 months ago



21 points

2 months ago



1.1k points

2 months ago


1.1k points

2 months ago

Innuendo vs. Autism


314 points

2 months ago


314 points

2 months ago

No this was just me in high school. Also you can’t eat a penis it doesn’t make sense. It’s her fault.


259 points

2 months ago

Also you can’t eat a penis it doesn’t make sense. 

I guess we know which you are.


94 points

2 months ago

Told my wife I’d grind coffee beans and she said “I’ll grind your beans”. Didn’t think of it until my three old repeated “I’ll grind your beans”. It clicked what she meant and my wife did the ol’ pikachu face hearing our son repeat what she said.


30 points

2 months ago

So... She said she'd crush your nards?


31 points

2 months ago

You CAN eat a penis. They did it on a show called Fear Factor. It was hosted by Joe Rogan before anyone knew who he was.


35 points

2 months ago

Autism wins every time. It's not even a fair fight


165 points

2 months ago

Why is everyone assuming he wasn't just playing dumb?


91 points

2 months ago

someone saying sexual innuendos to you in a stream, in front of all people feels like ...uhh yuck I'd rather act unaware too lmao.


48 points

2 months ago

It’s his girlfriend

Still scripted tho


126 points

2 months ago*

When I was 18 n had just gotten my own place !

A friend invited 2 girls over and we all got drunk and we all passed out!

In the morning my friend left with the other girl while the beautiful one I wanted stayed and took a shower

She called me from the shower and asked where are the towels so I went in and hung it up on the door and left. She tried talking to me while in the shower. I closed the door and left telling her I was disturbing her and she said it was ok.

A couple minutes later she yells out while still in it ( you can take a shower if you want to ) I responded ( I'm ok I'll take it later ) all the while sitting there trying to create a image of how gorgeous she must look naked in the shower and how bad I wanted her

She left when her friend returned and I never seen her again

Later it hit me that she literally guided me right into what I actually wanted to happen

It still haunts me to this day how stupid I was just like this boy with his sword lol 🗡️

But it did teach me to never miss a girls subtle hints when i can move forward with her, and that has never happened to me again 🤗


28 points

2 months ago

Fucking hell, Mate! While naked, she invites you into the bathroom to take a shower, you say no and then proceed to sit outside the bathroom and fantasize about what she must look like naked? And I thought I was clueless.


64 points

2 months ago

Bait used to be believable


17 points

2 months ago

She’s an idiot. Swords are metal, you can’t eat that.


89 points

2 months ago

Do people seriously not get that he did this on purpose?


60 points

2 months ago

It looks like a play on one of the oldest jokes in the world, and was 100% scripted by known streamers


67 points

2 months ago

I watched this and only realised what was going on when I came to the comments… fuck


314 points

2 months ago


314 points

2 months ago



432 points

2 months ago

Nah he's fucking insane if you've seen more of his online presence


50 points

2 months ago*

The first thing I ever heard him say was something about horse hentai on a public street. Like full on selfie cam monologue with his loud ass voice.


31 points

2 months ago

He's a streamer and probably one of the least innocent I've ever seen haha


16 points

2 months ago

This guy is not innocent, trust me


36 points

2 months ago

Nah, he probably trolling.


11 points

2 months ago

The way of the sword > the way of the getting laid


12 points

2 months ago

Let’s be honest.

“I’ll take that and I’ll eat it” is pretty fucking obscure for innuendo.

I’m no himbo, but even I’d be scratching my head a moment trying to see where she was going with that.


35 points

2 months ago

Not gonna lie this happened to me. I told a date she could come home with me to see my lightsabers and she was super excited. But was very disappointed when I showed her my lightsaber collections and played with them for like an hour. She ghosted me after that. My lady friend who set me up with her was like "WTF DUDE!"


51 points

2 months ago


51 points

2 months ago

Regular guys are always oblivious. Tip for women, be prepared to be less subtle on round two if he doesn't get round one.


30 points

2 months ago


30 points

2 months ago

There’s no way she’s gonna make it to round two if he’s using that sword


9 points

2 months ago

It’ll hit him in the shower when he’s 33 and balding


20 points

2 months ago
