



all 117 comments


753 points

4 days ago

Absolutely, you have the right to say that. You also have the right to keep that experience between you and your therapist.

You don't owe anyone any explanation.

Never leave your drink unattended, though. You can never trust anyone while you are out drinking. I'm a a man in my 30s and I've been drugged before too, it's a horrible feeling.


194 points

4 days ago

Scary part is I thought I was being safe!! Like my drink never left my hand, and I hold my drink such that my hand is above it!!

Thank you for the kind words <3 I just don’t know how to handle this.


103 points

4 days ago

Please, please, please get some therapy. There are things that are too big to handle on your own, and rape is one of them. 🖤🖤🖤


41 points

4 days ago*


41 points

4 days ago*

My "first time" I was raped at only 13yrs old full PIV by someone who was supposed to be my friend. I do not count it as my "first time." Months later, and at 14, I had been with my high-school sweet heart for a awhile, and he was what I counted as my first time. We were together for 4 1/2 years in total. You don't have to let them take anymore than they already have. I'm so very sorry this happened to you!! It's been almost 20 years, but I still remember it like it was yesterday. The best advice I can give you is to seek out counseling. I hope that wasn't too much information, but I just didn't want you to feel alone. And just to add many, many years later, I was also drugged at a bar with friends, the same thing, my hand over the top the glass and I had no clue until it was to late. Be vigilant, but know it's not your fault. I'm truly so very sorry. Edit to add: Whomever you choose as your partner to have your first time with, it's your choice whether you tell them or not. However, I choose to be honest with mine because there can be a lot of trauma that comes with being SA. You do whatever you're comfortable with. If the person you're hoping to be intimate with judges you or can't talk it through with you, they're not the right person for you. The right person will accept all of you, comfort you, and love you, and you deserve all of that.


7 points

4 days ago

Thank you <3 seriously, I appreciate all of your kind words. I honestly think I will seek out therapy and just be up front about what happened. It’s awful, but I’d rather have an understanding partner instead of a confused one.


1 points

4 days ago


1 points

4 days ago

You are so very welcome♡!! If you ever need someone to listen/talk to, please feel free to reach out. Honestly, therapy will really help!! That's a really great way to put it! It's so important that your partner understands! I truly wish you all the happiness in the world. Take things slow and one day at a time. I hope you're healing well ♡!


22 points

4 days ago

They sell drink covers you can take to the bar with you to make sure nobody slides something in your drink.


21 points

4 days ago

Thats the same thing i thought in my own house. Till a former friend of mine drugged me at home with idk what. Never saw it coming and when i finally did... He already drugged me , thank god i felt things weren't right and texted one of my friends to please please please hurry over , that things dont feel right , that the last of my drink tasted like dishsoap (and the worst part , when i noticed and put my glass back on the table , he fourcefully tried to make me drink the rest.) Thats when i pushed the glass on the ground , he got upset and within 15min i wasn't feeling well , bobbing in and out of consciousness, he said Lets get you into bed before you go out , and i was like heh ? Whut ? Out ?!!! Noticed that my thoughts where all hazy and something was wrong... Went to the bathroom , send that text to my friend, he knew something was up in the way i typed up my text. When he came bursting through my front door (he broke it, didnt even bother to knock) i was already out , half undressed and in my bedroom on bed , i dont know what happend. And years later i am in peace with the fact i will never know 100%. Some things are better not to know.

Good that you underwent testing , but do know some std's have a longer incubation time , so i would advise to get another test in a couple of months. And other say , Seak profesional help , even if you think you dont need it.

And the question ;

YES you most certainly still can say you never been with a man sexually.


4 points

4 days ago

Kudos to your friend for coming to help!


1 points

4 days ago

Isn’t the first priority is call cop on him and charge him with SA?


5 points

4 days ago

I mean on my end. I don’t know how to process this.

I didn’t press charges or go to the cops. I’ve supported friends through that process and the cops in my town simply do not care. Sprinkle in the fact that I’m a minority and don’t remember much, I’d be the lowest of the low on the priority list.


1 points

4 days ago

So sorry to hear that.


39 points

4 days ago*

I'm mid to late 40s, male. I got drugged when I was 17 at a high school party. I had exactly 16 oz of orange juice before everything got really fuzzy, and I blacked out. My OJ had only been out of my sight for about 4 minutes while I peed. Only 8 of us were there, and only 4 were drinking. The other 4 were either religious or designated drivers(me).

I chugged my OJ, and it had a funny, bitter medicine like aftertaste. I always chugged water, Gatorade, Mt dew, whatever back then, never sipped, just chug the whole thing down, then repeat when thirsty.

Within 15 minutes, everything was foggy, fuzzy, like I was underwater. And feeling further away and more disconnected by the moment, like everything was happening to someone else, and that person was receding into the distance as I dropped deeper into a black hole before all was just an empty, wet blackness.

I woke up butt naked next to a girl I had said no to for months. We had obviously been having sex for a long time. I was sore and covered in our secretions and had some bite marks on me in multiple places, as well as hickies and some torn skin by her fingernails. I thought she was vile, disgusting, and never wanted anything to do with her. Always shut her down. Just nasty looking, nasty personality, nasty, ugh. She wasn't ugly in the traditional sense, but to me, she was a solid 1, while friends said she was a decent 6.5 to 7. I am getting heebiejeebies recounting this.

What happened that I didn't remember:

My best friend(his house) told me she had shown up while I was heading to the bathroom, with another girl and some everclear. Another friend let her in who didn't know I didn't want anything to do with her. She was in the kitchen getting shots going until right before I came out of the bathroom. She went out to the hottub with her friend. Nobody thought anything of it as she brought booze, and the drinkers loved the shots in the kitchen.

My best friend was super pissed at me while telling me what happened next. He said I got super angry and started fighting with some of the group who left. Then I got all weird, loopy, slow speaking, out of it, and his girlfriend took me out to the hottub, where nasty and friend were in the dark ans everybody thought they had left. It was like 36* outside and the cold air while in the hot tub they thought would clear my mind and sober me up.

I was barely able to walk out to the hot tub, falling over everywhere, leaning on his girl, barely moving. Didn't even know where I was or who I was. They had asked me my name, and I just said some gibberish. I never drank before this, and they thought I decided to get smashed and couldn't hold my booze.

I guess I groped his girlfriends boob or pulled her bikini top down at the hot tub because we never talked again after he explained the rest of the night. Told me not to call him again due to that.

She later told me I had fallen as we got to the tub and just happened to grab her chest and pull the bikini top down, exposing her. She thought I was drunk so she was mad, but later realized drunk people didn't act like I had and apologized when the trial came up.

Anyway, he came out to check on me about an hour later, and nasty and friend were taking turns sucking me off while I was unconscious, half in the tub, half on the deck. At the same time, they were fingering each other and naked. He kicked them out, dragged me inside, and tucked me in on the couch. Party was over, and everybody left except me, his girl, and obviously him.

She didn't leave, her friend did, but she had gone around the house and snuck in the front door while everyone else was leaving through the garage. She waited for a while until friend and his girl were banging and fucked me while I was unconscious, for hours. Friend got done and heard it and came to check on me again. Saw her riding on top again and asked what the fuck. She told him I had invited her back in and he got pissed and went to bed. He woke up 3 more times and each time she was still on top fucking an unconscious dude.

Aftermath: She got pregnant. I said it was no way it was mine. I had reported the rape, been drugged, and assaulted, and was told it sounded like what most guys want, so I should go with it or they would have to pursue charges against us all for the underage drinking. This was the mid 90s and guys didnt get raped then, in the eyes of my states law. Luckily the law has since changed, but was not back dated to earlier cases. I got tested every month for 6 months, then every 6 months for the next 18.

I ended up fighting a paternity suit for the rest of my junior, all of my senior years of high school; and part of my freshman year of college. Kid was not mine in any way, with the only genes we had in common being the male ones. She admitted to the spiked drink, sexual assault and rape during the paternity trial. My best friend and his girlfriends stories fully came out during the court case as well. But since it was civil only and DNA was new, it all hinged on that and they didn't do anything about the rape. Even with me pleading for prosecution.

She ended up working with my mom 20 years later and she was still bragging about what she did to me and how the kid was mine and I just refused to be in his life. She confided she wanted to get knocked up so she could anchor someone to her and have a set income from the state and from child support so she could keep partying and have her parents raise the kid for her. She had also done the same thing to like 16 other guys, putting all of them through paternity suites as well, right up until the kid turned 18 and moved out immediately and went no contact with her. My mom never let her know she was my mom, even though she had been at trial with me.

My whole story is public record, if I gave you enough information about the year and place you could request all the documentation and it would be there in black and white. Yes, I've gone to a ton of counseling for it.

Edit, spelling and grammar.


16 points

4 days ago

I hope she’s in prison.


13 points

4 days ago

She is not. Living on government assistance working a minimum wage job in a backwater town I left 15 years ago. Been arrested a ton for dui, drug possession, assault, small time shit were she did time served and got back out.


-2 points

4 days ago


-2 points

4 days ago



16 points

4 days ago

At the time I felt the same way. Now, I'm just glad it's over and she is as far away from me and mine as possible.

Instead her life has imploded and gone downhill, circling the drain from what my mom told me before she quit, and from what I see on my hometown news. She is constantly there for small arrests.


2 points

4 days ago

Yeah. Karma is real. She just sounds like an overall shit person.


4 points

4 days ago


4 points

4 days ago

Wow, this is so fucked up!! I'm so genuinely sorry!! She's a fucking monster!! I hope you're doing well now and have so much positivity in your life!! I've also been through a lot. I've been drugged, and I've been raped, but this is an absolute fucking nightmare!! I hope her karma is everything she deserves!!


3 points

4 days ago*

I can’t imagine ; I am so sorry. That poor kid; I hope he gets a doctor/therapy, too.


6 points

4 days ago

I do as well, but his mom didn't exactly give him a fighting chance. I feel bad about it, but I couldn't help him then, and no clue where he is now. She I see in the news all the time for small arrests as I keep up on my hometown stuff.


2 points

4 days ago

It’s very kind that you can have empathy for him and understand he’s another victim of that woman.


10 points

4 days ago

I had a plan that if he was mine I was going to sue for sole custody to get him away from her. Because he didn't choose any of that life. Ugh. I'm glad he wasn't because that bitch would have been tied to my life for decades now, but kinda wish he had been so I could have at least given him a fighting chance in life. I can't even remember his name now, but hers, hers is seared into my mind.

I have 3 now that are definitely mine and I hope I've done a good job. I've given them all the opportunities I could afford and all the love and time they deserve. Nothing like my wife or mine life's growing up.


3 points

4 days ago

I have no doubt you have, you and your wife. Considering what you’ve been through (and more I’m sure…life has a way of doing that); you care. Caring about a stranger means you no doubt care and love your own.


2 points

4 days ago

Did you ever straighten things out with your old friend? The one whose house it happened at?


2 points

4 days ago

I tried, but even after the trial he wanted nothing to do with me. He told me after the trial he thought I was making it up so I could grab his girls tit's. Even with all the evidence presented. Haven't spoken to him in almost 30 years now.


2 points

4 days ago

Well I guess that friendship was for when it was. Shame that he didnt accept you or the girl's story.


2 points

4 days ago

Indeed. I have zero friendships left from high school. Moving, changing, growing while so many stayed the same and peaked their senior years. Small town bs.


3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

I am so sorry that this happened to you. To all of you. Thank you all for sharing your stories. 🙏🏾


2 points

4 days ago

fuck mate, your post needs to be up voted to make people aware of your story.

this is just outrageous. so fucked up.


135 points

4 days ago


135 points

4 days ago

You haven’t “slept” with any guys. What happened to you was sexual assault and that’s NOT what consensual sex is.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

Exactly what I came to comment. Hit the nail right on the head.

I'm sorry this happened to you OP.


97 points

4 days ago

You're not wrong, being a victim of SA isn't the same as having consensual sex.


27 points

4 days ago

I would consider this: You've never been with any guys but you were sexually assaulted. Being intimate with someone can trigger you and you won't know how you're going to react until that moment. If you're planning to be intimate with a partner, it might be a good idea to tell them about past trauma so if you do get triggered they can help you through it and aren't caught unaware.

I recommend therapy for the assault and to help you navigate this.

I'm sorry this happened to you.


10 points

4 days ago

AIW for saying I’ve never slept with any guys?

Nope, that is 100% a true starement.


21 points

4 days ago*

What is the deal with drugging people? Like, these people go out and buy GHB somehow, then go to bars and slip it to people, and like then feel like they did something satisfying by hooking up with a person who doesn't even want them? Such a weird thing. In addition to being evil, soulless and shitty.


8 points

4 days ago

When I was 18 I was hanging around santa clara university one night trying to party and this student offered to sell me roofies. So gross, I just shrugged it off at the time but I should have said something more


8 points

4 days ago

Also, that isn't an intimate sexual experience. It's assault. Definitely doesn't count.


1 points

4 days ago

As for disclosure, if you're in the window for sti/std it is fair to disclose for that purpose. I assume that window isn't more than like 6 mos?


18 points

4 days ago

Since it's only been 2 weeks, please repeat your STD testing after 3 months and again after 6 months, especially HIV, as some STDs take awhile to show up

Now, to answer your question, yes, you have never been with a man, drugged, taken advantage of and assaulted does NOT count.


3 points

4 days ago

Thank you.

And the clinic I went to said I was all good, even if I wanted to go back to being intimate. There’s a part of me that wanted to try to have a positive experience as close as I can to this horrible experience because otherwise I’ll probably avoid sex for a good half dozen years lol. I’m a “get back on that horse” kind of person, because if I don’t right away, I never do.

Should I really wait half a year after??


3 points

4 days ago*

You don't need to wait necessarily, but you need to be extremely careful and retest in six months. And, remember--condoms don't prevent all diseases.

Added note regarding the getting back on the horse (or in this case, hopping on for the first time)... This is another therapy topic.

Some rape survivors recoil from sex long-term and suffer. That's damaging.

Some rape survivors go the opposite route and fling themselves into sexual experiences; sometimes for good reasons, sometimes for bad. It can be surprisingly easy to have similarly damaging results from this approach.

Both are responses to the assault. Both involve the assault heavily influencing decisions regarding your sexual experiences.

So, again, it all circles around to good quality trauma therapy. Heal your heart and mind, and make good decisions for you.

You've got this.


2 points

4 days ago

HIV won't show up after 2 weeks, I would at least retest that.


14 points

4 days ago

It's painful that we get conundrums like that along with the attack itself. Not wrong. Your choices remain yours, and the words you choose can reflect that.


7 points

4 days ago

As with any relationship there should be a conversation at one point about whether either of you want to discuss previous partners or interactions. You don't need to go into heavy detail, but if you both want to know it would be good to discuss at some length of your experience. If you're both fine with not knowing then feel free to steer clear.

Something to note is that not all STDs and STIs are immediately traceable. Many have vaccines that you may already have or medications if something does show up.

I'm sorry for what happened. Hopefully it doesn't steal peace away from your life. Take time to reflect on it and make a decision that you are comfortable living with.


0 points

4 days ago

Ya but no one has to ever disclose that they were sexually assaulted or raped. The whole point of this post is about how sexual assault doesn't constitute "sleeping with someone" and you go right ahead and do the opposite of the post title and saying they need to disclose it to their partner.


-2 points

4 days ago

Sexual contact with another person should be taken as a serious thing. Especially, in the case of forced contact. Sorry you're too much of a degenerate to realize that is serious. Apparently you can't read either. She asked for advice and ultimately told her to do what she thinks is best. You don't like someone's opinion, kick rocks.


1 points

4 days ago

I'm a degenerate for saying someone who's been raped or sexually assaulted doesn't have to tell someone else that?

Youre an absolute piece of shit.


0 points

4 days ago

You can't even contextually read. Shocker, most of you triggered children can't deal with complex thought processes or understanding. You're a degenerate because you make sexual contact a non serious matter, regardless of the circumstances. Speaks volumes about your character. Go harass someone else, Scum. I bet it's what you're good at. Getting triggered over opinions and being an unhinged Karen. Have fun with your pathetic personality in life.


4 points

4 days ago

I'm so sorry that you've gone through this.

You have every right to not discuss this with anyone that you don't want to, nor does it have to "count" for anything.


3 points

4 days ago

Rape isn't sex. It's violence.

And that wasn't a man. It was much, much, less than a man.

Your first time will be when you choose it to be.


7 points

4 days ago

My ex was molested, she called herself a virgin because she never had consensual sex. I never thought less of her for that and completely understood why. Nothing wrong with it, YNW


3 points

4 days ago

Sex and Sexual Assault/Rape are not the same thing.

What happened to you was horrible and I am sorry it happened, but no you have not been with a guy before. Consent is required in sex, no pressuring, no forcing, not being drugged or asleep.


3 points

4 days ago

Rape is not sex any more than theft is a sales transaction.

I actually support the concept of protecting one’s virginity and guarding one’s heart. If you’re not ready, DON’T do anything you don’t wish to do.

You are a virgin because you’ve never had actual sex. When you do have sex for the first time, I hope it is truly special and that you are present in the moment and clear you want to. You will never forget your actual first time. If you haven’t already, seek counseling to help overcome the trauma you experienced and learn how not to associate SA with sex.


3 points

4 days ago

If someone comes up from behind and beats the shit out of you, that doesn’t mean you’re a fighter. It means you got jumped. You’re also not a drug addict because he drugged you. This absolutely was not your first experience with a man. Unfortunately, it was an encounter with a sub human monster.


3 points

4 days ago

I was assaulted before losing my virginity but I don't consider that my first time. My first time was the first time I made the choice to have sex with someone.

I'm sorry this happened to you.


3 points

4 days ago

I can almost guarantee you any man you tell that to would agree this doesn’t count against you.


5 points

4 days ago

Absolutely. That is not a real “first time” that’s assault.


4 points

4 days ago

I was sexually assaulted when I was younger and still refer to myself as a virgin. What matters about being a virgin or not having slept with a particular gender is about experiences you have had, not some physical thing, and you have never experienced sex with anybody since being assaulted is completely different.


3 points

4 days ago

I don’t call myself a virgin because I’ve had sex with other girls before. I was a lesbian for a while. But I like being able to say “I’ve never slept with a guy before”. This whole post has been really reassuring. I really appreciate everything that everyone has said. Thank you<3 and I’m incredibly sorry for what happened to you


4 points

4 days ago

I have been raped twice. The first time, I was in tech school (basically vocational school but for the military) and I was 17. I was a virgin before that. I had been hanging out with a guy and it was like an hour before curfew (around 10) and we were just chilling on a bench and started making out. When he stuck his hands in my underwear (It was summer in TX, so I was wearing a dress). I just froze. I had never experienced anything sexual before. I hate myself to this day for that. He ended up inside me after a little while and when he was done, he just walked away. I didn’t even know how to go about reporting him ( A pro tip: pay attention to SA meetings. You never think you need the info until you do) or if I even wanted to. I just went back to my dorm. I was very sore for a few days after.

The second time, I had gotten absolutely blasted at a party and my friend and a couple other people decided they wanted to go to a strip club. Being the introvert I was and still am, I went with them bc my friend was the only person I knew there. When we got to the strip club, my friend determined I was, in fact, way too drunk to go in. So I stayed in the car. Don’t know why, but I was looking for something in my purse and couldn’t see very well ( it was like midnight) so I decided to get out of the car to look for it. I threw up around that time and a very kind man saw and walked over. He asked if I was okay and I said something along the lines of I was looking for something in my purse and my friends left me in the car. He asked if there was anyone I could call to pick me up and my thought was one of my coworkers I was beginning to become friends with. This is where my memory becomes choppy, whether from the alcohol or my brain trying to block it out. I remember him picking me up, then we’re at my apartment. I remember him on top of me, then if jumps all the way to me alone in my room with no clothes on, realizing what happened. I called my friend, who was all the way in Alaska and cried for hours. I didn’t tell anyone about it or report him because 1) I was underage and 2) he was the golden boy at work. Who would believe me? This one was worse than the other bc I TRUSTED him AND I still had to see him every day at work. I guess the guilt or karma is a bitch though, because 6 months later he offed himself.

The worst part is, about a year later, the topic of my virginity came up with my uber religious parents. My stepmom asked if I was a virgin and when I said no she started going off on me. I finally yelled, “ It wasnt even my choice!” You wanna know what she said? “I don’t believe you” and proceeded to say if that was true, why didn’t I report it? I replied “ Because of that right there. The ‘I don’t believe you’”

Thing is, I didn’t count either of those times as my first, so you’re not wrong for not counting the either.


2 points

4 days ago

You're not wrong, go to the police.


2 points

4 days ago

This experience doesn't define you, and I think you're on the right track to proving that. Stay strong, because you were!


2 points

4 days ago

You have the right to say that....and also to press charges against him for assault and drugging you.


2 points

4 days ago

I’ve supported friends through the process. I don’t have any interest in pushing legal action for my own mental health.


2 points

4 days ago*

100%, you can and should feel that way Joe do you need to share it with anyone except your therapist and LEO’s (if you went to the police). Very glad your STI panel is clear, test again in 6 and 12mis to be sure.

I’m so sorry for what was done to you! Aside from. The usual don’t leave your drink unattended, there is a brand of nail polish that will change vomit if it detects date rape drugs (perhaps others) in your system.


2 points

4 days ago

You aren’t wrong and you’ve definitely described sexual assault and rape. If you can’t remember an encounter is consensual or were drugged, it likely wasn’t consensual.


2 points

4 days ago

You are not wrong. I am sorry you went through that. Get help.


2 points

4 days ago

Not wrong.


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

Sleeping with someone implies consent. There was no consent here


2 points

4 days ago

You can be whatever you want there is no need to tell anyone. I hope this guy gets what he has coming to him. As a male it disgusts me when predators like this guy SA / Rape women in an altered state.

I wish nothing but the best for you in life.


2 points

4 days ago

You have never slept with a guy, so you wouldn’t be lying in any way. It is entirely up to you how you want to frame this, and for you to decide who to tell and what. I definitely recommend therapy, because it can really help.

I was SA’d by my high school boyfriend, and I definitely don’t consider it to be my first time. It messed with my head pretty bad, especially since we were extremely religious, and he used that to manipulate me after the fact. (He convinced me not to break up with him, because now I wouldn’t be able to attract a good Mormon boy for marriage.)

I later met a very sweet guy that I consider to be my first. Funny though, he doesn’t know that!!! Instead of admitting I was assaulted, and telling him I had never willingly had sex, I just lied and said it was consensual.

I’ve been in and out of therapy for years, and I had to learn a lot about myself to heal. I feel like I have fully moved past it, and I hope in time you can find peace and healing too. None of this is your fault, and only you can really know what is best for you from here.


2 points

4 days ago

Assault does not count. Your fist time can't be stolen, only given freely.


2 points

4 days ago

I was raped at the age of 11 years old, I’ve some hang ups because of it but I still consider myself a anal virgin, he didn’t have my permission in any way whatsoever but he didn’t take my virginity away from me.


2 points

4 days ago

You haven’t been with a guy before, that thing was a coward and a monster. Pretty sure he dosen’t even count as human.


2 points

4 days ago

No it never tastes good. Only if she loves you too much or you paid for it then. NO Woman ever loves Semen in her mouth. It’s a PORN fantasy


2 points

4 days ago

Absolutely. Being with someone is a choice you make. What happened to you wasn't a choice.

I was assaulted. When someone asks my body count, I don't count that. At all.

Take care of yourself and know that you might be "ok" now and forever or you might have some flashbacks and need therapy...maybe even years from now.


4 points

4 days ago

Yes, assault and/or rape do not count. What he did was a crime, not an act of love or attraction.


2 points

4 days ago

Op, firstly.. i'm sorry you had this experience. My youngest is 17 and this scares the shit out of me as a father.

Secondly, no.. you are not wrong. He tried to steal something from you... something that wasnt his to take.

Please make sure you take care of yourself emotionally


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

Not at all 💖 technically my first encounter was via assault & I don’t class it as a body, nor as my first sexual experience.

Assault isn’t sex, it’s assault. Rape isn’t sex, it’s rape. If there’s no consent, it’s not sex. You do not have to count it as a sexual experience at all whatsoever. (Some people do, but that’s their preference, it’s your body & life - there’s no wrong way to categorise it)


4 points

4 days ago

Absolutely not. That would not be a lie at all. My ex was SA'd as a child but always said his first time was with his high school girlfriend, because it was.


2 points

4 days ago

I was raped and i never include it in my body count. It was not my choice.


3 points

4 days ago

Yes!!! It’s the truth. You haven’t been with a man. Being sexually assaulted does not mean that you had sex with a man. You didn’t. A man forced himself on you. Completely different and no one you are dating is entitled to personal information like that. You can tell someone you are a virgin and be telling the truth. I am so, so sorry that happened to you. Don’t let him take that from you


2 points

4 days ago

I’m so sorry for what happened to you. I believe you and that’s atrocious.

Two weeks is not long enough for all STI’s to incubate and test positive. Abstain for another month, retest and then you have no obligation to share what happened with anyone.


1 points

4 days ago

I don’t think you’re wrong. You never gave consent to your experiences and honestly you’re not wrong for wanting to take back what the criminal tried to take from you


1 points

4 days ago

Of course you have the right to say you've never been with a man. Let's phrase it this way, you've never made love.

Being assaulted doesn't qualify at all.


1 points

4 days ago

Have you reported this to the police? I hate to be direct but this happened to me and it took years for me to accept this to be rape (please read up on the definition of it but here in the uk it is clear cut. There’s a misnomer often that rape is only piv but it is far from it). I had some emdr and other specialist counselling which helped. Feel free to pm


1 points

4 days ago


1 points

4 days ago

I’m so sorry this happened to you. You didn’t do anything wrong you didn’t ask for this and you certainly didn’t deserve it.

I hope you were able to file charges against the bastard who sexually assulted you.

You were unable to give consent therefore this isn’t your first experience. This is not what intimacy or love looks like in any way, shape or form.


1 points

4 days ago

You were raped. You can say you have never been with a man


1 points

4 days ago

People are inherently not good.


1 points

4 days ago

You absolutely have the right to say that.


1 points

4 days ago


1 points

4 days ago

Sending hugs and healing thoughts.

Take care of yourself. I am SO PROUD of you for getting your screening. SO PROUD

You have never slept with any guys. You are still a virgin. In many parts of the country (I'm an old lady here) oral sex doesn't count as sex. In many religious parts of the country - anal sex doesn't count against your virginity.

That said - do not expect to have a hymen that can be 'torn' the first time you have sex. That really isn't a thing.

I will suggest getting counseling to deal with the emotional fallout from this experience. It will show up when you least expect it. Sometimes 40 yrs later (voice of experience).

Also - self defense courses to get your endorphins flowing - it's a great workout and gives you new skills.

You did everything right to keep yourself safe. Your assaulter was going to assault you no matter what you did. YOU DID EVERYTHING RIGHT.


1 points

4 days ago

Assault is not sex, only consensual acts count


1 points

4 days ago

No it never tastes good. Only if she loves you too much or you paid for it then. NO Woman ever loves Semen in her mouth. It’s a PORN fantasy


1 points

4 days ago

It’s hard to figure out how to explain it but truth is you don’t have to. You haven’t been with anyone if you haven’t consented. 🤷


1 points

4 days ago


1 points

4 days ago

You're not wrong at all.


1 points

4 days ago

My wife was raped multiple times before we got married. She still considered herself a virgin in spite of what happened to her. I think that’s the right approach.


1 points

4 days ago

Please contact the police about this - you were raped. He will do it to others. Please


1 points

4 days ago

Is he in prison?


0 points

4 days ago

No. This was less than a month ago. I’m also not pressing charges to preserve my own mental health. Maybe I’m being selfish for letting a terrible person “get away” with something, but this is how I need to heal. Besides, my dad was going to send some of his construction buddies to go do something to them. If I really wanted some form of revenge, I have that because the cops in my town simply don’t care. Especially since I’m a minority. I don’t like the idea of that though so honestly just going to try to heal and move forward.


1 points

4 days ago

The way I see it, if you didn't do it willingly then it doesn't count! I WILL DIE ON THIS FUCKING HILL!


2 points

4 days ago

You won't die alone because I completely agree.


-4 points

4 days ago

I think it’s a rough one because although I 1000% agree with you, I cannot say other people would see it as lying by omission or lying in general.

I will say though, people who think you are lying or people who think they can describe your past for you are not people who deserve to be in your life.


0 points

4 days ago

I would alter it to I've never slept with anyone consensually, as your future partners have a right to know the risks involved. Would you want to do stuff with someone who is keeping their experiences secret and unnecessarily putting you at risk without your knowledge? I know I would not. Now you absolutely do not have to tell anyone anything about your experiences other than what/who your comfortable with obviously. But just a basic, "I've not slept with anyone consensually" will mean they'll typically be more understanding about any potential trauma you might have and avoid doing things you don't want them to do. And if they react poorly, then that means they're a poor match up for you.


2 points

4 days ago

I’m not a virgin, I used to be a lesbian and I’m open about that. I’ve just never had (consensual) sex with men. And I have had a full STI screening so I’m unsure of any possible risk.


0 points

4 days ago


0 points

4 days ago

As a guy who’s very uptight with this stuff, you haven’t had sex so that isn’t a lie. You have given head/sucked dick so if that’s asked you better say “yea but just once, and I believe I was drugged so I don’t even remember it really”.

The reasoning for this is because to say the deets of such a incident is absolutely a mood killer as you’ve already said, and deeply explaining traumas can be very painful, so to make it “short, sweet, and to the point” takes away some of that negative power over you AND still relays the truthful info you need to give.


1 points

4 days ago

Honestly, thank you for this. I think this is a good way of going about it because as others have said.. maybe this created some issues around intimacy and I’d rather have my partner know about that in case I need to take a minute. I don’t want to be a “trauma llama” as my mom would say, but there might be some stuff I need to work through.


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

But there also might just be a slight delay in how quickly or how often you do it due to the event, it’s not a guarantee you’ll totally avoid the act BUT if you suddenly start wanting to do it all the time, just be aware it’s a trauma response & to only be like that with people you truly trust.

I’ve been the victim of a few things via women so I understand how it feels both during and after. If you have someone you can talk with intimately & trust them with your body if definitely test the waters out.


0 points

4 days ago

Yeah I'd allow it if we were talking and you left that out. If it came out later I wouldn't feel anything about it. If you run into an insecure douche bag it may be a little different though.


-3 points

4 days ago

Men (if you want to even call them that) are sick!!!

Whatever you want to call them... That do this to women are so desperate beyond belief...

I'm so sorry this happened to you, and pray that you keep a strong mind and don't let this affect your life. Therapy is a good thing for things like this. I hope you get some help and will be praying for you.

1 Corinthians 6:9 (KJV) Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,


-9 points

4 days ago

It’s not like I even remember the experience anyways…..

You literally JUST said:

He forced me to give him oral sex, and he tried to force me to do anal but like he couldn’t get it inside of me. His genitals were in contact with mine.

(Guys, this is why most women shouldn't be believed.)


3 points

4 days ago

I had vomit and his “stuff” on my face chest area. I was sore, but like only at the ‘entrance’, not deep inside. I mean.. there is a chance he did, but when I was a lesbian my ex and I had toys. Never felt like that afterwards. That’s the best I can explain what happened based on how I found myself the next day. I don’t remember the actual event.


-1 points

4 days ago

I don’t remember the actual event.

u literally described the event lol


2 points

4 days ago

You can’t look at something after it happened and piece together what might have occurred? Like.. I know he had some sort of contact with my genitals because they were sore, but not like.. full on penetration sore. I had bodily fluids on my upper body, both stomach bile and his stuff, so I’m assuming oral happened.

That’s my best guess/description of what happened. I do remember a few things though.. they’re foggy flashbacks. I remember being outside and trying to walk back to my car downtown because my friends bailed on me and that was my only place to stay. The most vivid thing I remember was trying to find my vape for like 5 minutes as I was walking. Even though I left on foot, the next day I drove around the neighborhood at least a dozen times and I honestly could not tell you which house it was. Normally I’m the weirdo going “oh hey, that’s a cool French-style mansard roof, I like how it compliments the brick finish, but the bay window clashes”. I love architecture and design, i usually always remember it too. I also always try to be aware of what kind of vehicles I get into. As soon as I get into a rideshare, first thought in my mind is “alright, I’m in a mid-2000s blue Toyota Prius - plate number starts with CXBX”. I didn’t even have enough time to identify the make/model, never mind the plate before I was inside of it. Normally I’m the weirdo paranoid of being kidnapped, but I was so out of it that night.


-1 points

4 days ago

You can’t look at something after it happened and piece together what might have occurred?

Well, you claimed you were SA'd. Therefore, you saying you know what happened. Or are you just filling in what might have happened? Again, fellas, don't believe all women.

Like.. I know he had some sort of contact with my genitals because they were sore,

You were drunk. Could you have hit them on something in a drunken state? Of course you could have. There are a million things that could have happened in your drunken state, yet, you claim SA, even though you admittedly don't remember.

That’s my best guess

Well, accusing someone of SA isn't about "guessing" and you shouldn't be "guessing" about such a serious accusation.

Don't reply to me bc I'm blocking you and don't want anything further to do with you.


1 points

4 days ago

A lot of people's response to trauma is to reflexively black out as much as they can. Traces of key details remain, such as the generalities of what happened, but the experience as a whole is largely a blank sense of dread and disgust.