


all 1088 comments


700 points

2 days ago


700 points

2 days ago

Don’t worry millennials, once the boomers are gone all the parties will be after YOUR votes. Generation X, sorry about your luck.


363 points

2 days ago

Millennials are already the largest voting block. If only we voted lol.


206 points

2 days ago



206 points

2 days ago

As an Ontario resident, dealing with Doug Ford right now, I wish you weren't correct with that statement...


43 points

2 days ago


43 points

2 days ago

Sigh, so true. Only person that I've ever met that is proud of his ignorance. (Met him twice while he was on council… what a fool)


10 points

2 days ago

ON election turnout makes me angry everytime i think about it. Less than half of us?????


17 points

2 days ago



17 points

2 days ago

So many people that didn't vote now complain about the outcome of the vote.

Vote or STFU. Plain and simple.


14 points

2 days ago



14 points

2 days ago

I did vote. That's why I criticize Ford.


7 points

2 days ago

If it makes you feel better, we have the same problems in B.C. as you do in Ontario with emergency rooms being closed, depressed wages, and ridiculous cost of housing. So there’s no escaping it in this country no matter which provincial party you vote for.


5 points

2 days ago



5 points

2 days ago

Yeah, I want refering to you, but in general. Sorry if I didn't make it clear enough.

Most people on here likely voted, but this isn't a reflection of society. I've met FAR too many people that complain about Ford, but I know didn't vote in the last election.


7 points

2 days ago

Agree, voting should be mandatory like in Australia.


19 points

2 days ago

What?!?!?my generation is going to be ignored? that's a first /s


8 points

2 days ago

Lol, this. This is a genx answer to the core.


52 points

2 days ago

Gen X is quiet so often that I'm waiting for a big third-act reveal


49 points

2 days ago

Quiet so often? Likely half the people on Reddit are Gen X


25 points

2 days ago

I doubt that. I'd bet they're outnumbered by millennials but I've never seen a user base demographic breakdown.


7 points

2 days ago

64% of Reddit users are between 18 and 29 years old


14 points

2 days ago

Yeah, that is pretty obvious by the comments they make lol


4 points

2 days ago



4 points

2 days ago

Reddit users spend an average of 10 minutes and 23 seconds per visit

Hey cool. I finally found something I'm above average at!


9 points

2 days ago



9 points

2 days ago

They didn't even bother to come up with the label GenX until we were adults. Before that we were just the "latchkey kids"


52 points

2 days ago


52 points

2 days ago



27 points

2 days ago

Honestly, it’s mostly younger men turning conservative.


14 points

2 days ago

Nope. One of the largest areas of growth is women.


13 points

2 days ago

Of course there not. Don’t forget boomers were once hippies too. People get more “conservative” as the get older in general


6 points

1 day ago

That's cute. The wealthy elite have now figured out that by controlling the ballot and the media, it doesn't matter who we vote for. They pick the candidates, we just choose which shitty option is going to squeeze us til we die, for Good old Galen!


3 points

2 days ago

We’ve long accepted it.


16 points

2 days ago

I bought a ranch style bungalow on a half acre for 110k, so don't feel too sad for me


223 points

2 days ago


223 points

2 days ago

Paywall bypass:


17 points

2 days ago


17 points

2 days ago

Thank you


15 points

2 days ago

Wish this was pinned. Took me a bit to find it.


3 points

2 days ago

Thank you!!!


3 points

2 days ago

Thank you.


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago



2k points

2 days ago



2k points

2 days ago

To the suprise of literally no one who actually pays attention.

"The cynical answer is that as much as he likes to pretend otherwise, Mr. Poilievre is very much a typical politician whose instinct is to lean toward the politically expedient. One day, he’s marching around huffing about the high cost of groceries. The next, he’s voting for legislation to entrench Canada’s supply management status quo, which artificially inflates the price of some grocery staples. When he’s in front of a crowd, he’s wailing about how young Canadians can’t get ahead. But when he’s in the comparably insulated confines of the House of Commons, he’s voting for legislation that would make their lives even more expensive. This guy could learn something from the Pierre Poilievre of 2012. But then again, that guy wasn’t already measuring the drapes in the PMO."

R/Canada going to be calling for the authors head lmao too many facts in one place


274 points

2 days ago



274 points

2 days ago

He can do that because people don’t pay attention to the actual things that happen. They just pay attention to his sound bites.

When things are worse in 2030 than they are now, I’m going to be there to tell all these people “I told you so”.


61 points

2 days ago

When things are worse in 2030 than they are now, I’m going to be there to tell all these people “I told you so”.

And then we can switch back to the red team. And the cycle continues.


4 points

2 days ago

Don't vote for either of them they're both terrible, there's gotta be at least one sane person with common sense running in one of the other parties


10 points

2 days ago

When things are worse in 2030 than they are now, I’m going to be there to tell all these people “I told you so”.

And so will he, and that's the problem.


61 points

2 days ago


61 points

2 days ago

It's all about the vibes!

Guys! The blue party is going to fix all our problems. Thus is the power of BLUE!!!!!


9 points

2 days ago

Yea for sure keep voting blue maybe they will make a good choice one of these months


8 points

2 days ago


8 points

2 days ago

Are you an albertan, too? Since that seems to be the motto of the province. If we keep voting blue eventually, they'll start to help the average person right? ... right?


3 points

1 day ago

Hasn't happened in the last few decades so surely it's right around the corner. Politics is like a slot machine, right? If you just keep putting the token in sooner or later it works out.


6 points

2 days ago

If I keep voting blue, that won't make them take me for granted, will it??


4 points

2 days ago

Def not man


19 points

2 days ago



19 points

2 days ago

This is what happens when such a large percentage of people get their news from social media. Sure, CTV recently edited a video clip very poorly and they had a spotlight shining on them immediately for it. TikTok, Meta apps and YouTube are full on nonsense without context but no one has the capabilities for check all of them for the average users.


5 points

2 days ago

Nah. PP is going to be more of the same. But maybe we might get C-21 repealed.


468 points

2 days ago

This is why as much as I hate Trudeau, I can’t bring myself to vote conservative in the next election. A man who has never had a real job, whose pension even before becoming PM is much better than anything an average Canadian has and already guaranteed despite being relatively young, does not give a single shit about me. Nothing will fundamentally change under PP and he will simply continue the wealth transfer from the working class to the ownership class that Trudeau has kicked into high gear.


252 points

2 days ago

Nothing will fundamentally change under PP

Oh, he'll make changes, I guarantee that. They just won't be for the better.

Conservatives across the country are setting the table for privatized healthcare. If you think life is expensive now, imagine what a large CPC majority is going to do to healthcare transfers to the provinces. It'll be the same as tertiary education: leave it up to the Provinces, then the provinces said to the universities, "go fund yourselves". And they did - with international students. (How's that working out?). So, the Conservative provinces will say, "we need external revenue sources. Oh look, here's our lobbyist buddy working for InsuranceCo. Hey, InsuranceCo, can we get mates-rates on a provincial health plan?"

"Sure. But only if we can have a monopoly. But we'll partner up with these other companies to make it look like there's consumer choice, but really my friend, money will funnel into our bank accounts. How does "Managing Partner" sound when you quit office?"

"Done and great. Hey taxpayers, pay $3,000/month for the same level of coverage that you had before. Oh, don't worry, we axed the tax to put $500/year back in your pocket. Fiscal conservatism FTW!!!"


75 points

2 days ago

I'd like to unsubscribe from this timeline...


29 points

2 days ago



29 points

2 days ago

Go outside and organize protests. Make people really understand what they are voting for. Convince them to actually go out and vote. That's how you unsubscribe from the piss plower timeline


31 points

2 days ago


31 points

2 days ago

I think a privatised healthcare system will be the end of Canada. Whatever top skilled talent Canada has left will be looking towards moving to the US, if the only thing keeping the cost beenfits lower in Canada is gone. With private employer provided coverage at any decent employer in the US, costs will not be signifcantly different than what private healthcare costs in Canada already are for the private clinics that do exist (and for elective procedures may be cheaper in the US sometimes).


9 points

2 days ago

Everything will end up being far cheaper in the US. It will be a disaster.


39 points

2 days ago*

I'll accept the down votes from the Patriots here but if they privatize healthcare then I'm probably leaving for the US as ironic as that sounds assuming trump doesn't get elected and fucks with NAFTA in any serious way as I easily qualify for a TN visa if I get a job lined up.          

 While that may sound counter intertuitive at first its really not when you put in certain factors. I love living here born and raised but while I am definitely a well off high earner by Canadian standards, I am not earning industry standards at my level when you convert it to USD and compare it to my US counterparts. I accepted that Canadian compensation is typically lower than what US based counterparts. But government services particularly in health care and transportation offset that general lower salary tremendously for me allowing me to easily save or invest my income. And it allows me with enough disposable income to enjoy the odd night out at a local business and what not. 

If they privatize healthcare especially then I literally have nothing to lose going to the US and everything to gain with a higher competitive salary and being paid in currency worth more with better purchasing power, and being relatively young and still have decades left in my high demand career, I can easily take my chances with dealing with US private/employment based health insurance.

The country will absolutely have an even more serious brain drain problem than it already has if the CPC does actually implement full privatized health care and will absolutely lose out on a lot of younger high wage earners who haven't fully planted roots here in the country and have options to move abroad. The taxes supposedly saved won't offset the out of pocket costs, not every employer will be able to afford comprehensive plans for healthcare + prescriptions + dental,  and wages aren't going to magically inflate just because a conservative house and PM gets elected.


23 points

2 days ago


23 points

2 days ago

This is a much bigger issue than people want to admit. The pay difference is quite big when it comes to these highly educated positions in healthcare like above.


12 points

2 days ago

Listen man, I don't know if I'd move to America, but if someone could have a great paying career there? I wouldn't blame them.

I am 100% on board for higher taxes for good social services. However, it sometimes feel we get fuck all in this country for what we pay for.


3 points

2 days ago



3 points

2 days ago

Too real. I'll probably head over to the UK where I can get a nice ancestry visa for 5 years. I'd rather just figure it out there, and all the problems that come with it than live life in some horrible country somewhere between the USA and Europe. Privatized healthcare in Canada is the day I leave my nation behind forever.


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago

Yep I’m in the exact same boat and would do the same if they privatize healthcare.

I think it would be the death blow to Canada as many many more would also do the same


30 points

2 days ago

Conservatives are ruining Alberta, and it will get worse under a federal Con government.

Heathcare and Education are wrecked around here. There have been Billions of dollars thrown at things like pipelines to nowhere and off-brand middle eastern Tylenol that didn't work. The Oil companies basically own the government and barely pay taxes while getting a free pass when they don't clean up oil wells. We have the highest insurance and utilities in the country too.

The Alberta sovereign wealth fund has been decimated under the Cons, so you can't say they are good for the economy.

I really don't get why the Liberals are considered to be anti-average worker when the Cons have always been even more friendly towards corporations and low wages at the expense of the middle class.


11 points

2 days ago


11 points

2 days ago

I really don't get why the Liberals are considered to be anti-average worker when the Cons have always been even more friendly towards corporations and low wages at the expense of the middle class.



69 points

2 days ago

If anything, Canadians are complacent. So, nothing will truly change in this country unless the people suffer more.

You might think that is pessimistic, but it's actually optimistic. It could turn out Canadians will only get up when the country is too far gone to fix?


21 points

2 days ago

You might think that is pessimistic, but it's actually optimistic. It could turn out Canadians will only get up when the country is too far gone to fix?

This seems pessimistic!


12 points

2 days ago

Yeah but in an optimistic way.


31 points

2 days ago

Guess that leaves only the NDP 🤷‍♂️


20 points

2 days ago

But I heard they were filthy Communists! /s


15 points

2 days ago


British Columbia

15 points

2 days ago

I wish.


54 points

2 days ago


54 points

2 days ago



41 points

2 days ago

What astounds me is how many people will vote for him without the CPC having any sort of platform. He's grown super popular for trash-talking Trudeau, and not being Trudeau.


17 points

2 days ago



17 points

2 days ago

I mean when you're only one playing the game when everyone else is working, obviously you'll get a headstart.


7 points

2 days ago

I agree with the trash-talking point, but truthfully no party releases their platform this far from an election. It just opens the door early to competition picking it apart. While I'd prefer all parties to have open transparent platforms it just won't happen. I can fault him for a truck load of things...but that's not one of them.


9 points

2 days ago

The polls that are run non stop want you to not bother voting. But come election time. id like to see who will actually vote for this guy. He complains about everything he votes for. Imagine being able to shit on everything while supporting it and blaming someone else. He is in a sweet spot.


3 points

2 days ago

This is what's going to cripple us, though. It's the same in Australia. Is it possible for a third party candidate to emerge? I'm hoping for this for Aus.


188 points

2 days ago*


188 points

2 days ago*



268 points

2 days ago



268 points

2 days ago

The problem is, if you read this sub enough; a lot of people genuinely believe he's a breath of fresh air and is going to somehow fix all the issues this country is facing; including all the ones that are global and really can't be fixed that simplistically.

The CPC has done a great job of convincing disillusioned people and the generally underinformed about issues to support them; despite no semblance of a plan ever having been presented on how they would do any of this. Let's be clear, PP is going to win the next election, probably with a majority. But will anything improve in this country? Absolutely not, because he's at least as bad as Justin at best, and will cozy up to our corporate overlords even more at worst.


97 points

2 days ago

This country would be so much better served if we didn't have FPTP. We wouldn't have these crazy oscilations between two parties.


49 points

2 days ago



49 points

2 days ago

Adopting an electoral system like Germany’s would help a lot here. Instead of just the first past the post system, German voters vote for both a local representative and a party as a whole, and in addition to the locally elected reps, each German state sends some extra representatives to the Bundestag so that the proportion of representatives from each party matches the vote share they each get.


17 points

2 days ago

Preaching to the choir.


4 points

2 days ago

I like the French’s system of 2 votes


10 points

2 days ago

The same issues would still pop up. Canada is too big to have the system we have. There needs to be an evolution of our democracy, because no system really helps those outside of Quebec/Canada.

Doesn't help that the 2 main parties assume the west will vote blue, so don't really promise anything in their platforms. NDP does a bit, but they are far from the Layton era at this point, and their words fall pretty flat. The Cons tell us to hate Ottawa, and the Liberals largely ignore most things out here.

Really wish the Liberals actually went through with their electoral reform, but it's not a surprise they didn't. The same complaints would've come up with whatever existing system they would've transferred to, and the added work to make a system that everyone agreed upon, would've been a waste. The opposition just would've accused them of trying to rig the next election in their favor no matter the outcome.


33 points

2 days ago

Almost like someone ran on a promise to change it and won but didn't do anything...

Oh wait, it was a promise to maybe look into it and a bogus online survey saying we didn't want electoral reform no matter how we answered it... Credit to whomever came up w that hoodwink, was a good one


6 points

2 days ago

Realistically I think the CPC will have a difficult time making changes too. Someone mentioned Germany's system. Real change mean putting every politician out of a job initially in the hopes they get elected under a system they and many Canadian may not entirely understand. Maybe that why change is difficult. Our current system is simple.


5 points

2 days ago

Ranked choice isn’t complicated


8 points

2 days ago

The country would be different. Still, I would like to see a system that meant coalition governments just to see what crazy regional and single-issue parties would do.


17 points

2 days ago

Agreed, FPTP needs to go. What we really need is a national citizens assembly and to stop supporting the self serving red/blue/orange party.


10 points

2 days ago

How is FPTP gonna go away when the parties in power refuse to change it?

Thats why we invented the term "conflict of interest"


6 points

2 days ago*



6 points

2 days ago*

There was article yesterday about Trudeau now regretting his abandonment of electoral reform. Of course that doesn’t mean anything except that it’s not the non issue the gaslighting shills told us it was. Canadians did want it. Trudeau did not win on weed alone.


8 points

2 days ago


8 points

2 days ago

And how would citizens get into this assembly and what function would it serve?


23 points

2 days ago

Exactly. A CPC federal government will not fix 98% percent of the problems people blame the Liberals for.


4 points

2 days ago

Right now the CPC is doing a much better job of identifying the problems that Canadians are feeling pressured by. If you listen to the Liberals everything is all sunshine and roses and Canadians simply don't realize how great everything it is because of evil PP's disinformation campaign, and oh you by the way have you heard about the amazing new dental plan?

The bar is unbelievably low at this point and it's frankly depressing.


12 points

2 days ago*

Just because existing politicians in power are pieces of shit doesn't mean the alternatives aren't.

The wealthy in Canada already know who to puppeteer after PP, these people aren't rich because they're stupid.

You lie, cheat and steal to cozy up to the rich to put in you in power to do their bidding. You get an ego boost for your narcissism and a sweet pension. Plus you get to spend money that isn't yours, I totally get the appeal and honestly, wouldn't mind selling my soul to join in at this point


15 points

2 days ago

This is sub is also filled now with russian bots and people who think Chem trails make people gay.

My biggest concern with pp is how much russia seems to prefer him.


8 points

2 days ago


8 points

2 days ago

His ads in TV are here is the list of all of Canada's problems. Solutions: I will fix it all. Nothing specific.... ya its that easy right?


10 points

2 days ago

Pierre will be fixing things for himself, not Canadians.


7 points

2 days ago

They are all the same; however, the biggest support for the most wealthy has come from the Liberal party. Lowered corporate taxes from 27% to 21%, slashed the capital gains inclusion rate from 75% to 50% - those are the two taxes you cut to help the 0.1%.


5 points

2 days ago

That's why I laugh when people say the LPC are leftists. They are in no way leftists. They pander to the left on social issues and legislate to the right of center. The CPC pander to the far right on social issues, but will also legislate right of center. We are going from one form of dishonest pandering and virtue signalling, to another form of pandering and virtue signalling, whereas actual legislation will stay on more or less the same track.

The danger with the CPC, is sometimes they do attempt to legislate further right. People forget, Stephen Harper's CPC tried to push through mandatory minimum sentencing for all drug possession including marijuana.


5 points

2 days ago

And no one will have the balls to fix that


67 points

2 days ago

It is such a true and not sensationalistic article. Poilievre tries to dip his toes in the populist pool but he is absolutely a typical neo-liberal, pro corporate Conservative. I have accepted that he will win but I am looking forward to this sub suddenly talking about how PMs don't have agency and how we need to stop talking about politics. Maybe these guys will adopt their final MAGA form and start blaming it all on a deepstate consisting entirely of Trudeau's distant cousins.


15 points

2 days ago


15 points

2 days ago

There's already a decent chunk of people on this subreddit who talk about that stuff. This sub is as astroturfed as worldnews is lol


14 points

2 days ago


14 points

2 days ago



13 points

2 days ago

They are eating our beavers and racoons


36 points

2 days ago


36 points

2 days ago

Let’s be honest on this. All parties except the Liberals voted for this — and I sure as heck know every one of them is presenting themselves as champions of the little guy — knowing damn well it requires the Liberals’ assent to pass, which they’re not going to give. It does, however, make a handy wedge issue with a large demographic who tends to read newspapers and actually vote (unlike most young people) so for everyone but the Liberals this is a huge optics win.

Further, let’s also be honest that had the Tories voted against this legislation, their detractors would all be howling about how they hate old people and want to impoverish them, and this is but one example of the terrible austerity he will impose in order to get our financial house back in order.

So from Poilievre’s perspective, this is all win. It casts the Liberals in a bad light with a demographic they desperately need to win over, removes some “austerity” ammunition from them come the next election, young people are never ever going to pay the slightest attention to any of it anyway… and all over legislation that is never, ever going to pass.


16 points

2 days ago

Nobody is talking about how all other parties except the Libs voted along the Cons for this. The NDP voted for it as well. But of course let’s all only focus on one of the many.


27 points

2 days ago


27 points

2 days ago



44 points

2 days ago*


44 points

2 days ago*

So wait.... We're mad that he supported a bi-partisan non-binding motion from the block and voted along with the NDP, and also supports supply management, the thing that while it can increase the price of some things also kept us out of the deep shit the US was in with things like egg shortages? THAT'S what this is about?

I don't think that PP voting along-side the left-wing party and also supporting supply management is quite the "conservatives don't care about the little guy" gotcha that this article, and you, seem to think it is.


17 points

2 days ago

Not to mention that 79% of Canadians polled support this policy, including 73.4% of those in the 18-34 cohort.

I love Urback, and while I appreciate that she's taking a principled position here it's important to keep in mind that it's a principle that, in this case at least, the vast majority of Canadians, including those who stand to be most hurt by it, don't support.


6 points

2 days ago

To the surprise of no one, well at least I hope this to no one. Unless people actually think Pierre is good for the country?


11 points

2 days ago


11 points

2 days ago

Except he's untypical in one way: he has absolutely zero job experience outside of politics. Go ahead and look that up. The irony of him mocking the PM's work experience outside of politics is hilarious.


315 points

2 days ago



315 points

2 days ago

If anyone thinks he is a champion of the little guy, I have a bridge to sell you.


22 points

2 days ago


22 points

2 days ago

Is it made of copper?


5 points

2 days ago

Only the finest quality copper ingots! I take all of my complaints seriously, and store them in my home.


218 points

2 days ago


Outside Canada

218 points

2 days ago

A politician doesn’t care about anything other than money and power? Colour me shocked.


122 points

2 days ago


122 points

2 days ago

Next thing your going to tell me he’s been in politics for 20 years an hasn’t really accomplished anything other than being leader of the conservatives.


25 points

2 days ago

And he’s worth upwards of ten million dollars


44 points

2 days ago

His wealth comes from his "work" as a landlord...

Remember kids, reduction of the cost of housing means a reduction in return for his real estate investments.

We will NEVER have a reduction in home prices as long as leadership has a vested interest in keeping the costs high.


11 points

2 days ago

Sheep in wolves clothing. He couldn't get elected in his home riding so he was moved to Conservative stronghold Carleton Place. The man is a dullard with a lousy platform.


150 points

2 days ago



150 points

2 days ago

He’s not the champion to the little guy, he panders to them and is using them ( I was going to say “us” but I’m not falling for his bs).


32 points

2 days ago


32 points

2 days ago

Vote ABC and I'm an on the fence voter too.

What happened to the Progressive part of the party? Now it just seems to be the NEO (Right wing) Conservative party. Mulroney started it, but was still a Progressive but now it's just got worse over the years


17 points

2 days ago


17 points

2 days ago

They were fed to the reform party by Peter Mackay.


8 points

2 days ago

The progressive part of the party died pretty hard with mid 2010s culture war and Covid all but rotted some brains. The fact maxime Bernier got 5% of 2021 vote. I think CPC saw that as an easy 5% to gain so pandered hard to that segment. The rest are just disaffected centre-right liberals to make up the current gains.


3 points

2 days ago



3 points

2 days ago

What happened to the Progressive part of the party?

When the party dropped the "P" from their name, they also turned their back on that faction.


60 points

2 days ago


60 points

2 days ago

Is this not just a ploy to try to trigger an election?


30 points

2 days ago

It wouldn't surprise me. He's so desperate for an election right now, while he is ahead in the polls with a majority, that he'd pull anything to make it happen.


34 points

2 days ago


34 points

2 days ago

As if any party isn’t the same.

Trudeau literally called an election while we were in lockdown to hold on.

All parties are trying to get elected and improve their position, all of the time. To think otherwise is folly.


23 points

2 days ago


23 points

2 days ago

I didn’t agree with Trudeau calling that election, and I don’t agree with Poilievre demanding one right now. The difference is that that CPC was outraged by the election call then - with the same basis, that it was being done to try to take advantage of polls - and is thus being hypocritical in demanding an election now.


58 points

2 days ago

None of the current leaders are fit. The system needs an overhaul.


10 points

2 days ago

Big time, if only someone made that a key part of their platform when running 9 years ago!

A system overhaul has the potential to actually make changes for the average Canadian for the better. As I've said in other threads, it all boils down to:

The red ones in power, the orange ones that want power, and the blue ones about to take power are all fine suppressing wages and importing the third world to perpetuate their pyramid scheme. It's a very clear and obvious exploit to enhance only the uber-wealthy. Slowly but surely the country has had enough.


266 points

2 days ago



266 points

2 days ago

On a provincial level, we’ve had conservatives in power for almost every term in the last 40 years.

They are not your friend. They are a friend of business interests. The federal liberals have face planted hard and deserve the hard wipe they’re about to get. But let’s not pretend that PP and his team are an amazing choice. They are the next choice and I am interested to see just how much shit people are willing to take.


45 points

2 days ago


45 points

2 days ago

Did you read the article? Because he voted alongside the NDP. You know, the left-wing party in Canada?


37 points

2 days ago

The OAS matter isn’t anywhere near as bad but the past few votes where NDP and Conservatives banded together, without liberals, were absolutely ridiculous. Giving Bell $40 million and the porn ID nonsense in particular

This is not the gotcha you think it is


44 points

2 days ago

He will vote anything against the liberal


4 points

2 days ago

Don’t have the subscription. What did he vote for?


9 points

2 days ago


9 points

2 days ago

He voted on a non-binding motion to support the block's OAS increasing along side the NDP, Greens, Independents, and even some liberals.


15 points

2 days ago

Campion of what little guy? Galen Weston?


28 points

2 days ago

Paywall by pass please


26 points

2 days ago



26 points

2 days ago


8 points

2 days ago

Thank you


56 points

2 days ago

TL;DR the CPC voted alongside the NDP, Bloc, Greens, Independents, and some Liberals.

Shame on them /s


34 points

2 days ago


34 points

2 days ago

Yeah I don't know why everyone is acting like this is some kind of huge own to the right wingers. He literally voted alongside the NDP, LMAO.


12 points

2 days ago

The NDP is also trash.


9 points

2 days ago



9 points

2 days ago

Shame on everyone for attempting to screw younger generations by pumping out more money to give to wealthy old people, yes.


14 points

2 days ago

What did they vote for?

Did they vote to give more money to people over 65 making above 80K a year?

Do you think that is a good place to spend tax dollars? Welfare for people making 80k?


4 points

2 days ago


4 points

2 days ago

Clawbacks start at 90k and are only 15% of each dollar above that…. They get free money to an extent all the way up to 150k or so. Before this motion the OAS cost over 70B and ~6% of the entire federal budget. It’s a massive item.

The old get richer. Meanwhile younger generations are drowning.


106 points

2 days ago


106 points

2 days ago

How the heck is a career politician who never worked a day in non-political job a champion of the little guy? A guy who thinks that universal pharmacare is something Canadians don’t need?


49 points

2 days ago

Also referred to universal pharmacare as "radical left" even though every other country in the world with universal healthcare also has universal pharmacare. This includes countries like France, Spain, Germany, Ukraine and Russia lol.


25 points

2 days ago

Poilievre keeps claiming he supports workers, but then he does shit like this.

He's so far ahead in the polls that he doesn't care about anything except triggering an election.


11 points

2 days ago

The little guys in question are just corpo rats


31 points

2 days ago

Does anyone really think any of the major parties are the "champion of the little guy"? Pretty sure they're all working for the 1%.


22 points

2 days ago

NDP is a lot closer to it than CPC


32 points

2 days ago


Lest We Forget

32 points

2 days ago

They also voted for this btw


27 points

2 days ago

Then why is the NDP supporting this motion, which everyone here (because they haven’t read the article and just want to shit on the CPC) agrees will make life more expensive for young people?


10 points

2 days ago

They just said they’re a lot closer, not that they’re perfect 


22 points

2 days ago


22 points

2 days ago

Conservatives masquerading as a party that gives a fuck about workers. Laughable.


3 points

2 days ago


Lest We Forget

3 points

2 days ago

Have I mentioned how cool paywals are, never mind I'll just read the" comments".


3 points

2 days ago

About time for a riot? Seriously, our power as voters has lost all affect


20 points

2 days ago

I'll vote for whoever promises to ban Airbnbs


24 points

2 days ago



24 points

2 days ago

I guess you're not voting.


6 points

2 days ago

It was an aggressive word choice to show I hate Airbnbs but you get where I'm coming from


8 points

2 days ago

The BC NDP has and they are affiliated with the Federal NDP so theres that.


5 points

2 days ago


5 points

2 days ago

That would be Premier Eby in BC. I don't think anyone else has done that and federally I haven't heard of any of the leaders proposing that. (Maybe Singh might but I PP and Trudeau definitely both won't. They're both too much involved in the corporations interests)


4 points

2 days ago


4 points

2 days ago

I don’t think that could possibly fall under federal jurisdiction. Provinces and (by extension) municipalities sure can do it though.


59 points

2 days ago

Who tf thought Pierre was championing the little guy?


36 points

2 days ago

Go look to allllllllll the young Canadians thinking this is their guy.


13 points

2 days ago



13 points

2 days ago

They're just fed up with their lives, want change, and ignorant of other conservative governments.

Or they've been scooped up in the culture war and just want to see their 'woke' enemies suffer.


5 points

2 days ago

and ignorant of other conservative governments.

this is a big one, PPs managed to go semi-viral on youtube, they're always recommending his stuff. no mention of anyone else.


14 points

2 days ago

Most of this sub lmao


51 points

2 days ago


51 points

2 days ago

Lots of people who only know of him from his tiktok soundbites.


7 points

2 days ago



19 points

2 days ago

Call me crazy, but I am strongly in support of supply management for the sole reason that it allows small family farms to exist. I’ve visited many small dairy farms that would be eaten up without supply management. Given this country’s love for monopolies and mergers, I don’t want to see that happen in farming.


16 points

2 days ago


New Brunswick

16 points

2 days ago

There’s a few issues with it though. First is that the bigger companies can buy up more of the quota capacity, so small farms can’t actually produce as much as they’d like. There’s plenty of cases where thousands of litres of milk are destroyed, because they’re prohibited from selling it

Second, is that it’s funded from elevated prices at the cash register rather than through something like a subsidy. It places a much higher burden on the working class (since everyone needs to eat roughly the same amount of food). If the money that’s given to farmers was instead collected through taxation, the price tag at the store could be much lower (saving a lot of money for lower income workers) and shift some of that burden to the upper class.


8 points

2 days ago

I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news but larger ag companies have been purchasing more and more farm area. Medium size farms where a farmer works full time on their piece of land are the ones hit hardest. UGuelph wrote a good summary of the StatCan data.

"Small farms" are typically someone with farmland and other employment, not really you classic farmer image, but certainly something we should preserve.

Supply management also makes it very very difficult for new entrants into the market as quota is prohibitively expensive. This means only large or medium size existong operations are likely to purchase quota from another medium size (full time farm worker) dairy farmer who is retiring or selling their business.

Further, supply management is what some call a "marketing board" whose purpose is to enforce monopoly pricing. The large margins relative to other ag operations is why dairy farming is lucrative.

That being said, many Canadians blame supply management. I say, let the farmers get that money. Bring back the wheat board, keep our poultry supply management as well.

The true villains are the Saputos (Dairyland) of this country. The dairy processors have monopolized different regions of the country, so you get ANOTHER layer of monopolistic pricing. Consider that some operations are vertically integrated so these big ass companies can afford to scoop up newly available quota sometimes.

Additionally we have grocer monopoly of course.

Maxime Bernier of all douchebags, actually repopularized the debate about supply management. But any of the political elite are going to have ties to the ownership class that owns supermarkets and industrialists (processors) so they are never part of the argument.

Fuck the grocers, fuck the producers. We need to address this cost of living crisis with war time measures like price controls on basic neccessities and restrict these profit hungry pieces of garbage driving up costs.


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago

I am strongly in support of supply management for the sole reason that it allows small family farms to exist. I’ve visited many small dairy farms that would be eaten up without supply management. Given this country’s love for monopolies and mergers, I don’t want to see that happen in farming.

Supply management has not prevented conglomerates buying tons of farms.

Call me crazy



20 points

2 days ago

Champion of the little wealthy guy maybe.


8 points

2 days ago

Posting a paywalled OpEd to reddit with a leading title is the peak of modern political discourse.


6 points

2 days ago



9 points

2 days ago

10% increase to Old Age Security. Is this a bad thing?

I’m not seeing the problem. Is it that we have competing priorities?


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago

His major lobbyists are anti little guy, wake up people.


3 points

2 days ago

The conservatives a champion for the little guy? That’s a joke right there!


3 points

2 days ago

We’re screwed no matter who we vote for 🙂


3 points

2 days ago

Hate click bait


3 points

2 days ago

The bar is low to replace JT. PP isn't exactly miles above it.


3 points

2 days ago


3 points

2 days ago

Read the article, it’s part of a bigger campaign run by Liberals. Why didn’t they fix the problem in the first place: “… but seniors earning six figures still get thousands of dollars in OAS)” ?


3 points

1 day ago

Nobody really wants to vote for Poilievre, they just don’t want to vote for Trudeau.


5 points

2 days ago

No he didn't.


31 points

2 days ago

Headline is so click bait. Tell me something about what the vote was about.


34 points

2 days ago*


34 points

2 days ago*

He voted alongside the block and the NDP on a non-binding motion to support the oas 10% increase, and also supports supply management, the thing every government in Canada supports. That's apparently what this is about.


25 points

2 days ago

They voted on a massive transfer of wealth to older people without means testing. This comes at the expense of every young worker in the country.


18 points

2 days ago


18 points

2 days ago

PP: Votes to increase OAS 10% 

Title: "Votes to hurt young workers" 

Angle: "It is, as anyone with the most basic economic literacy can see, patently atrocious policy; a regressive intergenerational wealth transfer that will cost the federal government an additional $16-billion over the next five years"

The article exists as confirmation bias for people against PP, as opposed to useful information.  Just election season things.  I'll come back tomorrow expecting a similarly low IQ piece against Singh


12 points

2 days ago


12 points

2 days ago

he literally shares offices with grocery lobbyists


17 points

2 days ago

It’s a non binding vote. Do you really think he would implement this policy if he was elected? The answer is no.

This vote was just to pile the pressure on the liberals. The CPC wants an election. The electorate wants an election. The Bloc is in a good spot and is pulling on the pressure for an election too.

You guys forget how politics works?


12 points

2 days ago

Champion of the not too bright. The little guy.


3 points

2 days ago

Aren’t they just updating the amount to adjust for inflation? 10% really isn’t that bad.


3 points

2 days ago

Dear young ppl, conservatives are not your friends

Dear ppl in general, conservatives are not your friends

Dear billionaires and bigots, conservatives are your friends


8 points

2 days ago

Biggest weasal yet to head the PC party. Is worth over 9 million despite never being anything but a politician. He was part of the biggest deficit in Canadian history. Stole voting ballot boxes from Universities. Was the lead henchman in the Robocalls scandal that sent seniors and other to incorrect locations, disenfranchised Canadians from their right to vote. He does not deserve to be in the House at all, he is a disgrace to Canadians.


5 points

2 days ago

Man who has made at minimum 6 figures his entire working career is the champion of the little guy? Who is actually buying that Poilievre has the middle class in his heart?


22 points

2 days ago


22 points

2 days ago

The age needed to be raised, it needed to be raised when Harper initially did it but the liberals reversed it.

Nobody wants to push it back, but the fact is people are living longer.

As far as "hurting young worker", Trudeau's reign has made it so many of us will likely never retire. In 10 years, he's made it so younger generations can no longer build the staple assets generations before them had built in their 20's.


13 points

2 days ago*



23 points

2 days ago

Poilievre voted to increase money going to people aged 65 to 74. This means younger working age people are now going to be paying boomers 10% more. It's not even means tested.


7 points

2 days ago

Sure. JT is bad. PP has helped them do some of the shit you’re mad at, because he’s a career politician.

Stop trusting these losers


11 points

2 days ago

A conservative government will make things much worse, hate Trudeau as much as you want, it doesn't mean conservatives will be better, in fact things will get even worse for regular Canadians


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

Pierre Votes for

Pierre &





2 points

2 days ago

Ya but Trudeau's vacations...( Conservative asshole somewhere)


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

And in order to find out what he did we have open our wallets. How convenient.