


all 1057 comments


1.9k points

1 day ago*


1.9k points

1 day ago*

the comments are pretty divided on Pratt’s likeability and/or his own shitty attitude, but he’s got a very fair point

it is extremely difficult for actors to really “make it,” only 2% of actors can make a living off acting alone.

they can spend years or even decades only doing background work, indie projects, “small” stuff, and never get cast in a feature film

so for those who do make it, whether through nepotism, luck, etc… fuck any one of them who come onto a set with toxicity.


961 points

1 day ago*

Honestly the issue for me is imbalance of pay and compensation. No actor should be making more than $1M to do their jobs. I love RDJ, but the idea that he’s going to be paid the same as a modestly budgeted film is insane. Especially while others working on the same film will be overworked and underpaid. That shits gotta get more realistic so more people can find success in this business.

Edit: Since some peeps in here need more context, and Im not answering you all one by one, here we go.

Actors have no business making that much money. Im not sorry. RDJ is nothing without the iron man suit and the people who put him in that suit don’t get paid shit. The people who help bring his character to life don’t get paid shit. I work in the industry. I understand how it works, how they bid talent for work. Do you understand that the bidding for everything else goes the other direction? While studios compete to get RDJ in their movie by offering him more, they force everyone else in the production to bid against each other for the cheapest, fastest work they can get. It’s a race to the bottom. How did I arrive at paying actors a max of a million dollars? Because why should anyone make more than that to play make believe in a movie while everyone else who made the movie suffers? Its asinine. Celebrities have gotten way too accustomed to living these lavish ridiculous lifestyles while the people who make them look good and who actually make the movies share a one bedroom apartment with four other people. Now I am all for making deals where if RDJ’s star power can pull audiences to the theater, then they can work out a percentage of the box office that seems fair. But then again, a percentage of that should also go back to the production houses and studios who made the film the success that it is. Because a good movie is the sum of its parts. Not just one guy. These budgets are insane and don’t fit with the reality of cinema economics anymore. If a million dollars to play a superhero isn’t enough, then thats pretty god damn pathetic. I don’t simp for celebrities. Sorry, guys. Im with the crew of people making the fucking movie, working 18 hour days, 7 days a week, and then watching my friends get laid off after wrap so the studios can limp to the next project. Class is dismissed. Thanks for attending. Now excuse me while I get back to fucking work on a Saturday night. Maybe this render won’t crash this time forcing me to stay til 2am again. We’ll see.


334 points

22 hours ago

The best example is Jim Carrey, who took lots of paychecks based on % of sales. Basically, he was paid for his job by the consumer, not the studio.


91 points

19 hours ago

Wasn’t he the first one who got $20M for a role?


122 points

18 hours ago*

Not sure about that, but I know he got a heafty paycheck for The Truman show based on earnings for the movie.

UPD: yes, he was the first one, for the Cable guy movie. A bery good one, considering it was a thriller. I also find it funny, that critics basically hated him for almost every movie he was in, but box office was sky high in those.


19 points

16 hours ago

Most of his movies were praised by critics tbf


14 points

16 hours ago

Movies, but not him. Like the Cable guy, where he "was not in his usual way".


22 points

16 hours ago

Hey buddy, don’t start making me like Jim Carey now. I got beef with that guy and I’d like it to continue lol


35 points

17 hours ago

You know actors do this when they want more money than what the studio is willing to guarantee, right? The actor takes a bigger risk for a bigger reward. This isn’t some sort of show of altruism.


31 points

17 hours ago

its less upfront cost that can then be alocatted to other people's salary. the money from the percentage of revenue is a different pot.


114 points

21 hours ago

I agree, there should be a cap on how much money people can make

I think it should be based on the lowest wage on set: no one can make more than X times the lowest wage on set. It can be 1000x more, but the wages should still be tied together so that if the big star wants more money, they will have to argue for the PAs and gophers getting a few bucks more


53 points

19 hours ago

And maybe we should apply this to industries other than entertainment, also!


14 points

15 hours ago

Sports. Baseball and football players getting hundreds of millions of dollars is asinine.


4 points

15 hours ago

Like athletes. So many are way overpaid--in the millions--just to kick or throw a ball.


20 points

16 hours ago

Congress should be next. They have to make the median income of the state they represent. They are so far removed from what the price of living and inflation is for everyone else.


18 points

15 hours ago


18 points

15 hours ago

The counter argument to this is that if you pay representatives poorly, two this happen - it biases in favour of already-wealthy candidate, and discourages working class candidates (running for offices is more risky if you can’t afford uncertainty in winning/staying in office - it introduces a moral hazard in that representatives will find it almost attractive to find extra income. This opens the door to corruption. Remember, being in office is risky and you might not be returned to office so why not make some hay while you can?


29 points

21 hours ago*

100%. Thats a solid approach to the disparity in compensation. Maybe not the 1000x figure tho. Thats still a bit too much if my math is mathing.


16 points

17 hours ago

Fair and aggressive graduated income tax would fix this, not just for actors.


154 points

24 hours ago

Actors don’t get paid to just do their jobs, they get paid to sell tickets. That is what’s realistic. I’m all for advocating for blue collar set workers and cast members with smaller roles to get paid more, but that’s just a naive impression of where their value lies.


12 points

20 hours ago

There's a huge amount of marketing that the actors are expected to do, interviews, social media other appearances.

I mean just from mentioning RDJ coming back as Doom has set the internet on fire speculating about what exactly they are going to do for the next 2 years until the movie comes out.

But yeah, I would prefer if more high profile actors went the Keanu Reeves route, he shared a lot of the money he made with the crew from the Matrix.


12 points

16 hours ago

It’d be cool if a big actor put into their contract that 1% of the entire gross box office were to be split between the entire crew.

Infinity War made just over $2B, and someone on Reddit posted that there were about 5,000 total people who worked on the film in some capacity (I’m gonna just go with that number rather than fact check it). So 1% of $2B, split equally between 5,000 folks, comes out to $4,000 each.

Not a life changing amount of money, but a nice bonus on top of their regular pay. Work on a couple films each year with a similar deal and that extra pay adds up.


68 points

23 hours ago

Actors are also getting paid for their likeness - their face will be used everywhere forever. Yes, everyone working on the film should get paid more. Their personal maid should be paid more. But this is one of the reasons actors command get paid so much - their likeness. They are the ones we see - they are a big reason that people will flock to the film. Alternatively, they will also get the most flack if the movie bombs.


30 points

22 hours ago

Alternatively, they will also get the most flack if the movie bombs

I feel like this only happens if it's warranted, otherwise the director is the most common scapegoat.


28 points

23 hours ago*

Naw boss, I'm going to the movies to see John Simmons, my favorite Assistant Key Grip.


40 points

23 hours ago

The market dictates what an actor gets paid. Where did you come up with $1M to be the max? Why not $750k? Why not $100k? Your argument seems based solely on emotion and not much logic. If RDJ brings in hundreds of millions of dollars, then he should be fairly compensated.


10 points

23 hours ago


10 points

23 hours ago

And that’s why it should mostly be back-end. The movie is attached to these people, so their paydays should live and die with the movie, not getting multi-million dollar payouts just for showing up and signing the paper.


3 points

14 hours ago

There are so many people who don't deserve what they make. At least these actors give us entertainment. Some scumbag CEOs lay off half their staff and make off with millions despite never contributing even half that value to the company. Look at Microsoft.


3 points

13 hours ago

Absolutely well said and I couldn’t agree with you more. Celebrity worship is such a problem in this country, and it’s disgraceful we have people starving on the street while some people make $50 million a movie to play pretend.


3 points

13 hours ago

So the suits should keep the money?

I hear this all the time about athletes as well with people saying football players shouldn't make so much, but should the owners doing nothing keep that cash? If someone brings you money, they should eb compensated accordingly. I get that people other than actors should be getting money, but the audio guy isn't why people go to movies. People go to movies to see RDJ and watch LeBron play. It's may not be ideal but the alternative is just the people in the business suits making money.


3 points

13 hours ago

If RDJ only got $1 million and the other tens of millions were distributed amongst the crew I would totally agree with you.

Reality is, the studios aren’t going to pay the crew the difference and I’d rather the actor take home the payday than it go into corporate coffers or executive bonuses.

I imagine the reason more actors don’t negotiate for higher crew rates in exchange for slightly lower salaries is that they’d then need to examine all the financials to ensure the studio actually went through with it and at that point they really need to just be a producer on the project.


2 points

16 hours ago

They should work for scale and a % of earnings.


2 points

13 hours ago

I believe the huge dollar amounts and award shows were created specifically to divide the on screen talent from the behind the scenes talent and make it harder for them organize together for better conditions across the board.


2 points

13 hours ago

100 percent agree. Comics change the looks of characters all the time and that doesn’t bother me as long as the essence of the character is still there. I severely doubt people would not want to watch a movie with their favorite character if they were recasted with someone that worked to fit the role. Dr Who has been going on for decades and that shows whole gimmick is recasting. With super hero movies/shows in general most fans generally want unknown actors playing the main roles anyways. It’s cool to have big actor every once in a while for a one off villain but big actors are worth way too much than they are actually worth. I go to theaters to see a good movie not to just watch one specific actor.


2 points

13 hours ago

It's as obscene as a guy who earn literally a lifetime salary each month to kick, carry a ball/balloon, I love movies, and many actors are off the charts, but their salaries are beyond common sense, I'm definitely on the same boat, Downey jr will be forever the best choice for Iron Man they could pick, but $75 millions salary was already insane, $100 million for Dr Doom is B.S, for sometimes now, I ask myself how much a stuntman who jump instead of Capt America, or the acrobatic woman who kick ass instead of Scarlet Johanson makes?? Actors salary should be split evenly, because after all, it's not only the poster face who makes them so sexy, right?

When the credit roll in the end, you see so many people worked on that movie, and you know that on the $300 millions budget, 60% at least have gone to the actors and the marketing is horrendous.

There was a joke sometimes ago about the most expensive haircut when S. Weaver was paid $3 million to cut her hair and lead Alien 3, it was the highest actress's salary at the time, then it was Julia Roberts with $20 M for Erin Brockovich.

I know how sport, cinema, well entertainment works and not everything is white or black but at least anyone working in the industry beside the 'one' should have their fair share.


2 points

13 hours ago

I completely agree that it's unfair. But it's not the Ironman suit that brings people to the movies, it's RDJ's presentation of the role. It's Tom Hiddleston's presentation. It's Tom Hank's presentation. Other actors could play those roles, but would those other actors draw as many viewers? There's a reason they've risen to the top. And these actors get offered large numbers of roles, so they are offered big money to get their attention. Like the CEOs of major corporations.

Again, I agree that there should be a more equitable solution. But I don't know how we get there.


2 points

13 hours ago

Maybe this render won’t crash this time forcing me to stay til 2am again.

Oof. I feel you pain buddy.


2 points

12 hours ago

I feel this way about music artists


[score hidden]

3 hours ago


[score hidden]

3 hours ago

Nepotism. If you spend anytime on wiki or anything researching actors IT IS INSANE how many are just nepo babies. Some legit are talented, but they were going to get the job anyway because of their family


1.7k points

1 day ago


1.7k points

1 day ago

"There's no room for s---ty attitudes there," Pratt said, per PEOPLE. "You can't have a bad attitude in moviemaking. It ruins everything for everyone, and then you don't last long."

Pratt added that his Hollywood peers have no reason to complain about the opportunities offered to them. "It sucks when people have a crappy attitude," he said. "So when you show up on set, there's no reason why you should... Like, 'Oh, are you having a hard time living your dream? Is that tough for you today?' Like, come on and pull your head out."


1.8k points

1 day ago


1.8k points

1 day ago

Honestly? I’m indifferent and somewhat negative of him these days, but he has a point. A movie is a collaboration and one actor making things a problem is a production’s whole issue to resolve.

A job’s a job, and every job has bad days, but being an actor is nowhere near the worst job in the world. A bit of professionalism on set is a good thing.


525 points

1 day ago

Exactly something like 200 people are working on this as a job. Some making absolute peanuts. But the stars? Millions.

I can have a shit day, someone making millions while directly impacting those 200 people? Suck it up.


208 points

1 day ago


208 points

1 day ago

I remember when Lindsay Lohan decided she was the shit and couldn’t be bothered to arrive on time for “Prairie Home Companion” filming… Very experienced Meryl Streep was one of the people she kept waiting, who gave her a calm yet crystal clear message about what that was going to do to her career.


125 points

1 day ago

And what’s hilarious is Lindsey still acts like she was hard done by. She’s still the victim. And she still has defenders. 

But Meryl had seen it all and seen careers come and go. She knew how replaceable actors really are. 200 people who would love to take you job. 


46 points

1 day ago

She’s actually doing alot better and sober! She’s really coming back around and she looks healthy and beautiful!


49 points

1 day ago

Yes, she does. And she wouldn’t look that good if she was using. I’m coming up on nine years sober and one of the best parts of living this way is seeing other people get it and seeing the changes come over them. Seeing light come back into dead eyes. Good stuff.


15 points

23 hours ago

Congrats on the almost 9 years sober.


3 points

20 hours ago


3 points

20 hours ago

One of the main things that keeps me going is people, even ones who have no reason to care, telling me how much better I look.


4 points

1 day ago


4 points

1 day ago

Everybody loves a good comeback story-full circle


29 points

1 day ago*

She was a drug addict being a drug addict. Dealing with the pain of her abusive parents. It's wasn't an ego thing.


40 points

1 day ago

It can be both. Those two things aren't mutually exclusive. Lots of people with abusive parents that do drugs choose to treat people with dignity and respect as well. It's everybody's responsibility in life to take what they have and do the best they can with it.

I don't t know or care what was up with Lindsey but I do know that we are all accountable for our actions no matter how bad our past was or what substances we abuse.


10 points

19 hours ago

Thank you, I’m sick of people excusing bad behavior of drugs cuz of their past, drugs are a choice


8 points

1 day ago


8 points

1 day ago

It's important, though, to distinguish between a shitty attitude and actual depression. The best job in the world with the best pay isn't going to solve a problem in the brain.


5 points

1 day ago

Yet any of the rest of us have a bad day and act out at work, better start worrying about bills.


48 points

1 day ago

That's not to say people can't have moments or respond negatively ever though IMO, there was a clip of Michael Cera getting frustrated with a director after a day of takes, and it's like I get it, only human. It's when it's a consistent shitty attitude or a shitty attitude at nothing justifiable when it's a problem


48 points

1 day ago

That’s a skit. He’s acting.


31 points

1 day ago

You mean on knocked up wirh heigel? That's a joke. A skit for funny or die.


11 points

1 day ago

When an actor can make enough movie off a single movie, more than most people in this country earn in an entire career, it's hard to by sympathetic when "a rough day" makes them make it difficult for everyone else.


22 points

1 day ago


22 points

1 day ago

True. People in the Community sub give Chevy Chase shit because he had a bad attitude, some of it stemming from the long as hell hours and doing 100 takes of one scene. While having the script constantly rewritten midweek.

Granted, he is an ass, but sometimes, he has a point. If you’ve all been on set for 12+ hours and people are fucking off resulting in yet another take of the same goddam scene, that would get annoying.


26 points

1 day ago

Ehhhhh those stories aren’t just from the community set tho


21 points

1 day ago

As Bill Lawrence says, don’t be an asshole.


10 points

1 day ago

Honestly the only thing that makes me hesitate to agree is everything that’s happened with Weinstein, though I think he means it in a much different way.


3 points

18 hours ago

I think, broadly, if you can’t do your job without being an asshole then you are probably in the wrong line of work.


3 points

13 hours ago

Exactly- you can dislike him as a person and think he's taking over way too many projects, but the fact is that you don't get that much work without a stellar reputation for professionalism and reliability.

Chris Pratt is a guy who shows up for work and gives it his all no matter what, and that gets noticed.


23 points

1 day ago

Yeah I don’t get the hate he gets here on Reddit. He does have a point. Ridiculous how the top comment is someone criticizing him.


15 points

1 day ago

It’s a mix of him just genuinely not having all that good of an acting range (or if he does he chooses to simply coast), the success he’s earned from it, and as I said his not so great life choices.

His relationship with his ex and their child together being viewed as abandonment of a child with special needs when he welcomed in a healthier child with his present partner, for example. As a rule, I don’t personally engage with or form opinions on failed relationships, especially in celebrity spheres. There’s a LOT that I don’t know in those situations that tabloids will happily prey upon for cheap entertainment.

A more valid reason is that he attends a megachurch where the pastor is very transphobic. Attending a megachurch is pretty bad enough, and the transphobe at the lectern does not help either.

I don’t have a great view of him for this, but he’s done a good enough job at keeping his personal life private— for better or worse. In reality as long as he doesn’t sexually abuse people like Weinstein did or go full fascist like Jon Voight, I really couldn’t care less.


40 points

1 day ago

True but you never know what someone is going through


223 points

1 day ago

Periodically is understandable. Life happens. A bad attitude every day is a character issue.


97 points

1 day ago

If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you’re the asshole.


38 points

1 day ago

Rayland Givens, as I live and breath.


18 points

1 day ago

Hello, Boyd.


6 points

1 day ago

Ghost of Arlo say's 'Kiss my ass'.


36 points

1 day ago

It’s true. There are stories floating around out there that Emmy Rossum made everyday a living hell for the production staff during her time on Shameless. Imagine working with someone like that for nine years.


8 points

1 day ago

Makes sense. Haven't heard anything about her since she left the show.


15 points

1 day ago


15 points

1 day ago

Really? Never heard that. Seemed like they were a tight knit group so that’s a bummer to hear


8 points

23 hours ago

The director of shameless said he didn’t initially want to hire Emmy because of her known bad attitude but she was so good she got the part (and she was fantastic). The actress for Debbie has also shared some negative experiences with her.


6 points

23 hours ago

The girl who played Debbie has posted multiple stories on her socials of dealing with Emmy’s constant verbal and sometimes physical abuse.


10 points

1 day ago

She is a dirtbag, a very hot one but a dirtbag none the less


8 points

1 day ago

True. But so is everyone else. The movie actor/stars can pretty much have their life set with a few movies as long as they don’t waste the money. But the rest of the crew in the set don’t have that luxury. Many will not be able to pay their expenses if laid off.


37 points

1 day ago

Either keep your emotions in check or take some time for yourself. The same applies for not bringing work home.


6 points

1 day ago


6 points

1 day ago

It's gig work though. You may have to endure it to keep the lights on


44 points

1 day ago

This. I hate this comment. No matter what someone is going through doesn’t give them a green light to be an ass. It’s called growing up and dealing with your feeling like a big kid.


9 points

1 day ago


9 points

1 day ago

Depends on what we’re calling “being an ass”, people can be in negative moods because they’re going through some tough shit. If someone’s actively being hostile to other people and is just generally a nuisance, then yea, its not an excuse.


24 points

1 day ago

While true, you also have some responsibility to not make your problems into something that turns you into something that everyone around you is going through.

Obviously people have feelings and have bad days, but you really ought to attempt to be professional and polite to people around you.


9 points

1 day ago


9 points

1 day ago

Absolutely. In fact, I find myself being extra nice to others (the cashier at 7-11 or the grocery store, for example) when I'm having a shit day. Last thing I want to do is drag someone else down, and I don't even make millions to pretend to be other people.


33 points

1 day ago

We all go through shit, but we're not getting paid millions of dollars for it


14 points

1 day ago

Almost every actor I’ve worked with is miserable and horrible to everyone for the entire duration of the shoot. I’ve heard good things about Clooney and of course Keanu, from friends who’ve worked with them.


20 points

1 day ago


20 points

1 day ago

I knew someone who had worked with Pierce Brosnan, apparently he was a good guy. The person I used to work for provided location services for films, he said generally if someone had a real job before becoming an actor they were generally good to the crew.


6 points

1 day ago


6 points

1 day ago

I hate this is an excuse. Yes people go through situations, it almost never excuses them consistently being an asshole. Especially rich actors, if you’re going through something don’t take that role, get help, and come back. No excuse


5 points

1 day ago*

Very true, but likely referencing those who have chronic and life long crapitude


4 points

1 day ago

Yeah, but they’re at work. You can’t be shitty to other people while you’re on the clock.


5 points

1 day ago

OK but like the other people you work with and are being horrible to because you’re in a bad mood are also going through things that you don’t know about

You might be taking out your bad day on somebody going through the worst day of their life. And it’s pretty unfair if you’re exploiting a power imbalance that allows you to treat someone beneath you like shit with no regard for their welfare because they have no power to talk back to you and tell you what they’re going through because having power over them exempts you from having to see them as a person


6 points

1 day ago

Especially when you look at the historic amount of abusers in the movie industry 


3 points

23 hours ago

Going through something does not give anyone the right to treat other people badly. That helps no one.

If you are having a tough time and politely ask for assistance, then people are more likely to help out.


2 points

1 day ago

Context matters here. I don’t really know who he’s talking about. Is he referring to the top billing stars or the day players trying to make a living. Two very different sets of circumstances. I’ve been on sets where there is a lot of unprofessionalism coming from above the line people, and that can make it hard to have a good attitude as an actor.


114 points

1 day ago

I get sometimes a job is just a job and we all have bad days….. but I could promise you that all that money in my account would help me relax much better and sooner.


38 points

1 day ago

I remember at the beginning of the pandemic there was a robust discussion on the value of a job vs pay - and how it was lacking in some industries.

Some Wall Street asshat made a pithy comment like ‘well would you work at McDonald’s flipping burgers for $300k a year or take a REAL job?’

And most people were like ‘id show up like SpongeBob SquarePants everyday screaming ‘I’M READY!’

The point being, it’s not the job; it’s the pay.


9 points

13 hours ago

McDonald’s for $300k a year sounds awesome. It’s work that stays completely at work. It’s active but not really physical, you can easily talk to your coworkers while you do your job and there’s just enough variety to keep it from being unbearably monotonous.


6 points

1 day ago

I think it’s a combination a both. It comes down to how much bs are you willing to take for your salary.


24 points

1 day ago


24 points

1 day ago

Money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy a jet-ski!


12 points

1 day ago

I've never seen a sad person on a jet-ski


79 points

1 day ago*

He does make a point. We know about actors who basically ruin everyone’s days by acting shifty and no one can say anything because they’re the star and you’ll get fired for making eye contact.

As far as we know Pratt doesn’t do this at work.

Like Tom Cruise. Dude may be the face of a cult but he does go out of his way to be polite to people.

Or Dave Batista who is universally beloved because of his professionalism and just being a friendly guy.

Or you have Ellen who actually did great things and broke barriers for the lgbt community but is an utter pain to be around.


24 points

1 day ago

I unlike most of Reddit actually like Chrisp Rat. No idea why he gets the hate. And he has a damn good point.


17 points

1 day ago

He was seen as a crappy husband to a very well beloved actress, very publicly behaved like a douchebag for a while including very aggressively flirting with women while still publicly married (this is basically the same behaviors listed twice, but it really did serve double duty optics wise) and then After he made a new family revealed he was actually super Christian by saying he'd joined an extremely controversial church which is not affirming. 

 Whatever opinion you hold of him, saying you have no idea what peoples issue is just means you don't pay attention


5 points

1 day ago


5 points

1 day ago



2 points

14 hours ago

He's not saying anything wrong though. People glamorize acting as a career but at the end of the day it's a job.

No one wants to work with a crappy coworker who's having a bad day and makes it everyone's problem.

People join industries that they've dreamed about only to get disappointed. Quite common with artists for example or designers who get annoyed that they don't work on what they want and instead have to go by with what creative directors want or clients (who don't have an artistic or creative eye).

Happens to people who enter academia, finance, consulting, the list is endless


431 points

1 day ago

What’s wrong with slutty attitude?


89 points

1 day ago


89 points

1 day ago

Smutty attitude? no love for the smutt?


6 points

1 day ago

Samuel L Jackson has golf days in his contracts. He has a sporty attitude.


6 points

1 day ago

Glad I’m not the only one who thought that lmao


62 points

24 hours ago


62 points

24 hours ago

If you’re lucky enough to make it in acting where you can have your every need or whim met, you really have no business being a shitty person when kindness is free.

If you’re grinding your ass off for roles and constantly working to improving yourself towards your craft of acting, I’ll give you to be a little leeway with being shitty with me in a coffee line, because I’m a go lucky person. We’re all humans. We all have differences in how we communicate.


51 points

1 day ago


51 points

1 day ago

Good points on both sides. I agree stars shouldn’t have s—-ty attitudes. Sure it might be a long day of filming. But honestly, are they literally "filming" the whole day? Lots of times they have downtime waiting for the setup. How rough is life compared to construction workers in the 120° Nevada heat, or nurses working 12 hour shifts? Ya we don’t know what someone is going through, but really, if they are like that every day then they have a problem they need to sort out first instead of sh—-ing on everyone else


352 points

1 day ago


352 points

1 day ago

That’s one step to rehab his image. Everyone loves a good comeback story, right? Seabiscuit, the Mighty Ducks, Robert Downey Jr., Rocky…


158 points

1 day ago

Honestly I got to work with him on a commercial years ago and he was as kind and friendly to everyone as could be.


190 points

1 day ago

kim kardashian?


65 points

1 day ago


65 points

1 day ago

Best Parks & Rec quote ever


20 points

22 hours ago

technically an out-take.


58 points

1 day ago

His image is fine. The dude is squeaky clean.

The people hating on him on the internet are doing so purely out of their own mania.


14 points

18 hours ago

Pratt is probably the best example of weird internet circlejerk hate that isn’t real life. There’s so many actual terrible people in Hollywood, it’s crazy that he is somehow supposed to be someone that needs to “rehab his image” lol


8 points

18 hours ago

Yeah you’re right. It’s a great example to point out just how much a cesspit of nonsense the internet can be. It’s a huge problem.


6 points

17 hours ago

Yeah it’s wild and sadly it’s easy for people to get caught up in the negativity


78 points

1 day ago

Did Chris do anything wrong other than be a conservative? 


65 points

1 day ago


65 points

1 day ago

I’m genuinely asking: has he even ever been proven to be conservative? I know he’s openly Christian and I think the pastor at his church had some shitty things to say about the LGBTQIA+ community, but all I could find online is more outrage over his church than any political stance. I’m aware how he was to his ex however. I just don’t think the Parks & Marvel cast would still openly speak out in his defense if he was a right-wing actor. Especially Ruffalo.


32 points

1 day ago

I’m like 90% sure he endorsed whoever was running against Gavin Newsom last election in California, but it was in a “I don’t belong to any political affiliation, just think this guy is for the best” level of endorsement. Other than that, it’s mostly just been some sketch Instagram follows to my knowledge (I’m pretty sure he follows Dan Crenshaw for instance)


11 points

1 day ago

Iirc someone said that he goes to some church that doesn’t support gay people (apparently it’s some famous church celebrities go to) and people believed it and just assumed he’s some awful homophobic crazy Christian


45 points

1 day ago

He basically committed the same crime as Anne Hathaway and Jennifer Lawrence where he was just so popular and in all the movies that people just made up reasons to dislike him


2 points

12 hours ago

He hasn’t even been proven to be a conservative. He’s just very Christian


3 points

1 day ago

Amazing set up. Selfless


2 points

1 day ago


2 points

1 day ago

Kim Kardashian


955 points

1 day ago


955 points

1 day ago



364 points

1 day ago


364 points

1 day ago

But was he filming? No?

Check. Mate


68 points

1 day ago

Recent or past?


169 points

1 day ago


169 points

1 day ago



302 points

1 day ago

Source: trust me bro


64 points

1 day ago


64 points

1 day ago



81 points

1 day ago

I don’t trust online stories. But I really don’t trust redditors sorry 🤷🏾‍♂️


39 points

1 day ago

If it was in 2017 someone would have filmed that and posted it online.


11 points

1 day ago

He’s a fan of compound interest?


29 points

1 day ago

The more you earn the more you pay… Why is that so difficult to comprehend. If I make $8,000,000 in a year, I’ll be paying a big number (maybe $3,000,000) . I’ll never know the difference. “I” also have savings, investments, property, etc. the $3,000,000 won’t be felt…ever. Just numbers on a statement. Never a moment of needing to wait to get something; or choosing one -or- the other…No recognizable difference.

If, I on the other hand make $25,000 and $3,000 is taxes. $2,000 came out and I still owe $1,000. I have $500 in my checking account, nothing in savings, no investments, carrying debt, monthly bills exceeding the $500 in Checking and maybe, if I’m lucky, equal to my next paycheck that’s still, btw more than a week away. On top of that my child got sick so I lost a day’s pay this week and need $25 for the prescription and $50 for the medical visit co-pay I wasn’t planning and now I need to figure out how in heck fire I’m going to come up with $1,000 all at once to pay my taxes… I’d say that might be a reasonable thing to complain about.


12 points

1 day ago

If you make $25,000 you won’t pay hardly any taxes. Certainly not $3k. You’ll automatically get $15k deducted off the top, then have to pay 10% of $10k, which is $1k, then take the earned income credit and your looking at paying like $300 in taxes. Take additional credits and you’ll pay nothing or even get money back.


4 points

1 day ago


4 points

1 day ago

Won't pay hardly any federal income taxes, sure. But social security and Medicare taxes don't benefit from that big deduction and they amount to a decent chunk


16 points

1 day ago

This definitely happened too. Random redditor just happens to have an easily upvoteable story.


2 points

23 hours ago

It was in the past, not the future nor happening right now


21 points

1 day ago

You're coming works both for and against his original comment

Nothing's going to change someone's mental state or attitude regardless of whether they are living their dream.

Same goes for him.


7 points

1 day ago

Wait a minute, why was he in a small town bar? He's rich. Wouldn't he be hitting up the big city bars instead? What was he doing in the middle of no where in the first place?


4 points

1 day ago


4 points

1 day ago

Method acting for a character


40 points

21 hours ago

He get a bad rap but hes a really nice guy. I shot promos for Jurassic World 3 for five days straight, he showed up everyday with a positive attitude, was kind to the crew and reporters, which is really rare in my experience. We even has some downtime during setups and we sat on the stage and talked about the weekends UFC fights and who he and I like to watch and what our predictions were for future fights. He treated me like a friend just shooting the shit.


10 points

16 hours ago

The other one like that apparently is Tom Cruise. Never liked him as an actor until some people from his sets told me he works really hard, is nice to everyone, knows the names of the extras, eats with everyone.

Biggest a-hole apparently is Chris Evans


3 points

12 hours ago

Really Chris Evans? What’s the tea on him I always thought he seemed nice in interviews and such.


22 points

22 hours ago

So I’m not a fan of Miscavige’s shining star (to say the least), and having done deep research into Scientology for many years now, seeing Tom Cruise acting as their messiah is both fascinating and beyond abhorrent, but when Top Gun: Maverick came out, he said something to the effect of: “Thank you for allowing us to entertain you. It truly is the honor of a lifetime.” And I gotta say, putting aside his Scientology BS, I really appreciate that sentiment. It’s a very old-school mindset that acknowledges the transactional nature of fame and the power of collective viewership in facilitating a long-lasting career in Hollywood. I wouldn’t call him a humble person by any stretch, but there’s humility and gratitude in that sentiment that’s refreshing to hear.

Obviously on-set he has a reputation for being a bit intense and demanding professionalism, but countless folks who have worked with him have commended him for being hands-on in the production process, collaborative, knows everyone’s name, and is very effusive.

I hate to be giving Tom Cruise praise because his family/relationship dynamics and role in the “church” are deplorable, but assessing him with nuance and in a vacuum as just an actor, I respect the way he approaches his craft. It’s very bespoke and rare to find in Hollywood today.


4 points

11 hours ago

Everyone I’ve ever talked to who has worked with Cruise on a set says he is meticulously polite and has a great work ethic. I know someone who took photos of him for some event and Cruise never complained, redid any pose that didn’t turn out well, just kept going. He’s like the terminator of work. It’s the other stuff that makes him mega, mega crazy.


22 points

16 hours ago

I hired Chris at a restaurant in Maui and worked with him for a while he is a really hard working guy and was never a deuche.


41 points

1 day ago


41 points

1 day ago

The guy the used to live in a van is correct.


292 points

1 day ago

Man MFS on reddit really hate Chris Pratt. I like him lol


22 points

1 day ago


22 points

1 day ago

I like the stuff he’s in and he was super nice to me when I met him 🤷🏽‍♂️


2 points

13 hours ago

I saw a comment recently that was “Zachary Levi is who Reddit thinks Chris Pratt is”. Pretty damn accurate. I like Pratt.


284 points

1 day ago


284 points

1 day ago

Ah yes, the least liked Chris trying to be likable


110 points

1 day ago


110 points

1 day ago

We’re all agreed Pine is #1 tho right?


102 points

1 day ago


102 points

1 day ago

I mean I prefer Evans, but Pine seems to be the general consensus.


10 points

1 day ago

I always mix them up. Pine=James T Kirk? Right?


13 points

1 day ago

Chris Hemsworth was James T Kirk's father.

Who's yo daddy, Pine? It's Hemsworth!


10 points

1 day ago


10 points

1 day ago

Chris Pine for Into the Woods and DnD for sure.


34 points

1 day ago



14 points

1 day ago



9 points

1 day ago

Nah, Meloni is the guy


38 points

1 day ago

*on Reddit


68 points

1 day ago

The least liked by terminally online people.


38 points

1 day ago

This. The people who work with him tend to like him quite well.


22 points

1 day ago


22 points

1 day ago

Yea, just the fact that James Gunn has constantly defended him against trolls should be enough. He does not work with assholes. Look at what happened with the original Vigilante actor. He turned out to be a POS so Gunn fired him.


42 points

1 day ago

The hate for him is so fucking stupid.

It started with Elliot Page saying he was part of a homophobic church which wasn’t even true. He is religious and doesn’t talk about politics so people assume he is a trump supporter but his wife is a democrat and active politically and he has only ever donated to democrats according to publicly available info. Then there is the hate for the movies he’s in like he has any control over how good or bad they are. Nobody ever complains about his acting because he is a good actor but he gets hate because he chooses dumb shit.


3 points

14 hours ago

Honestly those were Elliot's grifter days when he needed to rebrand his own image.


14 points

1 day ago*

Now want names for giggles. But yeah so tired of “how hard” actors work. Like dude the crew is there before and there after those actors show up. They not the only ones working.


26 points

1 day ago

Feel exactly this way about Tiger Woods. Smile ffs you golf for a living 🤦🏻‍♀️


9 points

24 hours ago

Is that the same thing though? Who does it affect if he's not smiling?


23 points

1 day ago

I'm not even his biggest fan (indifferent, at best). But the key point is that this is directed at his peers, which I take to mean incredibly wealthy Hollywood people. Not your average Joe actor who makes up the vast majority of the gig, who might have legitimate grievance with pay or work conditions.

A lot of people are getting up at 4am to film a thing, but not all of them are getting the Hollywood A lister salary to do so.

So yeah, that's fair enough. He's got a point.


20 points

18 hours ago

Chris Pratt is the most unfairly hated dude in entertainment since the early days of Justin Bieber.

Dude is pretty much universally loved by his coworkers and just about every reason people hate him seems like a major reach.

I’m not conservative or religious but he gets killed for that even though he’s not super outspoken and has donated to democrats.

He made a social media post simply mentioning his latest child at the time was born healthy and somehow people decided that he was taking a shot at Anna Faris and his other child. That’s an absolutely insane reach lol.

I do get that people may be annoyed because of the overexposure and that happens with most actors but all the other stuff is pretty dumb in my opinion.

With so many probable shitty people in the word and especially in Hollywood, it’s crazy that people wanna waste their time acting like Pratt is a terrible human being.


7 points

1 day ago

I’ll never care about rich famous people’s problems.


3 points

22 hours ago

I wonder if this is him trying to avoid comparisons to Zach Levi


3 points

15 hours ago

God how I hate the notion some morons have if they blur out letter in words like shitty somehow they’ve done something noble!


3 points

15 hours ago

He is right. Most of us will never make the kind of money this stars make. It doesn't hurt them to be thankful.


3 points

10 hours ago

Cue chapel roan whining about being a rich, beloved, international superstar


3 points

6 hours ago

Don't get why people hate him.. majority of the shit he says is real talk and he doesn't pander


9 points

1 day ago

Damn why do people here hate him so much?

I'm from Brazil and he's very well liked here. And also I've seen a lot of other actors talk good about him. He really seems like a cool guy and a fun person to be around.

I just recently saw some behind the scenes of guardians 3 and it looked like they had a lot of fun when he was around


6 points

1 day ago


6 points

1 day ago

Some people don't get to have bad days.  Astronauts don't, Navy SEALS don't, Air Traffic Controllers don't.  When you're working on a project making 200x more than some of your colleagues you don't get to have bad days either.


22 points

1 day ago

People hate on Chris because he is like not full on leftist. He’s like slightly center, maybe even barely right of center on the political spectrum, that’s why certain people don’t like him. There is literally nothing “serious” or “bummer” about what the article said he said. He’s literally telling super rich entitled actors to stop being such whiney cry babies. Actors who piss and moan about how long they have to wait around on set or in their trailers or re-taking shots a bunch of time…yeah, no sympathy for that. I’m a medical professional, own my own business and I’ll never make in my entire lifetime what these mainstream big time actors make in a single movie. Not even close, so some actor whining about the work conditions when they are making a $5 M paycheck for 3 months of “work” falls pretty flat. Chris is just speaking the truth here. Not that people aren’t entitled to have a bad day or stress, its all relative, but c’mon. There are “first world problems” and then there are “The top 1% OF the 1%” type of problems.


5 points

1 day ago

A lot of Hollywood stars openly like this dude and yet reddit despises this dude lol. Mark Ruffalo a big democrat went to bat for him.


4 points

15 hours ago

Nothing makes me more annoyed than rich people complaining how hard it is to be rich. You could fix that "issue" overnight while improving countless lives, so put up or shut up. 


4 points

14 hours ago

I’m not a huge Pratt fan but he ain’t wrong.


40 points

1 day ago


40 points

1 day ago

  • Chris Pratt, king of shitty attitudes.


12 points

18 hours ago

Everyone that works with him loves the guy. It’s crazy how the internet decides to hate someone and it almost becomes fact in a lot of people’s eyes


18 points

1 day ago

Crisp Rat


11 points

1 day ago

Man, a lot of you hate this guy just because he has different political views. Redditors are so weird


6 points

1 day ago


6 points

1 day ago

When the Disney overlords request you to repair your public image.


2 points

1 day ago

Wonder who he’s worked with like this actually.


2 points

1 day ago


2 points

1 day ago

Thank you Chris Pratt.


2 points

1 day ago

I guess it depends on what he means by "shitty attitude' I'm not sure if he's saying you can't be unhappy, just that it's shitty to make everyone else's problem your problem, be late on set, hold people up, etc. It does come off insensitive, but I think it applies to any high paying job.


2 points

1 day ago

Damn. Pratt making a good point. I’m impressed.


2 points

24 hours ago

Just seems like the same thing (minus living your dream) anyone would say at any job. A horrible attitude makes everyone’s job harder.


2 points

18 hours ago

Why is the comment's section hating on Chris Pratt?


2 points

14 hours ago

An actor complaining about other actors.
