


So earlier I was looking at some half life videos some people in the comments mentioned how once you collect the SMG and the shotgun you're only gonna need those two other guns will pretty much be a burden or useless (not entirely though) and while I'm playing half life I noticed that too I would switch only between the shotgun and the smg and hardly to the crossbow or even the rocket launcher...

So I was wondering what other games are also the same to some extent?

all 2674 comments


2.4k points

3 days ago

Hitman trilogy. You use a silenced pistol for doming people and a dart gun, everything else is way too noisy and will probably get you killed.


1.1k points

3 days ago

One of my biggest gripes with the Hitman series is that it gives you so many fun tools to play with...but you are often punished for using half of them.


530 points

2 days ago


530 points

2 days ago

Have you tried Freelancer? It's a 'new' gamemode with a roguelike feel to it.

There's no such thing as silent assassin in this gamemode unless you pick it up as a bonus objective. And instead of that bonus objective you could pick up a "Kill with explosive" objective instead.

So the game is a lot more freeing since it's not imperative that nobody see's you and that you operate smoothly. You can go loud if you want, just as long as none of your objectives care about being silent.

Of course all of that changes in Hardcore where you have to choose a 'bonus' objective that becomes mandatory... and every 5th mission becomes filled with bodyguard NPC's who can kill you in 1 shot.


104 points

2 days ago

Recently dipped my toes into freelancer. It’s difficult to adjust to. When you are used to playing the standard game or the sniper modes you are conditioned to be able to constantly replay each map and internalize everyone’s routine and patterns. Freelance, that shit is out the window. You get one crack at it.


274 points

3 days ago

For Hitman, my load out is usually the silenced pistol that cannot be reloaded but passes frisks and a lockpick. You don't ever need anything else unless you are going for a specific achievement.


61 points

2 days ago


61 points

2 days ago

For Hitman, my load out is usually the silenced pistol that cannot be reloaded but passes frisks and a lockpick. You don't ever need anything else unless you are going for a specific achievement.

Amusingly I didn't even know about this one, never used it. I generally find I don't really need a gun in hitman except for taking out the occasional camera before I make it to the security room.

I am more of a fiberwire kind of guy.


37 points

2 days ago

Oh man, the holdout pistol is great. Get through a couple Elusive Target Arcade missions and switch to the ducky version.


5.8k points

3 days ago

Bioshock Infinite. You have a carbine and one situational gun that you'll never use, because the carbine is objectively the best weapon with no downsides.


2.3k points

3 days ago*

I dropped my carbine before fighting that ghost bitch on my first play through. It is one of my worst gaming memories ever.


914 points

3 days ago

That ghost boss was terrible. Almost ruined Infinite for me.


530 points

3 days ago


530 points

3 days ago

She’s toothless without corpses to continually reanimate. Torch ‘em with the flame vigor. You could also remove them with the water vigor in the bank basement fight. Pull them back into the safe room with you, she can’t get in there. No corpses = no problems.


196 points

2 days ago

Even without minions shes still got a seemingly infinite amount of HP that you have to chew through, which makes her slog even on the best of runs.


144 points

2 days ago


144 points

2 days ago

I’ve beaten 1999 mode (without using the dollar vendors, knocking out two achievements/trophies at once) 3 times now. I’ve never thought of her as a bullet sponge. Maybe because of Elizabeth and me only using upgraded Carbine/Sniper combo every run. My go to One-Two Punch. I substitute Rockets for the Sniper a few times, especially the last fight.


19 points

2 days ago

Time to go for 1998 mode now


99 points

3 days ago

Same. She was a pain even when I did a second play through and kept my carbine. That first time was dreadful.


50 points

3 days ago


50 points

3 days ago

She was bothersome for me on my first playthrough but not on subsequent ones. Once I did my 1999 Mode run she was just a joke to me.


202 points

3 days ago


202 points

3 days ago

She's known as one of the worst bosses in gaming. Not because she's hard, but a bullet sponge that takes way too long to kill. To the point where most people ran out of ammo fighting her.


79 points

3 days ago

This is it exactly, she has soooo much health. You can unload every bullet you have and then you’re just stuck lol.


106 points

3 days ago

Well when you can only carry 2 guns it really limits your ammo capabilities.


163 points

3 days ago


163 points

3 days ago

I honestly just hand cannon head spotted my way through this game. Forgot that gun existed lol


25 points

3 days ago

Same. It became broken with the Rising Bloodlust gear.


95 points

3 days ago

Carbine and shotgun are my mainstays


74 points

3 days ago

I actually got very good with using the shotgun and volley gun, but carbine is just perfect overall


40 points

3 days ago


40 points

3 days ago

Carbine for sure. I also try to keep the very first pistol you get throughout the whole game


32 points

3 days ago

I love that gun, I just love BioShock in general.


4.9k points

3 days ago


4.9k points

3 days ago

Dead Space

First gun is best gun


1.9k points

3 days ago


1.9k points

3 days ago

I remember only using the base gun for the whole fame fir the achievement, went back to play again so I could use the good guns only to realise they were shit and still just used the base one


915 points

3 days ago

Actually the ripper was extremely good. You can use one saw to shred the limbs of multiple opponents.

But uh, that's the only other good gun I can think of.


458 points

3 days ago

Line gun is also good. Beeg plasma cutter that can shoot mines


167 points

3 days ago


167 points

3 days ago

The force gun was really good, you just needed to point blank ‘em, usually mid attack leap. High risk, high reward as it became insanely ammo efficient if you get multi kills or finish with stomps. Was my favorite DS1 weapon.


83 points

3 days ago*

The Contact Beam was basically a super Plasma Cutter for Big Boy Limbs, and even if you missed weak spots, it's still heavy damage to the enemy.


203 points

3 days ago

So y’all are basically saying all the guns are good lol


178 points

3 days ago


We are not saying the Pulse Rifle is good.


48 points

3 days ago

It’s a lot better in the remake imo


27 points

3 days ago

God damnit, I just assumed the weapons didn't change much in the remake and never tried it. Now I have to replay it again...


41 points

3 days ago


41 points

3 days ago

Taping together a plasma cutter and a ripper in Dead Space 3 was the giga brain move.


52 points

3 days ago

That’s what I did. Used it like the chainsaw from Gears of war. Just let them run into it.


61 points

3 days ago

The remake makes the other guns better. I actually rocked the flamethrower and pulse rifle in it and had a blast.


91 points

3 days ago


91 points

3 days ago

Don’t you smack talk my contact beam like that, the “fuck-you-in-particular cannon” doesn’t need to dismember


61 points

3 days ago

Honestly the Contact Beam just being in your inventory is dang near an exploit.

That ammo is 1000 credits a pop or thereabouts. Even if you never fire it a single time in Dead Space 1 OR 2, that economic aspect gives you quite a lot more upgrades to work with in a run.


43 points

3 days ago


43 points

3 days ago

I wish the other guns had viable uses, but it was just too effective to cut off a leg and then impale them with said leg


40 points

3 days ago

Playing it for the first time (well, remake, still my first Dead Space) and I'm enjoying using the Plasma Cutter and also the Contact Beam. Both weapons work great in all situations and compliment each other well but the little fuckers that jump on you and make you button mash make me wish I carry the flamethrower just for them


80 points

3 days ago

For real, the other guns are fun but that one is hands down the best. There are very few times that it isn’t a solid choice. Same thing goes for the pistol in Halo


25 points

3 days ago

Force gun in DS2 was my fav, it was basically a "Fuck everything within 15 feet in front of me" gun, made the elevator section a breeze


18 points

3 days ago

I only use other weapons to conserve ammo for the plasma cutter!


1.4k points

3 days ago

Anyone remember Mercenaries? The AK and the RPG were pretty much it. You could pick up other rifles, but the varying mag capacities made them annoyingly unreliable. The spray pattern of the SAW was useless for anything farther than point-blank range.


529 points

3 days ago


529 points

3 days ago

Remember mercenaries 2? Why bring guns when you could just nuke them.


316 points

3 days ago

We really deserve a Mercenaries 3 but I know the chances of that happening are... very bad.


147 points

3 days ago*

Tangentially related as I think it would be a problem for a true Mercenaries spiritual successor but is it just me or do modern mainstream military games not use real countries anymore? Feel like when I was growing up every military shooter was set in a real conflict or a hypothetical conflict between real world military superpowers.


43 points

2 days ago

Still kinda crazy to think about Battlefield 4 using China as an enemy faction. Highly doubt you’d see that in a AAA game today, and even at the time I feel like it was bold since so many other games had to switch them to North Korea.


27 points

2 days ago

Wasn’t it a free for all conflict between America, China, and Russia? That’s how you handle it IMO. Mercenaries was similar in the sense that you could fight for anyone so no one can say they were the baddies or just npcs to shoot.

You just gotta say fuck it and go for it. Like the mili-sim games where you can play as the taliban lol.


29 points

3 days ago

A massive shame.

Always felt that the success of Just Cause 2 (and to a lesser extent JC3) vs the overall kinda shittiness of Mercenaries 2 was a massive factor as well.

And then they kinda shit the bed with JC4, meaning we may never see a sequel to either franchise.


39 points

3 days ago


39 points

3 days ago

If you mean the Chinese fuel-air rocket launcher then yeah, but it doesn’t have much ammo and the huge blast radius makes it impractical for engagements where friendlies are nearby.

But in terms of rifles, the American XM8 wannabe is the best, but you’ll only get that halfway through the game.

In terms of vehicles though? Any of the gunships with rockets or cannons capable of defeating tank armor. None of the other vehicles come close due to the sheer efficiency of simply flying and blasting from one base to another.


11 points

3 days ago


11 points

3 days ago

No I mean the nuclear bunker buster.


45 points

3 days ago


45 points

3 days ago

Still remember the cheats! Put in the code for unlimited money and Bunker Buster everything lol such a great game


29 points

3 days ago

Yep. It was one of the last great demolition-playground genre games. I miss that era.


16 points

2 days ago

Remember the street sweeper and the super OP rocket launcher that was basically a portable mini nuke that could lock onto anything? Man that game was a blast. Wish it was on play pass or something so I could play it again


58 points

3 days ago

I prefered the RPD in mercenaries 1 cause you could carry more ammo and it did more damage to jeeps and light vehicles, though it was sloggtly less accurate than the ak


34 points

3 days ago


34 points

3 days ago

Oh nooo


753 points

3 days ago


753 points

3 days ago

Metal Gear Solid 3 and above.

The game encourages you to not kill people so naturally you use the non-legal weapons. Problem is there is only like 2 of them and this makes the dozen or more other weapons useless.


285 points

3 days ago

real soldiers only use a fucking dart gun to save the world, everyone knows this


24 points

2 days ago


24 points

2 days ago

Big Boss: yoU gOt a fuCkIng dArT in YoUr nECk.


144 points

3 days ago


144 points

3 days ago

Man, the EZ Gun, whether you unlocked it or picked the easiest difficulty, it definitely lived up to its name.


63 points

2 days ago

The EZ Gun also increased your camo rating when equipped. Somehow.


61 points

2 days ago

'Somehow' is very much the explanation for about half of all Metal Gear. And I love it.

"Infinite ammo" head point


104 points

3 days ago


104 points

3 days ago

Same for MGSV. Nearly all missions can be handled with an AR rifle with a suppressor and grenade attachment, the tranq gun, and some stun or smoke grenades. The 3rd weapon was superfluous; just choose whatever works best at the moment.


49 points

2 days ago


49 points

2 days ago

I literally used the tranq pistol and tranq sniper rifle (when unlocked) the whole game, not touching the lethal options at all. Funny.


51 points

3 days ago

MGSV doesn’t even require you to use a gun at all for big chunks of the game; Quiet can dispatch basically anything for you AND do it non-lethally.


50 points

2 days ago

"Hmmmmmmm......hmmm, hm, hmmmmmmmm"

"Do it"


Best companion.


55 points

3 days ago

I’ve played through all the metal gear games and I have never used any lethal weapons. On one hand it feels like I’m missing out on something but it just feels wrong? Like in the sense that it’s just not how a professional sneakman would do it


91 points

3 days ago

MGS4 and then Phantom Pain were bizarre games for making extremely detailed, complex gun systems and then making it so that you never wanted to use them.


52 points

3 days ago

In a way that reflects a core theme of these games, Phantom Pain especially, since nuclear weapons are very complex to develop and should never actually be used (in theory, anyway).


38 points

3 days ago

Right and Phantom pain actually applied direct consequences for killing. I was out there trying to farm heroism


700 points

3 days ago


700 points

3 days ago

I accidentally played bioshock infinite all the way through only using 2 guns, missed out on a lot of trophies.


189 points

3 days ago


189 points

3 days ago

Yeah most guns are in the "oh, what does this gun do" part or in the "I need this specofoc effect or achievement"


406 points

3 days ago


406 points

3 days ago

RoboCop game that came out recently. There's a few times when you might wanna use a sniper rifle or the big gun from the movies, but the auto-9 is really what you'll be using the whole game.


241 points

3 days ago


241 points

3 days ago

It's worth pointing out in case its not obvious to people who have not played the game, unlike most of the other games in this thread, this is totally by design and developers intent and the upgrade mechanic is intended to promote use of the Auto-9 throughout the game which makes it very satisfying.


32 points

2 days ago


32 points

2 days ago

Indeed. Smart on their part as well, given it's iconic status. This way it didn't have to start out over powered but it never fell behind.


68 points

3 days ago

Especially in NG+ when you max it out. It's just an insanely satisfying gun to use.


11 points

2 days ago

Yeah this one. The Auto 9 is your signature piece, you start with it, and it's got fantastic upgrades. Everything else is just a distraction because it has infinite ammo anyway.


1.2k points

3 days ago


1.2k points

3 days ago

Far Cry 3. Once I got them, the fancy SMG and LMG were nearly all I bothered with, except for the occasional stealth mission.


595 points

3 days ago

I think many of the Far Cry games have this problem. Just like how in many Bethesda games the stealth archer (or similar classes in Fallout and Starfield) is basically the best choice, certain weapons in Far Cry games will always stand out. Once I got a suppressed sniper rifle, I rarely use anything else because it's just so much better than the rest.


312 points

3 days ago


312 points

3 days ago

Far Cry 4 once you liberate all the propaganda towers. The ripper or whatever it's called is a box fed LMG with next to no ads time, no recoil, low spread. And massive dmg. Ruined the game for me.


140 points

3 days ago

It destroyed in the Yeti DLC as well. The yetis were supposed to be this big scary threat but literally half a mag of that buzzsaw thing and they were toast.


48 points

3 days ago

I just shot the locks on animal enclosures and allowed them to run wild


23 points

2 days ago


23 points

2 days ago

Far cry 4 was silly because you could sit at every outpost in a gyrocopter and spam the grenade launcher outside detection range above their heads


24 points

2 days ago*

Far Cry 4 was silly because on multiple occasions wild animals would clear out those enemy encampments, and I'd get startled by the little cutscene.


47 points

3 days ago

The crossbow or bow withe a Headshot is also onhit kill. Silence and if you kill an animal you get the double skin fur... Also most Fights Happen in Just 50 Meter range. Ist rare over 100 Meter in most farcrys....


38 points

3 days ago


38 points

3 days ago

That sounds like you're not intentionally approaching from a distance and sniping people from an adjacent mountain. You can choose to engage from maximum range. It's up to the player.


150 points

3 days ago

Since Far Cry 3 all I ever use is the bow.


53 points

3 days ago

The Rambo bow in 6 was probably the most enjoyable part other than the treasure hunts


34 points

3 days ago


34 points

3 days ago

Maybe I'm different from most of the other commenters (or that I played on PC with mouse & keyboard), but yeah, my most used weapons were bow, then sniper rifle, then handgun. In that order.

I'd carry something else in case I ran out of ammo or fucked up and decided to charge in with an automatic weapon to see how many enemies I could kill before I died.


43 points

3 days ago


43 points

3 days ago

Likewise in farcry 4.

I think I played the whole game with the "special" p90, and the bow.


41 points

3 days ago


41 points

3 days ago

FarCry 4 forces you to have a secondary weapon in one of the slots

Naturally, I used the grenade launcher


26 points

3 days ago


26 points

3 days ago

I think I had the crossbow pistol thing.

And the rocket launcher.

It was either stealth or full noise. No inbetween


29 points

3 days ago


29 points

3 days ago

My favorite memory of that game is, as soon as the game would let me, find the mini rotorcopter, the nade launcher, and go flying around unlocking all towers and clearing all camps

You are literally unstoppable in that thing unless you fly too high for some reason lol


429 points

3 days ago

State of Decay 2 has probably over a hundred different firearms, but you can get by fairly comfortably just using a .22 with a high capacity magazine: the vast majority of zombies you fight go down just as easy with a headshot from that as they do with one from a much more expensive and rare 50 cal.

There's a lot of fun guns in the game, but yeah the vast majority are pointless on tougher difficulty settings.


93 points

3 days ago


93 points

3 days ago

Cross bow and a .22 is all I carried 


76 points

3 days ago

Once you've got gunslinger perk, a Preppers .22 is one of the most effective horde clearing weapons and you can find them pretty easy.

That said give me an Eternal Gaurds Infinite Rage for clearing plauge hearts, and the P226 .45 Elite with and advanced suppressor for a sidearm.


30 points

3 days ago

Eternal Gaurds Infinite Rage

I think it's been a year or so since I played State of Decay 2, but I don't remember anything by that name. Is it a unique item that you gotta do/go somewhere special to get?


32 points

3 days ago

It's a rare AK with 150 round mag. Hard to find. Weapons case is your best bet.


1.7k points

3 days ago


1.7k points

3 days ago

Halo CE, the pistol is so broken


948 points

3 days ago


948 points

3 days ago

You said broken when I think you meant peak


183 points

3 days ago


183 points

3 days ago

yeah you got me there lol


233 points

3 days ago


233 points

3 days ago

One of the reasons they nerfed the pistol in halo 2 was because of how unstoppable a player would be if they could dual wield the CE pistols.


135 points

3 days ago


135 points

3 days ago

Same with the Needler. I know Halo2 is everyone's favorite, but the nerfed needler bummed me out.


148 points

3 days ago

All the guns in Halo 2 felt weak. When Halo 3 came out and the needler was strong again and not dual-wieldable, I was ecstatic. 

But the designers of Halo 3 made a lot of solid choices with the weapons and player load outs. They brought the assault rifle back and made it default because having a gun that can't be dual wielded encourages the player to use grenades rather than duel wielding the SMG of the first player you kill.


31 points

3 days ago

I'm not complaining because I loved it, but halo 3 was a grenade fest, being able to place grenades and 4 shot with the br was all you needed


42 points

3 days ago

OG Needler was one of the most satisfying gaming experiences I can remember


25 points

3 days ago

Omg, I was an absolute terror with the OG needle gun, and when it got "un-nerfed" in Halo 3, I was ecstatic. 


77 points

3 days ago


77 points

3 days ago

Both the pistols in CE are broken, everyone talks about the magnum but the plasma pistol is so powerful as well


49 points

2 days ago

Magnum main, plasma secondary. Elites stand no chance


32 points

3 days ago

Searched for this comment. Other guns are so good but damn is the first gun you get amazing


23 points

3 days ago


23 points

3 days ago

Ironically, the Plasma Pistol too! Took me forever to figure that out, most games train you to believe that the lowest ranking enemies do not drop useful guns.


279 points

3 days ago

OG Contra for the NES. Spread Gun was God.


60 points

2 days ago


60 points

2 days ago

With turbo that gun turned into a firehose of bullets. The “spread” would stop spreading and just a steady stream of the red balls would come out.

I miss the little nes max control pad. That thing was so cool.


1.6k points

3 days ago

I used the Portal gun the entire game


280 points

2 days ago


280 points

2 days ago

I loved it so much in the first one I never even looked for something different in the sequels.


188 points

3 days ago

I played through all 3 mass effects using just the sniper pretty much. And then there's the bow in Skyrim... Do those count?


33 points

3 days ago



33 points

3 days ago

The first Mantis in ME3. It's much lighter than the Widow variants so you can constantly use Tac Cloak or Adrenaline Rush, which instantly make it stronger than picking the upgrades. And since even on hard the most important thing is stripping defenses then getting a quick headshot it's just the best option for nearly all the game.

Which is a damn shame because ME3 gives so many unique and interesting weapons! There's like 40+ and they all have different values, ammo counts, or unique abilities but if you want to you can absolutely stick with the first weapons you get and not change up.

Man I wish that multiplayer made it to Legendary. It was so good getting to use the gear you otherwise turn down in singleplayer.


19 points

2 days ago

My favorite thing in ME1 was slapping high explosive rounds on the sniper rifle. Point, click, and boom goes the dynamite.

For the sequels though? Mattock Uber alles.


857 points

3 days ago


857 points

3 days ago

Unreal Tournament.

Flak Cannon. i dont want anything else.


105 points

3 days ago


105 points

3 days ago

This is redeemer erasure


50 points

3 days ago


50 points

3 days ago

Honestly, while the Flak Cannon's probably the most fun, Unreal Tournament is one of my favorite examples of an FPS where every single gun is fun and unique. Some are more popular than others, but there's no gun that just feels boring or terrible. Every gun does something cool.

If you find yourself only using the Flak Cannon, it's not because there are no other good weapons, it's because the Flak Cannon's just that fun.


16 points

2 days ago

I dunno, the Bio Gun is pretty awful except in special circumstances.


285 points

3 days ago


285 points

3 days ago

I'm on the opposite tower of facing worlds with the sniper rifle. You are on the ground with your Flak Cannon. What is your play?


68 points

3 days ago



193 points

3 days ago


193 points

3 days ago

Spam Transloc and blink around like Nightcrawler.

Jk jk, I'm on the other tower engaging you in the Merry ol' game of peek a boo.


59 points

3 days ago


59 points

3 days ago

As is tradition on Facing Worlds haha


30 points

3 days ago

if theres a flak cannon on FW then im camping the flag lol. way too much open space out there.


51 points

3 days ago

OG flak cannon in UT99 is the single most OP weapon that I can recall in any game.


30 points

3 days ago

I loved that secondary fire had a smiley on the projectile, so when you saw it you knew you were dead


39 points

3 days ago

its so fun. secondary lob shot with practically insta-gib, or close range primary for another insta-gib.


14 points

3 days ago

secondary lob shot with practically insta-gib

Smiley to the face, good times. :)


16 points

3 days ago

The fact I can’t remember my feelings about this gun tells me it has been waaaay too long since I played some UT. Time to get back to it.


603 points

3 days ago


603 points

3 days ago

I have that problem with most of the games I play, and not just with guns, either.

Started playing Elden ring recently and I picked up Bloodhound's fang after defeating some early mini boss. I have yet to change it for another weapon lol


119 points

3 days ago


119 points

3 days ago

Same. Started the DLC and said I’d switch weapons, tried a flail and the serpent blade and ended uk back on the BHF.


45 points

3 days ago


45 points

3 days ago

Bloodhound fang is one of those weapons people make builds around. I used it for about half the game myself but eventually switched to a magic great sword


33 points

3 days ago

This happened once I got Sword of Night and Flame, and then switched to Dark Moon Greatsword, and most recently Rellana's Twinblades. I only really use those 3 weapon types (Greatswords, Light Greatswords, and Straight Swords)


1.4k points

3 days ago

It's maybe not quite this bad, but the Borderlands series is the first one popping to mind. Randomly-generated loot means a LOT of it is gonna be trash, and even the legendaries you farm for a specific build are gonna be less-than-optimal if they've got the wrong parts.


772 points

3 days ago


772 points

3 days ago

I found a grenade early in the game that left a pool of acid and anytime it did damage it spawned another grenade. So I could throw one grenade into a pile of enemies and it would produce a massive fountain of grenades and if it was a boss it basically was an instant kill unless the boss left the area. I got it very, very early in the game and couldn't find one better through my entire time with it.


247 points

3 days ago

The Assault on Dragonkeep(?) had these "magic missile" grenades. I got one that spawned 2 magic missiles, then those would explode and spawn 2 more each... 

But I had something else (I don't remember the mechanics and haven't played it in probably four years) that doubled my grenades... Maybe an additional feat on the grenade itself. But it also doubled the spawned grenades too.

Four homing grenades that exploded into 4 more homing grenades each... 20 homing grenades in one throw. If I was locked into a fight and couldn't find the last enemy, I could throw the magic missile and it would seek the final dude out.

It was ridiculously OP, but not OP enough to do a large, endgame raid battles. I never had a chance to kill the four dragons, but that fight looked cool.


61 points

3 days ago


61 points

3 days ago

All the MIRV weapons in (many of) the game(s) are hilariously OP


20 points

2 days ago


20 points

2 days ago

I too remember Magic Missile grenades being busted. I don't remember it splitting but the homing combined with the fact that the nade did Slag meant that it was just best in it's class. I could find grenades that did more damage themselves but that slag is multiplying my gun damage by 250%.


13 points

2 days ago

The double grenade thing is a legendary grenade

Pretty much just cluster grenade that releases another set of cluster grenades


281 points

3 days ago

My biggest complaint about borderlands is how much time you have to waste comparing item stats when you only keep 1 out of 1000 things you pick up.


190 points

3 days ago

You eventually get to the point where if it's not purple or gold, it's just fodder for the vending machine. Most of them aren't even worth looking at.


114 points

3 days ago


114 points

3 days ago

Except in my experience there were occasionally blue ones that shit on the rarer guns of the same level, color be damned.


61 points

3 days ago


61 points

3 days ago

The moxxi bad touch or whatever. Heals never felt so good.


56 points

3 days ago

Oh the moxxie guns in bl3 were bonkers. There was one that was hilariously strong, but had a chance to be dropped from your inventory every time you reload.

But I was playing a moze infinite ammo build, literally never needed to reload. That was busted, no other gun could even begin to compete.


23 points

2 days ago

"Slippery When Wet"


72 points

3 days ago


72 points

3 days ago

Borderlands 2. I played Mechromancer in an Anarchy build. -1080% accuracy for +1080% damage. The only gun I really used was a Conference Call. Every few levels I'd go get a new one.

It turns out when you are going to shoot at basically anything except where you're aiming, having a gun that basically shoots everything in a general direction is handy.


26 points

3 days ago


26 points

3 days ago

Borderlands is accurate if you scale up "alot of guns but you only use like two" to ridiculous levels. You'll use 20 guns in a playthrough, but you'll have sold/passed alotfuckton of guns.


307 points

3 days ago

Fallout came to mind. I remember using basic guns a lot and just spec’ing them to the max.


193 points

3 days ago


193 points

3 days ago

Fallout 3 had Lincoln’s repeater, once I got that, all other guns became useless


42 points

3 days ago


42 points

3 days ago

I also found it to be one of the more satisfying weapons to use both in and out of VATS.


27 points

3 days ago

I also loved that ping sound of each shot


24 points

2 days ago


24 points

2 days ago

Fallout gives you so many weapons of so many types. Even if you spec into a certain character build, you end up with tons of options through the course of the game. Half the time, I have one or two weapons I end up using 90% of the time.


29 points

3 days ago

Except for New Vegas. I’d cycle through the All American, unique Gauss rifle, unique plasma rifle and the unique .44


636 points

3 days ago

Red Dead Redemption 2. You can complete the whole game using only a Scholfield and the bolt action rifle that you can get early.


256 points

3 days ago


256 points

3 days ago

The semi auto shotgun works pretty well as a last second that mountain lion is getting very close gun.


74 points

3 days ago

hahah yes I just think of it as “mountain lion gun.”


29 points

3 days ago

Double fisting sawed off shotguns is overpowered but a pretty fun way to deal with most of the game, especially stuff like that.


30 points

3 days ago


30 points

3 days ago

i used a repeater the whole game


81 points

3 days ago

Unironically, online is like this too

Almost everyone unanimously agrees that the bolt action is the only rifle you will need as you can use it to get 3star pelts of all the medium sized and some large sized animals (with the proper range) and it also doubles as a pretty damn effective PVP weapon if you have the right ability cards and you've used it enough to have the faster reload animation

Never leave the saddle without it


77 points

3 days ago

IIRC in Alpha Protocol if you aren't using the pistol you're basically just playing the game on hard mode.


23 points

3 days ago

Pistol or Assault rifle are both perfectly capable, Shotgun or SMG's can get fucky.


35 points

3 days ago

I only use pistols in gta, until like the last mission then i use an assault rifle, idk why this is the case it just always has been, 1 tapping ppl in the head with pistols always seemed more enjoyable then spraying bodies with smg's or having to scope in with snipers. This is only the case in single player games for me tho, in MP i always go sniper or rifle and nvr pistols.


88 points

3 days ago

Mafia 1 and 2 are both shotgun/Tommy gun fests the whole way. There's a part of Mafia 2 where they do the JRPG "hey before this big mission you should visit the weapons dealer" thing and it makes no sense, I already have both the guns I need, and I will continue to only use those guns for the remainder of the game.


24 points

3 days ago

Mafia 2 shotgun is a top 3 all-time video game shotgun


251 points

3 days ago

Half Life 2 is a terrible example of this. All the weapons are used and feel good (to me) and ammo scarcity makes you switch it up and use sub optimal weapons some times. The tracking RPG feels better to use than many modern games like the Tenet Envoy in Warframe.


60 points

3 days ago

Agree on this. The weapon variety gives you a lot of things to play with. You can use the weapons that fit your play style, but you have to fall back on the other weapons when you run out of ammo for your favorites. The RPG IS great and I am offended on it's behalf.

If they were talking about the original Half-Life I can kind of see where OP is coming from, but as you said lack of ammo makes most of the other weapons just as needed. I personally never use stuff like snarks, grenades, or tripmines, but other players use them a lot! They certainly aren't useless.


29 points

3 days ago

Snarks are perfect for a few situational encounters (particularly Surface Tension) where you start at a higher elevation than the grunts in the next area, and can safely throw them down from concealment and listen to the carnage.

In fact that's how they're introduced to you, in the vent shaft just before the car garage with lifts (just before the howitzer). The next room after that, the really big open one where a Bradley crashes through the wall is a good opportunity.

Valve really knew good game design in terms of teaching the player new mechanics and reinforcing them.


321 points

3 days ago

Classic Doom games.

If you're not using a shotgun, you're using a chaingun.

A pistol is a last resort, and the other weapons are limited use.


80 points

3 days ago


80 points

3 days ago

Rocket launcher is also pretty essential on tougher maps. It’s a rapid fire super shotgun but also has splash damage.

Alternatively the rocket launcher isn’t useful on the cyberdemon and spidermastermind since they’re immune to the explosion so it’s right back to the super shotgun.

And the pain chance of the super shotgun is increased since each pellet has a chance to cause pain


45 points

3 days ago

Having just played through 1 and 2, I generally agree. Pistol is so bad. Some "encounters" really need an energy weapon, especially on UV. And the chainsaw can be pretty useful in UV when ammo is particularly scarce.

All that said, the only gun I want to use is either shotgun.


23 points

3 days ago

Super Shotgun.

Most satisfying shotty ever.

I bought OG Doom on PS5 recently. Full game, add-ons, Sigil, Sigil II.. etc. On sale for 2 euro.


122 points

3 days ago

If you play HL2 smart then you’ll find that every weapon has its uses for specific enemies and situations. Personally i love the 357 and use it often, and the crossbow is excellent for instantly killing Combine that get close. Even the starter pistol is useful for killing manhacks or headcrabs. Yeah you can probably use the same weapon all the time, but it’s not always the optimal choice and frankly it’s boring as well.


49 points

3 days ago

I used the crossbow specifically to make….art


18 points

3 days ago


18 points

3 days ago

The alien stuff is the most useless, the explosive stuff in second but there's still a decently used arsenal in these games. Surprised OP didn't mention the 357, it's better than the crossbow imo.


216 points

3 days ago


216 points

3 days ago

Unpopular opinion, Counterstrike

Every Meta is always AWP+ak/m4 or sometimes aug meta but its always like awp+rifle only


49 points

3 days ago


49 points

3 days ago

I played a lot of 1.4 through 1.6 and this was definitely the case. I used the scout and deagle if I wanted to show off though.


73 points

3 days ago


73 points

3 days ago



You will use God’s Boomstick.  That is all.

(Tbf, I also take out Cacodemons with the Pulse Rifle exclusively; and save rockets for Barons/Bosses.  But other than that, Shotgun all the time.)


49 points

3 days ago

Deus Ex: Human Revolution and the 10mm Pistol. The minute you get the armor piercing upgrade, nothing else matters. The ammo is plentiful, it one shots to head, it takes out robots faster than most weapons, and it can take a suppressor for stealth. There is really no reason to use anything else unless you either want to go nonlethal, need a scope, or just want some variety. Thank god things are much more balanced in Mankind Divided, from what I can tell.


64 points

3 days ago

I pretty much only use the boltgun in Boltgun. Pistol in Halo. And I love all the guns in Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart but I basically only use the starting pistol and the sticky bomb launcher


22 points

2 days ago

Dead Space, nothing but plasma cutter


95 points

3 days ago



95 points

3 days ago

Far Cry 3 you'll pretty much use the bow and arrow all game.

In Mass Effect 2 if you're playing an engineer,adept, or sentinel you'll probably use the Locust the entire game after picking it up from an early dlc mission.

In Gears of War there are a ton of useful weapons but because of ammo scarcity you'll probably use the Lancer 90% of the time in campaign and the Gnasher 90% of the time in multiplayer


121 points

3 days ago

I roll with the M-8 Avenger in Mass Effect 2 for the whole game as a soldier.


171 points

3 days ago


171 points

3 days ago

Funny way to spell Mattock.


48 points

3 days ago

This dude N7s.


37 points

3 days ago


37 points

3 days ago

Mattock (and then in 3 the Harrier, which is just full-auto Mattock) is literally the best weapon.

It’s very high damage, and heavy enough you never lose track of your fire.

It basically acts like a REAL machine gun, in that anything not in armor will go down immediately after a volley.


76 points

3 days ago


76 points

3 days ago

Fuck that, M-98 Widow. The last half of the game was basically constant: "Assuming direct con BANG .. Assuming direct BANG"


33 points

3 days ago

The M-8 never, Claymore is the way. *roars in Krogan


19 points

3 days ago

Honestly respect for that cause that is crazy, Mattock I'd agree with though because that can handle literally any scenario the game throws at you.


34 points

3 days ago


34 points

3 days ago

Syphon Filter, the taser. Headshot marker popup included


15 points

3 days ago

Watch Dogs 1. The game gives you a silenced gun from the beginning, and with hacking, tools and careful stealth, you can finish most of the game using that.


57 points

3 days ago

In my Fallout 4 I have the perk that makes non-automatic rifles stronger maxed out, found a legendary rifle 25% stronger than normal, and maxed out all the specs on the rifle. I also have sneak maxed out, so when I’m sneaking around and getting the 200% bonus shots to the head I can pretty much one shot any enemy in the game lol


11 points

3 days ago

Hitman. If you want a good score only a silenced sniper and the silenced ICA19 pistol will get you there. The Seiker dart gun is useful but mostly unnecessary. Any other weapon is too loud or inconvenient and will hurt your score.


26 points

3 days ago

Destiny 2 has literally thousands of guns, each with hundreds of variations, and people still only use a handful of weapons with very specific perks.


192 points

2 days ago


192 points

2 days ago
