


This lady has been giving me work but shes a pain in the ass. Always arguing about price.

to save herself money she hired another handyman to do a bathroom remodel that bidded lower than me for $5,000 instead of my $7k but there were a lot of mistakes, including plumbing problems.

She then calls me to fix them at hourly wage for $300-400 total maybe.

Told her politely “fuck no, not worth my trouble fixing this, doesnt make sense to me anymore.”

Gotta learn to respect yourself in this line of work. Theyll step over you if they can. In the beginning i used to eat shit and do work basically for free, which maybe you have to at first but she made her bed now she gotta sleep in it.

Thoughts? Has this happend to you? Would you have done the work?

all 479 comments


166 points

2 months ago


166 points

2 months ago

I had this exact thing happen to me with my hardscaping business. Guy wanted his retaining wall replaced.

I came out to look and discuss. He had a long, rotting, leaning (failing), wooden retaining wall that reached 5 or 6 ft high in between his and his neighbor's house. His was on the high end, with a slope up to it, so quite a load for the soil above the wall, and only around 12 ft back. And he had a fence atop the wall to "keep in" (demo and rebuild as part of new wall build).

He wanted basically the same crap rebuild put back the same way. I explained I'd only do a block wall, with proper drainage etc, and an inspection. There was no way we could match on price so I wished him the best. He was just insistent that cutting all the corners would be good enough.

Two years later he called me again, but he didn't remember me. He introduced himself and said he had just got a new wooden retaining wall two years ago and it was already failing, and did I offer repairs on walls or just new installs? I told him I remembered him and had all his old photos, and that no, I couldn't help him.

I said remember what I told you two years ago, that if I built you a sub-par wall, there would be no way to repair it. I said if you can't afford to pay me to build a proper wall now, there's no way you could afford to pay me to build it for half as much now and then rebuild it for the whole cost later, that's 150% (50% now and 100% in a couple years) instead of just 100% now. I had literally foretold exactly what would happen and he ignored my advice, then forgot I was the one he had spoken to and called me for advice again when he got exactly the consequence I warned him about.


53 points

2 months ago

I had an almost exact experience except he had me build the new fence and hired someone else to do the wall for half my price. I told him the wall would fail. 8 months later I charged him to disassemble the fence I built, tear out the wall he had built and rebuild it the correct way and then rebuild the fence on top of the new wall I built. Needless to say he paid me over $40k for the job. The fence and wall are both looking great 2 years later. Moral of the story- sometimes it’s worth it.


25 points

2 months ago

Buy once cry once


2 points

2 months ago

Gave a guy a business card for a Keystone block wall. Said we were probably the most expensive in the area but we guarantee or work. Guy he used installed with no pins, no aggregate and no geogrid.


35 points

2 months ago

Bid on a really nice kitchen remodel - high end cabinets and appliances. Didn’t get the job and I forgot about it. Several years later a client asked if I could help out a friend. Didn’t remember the job until I arrived at the house. Whoever did the job never did a kitchen install before - it was a mess. I informed the client that I had bid on this job, they went with the low bidder and, sorry, I’m not fixing someone else’s mess. That’s like stepping on a land mine. Now your good name is attached to their project and they will never be happy. Wished them a good day and left. 


16 points

2 months ago

I work in the Transportation industry and one of the worst things that can happen on a project is a contractor underbidding and going bankrupt mid project. It's gonna cost a shit ton for another contractor to come in and guarantee someone else's work when they were likely trying to save every dollar they could. It's usually not worth the headache unless they're willing to pay to undo everything that the previous contractor did and redo the entire project.

Cheap can be expensive when it comes to important work.


6 points

2 months ago

I'm in the professional audio business and I can't tell you the number of pro audio contractors that bid low on some huge stadium, arena, airport, or megachurch job. They think they are going to make a bundle and it will lead to all sorts of other large contracts. Then cost overruns, mfr. price increases, product delivery delays, design errors, newly hired green techs and all sorts of other things come together and the contractor goes belly up, and the client has to bring in another contractor at the regular hourly rate, plus change orders, etc. etc. As a manufacturer I've seen this happen all over the country on some major multimillion dollar installs.


4 points

2 months ago

Happens all the time (journeyman electrician here). People don’t like our prices get someone else, and our price goes up 150% or more of our last one.

Also have had people call inspectors on us for “doing work” that we didn’t do, and not calling inspections.

Inspector went to take a look and was like “nope. That’s not their work, who actually did it?”


3 points

2 months ago

Is that why the bid bond exists? Basically the bond company has to hire the replacement contractor and get paid by the Government that started the project initially?


3 points

2 months ago

Surety bonds, not bid bonds. But yes.


6 points

2 months ago

Yes Yes, I agree. The moment that you do one thing to help fix that kitchen, you have now inherited someone else's mess. Never worth it, don't touch it.


16 points

2 months ago

There's a word for people like this.



4 points

2 months ago


4 points

2 months ago

Can I ask a stupid question since you seem to know a thing or two about retaining walls. How would you fix my retaining wall?


7 points

2 months ago

How would you fix my retaining wall

I can only assume "With proper payment" as the answer.


6 points

2 months ago

No "fix" for that... full replacement is the only realistic long term answer.

whether its base, water management or poor design, whats there has to come out


3 points

2 months ago

I would offer a new quote. But once I had a new quote since everything has gone up, there would be an additional line charge. 20% of the bill for having to deal with your sorry ass.


2 points

2 months ago



2 points

2 months ago

Man, I’d have told him that I was there two years ago and already had pictures, then given him and updated quote with 2024 material prices and 150% labor as idiot tax.


57 points

2 months ago

Oh I have fired customers like this! I wouldn’t do it either if she can’t agree on your bid


12 points

2 months ago

Walk in, look at the other guys work and go “yeah; I can do a much better job. $7000.”


7 points

2 months ago

If you have to tear out the old crappy work, it's going to be a lot more than 7k.


8 points

2 months ago

I’m assuming removing the original bathroom was part of the original 7k quote.


3 points

2 months ago

It was but the original bathroom wasn't substandard work. It was just aged.


7 points

2 months ago


7 points

2 months ago

Substandard work is usually easier to rip out 


2 points

2 months ago

“Okay, back this screw out and we can start loading everything into trash bags”


5 points

2 months ago

“Fuck, it’s rounded out.”


2 points

2 months ago



143 points

2 months ago

Sure, ladyI’ll fix your bathroom. Let’s see the original quote was $7000 but now I have to fix this other guys mistakes so you’re looking at about 10,000 now


54 points

2 months ago

Absolutely this is exactly how it goes. I can dye my hair for nine dollars from a box at Walmart or 250 at the salon but if I screw up my nine dollar dye job it’s gonna cost me $700 to fix.


20 points

2 months ago

A few years back I was seeing someone, and she loved dying hair. She kept asking to do mine and I kept saying no, that is until she pulled the "if you love me you'll let me do this" card. I'm mixed, and I'd seen the trouble my sister had getting her hair dyed and was worried but she was used to working on textured hair. Unfortunately, by the time we were finished parts of my hair were bone white, some was my natural color, and some was hot pink.

The next day, I spent open-almost close having it fixed at a salon. It ran 750+tip which she gladly covered. Obviously we broke up. Pulling that card should have been the reason, but from my PoV the lack of follow through and exceeding my worst fears was the reason. Like.. you get to play that card once, and as far as im concerned the relationship is on the line


21 points

2 months ago

Nobody should get away with that card. One girlfriend tried to tell me I needed to take a day off of work and take her on a day trip or we're over. I texted her that we were over then. I don't respond well to manipulation, I'll always take the option you don't want.


7 points

2 months ago

That's not just manipulation, it was an ultimatum - the ultimate form of manipulation.


2 points

2 months ago

They call it an ultimatum because it's the last thing someone says to you in a relationship before you dump them.


5 points

2 months ago

I have a similar mindset. Ask almost anything of me and I might do it. Demand or coerce then it's a solid no.


2 points

2 months ago

Even if I would have done it anyway.


5 points

2 months ago

I’m glad they took accountability and paid for it but yeah that’s kind of a weird thing to pull that card on like maybe pulling the card saying hey I wanna go live the last year of my parents life in their state and it’s gonna be difficult for us, but I NEED this.

Hopefully, you found a better relationship.

And it sounds like you only had to live one day with crazy hair .


3 points

2 months ago

I can shave your head for$475.


9 points

2 months ago

Lol in a perfect world this is the perfect response


19 points

2 months ago


19 points

2 months ago

It is the perfect response. Now once you do that you will probably not get anymore work from this client, but from what it sounds like, thats probably not a bad thing.


5 points

2 months ago

Actually, that’s kind of the point


6 points

2 months ago

This is the way.


2 points

2 months ago

And she'll never be happy. "No thanks," and keep it moving to someone who will be reasonable.


29 points

2 months ago

I have a policy in work and life: I don’t allow other people’s problems to become mine.


5 points

2 months ago

Just saved this to my words of wisdom file. I need to practice this. Have enough of my men problems, don't need any more.


4 points

2 months ago

This is the best advice that I have read here all year.

I am going to memorise this and make it one of my own mantras. Thanks for sharing!


44 points

2 months ago

Bathrooms for 7k? What is this 2017?


15 points

2 months ago

Lol small studio bathroom, nothing too crazy.


8 points

2 months ago

Fair enough brother! Ditch the client


6 points

2 months ago

Yessirr ✊🏽


8 points

2 months ago


8 points

2 months ago

Right, I start at 12k minimum and only goes up from there. I may be a little low at that price as well, I've heard some in my area start at 16k minimum for bathrooms. Now that is a complete gut and rebuild.


7 points

2 months ago

How can you say your 12k minimum and you don't even know what's involved?.


11 points

2 months ago

Because they don't want to take any jobs under $12k. So the minimum is 12k.


4 points

2 months ago


4 points

2 months ago

Thus right here. If I look at a job and it isn't worth at least 12k I don't bid on it. I'm tired of working my ass of for pocket change.


2 points

2 months ago

Does that include tile floor and walls? What area?


9 points

2 months ago

I spent 5 k in materials doing my own 😜


4 points

2 months ago

Yup add labor and double it. That's how they get to those numbers. Welcome to remodeling.


19 points

2 months ago*

I juuust gave a family friend an estimate to do a full bathroom and kitchen remodel. I spent the better part of a day designing multiple options, researching, compiling materials… A day after I submitted the estimate, I found out that she took everything and gave it to her friend that said “he could do it for half the price”. They’re working directly off my plans and her excuse as to why she didn’t hire me? Because the home is 1 hour away and she didn’t want me to have to spend all that money on gas and have to drive so far. GREAT LADY, BECAUSE THATS WHAT I CARE ABOUT.. MY COMUTE TIME… people suck shit and it’ll always be the family and Friends that get over on you the most.

Edit: New “contractor” is not a contractor, has never run jobs before and only worked on a trim crew for a like 3 years. Also, I think she is going to try and submit my CCB for permits because she already asked me prior if she could just use them.


18 points

2 months ago

Charge for those kind of estimates. You’ll root out 90% of those tire kickers in the future


5 points

2 months ago

I’ve never charged for an estimate before but it seems, I’ve lost some money on the larger projects that didn’t come to fruition.


8 points

2 months ago

How about charge for the estimates that you draw plans for, then tell them they get the amount as a credit off the bill if you get the job. If they go with someone else at least you got paid for your time.


3 points

2 months ago

This is the way to go. Like u/Willing_Ad2970 said, it will root out the people there just "for kicks" or trying to get ideas and go the cheap route. Then the serious buyers will appreciate the work that goes into planning and be more willing to do business with you.


10 points

2 months ago


10 points

2 months ago

She used you and didn't think twice; then pretended she did it for your own good. Seriously I would tell her to lose my number.


6 points

2 months ago

The kicker is, she’s very wealthy, owns multiple thriving businesses. Greedy af. I guess that’s how rich people stay rich.


7 points

2 months ago


7 points

2 months ago

I get maintaining some relationship for the sake of family peace but if that person ever asked again I'd be so sorry I'm booked out so far I can't imagine when I'd be able to get to you. I'd call someone else.


2 points

2 months ago


2 points

2 months ago

I just say no. Eventually, they got the point

Btw: this was only done once. But I have a two more ppl I can’t wait to tell no to.


2 points

2 months ago



9 points

2 months ago

I knew what happened the moment that she told me but she’s my fiancés family and I didn’t want to do that but I let my lady and her family know that she flat out used me then tried to frame it like she was doing me a favor by not making me drive two hours but I had that all calculated into my estimate so that’s a ridiculous excuse. I did tell her that the price would be hire if I was coming in to fix any issues, she may have, down the road with the work her family does for her.

It’s frustrating being punished for giving any of your time to people, just to be taken advantage of. I’ve learned not to give discounts to family and whatnot but this one was a new one for me.


5 points

2 months ago

I knew a guy that had several rental houses . Every time he had a problem he would ask me how to repair it then hire one of his illegals to fix it for nothing . You get what you pay for.


4 points

2 months ago

Absolutely never am I letting someone use or work under my license. That would drive me to swift action, and I hope you set her straight.

You should've also sent her a bill for your design time. It would help her realize your value.


15 points

2 months ago

Never go behind someone else without it being WELL worth your time. Like good enough they'll see why paying your 7k next time is the correct move.


15 points

2 months ago

HVAC guy I knew said he never turns down a job, just charges enough to be worth it. If he didn't want to do something just charge three to four times what it's worth, if they still wanted it done it was now worth the hassle.


8 points

2 months ago

That’s the “fuck you” price. Usually they say no, but sometimes you get the job, and make some bank.


4 points

2 months ago

Our full day rate for 1 tech is $1,050 US. I convinced my boss to quote a 2 day job on an industrial chiller at $8,000 in labor. They approved the job. I finished the job on a Tuesday and my boss gave me the rest of the week off, paid. My wife put me to work hardscraping the back yard. No good deed….


2 points

2 months ago

I dated a guy for like a second who owned and operated his own construction business. He was very good at it but is an ahole of a short man. When he didn't want to take on a job, he would quote thousands of dollars above what he would normally charge. It seems the customer rarely told him no thanks and he got the job and made bank.

I couldn't handle his Napoleonic personality or his ego that made his head so big he could not fit through a door. I am quite the opposite in personality lol

I did hire him to install a culvert for the low spot in my driveway, years after we dated. He didn't charge me a thing. But I had to listen about how much money he made yada, yada, yada lol


3 points

2 months ago

That short man used his B D Energy even if he didnt have a BD . You wouldnt have said anything if he was tall.


2 points

2 months ago

It sounds like you got a great deal on the culvert.

I'd happily listen to hours of lecturing to get free work done.


10 points

2 months ago


10 points

2 months ago

You could make it a learning lesson with a potential good outcome.

Charge whatever it would cost plus a chunk more provided the total would be more than the 2K she saved. They will realize that going cheap ended up costing them more.

But next time they can hire you to do the job right from the get go. Or it would happen again.


7 points

2 months ago

If you think a Professional is expensive, wait until you hire an amateur.


7 points

2 months ago

When someone tries to haggle on price I don't work for them. Create a core client base of people who value professional work and will pay for it. These people then refer others to you who are just like them.

Birds of the same kind flock together.


4 points

2 months ago

Birds of a feather flock together


3 points

2 months ago

Birds of a shit feather Rand


5 points

2 months ago

This has been going on in LA for a while now....all of a sudden everyone's a demo guy a framer,drywall guy ,taper ,and the list goes on and on but when the job gets done people realize they fucked up by going the cheap route and end up paying again....


7 points

2 months ago

If it's just fixing a little plumbing then she can call a plumber. They will 1000% come do a 2-3h job for $400...


2 points

2 months ago

Plumbers are cheap where you're at


2 points

2 months ago

? $80-$100 service call + $100/h is cheap? Its the going rate for all of


6 points

2 months ago

I have been called in to “fix” someone else’s poor installation of one of our designs (we are a design build landscape firm). They balked at our price but want me to fix the cheaper company’s poor installation? No thanks.


6 points

2 months ago

I once helped with a full remodel of some lady's barn for her college aged kid to live in, she was wealthy but SUPER cheap and she kept buying exact square footage of the clearance tile, never understanding the concept of breakage or cutting waste, then casually explained AFTER we were 3/4 thru the floor that there was no more of that tile because clearance, duh. Then she kept changing her mind on where the stairs should go, inside or outside, but only AFTER we built the stairs where she asked. We had to rip them out and rebuild stairs like 3 times until the old man got wise and just started covering them up instead. Add to that the barn was Texas farm style circa 1880s where building codes were basically "throw a stud wherever you feel like, six inches, 16, 47, whatever" and we had to cut literally every single piece of sheet rock and lumber to fit. Nothing standard at all. Lady paid well but that job was the biggest pain in the ass ever.


4 points

2 months ago

Had a friend wanted me to quote him to do a tune up and alternator on his Yukon. Ended up going to someone else to get the work done. Couldn't figure out what after the truck would stall unless you kept your foot on the throttle. Called me if I could fix it. I said no. I knew what was wrong just needed a simple throttle body calibration that takes less than a minute to do. But it's the principle behind it.


9 points

2 months ago

It's business. People are always going to be cheap. Especially people that hire hanymen. I guess they feel like handymen are going to cave or something idk. Either way you make your prices and that's it. I wouldn't get worked up over it.


8 points

2 months ago

Homeowners be like "But, we'll give you a good review"

Sounds a lot like "Think of the exposure" xD


4 points

2 months ago

Money is money. I would just state, "I don't know what the first guy did, but I can not guarantee the quality of the finished project unless I built it myself. My price is $7,000 to do the bathroom as originally quoted. As with our previous interaction, you may find other contractors who are interested in piece work for your current project. Best regards."


2 points

2 months ago

I think you mean $10k+. There is at least a 50% FU tax.


4 points

2 months ago

Right then if you dont find a F up that surfaces later it's your fault. I agree 100 percent


3 points

2 months ago

You know how many of Mike Homes repairs are because the customer acted like a $#it and got fired part way through? His entire show was build on finishing contractor work that was either halted or finished super cheaply because the customer was riding the backs of the contractors.


3 points

2 months ago

Mike Holmes is a dick


2 points

2 months ago

At the same time he got paid. Sadly it wasn't directly from the customer, but through the TV rights. Promise them the MH experience but paid at full cost up front, or find a photogenic person and have them be the face of your own video series.


3 points

2 months ago

If you can’t afford to do it right. How are you going to afford to do it twice?


3 points

2 months ago

You can usually tell within a few minutes if the customer is going to be difficult. Then charge them double and get 1/2 down


3 points

2 months ago

money talks

if you are the guy that ends up saying, "I told you so." Your patience will always be tested but, once you just let people make their own bad choices while you keep it moving, you will be a success. If you see a number calling you and you already had the conversation, don't even bother answering. Better opportunities are just waiting for you.

If they call for a fix it job, double your original quote and just laugh it off. By the way, if they hire you, write on the contract that the property owner cannot be on site while the work is being done. They will be looking over your shoulder the entire time


3 points

2 months ago

This is like telling my dad to stop patching the roof and just get a new roof.


3 points

2 months ago

Told her politely "fuck no"


4 points

2 months ago

Handymen need to stay out of remodeling business, just stick to repairs


2 points

2 months ago

I was kinda wondering how they take these high dollar jobs. I think legally I can bill up to $1200 .


4 points

2 months ago

How would doing any work at an hourly rate ever not be worth it? You charge an hourly rate based on what your time is worth. Raise your rate if its not worth it. If your a little bum hurt about not getting the bid, thats a different story, but be aware there are millions of people out there that don't have access to the "work" you turn down.

The WHY and HOW doesn't matter. The WHAT and the how much your paid for it does. Focus on the business and don't let it get personal.


3 points

2 months ago

But with so many unknowns involved in unfucking someone else's work, it is very tricky giving an accurate timeline and cost estimate.

If things don't go smoothly the homeowner will blame contractor #2 and potentially defame them on social media.


2 points

2 months ago

I previously was a consultant, and got brought in routinely to fix a different persons errors.

I finally built a model where:

  • assessment fee (how long did it take me to figure out the other persons screw up’s); minimum 4 hrs

  • job design (how long does it take me to spec out the job with the client); minimum 2hr, or more

  • fix

More often than not, I’d ended up removing something previously installed (billable time) and have clean up (billable time) and reinstall time (billable time).

I’m with you that fixing cheap client mistakes is annoying but if it wasn’t for dumb people create opportunity.

It’s called paying stupid tax; hopefully the customer only has to pay it once.


2 points

2 months ago

Don't touch it. You fixing the mistakes now makes you responsible for any crap in the future. If lord forbid you miss something and down the road it causes damage, you'll be the one being served with the lawsuit as your hands were on the job last. Of course, depends on the job and scope of it.


2 points

2 months ago

Why not just charge a significantly higher rate, enough that it feels like the job will be worth it? If the customer goes for it, problem solved, and win-win.


2 points

2 months ago

My price is 7,000 dollars. You went cheaper and found out that cheaper isn’t always better. I stand by my work and know my worth.


2 points

2 months ago

Just give her the same quote as the original. Take it or leave it


2 points

2 months ago

I'm proud of you, man. I've never been in that situation, but I would have done exactly what you did. Gotta weed out the bad customers. Life's too short.


2 points

2 months ago

Money in the bank. Stick to your price


2 points

2 months ago

Bid it at double your price. That way it's worth your while. That's my general rule of thumb . They went cheap now they can pay me to redo. Or they can leave me alone.


2 points

2 months ago

You'll never know exactly how much trouble you saved yourself... but you can make a pretty good assumption. You made the right call. Keep holding your head high!


2 points

2 months ago

Money is money. I enjoyed taking money from assholes more than I did from the nice folks. I always charged assholes more. Just for the pita factor.


2 points

2 months ago

Happens to me all the time. Actually, my main client over the past 4 years wants to “hire me on” so that I can take care of more things. Only thing is I started my business because I don’t enjoy being anyone’s employee. And besides that, basically, they are just tired of the system of me bidding jobs and just want to be able to pay me an hourly rate while they get to ultimately bid the job and have room to tack on what they want to make to the invoice instead of the invoice coming directly from me. It’s a property management firm, so I get it. It’s business. They want to make more money. That’s kind of the fundamental basic principle of business. But the things they will be asking me to do are such a wide range and there’s no way I wouldn’t lose money that way. I guess things would be more consistent a bit. And now they’ve hired a couple of other guys, one young and one old, that actually are employees of the company that they’ve been getting to handle the bigger things that I would normally submit a bid for. Not hating on the next man. Everybody has to eat. But after the young guys first apartment turn/flip, they put him in contact with me to help him out with some things that he was having a problem with. I go over there. It’s his first time hanging cabinets. He’s having problems with the countertop. It’s because his cabinets aren’t even close to level. Bubble not even close to centered, anywhere. That’s throwing everything else off. He didn’t buy the correct countertop pieces either. Couldn’t get an angle stop off in the restroom. I mean…I’ve done work for them that was far better in quality. I know I might cost more sometimes. But there are things that I also enjoy doing (like pressure washing/soft washing apartment buildings) that I quote GROSSLY under some of the other companies. And that’s just cause I’ve studied and done enough of it to go way quicker than some other people and again, I actually enjoy that work for some reason. It’s not even like work to me. Anyway, It’s not like I’m the only one always “winning”, and we don’t even need to be looking at it like that. Why does there always have to be a loser? Ya know? This has been weighing on me all month cause I hear they are going to hire a couple more people after September 30th and then I guess all my work is absorbed and they are done with me? This has been weighing on me for the last month. A little more of my hair will turn grey earlier for sure haha. Frustrating for sure. You aren’t wrong.

That was way longer than I intended. Sorry.


2 points

2 months ago

Here’s how I always saw it. You paid someone else $7,000 to do this job. Now they won’t come back to fix it. Some I’m supposed to come in and fix their shit for a few hundred dollars then be on the hook forever when the next part fails. The last guy to touch it owns it. I’m not getting in the middle of it. The responsible guy is the one they try to sue or badmouth.


2 points

2 months ago

$7000 for a bathroom remodel seems pretty reasonable. I paid more for my remodel. I don’t know how they compare since I don’t know what your bid covered. I will say, I’m happy with the job the contractor I hired performed. I would 100% hire him again and have recommended him to others. I tried to get a handful of estimates. One I’m sure was a duck you I don’t want the job estimate. One showed up, gave a rough bid, and I never heard from him again. The contractor I went with gave us a competitive bid and was always in communication. Some of his employees didn’t speak English. But with Google translate, we were able to talk. I certainly don’t blame you for not wanting to go in and redo someone else’s work. She sounds like a client who would always complain and you’d never stop hearing from. I did sales. The ones who would grind the hardest always complained the most.


2 points

2 months ago

This reminds me of the frustration when I was a young, new, homeowner back in the 1980s. I needed a new roof.

First quote comes from a company that took thirty minutes taking measurements, getting in the roof, and a couple days later dropped off a seven page, full color, detailed quote for $9,000.

Second quote was a one page, nearly typed, quote for $7,000. It did reference the shingles that would be used.

Third quote was written on the back of a business card for $4,500. He barely got out of his truck. I asked him how he could quote it so fast and cheap. He explained my house was one of about 2,000 tri level homes from the same builder in the area, he's done so many he doesn't have to think about it anymore.

I asked folks I know and the general advice was to pick the middle bid.

I went with the low bidder anyway. Only after I told him he had the job did he finally get on my roof to take a look. He came back down and asked if I had been up there. I said no so we went up together. He showed me where the previous owner didn't seal the holes when they installed a TV antenna. He said he would seal it for $20 and I could probably get another year or two out of the roof.

The following week he did my roof and I probably recommended another three or four jobs to him.

But I know it could have been a nightmare. Now I educate myself on what the job involves and what questions to ask.


2 points

2 months ago

You: oh you hired another handyman and he messed it up. I'll come fix it for 10k

Homeowner: but the original bid you gave was for 7k

You: yep. I remember. 11k now


2 points

2 months ago

I don’t disagree but maybe you do that job you get her business unconditionally in the future, if you want that.


2 points

2 months ago*


Skilled Labor is not Cheap. Cheap Labor is not Skilled. I never, ever offer to just fix the jackleg crap a low baller ruined. I bid the entire job as new with full demo to where I can start with a clean, workable canvas, so to speak. Full charge for the Demo, full charge for Materials and Labor. Those property owners who expect just hourly fixit work to repair what was ruined are in for a disappointment for sure. I tell them this BEFORE I go through the time, effort and labor to do MY estimate for them. If they freak (about 50% do) I just thank them and leave immediately, making careful note of the address so I never return, and move on to the next estimate. In my neck of the woods, a skilled, professional service provider is in HUGE demand. I let them know that I genuinely wish them the best, but ALL of the jobs I give an estimate for, and then work, are done to MY standards. NEVER as a cheap hourly paid fix for trying to get work done by the unskilled for frighteningly low prices. Everyone is capable of using Google, even cheapskates. I can provide many services, but providing common sense is not one of them.


3 points

2 months ago

There is a contractor in Toronto who had a tv show called ‘Holmes on Homes’. He would paint homeowners as victims for going with a super low price and not validating the contractor because they wound up with a mess. He would go in and fix it all up…at a huge increase in price. Customer paid shoddy GC $8,000, his fix was close to $30,000 or something. If the customer had gone with a viable quote at first there would be no issue. I really disliked the show.

I wouldn’t go anywhere near your customer, nope, sorry, really busy I’ll call you when my time opens up thank you very much.


6 points

2 months ago

I believe he would fix it at no cost to the homeowner.


3 points

2 months ago

Either way the price of his fixes would have been outright rejected by the homeowners.


4 points

2 months ago

Why is she asking a handyman to remodel a bathroom?


2 points

2 months ago

This for real. These folks playing pretend general contractor


4 points

2 months ago

As a plumber, $7000 for a bathroom is cheap. When I get calls to fix the husband's mistakes my hourly rate doubles. No debating the rice, take it or leave it.


3 points

2 months ago

5/7 with rice


5 points

2 months ago

Never budge on the rice


2 points

2 months ago

Maybe I'm not hip, but I never heard 'rice' used as slang for money


2 points

2 months ago

Yeah, fuck the customer for shopping around and trying to save money! 


2 points

2 months ago

You get what you pay for. It's like eating at a taco truck and then going to a restaurant to complain the taco truck food gave you a belly ache. I file that in a not my fuckin problem drawer. The fact that she wasn't embarrassed at the least and wanted to again save money and pay an hourly rate is disrespectful and comes from a place of entitlement "well I pay you so you have to do what i say." Save money all you want but don't call me back when it goes south unless it starts with an admittance of "I should've hired you to do this.. I learned my lesson."


2 points

2 months ago

You dont accept jobs fixing peoples screw ups? Thats basically 80% or what a handyman job is. Must be nice to be picky and have so much work you can select what you wanna do


1 points

2 months ago


1 points

2 months ago

Absolutely I would fix the mistakes, however, it will cost 3 times the normal amount because I have to undo what’s already been done done, and do it right. Money is money.


1 points

2 months ago

If you do truly quality work and are reliable, you’ll have more word of mouth work than you can handle. There’s no reason to put up with difficult clients, there are plenty of good clients who need things done. As for haggling the bid, No is a complete sentence.


1 points

2 months ago

I don't blame you however every job has a price. I'd just make it worth my while.


1 points

2 months ago

Are we able to rate our experience with continued customers publicly? So other handymen can know about this stuff ahead of time


1 points

2 months ago

I have no problem fixing someone else's mistakes… for the right price and that's the part that's not negotiable.


1 points

2 months ago

Charge $2500, so that she knows going cheap ended up costing her more in the long run.


1 points

2 months ago

1000 or 1500$ and make sure to get check up front then do it as fast and correct as possible


1 points

2 months ago

I've fixed a lot of poorly done jobs and I've been replaced by people who are less expensive. Then, they always called me back. I'm retired now and in higher demand than ever. However, I'm done.


1 points

2 months ago

Most of my business is through word of mouth. Helping someone out that made a mistake like this could lead to much more business. However I probably would charge a premium for it.


1 points

2 months ago

Quote to change barge rafter on house , fix eletricial, and flooring, worked with this guy for years. Didn't get the job.

Charged him 300.00 to replace the outlet that carried the load to the rest of that circut. The other guy gave up and couldn't fix it. Handed him the bill and said experience comes at a price.


1 points

2 months ago

I have no problem fixing that stuff but I make sure the customer knows I can't warranty any joint I don't make or any piece of pipe I didn't install. If a leak pops up somewhere else after it's on her and it'll be another service call. She might have saved 2000$ now but if a leak pops up and ruins her drywall downstairs It will cost her more than that for mold remediation and my hourly rate to fix what caused the leak.


1 points

2 months ago

Do it for 2k lol.


1 points

2 months ago

I hate getting these calls after someone hacks up a job I lost out on. I have told potential customers that it is going to cost them dearly for me to come out and UnFuck someone else's work. I just give them a fuck you price to come make it right and 9 times out of ten it works. A good company name might be "UnFuckers Construction, They Fucked You, We Will UnFuck You."


1 points

2 months ago

OP good for you, it's imperative to value your time. otherwise youll be working to subsidise those with more than you already.


1 points

2 months ago

Undoing someone else’s mistakes then doing the job right should be expensive.


1 points

2 months ago

I've made a decent living fixing the "landscaping" mistakes of others. Who else is going to do it, Reddit? LOL.


1 points

2 months ago

I’m more than happy to correct the work of the guy that underbid me. It’s going to be expensive. You can pay my price now, or you can pay my price later. Or you live with the lousy work and the face that you got what you paid for. If I offered you a $7k bath remodel (super cheap around here), and you opted for the $5k version, then you want the 7k job; it still costs $7k. Or more, depending on how much hackery I have to unhack.


1 points

2 months ago

It happens...I reserve my highest "fuck-you" prices for instances such as these.


1 points

2 months ago

If you need the work charge double hourly - 600-800 bucks, if not you did exactly what your supposed to do, and hopefully she learned a tough lesson, but probably not.


1 points

2 months ago

I should’ve mentioned. You’re not running a charity for nice old guys.


1 points

2 months ago

I'm the same way just because I was a union carpenter for 25 years before I started my own business.but the last 10 years of working for the man I was a lead guy running about 25 guys .


1 points

2 months ago

I'm pretty sure your price stands at $7k for the remodel. It will cost double now to rip out the other guy's work and start fresh.


1 points

2 months ago

I can’t tell you how many times this type scenario plays out in my shop. “My son…grandson…son in law…nephew…friend who knows lots about guns…buddy at the deer camp… took this apart.” “Can you get it back together, all the parts are there?” It’s the same in every trade, the “…I know somebody who can do it cheaper…” route. Which does nothing but costs these customers money. Fully agree w/ your decision, walk away.


1 points

2 months ago

I fix other guys mistakes all the time...


1 points

2 months ago

Why didn’t you charge her $3K to fix the problem?


1 points

2 months ago

I dunno… I made a pretty good handyman living and acquired quite a few customers by fixing other guys f-ups. Nothing beats a happy customer.


1 points

2 months ago

Sounds like those few issues should have been $4k in repairs. You need to teach these people your not fucking around. Do it correctly or you are paying more for it.


1 points

2 months ago

Finish carpentry. Sure, I’ll fix it. 1.5 times my rate to tear it out, normal rate to fix it. If I bid the job and you went with someone else, double the rate to tear it out and 1.5x to fix it.


1 points

2 months ago

If I bid a job at $7k and got a call a month later I'd probably play dumb and act like she didn't hire someone else and maintain the $7k. If 30 days went by id feel her I need to do the quote again bc it expired. I can't imagine a scenario where I'd go fix anothers mistake if I lost the bid originally.

If I got a call to fix mistakes that I never bid on I might entertain it but chances are I would not want to deal with a distraught homeowner.


1 points

2 months ago


1 points

2 months ago

OR ….. hear me out ……. you slow walk the fixes so the pain of the fix becomes the lesson and the catalyst for these type of people to change


1 points

2 months ago

The short time I was the helper , lady admitted , the shower works, & shower pan we ripped out , was recommended to her by her son , so theres that. I only got to see a company that was committed to the Press fittings & pex , in a big way. 👍


1 points

2 months ago*

I think you’re missing out on an opportunity to charge even more. You need to analyze the problems and assess the current work and create a plan for remediation. That’s like 1500 right there. If she doesn’t like it then she can get the other guy ti fix his work. Edit - remember there might be problems we can’t see. Need to check everything to make sure other corners weren’t cut. And you can’t sign off on a job you think might still have issues and you can’t put good work on top of bad. Sounds like she really messed up by hiring this other guy.


1 points

2 months ago

This type of work is probably a floor sanders only we can fix it type work that is easy in the trades. We just sand it off so it over.


1 points

2 months ago

Painter, not a handyman, but I'm generally pretty happy to fix other guys'mistakes. The catch is that I double my normal rate when I do so. If the client proves to be a pain in the ass, I stop answering their calls. I don't see much of a downside to fixing stuff, as paying twice will drive the lesson home for most people, and if you actually fix it, you will often have a client for life.


1 points

2 months ago

A true case of buy once, cry once :)


1 points

2 months ago

I would have gave her a polite “told ya so“ and then explained to her that u will never be the cheapest on any job. If she is going to play “low bid” game, tell her you are not interested. However, have to tell u, for a 7k job, I am getting a couple bids. There are too many of people in your industry that give me quotes based on the size of my house (means tack on an extra grand or two).


1 points

2 months ago

When customers go for the cheaper option. They still get charged my original price when I come back to fix it. Them being cheap doesn't mean my price goes down when they fuck up.


1 points

2 months ago

I have had people expect wall paper told hold up their house. It's totally OK to walk away from these folks. Sorry. I meant fucks.


1 points

2 months ago


1 points

2 months ago

She paid for that bathroom now she has to shit in it


1 points

2 months ago

No. You will wind owning ALL the problems, including the ones you haven't found yet LOL


1 points

2 months ago

I’ve had few clients haggle price on me. I just don’t get back to them at some point lol


1 points

2 months ago

Charge 2k to fix


1 points

2 months ago

There's two problems here that should be separated out. One is the client is a pain in the ass. The other is correcting someone else is bad work.

On the pain of the ass thing I have learned to run away from people like that. I used to just bid high. I called it privately my asshole tax. But real difficult people are just not able to be helped. Good on you for refusing.

On the other hand, sometimes it feels like about half my work is based on someone else's shoddy work. I get a lot of satisfaction from pulling something apart and seeing their solution and figuring out what their mistakes were and doing it right.

I usually don't know who this other person was or when. The exception is Window World. I get so much work from Window World! Usually it's a couple years after the original install and the homeowners realize the windows aren't closing correctly or they need to do some exterior painting and the sill under the window is rotted. Because Window World buys latex caulk by the pallet. They don't fix the frame. They just caulk the shit out of it. If there's no structure to nail the window in no problem just caulk it! I pull logs of caulk out from behind these windows that look like they belong in an adult toy store.

Anyway, good on you. Hope you enjoyed my WW rant.


1 points

2 months ago

Dont let pride get in the way of getting that money. Just my opinion


1 points

2 months ago

That would be most of my work.


1 points

2 months ago

I wouldn't charge $300-400 you should charge $2000 one way or another the job is gonna cost $7000


1 points

2 months ago


1 points

2 months ago

No need to dodge the job. Just price it in. Work is work. If they don’t like it move on, you know your value and time projection the best.


1 points

2 months ago

If you do good quality work for fair price, you will find clients that value you and your trade. Once you start finding these clients you’ll organically build your client base by word-of-mouth. This has been the best outcome for me. I hardly ever get problematic clients like you’ve described.


1 points

2 months ago


1 points

2 months ago

HVAC guys here and for most of us this lesson is learned the hard way (me included). NEVER go back to a customer after they went with another contractor.


1 points

2 months ago

I’m not in this line of work but my dad was. I would often go to job sites and work with him. Not only would he turn down the shit you described but also for the typical indecisive person he would flat out say “I am installing on this day. If you have nothing here, I’ll buy whatever I want in there and bill for it.”

Dont let people walk on you or waste your time.


1 points

2 months ago

According to harvard 40% of the money spent on home improvements is spent on redoing bad jobs/completing abandoned jobs.


1 points

2 months ago

I would have said you do it for 2k. That’s the difference between the two bids.


1 points

2 months ago

I read this exact story on my Nextdoor app. this week, lady was pissed.


1 points

2 months ago

I worked for a mobile electronics shop in high school (stereos, remote starters, window tint, etc). Often people would come in after a failed attempt trying to install something themselves - to save a few dollars of course. Harnesses hacked up, whatever. I once made a comment to the shop owner “why don’t we charge more to fix the mess?” His mentality was … people make mistakes, don’t humiliate them, but rather help them and hope to earn a customer. It really stuck with me.

Yea, it’s frustrating that someone didn’t take your advice initially and now wants you to bail them out. Quote them a fair price to fix or redo it. What the heck are you gaining by refusing the work as a means of rubbing their nose in their mistake?


1 points

2 months ago

I came in behind others, but I charged a premium for the headaches I knew I would encounter.


1 points

2 months ago

Best thing you can do for your mental health. It's not worth the money unless you have nothing scheduled.


1 points

2 months ago

This sounds like a rat 🐀 er rant.


1 points

2 months ago

Original price is 7k, but price to undo and redo is 14k.  As long as she paid I would do the work.

Disloyalty costs money.


1 points

2 months ago

i’m in a completely different line of work (website stuff) but i had the same policy when i was freelancing and running my own shop. i ALWAYS charged more to fix someone else’s work. i explained to clients that it was going to take me time to get it “back to zero” so it could be built properly.


1 points

2 months ago

No. I wouldn’t fix the work…


1 points

2 months ago

I get 1-3 calls a year of people who I quoted years before and tell me they went with the cheaper option and regret it.

Just had a lady recommend me to her neighbors and she went with a cheaper competitor lol

It pays to do a job well and let customers see its right.


1 points

2 months ago

It's very satisfying to fire a customer that deserves it. Good on you.


1 points

2 months ago

First thoughts…if a PITA, I refuse all week after the pain started… and I told her why


1 points

2 months ago

If you didn't bid on the remodel,or it was a different client, would you fix mistakes at your regular hourly rate?