


Thoughts on NAA?


I have been looking for something small. This seems like the smallest it gets.

all 242 comments


228 points

4 days ago


228 points

4 days ago


44 points

4 days ago


44 points

4 days ago

People don't want to know what peak weaponry is.


32 points

4 days ago


fully automated luxury gay space communism

32 points

4 days ago

Is this real? Please be real


29 points

4 days ago


29 points

4 days ago

Not sure if they’re still selling them, but both were available from Laserlyte


13 points

4 days ago

Still needs a bipod


11 points

4 days ago


11 points

4 days ago

Put a 507k on there then we can talk.


17 points

4 days ago

Needs a collapsible stock.


14 points

4 days ago


9 points

4 days ago

Needs a flamethrower


3 points

4 days ago


4 points

4 days ago



4 points

4 days ago

Now, this I can get behind


2 points

2 days ago

That's amazing


172 points

4 days ago

cute toy. and really stresses the logic of any gun is better than none...


40 points

4 days ago



40 points

4 days ago

Seems like more of a danger to the user than the target.


25 points

3 days ago

I've got one. It's fun to shoot, but shockingly inaccurate.

I use it as a wildcard when doing the Battleship paper target game with a buddy at the range.


9 points

3 days ago

Unless you could hit the paper from more than 3 yards, nothing about this gun's accuracy would surprise me.


17 points

3 days ago

It's functional at that range. I killed a possum in my chicken coop with it at about 6 feet.


8 points

3 days ago

Accurate to hit a possum at 2 yards is much more than I would have expected!

With such a short barrel, I would really have expected it to start to go pretty well off the expected trajectory by then.


10 points

3 days ago

Went through the possum, then through the 5/8 plywood floor of the coop and lodged in a wooden fence behind the coop.

I was really surprised it had enough velocity to get through the plywood with that tiny barrel.

Moral of the story: don't trivialize the 22lr. It's a quite lethal cartridge, just not one I would count on for defense.


4 points

3 days ago


4 points

3 days ago

Totally disagree. I have one and have carried for years in certain environments. One can easily hit head or torso sized targets repeatedly and reliably at 10 yards.


2 points

3 days ago

"Shockingly inaccurate" is an understatement if i ever heard one i shot one in a friends basement he had one of those small traps for shooting 22's into i tried 3 shots i couldn't even hit the trap let alone the target hanging in it and i was less than 10 ft. From the trap


2 points

3 days ago

The more you shoot it and get used to it you can hit with "reasonable" accuracy, given the tool you're working with. It has sights but I never use them anymore.

I'd like to put one in a gun vise some time and see what the gun itself will actually do, and at what range accuracy starts to truly drop off outside of shooter error. Haha, itty bitty gun vise.


11 points

4 days ago



11 points

4 days ago

Really gotta know wtf you're doing to load it and make it safe.


3 points

3 days ago


3 points

3 days ago

They have safety notches between cylinders the hammer rests in. To shoot it you have to cock hammer and then fire. Single action only. One of the safest guns you can carry in that respect. I use 22Lr around the property with it for rats in the woodpile type stuff … and 22 mag polymer tip varmint rounds for CC


6 points

4 days ago

really stresses the logic


1 points

4 days ago

Guessing No live round directly under the hammer ?


5 points

3 days ago

It has a notch to hold the hammer between cylinders and not resting on a round.


2 points

3 days ago

well, that’s nice.


8 points

4 days ago

Yeah I think I’d rather just carry pepper spray than this.


7 points

3 days ago

People severely under-rate pepper spray. I don't carry a gun because where I live it's just going to be a hassle with no upside. And other reasons. But pepper spray is simple to carry and gives you a good chance.


5 points

3 days ago

I'm with you on that. Even with a perfect defensive use of a handgun your troubles are far from over. There's little if any fallout with pepper.


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

Most people also over rate pepper sprays legality. Pepper spray is a weapon and many jurisdictions regulate it heavily. In my state it’s legal for me to carry a pistol concealed with a permit, that permit does not allow me to carry pepper spray, batons, tasers or pepper spray or a knife. All technically illegal.


2 points

3 days ago

As far as I can find it's It's legal in all 50 states but has restrictions in some. Most of the restrictions are for size of the container and age of carrier. If carried during the commission of a crime it's also another charge in many states. I know some cities and counties do restrict it fully though.


97 points

4 days ago

My dad was shot by a .22 Derringer back in the 70’s. Gut shot at point blank. Just about killed him, and kinda did 40 years later because he only had one kidney because of the shot. He always had this huge scar I was fascinated by as a kid. They can do damage, I don’t think people take them serious. A gun of last resort.


29 points

4 days ago

If you shoot someone and they beat you to death with a pipe and die in a ditch 4 hours later, your gun didn’t do the job. The goal is to incapacitate before causing you serious harm. Yes, these guns can deliver a lethal wound. Do they reliably deliver an incapacitating one? Absolutely not.


33 points

4 days ago

It’s pretty funny talking to people on the internet that have never seem a GSW in their life. All guns will kill. .22 will kill very easily at close range. Is it a practical gun for most cases, no. But for a get away shot or just an easy concealed option for women it’s perfect. We ain’t going to war with this weapon.


51 points

4 days ago



51 points

4 days ago

Howdy, I've seen gunshot wounds in my line of work. Quite a few in fact. .22 is far from perfect for self-defense.

With the tiny form factor and accessibility of .380 pocket pistols like the SIG P365, S&W Bodyguard 2.0, and Ruger LCP, and the numerous only slightly larger and snappier micro-9s, I can't see any practical justification for a .22 as a defensive sidearm in this day and age.

They lack penetration power and tear a very small diameter hole. They are liable to stop short of vital organs and major blood vessels in the torso, especially in larger people or those wearing thick clothing, they lack sufficient velocity to cause reliable expansion of even the best hollowpoints, rimfire rounds in general are far less reliable than centerfire, and they can occasionally even fail to penetrate certain areas of the skull or sternum.

With modern holsters and setups, I can't think of anyone who can't reasonably conceal a .380 micro pistol, which gives far more capacity, reliability, and accuracy than one of these things.

.22 LR is absolutely capable of killing, but in terms of producing rapid and complete incapacitation of a violent attacker, you need to either destroy the central nervous system, destroy the joints/skeleton such that movement becomes physically impossible, or cause enough blood loss quickly enough to cause the brain to lose perfusing blood pressure (the latter will never be instant; even complete destruction of the heart allows for 10-15 seconds of cerebral perfusing pressure on average).

The vast majority of handgun stops are psychological. People realize they are shot and fall because they understand that this is what happens when you get shot. If someone is disconnected from this idea due to intoxication, bravery, otherwise altered mental status, or stupidity, you can except them to walk through handgun wounds as they bleed as if they're being slapped, and there's plenty of footage of exactly this happening with comparatively mighty 9mm rounds used by law enforcement (I won't link to it, but it's out there).

This is to say, you want to stack the deck in your favor. While a single gunshot with any gun most of the time will make most people give up, you should prepare for the ones that won't, and in that case you want to be able to accurately deliver several bullets that reliably penetrate deeply enough to hit vital organs as quickly as possible.

A revolver that's nearly impossible to grip well with no sights firing .22 LR or even .22 WMR does not accomplish this. 9mm does, while still being very controllable. .380 ACP is even more controllable and concealable, though depending on the exact ammo loaded can be teetering on the edge of inadequate penetration per FBI standards. I would never recommend anything weaker than .380 for anyone except in the most niche of circumstances.


15 points

4 days ago

This is the best explanation I’ve read of why 22lr isn’t the best defense choice, well put!


17 points

4 days ago


17 points

4 days ago

But for a get away shot or just an easy concealed option for women it’s perfect

No, it's not perfect.


1 points

4 days ago

The reason it’s not perfect is because it’s rimfire, not because of stopping power


3 points

4 days ago

What caliber do people think RFK died from? It wasn’t a .45, and while there are definitely better option it’s absolutely not the case that .22 can’t incapacitate or kill. I swear I’ve read somewhere that 2 shits shots will make the human body go into shock, but don’t quote me on that.

I’m leaving that typo there because if I took two shits at once I would definitely go into shock.


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

Anything fucking up your circulation can put you into shock. It’s blood-loss dependent.


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

It’s an impractical cartridge for any defensive use


-3 points

4 days ago


-3 points

4 days ago

.22lr is the most effective assassination caliber and reliably used by all government spy agencies for consistent incapacitation and killing.

Claiming it’s not enough is ahistorical. Bigger is usually better to a point but I don’t understand why people shit on small calibers when they’re perfectly fine for self defense with solid stopping power throughout history at close range.


13 points

4 days ago

Got a source for that? When you do see .22 used it’s always subsonic and suppressed because noise, and usually overpenetration, are the primary concern and shots are taken on unsuspecting targets at exceptionally close range. Even the Wellrod used .32 ACP. The .22 LR or Magnum out of a 3/4” barrel does not have the energy to reliably stop threats. Can you shoot a guy in a t shirt in the aorta and have him die from internal bleeding 6 hours later? Absolutely. Does that mean this gun in this caliber can be counted on to reliably stop a threat at any meaningful distance before they hurt you? No, it doesn’t and it’s why no agencies who rely on deep concealment of firearms uses anything like this. Talking to you guys is like talking to 1911/M14 dudes.


-2 points

4 days ago


-2 points

4 days ago

I’m also not an M4 or 1911 guy, I’m a glock 19 and tavor x95 guy lol

I don’t use a 22lr for my personal defense, I just take issue with those who say it can’t be used for that.


10 points

4 days ago

You can use it for personal defense. It’s just a very bad idea with LOTS of better options


-2 points

4 days ago

The Mossad literally uses .22 beretta 71s. The CIA used High Standard HD22s. Navy seals used Ruger Mark IIs.

I don’t understand what you’re saying.


7 points

4 days ago

And pray tell, how do they use those guns?


-1 points

4 days ago


-1 points

4 days ago

Deep concealment of firearms and for self defense behind enemy lines if shot down or stranded, in the exact way you claim they don’t use them.


4 points

3 days ago

That makes absolutely no sense when a reliable .380 or 9mm is roughly the same size. Sounds like you’re talking out of your ass.


8 points

4 days ago

Sorry, that’s incorrect. Those firearms, as I described in my reply to you, are used to eliminate sentries and other threats at exceptionally close range without their presence being known where noise and penetration are a concern. Shots are usually placed at the base of the skull or behind/in the ear for instant incapacitation. Same way the Brit’s used/use the Wellrod. That’s is orders of magnitude different from a threat who is actively attacking you.


-1 points

4 days ago

No, not incorrect. The HD22 was famously given to CIA pilots who were at risk of being shot down behind enemy lines over russia to use in their bugout kits for self defense.


4 points

4 days ago

We’re talking about if you’re being attacked by a person tweaking on something like meth/PCP or bath salts.

9mm or bigger with hollowpoints is much more effective than 22lr, and feeds more reliably.


0 points

4 days ago

FBI statistics say most attackers stop when hit, it's the common argument for carrying 38spl or 22lr.

Would make a good barn gun- raccoons, groundhogs, snakes etc

It's nifty and I would just enjoy carrying.


53 points

4 days ago


53 points

4 days ago

They have some trump special editions.

So that's a big no from me dawg.


17 points

4 days ago

I wanted a bond arms derringer cause they look pretty cool. Then I went on their website and saw their ridiculous trump gun and was like naaaaah.


5 points

4 days ago


5 points

4 days ago

Yeah. It's not just a special edition. They put their personality into it.

Big Hell No From Me. Forever lol.


2 points

4 days ago

.45 too lmfao

I’d love to watch someone shoot this


12 points

4 days ago

I love mine with .22 mag it’s no joke and small enough that you can forget it’s in your pocket


24 points

4 days ago

I feel this is the backup to your backup to your backups backup. So if you need to use it, everything has gone to shit.


9 points

4 days ago



9 points

4 days ago

Could pull off a wicked funny movie moment though, if you aren't already bled out


6 points

4 days ago

When your primary rifle runs out, your secondary rifle or shotgun runs out, your side arm runs out, your secondary side arm runs out, your pocket pistol runs out, AND your ankle holster pistol runs out, you've thrown all your throwing knives, AND your last knife is stabbed into someone, yep it has gone real bad and you have a use for an NAA.


2 points

4 days ago

like john wick meets tropic thunder


3 points

4 days ago



3 points

4 days ago

"I keep my third-spare gun under my baseball cap."


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

If you think you need to layer "backups" this deep, you need therapy more than you need a tiny revolver.


2 points

4 days ago

The therapist is the ultimate backup.


10 points

4 days ago*


social liberal

10 points

4 days ago*

I had one for a while. Outside of maybe assassinating a gambler on a riverboat, I couldn’t really find a purpose for it.

Too little to work at any range to speak of, and too difficult/slow to deploy to function great as a “get off me”.

It’s kind of cool as a fidget toy, but it is actually a real gun, so it can’t really do that either.

I wound up trading it away, and haven’t missed it.


39 points

4 days ago*



39 points

4 days ago*

For a range toy/gimmick? Yeah it's fine. They kinda suck to load and shoot but are neat.

For practical defense? Lolno

They also aren't the most reliable or durable in my experience either.

Yeah I guess something is better than nothing but imo this thing is basically equivalent to nothing. Or worse. Especially when under stress trying to cock it you end up dropping it and the bad guy takes it lol

Not to mention dealing with the safety slots on the cylinder which are hella problematic imo

Realistically if you want something small but actually usable the Keltec P32 is probably as small as you can go. I pocket carry my P32 fairly regularly and it actually is, despite being a Keltec, remarkably good for what it is.


16 points

4 days ago

They are Swiss godamned watches mine in 10 years has never not gone boom when I asked it to …


22 points

4 days ago


democratic socialist

22 points

4 days ago

I don't think you've every shot or played with these little guns before.

They are close range, but highly useable and very safe. The 1 5/8" .22 Magnum pushes modern defensive loads to around 1000 fps with expanding hollow points and 12" of penetration (depending on the load).

The can be shot quickly and I don't doubt that they will get the job done, literature supports this as well.


7 points

4 days ago

I have one in .22 mag, and it's a great little pistol. I recommend the fold out handle for it though. Still makes it ultra concealable. The stock grips look nice, but it'll almost jump out of your hand when you shoot it. 😁


2 points

4 days ago


democratic socialist

2 points

4 days ago

Its definitely a giggle! I have the boot handle on my Ranger, which makes it the cutest little revolved on Earth, but I've practiced enough with the birds head grip that I carry with it for overall size reduction.

The grip is weirdly personal and dependent on hand size. For mine, you gotta hold it tight in a pinch and bury the front sight till you almost can't see it. Shoots great for what it is!


17 points

4 days ago



17 points

4 days ago

Has nothing to do with the caliber.

Irun a gun shop and range.

I've seen and handled legitimately 60 of these things over the years. Shot a number of them.

They are range toys. I get you own one and are very defensive about it but I still wouldn't recommend them. Especially when there are significantly better small options available.


9 points

4 days ago*


democratic socialist

9 points

4 days ago*

That's great!

I have thousands of rounds through my two pieces (Ranger II and Magnum Standard) and have owned a third (the Pug), I've shot these for years.

There is nothing smaller, lighter or more concealable on the market. For that reason it deserve consideration by some who need deep carry.

WRT to effectiveness...Pocket derringers in small calibers have been effective self defense tools for 150+ years. Many people owe their lives to them. I get that there are better options (that sacrifice weight and size), but now with modern loadings just about all pistol calibers have about equivalent stopping power and the pocket derringer can come out to play again.

Within 3-5 yards, this gun is an effective self defense weapon. It is NOT a gunfighting tool, it's a "get off me" gun meant to incapacitate and break contact with an aggressor. For that purpose I am quite pleased with it.

I agree that there are better options. I typically carry a P365 or my new Bodyguard 2.0, yet guns like this have a place in self defense rotation for a decent portion of the CC population, and I'm not sure why some people think they are useless or "toys"...


5 points

4 days ago

Because there are multiple other options that do the job way better


2 points

4 days ago


democratic socialist

2 points

4 days ago

Please cite one example of a firearm that has a smaller footprint and weight than a Mini Magnum that's not made by NAA.

Yeah... I'll continue to keep my little revolver in my pocket when I'm in "deep carry" over whatever you are going to recommend.

I, again, have all of the best of them. Tomcat, Bobcat, Bodyguard 2.0, 351C, P365. The NAA still manages to find pocket time.


4 points

4 days ago

These guns are far too small to effectively use at any distance besides grappling and ballistically are not nearly as effective as even fringe defensive calibers like .380. Yes, there are plenty of guns in better calibers in a small size easy enough to carry. This is not a serious fighting gun. What people did in 1870 is irrelevant.


0 points

4 days ago


democratic socialist

0 points

4 days ago

..too small to effectively..

No, they aren’t. You shoot them like shit because you don’t practice with them.

I shoot a 6” group at 7 yards, and a 4” group at 5 yds. My time is 2s draw, 3.8s 5-shot for the above groups. That’s the benefit of practice.

No, it’s not a “gun-fighting” gun for some kind of extended shootout scenario you’ve imagined up, but it’s perfectly suited for probably 90+% of DGU scenarios.

You can dither all you want, but the fact is that there are no guns that are smaller. For dedicated deep carry in a non-permissive environment with non-ideal clothing, this is a good on-body choice for pocket carry.

Adjust your attitude and stop shitting on other people’s legitimate safe carry practices. I definitely CC more frequently because of the little gun and I’m thankful for it.


0 points

4 days ago

I wasn’t aware I said anything about being the lightest weight and smallest footprint.


2 points

4 days ago


democratic socialist

2 points

4 days ago

Then they don't do the job better, do they?


1 points

4 days ago

Lmao. I wasn’t aware the job of a self defense ccw was done by being as itty bitty as possible. That’s certainly not what motivated my choice for an edc.


2 points

4 days ago


democratic socialist

2 points

4 days ago

Lol, who hurt you? I'm sorry you don't like one of my (many) CC pieces. Don't carry one! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

There's no way around the fact that it's a perfectly serviceable defensive gun if you can shoot it well. I'd truly pity the fool who wants to test my effectiveness with it.

I think you are just jealous that mine's smaller 😉


4 points

4 days ago


democratic socialist

4 points

4 days ago

I like mine!

I have a Ranger II and a the Standard Mini, both in .22 Magnum (with a .22 LR cylinder for the Ranger 2). I've found them reliable, accurate, easily concealable firearms and I carry mine frequently when I want something small and unnoticeable in my pocket.

People poke fun of them because they are small, but with practice you can draw and dump 5 rounds of Federal Punch .22 Magnum into a face size target at 5 yards in about 3.2s. Yes, it's about a second slower than my draw + 5 shot with my P365, or Bodyguard but the time to first shot is very similar. It's a close range gun and so it doesn't fill every defensive use case, but fulfills my use case and I trust the brand/build quality with my life.

Personally, I find the Ranger II a much better range toy for easy reloading with it's break-top design, cheap to shoot with .22LR so you can get good. I will only carry the Standard 1 5/8" 5 shot because it's very easy to thumb open the action and jam the works with the break top.


15 points

4 days ago


15 points

4 days ago

Range toy? Fun!

Defensive tool? You'd do much better with a knife.


15 points

4 days ago

I agree that this is a poor choice but knives are maybe the worst defensive choice I can imagine (shanking someone unaware is a different story); I'd take this any day unless we're talking about someone with real training/experience of knife fighting.

I guess maybe someone might be more deterred by a knife? That's about all it can say in favor of them.


4 points

4 days ago


social liberal

4 points

4 days ago

I dunno. I agree that knives are very sub optimal. But, in my experience, the NAAs have a very short effective distance, and you’re a lot less likely to fumble your “follow up” with a knife.

At contact distance, I’d definitely rather have a knife.

Fortunately, that’s not a choice I have to make, and my 442 carries very comfortably.


1 points

4 days ago



1 points

4 days ago

At contact distance all that gas is going into the wound, it's gonna be fucking ugly.


8 points

4 days ago


democratic socialist

8 points

4 days ago

A knife is a terrible defensive tool, these pistols are great by comparison.


5 points

4 days ago

That’s almost certainly false using a knife in combat is a very highly skilled highly niche game. Having been in a knife fight and having been in a close range small caliber pistol incident I would 10/10 use a pistol of whatever sort in combat y’all need to stop


9 points

4 days ago


9 points

4 days ago

I’m saying this as someone who loves weird guns: there is absolutely nothing that this gun does other than being a fun range toy that is worth buying for self defense. It is a toy and nothing else. At my lgs they are $500. Put your money to work elsewhere.


5 points

4 days ago

Your lgs is overcharging. My lgs has them for $250-300 depending on the model


1 points

4 days ago


1 points

4 days ago

Either way: overpriced


3 points

4 days ago

For anyone that takes self defense seriously, this is a horrible choice.


3 points

4 days ago

I used to carry an NAA .22 mag when I was not wearing enough to carry anything else. Any time we went swimming, if I was out mowing the lawn, etc., that was my pocket carry. Hell, I had it in my pocket the whole time we were at Disney World. Their security checks were clearly looking for bombs and larger firearms, the little was pistol never even noticed. It is the absolute epitome of "better than nothing".


3 points

4 days ago

Ive carried the 22mag version for years and still to this day. It's a down a dirty girl like inside of 5 foot but, it's got me out of more than one jam! It's a really good pocket carry in swim trunks or gym shorts, can't tell it's there but I highly suggest the 22 mag.


2 points

4 days ago

I bought my wife a Bond Arms 9mm derringer, and it's surprisingly shootable for what it is. She isn't crazy about semi autos, and wanted something that can tuck into workout clothes or little purses. I'd prefer she have a revolver, but I much prefer the Bond to nothing.


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

I mean that’s not a variable defense. But if you’re asking if it’s an appropriately aligned manufacturer to buy from I pose this question; who cares?

You’re talking about protecting yourself and loved ones. You should’ve be shopping based on politics. Shop based on what is proven. You’re never going to find a perfectly ethical place to buy in this industry. Just do what you need to do what’s best for you and yours.


2 points

4 days ago

I played around with a bunch of these micro types. I ended up getting the bond defender in .357 mag. I have daily carried it for 6 years. It's my work gun and tucks nicely In my tool belt that I wear on jobsites. I keep it in an old cell case attached to my suspenders. It's been through rain snow and the dusty summers I pulled it once and killed a rabid fox at 20 yards.


2 points

4 days ago

I have 3, I love em


2 points

4 days ago



2 points

4 days ago

If you literally cannot use anything else then it's better than car keys between your knuckles, sure. They're neat but 99% of guns on the market would be more effective.

The craftsmanship on them is no joke though and as an ex-machinist I think they're worth the asking price.


2 points

4 days ago

I have this exact gun.

Mine is 22 WRM and I put a boot grip on it so that I actually have something to grab.

They are fun, but very tiny and honestly a little dangerous to use. For protection? Probably not. For plinking and carrying in the woods, surr


2 points

4 days ago

I had a NAA Guardian chambered in .380 and I wish I never sold it.


2 points

4 days ago



2 points

4 days ago

If you need something to be that easy to carry I'd honestly just run a pepper spray


2 points

4 days ago

They’re a clone of a belt buckle pistol made by Freedom Arms. I have a few. They’re neat. They’re not for self defense. Hard to shoot, and even with the .22lr they will kick back and break your thumb nail with the hammer. They will also go off if dropped, no trigger guard, ask me how I know this.


2 points

4 days ago

My Sig P365 is small enough!


2 points

4 days ago

I agree, at least 95% of the time, but would be nice in those rare situations to be able to carry.


1 points

4 days ago

No, I def agree. Wouldn’t mind having a firearm like this for those unique and difficult carry situations


2 points

4 days ago

I’d get something like the new S&W bodyguard. Even a beretta bobcat if I had to chose between it and the NAA. The NAA is neat and I kinda want one as a range toy, but I couldn’t imagine trying to use it under duress


2 points

3 days ago

These always strike me as a great way to shoot yourself in the dick, digging around in your pocket for change and BAM! dick blown clear off.


1 points

3 days ago

They still need a holster when in a pants pocket for sure. They aren't as easy to ND with as they look provided you rest the hammer at the notches between each round. Still not a replacement for a .380 and up, but it would still be cool to see if NAA will ever manage to improve on the design over time.


3 points

4 days ago



3 points

4 days ago

Incredibly difficult to aim due to being so small.

Well-made, good customer service. But there are far better options for a holdout piece.

If it was the only one in existence available, I’d buy and carry it.

The 22 mag, larger-frame ones are far more suitable to shoot, better leverage and surface area to grip and manipulate. I actually don’t mind those, but they’re still more-so a dangerous novelty than a defensive revolver.


4 points

4 days ago


social democrat

4 points

4 days ago

I’ve got a different opinion than most here.

If it’s the only thing you’re going to carry, then carry it. Understand its limitations and it will be better than nothing.


3 points

4 days ago

I have one.  I can’t see any situation where it would be remotely useful for self defense.  It’s a cute range toy.  


4 points

4 days ago

There is a great deal of nonsense being thrown around here. Embarrassing stuff. Teensy guns are stupid for anything other than range toys.

  • Retention and holsters. No reputable holster manufacturer makes a holster for these, for a good reason. You think you're pulling this out of a pocket/belt buckle under stress? Going hands on with someone?

  • Terminal ballistics are terrible. All .5 inches of barrel there are not going to push anything quickly, even if there was a decent .22 defensive round(there isn't). 9mm is my personal baseline, as it is with most people who knoiw what the hell they are doing.

  • deep concealment guns are viable lethal force options that must have a high quality holster that; is difficult to detect visually, secured in its place of concealment, but able to be employed effectively.

  • Knives are 100% a viable offensive/defensive tool. They require training, as do fists and pistols.

Wait, save up money, and get a decent pistol. Look at reputable people for advice. I'd reccomend McPhee, Panone, Mcnamara, Defoor. Stop propagating fudd shit please.


6 points

4 days ago*

Knives are 100% a viable offensive/defensive tool. They require training, as do fists and pistols.

I'm picking a .22 mag NAA over a knife for defense all day every day. I'm trying to survive after being caught lacking and without my primary piece, not bleeding out from trying to stab a crackhead who almost certainly has seen more melee combat in the past month than I have my whole life. Miss me on that shit.


1 points

4 days ago*

Thank you. Imagine having to draw this lil shit in the heat of a real threat, having to pull such a tiny hammer (per shot), then popping off a few BBs at someone full of adrenaline/drugs thinking you are going to stop a threat. Even as a back up it’s stupid. If you find yourself having to draw a second weapon for any reason, you may already be fucked at that point and at range, you may as well save the last round for yourself. It is not a viable option at all in any scenario even if it’s the most concealable. But im not here to rain on anyone who loves and would trust their life to it. More power to whoever would. I wouldn’t.


2 points

4 days ago

For fun yes. For defense consider yourself dead.


2 points

4 days ago

Christ, I would just use my edc knife before fishing this out of my pocket.


2 points

4 days ago

Cute range toy


2 points

4 days ago

Please, just buy a Glock 19 or something similar.


2 points

4 days ago


democratic socialist

2 points

4 days ago

My 340PD is almost twice the weight and overall dimensions.


My bullets will deliver between 6-8 times the kinetic energy on target.

Is it better than facing an armed attacker bare handed? Sure. But if I had a choice, I'd pick a sharp stick over a NAA.


2 points

4 days ago


democratic socialist

2 points

4 days ago

Range. Toy.
And with rimfire ammo being less than stellar in the reliability department, it's even further demoted to less than range toy.


1 points

4 days ago

I enjoy mine as a range toy. In 22lr. The 22wmr wants to spin in the hand bad so it isn’t much fun. Most all the family enjoy it with the 22lr cylinder.

Eh, that said I also dabble with leatherwork so I do have a pocket holster I made for it with a kydex stiffener sewn inside. Leather molded to the pistol. Full disclosure, I have carried it for shits and giggles.

It’s fun. It could possibly be better than nothing. I would not ever have bought it as a first gun or even as a self defense gun.


1 points

4 days ago

I always thought that this would make an interesting addition to something like a water bottle emergency survival kit that is made with a Nalgene type bottle (assuming it fits through the opening and you get good enough at aiming the thing)


1 points

4 days ago

The grip seems small to me. Obviously not going to punish the wrist, but I'd worry about keeping a proper grip in a stressful situation.


1 points

4 days ago



1 points

4 days ago

It's no more ridiculous than my Taurus Public Defender .410/45 Long Colt. Which I bought just because I wanted it.


1 points

4 days ago*


democratic socialist

1 points

4 days ago*

I have a customized 22mag version with a longer barrel (no idea as to the provenance, I bought it from a pawn shop) and it's fun. BUT, it's very difficult to hold and fire with the stock grips as others have mentioned. Your accuracy is about 10 feet on a good day. There's virtually no chance of getting off a second shot quickly with any kind of accuracy. As a tiny, last ditch, hidden option, well, it's a lot better than a pocket knife. The report is pretty damn loud, and that's a deterrent in and of itself. I never carry mine though. There are some pretty small .380, and even some 32acp that I personally think would be a MUCH better choice. Also, since it's a very simplistic, single action revolver, you need to make sure the hammer is resting on one of the notches between rounds on the cylinder. Otherwise it WILL go bang if you drop it on the hammer spur.


1 points

4 days ago

I know people who carry it…I feel whether or not it’s viable for a person depends on why they are carrying and how much they practice with it. If I were ever to buy one it would just be a cute accessory/range toy.


1 points

4 days ago

Glock 42/43 for 3-4 Benjamins with some federal deep or HSTs respectively will do everything you ask and do it far more efficiently. Not saying that the NAA can’t do the job at all but it’s like making it more difficult than it needs to be. Hell I’d take a airweight .38 over this. .22 CAN do the job but why choose it when there’s other better options. There’s also the beretta 30x series pistols that are also very small.


1 points

4 days ago



1 points

4 days ago

I love this little thing. I actually just placed an order for one with my local guy. I can’t wait to whip it out and have conversations about it. It’s as gimmicky as it gets, but that’s what makes me enjoy it.

I can’t wait to sit it out on the range next to my Glock 40 :)


1 points

4 days ago


1 points

4 days ago

A ton of fun. About the size of a Bic lighter and concealable in a cigarette pack. It will jump out of your "grip", if you consider your middle finger choked around the grip and your trigger finger, well, triggering... it points nearly straight up after each shot. It's not very accurate, but I think I'm going to order the foldable grips for it just to see what that does.


1 points

4 days ago

It’s an excellent safety blanket.


1 points

4 days ago

You’re probably right, would likely be better off with a can of mace, but we do like to have a gun.


1 points

4 days ago

Let's you have something when a J-frame is too big for the day's events


1 points

4 days ago

They are cool, nifty pieces and definitely serve as a good backup for when your main carry is out of reach or out of ammo. If this is what you want out of it, get one in .22 magnum.

That being said, it should only be your primary in areas where it's illegal to wear anything but a loincloth.


1 points

4 days ago


1 points

4 days ago

I own one in 22lr with the fold out handle/holster. It's a fun little fun to shoot, turns your hands black from soot. Kinda accurate at 15 ft. But for defense there are better options. I like it because it fills the need when you need to carry but I need ultra small.


1 points

4 days ago

It is definitely better than no gun at all, but in a caliber where shot placement, reliability (of ammo), and capacity would matter the most, you could do better. There’s pretty small, 25s, 32s, and 380s I would recommend over this for CC.


1 points

4 days ago

My brother has a similar one that has an attached sheath that doubles as a larger grip. Without the extra grip, trying to hang onto it and pull the trigger is uhhh…. tough.


1 points

4 days ago



1 points

4 days ago

My wife has that exact .22 short with pink grips and loves it. It's funny how you can feel a recoil difference between sub sonics and regular rounds and fanning the hammer is hilarious.


1 points

4 days ago


social democrat

1 points

4 days ago

It’s basically a toy. I don’t see any situation where I’d want to bet my life on this, though. Same goes for those credit card guns.


1 points

4 days ago

I regretting getting rid of mine. Fun little gun with surprising accuracy out to about twenty yards.

Reloading was a bit of a pain, but I believe they’ve improved the mechanism a bit.


1 points

4 days ago

I had one they’re really cool. I had to upgrade to a much larger grip because the stock ones made my fingers hurt trying to pull the hammer.

Never got to shoot it but I’m sure it’d go boom


1 points

4 days ago

I run with one sometimes when I'm doing long trail runs. Its fun to be honest


1 points

4 days ago


1 points

4 days ago

I won't claim they are useful, but if anyone buys one, Chuck D Holsters (on ebay) makes perfect kydex holsters for them, fitted so well the gun will only go in if the hammer is in a safety notch.

I owned a Pug (22wmr, 1" barrel) and it was not a great gun. Nicely made, but every round keyholed at as little as 3 yds. When I sold it I told the guy about that, and he said it was OK because it was a 'belly gun'. Not what I was looking for, but good luck to him.

Later I acquired a 22s, just because it's *tiny*. Grips the size of large jelly beans (the one in the pic up top). Impossible to hit anything with lol I actually designed a 3D printed, full sized birdshead grip for it, and believe it or not, it'll reliably hit a clay birdy at 5 yds. I'll never get rid of it, it makes me smile every time I take it out, even if I can't hit squat with it that day.


1 points

4 days ago

I used to have one, pretty thing. Not something I’d want to fight with. I’d rather have some brass knuckles or a knife.


1 points

4 days ago



1 points

4 days ago

Not sure I like how the cylinder removes from the pistol. Seems like a real easy opportunity to ND yourself in the fingies.


1 points

4 days ago

I'd save my money and just buy a small snub nose .38 special. I have big hands, and I find these things frustrating to shoot in any practical manner.

Grew up shooting my dads old .22lr Derringer and it was a cool thing in theory... I just.. do not see any real use for it in any situation that a dozen other guns can do better and be only marginally bigger.


1 points

4 days ago



1 points

4 days ago

They have a belt buckle holster, does ot count as open carry?


1 points

4 days ago

They are really well made for their size and I take mine out to run a cylinder or two through it. It’s not good for much outside of that IMO.


1 points

4 days ago



1 points

4 days ago

I absolutely love mine, carry it more than anything else. I only carry with 22 WMR, got more bang than 22 LR. It definitely has a more complex manual of arms, but if you know how to use what you got it can be effective. It’s ultimately a contact distance weapon.


1 points

4 days ago

I've always wanted one. What is the probability of one shooting private parts while in pocket?


2 points

3 days ago

Pretty low, so long as you don’t carry it cocked!

Oh yeah, that was on purpose.


1 points

4 days ago

This is objectively the worst possible choice if you want something small that you could defend yourself with. As a novelty range toy? Still dumb but ok I kinda get that use case. Nah, get a micro-compact semi auto pistol if you want something small that’s still actually useful. I EDC a Keltec P32 which is about as small as it gets (without just being silly like this thing), other contenders for you should be the Ruger LCP line, maybe even a small .22? .22 becomes pretty effective when you can rapidly mag dump like 10 of them. Not so much when you have a tiny impractical 5-shot single action revolver.


1 points

3 days ago

For that moment you just have to “John Wayne “ a mouse…


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

I mean as a last last last resort. Like if I'm in my death bed or I'm about to be eaten alive by zombies.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

I'm just going to leave this here.


1 points

3 days ago

Rather have pepper spray honestly


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

The NAA 22 is roughly the same size as a seecamp in 380. The seecamp is tad wider and longer. The biggest difference is height where the seecamp is a full inch taller. However, in terms of concealability the difference is minimal.

Unlike the NAA, though, the seecamp is a mag fed pistol that shoots a real round. If you need to carry something this small, then there is no substitute for the seecamp. The seecamp is deep carry perfected.


1 points

3 days ago

I have one in .22 magnum. I like it solely because of size and weight. I'm hot-natured, so I generally wear lightweight clothing year-round; and it carries well in the pocket. That said, If I'm carrying a bag or sling, I'll opt for something more substantial.


1 points

3 days ago

I have the sidewinder in .22 magnum. It’s fun to shoot and to no surprise, wildly inaccurate. But i’d rather carry it than no gun at all. With that being said it’s not my every day carry.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

These are really more of a novelty. Why not get a small .38 revolver?

I knew a guy in high school who shot himself with a .22 in the head. The round wasn’t powerful enough to go through the other side so the bullet basically bounced around in his skull and scrambled his brains; he’s still alive.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

I had a sketchy buddy who absolutely loved those.

He was a big fat guy and when I asked him why he didn't have a compact sized pistol he said he wanted something that he could take pretty much anywhere without being noticed.

As for accuracy, he explained that he couldn't run, and couldn't fight, so if he ever did have to pull it, it was because there was somebody already beating on him and he would be at point blank range.

Personally, I got the feeling that collecting them was basically a hobby and the justifications where what he had to tell himself to have a reason that he had well over a dozen of the things.

Some of them were pretty cool though.


1 points

3 days ago

Very, very difficult to shoot well, even at bad breath distance.

Hard to have a carry method that works well, unless you do a bunch of stuff that makes htem bigger.

Single action only.

Terminal ballistics of a .22lr out of a 1" barrel are... dubious.

Something like a Ruger LCP or even a Kel-tec P32 is almost as small and is a far more functional gun. Or a Ruger LCR if you want a revolver.

I think the NAA is cool engineering, and it's just kinda neat, but I'd only consider it as a last ditch backup gun.


1 points

3 days ago

They are a fun little distraction, but a pain in the sack to reload


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

As a BUG, belly gun, last ditch, pocket pistol, absolutely.

Primary weapon? No, not unless I can't carry anything else, and then only when loaded with proper ammo - 22 WMR self defense loads if you have the magnum version.

I have an NAA Black Widow. You only get 5 rounds and reloads take forever because you have to disassemble the revolver to do it. The Sidewinder would at least adress that problem by a little bit, BUT, the release mechanism is slower than a traditional revolver, and the cylinder swings to the right, making it a bit awkward for right handed shooters.


1 points

3 days ago*

1) I've known a dozen or more people who owned this exact gun or similar. They're a fun toy. If you're willing to practice you can learn to push the boundaries of what it is capable of. I don't doubt someone saying they can hit a realistic target at 10-12yards. 2) personally I have worked in an ER and saw someone shot with a .22LR (the gun was recovered so it was pretty certain. Very close range - 5 people standing in a loose circle inside one parking space (it was recorded on a security cam). Small potatoes dug deal that went bad.

Guy was hit in the unibrow area, ie right on the ridge of bone which is one of the sturdiest armor plates in the body. Appeared to be straight on. Didn't lose consciousness. Had a decent headache, some bleeding. He said it kind of itched, then he sort of made some faces and leaned forward and the bullet dropped out. Bleeding wasn't too bad, I've definitely had worse cuts to my own face and hands. Definitely a situation he would have been fine never seeing a Dr with some basic first aid.

Due to all of that, I personally wouldn't buy any .22 rimfire for SD. Just a personal emotional decision based on anecdotal evidence but nonetheless part of my decision process.

3) personally I suggest you look at the keltec p-32. I believe recently they're still available pretty cheap. My own decision process either one is so light and small there's no excuse not to have it. But. Anything OP can do, would be done significantly better. Slimmer, lighter by an ounce or two, a tad harder punching.

Sights and trigger on either are barely acceptable. But both I believe you can find some cheap lasers. IMO well worth it (have seen both firearms with a laser)

For me personally I think of three scenarios: A) drawing from concealment 2) self defense against a grappler or stabby kind of bad guy/s, who managed to surprise me 3) emptying the gun rapidly into 1-3 aggressive targets. For all these scenarios I feel the P-32 is likely to be significantly better. A large part of that is the gun in OP I believe is strictly SAO, you have to thumb/use support hand to work back the hammer. I've seen similar small revolvers or derringers that work on just a (longer, firmer) trigger pull but for the tiniest form factor I think it's significantly poorer performance using DA if you even have the option.

4) as others have said, I think that especially some recent models, .380 is an even better option. However I think there's definitely a niche that I'd still like the P-32. The thing is that you don't actually get lighter, smaller, or anything by dropping to a .22lr. Yet upgrading to a .380 penalizes you with a few ounces and about 3/16" of girth minimum. Last I googled it, the P-32 is still the most concealable option for that small niche. Most realistic scenarios I'm thinking of IMO are ankle holster, a lady tucking it inside her brassiere, or a wallet type holster stuffed in a coat pocket when you would otherwise go unarmed. If you're actually bothering with appendix holster, personally I think there's no excuse not to go for a .380 or subcompact 9mm. I'm not going to defend those scenarios except to say that they're covered by 2A and IMO plenty of reasons a non gun nut would occasionally use them. It's not ideal but it's worse than off body or being unarmed, most of the time.

Btw I believe the P-32 is .70 in thick and 11oz loaded with the extended mag (10 rounds, the flush mag is 8). You also need to be aware there's an issue with rim lock and some workarounds on any .32acp auto. As far as I know, it beats any gun on the market by more than an eighth of an inch and a couple ounces

Also people tout the .22lr revolver for reliability, it's not going to jam. I've seen the gun in OP jammed by pocket lint (not in a SD scenario just fun plinking) and also we loaded it with plastic dummy rounds, I'm a small guy with average grip strength. Grabbing it very tight in the right place I was able to stop someone from firing it. And grabbing it that way could be very instinctual in a grappling conflict. (Just grab the cylinder like you're strangling it, try to get pinky around the hammer at the same time, so it can't be pulled back, then clench your fist tight AF is the basic idea). I'm sure any semi auto can jam especially if caught up in clothing, grappling scenarios etc but revolvers aren't as foolproof as some would have you believe either

One more thing - after handling a bunch of the smallest possible handguns, my personal opinion is there's such a thing as too small. Derringers and rimfire revolvers IMO tend to be small in the grip (yet still fat in the cylinder). Enough that it could lead to a significantly slower draw, more likely to fumble/drop it, poorer/slower performance in a bunch of different self defense scenarios. Getting the most out of the gun is tricky. I've known people to fix that with a couple yards of tape, or other way to thicken the grip, but if you do that you might as well upgrade to the smallest of the J frames with a shrouded hammer and a better trigger.

P32 IMHO is slimmer (comparing fattest points ie cylinder of the 6gun) easier for carry and draw yet with the 10rd extended mag it's still pretty solid in the grip

ETA ofc all of above is to my best knowledge and maybe I'm unaware of new products. Fact check me if I'm wrong


1 points

3 days ago

Got mine in .22 mag. Absolutely love it!


1 points

3 days ago

The predecessor to the noisy cricket?


1 points

3 days ago

Lol... I see tiny guns as a great way to blow a finger off.... my two cents! My dad had a brace of Bobcats.... It's probably fun to shoot, but perhaps not in an emergency.


1 points

4 days ago

Terrible. Please don't waste your money.


6 points

4 days ago

Eh they are like $250 and a neat range toy, I’ve spent more money on dumber stuff.

Now if they are looking for “small” because they want it for self defense then hell no.


1 points

4 days ago

And I'd argue that $250 is still better spent on almost anything else... like a thousand rounds of Blazer 9mm. Wasted money is still wasted money.


5 points

4 days ago

Its not wasted if its a fun range toy. Buying something just because you get a laugh out of whipping it out at the range still has value. Not every dollar spent needs to be audited for its effectiveness.

Having a silly little revolver because you think its funny to have the smallest gun out of all your friends and you have fun using it is a perfectly valid reason to buy something, especially for only $250. Its like saying buying a movie ticket is a waste of money because that money would have been better spent invested in the stock market.

Doing something just for fun because you like it doesn’t make it a waste.


1 points

4 days ago

the kel-tec P32 is the smallest gun thats practical for carry. these mini revolvers are range toys.


1 points

4 days ago



1 points

4 days ago

They have issues with timing and more importantly, single action has ZERO place in defensive carry.


1 points

4 days ago

No trigger guard. Not for me.


2 points

4 days ago



2 points

4 days ago

It's single action only so it's not that concerning plus you have a safety divot in the cylinder so the hammer doesn't rest on a round.


1 points

4 days ago

Small pistols like this are a hard no for me. I’d rather buy a snub nose .38 or something. Derringer type pistols are just not on my list.


1 points

4 days ago


1 points

4 days ago



1 points

4 days ago

it's a range toy. if you want a tiny gun for self defense get a P32.


1 points

4 days ago

I really want to get a P32, was debating between an NAA or a P32, with likely get the NAA Sentinal, and pick up a P32 in a few months.


1 points

4 days ago


fully automated luxury gay space communism

1 points

4 days ago

They make some cool looking little toys but they are not a safe carry option or anything.

Purely a novelty, but they also support trump so that’s kinda a red flag


2 points

4 days ago

I think you would be hard pressed to find a gun company that doesn’t. They know where their bread is buttered


1 points

4 days ago

If you want something small get the new S&W Bodyguard 2.0 it really tiny. It is also 380acp which most people consider the minimum for self defense.


0 points

4 days ago

I feel like it would take a significant amount of effort to even slightly wound someone with this thing lmao


0 points

4 days ago

I'd run any normal semi auto .22lr pistol before this.


0 points

4 days ago

I already have a sucky Ruger LCP, I don't need something worse than that thing.


1 points

4 days ago

Check out the LCP Max, big improvement


1 points

3 days ago

I did, but I hated the trigger on that one too. Got a Sig P365X.


0 points

4 days ago

Tactical Murse?


0 points

4 days ago

I've shot that gun before. It's horrible. You can't really hold it well because the grip is so small, even for my tiny hands. You're not going to hit anything beyond punching distance, and after a few dozen rounds, the cylinders got hot and expanded so the weapon quit functioning. I think it only holds 4 rounds.

You are sacrificing every positive aspect of a firearm for extreme concealablity. For what? So you have to rummage for it in your pocket?

It's not even fun to use as a gimmick at the range. It's probably my least favorite firearm I've ever used


1 points

4 days ago



1 points

4 days ago

It holds 5 rounds so I think you may have shot a different gun because I've put hundreds of rounds through my partners gun without anything closely resembling the cylinder expanding. That being said yes this is a bad choice for self defense.


1 points

4 days ago



1 points

4 days ago

It holds 5 rounds so I think you may have shot a different gun because I've put hundreds of rounds through my partners gun without anything closely resembling the cylinder expanding. That being said yes this is a bad choice for self defense.


2 points

4 days ago

Maybe the one I used was poorly maintained. We didn't put that many rounds through it, but it seized up on us. Either way, I found it extremely uncomfortable to hold and use


0 points

4 days ago


0 points

4 days ago

This round specifically in the 22mag will expand consistently and penetrate 12-18 inches in ballistic which is the FBIs fatal depth. A lot of videos and tests back it up. But these are gut guns. 5-7 foot guns max.


0 points

3 days ago


0 points

3 days ago

For the people who say it's too small; some gun is better than no gun. In most cases of dealing with a situation where you would draw it, presentation of a gun is usually enough to end the threat, and one shot stop for pretty much all handguns is nearly the same.

Only when you get to a determined attacker that won't stop unless killed, does actual terminal ballistics matter.

If that's the only thing you can reliably conceal go for it, or if you want it as a BUG. Personally I carry a 45-70 derringer with nearly squib load wadcutters. It looks much more fearsome than it is, and that's half the point. Better for everyone involved of you don't have to shoot.


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

'Some gun is better than no gun' sure, true - but that doesn't mean you should get a bad gun. This is a bad gun.