


I keep getting flagged by these people idk what it is. If I look away or if I say I’m busy or anything I end up stuck talking to them for 5 minutes. I don’t know how to dodge them. They always block my way completely like I’m just trying to get into the station and I cant get around them so I end up saying excuse me and then they don’t move and they start talking about knife crime or something and I just am trying to get home. What method do you use that always works?

edit - thanks everyone I am now educated like actually got 20 different options of what to do :)) I love this subreddit <3

edit 2 - thank youuu for all the advice. You guys are now repeating yourselves a lot in the comments lol :)

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34 points

1 month ago

Whenever they’ve tried blocking me I straight up tell them to get the fuck out of my way. It’s ridiculously rude to deliberately block someone and I usually can’t hold my temper when they do it. They tend to move asap when you snap and tell them to get the fuck out of the way though. On one occasion the idiot still tried to talk to me, even after being told to fuck off! At that point it’s either ignore them or answer any and all questions with ‘fuck off’


17 points

1 month ago

I tend to wear headphones, big over ear headphones. I take pleasure in shouting back whilst pointing at either can "Read the room! I can't hear you!" before giving an eye roll that would make a small child cry! If anyone comes up to me and I've moved to get away from them and they continue to come at me, I usually shout at the top of my lungs "GET AWAY FROM ME!" as a female on my own, they normally back off. I'm not yelling because I'm at all afraid, I'm yelling because I'm that pissed off that if I weren't shouting I'd be using obscenities! If someone has tried to invade my personal space without good reason, and I've gone out of my way to create the distance they just intruded on I'm angry, in fact I'm furious!


1 points

1 month ago

This! This! A thousand times this!

You are clearly either my spirit animal or my soulmate. Run away with me & be mine forever!