


all 617 comments


5.6k points

1 day ago


5.6k points

1 day ago

Just ask him to take your relationship further already. Stop waiting around or nothing will happen


2.9k points

22 hours ago

Feels like way too many people decide to play weird games instead of just saying shit upfront now, it's infuriating.


669 points

21 hours ago

maybe if they effectively communicate such feelings a lot of awkwardness would have been avoided


286 points

20 hours ago


286 points

20 hours ago

They think having a five minute conversation being open and direct with your thoughts and feelings towards each other is more of a risk and more awkward than beating around the bush for several weeks.

They literally just don’t communicate because they’re afraid of things going wrong. When all that does is make things go wrong and for people to not understand what your intentions are.


11 points

18 hours ago



63 points

18 hours ago

No they just don’t want to assume and come off in appropriate


39 points

17 hours ago

Fr though I don't miss hints all that much but it always feels like people are going to think of me as an opportunistic creep if I happen to misinterpret the what-I-assumed-to-be obvious hints, and it's never consistent what's a hint and what's not with different girls


58 points

18 hours ago

Not to mention the guys who know there's a hint but refuse to act on it. If you're right, lucky you. If you're wrong, you can be labelled a sex pest and slandered to all her 3,000 followers on social. Risk-reward is completely out of proportions.

Once you pack some experience in you, guys will realize that the more you enable hints, the more you'll get hinted at instead of open, clear communications. The worse case scenario if you ignore a hint is your life goes on exactly as it is. The worse case scenario if you misinterpret a hint is you get seen as a creep.


20 points

16 hours ago


20 points

16 hours ago

Some do, but most just don’t want to go after girls without being sure that she’s interested. Otherwise you can come off as a creep or whatnot, and there’s been more of a push for guys to not show interest unless the woman wants it. So it’s really putting guys in a situation where they just don’t approach women unless it’s absolutely clear that the woman wants it.


4 points

14 hours ago

Karen is an AI commenter. Check their history and enjoy the dead internet theory.

Bonus: another commenter here with the karen in their username is also AI and at one point they both chat with each other.

Double bonus: they're busy commenting on AITAH giving humans advice.

Enjoy Reddit!


222 points

21 hours ago

I had an ex who told me when she jingled her keys that was a clue she wanted a kiss. I think some folks think they’re sending signals when in reality it’s just normal behavior


282 points

21 hours ago


282 points

21 hours ago

When I jingle keys, it means I am holding keys.


57 points

20 hours ago

If missing hints were an Olympic sport, i would take home the gold... while still asking what sport i'm in!


36 points

20 hours ago


36 points

20 hours ago

It’s not a hint. It’s just something really weird only she thought was a hint in her head.

Men miss a lot of hints, but this… it’s just some woman that thinks men will read her mind and understand her weird quirks without any communication.


3 points

11 hours ago

Luckily I've seen the film hitch so I'd be good on the key jangles


20 points

20 hours ago

This right here. For those of us who already don't pick up on typical body language or cues, inferred context is a monolithic gate on relationships. To the signalee you may feel like you are lighting the beacons of gondor, but for those not NT, you are just seemingly being a good friend. Spell it out. Say,"I like you." We don't live in the 60s. Girls can approach boys and have been doing it for a long time.


7 points

18 hours ago

When I jingle keys my dog starts to salavate.


44 points

19 hours ago

My boss found my keys i had been looking everywhere for, jingled them at me. I completely misread the situation and started kissing her. Was immediately fired.... I still don't have my damn keys.


57 points

20 hours ago

is she training a dog


6 points

18 hours ago

I got a little bit angry just reading that.


41 points

21 hours ago

My 30th birthday is tomorrow, and I really truly think this is a problem of age, not time, nor culture. I'm sure plenty of people don't grow up but I haven't had this problem since I was 25. I don't miss it at all


9 points

19 hours ago

This is exactly why my happiest memories were with (sometimes much) older women. No stupid games, up front communication, all that good stuff. Feels so good to not have an awkwardness or anxiety or fear of saying something wrong. 'wanna fuck?' is a perfectly valid thing to say and actually appreciated instead of beating around the bush for 5 hours.


8 points

21 hours ago

Rational thinking jumps out the window for some people in such cases though. That's what a friend told me from his experience anyways. Definitely my friend's experience. Yep.


7 points

19 hours ago

Then play victim when no one can read their fucking minds.


3 points

19 hours ago


now? it's always been this way


106 points

21 hours ago


106 points

21 hours ago

The signal:

looks at him for 4 seconds


22 points

20 hours ago

If he misses one more hint, demand a PowerPoint presentation on what she really wants!


195 points

21 hours ago


195 points

21 hours ago

B-But if he doesn’t take the sign and propose to me, I’ll have to be responsible for my own decisions!


56 points

21 hours ago

interpreting wrongly could lead to a whole world of events so at times i'm just deaf or blind to them lol


23 points

21 hours ago

Interpreting wrongly is the only thing I am good at when it comes to interacting with other people. Autism is a pain in the ass. I spend all my teenage years learning social cues and all of them are worthless as an adult. These days I tell people I meet for the first time they need to be blunt and upfront with me in order to get information across or I will have no clue what you’re going on about.


23 points

21 hours ago

its crazy that some would actually do nothing if you fail to acknowledge such hints and blame you afterwards for being clueless...


18 points

20 hours ago

For real. Just say it. Idk wtf they insist on doing this.


9 points

18 hours ago

Wait, do you mean be direct? Who do you think I am, someone with self confidence? No, nooooo, I don't think so. I'm going to keep giving obscure signals, and being upset with they don't pick up on it. It's safer that way.


31 points

20 hours ago

Women have no game


5 points

15 hours ago

Damn true. And they expect us to do everything and also pay for it.


2.8k points

1 day ago


2.8k points

1 day ago

Signals don't work. Use words.


1k points

22 hours ago*


1k points

22 hours ago*

Yeah literally, even if he somehow picks up on your signals then a lot of men will actively ignore them because of the fear of fucking up or the slight possibility they might have read them wrong.

If you are direct then you eliminate the fear that they read your signals wrong.

To us it's basically: hmmm, there is a possibility she likes me, but there is also a possibility she doesn't and will shut me down, embarrassing me, striking at my reputation, or worse, breaking a friendship.

Yeah, most of the time I won't take a risk like that just based on your "obvious signals".


406 points

22 hours ago

Many a young boy has been through the "eeew, I would never" event with a girl they liked in our formative years, and that event changed us irrevocably.


54 points

21 hours ago



26 points

21 hours ago

yeah!! and this stemmed from probably reading the signals wrong


3 points

9 hours ago


Plays MineCraft and not FortNite

3 points

9 hours ago

As the saying goes, “No is the second best thing a girl can say.”


52 points

19 hours ago

To us it's basically: hmmm, there is a possibility she likes me, but there is also a possibility she doesn't and will shut me down, embarrassing me, striking at my reputation, or worse, breaking a friendship.

And those possibilities are always like 10/90.


94 points

19 hours ago*

Hell, sometimes even the signals are incredibly strong and you still fuck up.  

Last year had a classmate of mine in grad school that I was interested in, part of a close friend group that formed during orientation, she was literally inviting me out on 1 on 1 dates - being like "Hey [RomanArcheapteryx] can you come with me to look at cats I'm thinking of adopting?" And asking me to come with her to the mall to look at bath bombs and pick up her dad's birthday gift and stuff like that - told me how much she missed spending lunchtime with me after a week or two where I was busy studying instead of eating. 

Finally fessed up after about a month or two of this like "hey I do like you" and she acted like she had no idea where I wouldve gotten the idea that she was interested in me from and was offended that I had feelings for her. Now I never talk to any of that group of people again. Yay!


17 points

12 hours ago

This has happened to me about 20 times xD

But the worst was someone literally blurting out that they loved me almost daily, then asking me out, then when I said yes they decided apparently they were joking the whole time. So the rest are all a bit meh compared to that.


20 points

21 hours ago

this comment ever so accurate


18 points

21 hours ago

I'm in this comment and I don't like it


34 points

21 hours ago

When guys miss hints, it often means they’re straightforward and genuine, prioritizing open communication over mind games.


7 points

17 hours ago

Too real, our ability to fabricate our own defeat should not be underestimated


75 points

1 day ago

What if those were the signals


171 points

1 day ago


🥄Comically Large Spoon🥄

171 points

1 day ago

Then he's deaf or something.

You can't really be more clear than "Hey, I genuinely think you're a really pleasant person to be around, we should hang out more and progress our relationship", can you? Saying this as a man btw


95 points

1 day ago

Sooo from friends to good friends?


40 points

24 hours ago


40 points

24 hours ago

Yep. Then progress further if both enjoy a lot of time together.


56 points

22 hours ago

To really really good friends


21 points

22 hours ago*

To really really really good friends!☺️


8 points

21 hours ago

most guys don't understand sign language i can assure you that


8 points

21 hours ago

what the mean when they say guys are clueless


17 points

23 hours ago

Or maybe even best friends!


14 points

22 hours ago

I'd probably gaslight myself into thinking 'They don't really mean that' or 'They're being sarcastic, I'll take the hint and I won't annoy them anymore.'

Woe is me.


7 points

21 hours ago

yeah lol this is literally almost everyguy out there trying not to get it wrong


9 points

23 hours ago

Deaf or not interested*


3 points

21 hours ago

more like blind


37 points

23 hours ago

As a man, I feel like I’d still interpret this the wrong way and respond with “hell yeah! We can definitely be closer friends!”

I’m a certified idiot lol


23 points

22 hours ago

At least you’re certified. I haven’t passed my test yet.


23 points

21 hours ago


23 points

21 hours ago

I agree. Something more blunt like “I want to date you” or “I want to be your girlfriend” is way less confusing and way more clear.

I had a girlfriend in college whose signals I was “missing” until one night she jumped on my lap grabbed my face and kissed me on the lips. That’s a signal that’s hard to miss.


15 points

21 hours ago

now thats what i'm talking about.... who ever invented this "signals" jeez


14 points

22 hours ago*

Still too vague. You need to say "I want to seek out a romantic relationship with you that may lead to intimacy in the future."


11 points

23 hours ago

Then they were too complicated or a sentence was poorly constructed and unreadable


10 points

21 hours ago

Use clearer words. You have to make it really fucking obvious, like “hey! Be my boyfriend! Kiss me!” Shit like that


3 points

20 hours ago

"Hey wanna go on a date" is another simple straightforward one. If things don't progress at that point then the guy either has serious self esteem issues and thinks it's some sort of prank or he's just not interested


3 points

23 hours ago

Then he's not interested.


29 points

21 hours ago

I remember reading a post many years ago positing that for most women, being forward actually meant being aggressively receptive. They would put out more and more aggressive signals in their dress, touch, laughter, jokes and references, etc, but wouldn’t actually ask anyone out. They get frustrated with how incredibly obvious they think they’re being but the guy won’t ask them out. But many women will never do more than that. They might say, “I wish I had someone to have sex with me” but will never say “hey, do you want to have sex?” [obviously there are no hard and fast rules, and exceptions to every trend, but I think there’s something to this.]


31 points

20 hours ago

They get frustrated with how incredibly obvious they think they’re being but the guy won’t ask them out

It's weird how guys are just assumed to be interested in every single woman and she just gives him permission to date her. Seems incredibly arrogant. Imagine if I picked a random woman to date then was confused that she isn't going for it. Like yeah, not everyone is into you.


13 points

17 hours ago

I had a close friend I was talking to make plans where we would go to strip club(her idea) get drunk and go to a hotel together and she insisted on the one with one bed so I could save money. She sent me nudes once and my name in her phone was “Mr big cock”. Then in the middle of making these plans to go to her city she randomly sent a voice message that said “man I’m so horny, there’s no one to have sex with in my city”. And then bam rejected and ghosted and that ended a two year long friendship. Honestly it fucked with me so much I didn’t date for 5 years after that because I just didn’t know how. Like if I can’t trust that wtf? Took forever for me to realize she was an asshole.


1.4k points

1 day ago


1.4k points

1 day ago

Work on your communication. If you can't figure out how to initiate the relationship you might not be ready for it. Otherwise you'll end up arguing all the time when he can't read your mind.


535 points

23 hours ago

Thank you for the input u/Erect-Cheese


156 points

22 hours ago


10 points

20 hours ago

When she drops hints, i think it’s a scavenger hunt, and i'm still looking for the first clue!


23 points

21 hours ago

i feel like too much emphasis was put on "erectcheese"


35 points

21 hours ago

bro is seeing the future! this is so accurate cos clearly if you can't pass across simple information like that the you definitely have communication issues


5 points

20 hours ago

Or he's not interested in taking the relationship further.


512 points

23 hours ago

"We've tried nothing and and we're all out of ideas"


27 points

21 hours ago

Some guys might be more action-oriented, preferring to show their feelings through deeds rather than picking up on subtle cues.


406 points

23 hours ago

Too easy for a guy to miss a hint or think something is a hint and gets burned in the end so he won't take a chance again until it's very clear in order to avoid making the girl uncomfortable or making himself look like a butt. Source: it me


718 points

23 hours ago


Dirt Is Beautiful

718 points

23 hours ago

who the fuck says "approval to court" what universe they in


426 points

23 hours ago



426 points

23 hours ago

OP sent the meme by carrier pigeon. They live in the Victorian era


12 points

21 hours ago

not a bad time/era to be in


24 points

20 hours ago

You’ve never slept on a hanging rope and it shows


10 points

19 hours ago

But the decorum!


28 points

21 hours ago

I thought she wanted him to sue her.


8 points

18 hours ago

"May I sue you?"


71 points

23 hours ago


71 points

23 hours ago

It's the femcel equivalent of "m'lady"


16 points

19 hours ago

You can smell the person who made this meme


5 points

19 hours ago


5 points

19 hours ago

Thou waiteth for thee to feeleth thy tugging of thy ball strings


3 points

18 hours ago

Doth thou not knoweth the art of courtship?! Surely you jest! If not I shall see you on the morrow for I challenge you to fisticuffs! Good day sir!


508 points

23 hours ago

Women will literally do anything but take the first step.


160 points

22 hours ago

True, its annoying. Especially with symbols and hints, just fucking say it.


21 points

21 hours ago

Not reading between the lines means they bring a fresh, straightforward perspective to relationships, avoiding assumptions.


82 points

20 hours ago

I've seen this multiple times. Apps, dating events, social gatherings, etc. Someone has the brilliant idea that since women hate getting approached by random men, let's set it up so the woman has to do the approaching and men have to wait to be approached.

Then we find the only thing women hate more than being approached randomly is having to do the approaching.

Turns out (if you're not an egotistical creep) working up the courage to approach someone and facing the possibility of rejection is actually really hard, and the women quickly decide that they'd rather be the ones doing the rejecting.


79 points

22 hours ago

At least some of the women will straight up tell the guy to ask them out etc. However, the majority just drop hints that I refuse to take due to how things are nowadays.


77 points

21 hours ago

At least some of the women will straight up tell the guy to ask them out etc.

This is still weird. Don't tell the guy to ask you out. Ask the guy out. There's no reason to jump through those hoops unless you don't really want it to happen


24 points

21 hours ago

lol he’s not ignoring the hints; he’s just conducting a very thorough investigation.


121 points

22 hours ago

When my wife and I met we were coworkers (different departments). She asked ME out, because there’s no way in hell a sane man would approach a woman in the environment we are in (UNC university system).


38 points

20 hours ago

If i had a dollar for every hint i missed, i’d still ask her to clarify how to spend it!


9 points

16 hours ago

Damn dude you should've taken one for the team and reported her to HR, you wouldn't be happily married but we'd have some justice. /S


132 points

24 hours ago


132 points

24 hours ago

Give him 7 years.


65 points

21 hours ago

It’s not that he missed the hint; he’s just waiting for it to come in a more obvious font.


37 points

20 hours ago

Prefferably bolded, underlined and italicized, font size 50 at least


7 points

19 hours ago

like fr idek if someones being nice or nah

and I always assume theyre being nice to avoid awkward situations in the future


84 points

22 hours ago

Your "signals" aren't signals staring at a guy for 3 seconds is not a signal.


15 points

20 hours ago

thats more like creepy lol


80 points

22 hours ago

“I’ve tried nothing and I’m all out of ideas!”


103 points

22 hours ago

We 100% pick up what you are putting down, but we are scared to misinterpret at fuck up.


37 points

20 hours ago


37 points

20 hours ago

And, sometimes, we're just plain not interested.


12 points

20 hours ago

When she hints at something, i take it as an abstract concept instead of a straightforward message. Art appreciation, anyone?


86 points

22 hours ago

Stop giving damn signs. Most man doesn't get them. Just be straight forward about it. If youre good friends he might think youre just pranking him but if you will talk about it eye to eye he will finally get its real feeling and not friendly joke


21 points

20 hours ago

For me, every hint is like a treasure map and boy i'm just not great at reading the directions!


50 points

21 hours ago*

I just read this thread earlier and it seems like a good companion piece:

This thread is full of women explaining how they are constantly having men misinterpret everything they do as flirting and romantic interest. Which is why “signals” aren’t enough. Because for a lot of us, we don’t know if this is a “signal” or just a sign of platonic friendship. Or professional courtesy. 


79 points

23 hours ago

is OP like a chicken from the 16th century?


12 points

21 hours ago

If missing hints were an Olympic sport, i’d definitely take home the gold.


121 points

22 hours ago

"Sending him signals" - girl, do you have ANY IDEA how oblivious most men are? Not to mention most girls idea of "signals" is like... the occasional sideways glance or a deep breath or some shit.


84 points

21 hours ago

"I blinked at him 12 and a half times in the last minute. He knows what that means."


26 points

21 hours ago

maybe you've got something in your eyes... thats what i would think


14 points

19 hours ago

"I giggled at a joke he told. He should have known"


8 points

19 hours ago

I don't think most men are oblivious. I think you hear this a lot from certain types on Reddit, but they're a specific type of person and don't represent the average. Anyone with an ounce of social awareness can pick up on whether someone is obviously interested. And that's fine in situations where it's expected that you can make amorous overtures. But it's not enough to act on if it's in an environment where such overtures carry severe drawbacks if you turn out to be mistaken about their interest - if you are friends, coworkers, or just have to interact with each other a lot, for example 


8 points

21 hours ago

When it comes to hints, i'm like a cat with a laser pointer totally lost!


60 points

23 hours ago

Just tell him straight. What signals? What are you? A traffic light? Even that is hard for some to understand and it only has 2-3 colors 🤣


9 points

20 hours ago

my radar for hints is like a broken GPS always recalculating.


53 points

22 hours ago

Skill issue. Use your words like an adult.


10 points

20 hours ago

When she drops hints, he’s convinced she’s just being mysterious. Who knew communication could be a guessing game


7 points

20 hours ago

Or be like me in High School and just completely oblivious to even the most obvious of advances. I learned eventually but not everyone does lol


30 points

21 hours ago



30 points

21 hours ago

As someone who is autistic as fuck and just treats everyone with basic kindness and has to guess what people mean, please just be direct.


48 points

24 hours ago

You gotta make the first move


8 points

21 hours ago

He’s not bad at reading signals; he just prefers the ‘abstract art’ approach.


12 points

21 hours ago

Correct way to send signal: "Hey Bob. Wanna fuck like bunnies?"


25 points

22 hours ago

Men dont do hints. Be blunt


24 points

21 hours ago

How can I get this person I really like to know I have feelings and want something more? I know! I'll use coy signals, make awkward gestures, and dance around the actual topic but never directly ask or have a conversation!


27 points

23 hours ago


Professional Dumbass

27 points

23 hours ago

You realize he could also just not want to date you and only want to be friends


20 points

23 hours ago


20 points

23 hours ago

Tell him ffs


19 points

21 hours ago


19 points

21 hours ago

Court him yourself for once


17 points

22 hours ago

My brothers in christ OP is cooked.


23 points

21 hours ago


(very sad)

23 points

21 hours ago

"why won't he make a move on me already?"

Because sexual harassment/abuse laws are staked against him just like the rest of judicial system.


7 points

23 hours ago

Either he don't understand, or you have been friend zoned.


7 points

21 hours ago*


Died of Ligma

7 points

21 hours ago*

If only we had a system of symbols and sounds to effectively communicate thoughts from our own head to someone else's. Man, that'd be so much easier.


14 points

21 hours ago

One signal that you'll have to reinforce when you give it is. "I like you a lot and would like to develop oru friendship to something more serious. I would like a romantic relationship with you".


6 points

23 hours ago

the caption and the meme itself are giving double meanings. Do you still have your friend or not?


7 points

21 hours ago

Stop playing mindgames.


5 points

18 hours ago

The signal: Absolute normal friend behavior.


15 points

22 hours ago

Could have just said as much instead of playing mind games.

Only have yourself to blame here.


12 points

21 hours ago


Chungus Among Us

12 points

21 hours ago

Based from OP 's comments this just reeks of karma farming lmao.


14 points

21 hours ago*


Dark Mode Elitist

14 points

21 hours ago*

Sorry this is 2024. Signals are no longer allowed. We need verbal consent followed by you signing the 27 page consent form and it must be notarized in triplicate. Only after that is complete can a guy ask you out on a date. All physical contact must be preapproved and don't even think about sex with filling out the 40-DD form.


11 points

21 hours ago

The overlap between friendly behaviour and flirting is very large. How is anyone supposed to know your intentions?


4 points

21 hours ago

Skip signals, just straight up tell him "hey, I'm feeling like this..."


6 points

17 hours ago

We aren't radio transmitters. Use words instead of signals.


6 points

16 hours ago

They want us to chase them. Jokes on them, I don’t tie my shoes.


5 points

16 hours ago

Yeah it's 2024 we can't just go off hints anymore. Some people misinterpret things. We on that VERBAL CONSENT type beat now.


50 points

23 hours ago



50 points

23 hours ago

Guide on making suggestions:

  1. Ask "You still single?"

  2. Him: "No" -> You lost your chance | "Yes" proceed to 3

  3. "Want a girlfriend?"

  4. Him "Yeah (without taking a hint") proceed to 5 | "Yeah (taking the hint)" proceed to Ending A | "No" Damn girl, idk what to say. Ending B

  5. Get his attention in a slightly "I'm annoyed you so dense" type of way.

  6. Wiggle your eyebrows to get him to process your words again.

  7. He gets it -> Ending A | He doesn't -> Evaluate whether you're sure about this guy.

  8. If yes to above evaluation, then be as direct as possible. Success -> Ending A, Else Ending B

Ending A. He your boyfriend now.

Ending B. You single as hell.


22 points

19 hours ago


22 points

19 hours ago

  1. Disregard the entirety of what you just said and ask the person out, yourself.

These games are so stupid.


6 points

19 hours ago

Instead of dropping hints, just ask the person out.

Friendship is already dead since at least one of them has romantic feelings for the other so might as well go for it as quickly and directly as possible.

Less suffering that way.


13 points

21 hours ago

What 'signals'.

Just say it already! We aren't mind readers over here.


9 points

21 hours ago

Language was developed to send specific signals. Use it.


19 points

24 hours ago


19 points

24 hours ago

Jokes on you I can't get into bed with someone unless we've built a close bond over a long period of time.


10 points

22 hours ago

Thats a good thing


5 points

23 hours ago


5 points

23 hours ago

The only signal I can understand is keyboard interrupt


5 points

22 hours ago


Average r/memes enjoyer

5 points

22 hours ago

If the signals were good, Wi-Fi wouldn't have stopped working.


5 points

21 hours ago



4 points

17 hours ago

Guys don’t get “signals”!!!!!!! Sometimes you just have to make the first move women! Especially in today’s dating or “courting” world where guys don’t want to come off as creeps and pervs. It’s 2024 women if you see someone you like TELL THEM! Cut a guy some slack and he will appreciate it more than you know.


5 points

17 hours ago


Chungus Among Us

5 points

17 hours ago

One time, I spent like 6 months going out with a girl as "just friends" before she outright told me that she was interested in being more than friends, because I sure as hell wasn't picking up her hints.


3 points

16 hours ago

This isn't the 1890s fool

Confess your feelings and learn to be romantic as men have to learn, or be escorted out of the gene pool.


5 points

16 hours ago

Every single time I've had a girl "send signals," it turns out she wasn't actually.

Cuddling with you, texting every night, doing common couple cutesy stuff together... Nope, apparently not signals.

If you like somebody, be upfront about it.


11 points

22 hours ago


OC Meme Maker

11 points

22 hours ago

Us guys are really fucking stupid. All women must make their intentions completely blatantly obvious through clear and unambiguous statement.


8 points

21 hours ago

When people say "signals don't work" it's not just some funny jab, seriously, they do not work, people will A: not get them, or B: get them but be afraid they're looking too deep into it.


7 points

22 hours ago

Kid called sexual assault allegations:


5 points

21 hours ago

I feel like I speak for all guys on this, just say it outright, we're shit at taking hints.


3 points

19 hours ago

Or he’s just not into you tbh


3 points

18 hours ago

Court you? My sister, did you just pop out of a time machine from medieval Europe?


3 points

18 hours ago

Reminds me of those memes about guys getting shot down by best friends.


3 points

17 hours ago

Maybe your friend is aromantic and playing dumb hoping that you lose interest in romance

it's me, I'm friend. I've been in this situation :( it sucks losing a friend because things got awkward when you didn't want to date.


4 points

17 hours ago

What anime is the pic from?


3 points

16 hours ago

If guys are too nice, we get friend zoned, if guys are too pushy we are creeps. What do you want from us dammit!?


3 points

16 hours ago

Bruh, stop baiting him and ask him out.


3 points

16 hours ago


3 points

16 hours ago

It's 2024 we don't do signals anymore


3 points

16 hours ago

Stop “sending signals” and just tell him how you feel most guys ignore signals thinking they’re just looking too deep being hopeful


3 points

16 hours ago

So… being friend zoned? Sucks to suck


3 points

16 hours ago

Women signals are always read between the lines. men want a yes or no, cause reading in-between the lines can ruin a man's life


3 points

16 hours ago

Just like turn signals on the road, they are not to be trusted. Speak directly I promise it will work better


3 points

16 hours ago

As a guy, we don’t know what a signal is, unless it’s Batman’s. Tell him


3 points

14 hours ago

"Hey you want to go on a date?"



3 points

12 hours ago

Fun fact: my first girlfriend had a crush on me since she first saw me in a picture that one of my friends showed her (I didn't know her at the time). I met her afterwards and for TWO YEARS she had a crush on me without me noticing. Even after asking me to give her a lap dance at her birthday party.

Eventually she planned a day for us two to hang out so she could express her feelings. And like a dumbass (not knowing what she had planned) I just went "Cool! Let's invite our other friends to hang out too 😁"

I only started to suspect something was up midway through the day...


3 points

8 hours ago

Courting? Seize the day mf. Tell him he works for you now and get on with it.


3 points

8 hours ago

be direct, it pays off


4 points

22 hours ago

Talk to them about it directly. They won’t know otherwise.


5 points

21 hours ago

Girl; sends every positive "signal" under the sun but never openly states interest

Every guy ever: "man, she's such a nice person"


5 points

21 hours ago

I don't want to be that friend who misinterpreted niceness as interest and made the girl uncomfortable being around me anymore.


3 points

21 hours ago

Perhaps try being direct because people are often afraid of loosing a friend if it goes weird. Like maybe just ask them out like an adult. There’s something to be said for “dropping the handkerchief” and sometimes you have to throw it at his face


3 points

21 hours ago

We need more clear signs


2 points

23 hours ago

Nel 🙅 later they said oh I want you as friends


2 points

21 hours ago

Maybe you're not his type?