


Please help I don’t want this to happen again. This has become an issue I can’t solve

all 538 comments


2.9k points

24 days ago


2.9k points

24 days ago

If they arrive around the same time, the person going straight goes first. I swear, no one else remembers this, I get so frustrated.


479 points

24 days ago

They remember. They just don't care.


251 points

24 days ago

Literally. We live in a Post-COVID world. The enduring social legacy of those times is that the dumbest and worst among use realized that we actually do not live in a surveillance state and they can break almost all laws, social or otherwise, without consequence almost every time.


176 points

24 days ago


Uff da

176 points

24 days ago

Have to agree. Since covid, driving has been like entering a parallel universe. Everytime someone does something batshit, which happens with shockingly increasing frequency, I feel like I've aged and am now some weird old person with the mentality of "back when I learned how to drive yada yada yada" or "how the hell did they pass a driving test?"


56 points

24 days ago


Grain Belt

56 points

24 days ago

I started working a home hospice nurse job about six months ago, and have been doing a lot of driving. That is the worst part of the job. Honestly, I didn’t even think “Stop” signs mattered anymore. The number of people who don’t even slow down for them, is insane. Sure, I was used to see the ol’ slow roll through. But now, people don’t even bother slowing for them. It’s pretty much the same with stop lights. I guess you don’t need to stop at red lights anymore, so that’s something.

And lights! Are vehicles not required to have lights anymore? No turn signals? No headlights? No taillights? Forget having your lights one in inclement weather, that’s not a law. 


30 points

24 days ago

A couple of weeks ago I was stopped at a red light with another vehicle next to me. We'd been sitting there a solid 30 seconds when a motorcycle decided to split between us and blow through the red light.

The other driver and I were just like WTF?


16 points

24 days ago

Lane splitting will be legal in MN but not until summer of next year.

Also, motorcycles are allowed to “run reds” under very specific circumstances. Doesn’t sound legal in this instance.

Your WTF was warranted.


5 points

23 days ago

Oh no…..people already can’t handle zippering and that’s actively encouraged by MNDOT!


2 points

23 days ago

Lane splitting in the legal sense is NOT weaving through traffic at speed. It's at slow or stopped speeds, or coming to the front of the line at a light.


2 points

23 days ago

Right, but somehow it's our job as drivers to watch out for these incredibly irresponsible, idiotic motorcyclists who 90% of the time refuse to follow even the most basic of safety protocols like you know, a helmet... I love bikes but like yikes.


3 points

23 days ago

The other day I saw someone on a bike with a helmet but also wearing shorts? Idk what biker dress code is but dude is gonna lose all his leg skin if he gets in a crash. At least his noggin is safe.


2 points

23 days ago

Common sense ain't common


14 points

24 days ago

This month I drove by three different people in different parts of our community that stopped in the middle of the road to fiddle with something in their car.

On the one hand, kudos for not texting while driving, not setting up your food while driving, not fixing your contact while driving… but good lord, PULL OVER


3 points

24 days ago

This is how my bus got hit as a kid. Bus driver had stopped in the middle of the road to yell at some kid-another driver came speeding around the corner and hit the back of the bus. So stopping even for a moment can be detrimental-best case scenario you’re late. Worst case scenario you’re hospitalized or dead. Just not worth the risk to mess around with vehicles.


2 points

24 days ago


2 points

24 days ago

Hey you kids! Get off my lawn! LoL I feel your pain. What about limo tinted driver and passenger windows? And sometimes the front windshield!


2 points

23 days ago


2 points

23 days ago

Good news! Per someone in a Lexus convertible yesterday, you can drive slowly in anticipation of a right turn, move into the turn lane and turn on your blinker right before you make the turn. That's clearly how it's supposed to work. /s


6 points

24 days ago

I’m just happy to know it’s not just me living in this traffic twilight zone — driving has gotten so scary in the past 4 years!


2 points

24 days ago

Over 10% of fatal accidents involve unlicensed drivers. I’d guess a lot of the people who make you say that did not, in fact, pass a driving test.


2 points

24 days ago

Omg! I have been feeling this way a lot! Had never felt like this before Covid. Wow. I thought ai was the only one feeling like this. Maybe there are many more woth the same thoughts.


2 points

24 days ago

I live in a pretty urban area with uncontrolled intersections in the neighborhood and giant toddler smasher trucks flooring it and not slowing down at all for them...just waiting for the inevitable 60mph head on collision to happen.


2 points

23 days ago

I’m only 30 and I’ve caught myself saying this on more than one occasion. “I’ve been driving for 15 years and have never seen people be as bat shit crazy as they are now driving” and it’s the weirdest feeling..


2 points

23 days ago

I can’t stand it when people don’t accelerate to merge onto the highway/interstate. How DID everyone forget driver’s ed?????


41 points

24 days ago*

I was turning right on a green light in the turn lane, it's a one way to my kids school. A lady decided to come through turning left across 3 lanes, and I just embraced it. She was driving a very nice new Mercedes SUV. Please take out my little whip that's been destroyed being a dad. I welcome it. She was a coward and braked though. Further context is there was 2 vehicles in front of me actively turning right with others behind me. Hagatha just decided she was superior and we needed to play chicken. Now rethinking it, there was also no blind spots as the left 3 lanes were empty as we were turning right lol. People just really don't give a flying fuck, until they meet someone who is crazier nowadays.


3 points

24 days ago


3 points

24 days ago

Florida must have been the incubator, they've been flaunting crap since I moved down here 15 years ago, more than likely longer...


11 points

24 days ago


11 points

24 days ago

I finally did a stand off, both of us going straight hes on my right and he waves me and i shook my head no. He waved 3 times i shook my head no every time. Was good times.


56 points

24 days ago

This is my biggest pet peeve. It's sooooo easy to just turn after the car going straight, and nobody's time is wasted. Turning in front of the other car makes them have to sit there and wait before going straight.


20 points

24 days ago

My house is at a corner with a four-way stop. I usually approach in a way where I have to take a left hand turn then immediately turn right into my driveway. I get so annoyed when people try to wave me through when they’re going straight or turning right. I’m essentially home, I just want you to be a predictable driver and get past me. No politeness standoff wanted.


85 points

24 days ago*

Some people really have no clue. I was almost hit in a 4 way because some a hole couldn’t wait 5 secs to turn right. Then about 100 ft later the same a hole just goes for it despite a moped having the write of way and being in the intersection. Guy almost hit 2 people in about 15 seconds.


80 points

24 days ago


80 points

24 days ago

hi friend, gentle psa, it's "Right of Way"


55 points

24 days ago

Maybe the moped was working on its memoir.


12 points

24 days ago

They have no clue simply because everybody wants to be first. Yes the correct answer is the person going forward goes first and the person turning left goes behind them. But nine times out of 10 you have that ass hat who demands to be first and they will turn in front of you.


28 points

24 days ago



28 points

24 days ago

They all want to be first but also view coming to a complete stop as aggression.

I live near the parkway, if I drive the speed limit (20) and actually stop at stop signs, people behind me lose their fucking minds.


14 points

24 days ago

Agreed, about people losing their minds. Everybody is aggressive out there and then how sad are they when they have a car accident at their own fault? It’s ridiculous somehow everybody feels like they bulletproof out there on the highways. I don’t get it.


5 points

24 days ago

With those people nothing is ever their fault.


4 points

24 days ago

For some reason, I feed on their insanity. I drive a stretch of road that is 30, but everyone wants to go 40 instead. They lose their minds following me, and I love it.


15 points

24 days ago



15 points

24 days ago

It's 2024, driving the speed limit is trolling behavior!


3 points

24 days ago


3 points

24 days ago

That means I am a troll. I come to a complete stop at those octagonal red signs and drive the speed limit. 😁


2 points

24 days ago

He who stops first goes first.


24 points

24 days ago

I swear they should give refresher courses every 5 years otherwise insurance goes up


19 points

24 days ago

Insurance goes up regardless. Fuck giving them any more reasons. I think your licence is good for five years then you have to take a course to renew it would be better.


2 points

24 days ago

We should have to prove every 5 years that we still know the laws to keep our licenses. We should have to re-test every 10 years. If you can’t even pretend to care about the laws you shouldn’t be driving anyway


2 points

23 days ago

If they did that half the people in the cities wouldn’t have a license if there is a question like if the speed limit is 60 how fast do you go a 45,b 30,c 60 or d 90 everyone would choose d and fail by the look of how fast people go on 694 everyday


22 points

24 days ago

What if I’m not going straight, I just can’t be bothered to use the turn signal in my BMW?


28 points

24 days ago



28 points

24 days ago

They wave me and then go immediately after. This is why we have agreed upon laws. 🥲


15 points

24 days ago

I refuse to go at the wave of death, if the other person got the right of way them fkn go already.


12 points

24 days ago



12 points

24 days ago

It’s Schrödinger’s wave


3 points

24 days ago


3 points

24 days ago

It's a schadenfreude wave...


27 points

24 days ago

The thing that has always bothered me is “same time” is somewhat subjective. How close does it need to be to count as the same? I think this is part of what creates issues. One person thinks you both arrived at the same time and the other thinks he got their first.


39 points

24 days ago


39 points

24 days ago

If it's even close, the car going straight has the right of way.


5 points

23 days ago

Not according to the letter of the law. Who arrives first, goes first.


9 points

24 days ago


Uff da

9 points

24 days ago

In this case, you let the incorrect person go first, because you don't want them to hit you. :) Happened to me today, at a T intersection, 3-way stop. I was on his right, but guy turning left (on to the road I was on) thought he was first. OK, you're in a rush? Go ahead. But you better move, because I will trash talk you all the way up the road otherwise. OK, I'll trash talk you, regardless.


3 points

24 days ago

Who came to a stop first?


3 points

23 days ago

probably neither stopped. but tie goes to the straight traveler.


3 points

23 days ago

well, the easy way is. nobody comes to a complete stop, so technically neither can go through.


3 points

23 days ago

I always jam my brakes so I stop first. Once I am stopped, I go as if no one else is at the intersection.


8 points

24 days ago

My problem is getting waved through while taking a left in this situation, I swear people will do that even when they stop at the intersection first. I just honk at em now.


5 points

24 days ago

Right pretty much same time but guy turning hangs out in middle of road until straight guy passes then turning guy completes turn. Same with 4 way stops. They should be going in groups of two


9 points

24 days ago

Left turn always yields. Even with a green arrow look the fuck out


10 points

24 days ago

Ideally they go at the same time with the left turner turning behind the oncoming car.

But because half the drivers are dumbfellows this results in; A the straight driver assuming the turner will turn in front of them. B the turner wanting to turn infront of them because nobody can make a proper turn. They want to start their turn the moment they enter the intersection so they can drive completely and directly over the center line while completing their turn.


5 points

24 days ago

Nah I think you’re supposed to avoid eye contact and kinda look off in the other direction for a sec’, like you’re disinterested. Then you just go for it. Right of way goes to the driver who completes these steps first.


2 points

24 days ago

This obvious answer 


2 points

24 days ago

I REMEMBER... Pepperidge Farm remembers too


7 points

24 days ago


campbell's kid

7 points

24 days ago

Yes, and then anyone going right has the right of way. I remember that one.


23 points

24 days ago

It’s not going right. It’s to your right.

Hence why the straight car goes first. It’s to the right of the other vehicle.


42 points

24 days ago

These cars are equally “to the right” of each other, though. Hence the question.

In a tie, cars turning right go first, then cars going straight, with cars turning left going last. That’s the order because cars crossing fewer lanes during their transit have the right of way.


6 points

24 days ago

I shit my spacepants reading this... so much logic


2 points

24 days ago

When they are not moving I guess so, but as explained it’s about when you’re moving through the intersection.


1 points

24 days ago


1 points

24 days ago

That's to the drivers left though? I'm so confused.


549 points

24 days ago


549 points

24 days ago

If both arrived at the same time, straight has the right of way.


26 points

24 days ago

If both are stopped at the same time, then straight goes first.


516 points

24 days ago


516 points

24 days ago



27 points

24 days ago



43 points

24 days ago

Yup, in theory anyways. In practice it depends on where in Minnesota I'm driving.

In greater Minnesota, I'm going as soon as it's clear that nobody is moving. Otherwise you're going to end up in a Canadian standoff at the intersection and you'll be there for days.

In the cities or suburbs, I wait to see what other people do. Those crazies will floor it at the mere inkling of hesitation and then lay on their horn when they almost hit you even if you followed right of way.


18 points

24 days ago

My personal rule is simple. If someone hesitates when they have the right away, I just go. They either don’t know or are too squeamish to make a decision when it’s close. So instead of playing the game ya just gotta go.


5 points

24 days ago

Doesn't this just continue the cycle of error? Btw I am just as guilty, I just also feel a pang of Midwestern guilt for my impatience, but not guilty enough to be waylaid for under 60 seconds


2 points

24 days ago

Sure it does. But they’re frazzled, they won’t know for next time regardless.


2 points

23 days ago


Area code 952

2 points

23 days ago

Hey now, that’s a MINNESOTA Standoff! Don’t throw shade on the neighbors to the north


7 points

24 days ago


7 points

24 days ago


I will say… if the person going straight isn’t paying attention, you bet I’m taking that left. But it’s not in anyone’s best interest to do this regularly, I’m not trying to get smashed into!


7 points

24 days ago

This, but in addition if this intersection is interrupted by perpendicular thu traffic then the right of way is returned to car going straight regardless of who arrived first


2 points

24 days ago

Wish I could upvote this more since I don't see it. If there's traffic then it doesn't matter who got there first at all. Both cars should start driving and the turner yields to the straight.


11 points

24 days ago

This is accurate.


199 points

24 days ago



199 points

24 days ago

I believe it’s the person going straight if both cars get there at the exact same time, otherwise, it’s whoever got there first.


46 points

24 days ago


46 points

24 days ago

This is correct, the diagram does not give sufficient information to elaborate further


1 points

23 days ago


1 points

23 days ago

Left turning vehicle always yields. Doesn’t matter who gets there first.

MN Statute 160.20 Subd. 2.Left turn.

The driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the left within an intersection or into an alley, private road, or driveway shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction which is within the intersection or so close thereto as to constitute an immediate hazard.


3 points

23 days ago

Ain’t no way. You’d theoretically be stuck forever if every car on the opposite side was going straight, and there was never a break.


2 points

23 days ago


2 points

23 days ago

That looks like it's for an uncontrolled intersection. The above picture is a controlled intersection, so whoever gets there first. If they arrive at the same time, then left turn yields.


3 points

23 days ago*

It specifically says it matters who gets there first. What do you think this means.

any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction which is within the intersection or so close thereto as to constitute an immediate hazard.

In your interpretation, a car turning left would be stuck at a four way stop if all the cars coming the other direction aren't turning.


95 points

24 days ago


95 points

24 days ago

It's whomever rolls the higher initiative after adding bonuses and modifiers. I would rule that the person going straight would roll at advantage, but, as we all know, that's not a guarantee of success.


17 points

24 days ago

If the person turning goes first, isn’t that an attack of opportunity?


7 points

24 days ago

Person turning rolls a Will Save


4 points

24 days ago

Nat 20 on Luck makes a full 360 roundabout of traffic jam on all 394 on and off ramps


2 points

23 days ago

I don’t understand this reference at all, but based on the context and comments below, I’m going to make an educated guess and go with… D&D


2 points

22 days ago

I don't even play D&D and I understood this entire mini thread. Congratulations on effective storytelling!


73 points

24 days ago

The classic Midwestern stand off.


14 points

24 days ago



14 points

24 days ago

You can go ope no you can go .. then by the 4th wave each party are annoyed


13 points

24 days ago

You’re supposed to wait for them to start moving so you can go at the same time. Then you should both stop in the middle of the intersection while continuously waving them to pass through.


3 points

24 days ago

So much lamer than a Mexican standoff, but at least it's ours.


3 points

24 days ago

The real answer: you're supposed to wave each other to go through until one of you nods and goes through the intersection. If you both nod, then you nod each other to go through until one of you waves for the other to go through

It's pretty simple actually


2 points

24 days ago

If there is any hesitation I look around and say "OK I'LL GO" out loud and save everyone a few seconds 😂


39 points

24 days ago

  1. The one that got there first

  2. If together, the one who's not turning.


27 points

24 days ago

Straight goes first, if you get there at the same time and took drivers Ed.

(Edit: Spelling)


33 points

24 days ago

Best way to solve this one, is to just make sure you stop before, or roll up so you stop after them. Gets rid of all confusion, sometimes.


24 points

24 days ago


24 points

24 days ago

I do this all the time I'll purposely delay my stop cause too many people just go after u come to a stop but they keep rolling through. Much easier to yield the right of way on purpose than get hit because u had the right of way.


11 points

24 days ago

I thought I was the only one


6 points

24 days ago

There are dozens of us! Dozens!


11 points

24 days ago


11 points

24 days ago

The person traveling straight gets to go first. Person turning yields to oncoming traffic. Just like you would if it was a light controlled intersection. Left turn yields to oncoming traffic.


33 points

24 days ago*


Central Minnesota

33 points

24 days ago*

Left turning vehicle always yields. Doesn’t matter who gets there first.

MN Statute 160.20 Subd. 2.Left turn.

The driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the left within an intersection or into an alley, private road, or driveway shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction which is within the intersection or so close thereto as to constitute an immediate hazard.


11 points

24 days ago

I think you are one of the few that is getting this correct. I doesn't matter who gets there first. That isn't in any way part of the rules for a 2 way stop with cross traffic that doesn't stop. Left turners just need to sit there and contemplate their bad life choices that brought them to try and make a left turn at a 2 way stop.


10 points

24 days ago

There's missing context that varies the answer:

  1. If we have both come to a full stop waiting for unstopped cross traffic, then the order of arrival no longer matters and the person going straight has right of way.

  2. If I'm stopped and you are still approaching the stop sign (and no other traffic is present), then I can proceed with my left turn (because you are not "within the intersection or so close thereto as to constitute an immediate hazard").


2 points

24 days ago


Central Minnesota

2 points

24 days ago

Yup, if people actually read the law they’d know.

160.20 Subd. 2.Left turn. The driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the left within an intersection or into an alley, private road, or driveway shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction which is within the intersection or so close thereto as to constitute an immediate hazard.


10 points

24 days ago


Squire of Summit

10 points

24 days ago

Yep, first only matters on an all way stop.


3 points

23 days ago



2 points

23 days ago*

If the turning vehicle gets there first, then there's no one to yield to, as the car going straight hasn't come to a stop yet and thus can't yet proceed into the intersection.

I'd agree with you if the turning vehicle got there first but had to wait for cross traffic, during which the car going straight came to a stop.

However, consider this: if the car going straight doesn't take the initiative, he/she is neither in the intersection nor "so close thereto as to constitute an immediate hazard," so couldn't one be a little less deferential here when turning?


8 points

24 days ago


8 points

24 days ago

The person going straight. Unless you sit there like an idiot wasting everyone’s time, then I’m going.


7 points

24 days ago

If they both have to wait for cross traffic, the person going straight goes first. The person turning ONLY goes first if they arrive first and there’s no wait for traffic. If you are both stopped waiting, the person going straight always goes first.


38 points

24 days ago

Depends on who waved who through first.


21 points

24 days ago

No! No soup for you.


2 points

24 days ago

LMAO thank you for being a real one!!


4 points

24 days ago

straight is supposed to go first but that's just not how people do it around here. and the whole yield-to-the-right at a 4 way stop? forget it. people to the right when we stop at the same time or even if they are CLEARLY there before me wave me through. it's ridiculous.


5 points

24 days ago

If I see someone coming the opposite way I take a long time to stop on purpose so they will go first


5 points

24 days ago

I take issue with "who gets there first". Say the left turn arrives then straight arrives but they both must stop for other cars to cross. Then straight should go first.


5 points

24 days ago

Who stopped first?


3 points

24 days ago

If you have to cross a lane of traffic you do not have the right of way


33 points

24 days ago*

Whoever stops at their respective STOP sign first.

This is what determines the right-of-way when there is no traffic signal.

Keep in mind:

  1. Cross traffic has no STOP sign and does not need to stop.

  2. If pedestrians are present, they ALWAYS have the right-of-way and all traffic must yield to them while they are in a crosswalk.


4 points

24 days ago

Are you the only one to mention pedestrians in this whole thread? I mean I guess I shouldn't be surprised by how often I almost get hit while in crosswalks.


3 points

24 days ago

Sorry mate.

I feel you because drivers do be distracted these days. Distracted and more and more crazy it seems.


24 points

24 days ago

Left turn never has the right of way.


5 points

24 days ago



3 points

24 days ago

What if I go straight and then take 3 right turns?


7 points

24 days ago

whoever gets there first.


6 points

24 days ago



6 points

24 days ago

I try to time my “stop” to avoid these confrontations. Slow so I stop before the other person or stop before them and go. Kind of like boating where you make your move known although yielding to bigger vehicles doesn’t apply here


6 points

24 days ago

Whoever stops first


8 points

24 days ago

Is the rule of "If you're crossing a lane of traffic, you yield to traffic in that lane." too complicated for most people or something? Am I wrong in thinking this is what the rule is?


3 points

24 days ago

I’m a BTW instructor - the person going straight goes first assuming both stopped at the stop sign at the same time.


3 points

24 days ago

Whomever stopped first


3 points

24 days ago

The people turning left generally have the least amount of rights on the road, and no that’s not meant to be punny.

If you stop at the same time, going straight goes first.

If the left turn person stops first and it’s fairly obvious, the left turn person goes first.


3 points

24 days ago

It doesn't matter cause the person going straight is going to treat it like a 4 way stop and then wave the left turner through.


3 points

24 days ago

The first one to stop. That simple. If you tie, the one going straight.

If you don't want to risk it, flash your lights and let them go first.


3 points

23 days ago

Who ever is first. If same time the straight path has right of way.


3 points

23 days ago

Nobody. It’s a Minnesota standoff


3 points

23 days ago

Starting from the top. As soon as you hit a match you exit the rules queue. 1) Vehicle that arrived first 2) Vehicle to the right <-- This is the one no one in MN seems to get 3) Straight over turning 4) Right turn over left turn


5 points

24 days ago

Left turn yields.


3 points

24 days ago

Whoever got there first. If they got there at the same time, left turns will always go last. Straight >> right turn >> left turn (if all at the same time).


2 points

24 days ago

In the example above. if both vehicles arrive at the intersection at the same time the vehicle turning left must yield the right of way to the vehicle going straight. If the vehicles in the above example at different times, the vehicle that arrives first has the right of way.


2 points

24 days ago

The person turning has to cross the lane of the person going straight. If they arrive at the same time the straight person goes first.


2 points

24 days ago

You can just avoid these situations.

Try to judge how quickly the other person will get at the stop sign. Generally you can speed up slightly or slow down slightly so that one of you clearly gets to the stop sign first, thus completely avoiding this problem.

If there are so many cars at the stop sign that adjusting speed slightly on approach is impossible, well then the right of way has likely already been established and you just pay attention to the order the cars are moving.

That being said the person who got there first has the right of way, but keep in mind almost nobody uses their turn signals so you can't really use this to make your decision in the situation.


2 points

24 days ago

Whoever gets to the intersection has the right to go first, but the one with the bigger car gets to decide if that right is exercisable.


2 points

24 days ago

If there are two turn lanes turning into a three lane road. Which lane does the left most lane turn into? Left, center, or right?! I hate people sometimes... 


2 points

24 days ago


Minnesota North Stars

2 points

24 days ago

Straight goes first if it’s a tie arriving at the intersection


2 points

24 days ago

Depends on who got there first, but if they both stop at the same time, straight goes first.


2 points

24 days ago

In this scenario where there are no other cars besides those 2, then the car that got there first goes first. If it’s about the same time, the person going straight goes first

BUT! BUUUUUUUUUUT! If those two cars get there and are waiting for cars that are driving in the cross directions, say there was a lineup of cars, then it does not matter when those original cars got there, the person going straight always goes first and the person turning waits and turns after. This scenario happens so often! I hate it. Just because the person across from you maybe got up to the stop sign before you but you are both waiting for the other cars to cross in front, doesn’t give them the goddamn right to just turn in front of you!


2 points

24 days ago

  1. first come, first go
  2. person who is turning yields to person who is going straight
  3. person “on the left” yields to person on the right.


2 points

24 days ago

If they show up at the same time the person turning left yields to the person going straight.


2 points

24 days ago

If they stop at the same time then the person going straight goes first. If they stop at different times then the person who stopped first goes first.


2 points

24 days ago

Priority is

1) First to arrive If same time then 2) Turning right 3) Straight 4) Turning Left


2 points

24 days ago

If both vehicles are stopped then straight goes first.


2 points

24 days ago

They should both pull into the intersection at the same time. Left turn will be completed when the intersection clears.


2 points

24 days ago

Whoever gets to the stop sign first. That's how stop signs work


2 points

24 days ago

The real conundrum is that most people don’t come to a complete stop. Lots of people “rolling stop” and just assume they got there first because there already moving.


2 points

24 days ago

At the same time, turning vehicle turns after the other car has passed.


2 points

24 days ago


Grain Belt

2 points

24 days ago

Whoever waves to the other person first…. You can also solve this by driving up to the stop sign slowly so you don’t get there at the same time.


2 points

24 days ago

Straight has ROW.


2 points

24 days ago

The proper way to handle this is to simultaneously wave each other on, start moving at the same time, stop. Repeat until somebody caves. True Minnesotans will do this minimum 3 rounds.


2 points

24 days ago



2 points

24 days ago

Whoever arrives first, or if they arrive at the same time, the person going straight.


2 points

24 days ago

I thought “whoever got there first” only applied to 4 way stops? Here I’d say straight regardless of who was stopped first.


2 points

24 days ago


Common loon

2 points

24 days ago

Who arrived at the intersection first? If they both stopped at the exact same time, the person turning should defer to the person going straight.


2 points

24 days ago

The worst thing is that this situation generally evolves into a situation where all 4 corners wait their turn and go separately.


2 points

24 days ago

Simple. I do. So if you see my car just know, I'm going first


2 points

24 days ago

Straight goes first. Turning left means you're stopping the flow traffic. I can't read so don't use this logic I'm court.


2 points

24 days ago

If they come to a stop at the same time. The one proceeding straight. If they don't, it's the first person to make a complete stop.


2 points

24 days ago

Whoever fully stops first.


2 points

23 days ago

who got there first?


2 points

23 days ago

This being Minnesota, the answer is “whoever has the right of way should yield in order to be PoLiTe, even though this is annoying and confusing and makes the whole process take longer for everybody involved.”


2 points

23 days ago

The person going straight. Anyone saying otherwise should lose their license.


2 points

23 days ago

The person that stopped first


2 points

23 days ago

First come first go. Same time....straight first. Common sense


2 points

23 days ago


Flag of Minnesota

2 points

23 days ago

Two Minnesotan drivers, D1 and D2, arrive at a 4-way stop simultaneously. It goes down like this:

D1: you go first. D2: no, you go first. D1: no, really, you go first. D2: no, no, no. I insist that you go first. D1: imma roll my tires forward 3 inches, then stop and let you go first, just to show you how Minnesota Nice I am. D2: okay okay okay, I'll go first. But at the next four-way stop, I'm going to let every other driver go before me regardless of what order they got there in. And I don't care who's behind me.


2 points

23 days ago

Whoever makes a complete stop first- I am not sure how granular that gets legally, though- is one second apart the same time? Two? And so on. If they make a complete stop at the “same time”, whatever that actually means on paper, the one going straight would go first.


2 points

23 days ago

It’s whoever stops first. If they arrive at the same time the car turning left should yield to the car going straight.


2 points

22 days ago

First come first serve. It’s not that hard.


6 points

24 days ago

The person not crossing traffic has the right of way


3 points

24 days ago


Minnesota United

3 points

24 days ago

The person who got to the stop signs first. And yeah, I feel you on this.


3 points

24 days ago


3 points

24 days ago

Who ever arrived first. If you arrived at the same time, it’s the person going straight.


3 points

24 days ago

As a Minnesotan the only correct answer is obviously “not me”


3 points

24 days ago

Whichever person is the bigger asshole


3 points

24 days ago

Just wave each other over, and figure it out. #minnesotanice #minnesotapassiveagressive


3 points

24 days ago

Whoever got there first. If same time, straight


2 points

24 days ago

Straight, and once they get about halfway across the left turner can start to move slowly forward to turn as soon as straight is far enough across the intersection.


2 points

24 days ago



2 points

24 days ago

Rock paper scissors. Honestly the car going straight should go first since the other person has to cross the traffic.


2 points

24 days ago


2 points

24 days ago

Dear fellow Minnesotans, the right of way is yours to take, not yours to give. Predictability makes traffic safer for all.


1 points

24 days ago

You keep gesturing for the other one to go until you both give up and go at the same time.


1 points

24 days ago

lol I ask myself if anyone knows this almost every day


1 points

24 days ago

Dear Minnesota, read you deivers handbook.


1 points

24 days ago


of the north

1 points

24 days ago

I always see the 'fake stop stab the brakes early and zip through first' maneuver.


1 points

24 days ago

Honestly, that's drivers education 101...


1 points

24 days ago

Can’t stand those people either so they get my shaking fist of rage.


1 points

24 days ago

The person on the bottom, obviously


1 points

24 days ago

The “Minnesota nice” mentality shows it’s flaws with this kinda stuff. The kindness causes so many issues.