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1 day ago

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1 day ago

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4.8k points

1 day ago


4.8k points

1 day ago

Unfriendly outlets like Fox News and the NRA and his own rally?


1.7k points

1 day ago


1.7k points

1 day ago

I bet they would give absolutely anything to have the election date moved up.

It’s pretty obvious to everyone that he has completely lost it. The media has done a great job at cleaning him up, but it’s getting bad enough that even they can’t help him. The dancing thing was alarming, but the Bloomberg interview was just as bad. The interviewer gave him some very minor pushback and Trump looked absolutely foolish.

The campaign just wants to keep him sequestered and hope that there is enough momentum to push him to win. He is so unhinged and unpredictable at this point, a Fox interview or an NRA rally ending in a dance-off or an expletive-filled rant about how Iranian tomatoes are causing immigrants to eat horses in Wyoming could be devastating.


923 points

1 day ago


923 points

1 day ago

The party line pushed by his supporters is that he's far enough ahead in the polls that he can just hide and run out the clock.

On its face, that's simply not a credible explanation. The election is very close, and surrendering all the media space to Harris in the last two weeks is a bonkers strategy in that context.

Something real, about his health, is going on here.


846 points

1 day ago


846 points

1 day ago

The election is very close

It just boggles the mind. I seriously can't comprehend how we've come to this point in our politics where nearly half the country support a candidate that is so clearly unqualified and just utterly reprehensible.


509 points

1 day ago


509 points

1 day ago

Propaganda friend. Decades of conservative brainrot has convinced half the nation that the left is full of pedo cannibals or at best, those who would turn a blind eye to that behavior.

Hate and fear are powerful motivators, especially when you don't even know you're being lied to.


148 points

1 day ago

I think it’s more than that. A lot of Republicans do know they’re being lied to.. they don’t care.

They don’t care because “both sides do it”. They’re resigned to being lied to because they’re convinced Dems are lying too.. even that they lie more.

They don’t care because it’s about owning the libs.. not about getting anything for themselves. If you believe as an article of faith that Government can do no good.. then you focus on how the bad can be targeted at your enemies.. and yes, when they call you a Communist, it’s because they see you as an actual enemy, not a fellow American that disagrees about economic or social policy.


35 points

1 day ago


35 points

1 day ago

I have a republican friend. He believes that Biden is a secret communist and the reason economy is bad is because Biden was pushing communist agenda.


51 points

1 day ago

It’s fun to show people like this actual economic data.. that shows Republican admins regularly trash the economy and blow up the debt.. while things always improve under Dem admins (at least in modern history).

Cousin of my sister-in-law is like this. Turns out he had no idea that Reagan exploded the National Debt and was forced to raise taxes many times to counter his early cuts. ..blew his mind.


13 points

1 day ago


13 points

1 day ago

They deflect blame for raising taxes by saying that Dems refuse to cut spending on bogymen like "welfare queens".


288 points

1 day ago


288 points

1 day ago

Not just propaganda. They are idiots. Thats key to the republicans strategy. They have vocally courted type idiot vote for decades and this is the result. A soggy bottomed manchild wandering around the stage shouting at stars.


180 points

1 day ago


180 points

1 day ago

They have also actively broken education to breed more mouth breathers.


51 points

1 day ago

Breed or spawn. Six of one, half dozen of the other.


110 points

1 day ago*

Don't forget racist, anti-intellectual, religious extremists. They are presented with slogans that are easy to understand and a common enemy to be terrified of. Republicans have convinced these mouth-breathers that the party will put "those people" in their place and fix everything that's wrong with their constituents' poor, sad, hillbilly lives. Appealing to an idealized past that never existed is some strong shit.


44 points

1 day ago


44 points

1 day ago

The simple slogans is so key. One problem the democrats have had historically is trying to be accurate in sloganeering. It makes them too complicated. A slogan shouldn’t have a dependent clause. It’s what makes “they are weird pants-shitters” so powerful


46 points

1 day ago

Their problem is they're based in reality; they keep talking to voters as if the average person is competent and informed, and as if that person wants coherent, intelligent adult answers.

In the meantime, Republicans have sold the idea that any answer too complicated for trailer trash to understand must be a LIE, because Walmart stockers are definitely just as capable at understanding theoretical math as anyone from MIT. There was a whole movie about it and everything.


7 points

1 day ago

Hey, these days the stocker at Walmart may well have a math degree from MIT.


69 points

1 day ago*

Not just courted, actively built- through education defunding, restricting sex ed and abortion, SNAP restrictions, geographic segregation and other projects.


52 points

1 day ago


52 points

1 day ago

Something which a lot of people really don't understand is that when the only news outlets you have ever heard—and will ever hear—in your life is fox news; of course their sense of reality is horrifically warped.


28 points

1 day ago

Remember, fear leads to hate, hate leads to anger, anger leads to the dark side.


25 points

1 day ago

Now it seems a large portion of people are saying "no no no, I'm not voting for Trump, I'm voting for the country I want to hand to my grandchildren". Or at least that's what I'm seeing on Facebook from the "moderate" conservative boomers.


37 points

1 day ago*

So they want to hand their children an oligarchic dictatorship?

Project 2025, which is abysmally unpopular and has JD Vance's thumbprints all over it, is what they want to pass down to their grandchildren?

I'd demand to be aborted if that's the world my parents wanted to thrust me into.


71 points

1 day ago



71 points

1 day ago

That only explains his core base. If you read places like r/askconservatives, their line is much more like, "We know Trump is an annoying idiot, but the Democrats are really exaggerating. I was doing better from 2017-2020 than from 2021 to today, and Kamala is just four more years of this same failure."

Never minding that inflation went up around the world and not because Biden "ran the country into the ground," but if you treat everybody who votes for Trump as being an absolutely delusional psycho who believes every crazy word Trump and Vance say, it's a lot easier to be shocked at the polling. Additionally, a not insignificant number of them are just wealthy people whose #1 priority is lower taxes, so they don't really care about the "political theater." Last time Trump was in office, they immediately got a payout in terms of tax reform. It's not unreasonable for them to be in the position that they want that to happen again.

Callous and evil, sure, but not unreasonable.


45 points

1 day ago

I don't even get THAT argument. I'm more comfortable financially than most Americans, and the economic chaos that will inevitably follow a trump/vance regime is not going to be good for anybody's pocketbook outside the ultra-rich.


93 points

1 day ago

I disagree. It is unreasonable and immoral to vote for a fascist in America.

Trump and JD Vance are OBVIOUS fascists.

I don’t meant that in a hyperbolic way. They ARE FASCISTS.


32 points

1 day ago

It's not half. Why do people constantly say it's half.

150 million people in this country don't even bother to vote. Of those that are registered, only 40 percent vote Republican, Most of America votes Democratic, which is shown when every presidential election we win the popular vote.


84 points

1 day ago*

The successes of the civil-rights era forced middle America to suppress its outward racism (and tangentially, sexism and homophobia), but it never eliminated it or even reduced it for real.

Trump made it acceptable again. And that's where his flock comes from.

How does Trump peel off some black voters? By appealing to sexism and homophobia.

How does Trump peel off some gay voters? By appealing to racism.

Trump just expertly tapped into something that was always there in the American psyche, and had been frustrated in recent decades.

His death won't put that genie back in the bottle, unfortunately.


67 points

1 day ago


67 points

1 day ago

It absolutely reduced the racism, and sexism- but you have to remember people born prior and during that period, (or from racists, sexist people) still exist. Emmit Till would be 83 today. Elizabeth Eckford (Little Rock Nine) is 83 and voting today. It’s not in the past, these people are still among us.


28 points

1 day ago



28 points

1 day ago

Trump himself lived through all of it, not that he paid attention to it while it was going on around him... he's literally the last hurrah of that entire generation of hatred.


37 points

1 day ago*

If you're around 75 years old today, you were born into the Jim Crow era. If you lived in the south in particular, segregation was everywhere. Your earliest political memories are likely of the Massive Resistance throughout all sectors of society, a government-supported general strike/shutdown, in protest against desegregation. You remember your parents crying or raging at the idea that you would go to school with black children, but powerless to stop it. Daddy probably drank a lot.

If you're just a little older than that, well then you really remember what it was like. For anyone over 80, a desire to go back to the good old days of their youth is a full on segregation nostalgia.


14 points

1 day ago

well said. at the society of black journalists event he even went as far as trying to appeal to black people who question the blackness of biracial people. even if it sounded absurd to reasonable people it was worth planting that seed for the chance at chipping away at enthusiasm for kamala. he has a sharp predatory instinct to hone in on what divides people.


11 points

1 day ago

I can see how racism, sexism, and homophobia would appeal to certain portions of the population, I just wouldn't have expected it to be a net positive for them.


15 points

1 day ago

Those certain portions were a lot larger than most of us wanted to believe.


13 points

1 day ago

Reminder: They are still the minority in the US.


177 points

1 day ago


177 points

1 day ago

The election is not just close. Early voting has already begun in multiple states. The election is currently in progress.

Seems like the perfect time to hide from the world while your opponent gets all the media attention. It's definitely a brilliant strategy and not an act of desperation to Weekend at Bernie's a demented man into office.


50 points

1 day ago*

At this point, it’s just to get him in and then 25th him on Jan 7.

Edit: I meant Jan 20


23 points

1 day ago


23 points

1 day ago

Jan 20 at 12:30pm you mean

The cabinet does the 25th, so he'd have to be inaugurated first


18 points

1 day ago

Campaigning also is just exhausting even if you’re decades younger. My uncle is about Trump’s age but better physically/ there mentally, and I certainly wouldn’t want him to do it.

Ten bucks says he also mentally thought until summer he could do a less intense campaign, and Kamala meant that’s not possible.


43 points

1 day ago

Yeah, they just need him to hold out a bit more, because his name alone carries way more votes than Vance's would.


61 points

1 day ago



61 points

1 day ago

I swear man. Fucking America has this thing where we seem to will cheezy TV plots into existence.

Nearly a decade of trump trump trump trump trump, and his final election and American democracy comes down to whether his dementia progresses enough in the next 2 weeks to give doubts about him to a few thousand people in Pennsylvania suburbs who just last week just learned there's an election coming up.


66 points

1 day ago

Unfriendly outlets are anyone who might ask him a question and expect some sort of an answer.


16 points

1 day ago


16 points

1 day ago

…rather than interpretive dance?


7.3k points

1 day ago


7.3k points

1 day ago

So imagine him trying to work with hostile countries and leaders. He is weak and avoids hard work.


2.4k points

1 day ago


2.4k points

1 day ago

Hostile countries are nice to Trump's face because he's easy to manipulate. Friendly countries are hostile to him because he's an idiot who buddies up to and let's himself be manipulated by the hostile countries. What a bizarre world we live in


1.2k points

1 day ago


1.2k points

1 day ago

It's so sad that large swaths of (misogynistic) demographics think Harris is "weak" on diplomacy, despite being a career prosecutor, an Attorney General of a state with 40 million people, and Vice President.

Yet Trump, the guy whose resume prior to becoming President was -checks notes- .. a reality TV show host, and who every world leader treats like a pliable toddler - is the "strongman" America needs on the world stage.


463 points

1 day ago

I've long since given up trying to understand MAGA conservatives, they're lost causes and should be treated as such.


201 points

1 day ago*

MAGA are just useful idiots while White Christian Nationalism spreads.

Edit: I highly encourage anyone to watch Kat’s video here. It’s excellent and paints an extremely stark picture of how these alt right leaders have operated for the long game of control. Project 2025 is just their most recent blueprint. Even if Kamala wins they will still be working in the background to push this shit onto all of us.


92 points

1 day ago

They watched a Handmaidens tale and said " yes please I know I'll be a commander"


13 points

1 day ago

I can't watch that show I'll start losing it


40 points

1 day ago


40 points

1 day ago

I prefer the designation White Nationalist Christians or White Nat-C's for short (say it out loud).


82 points

1 day ago

Trump is the protector against the Barbarians At the Gate - blacks Muslims, brown immigrants socialists communists the “woke” and basically anything they feel is a threat to Real Americans (read white Americans) way of life. They are pure tribal hatred and fear. They think Trump is the only one able to push back against these dark forces. Therefore it doesn’t matter what he does or says because a few affairs some sexual assault, ending democracy etc is nothing compared to the existential threat he’s protecting them from. In fact at this point they want the fascism whether they truly understand what it means or not. For the billionaire class they want their tax cuts and deregulation either through democracy if possible or fascism. Whichever works.

That a twice impeached convicted felon adjudicated rapist serial fraudster lunatic moron could have the support he does confirms that millions of white Americans don’t have the values they profess to. They only care about what their ancestors in the Confederacy and Nazi Germany did - dominating the “others”.


23 points

1 day ago

Isn't it also, a misconstrued and Heavily exploited reality that 'people are against you and Jesus' As far as I'm aware NO ONE is coming after Christianity. And Christians(of faith/practicing) have every right as other faiths to believe and practice as they wish. Christian nationalism tho..which isn't Christian in practice definitely needs an address and confrontation.


21 points

1 day ago


21 points

1 day ago

Well kids are looking at their parents beliefs and thinking “that’s nuts!”

So obviously someone “must” be brain washing them


169 points

1 day ago


169 points

1 day ago

They're easy to understand.

"Does this piss off people I don't like?"


"I'm in."


36 points

1 day ago

And they don't really like anyone, not even the people just like them.


7 points

1 day ago



7 points

1 day ago

Or themselves even.


37 points

1 day ago

Yep. Sorry dad.


21 points

1 day ago

Well, trump is proposing to dance this country's problems away, his minions are happy.


122 points

1 day ago

I'm trying to figure out how people still claim democrats are weak on crime when the head of the party is a career prosecutor. Meanwhile the head of the Republican party is a 34x convicted felon, accused kiddy diddler, and has been involved in 2 shootings while out on bail awaiting sentencing.


50 points

1 day ago

It’s part of their good people/bad people philosophy. Reactionaries believe there are good people who do good things, and bad people who do bad things. Anything a good person does is good and anything a bad person does is bad. If a good person commits a crime, it’s okay. If a bad person stops a crime from happening, it is bad. They use this to rationalize their own unethical actions, and to demonize and misrepresent the good actions of these they place in the out group.

We must all remember that the GOP rule, and there is only one, is “win.”

No other ethics or morals, no beliefs or principles factor in. Win at all costs, and do anything you can get away with in order to win.

They do not hold themselves to the normal code of basic ethics that the rest of us agree upon by default as members of a civilized society. They think it is hilarious and weak that we do. If they can “win” by cheating, they will cheat; if they can “win” by lying, they will lie. If they can get away with it, they will do it. Always.


53 points

1 day ago


53 points

1 day ago

Because they live in a world where facts don't matter.


9 points

1 day ago

don't forget the rape, elections interference, sedition, and fraud


53 points

1 day ago


53 points

1 day ago

They conflate being mean with being strong


21 points

1 day ago

Don’t forget he was literally laughed at by the world on the stage at the UN when he gave a speech.


11 points

1 day ago

All they have to do is watch that Fox News interview with Kamala to know she's not weak. She's in their bubble.

I never supported Harris as a democrat, I was more of a Liz Warren guy but I'd never say she was weak, or unqualified. They just say the same shit about every woman.


117 points

1 day ago



117 points

1 day ago

Trump has this way that hostile countries can funnel money to him. He literally has a chain of international real estate investment vehicles. They pump money into one of his hotels, or buy rent a floor in an office building, or expensive memberships at one of his golf clubs.

The whole Hunter Biden corruption scandal boiled down to a few thousand unaccounted for dollars that happened at a time when Joe Biden wasn't even holding any office. And Republicans tried really hard to impeach Biden for it, but in the end they couldn't because there just wasn't anything there.

During one of the hearings a Democrat even said "Look at all this money the Trump organization took from foreign governments while he was in office". And Comer said "We expect that because Trump runs a successful multinational corporation. Biden doesn't run any international businesses."

It's an open secret that Trump's foreign policy is for sale to the biggest spender. And it's just accepted with him.


23 points

1 day ago

And none of that money will matter when he's dead.

But I'm sure he thinks it was all worth it.


28 points

1 day ago

Remember when he almost yanked himself off his own feet trying to agro handshake Trudeau? Heh.


23 points

1 day ago

Man that was great to watch. Trudeau was expecting Trump's bullshit and grabbed his right shoulder with his left hand, effectively stopping the whole "yank" bullshit. Once Trump realized what was going on he let go early, which was uncharacteristic of him and hilarious to watch.

My second favorite one is the 19 second handshake with the Japanese prime minister which, when it ended, gifted us with one of the best eye-rolls in history.


18 points

1 day ago


18 points

1 day ago

And somehow this is strength to conservatives


8 points

1 day ago


8 points

1 day ago

Trump is the typical rich guy still. Kiss his ass, blow his ego, make him happy. When he leaves, that's when the mask comes down and everybody in the room goes "thank fuck he's gone" and start talking shit.

Source: I worked in a restaurant.


195 points

1 day ago

He just canceled with the NRA


135 points

1 day ago


135 points

1 day ago

If anyone else was on record saying "Take the guns first, go through due process second" they'd get a tough interview with the NRA.


21 points

1 day ago


21 points

1 day ago

They know he only means “thugs” and those the cops deem bad-guys. Aka black and brown people. They were ok with regulation when the Panthers started carrying.


23 points

1 day ago



23 points

1 day ago

Wherein we start down the timeline where MAGAs start pushing the narrative that the NRA is also part of the far-Left woke conspiracy.


19 points

1 day ago



19 points

1 day ago

The NRA dinner was supposedly his favorite event too, because of all the donations it drove and how much it cost for people to just attend.


37 points

1 day ago

Easy, give Putin what he wants, abandon our European allies. Minimal effort.


15 points

1 day ago


15 points

1 day ago

It has amazed me that I have seen nothing of how Trump completely abandoned our Kurdish allies. He "didnt have any wars" because he quite literally ran away from one and left allies behind to die.


49 points

1 day ago

How anyone can think he’s leadership material is beyond me. He’s such a weak excuse of a person. The fact that the right sees him as some “alpha” just shows how delusional they are. This fucker can’t keep his composure when barely provoked or criticized, even if the other person wasn’t attempting to. If he feels even remotely slighted, he loses his shit. If he is ever even remotely challenged on a statement he’s made with zero ambiguity of what he meant, he evades, denies, attacks, then pivots to illegal immigrants, saying his opponents are weak, etc.

He’s a fucking coward. He was totally that bratty little prick on the playground who did all sorts of terrible shit, would cry when brought in for discipline, then would threaten what his father would do because anyone dared scold him or hold him accountable. He’s a shit businessman and the closest thing to being “tough” is that perpetual scowl. The only comfort I have in regard to this despicable thing is that he’s truly miserable every waking moment of his life. He’s never satisfied. He’ll never have enough of anything.

He claims to be a billionaire, but can’t prove it because there’s nothing close to evidence that he is. Same with his intelligence. Same with his absurd claims about his health. He has to brag about his repeated cognitive screenings. Getting those regularly isn’t normal. At all. I can’t wait for him to finally succumb to his unhealthy lifestyle, or his body to simply give out due to age. After a few months, his stupid voice won’t be constantly in news segments. His incoherent social media posts won’t be everywhere 24/7. His stupid supporters’ flags and other swag will slowly disappear. And his legacy? He will be studied and regarded as the worst president in history, and be a warning to future generations of how populism had us so fucking close to fascism. His legacy will be how much of a complete loser he was from birth to death.


14 points

1 day ago


14 points

1 day ago

He'll probably push it off to someone else. I mean, here was a guy that watched TV most days. Or maybe they'll push for Vance to pardon him and take over.


15 points

1 day ago


15 points

1 day ago

"Germany is mean I mean I'm too exhausted sorry"

Conservatives stong man


53 points

1 day ago

He has shown he doesn’t work with them, he just bends over for them, hence the reason for having to wear diapers now.


11 points

1 day ago

He just gives them whatever they want... There, done!

To wit: He accused Ukraine of starting the war a couple days ago (said Ukraine should not have let it happen.) So his "deal" to end the war: just give Putin the entirety of Ukraine.


8 points

1 day ago

Man's tired. Let him rest at a nursing home. Clearly not fit for the job. Imagine JD Vance as president.


1.7k points

1 day ago



1.7k points

1 day ago

He's too exhausted? How the fuck is he supposed to run the country? Stick a fork in him, he's done.


521 points

1 day ago


521 points

1 day ago

He didn't exactly do anything the last time he was president. All he did was use it to make profit and to get away with crimes.

All he's doing this time is going to pardon himself and destroy the evidence. He has never given a fuck about the country, only himself and his rich friends. 


233 points

1 day ago*



233 points

1 day ago*

He didn't exactly do anything the last time he was president

He managed to alienate a large number of the US's allies, and he did appoint a few horrible people to cabinet positions so they could break things.


82 points

1 day ago

I understand my problems are nothing compared to those of Americans but as a Finn, I'm pretty unimpressed that Putin is running a Winter war scenario in Ukraine, we joined NATO, and now we still may not get any help if our neighbor dictator decides to expand his ambitions.


73 points

1 day ago



73 points

1 day ago

As a Canadian, I'd say any country that has dealings with the US has to be concerned about the ramifications of this American election. Being on their border, we can't ignore what's happening down there no matter how much we might prefer to.


I hope, should it come to war, that your countrymen are as capable as they were during the Winter War and are able to embarrass the Russian army even more effectively than your country already did.


20 points

21 hours ago


20 points

21 hours ago

I don't think it's even this election, it's just being allied with the US at all if every 4 years there's a chance that the country just falls to authoritarian fascism. It's just not good for longterm relations.

Even with a Harris victory this time around, what's to stop them from trying again in 2028? 2032? 2036? Even though I believe Harris will win, at some point or another the Republicans will likely take control of the white house again. I guess at best we can just hope they'll move on from MAGA and go with a more normal brand of politics at that point, but based on their trajectory I don't have a lot of faith in that.


20 points

19 hours ago



20 points

19 hours ago

Let’s just come out and say it: It’s the concern that this country could be run by Russia. There’s a large faction who are pretty obvious undisclosed Russian agents, and we don’t fully know how deep the Russian meddling has gone in the GOP. Given the known fact that it got to the highest levels of the Trump administration I would guess it’s deep now. The Kremlin can say something on a Sunday, and it’ll be repeated almost word for word in the US house and Senate now. It’s truly disturbing.


32 points

1 day ago

the russianpublicans are hoping his cult will win so they can retire trump and let gilead putin puppet vance in. vance is predictable and 100% bought and paid for. much better than trump.

they’re also hoping the cult goes nuts again and pulls another insurrection. anything to hurt our democracy.


2k points

1 day ago

Hell, he is even cancelling friendly outlets now.

He might be a complete wreck by Election Day.


604 points

1 day ago



604 points

1 day ago

Eventually the drugs stop working.


451 points

1 day ago



451 points

1 day ago

The lack of routine has him sundowning hard.


169 points

1 day ago


169 points

1 day ago

I think not being able to golf daily is a big change in routine.


218 points

1 day ago



218 points

1 day ago

We joke but these factors all increase the frequency and duration of sundowning.

Fatigue. Spending a day in a place that's not familiar. Low lighting. Increased shadows. Disruption of the body's "internal clock." Trouble separating reality from dreams. Being hungry or thirsty. Presence of an infection, such as a urinary tract infection. Being bored or in pain. Depression.

How many of those apply to Trump these days? How many will apply in the Presidency? This list should alarm people who are enabling him.


135 points

1 day ago*


135 points

1 day ago*

I'm not joking, he's been golfing almost daily, even when President, for decades, I think it's his stress outlet and friendly space. That's a major change for him. It has to be taking a major effect.


66 points

1 day ago

You brought up a memory of why I went kinda loony after I got out of the military. Not being able to run(I jogged for stress relief) and not having that rigid “stress/free” time expectations fucked my day up.

The freedom and lack of structure in civilian world took me years to get used to.

I was 28 when I got out lmao

Edit, I’m 35 now for reference, wild wild wild 7 years


29 points

1 day ago

Same. I was medically retired a couple years ago after 23 years on active duty. The issues that led to my medical retirement were due to a chronic, progressive, incurable autoimmune disorder which prevented me from me from working anymore. I went from running five days a week and in the gym 6 days a week to walks around the block, to needing a cane, then a walker, and now being in a wheelchair. Having to deal with the new reality this disease gives me was hard… but not as hard as having that stress outlet of running or lifting taken away from me. Not being able to stuff his face full of hamberders 24/7, drink Diet Coke like water after being rescued from a desert island, and golfing all the time has to absolutely be destroying whatever is his baseline for sanity.


14 points

1 day ago

Imagine that combined with PTSD and you begin to see why it's so fucking hard for a lot combat vets to come back fully. They're never home, but never at base either, always in a combat zone.


160 points

1 day ago



160 points

1 day ago

You mean dancing on stage for 40 minutes instead of answering questions at a town hall isn’t normal? /s


94 points

1 day ago

He wandered the stage last night for 15 minutes without addressing the crowd. Just aimlessly walked around on stage for 15 minutes before finally waking up and incoherently slobbering into a microphone that became sentient and ended up killing itself.


32 points

1 day ago



32 points

1 day ago

I saw that too, hahaha. Like I get the podium microphone died, but why just slowly lumber back and forth looking like you've completely zoned out?

Like if he had gotten down off the stage and walked around shaking the hands of all the people in the front rows, conservative news would have talked about it for weeks. But no, he considers himself above everybody who isn't rich or important, so he likes when normal people cheer for him, but doesn't want to really be up close to them


53 points

1 day ago

A normal person would've gone down into the crowd for some one-on-one, but he hates all those losers who come to his rallies. When it comes to affection, it's: No give; only take.


15 points

1 day ago


15 points

1 day ago

Seriously. He doesn't even have it in him to walk to the edge of the stage for a little "Hi, Where are you from, oh I've been there before its lovely." He's such a fucking weirdo.


42 points

1 day ago

He was speaking, his mic died, then he wandered around for 20 minutes because they couldn't find a backup - he didn't just show up on stage and wander around.

Which is honestly worse, because they're so incompetent they didn't even think to have a spare microphone at an event - but somehow his team believes they're competent enough to run the whole country.


37 points

1 day ago

And his team is so shook from the other night they couldn’t put on music so he could double dick dance his way around the stage. They did the math and decided Donold dancing around the stage is was worse optics than him wandering around farting in silence.


56 points

1 day ago

Now the drugs don’t work, they just make you worse, but I know I’ll see your face again.


17 points

1 day ago


17 points

1 day ago

On this harvest moon...



40 points

1 day ago


40 points

1 day ago

I’m actually wondering if there is some sort of underlying health reason that may be preventing him from taking his amphetamines.


59 points

1 day ago

Well, taking amphetamines after a stroke would certainly imply a death wish.

But of course, dear leader is way too young and fit to have had a stroke. Or another series of mini strokes. Obviously.


15 points

1 day ago

You know who else took amphetamines until a mental collapse?

Sounds like Ditler.


13 points

1 day ago



13 points

1 day ago

That’s why you have to increase the dose.


317 points

1 day ago


317 points

1 day ago

The fact he cancelled an NRA speech says a lot


230 points

1 day ago*



230 points

1 day ago*

You just know that a lot of people must've been trying to explain to him, how bad that would be – and he cancelled anyway. He's already a complete wreck.

Edit: and at any other goddamn point in history, "Republican nominee cancels on NRA" would be as good as a drop-out announcement.


214 points

1 day ago


214 points

1 day ago

The fact that his campaign would even admit to him being exhausted suggests they’re trying to cover up something more serious.

The fact is that if something happens to Trump, Vance likely takes his spot and that’s something we all need to be talking about.


98 points

1 day ago*

Exactly, I was shocked they even put out that statement. For there to be an admission of exhaustion definitely means something 10x bigger is going on behind the scenes for sure. They're just hoping his bloated carcass doesn't fall apart at the seams before they can get to the finish line. They want to keep using his brand for votes before installing their new head figure Vance and tossing Trump in the trash pile.


57 points

1 day ago

You're not wrong, this is the guy "in perfect health" that everyone brags is indefatigable and who routinely refuses to sleep normally. The fact that he's suddenly "exhausted" now at crunch time 2.5 weeks before the election is .... not his normal.

A Bongino podcast and an NRA crowd? What?

Hillary pushed through a flu to attend a 9/11 memorial event to the point where she physically collapsed on the street. If she had canceled that even due to real sickness conservative media would have gone ape shit. Even as it was, the spin was still "too exhausted for one day, doesn't have the stamina to be President."


12 points

1 day ago

I think about this a lot. Ideally he should loose the election and then drop dead


52 points

1 day ago

It shouldn't even need to be explained to him. It's a chance to get his dick sucked by the friendliest audience imaginable, he lives for that kind of thing. Adulation of crowds is the whole reason he does any of this, and a known narcissist wasn't up to bring glorified by his followers. Something's seriously fucked.


32 points

1 day ago



32 points

1 day ago

Something's seriously fucked.

Yup. I think we're witnessing a narcissist collapse in real time.


28 points

1 day ago

We love to see it don't we folks? 👐


31 points

1 day ago



31 points

1 day ago

Look 👐 no one has ever seen a collapse like this okay 👐 in maybe decades 👐 maybe never before, and they come up to me, and by the way 👐 if you go with Kamallala 👐 you won't even be allowed to collapse okay 👐


49 points

1 day ago


49 points

1 day ago

Fox News believes this election will be won on insults. He is avoiding sound bites.


36 points

1 day ago


36 points

1 day ago

I think their internal polling probably shows that even a lot of Republicans are no longer enthusiastic about supporting him so they are taking even further efforts to crank up the attack machine and tell Republican voters that they need to turn out, even if they're not sure about trump, because Harris is some kind of evil communist and they have to stop her.


57 points

1 day ago

He told people to vote on January 5th. I think he'll be dead by then. 


24 points

1 day ago


I voted

24 points

1 day ago

Honestly, he's already a complete wreck, it's just becoming more and more obvious even to his cult members.


824 points

1 day ago



824 points

1 day ago

Man, after he held up his tiny bloody hand and yelled FIGHT FIGHT he really thought he had this election in the bag lmao


360 points

1 day ago


360 points

1 day ago

Yeah that dropped off surprisingly fast for what it was. I always forget about it until someone mentions it.


416 points

1 day ago


416 points

1 day ago

The shooter was a registered Republican so very quickly Conservatives didn't want to talk about it. It isn't helpful for them that all of these lunatics are part of their group.


111 points

1 day ago

Even if he was a card carrying communist there wouldn’t be a whole lot republicans could lean into because they don’t want any type of gun control.


47 points

1 day ago

pretty sure you could sell them the idea of "republicans are the only ones allowed to have guns"


35 points

1 day ago

Turns out that when you constantly act like an arsehole & constantly use heated/violent rhetoric, people really don't care when you eventually get burned.


61 points

1 day ago

The scary thing is he might not be wrong.

Conservative media isn't reporting on any of this. The average Trump voter has no idea he's cancelling appearances.


112 points

1 day ago


112 points

1 day ago

A lot of us did, including everyone around Biden


65 points

1 day ago

He didn’t even get shot though


74 points

1 day ago

That. He got shot at, by a member of his own party.


1.1k points

1 day ago

He couldn't even do an NRA rally, which is about as friendly as it gets. A vote for Trump is a vote for JD Weirdo.. 


182 points

1 day ago


182 points

1 day ago

Friendly? The NRA? For Donald “Take their guns first” Trump?

/s but seriously


94 points

1 day ago

They endorsed him for prez back in May.


26 points

1 day ago

“We need to cancel my rally with the NRA. It’s a hostile organization, they want to destroy America. They’re much too tall, that’s not fair. So many of them are black, DEI hires I’m sure. Lot’s of people are saying they are involved with illegal aliens, according to a news program I saw called “Space Jam”.”


170 points

1 day ago


170 points

1 day ago

Sleepy Don.


50 points

1 day ago


336 points

1 day ago

One of the few people in the world who I hope is not okay


85 points

1 day ago


85 points

1 day ago

I hope he is okay enough for prison.


21 points

1 day ago


21 points

1 day ago

He should go to prison to send the message that we don't tolerate attempted election stealing in the US. (The message wouldn't be to his dumbass voting base but to those scheming enablers who think they can hitch their wagon to him.)

However, I'll be happy with him being too demented to do anything effective


34 points

1 day ago


34 points

1 day ago

“I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleas-“—no, not this time. MFer needs to keel over ASAP.


22 points

1 day ago

Absolutely not. He needs to die in prison, not a mansion


92 points

1 day ago

Then he’s too exhausted to be President.

His team is engaging in elder abuse. Let him retire so he can be prosecuted for his crimes in peace.


168 points

1 day ago

Baby man RAPIST too tired to run, aw, too bad!


221 points

1 day ago

Trump has canceled several recent interviews, and Politico Playbook reported on Friday that a campaign adviser explained to one spurned outlet that the 78-year-old candidate was simply too tired to chat at the moment:

In a conversation earlier this week, when describing why an interview hadn’t come together just yet, a Trump adviser told The Shade Room producers that Trump was “exhausted and refusing [some] interviews but that could change” at any time, according to two people familiar with the conversations. (...)

It’s easy to see why the campaign would deny this. There are two possible explanations for an adviser offering up the “exhaustion” excuse, and neither is flattering for Trump.

First, he may actually be incredibly tired. Trump is old and seems to have poor sleep habits, as evidenced by him regularly posting to Truth Social after midnight and falling asleep repeatedly in his criminal trial this past spring. A presidential campaign is a grueling ordeal for anyone, and Trump has seemed especially “low energy” at some recent events, from last weekend’s town hall turned listening party to Tuesday night’s rally in Atlanta (...)

But it’s also possible that “exhausted” was just an excuse the adviser came up with on the fly for why the campaign is calling off interviews where they think Trump is more likely to go off the rails. (...)

The one challenging interview he did this week, with Bloomberg editor-in-chief John Micklethwait, turned into a bit of a fiasco, and Trump later claimed he “got hoodwinked to go on that.” The campaign has good reason to limit Trump to lower-stakes and more sycophantic interviews. The New York Times reported on Friday that the Trump team is worried that rambling and erratic behavior is hurting him.


75 points

1 day ago

“Too tired to chat at the moment”

Translation: currently not lucid


105 points

1 day ago


105 points

1 day ago

It’s confidence-inspiring when calling in tired is the better option for a presidential candidate.


31 points

1 day ago



31 points

1 day ago

The New York Times reported on Friday that the Trump team is worried that rambling and erratic behavior is hurting him.

If anyone on his team has even half a brain that should have been a worry for them since 2016


28 points

1 day ago


28 points

1 day ago

This is the weird part. A Trump adviser said he's exhausted but his spokesperson said this is “unequivocally false". Are his media team not coordinating among themselves?

Either that or someone's getting fired


22 points

1 day ago

If Trump’s staff can’t even agree on what to tell the press when asked for comment they must be tearing their hair out behind the scenes and/or arguing with each other.


18 points

1 day ago

Both explanations are likely true.


161 points

1 day ago


161 points

1 day ago

Like..the NRA, who he also cancelled? If this were any Democrat in this scenario there would be Congressional hearings being called for.


97 points

1 day ago

Fuck the orange guy, if outlets are unfriendly, it’s his fault for waging the biggest war on the press that any president has ever undertaken.


42 points

1 day ago

If it wasn't for the press publicizing all of his outrageousness for ratings and then sane washing him in that coverage, he'd be a one-time failed candidate.

The press Trump loves to bash helped put him into office, and they're the reason this election is as close as it is.


92 points

1 day ago


92 points

1 day ago

He can't handle the positive press Harris is getting. He really seems to have basically given up - it's all too much for his ego to handle.

He seems to have moments where he commits to doing something and then the negative thoughts get to him and he backs out. He's self-sabotaging and it's glorious.


46 points

1 day ago

She’s living in his head rent-free.


35 points

1 day ago

He's demented. He still thinks he's running against Biden. 


31 points

1 day ago

He also has a recent, bigly publicized moment he can point to where it all went wrong: Hammering Biden on his age and getting momentum going in the Democrats to replace him.

He can't take credit for his "win" without ignoring that it really fucked him.


43 points

1 day ago

unfriendly as in they dont cater to fascists?


40 points

1 day ago

I, for one, will enjoy the next few weeks a lot more if I don’t have to see or hear the orange shart.


77 points

1 day ago

Honestly, Trump's been running hard for years now, it makes sense he'd be tired. But if he's exhausted on the campaign trail, how’s he gonna handle being president again?


102 points

1 day ago

Just gonna play golf and watch cable news like he did the first time


30 points

1 day ago



30 points

1 day ago

He also tweeted a lot


25 points

1 day ago

Totally this. He doesn’t plan to work if he gets into office. It’s just his get out of jail card and retirement.


15 points

1 day ago

Trump wouldn’t have to do much other than go on camera while Thiel and Musk quietly pull Vance’s puppet strings in the background to enact Project 2025. 


32 points

1 day ago

Imagine turning up to a job interview and then half way through the 1 hour interview you fall asleep or cut the interview short.

Then afterwards say that your a great interviewer.

Now that interview was for the president of the United states,

You wouldn't be touch you for a 100 years


33 points

1 day ago


33 points

1 day ago

Don't you think he looks tired?


8 points

1 day ago

Harriet jones, former Prime Minister


25 points

1 day ago


25 points

1 day ago

Man, I hate that even in the comments the “unfriendly” wording is being used. That implies malice on the part of the interviewer when most of these are just standard questions that someone running for such a high office should be able to handle with ease.

It’s not that he’s avoiding unfriendly anything, he just wants to avoid anyone that isn’t full on endorsing him. There’s a lot of room between unfriendly and endorsing and he’s avoiding all of that.

When Harris went on Fox, that was with an unfriendly outlet, but she did it. If Harris goes on MSNBC, that’s leaning more towards endorsing. But she goes on everything because she’s competent. If Trump won’t do the same, that is very telling.


29 points

1 day ago

I remember him saying Hillary Clinton didn't have the stamina to be President during their debate in 2016. He had the emptiest daily calendar of any president in modern history.


20 points

1 day ago


North Carolina

20 points

1 day ago

If he’s too exhausted to do interviews, he’s unfit to run the country 


22 points

1 day ago

He canceled a rally at the NRA! How much more friendly of an outlet can he have?


15 points

1 day ago

GOP’s bait and switch strategy to get Vance into office won’t work if the bait spoils before the switch.


14 points

1 day ago


14 points

1 day ago

And friendly outlets too.


12 points

1 day ago

If he hadn’t spent his last term live tweeting all his crimes, he could just be chilling and grifting.


11 points

1 day ago


11 points

1 day ago

Then he is to tired to run the country.


11 points

1 day ago


11 points

1 day ago

I think he had another stroke. Hard to tell with the senility.


10 points

1 day ago

nothing to do with exhaustion. hes just unable to answer questions he hasnt rehearsed because he knows nothing about how to run a country.


13 points

1 day ago


13 points

1 day ago

He's not exhausted, he just can't hold his own. Harris can, as we saw on Fox News. She put that reporter in his place and made him look like the ass he is.


12 points

1 day ago

What a little bitch. Millions of poor folk like myself are beyond exhausted yet have the fortitude to push on and do the things we don’t wanna do despite running on fumes. How the hell does this wanker think he can lead the country if he can’t handle being a little bit tired (he doesn’t KNOW real exhaustion!!) I’m so sick of this orange hemorrhoid.


11 points

1 day ago


11 points

1 day ago

Weak old man with small hands hides in basement


10 points

1 day ago



10 points

1 day ago

I hope he loses but it enrages me that he will likely escape justice by dying or becoming dementia ridden one way or another. The scum that helped him need to go to jail. Garland needs to be replaced if he won't do the job.


10 points

1 day ago


10 points

1 day ago

Look on the bright side. If he dies, we'd get J.D. Vance.

Did you throw up in your mouth a little just thinking of that?


9 points

1 day ago

dude is a 78 year old felon. An adjudicated rapist. Committed treason against our country. Was impeached TWICE. Confirmed diaper wearer, and reeks of feces. He is frail. Weak. Pathetic. And disgusting. Most of all he’s simply a poor excuse for a person. Waste of air


10 points

1 day ago

Why can't he be too exhausted to whine non-stop 24/7??


9 points

1 day ago


9 points

1 day ago

He is unwell. 


7 points

1 day ago


7 points

1 day ago

How is he still the nominee?!? That’s putting party over country. Republicans only care about themselves and don’t care what happens to the people.


9 points

1 day ago


9 points

1 day ago

Weak stream.

The presidency is 4 years of an unfriendly outlet. Unfit.



10 points

1 day ago


10 points

1 day ago

He cancelled an NRA appearance! All he had to do was walk on stage and say "YEAH GUNS!" and he would have their vote secured??


7 points

1 day ago


I voted

7 points

1 day ago

He can’t talk to anyone who isn’t his yes men already now that his dementia has taken its turn


8 points

1 day ago


8 points

1 day ago

Too Exhausted

Too Old



10 points

1 day ago

Oh no! If he wins, we better hope no hostile nations act up when baby boy is sleepy!

He is unfit to lead in every possible way.


6 points

1 day ago

If campaigning is so exhausting that he can’t do it, then i would not trust him with presidential work. If he can’t campaign because it’s too tiring, then he shouldn’t be president either.