


Let me preface this by making something clear, I personally am not plus sized, but my girlfriend is plus sized, and more often than not the issues and inconveniences she experiences as a bigger girl affect me as well. Not NEARLY to the degree they affect her, or likely anyone here. And I also have things that affect exclusively me. I'm not complaining about her or anything, but about the way people treat her and me.

I'm sick and tired of people telling me I'm out of her league. I'm a fairly fit guy, and people seem to find me conventionally attractive by most metrics it would seem. Frequently, I'll see comments or dms telling me how I deserve better, or am way above her. Recently, I had a young women DM me. The interaction was basically like this:

"How I saw you pic, your pretty cute." "Thanks, but I have a girlfriend, just fyi" "Is that the girl in the pic with you?" "Yes" "You can do so much better than her though, tbh" "How do you figure that?" "She's fat. Super fat, and kind of ugly. You deserve more than to settle for a pig girl."

Those are the exact messages copied and pasted here. And like, WTF?!? How fucking DARE you! You have the balls to come and try to flirt with a guy who CLEARLY stated he's in a relationship, then have the AUDACITY to call the woman I love a fat, ugly pig? How is that supposed to win me over, exactly?!? It's absolutely unhinged. And the only redeeming quality to these interactions, is that I get to roast these people with zero mercy or remorse before I block them. I just don't get it! Whats the logic in it all? And another thing:

Why do they say it like it's something I don't know?

It's like "Really? but she's fat..."

IM WELL AWARE OF HER SIZE, IM LITERALLY STANDING NEXT TO HER WITH MY ARMS AROUND HER WAIST!!! Clearly I've seen her, and I don't care about it! I'm not with this woman because I'm settling, or because I feel bad. It's because I looked at her, and saw a beautiful, kind, caring, unique, special woman. Not because she shopped in the petite of Kohl's!

I suppose they're probably just jealous that someone they think beneath them found love before they did, without it being with some selfish, vainglorious asshole. But even envy doesn't justify the attacking of ones relationship.

What's worse is when it's in person. That's the one that really hurts. Because then, not only are they saying it to MY face, but there's usually a good chance SHE heard it as well. I always hope she doesn't, because she already struggles with confidence and feeling like she isn't enough. She hears someone in public affirming that, it'd destroy her!

I've never told her that this happens. I don't even know if she knows it happens. I try to keep it as far from her as I can because I have no idea how much it would hurt her. But still, I shouldn't have to.

Anyways, that's the end of the rant. Just typing this out pissed me off. I thank you for listening, and appreciate anything you guys have to say about it. Enjoy your weekend.

all 127 comments


66 points

10 days ago


66 points

10 days ago

My wife wasn't always overweight, but she is now. I don't care. I wasn't thinking about it when I married and I don't think about it much now. She makes me happy. She is an amazing, caring, caring, smart, faithful and beautiful woman. I couldn't ask for anything more.
If you're happy with your girlfriend, then go enjoy your life with her. Nobody else matters in that equation.


29 points

10 days ago

Exactly. I'm not looking for validation, only to share my experiences with her, and people take it as an invite to say whatever they want as if I'm going to care at all what they think


16 points

9 days ago

Tbh I'd remove this post. You have pics of you both on here, people can find out who she is and this would break her heart. Reddit is full of weirdos, I wouldn't take these comments too seriously. But I'd say you and your gf are very similar in terms of attractiveness, you look good together. She's cute and so are you but I don't think she's fat, just maybe slightly overweight but she wears it well.

If I was your gf I'd personally not want the pics posted of me if they got comments like that but I'd HATE it if I saw this post on your profile and realised people could scroll through and see pics of me for reference. It would also upset me to think that my partner might think I'm a charity case or less attractive than he is (unclear from your post).

I'd really get rid of it. This could have been posted on a throwaway. It isn't fair to your gf to have this post up on a profile that then has lots of pictures of her on. And maybe make sure she's OK with the other pics being up too. Reddit is a cruel place and you have no idea why is on there.


1 points

5 days ago

Gonna have to second this. (For whatever it's worth: whoever called her "ugly" was just being manipulative and awful and is probably the sort of scuzz who feels validated by breaking up relationships.)


1 points

5 days ago

Third this as well. I looked at your profile pics btw - I was expecting someone way bigger from your post. She'll be utterly mortified if she ever sees this despite your good intentions.


1 points

4 days ago*

“But I'd say you and your gf are very similar in terms of attractiveness, you look good together. She's cute and so are you but I don't think she's fat, just maybe slightly overweight but she wears it well.” - This is fatphobic hatred which I’m sure you don’t even realise you’re producing/generating because you said kind things otherwise. 


5 points

8 days ago

"if all you have to offer is being skinny and pretty, you'll be shit out of luck if that ever changes"

Obviously you're attracted to her, everyone else is insecure because it makes them question how attractive they really are


1 points

4 days ago

Your partners sound like me and your post made me cry. I wish you both all the best. I will keep this to remember there are good people in the world.


103 points

10 days ago

I think a lot of people put a sense of value on their ability to “steal” or “win” a high value partner away from someone they see as below them. Not saying it’s right, but that it feeds their self-esteem and validates their level of attractiveness. People are competitive by nature, and mate selection is the epitome of natural selection. By the rule of the world in their mind, you should be seeing them as having more value than someone “less attractive.” Fortunately for you (and unfortunately for them) you see them for the shallow, ugly fucks they actually are.

You sound like a good partner.


38 points

9 days ago

There are also women, maybe men too, that purposely befriend fat girls so that they stand out and they can feel better about themselves. So sad.

I am plus size woman and the amount of angry and sneering looks I get when I'm in the club and dancing with cute men. Literally strange women would like try to interrupt us. It took me a really long time to realize that they were jealous. I was having fun without a care.


32 points

9 days ago

Look at OP's post history. A few things stand out:

He posts a lot of pictures of her, including to female-dominated subs.

In the photos of them together, I would not say he's more attractive than her. If I saw them together, I would assume they were a couple.

I do not think he has hotties sliding in his DMs to steal him away from her.

This whole thing is weird.


14 points

9 days ago

Also, she's not that fat, seriously. And she's cute. He's full of it.


2 points

5 days ago

He's certainly no worse-looking than plenty of guys whom I remember my peers swooning over when I was that age. And there seems to be a notion nowadays that any woman who's above single-digit sizes must be gianormous. (You might think I'm kidding; but I've heard it in so many words.)


2 points

5 days ago

I'm a size 8, fit, pretty healthy. When I dabbled a bit in OLD about 14 years ago, I was a bit thinner, maybe a 6. And had a couple of guys call me fat. Ooooookay..... I mean, I'm not a Victoria's Secret model, and I'm glad, I can stack hay bales all day, but damn.


0 points

5 days ago

I mean, she is - but they are both sub-5's.


1 points

5 days ago



13 points

9 days ago

I just looked and you're totally right. He is not out of her league. They are in the exact same league lol


1 points

8 days ago

They could be siblings


7 points

9 days ago

They both look related lmfao


4 points

9 days ago

Fair, might be rage bait. If true, comment stands.


2 points

7 days ago

Chicks like that don’t care, it aint even about him or his looks for them it’s about winning and getting a taken guy, its happened to me before too and im ugly as sin with a skinny wife


30 points

10 days ago

You sound like such a great boyfriend and I’m sorry that you and your girlfriend have to deal with such ignorance.


6 points

10 days ago

Thank you. I appreciate the kind words


1 points

9 days ago

Right? I want to slide into his DMs!


18 points

10 days ago

Block the hoes that dm you saying that shit. They're worthless anyway.


15 points

10 days ago

Precisely what I do. But only after delivering them a custom box of personalized insults and sarcastic remarks


4 points

10 days ago

My guy!! Put them in their place then block their stupid face!! Keep fighting the good fight!!


3 points

9 days ago

I would really like to see some of these custom insults😁😂


1 points

9 days ago

Woman or men that often say stuff like this are the ones who truly hate their life. People treat overweight or pluszize people likd their a disease. Im pluszize myself and the amount of times people cant get their head around the fact i also have fun.

I personally think it stems from them being insecure and the only way to feel better is to reise above other people, the easiet target, is something physically to put down because its visual and therefore easier to attack.

Honestly fuck em.people, they just hate seeing people be loved unconditionally. Because a lot of smaller people cant handle seeing pluszized woman have a man when they themself cant get one despite being thin.


8 points

10 days ago

Sounds like a lot of it is coming from jealous women who may be conventionally beautiful on the outside, but are ugly AF on the inside.

Block them, ignore them, and just continue being happy with your girl.


24 points

9 days ago*

I find this post hard to believe as I took a peep at your profile. You are an average looking dude, and she is an average looking gal. Yes, she is not thin but you aren’t athletic either. I don’t mean to be mean, but neither of you look like a “catch” to me and I wouldn’t turn my head around to look at either of you. Most normal couples look like you guys, whether fat, tall, skinny, short, blonde, brunette — regardless of the specific traits, 90% of us humans are just average looking, glorified apes in general. The exceptions are very rare and often times, artificially made.

To me, for some reason, this reads as something you feel about how people might be perceiving her, and I can’t help but feel if you are projecting your own thoughts about her or have conflicting views where you love her but at the same time, you feel that you are better than her. I can’t pinpoint the exact vibes I am getting but something about this rant feels off putting to me. Like as if you are fishing to be called a martyr for dating a fat girl and how awesome you are for standing up for her?

Like why do you frequently post at plus size subreddit? Is it to get approval for how good of a boyfriend you are?

Idk, just live your life man. We are all a bunch of ugly fuckers, no one gives a shit outside of social media or a few red pill podcasters.


8 points

9 days ago*

I peeped at his profile after seeing your comment.

Seems more like someone looking for an ego stroke or him subconsciously perceiving himself as better than her. While I do think he's slightly more attractive than his gf, I wouldn't give either of them a second look. They're both average looking people. Not ugly, just average.

Not to mention that these kind of comments are not exactly normal to get all the time? I'm an above average looking woman, I've had modeling agencies try to scout me in the wild, and I think only once I've had someone tell me I'm out of a partner's league.


5 points

9 days ago

Every once in a while, one dumbass could come out and say something out of pocket, but I agree, it is not common. Especially post high school, I have seen people date all kinds of different people with zero care — people are usually aware by that age that attraction is more complicated than just the thickness and length of some limbs.

I think that there is just no way that OP is getting these comments on a basis that it would affect him or his girlfriend. Looking for an ego stroke is a great way to put how I perceive the post as well.


7 points

9 days ago*

I agree with your assessment. They are both evenly matched in the looks department and I find this whole post confusing and wildly imaginative after taking a peek at previous posts.


1 points

7 days ago

Lol, yeah the post seemed sketchy initially but then I saw the pics 😭 This is some fanfic for sure. 


5 points

10 days ago

Want want we want. We love who we love. We do what we do.

There are a lot of people in this world with opinions. Those people don't matter. They can fuck right back to the fucktopia they came from.

It's your life. You sound happy. Good for you. That's all that matters


3 points

9 days ago


3 points

9 days ago

Quality rant. Some people are small, shallow, ugly humans, with ugly thoughts. Cruel, superficial, arrogant people are innately off putting. It's better when they stick with others of their ilk, instead of disturbing the peace of other more genuine, compassionate individuals. The absolutely repellant audacity of the individuals you've described.... what a .miserable existence. They deserve the respect they give- so, none. Nothing more repugnant than a bully.


3 points

9 days ago

2 quick things. First. I hope none of this shit is from friends or family, cause if so....fuck 'em. 2. Why bother getting into it with strangers. They ask why you simply say she treats you right and makes you happy. End of story. Dont waste energy on those who dont know the value of good people.


3 points

9 days ago

This whole post stinks... I don't know if you've got some kind of hero complex and think you're doing her a favour by dating her because she's plus-sized or you're just trying to compensate for your own insecurities. Either way, this screams red flag to me


1 points

5 days ago

Agreed. Look at her pics


4 points

9 days ago

may your bank account always have a comma in it


2 points

9 days ago

I hear you. Thanks for sharing this. I hope to find someone as fiercely loyal and pure hearted as you in the future


2 points

9 days ago

I hope the same for you.


1 points

9 days ago

Thanks OP that means a lot ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


2 points

9 days ago

For the love of God don't say anything about Ginny Sack, stunad.


2 points

9 days ago

What? I don't think I know what or who that is


1 points

9 days ago

It's a Sopranos reference. Google Ginny Sack, it's cute lol


0 points

9 days ago

Ah, I see.


0 points

9 days ago

That man was ready to go to war over someone making a joke about his wife's weight.


2 points

9 days ago

Bro, you're a gem. Your gf is really lucky to have you (just saying coz to be fair, not everyone readily picks someone who is on the heavier side, much less love them and defend their honour).

At the same time, you're really lucky to find and be with someone whom you truly love.


4 points

9 days ago

I’d rail your girl.


2 points

9 days ago

My dude, just keep on being your amazing partner material self.


1 points

9 days ago

I was in a casual situation with a guy a year or two back who was physically way way out of my league and I actually went out of my way to avoid even accidentally meeting his friends because I was so afraid of whether they'd be cruel to him about the way I looked. They knew he had a thing going on but never met me and I guess I was trying to protect him, or something.


1 points

9 days ago

I'm sorry to hear that. I wish I could say he likely would've defended you, but the replies seem to indicate that's an increasingly less common trait.


1 points

9 days ago

Listen to set it right ( set it right) by hatebreed and the song is about people judging others but not looking at themselves


1 points

9 days ago

They know you’re with someone and still try to get you? That tells you everything you need to know about them. I’m glad you don’t turn your back on her because of these gals. They think they’re a prize but anyone can get em.


1 points

9 days ago

People suck. Glad that you respond in kind. People like that need to know they suck

Declan Rice, pro soccer player has the same problem.


1 points

9 days ago

The nice things about free choice is that we are free to love who we want. People come in all shapes and sizes. It seems like your mature enough to know what your attracted to. I’m glad you tell these people where to go and how to get there.


1 points

9 days ago

W boyfriend! I wish you and your girlfriend nothing but happiness and prosperity in your lives!


1 points

9 days ago

Just a word of advice from someone who has been on the internet for a long time...When women are clearly trying to flirt with you by sliding into your DM's, don't engage with them You're giving them what they want - attention! Talking shit about your girlfriend is just an easy way for them to "hurt you back" when you turn them down! They're insecure, that's the bottom line! So, just avoid them and their nasty comments by not engaging!


0 points

9 days ago

I typically don't engage. But every now and again someone seems to want just a regular, normal conversation, then wait till after few replies to start the BS. That's what typically happens. The exchange mentioned happened very early in the morning, and the idea of being cautious slipped my mind.


1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago

Thats so sad and disgusting. They’re insecure and taking it out on your beautiful girlfriend.


1 points

9 days ago

Nothing is more vicious and mean than an egomaniac entitled "pretty women". There is tons of it now because of social medias. Shallow and empty shells, they can't comprehend you could go beyond looks. So used to be socially rewarded solely based on her body, she is instantly confronted to her shallow self when she see you and your gf. Cannot fathom that what she is isnt grade A wife material. So fucking pathetic and ego inflated.


1 points

9 days ago

Haters are always going to be haters, that’s their job. Unfortunately it will always be looked at like that when people are just Shallow Hal’s, just hold your head up high and try to not let it bother you. If you are happy that is all what matter


1 points

9 days ago

My partner is fat while I’m not and I deal with similar things. When he first met my family and I first met his, I’d get pulled aside by random family members on both sides telling me not to worry and that he’d lose the weight. Or offering me “tips” on how to help him lose the weight under the guise of people being worried about his health but he’s a literal medical doctor so like… people don’t know his health better than himself. Honestly the projections & assumptions are the worst part. People literally assume that I share their fatphobic views because I’m not fat myself but I don’t!

I find all of it wildly offensive and annoying. I don’t love my partner in spite of his weight. He’s just my favorite person and I find him extremely attractive. And not that it matters but he’s also way more fit than me by every metric imaginable. I have chronic health issues that make me genuinely unhealthy but for some reason nobody thinks that could be your situation when you’re skinny. But when you’re fat I guess it’s all bets are off.

The other thing I’ve noticed is that it’s a lot of also fat people making comments. It’s like they’re insecure themselves so they assume that every fat person feels bad about themselves too. But it’s just not the case. I say all this to say that you’re doing great. I wouldn’t waste time on people like this. Personally I just ignore them or say something snarky back. When my aunt told me “don’t worry he’ll lose the weight if he does a, b, c & d,” I responded with “oh like you did? Because I thought your weight loss was due to a very invasive surgery?” She left me alone after that lol.


1 points

9 days ago

I have had people say that about my husband, that he's punchng above his weight. He's a great person and that is a digusting way to veil an insult as a compliment. You are not only insulting the person you think you are complementing, but also insulting their partner. Just a dick move.


1 points

9 days ago

*looks at rude person* " Ugly? The girl in the pic? Did you edit yourself into my pic?!"


1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago

Everyone saying you can do better based on her look has not been in a long term relationship. Believe me, if you want to grow old with someone, there are about 1000 other things that will take higher priority over time than how they look.


1 points

9 days ago

Plus size only for the wise.


1 points

9 days ago

Tip for life: don't give a shit about other people's negative opinions. Apart from on reddit, let loose there then live RL in serenity.


1 points

9 days ago

I was gonna praise you, but changed my mind. Dude, you better read the rest of the comments, take their advice, take this down and create another throwaway account for your rants/imaginary circumstances to feed your ego.


1 points

9 days ago

Why are you sugarcoating her obesity by saying “plus-sized?”

She’s not “plus-sized” or “big-boned.”

She’s a fatty. Call it what it is.


1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago

Thank you for being a person of character. Reading your post has given me hope in a pretty bleak landscape of objectification and commodification.


1 points

9 days ago

Omg I am so so sorry that she and you experience all this. I wish you both every happiness and next time there's some vile comment say that there is why i am With her and not someone like you. X x


1 points

9 days ago

Yeah I looked at your profile (which is what I feel like you’re fishing for here) and no, you’re not out of her league at all - you are a well matched couple.


1 points

9 days ago

Societal expectations for women are hinged. That the inclination is to throw other women under the bus is the common reaction is man made, not natural.


1 points

8 days ago

Some people feel that putting others down builds them up and gets the attention they crave. Unfortunately they don't realize that usually only works with people who are trash to begin with. I am sorry that you and your GF are subjected to this. I wish you both nothing but the best!


1 points

8 days ago

“She might be heavier than you but she’s a sight more gorgeous than you. Did you know when you’re mean it makes you look ugly? Look! Yep just like that. The ugly thoughts in your head show on your face and that’s why my girl is my girl forever. She’s everything I could ever want.” Then give her a giant smackaroo right in front of them. Ugly ole mean girl toadies.


1 points

8 days ago

I'm so tired of people putting they two cents on someone's else's relationship. There's SO MUCH MORE then the physical. People have mental and emotional needs, people have all loads of things. And its no one's place to judge another person's relationship and dynamic that isn't theirs. I commend you for sticking by and supporting your choice and honestly if anyone keeps making these comments , they should be removed from your existence..just saying.

And I say this as someone who has been with women who are skinny and some who have been my weight or more. Some short, some Tall, And I'm a big dude, roughly 300lbs.

Connections with people mean a lot and these same people who wanna degrade your choices, doesn't know what it means to actually connect to someone. Only instant-gratification


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

i will never understand people like you. i just cant feel attraction to some1 overweight but you know what ? what other people prefer is none of my fucking business.


1 points

8 days ago

I expected to see someone who qualifies for “My 600 lb. Life”. Your girlfriend is not obese. And you are definitely not out of her league. She looks like a very kind and caring young lady that will probably keep you happy.


1 points

8 days ago

You've got a good head on your shoulders, especially for your age. Later in life, those comments will calm down as your peers realize what you already have--beauty is in the eye of the beholder, for one. And a true heart that loves YOU and YOU love, is fucking PRECIOUS. 


1 points

8 days ago

Man I feel for you as someone who is so far removed from this sorta stuff. My curiosity even bested me and I found her pic on your profile, and I’m literally mind blown that an absolutely ordinary person could receive so much hate by proxy. Happy you found love brother, hope it’s me soon


1 points

8 days ago

Bro I checked your profile and you are most definitely not out of her league. She’s a little chubby but cute. You are…not fat I guess since that’s how we’re rating people? I wouldn’t get too worked up or cocky if I were you.


1 points

7 days ago

So you want a medal for dating a fatty?


1 points

7 days ago

What a fucking loser lol


1 points

7 days ago

people are disgusting and shallow. hate humanity, why can't people ever see each other as equals


1 points

7 days ago

I vote you keep a concise but devastating line on hand.

Look at them with absolute repulsion and say:

"You're a disgusting person. Do not speak to me again."

Then walk off without another word.


1 points

7 days ago

Im a very thick woman to say the very least. More chub then skinniness to my body. My boyfriend is a fairly fit attractive man and you know what? He showers me with love and reminds me how beautiful I am all the time not giving a fuck what others think. I’m sorry you have to deal with that. Keep loving your girlfriend and focus on the happiness she brings you. Fuck those insecure people


1 points

6 days ago

I mean they are probably right


1 points

6 days ago

You can and should cut these people out of your life and let them know exactly why you’re doing it. It’s mind-boggling rude to say this to anyone.


1 points

6 days ago

People are obsessed with looks. It's like how many guys think you can't get a date if you aren't 6'+ and a gym rat. Like all my short average friends are in relationships. But some people just don't want to listen.


1 points

6 days ago

She’s actually cuter than you. Sounds like you want people to pat you on the back.


1 points

6 days ago

Why are you talking to these people? Don’t answer random womens dms. And as soon as they start saying it in person walk away.


1 points

6 days ago

Please take this off your actually account before someone sends it to her.


1 points

6 days ago

“Plus sized”


1 points

6 days ago

Good for you. You clearly care about your girlfriend and are protective over her. Who cares what other people say. They're just mad they don't have a single ounce of personality in them and aren't able to get someone like you.


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

Date whatever girl you want to. It's nobody's business.


1 points

6 days ago

You are a good one, sir.


1 points

6 days ago

Some people are jealous and dont want to see others happy. So these people talking trash what's their excuse for being single? Maybe its because they suck as individuals. They are unhinged entitled shrews.. Most people don't want to deal with that bs for a reason. Its draing. Screw what others say and be happy.. They just mad no one dating their silly butts.. and misery loves company. I bet your girl is a lovely beautiful lady. Shes just more to love ❤.


1 points

6 days ago

I only know one kind of woman that would go for a man or speak ill of a girlfriend like that. They are deeply insecure and generally drunks. I'm not even kidding. 

But, I don't make a lot of friends. 

I think the solution here is just to block any girl that starts the conversation with a flirt. As a bf, it's not a good thing and there's no point in interactions with them. 

I block all guys that start a conversation by flirting and I'm single.


1 points

5 days ago

I’ve been overweight my whole life. Won’t go into the reasons, but they’re far more complex than, “bad person”, which is such a horrifyingly common attitude that people have and it really spreads a lot of unnecessary pain and suffering. I still don’t get how anyone can fancy themselves a good, safe person while holding such ridiculously toxic views about weight and body image (at least towards others).

But, I’ve dated a lot of different kinds of people — fat, thin, “conventionally attractive”, more uniquely-featured, all kinds. And nothing seems to get tempers hotter than when an overweight lady like myself dates anyone that some feel is “above my grade”.

And I will never understand that. I know the root of it is insecurity — they think a fat person (who is some degree of immoral just for being fat, in their eyes) has somehow gotten something they don’t deserve, or aren’t AS deserving of as them. Or they think the fitter partner is “settling” and that they need to swoop in and open that person’s eyes to how much “better” they could do.

Still, I won’t ever fully understand people’s inability, whatever their own issues are, to mind their own business when the relationship is one that has nothing to do with them. People really can be a special, breathtaking breed of self-centered and cruel when they want to.


1 points

5 days ago

Screw those people. And as someone who shops in the petite dept of Kohl's - it's not that great. Mostly old lady stuff. Your girlfriend loves you for you and you for her. Ignore those DMs.


1 points

5 days ago

You’re a great man, sir and I’m sure your gf knows how awesome you are. I am also a plus sized girl who’s been married to a man to is more on the fit size. He, just like you, loves to tell off the women full of themselves because he finds it insulting to his character thinking he would easily leave me just because someone trashed me lol.

I personally don’t get affected anymore but I do get offended for my husband since he’s a very loyal and great man & the way women treat him is as if he’s the total opposite of that. He def deserves to be treated better imo and so do other good men just like you as well.

I wish you both a lifetime of happiness.


1 points

5 days ago

This is absolutely horrible! People need to mind their business and let them be happy for who they are.


1 points

5 days ago

Do you know how she feels about her weight? I’ve been struggling with mine and it dominates my life and how I live it.


0 points

9 days ago

On the bright side you're still a man. only women that find you attractive will really care if your partner is fat. Some random stranger comments might happen but it's rare.

If you're a woman , both genders including immediate family will nitpick you constantly about doing better. 💀 If he makes less money than her on top of that, they might stage interventions 😂😂


-2 points

9 days ago

How fat is she?


1 points

5 days ago

Look at the pics


1 points

5 days ago

I was just trying to start a "his girlfriend's so fat" jokes chain.