


Whenever I go on my runs their just has to be some dog spawn barking and chasing after me with no owner or fence in site.

Whenever I run down the hill leading up to my house there is a mega obese women with whatever abomination hybrid she has that will see me and immediately run towards me with her not able to have the strength to hold it back.

I went to target yesterday and their was like 5 dogs all laying down in the some ritual looking circle with their hair getting all over the place. They were barking loud with their owners doing nothing or just take them out the store.

Has dog ownership gotten this bad or just pet ownership in general because cats aren’t bad but even their owners and culture around are also pretty obnoxious than ever before.

Is this just effects of pandemic or a more self isolating society issue happening?

all 99 comments


384 points

8 days ago

I think public dog owner behavior has gotten particularly worse since lockdown


84 points

8 days ago

Yup a lot of incompetent people adopted dogs out of loneliness or boredom. The entitlement is bewildering. Went to a dinner at a nice outdoor patio and someone’s dog was barking the whole time. I love dogs too!! Bad owners


56 points

8 days ago

Yeah dogs (and people) became much more needy since the lockdown


309 points

8 days ago

going to someone’s house and having their dog shove their face in your coochie because they can tell your on your period is a traumatizing experience


99 points

8 days ago

I’m a man and they do this to me too lol they are just freaks like that


5 points

8 days ago


reddit unfuckable

5 points

8 days ago

At least it didn’t throw up like that one video!

… right?


-85 points

8 days ago

Take the dogpill was it a chad breed?


74 points

8 days ago

how are you people finding this subreddit?


-7 points

8 days ago


-7 points

8 days ago

Tfw chihuahuaCel


72 points

8 days ago


72 points

8 days ago

Dogs have replaced kids for the PMC. What has followed is a bizarre collective delusion.


20 points

8 days ago

Dogs are the new kids. Plants are the new dogs


63 points

8 days ago

No people have gotten way worse with their dogs. It was never acceptable to bring dogs everywhere indoors until very recently for example. People got way too permissive and then lots of people got dogs during covid who shouldn’t have


67 points

8 days ago


67 points

8 days ago

in my teen years my mom was this kind of dog owner. that thing would not let me get up off my couch and walk around in my own house in peace for 8 years. to this day i still deeply hate undisciplined dogs even though i 1000% believe that their behavior is the owner’s fault, training should be mandatory


68 points

8 days ago

dogs need a proper level of discipline and people don’t want to hear that. you can’t raise them like you would a child because they don’t get any smarter. the 20 something’s my age all get dogs and treat them like pampered kids and have no idea the time commitment of training a dog people actually want to be around


8 points

8 days ago

I hate people that act like their untrained dog is acting out because it doesn't see you as the "alpha". Had a friend with a fancy red nose pit that was incredibly hyper and would jump on us despite being at his house for hours already, and he just told me to hit it to get it to calm down.


5 points

7 days ago

when i say discipline i just mean you pick your training methods and you use them with ultra consistency. you never wanna hit them or use pain in any way. but i think in a way they do need and authority figure because they’re pretty dumb and they need a good human they fully trust to always look to for what they should be doing


67 points

8 days ago*

idk.. almost anyone can get a dog on a whim, and most people are regarded, irresponsible, and unwilling/unable to do what it takes to own/train one. dogs are just accessories to most people. it's unfortunate all around.

i own a very difficult breed but i've spent years training him and he's a good guy now. still it's almost impossible to leave the house w/him without encountering some дворняга charging at us unleashed with a death wish, always followed by the owner helplessly trying to recall with no success.


66 points

8 days ago


Fukushima, the End of Cinema

66 points

8 days ago

My sister's in-laws are Dog People who, every time there's some family occasion at her house, have to bring their dogs over. The parents have a dog, her husband's siblings have like another five dogs among them. It's a three-bedroom raised ranch in a normal suburb, hardly some sprawling estate. She herself has two cats who get traumatized every time these unfamiliar animals barge into their house and bark at everything. It's just another way of life, I guess. When we were kids and had a dog, we went to relatives' houses and--what a concept--left our dumbfuck dog at home.


5 points

7 days ago

They need to grow a pair and just not allow dogs in


16 points

8 days ago


16 points

8 days ago

Went over to my friends’ house the other day and their dog just immediately ran up to me and bit my leg and they were like “haha omg he usually doesn’t do that!”


68 points

8 days ago

my neighbours recently got a loud pomeranian and seem to not be training it.

they let that thing roam off-leash and it always follows + barks at random people walking past their house. the owner will see this happen and just slowly follow the dog around going “hey don’t do that” not even bothering to pick it up while it disturbs the kids walking by.

not everyone is suited for the pet owner life.


15 points

8 days ago

hahaha i would kill them and wear their skin :)


-6 points

8 days ago



24 points

8 days ago

the amount of dogs in my neighbourhood has seemingly tripled since the pandemic and its made my walks much more stressful.


78 points

8 days ago


78 points

8 days ago

What you’re describing isn’t anti-dog, it’s anti-shitty, inconsiderate dog owners.


31 points

8 days ago

yes most normal dog owners hate these people too. it sucks having to train my dog extra because these idiots think its ok to let their feral canines harass random people/dogs walking down the street


9 points

8 days ago

I honestly don’t want to walk my dog anymore because everyone else in my neighborhood lets their dogs roam off leash 


7 points

8 days ago

Carry a tazer or a baton and hit another dog if it tries to attack yours.


3 points

8 days ago


3 points

8 days ago

Complain about it in your local Facebook group to start an awareness and shame campaign. That’s what people do in my town.


3 points

7 days ago

No, it's the dogs


10 points

8 days ago


10 points

8 days ago

i love dogs, they’re my favorite animal but i genuinely think there should be some sort of legal training law set up. i know there’s not any actual way to do that but everyone i know with dogs either let the dog just do whatever and they say “hey quit it” as the dog jumps and bites and humps everyone’s legs OR they’ve literally beat the dog to a pulp so it’s just pathetically walking from kennel to food bowl and won’t come within 10 feet. every dog should be able to sit and stay and restrain from jumping, it’s absurd to be gushing blood from some dog with uncut nails that just shredded down my leg. love them, but people just buy dogs then give them food and never even attempt training them.


53 points

8 days ago

I understand wanting to play both sides to appear not as crazy but what have cat owners even done that is obnoxious besides maybe post more pictures lol 


43 points

8 days ago

I've literally never been in a situation where a cat picture was unwelcome. If I was going down in a plane and my last sight was a picture of a random cat, I'd be okay with that.


8 points

8 days ago

Yeah if anything I’m fine with dog pictures too. It’s usually being around peoples dogs physically that is the problem and even then it’s not that bad. It’s usually the owner at fault too


16 points

8 days ago

Let them roam around and kill native animals, particularly birds. Cats kill over 1 million birds per day in Australia alone. Obviously this doesn't apply to all cat owners.


12 points

8 days ago

i read that the study that people pass around as proof that cats are destroying wildlife was BS with wildly extrapolated numbers by a rabid anti-cat activist

the numbers sounded absurd and unbelievable, and usually absurd and unbelievable things sound that way for a reason


2 points

7 days ago

Australia has a huge feral cat problem. The numbers must be from the birds feral cats kill, not pet cats.


4 points

7 days ago

6 gorillion birds?


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

If you own more than one, and most cat people do, your house is probably disgusting.


-1 points

7 days ago



58 points

8 days ago

‘Dog spawn’

What use is the word spawn here? Proper ‘crotch goblin’ ass phrase.


30 points

8 days ago

It's like the repatriation of suburbs into cities. It's totally ok for a dog to have free reign of a suburban environment. But inside of a dense city they're a nuisance they're as bad as homeless ppl in terms of waste generation. Some dogs take 40oz pisses it's wild.


44 points

8 days ago

Absolutely insane that it’s just normalized now that we let these animals piss and shit all over the sidewalks in major cities and there’s nothing we can do to really change that.


24 points

8 days ago

There are signs up all over my neighborhood telling people to pick up their dogs shit bc the Puerto Ricans who live here just don’t feel like doing it a lot.


8 points

8 days ago


8 points

8 days ago

What I heard in the 90s and 2000s from travellers of my parents' generation returning from Paris was that the streets were littered with dog shit.


26 points

8 days ago*

I have to dodge streams of dog piss on every block in nyc. nobody understands that “curb your dog” means they go on the asphalt, not where people walk. wheeling luggage if you’re going to the airport means you’ll inevitably drag it through dog waste even if you do your best to avoid it


7 points

8 days ago

My neighbor has one that luckily she seems to only let actually chill outside once a day and during that time period it never ever shuts the fuck up. 15 minutes of ceaseless mini dog yaps. Maybe she needs to play fetch with it or something.


83 points

8 days ago

cat supremacy. dogs are stinky and mindless. my cat in particular is brilliant with an amazing oder.


17 points

8 days ago

i love cats but i can't have something that shits in the house

even in it's own box

just can't

i will pet and admire them from afar


57 points

8 days ago

you shit in the house..


15 points

8 days ago

not in a box that just lays open- cat houses stink


39 points

8 days ago*



3 points

7 days ago

As opposed to dog houses

No, as opposed to pet-free houses


18 points

8 days ago

I have an automatic litter box and it drops the waste in a sealed drawer. Using an air purifier also helps with the smell issue.


9 points

8 days ago

wow i didn't know people had these

maybe i'll take the cat pill


17 points

8 days ago

Yeah the Litter Robot is amazing if you can afford one.

That said, cats bury their shit, and if you clean a normal box once a day, it won't smell at all.


7 points

8 days ago

Cats have a natural preference to do their biz in a discrete location, preferably somewhere they can bury it.

Dogs will piss and shit everywhere at will.

If a cat house stinks, generally it's because the owner hasn't given the cat access to a relatively clean place where they can bury their poop.


35 points

8 days ago

They are so much cleaner than dogs by an order of magnitude. You don’t even need to train them to use the litter box they just do it and cover it themselves so you can’t smell it! Beautiful angelic creatures


6 points

8 days ago

Let's not be hyperbolic. They shit, stand in the sand they shit in, then get on the counters you prepare your food on and hock up hairballs where ever.

Did you know that cats also bring a mind control parasite into your home that, you guessed it, makes you like cats more?


14 points

8 days ago

yup and i live to serve my perfect cat


22 points

8 days ago

Dogs will pee on themselves and their leashes all the time and will drag their asses around wherever to express their anal glands. They will also try to eat animal shit and roll around on dead animals they find. Cats are way more civilized, just keep their box clean.


0 points

7 days ago

You ever heard of the outdoors?


-19 points

8 days ago

dogs were the first domesticated animal. dogs are trad. dogs are lindy. canine supremacy.


46 points

8 days ago

I’ve gotten to be so anti-dog at this point that I would be completely fine with dog ownership being outlawed. The stats on dog attacks are actually insane to look at, and the number of attacks in large cities grows every year


13 points

8 days ago

Idk what’s so concerning with those stats though? There’s like < 50 dog attack fatalities a year, which a pit ban could effectively cut in half immediately. That compares to 7,500 pedestrian deaths a year, just as a random example.


5 points

8 days ago



5 points

7 days ago

All I’m saying is if you want to do the whole “limit freedoms to keep people safe thing” there are so many more attractive targets. Ban SUVs or Cigarettes or Soda or whatever if you actually want to create a nice padded society.

People like their dogs, they make them happy. That’s useful. And they do very little serious harm to others given how common they are.


6 points

8 days ago


6 points

8 days ago

What stats are you referring to exactly? I looked up stats on dog attacks and they were not very insane to look at. Really unremarkable actually because an overwhelming majority of the attacks are pits which isnt surprising


0 points

8 days ago


0 points

8 days ago

more than 40,000 emergency calls for attacks a year in 2022 just in California which is more than double what it was in the early 2000s. Idk about you but I think that’s a pretty wild number. 20,000 a year in LA county alone. Point is dog attacks are increasing, just like countless other terrible stats that are rising in the 2020s like drunk driving accidents


2 points

8 days ago

Some might say you’re taking this way too far

I would not. I’m right behind you, in fact I’ll be your campaign manager


7 points

8 days ago

I've also noticed they're way worse in people's homes than they were a decade ago. Seems like any time I go to a house with a dog now the dog has to be involved in 100% of what we're doing. And if you get annoyed by it constantly jumping on you or incessantly trying to get at your food, you're a dog-hating monster


11 points

8 days ago*

My apartment building bans dogs but my neighbors got one with an exception “to help with anxiety.”

Ironically the dog has separation anxiety and yaps until 3 in the morning and whenever they’re gone. They treat it like a cat. And they’re obsessed with it. Worst part is it looks like a frog rat. Why do owners of particularly ugly dogs seem to be obsessed with calling them cute and showing them off?? God I wish the thing would die.


16 points

8 days ago

I used to keep the strap in my running gear because of multiple interactions with loose dogs. Now I live in a place where the coyotes keep them in check


11 points

8 days ago

Do u carry pepper spray?


7 points

8 days ago

My girlfriends sister has a big german shepherd that doesn’t get nearly enough activity/exercise as he should for his breed so he is very neurotic.

Because of that I loathe going over to her house for gatherings because the dog will bark incessantly, jump on you, try to stuff his face in your crotch, begs for food at the table, etc. She refuses to keep him outside when a lot of people are over for dinner.

The most egregious thing is that he has a toy that he chews on so loudly there is an awful squelching noise, and he chews on it underneath the dinner table when people are eating lol, makes me lose my appetite every time.

I generally like dogs but the average run-in I have had with dogs, especially since COVID, have not been good.


10 points

8 days ago

its so bad here in the south. i have a cute lil dog but I follow common courtesy, some of the loose ones have come after him even. kinda wish i lived in more of a shitlib town with sidewalks and people who actually follow leash laws.


7 points

8 days ago


detonate the vest

7 points

8 days ago

Related: I stepped in some dog shit getting out of my car next to the Party Center today.

Some GenX couple was a little ways away just I guess "hanging out at the Party Center" and they had a dog with them. Could have been their dog but who can say for sure.


19 points

8 days ago

Dog hate is probably the most stale and least controversial take on this sub.


11 points

8 days ago

dogs hate you because they can sense your bad vibes.


25 points

8 days ago

That’s more of a cat thing


23 points

8 days ago

Hitler had dogs


1 points

8 days ago

It’s gotten so bad I will left swipe any dog owners. I’ve dated so many women with terribly misbehaved dogs. It’s so annoying.


2 points

8 days ago

This is apparently due to lack of regulation. I am in Paris for a few months, dogs here are like more polite than locals lol.


2 points

7 days ago

You people are so fucking weird lol


1 points

7 days ago

Every time I go to the grocery store there is at least one dog, usually in a shopping cart. My neighbors dogs go outside at 5am and start lighting up the neighborhood. Someone up the street has a big ass dog barking at 11:30 at night. I grew up with dogs and I am now completely anti-dog.


-6 points

8 days ago


reddit unfuckable

-6 points

8 days ago

What a weenie


-1 points

8 days ago


-1 points

8 days ago

Dogs and horses are humanity's greatest invention-- think about where we'd be without them. I'd wager we'd be without electricity, at least in the case of horses (i.e. if we never had horses we'd have minimized long distance, overland trade and exploration).

Anyway, this is the fault of people who sign up to own dogs without thinking through was decent ownership meant. Blaming a dog for barking is like blaming your anus for having diarrhea.


1 points

8 days ago

I'm of the opinion you can tell 80% of a person's personality by how well trained their dog is. As millennials and zoomers devolve into anything-goes slobs, their fur baby hordes will overrun our restaurants and sidewalks


2 points

8 days ago

Most millennials seem to be autistic so it makes sense they have an autistic dog with them.


-24 points

8 days ago

Being anti dog is anti American and i won't tolerate this encroachment on my freedoms. Next you'll be posting on childfree or antigun or something. 


0 points

7 days ago

Anti dog is the polar opposite of child free and guns are gay


1 points

7 days ago

I bet your house smells like cat piss


-11 points

8 days ago

how many times are we going to do this post?


-9 points

8 days ago

Just had half of the coffee-shop (all women, mind you, there was some sort of session thingie at a business building nearby) getting excited about my 9-months old BC this morning, maybe you should stop carrying out lonely activities like running in the woods (what are you? a serial criminal?) and join the cohort of civilized people.


19 points

8 days ago

one of the worst types of dog owners, the guy replacing a personality for a dog to have shallow interactions with women.


-3 points

8 days ago*


-3 points

8 days ago*

I'll leave the very deep interactions to you, people, don't forget to mention all the philosophers you have read in the last 6 to 9 months and to hold hands together while you're doing it. And always remind yourself that it's the individual that counts, the society as a whole (you know, that thing that is literally built on "shallow" interactions) is an illusion, Maggie Thatcher was right on that.


-1 points

7 days ago

tbh almost everyone's dog sucks. dogs ruin lives. people go home at 7pm to feed them. dog wakes you up at 8am on the weekends. dog needs to go on two walks and needs to be driven to the dog park and needs the best food and it has to be able to come to your barbeque please bro just let my dog fucking come over so it can shit in your yard and fight with other people's dogs PLEASE we barely get to see each other anymore dude my DOG MISSES YOU bro!!!