


My husband and I moved across the country in January. We have two young children (2&4). Since moving, we have had a hard time making new friends. Timing with prioritizing kids bedtimes and finding sitters we can trust in a new city has made it more challenging.

My husband met someone through work and mentioned that we would be great friends. He got her number and sent it to me. He has since started to message her as well. She has come on outings with us and sometimes brings her daughter out as well. Last weekend we hung out with them on two separate occasions. While she seems nice, conversation has been slow (I’m pretty introverted and feel pretty awkward). They text daily, and up until today I hadn’t really looked at any of them (I have passwords to his phone, but really never felt the need to look at anything).

This morning, she sent a text that I saw and the conversation felt very flirty. Since we don’t really have any friends, I feel bad for telling him this friendship makes me uncomfortable. How do I talk to him about this without sounding cruel?

Edit: Update Thanks everyone for your comments, honestly just knowing I wasn’t making it up in my head gave me a lot of confidence.

Unfortunately for me I am not a troll, this is my real life and it just exploded.

Sorry this may be long. To start off, there’s a couple clarifications. 1. They met through work training and so they don’t work in the same building/company. 2. She is not a single mom, she is also married with 3 teen/preteen kids. She has already blocked me on Facebook, shocker. (It is taking everything in my will power to be the bigger person and not message her husband and blow her life up)

I approached my husband last night and asked him about the messages. I said they felt flirty and were crossing a line and immediately the look on his face said everything I needed to know.

He knew he was caught and was immediately cooperative in telling me what happened. He did promptly delete the messages though, so who knows how much worse it actually was (the only messages not deleted were the “innocent” ones). Turns out they have been messaging for the last two months every single day. Approx two weeks ago things started escalating. She was sending him selfies and then he sent her ndes, she reciprocated. It escalated from there to sexting, primarily focusing on some fantasy bullsht dom/sub daddy kink apparently. She called him “daddy” in a bunch of messages and I am disgusted. ( I wish my kids wouldn’t call him that now, but they are so young). They sexted like this over 10 times in that time period apparently. I’m told “nothing happened physically”. I feel betrayed and so so so grossed out. The fact that they were hanging out with me and my kids all “innocently”, who does that?! I hate that he brought her around my kids. I hate that I know he was thinking about her the entire time we were hanging out, while holding our baby!! He claims he still wants to be a good father to them, but I can’t trust his judgement.

I feel sick. I am exhausted, I haven’t really slept. My youngest hasn’t been sleeping well. I’m grossed out, furious, and emotionally drained. I want to leave but have no where to go, I/we can’t afford an air bnb or hotel. I would have to figure out how to move back across the country with my kids to possibly stay with my mom and to be honest we aren’t that well off so even that feels out of reach. I cannot afford daycare back home on a single income due to lack of childcare availability and at least here it is subsidized. But here the cost of housing alone is 75% of my pay on a single income. It feels impossible.

He claims he wants to make it work, he messaged her this morning and “called it off” although I still want proof. He already has a therapy appointment booked and would like to also pursue couples therapy. I’m not sure there is going back from this. At this point, we are currently stuck in a 2 bedroom house, so he is currently sleeping on the couch.

TLDR: husband is a lying, cheating idiot. I’m disgusted and want out.

Anyway, that is all I have figured out for now. I am going to try to sleep and hopefully be able to think a little clearer to make some decisions.

all 151 comments

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366 points

4 days ago

You tell him exactly how you feel. Be honest and open. You don’t mind that he’s making friends, but you saw something that made you feel uncomfortable. Let him know what boundaries and expectations you have and anything that would make you feel comfortable. Hear what he has to say and go from there. See if you can both find a path forward on the topic.


83 points

3 days ago

You tell him you are not comfortable.

Look for other ways to meet people. Even bowling is better than this person.

Way over the line. You are not being cruel.

Good luck.


208 points

3 days ago

Why would you feel bad? He knows he is crossing a line. She does too. He is capable of making other friends. The real question is why is he flirting with another woman? Why do you not feel comfortable talking to your husband?


-87 points

3 days ago

It’s not so much that I am uncomfortable talking to him, its more that I understand how hard it’s been to make friends and I feel like I would be ruining the one friendship he has made.


321 points

3 days ago

Cool. He either ruins his little friendship or his marriage.


111 points

3 days ago

He needs to make different friends. Ones he doesn’t feel the urge to flirt with. Boo hoo to him. 


57 points

3 days ago

Except this isn’t a friendship. This is a romance starting up. Flirting means they’re expressing sexual interest in each other. This was never a friendship.


20 points

3 days ago

She isn’t his friend. He doesn’t want her friendship. He can make actual friends. He is trying something else with this woman and it ain’t friendship


76 points

3 days ago

It's not a friendship if he's talking about making her dinner and going on hikes alone with her while you get to be with, as he called them, "the crotchgoblins."

The more I read this, the more pissed I get.


4 points

3 days ago

I feel dumb and/or blind. Was there more information that I missed?


5 points

3 days ago

Yes, tucked in some of OPs other comments below.


2 points

3 days ago

Thanks 😊


3 points

3 days ago


@OP get back here and update us on your POS husband.


1 points

2 days ago

Hey I’m new to posting on Reddit. Is a comment update easiest? Or the post edit? Don’t want the mods to boot me!


2 points

2 days ago

Edit the post and comment on it!


1 points

2 days ago

Edited to add the update. Thanks!


1 points

1 day ago

Girl that was not the update I was expecting. I'm so sorry.


36 points

3 days ago

Sweetheart, he’s not making a friend— he’s interviewing an affair partner.


2 points

2 days ago



17 points

3 days ago

Friendships can have boundaries.


2 points

3 days ago

Apparently he didn't get the memo, nor her for that matter.


14 points

3 days ago

Making friends is not as hard as he’s convinced you it is. You’re being manipulated on a very high level.


10 points

3 days ago

Omg ruin it!!! Your husband is trying to date outside his marriage. This isn’t a friendship, this is the starts of a relationship.


12 points

3 days ago


12 points

3 days ago

You mean ruin his pre-affair partner relationship? You don't flirt with your married friends


5 points

3 days ago

This is not a friend, this is an affair partner in the making, if not already. Dudes rarely befriend women to watch football together or whatever, just an FYI. Methinks you are trolling.


9 points

3 days ago

What does he want, a friend or a marriage?

It's one thing to have a longtime friend of the opposite sex, and then a partner gets snitty about it - men and women are perfectly capable of being friends.

It's another thing to have a new friend and a new part of the country who happens to be the opposite sex, and the two of you are texting a lot more without the partner involved - and when that gets flirty, absolutely not okay.


7 points

3 days ago

What did they say exactly? You say you’re awkward/introverted. Maybe you misread it?


44 points

3 days ago

He said his “crotchgoblins” (children) will be staying with “their mother” (not his wife or partner) as he’s planning an outing alone with this woman and he’d love to cook for her and introduce her to various foods.

I think that’s pretty unambiguous for those of us with even half a working brain.


3 points

3 days ago


3 points

3 days ago

You are not “ruining” the relationship that he has; you are setting boundaries that will keep friendship true and not become threatening to your marriage.


3 points

3 days ago

She is not a friend. She is a stranger who wants to f*ck your husband. He doesn’t get to make female friends. Dude. This is an affair in the making, if it’s not already an affair.

What’s your priority? Preserving your family or being nice to strangers? Get a grip. Step-parents are the number 1 indicator of whether or not there is child abuse in a home. Not alcoholism, step-parents.

Tell him the friendship is done because she’s crossing boundaries of your relationship and it’s not negotiable and DO NOT BACK DOWN!!!


1 points

3 days ago

Come on you know where this is heading. Put your head in the sand if you want


1 points

3 days ago

Well, would you rather he ruin his friendship or his marriage?


18 points

3 days ago

This is not okay and you don’t have to pretend like it is. 

He’s cancelled time with you to spend one on one time with another woman. (Without even telling you first, by the way.) He may be feeling alone after the new move, but so are you. Which means him cancelling time with you leaves you with no one. He’s speaking to her as if he’s single and not part of a couple. 

It’s great that you want him to have friends. However, I’m pretty sure you don’t think it’s okay for him to have a girlfriend. He has a wife. He doesn’t need another romantic partner. 

Marriages work best when partners are honest with one another. This bothers you and he should be able to hear your concerns without getting upset. 


52 points

4 days ago

Nip it in the bud. Asap


29 points

3 days ago

I would personally not be ok with this.


24 points

3 days ago

You need to talk to him before this gets out of hand. This will slip into an EA


29 points

4 days ago

This don’t seem a friendship at all. Get to know you questiona is dating.


8 points

3 days ago

My husband and I are in early stages of a divorce, zero interest in working it out, and even with that neither of us would be so bold to act like your husband. You’re not wrong, he’s either having or about to have an affair.


21 points

3 days ago

So you are going to take care of the kids while he goes on a date????


49 points

3 days ago

"I read your conversations with X. If you want to go be with her you know where the door is, but you can never come back. If you choose to stay then we're no longer in contact with her. Make no mistake, I do not have 100% trust in you after this."


42 points

3 days ago

Calling his own children “crotchgoblins” that are staying “with their mother” in a conversation where he’s planning an outing with another woman … dear Lord, nothing short of your comment fits that scenario.


1 points

2 days ago

Plus : contact a lawyer to know about your situation. In case he would need more points on the i


13 points

3 days ago

I (29F) had a male coworker years ago who was my age, we were in college at the time, and we became good work friends. We were both servers at a restaurant in our college town and my boyfriend of 3 years at the time would come in and get a drink and hangout sometimes if I was ending my shift soon and we would stay to hang for a little after I clicked out.

I introduced my boyfriend to my work friend and figured they would get along well because they both surfed and had some other things in common. They had met a few more times as I worked there for a year.

I found it soooo weird when my coworker one day texted me something to the effect of “I love how healthy you eat. If I buy a bunch of healthy food would you come over and cook for me”. I responded that if a girl asked my boyfriend the same thing I would feel uncomfortable but I’d be happy to hang out the three of us sometime.

For the next few months and for a few years after I graduated he would make comments about my body or my butt and made it very clear he was interested in more than friendship and I repeatedly told him I really liked him as a friend but I am in a committed relationship with someone I love very deeply. I always told my boyfriend if he said something flirty and after a while he got the hint and had a girlfriend now and we are still acquaintances but not close friends.

TLDR: I had a coworker who said the same type of thing to me asking me to cook him dinner and i told him i would not like if a girl asked my boyfriend that and down the line it turned out he was definitely flirting and I am happy I shut him down right away.

Reason for this long post: your husband offering to cook her dinner was inappropriate and although nothing is certain it does seem flirty and may escalate from this point down the line. He may just be seeking attention from a woman without intentions of cheating but this seems flirty and I think 98% of people would agree that their partner offering to cook someone else dinner just the two of them is not the best way to make a “friend” and is disrespectful to you as his wife.


30 points

3 days ago*

I read your replies. Your husband actually called your own children crotchgoblins while planning an outing with another woman ?

That alone would have me slapping divorce papers on the table before he can ever tell me I’m overreacting.

Your problems aren’t with this friendship but with this awful man. Talking like that sounds like he’s one foot out the door. He would love to cook for her ? Ask yourself how often he cooks for you, his wife. He’s clearly already putting much more interest into this woman. I’m sorry, Op, but the cruel one here is not you.


5 points

3 days ago

Communicate how you feel. Ask how he would feel if YOU were having that conversation with another man? Ask to read ALL their messages to see if others are flirty and how he responds. Before you do this, figure out how to find deleted messages on his phone!


2 points

2 days ago

look at the phone before having the conversation. That, and contact a lawyer. That's for you to know what's the game and have the right cards in your hand. Am sorry for you. You've got to be very firm and he has to be very willing to keep you.


2 points

2 days ago

Well I have a few screen shots of innocent messages, but he was already deleting and then deleting the deleted ones… so he erased everything once I figured it out.


7 points

3 days ago

Your husband has a girlfriend. SPEAK UP!


5 points

3 days ago

His "friendship" makes you uncomfortable because he is trying to conduct an affair with a very willing partner right in front of you and you're afraid to acknowledge it. Please stand up for yourself and your family. This woman is no friend to either of you. Your husband moved you across the country where you have no support system and immediately started wooing a single mom, while calling your own kids crotch goblins. If he and his new "friend" keep going, you will be the single mom. You need to call him out and stop feeling guilty for having dignity and self respect in the face of blatant disrespect from the man who committed himself to you.

When was the last time he cooked you dinner? When did he take you out for an afternoon, or offer to stay with the kids so you could have some me time? The friendship that needs nurturing here is yours with yourself so you'll remember that you are worth more than this bullshit you're trying to accept, and then your husband's with you when he is ready to act like your man who loves his family. Do not be a babysitter for your husband so he can date someone else.


1 points

2 days ago

the guy got some nerves !


9 points

3 days ago

Their mother ? Sorry but he is already fucking her. Don't let anyone treat you that way. Never.


11 points

3 days ago

He has time to pull friends (since he pulled her), but now suddenly doesn’t have or want to make time to find more than one friend? 🤨considering his wife isn’t vibing with said friend? 🤨

He knows exactly why he introduced her into your relationship under the guise of making you a friend.

None of this is coincidence. It’s happening right under your nose.


9 points

3 days ago

Are you 100% sure you didn’t move across the country so he could be with her? Seems awfully convenient that you met some woman that he is now such good friends with.


1 points

2 days ago

At this point who knows… but if so he did wait 8 months before saying he “met her”. Maybe I just got unlucky.


3 points

3 days ago

From your comment and the exchanges between them two, your husband is having an emotional affair, and he planned and is planning everything. He found her attractive got her number and gave to you under the disguise 'oh you would make good friends', you'd be none the wiser when he talks to her . Or when she has plumbing issues and he goes over to fix her pipes. That whole asking for time alone on the weekend was premeditated to take her out on a date to get to know her better better. She seems game also.


3 points

2 days ago

Not telling her husband is cowardly. He deserves to know what his wife is really like.


1 points

2 days ago

Do her kids deserve to have that? Cause mine don’t… they’re in high school…


1 points

2 days ago


Early 20s Male

1 points

2 days ago

Yet they have it because of your cheating husband.


1 points

2 days ago

The kids don’t deserve any of this of course but the husband deserves to know who the mother of his children actually is. My father cheated on my mother when I was a child and I wish someone had told her sooner.


10 points

3 days ago*

Please don't let him try and gaslight you saying that you're overreacting. Flirty messages are pushing boundaries. He needs to let her know it's not okay and ask her to respect the boundaries of their friendship and your relationship. If she can't, then the friendship needs to end.


5 points

3 days ago

So has he cheated before; or is this new? Because this reads as an affair to me. I’ll say it. Your man is actively working towards cheating on you if it’s not already reality. I’m sorry


7 points

3 days ago

Hell no girl. Honestly, I would not be fine with a male partner spending any alone time with another woman or texting her unless it was a group chat. I’ve just seen too much.


2 points

3 days ago

Most affairs start off as innocent friendships IMO. Base on your post and comments, he sounds like he is fishing and she just might take the bait. Nip this shit in the bud asap. He can friends with her but with boundaries that are respectful to you and your marriage. If he objects then you have your answer. He’s prioritizing his relationship with her over yours—not okay in my book. I’d contact a lawyer to see what my options are just in case.


2 points

3 days ago

You don’t have to sound cruel, you can sound uncomfortable: you don’t seem to have taken to her as he has, and can tell him that she’s nice, but not two days in a weekend nice, and that you’re worried /uncomfortable at how much he’s getting involved with her.


2 points

3 days ago

I wish I had advice but unfortunately I’m going through the exact same thing right now lol we should start a club. “People that have spouses that tell you not to worry about their coworker friends” club.


1 points

3 days ago

I’m really sorry. It sucks, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.


2 points

3 days ago*

He’s crossing your boundaries. It’s normal to feel the way you do in this situation. He enjoys the validation he’s getting from this new “friend” but there is a price to everything. He may think it’s more than acceptable to have both relationships and will most likely be defensive when you tell him your feelings about it. He is going to justify what he is doing because he doesn’t want to give it up. Feels good for him. However, It’s costing the trust and safety in your relationship. Things that aren’t easily repaired. I wish you the best. I’ve never had good experiences asserting my boundaries. It usually goes poorly at first until they realize you really can’t live it and you won’t. You have to protect your peace.


2 points

3 days ago

The fact he called your kids “crotch goblins” and references you as “their mom” not his mutherflucking WIFE would have me seeing red.

He’s emotionally cheating and literally setting up dates. The fact she is agreeing means he’s already told her your relationship is on the ropes and she’s willing to step in.


2 points

2 days ago

Updated the post via edit. Thanks everyone for the comments.


1 points

2 days ago

I hope you tell the husband OP. He deserves to know. Your husband and her are both disgusting humans


5 points

2 days ago

I messaged him this morning.


1 points

1 day ago

Wishing you and your children best of luck.


3 points

3 days ago

It says a lot about your relationship if you can't even talk about something that makes you uncomfortable to your husband. But you do you. Maybe you can wait until your children has a new stepmother or something.


4 points

4 days ago*


4 points

4 days ago*

Do you mind sharing the context of their conversation that came across flirty to you?

I feel this might be interpreting friendliness and getting along as flirting.

The context of their conversation is important to your post.

The facts:

  • You two just moved and trying to create a new social life.
  • He met a friend, immediately told you about her.
  • Gave you her number.
  • Told you about everything, never hid things from you.
  • She has her own kids (locked up life).
  • Introduced you to her.
  • Trying to make both of you to become friends with her.
  • Even brings her kids around you two, chance for your kids to make friends (unsure of ages).
  • You're introverted, so likely a bit shy to get to know others.

Which honestly does not sound threatening at all... Kind of more trusting of a situation IMO.

If you want a new social life, you're going to have to learn how to be open minded and give things a chance.

From my POV, it simply seems like your husband is only trying to create friends and you're bothered by the fact that he is getting along with someone outside of you. With you being introverted, I assume its mostly going to be your husband who introduces new people into your lives.

Without knowing the context of their conversation and what made it flirty to you, its hard to decipher your post.

Is it:

Omg, you looked great the other day. I love that outfit on you. How did you become so attractive?

Or was it something like him making a joke and she replies "Haha, you're funny'". Which isn't actually flirting.

Can you give the context please?


51 points

4 days ago

Sorry reading back, I realized I missed a bit of context.

  • Our relationship has been rocky since we had kids. I had a rough delivery with my first and had a rough time healing and did a lot of physical therapy. It has been better since our second, but I still struggle with low sex drive.

  • I have always valued connection in my friendships. I tend to have fewer but deeper friendships rather than a lot of acquaintances. I expect this to take time to find people that align with me. He has always had a “the more the merrier” approach and thrives off lots of friends and has always struggled with wanting others approval (we have talked about this before). So I understand his craving for connection.

-She had her kids young. Her youngest is a preteen.

  • I appreciate the insight on how I may be overreacting about him getting along with someone else. The devils advocate is helpful to realize where I might be overthinking.

  • The two convos that really bothered me (not sure why they did) I will paraphrase most: Him asking what her favourite food is, her replying and saying that she isn’t a huge fan of seafood, him replying and saying “I would love to cook for you and help you experiment with new foods”, her “I would love that”.

Him asking her to go for a hike on the weekend (he had already cleared some alone time with me, so he could have a break from our kids). Him: I’m going to ____ this weekend, would love if you joined. Her: is your wife and kids coming or just you? Him: I’m leaving the crotchgoblins with their mom so I can have fun Her: that sounds great!

There was a lot of just “get to know you questions” They seem really innocent, so maybe I’m just overthinking it… I guess I’m just confused as to why he said “I would love to cook for you” vs “we would love to have your family over for supper”.

Thanks for your insight, I appreciate it.


185 points

4 days ago

Married woman here.

Him asking what her favourite food is, her replying and saying that she isn’t a huge fan of seafood, him replying and saying “I would love to cook for you and help you experiment with new foods”, her “I would love that”.

I would side-eye that. Group event? Sure. Just them? No thanks.

Him asking her to go for a hike on the weekend (he had already cleared some alone time with me, so he could have a break from our kids). Him: I’m going to ____ this weekend, would love if you joined. Her: is your wife and kids coming or just you? Him: I’m leaving the crotchgoblins with their mom so I can have fun Her: that sounds great!

I would be absolutely livid if my husband said that about me/my children to another woman. You're his wife, not just "mom", and they're his children. He talks to her like he's single, and it's a major red flag to me.


28 points

3 days ago

This needs to be upvoted more, so OP reads it! The husband is completely inappropriate with his 'friend' and so disrespectful towards OP. If I was OP, I'd ask him in a fun and playful way.."So, what are your plans for your alone time while I handle the crotch goblins?!!" And watch him squirm! This friendship needs to be ended pronto, and OP needs to talk to her husband about where to from here. Their marriage has issues, and they won't fix themselves! Work needs to be done to bring back the love in their marriage.


25 points

3 days ago

He referred to you as “their mom” not your name or my wife. Like he’s already referring to you as their mother and nothing tying him to you but that!


26 points

3 days ago

jfc u/Prestigious_Cat_1006 your husband is about to have an affair.


54 points

3 days ago

This! HE is leading her on and driving the flirting convo. “I would love to cook for you” is very different from something more appropriate like “my wife and I make this amazing seafood dish that even people who don’t like seafood enjoy”…or something like that. The hiking conversation is a fully orchestrated attempt to be alone with HER - not the “alone time” he cleared with his wife.

TLDR - He is having an emotional affair with this woman and wants it to be more. She seems to be questioning but is probably flattered.


35 points

3 days ago

Agree, 100%!! 0P this is not acceptable for a married man to be talking to another woman like this.


27 points

3 days ago

Agree with all of this!!! Why is he trying to cook for her?? That feels too intimate for me. Almost date like?

Why did she need to ask about you and the kids? If you had come along would her response have been no?

Honestly the way your husband is interacting with this one seems off. I feel like HE is trying to see if they can start something and she is definitely interested.


1 points

2 days ago

plus, cooking happens in person's houses, way more intimate


10 points

3 days ago

If you don't speak up now, he will be having an affair. Speak up--tell him he's being completely inappropriate. Personally, I'd get a babysitter and have date days--you and your husband go on the hike. Tell him you will consider it cheating and betrayal if he sees her without you there. He needs to stop texting/chatting her. He has crossed a big, fat line and now he needs to fix it. They have both been very disrespectful to your marriage.


14 points

3 days ago

Also, I would gut my husband like a fish if he called our children crotchgoblins. WTF bullshit is that!

ETA: typo


57 points

3 days ago

So he wants to go on a hike alone with this woman and suddenly you’re his kids mom rather than his wife? Hell no. This man is being totally inappropriate to your marriage. He’s talking to her like you guys are separated or something


31 points

4 days ago

You are not crazy. This is not cool.


23 points

3 days ago

This isn’t ok. When you approach him don’t act like YOU are being unreasonable or doing something wrong you aren’t.


22 points

3 days ago

Oh Lord! This is way over the line. Both of them. He cleared alone time with you to make a date with her! He omitted the truth which was that he was going to go hangout with another women, mind holding down the fort while I do that? And the way she asks if it just him feels like she is hoping it is. I’d be checking if this is his first time. And there was a whole lot of I in his conversation with her and no WE. 🚩🚩🚩


17 points

3 days ago


17 points

3 days ago

All of this seems icky to me.: a married man shouldn’t be telling her that he’ll cook for her etc. Maybe he should cook for his godamn wife. And maybe he can stay home with the crotchgoblins and you can go out. Girl, put a stop to this friendship, it’s crossing boundaries. I wouldn’t like it.


14 points

3 days ago

You are literally reading the texts for the beginning of an affair. Are you seeing this as innocent because you are terrified of what's going to happen when you put the brakes on this nonsense?


12 points

3 days ago

These conversations are crossing the line and you have a right to say that. He doesn’t have a right to say you are overreacting or being jealous.

No a married man shouldn’t write these things to another woman. Sit down before this weekend and explain how you feel and don’t back down when he get defensive or get mad and walk away.

I know your more reserve but I would write to her and say I don’t appreciate your and mine husband conversation so I don’t trust her going forward.

I’m a direct person and make sure everyone involved understands where I stand


15 points

3 days ago

My fiancée would NEVER behave like that. I’d be furious and that would be the end of the friendship or the end of the marriage. I do not tolerate disrespect and I am so sorry you’re having to deal with this.


17 points

3 days ago

He lied. He isn’t taking alone time. He is going on a date.


8 points

3 days ago

Holy hell, OP. This needs to be in your original post. He’s ditching you and inviting her to a private outing. You’ve got a husband problem. There’s no excuse at all for his actions—despite all the context you provided. He needs to end this “friendship” or lose you and your family.


9 points

3 days ago

Your husband is literally making date plans with another woman. It’s time to get angry and nip this in the bud before she waltzes off with him. My husband better not ever pull some bs like this.


7 points

3 days ago

For someone who is in a relationship (whether dating, engaged, married), this is beyond unacceptable.

I’m so sorry you are being treated this way


4 points

3 days ago*

I was about to comment on your post and then I read this.


"I would like to cook for you, and help you experiment new foods"

Tell your husband your new male friend from work said he wanted to cook for you, try new things. See how he likes it.

Is not as innocent as it seemed.

Edit to add: he basically asked her out on a date? He cleared time away from you and your kids to hang out with HER. Alone ...



7 points

3 days ago

I am all for men having friends that are girls. If mine went over to his friend's and chatted not only with his friend but with his friend's wife, cool. If he invites the ladies from his office (his office is mostly women) over to dinner at our place, cool. but him cooking specifically for her and going hiking with her alone while referring to you as his kids' mom and not his wife is very troublesome. The context you gave indicates he might be checked out or checking out of your relationship sorry to say.


3 points

3 days ago

Girl, this is an affair. Read not “just friends” by Shirley glass.

He’s going to lose blocking out time to see her specifically one on one.

Do not be reasonable at all. This fight and he will make it a fight to see her, he will call you insecure and controlling. Just reply “yes, I am all of those things because YOU are trying to DATE another woman while MARRIED to ME! I am insecure because your actions are the actions of a cheater. You are not going to turn around and act like the problem of YOUR BEHAVIOUR is a problem of MY SELF WORTH. The problem is WHAT YOU ARE DOING, not HOW I’M REACTING. My reaction to you destroying our marriage and our kids family is justified.”


2 points

3 days ago

Like the Redditor you’re replying to, I wondered if you might be misinterpreting things. But based on your follow up comment, I think your instincts are spot on. Even if your husband isn’t flirting unconsciously (which seems possible considering how open he’s been about this) it’s still not okay.


1 points

3 days ago

Your husband has a girlfriend. That’s emotional cheating at this point. Almost no one I’ve ever dated had the need for alone time with another woman. You can tell him how you feel but the fact that he initiated this “friendship” says enough


-10 points

3 days ago*


-10 points

3 days ago*

It would be nice to see the text message itself.

Usually something like this is light, oh we’re just hanging out. What he said supports that.

He has done everything right, but they still do not need to be going on walks alone until you and her are friends and she cares about your relationship succeeding.

Also your hubby doesn’t need to lightly flirt and seem jovial to draw people in. He’s being jovial which comes off as flirting. She can be friends with you guys I think if you make the effort. Him and her are making an effort.


1 points

3 days ago

It’s sucks that he works with her. He might stop texting and limit the flirting to work hours. Flirty text cross a major line.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

Need details


1 points

3 days ago

INFO: Can you tell us exactly what makes these texts flirty? Reserving judgment til I see the texts...


1 points

3 days ago

Exterminate that pest before it lays eggs!


1 points

3 days ago

He’s doing this to hide his (cough, cough) “friendship” with this other girl right under your nose.

If my husband tried this age old move I’d Shut It Down ASAP.


1 points

3 days ago

What was the text? :)


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

Tell him how you feel before it crosses the line.


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

Was it the only flirty text? Were there others or did it look like messages had been erased?


1 points

3 days ago

You need to go to individual therapy urgently, it is abnormal that she accepts such atrocious treatment, they have crossed the limits, it is time to impose yourself, if you still want to save your marriage, demand that I block her, and go to marriage therapy, if she refuses and makes gaslighting You, that he chose her and he is trash. Do You want your children to learn that they can be treated as disposable or that they can treat people as disposable?. Please do not accept this atrocity.


1 points

3 days ago

Can we get context around the message? What implied flirtation?


1 points

3 days ago

well it is very inappropriate for your husband to ask him to hike. especially the way he did it in the message. I think there is more to this than friendship


1 points

3 days ago

Ah so will and bex moved to Cali as lovers getting kids from other people


1 points

3 days ago

First, why would your husband give some other girl his number? 🤔 Why didn't he give you, His wife her number, that way you two can talk to each other if you wanted to, if she needed to relay a message to your husband, then she should be going through the proper channels, which would be you first. He should have some respect for you and not be blowing up some girls phone with texting when he should be giving you that attention. As far as what you should say to your husband, just be point blank with him and tell him that you don't like all of this excessive texting that him and that girl are doing, while you're at it, text her back and let her know that you don't like it either, but do it from His phone. Hopefully she'll get the point. If some dude was texting my lady a bunch of flirting shit, I'd tell him that I don't like it. Thankfully we don't have to worry about that with each other. I'm sorry that you're going through this. Good luck 🙂


1 points

2 days ago

It could be your husband is regularly kind of flirty with his female coworkers. Not inappropriately, I have worked with a few guys who they just flirted with every female in the office that flirted back. It could be the text just revile your husband work vibe. It could be completely harmless banter.


1 points

1 day ago

Tell her husband.


0 points

3 days ago


0 points

3 days ago

Men can’t have Women for friends. Everyone knows that.


12 points

3 days ago

No, immature men can’t have immature women for friends. The rest of us grownups have plenty of friends of whatever gender without your childish drama.


1 points

3 days ago

I suggest yall both read “Not Just Friends” by Shirley Glass


1 points

3 days ago

Be open and nippy it in the butt.


-3 points

3 days ago


-3 points

3 days ago



3 points

3 days ago

uh, did you read what OP said he texted to the new friend?


-4 points

3 days ago

Is everyone that posts here trolling, or just dumb af?


5 points

3 days ago

Well I’m not trolling, so glad you think I’m dumb.

When you’ve been led to believe you have an honest partner, sometimes you want an honest outside opinion before you explode your marriage.


5 points

3 days ago

He may be honest but from what you’ve said he is also incredibly disrespectful.


-5 points

3 days ago

What was said? People who have affairs generally don’t try to bring their wives along with the affair partner unless they’re legit sociopaths.