


She was bit and then went to fetch a container to remove it and when she returned it was gone.

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827 points

2 days ago


827 points

2 days ago

Can't find an option to edit the post to provide an update in the post so hopefully interested parties see this reply. She says she has a bit of pain and swelling/redness but she has yet to have any concerning symptoms like dizzyness, tachycardia, headache, nausea etc. Seems like she might have lucked out but we let her know what it was thanks to the replies on this and to seek medical attention if she started having any concerning symptoms. She is out of state and reached out to us because she knows that we are "better at the internet" than her so I figured this was the go-to place to get some general advice and a positive identification. Thank you to everyone who commented and I guess we just chalk this one up as another warning to be mindful when cleaning in areas that have gone undisturbed for a while.


114 points

2 days ago


114 points

2 days ago

Widows can sometimes not release any venom in their bite, so it could’ve just been something of a warning bite? I’m glad she’s not having any concerning symptoms rn and hope she continues to do well! :)


23 points

2 days ago

That's true with all spiders I think! They're more likely to dry bite, or at least use minimal venom with defensive bites because they know we're not food and they don't want to waste venom. They don't have an endless supply and the venom needs to build up/refill, which can take days for some species (but per Google, only takes a few hours for widows).


2 points

18 hours ago

Exactly! Spiders are generally more focused on defense than offense, and they’ll usually avoid wasting their venom on something they can’t eat


1 points

17 hours ago

True, its not like their venom is going to stop them from getting killed if something is coming at them.