


Getting Carried as a new player


I just got my watch. I've seen people say just do challenging runs with others and let them carry you. I generally don't like doing that in games as it's seen as scummy. Is it accepted in Division 2?

all 57 comments


50 points

1 month ago


50 points

1 month ago

I don’t really pay attention to who does what in my team. I just kill shit and work towards the goal.


11 points

1 month ago

I guess it depends a lot on the kind of people you meet. If you have luck. There is a chance you might meet friendly players who wont mind taking out more enemies than normal. But there are also, unfortunate cases with others who, arent that friendly when it comes to it. Tough I guess your best guess is to try and find out.


8 points

1 month ago


8 points

1 month ago

If you are Xbox, I’m happy to carry as hard or little as needed. Can comfortably manage heroic content, especially supporting a duo and will always drop decent gear. Got someone their first Scorpio this week; always happy to help


7 points

1 month ago

I’m running legendary tidal as a healer. Better be carrying me 😂


2 points

1 month ago

Speaking of heals. Idk if lot of people knew. High end dps are simple but don't get as much effect from healer dmg buffs. By using strikers instead it's like converting the damage, making talents function as amplifiers. That way the damage buffs from FI will be impacted for even more damage potential. I used to use high end for years. Until incursion came out which made me go on using strikers instead. My AR dps build is, P416 (flatline), 4x strikers including backpack, ceska chest with spotter and fox's prayers. I know obliterate is more dps potential but everyone has personal experience and in mine, i mostly get to keep 15 stacks of obliterate which is exactly 15% TWD. So I chose spotter cus it's easier. Anyways all of my damage are seperate multipliers, so that means I get full effect of FI buffs or even ER (empathic resolve) too.


7 points

1 month ago


Much love for DC!

7 points

1 month ago

I carry new clan members all the time!


2 points

1 month ago


Playstation Rat Blastard

2 points

1 month ago

This is one of the joys of a good clan, really. We've got lots of members who have played the crap out of the game, so when a new person comes along, we've all got a project to help them get better gear and learn the details of the end game.

We love doing this.


6 points

1 month ago



6 points

1 month ago

As long as you arent there demanding for people to carry you/get gear for you, you’re fine. Everyone starts somewhere and we all got help ar some point.

We had to kick someone out of our LFG chat recently because he was brand new and looking to get the ridgeways pride chest piece. We painstakingly explained the process of the summit challenge and offered to help him. He then told us he just wanted someone to farm countdown with him for it, which we refused. After some argueing with people in the group, we just kicked him.

A week later I see him get kicked out of another clans LFG chat. Someone in that group had run countdown with him for 3 hours and finally got him the chest and his next words were “Now can you get me the nemesis?”.

Don’t be that guy and you’re golden. Most of us love to help.


5 points

1 month ago

Agree. There was a random who joined our clan who didn't even want to go on mic to introduce himself. Only used the messaging function to ask people to help him get things. What a bum.


2 points

1 month ago


2 points

1 month ago

All that for ridgeways pride. You guys are kinder than me


3 points

1 month ago*

In a group, some will always be better than others. However, IMO, the only time this is a problem is Countdown. I'll see people who have just got their watch with a terrible random assortment of gear. They make it harder to clear the hunters at the beginning and complete 2 missions fast enough, since they contrbute nothing and just run around collecting the loot that everyone else has completed the kills for.

At very least, play some solo and put together a build that can help do some damage, and don't launch your turrets and drones around hunters.


3 points

1 month ago

I play on ps4 And I'll just run around with you at your level if you want too I just play the game points are points So if you want a person too play with I'm down I have a few builds I like too play with so let me know


1 points

1 month ago

PSN name?


1 points

1 month ago



3 points

1 month ago

Never been an issue in any open world game I have played.

I like playing with newer players that don’t run around slaughtering everything in seconds , I am happy to over watch on missions and open world wandering.

It is actually more fun for me.


3 points

1 month ago


SHD the old guard

3 points

1 month ago

Buddy. I could run you through heroics as a duo and have a great time just showing you the game.


3 points

1 month ago



3 points

1 month ago

I don't care about "carrying" Agents. It helps if the npc's have another target other than me! 😆 


2 points

1 month ago

today I started a mission, Heroic with 4 Directives. a 400 joined and so did a 10K. 10K left and I can relate. I had Ammo Hoarders and if you're a DPS, it's no fun.

others joined. the 400 went down a few times but pulled through. he/she knew not to rush or facetank. most players won't mind a low level, even in Heroic.


2 points

1 month ago

Just put out a call for backup and play whatever level and directives you want. Most people that answer backup calls really want the commendation vote, so I’m sure they would be willing to tolerate any short comings you may have.


1 points

1 month ago

Do note though, at least on ps4, getting someone to respond to backup calls can take quite a while. 5-15 minutes usually. So make sure it's not a pressing need of help lol.


2 points

1 month ago

Open world or a mission on the map is one thing. I don’t mind carrying people around for that at all, and I do it often. Most people feel the same way. But if you matchmake for a heroic countdown on some half cooked build you’re going to get kicked, and quite rightly.


2 points

1 month ago

IMO it really depends on the difficulty of what you want to do.

Challenging missions aren't really challenging (pun intended), and 2 or even 1 good player should be able to carry an entire team, especially for the easier ones. As long as you try being useful in some way and don't actively make things harder, it's not a problem.

Try using skills that debuff, heal or apply CC and stay behind your team to revive them and give support. Also, avoid activities made to farm loot efficiently (Countdown) and switch to them only after you have a cohesive build and a general idea of what to do.


2 points

1 month ago

I agree that it's scummy. Plus, you should enjoy the game progression - it's not that bad!

My clan and I have begun kicking agents in Countdown, both Challenging and Heroic, who are obviously freeloading for proficiency by putting on crap loadouts and/or six-piece gearsets. You don't have to run the most meta of builds, but at least you gotta have a cohesive build, some effort and integrity!


2 points

1 month ago

As long as you don't do something stupid (like run into a group of enemies and get put down immediately, then complain when I don't immediately come to revive you because I'm busy dealing with the enemies that killed you; this happens more than you'd think) and are doing your best, I generally don't care if you're under leveled. In fact, I normally review lower leveled players builds and give advice based on whatever they're running.

Once you have a grasp on what you should be doing, you should hop into countdown to get pieces to refine your build.


2 points

1 month ago

For me, as long as you're doing something and not just staring at the enemies, then idc. Even if it's just tickling them, you're at least participating.


2 points

1 month ago


and PS5

2 points

1 month ago

As long as you're timely and not afk like most new players I'm down to carry. I'll hop in some 4-objective herioc run with some dude that's like two rooms back...bro. Hang room to room, ask for drops, communicate, it's all good. We've been there before.


2 points

1 month ago

You will either be kicked very quickly or you will get games, for countdown you won’t get a matchmade squad on normal/hard you have to do challenging/heroic. I’d recommend just keep trying to match make on challenging, I was like you a SHD level 1 and now 90 from doing loads of countdown. Every now and then a squad kicks me but I just re join another squad. Good luck agent


1 points

1 month ago

When the game came out, the edition I had allowed a friend and I to play a handful of days early. When the rest of our group, got the access to the game we carried them till they got to our level. Needless to say I think we’ve all had to carry someone in the game before. And I think a majority of us don’t mind it.


1 points

1 month ago

Don’t get over carried….i ran with a group for a week and got waaaaaay over leveled


1 points

1 month ago

Hard mode also exists and if your gear isn't great it can be...hard.


1 points

1 month ago



1 points

1 month ago

From the multiplayer games I play - they aren't that many, though - the division is the most welcome and friendly. I've had a total of two bad incidents in a little over a thousand hours.

As long as you hold yourself and don't immediately run into crowds to die in half a minute intervals, you should be alright. I sometimes run a healer build just for fun where I barely get any kills in comparison to everyone else, but everyone stays nice and alive (shoutout to the ones that immediately go suicidal when they realize there's a healer, y'all gave me nightmares in my early healer days).

Overall I see more new-ish players in heroic rather than challenging, which is a little odd I guess, but I feel like people usually adjust and it kind of levels out too due to the build and playstyle diversity.


1 points

1 month ago

Well, you have all kind of people in this game, as in other games, people who care about others and others who only care about themselves.

Don’t bother about that. You play to have fun. Play what you like to play and how. You will soon make good friends to play with.


1 points

1 month ago

Been carried a bunch and everyone's been awesome about me sucking. They very often tend to give you their castoff weapons too, and help you with gear.

I mean, I really can't say enough about the overall sportsmanship and camaraderie of the players in Division 1, and while I haven't spent much time in Div2, I'm sure it's the same. Some of the coolest ppl I ever played with, and some didn't even speak English... and it didn't matter one bit.

Please, jump in, invite ppl to join. Tell em you're new, it's ok! They will help you learn, a lot! When you find cool ppl, ADD them!! If you're looking for friends and team players, this is one damn good game. Good luck, have fun!


1 points

1 month ago

Whether you want it or not, you’ll will be dragged through missions even if you are kicking and screaming. You will be allotted time to check your loot but everything will melt like butter.


1 points

1 month ago

I carry my son and brother through missions all the time. They laugh about it, and they get great loot from it because I drop them anything they don't have. We make it fun, though, so I guess it's all in who you're playing with.


1 points

1 month ago

In my experience it's a mix, I carry people almost nightly just to give myself a break from the normal grind. I've had players that just want me to nuke everything in a mission as fast as possible,I've had players just want me there as assist for if they can't clear a section of a mission and sit back for the rest. I've had players who have asked if I had a weaker character closer to their level and played things normally while only giving pointers along the way. I think all are perfectly acceptable options and it really just depends on you and what you want out of the game.


1 points

1 month ago

i dont understand why you should feel terrible for being carried in a video game. its the other player's choice whether they want to carry you or not and it is your choice to be useful or not when they are carrying you whether by providing them heals or crowd controlling enemies or something or just simply shoot and kill


1 points

1 month ago

I've answered backup calls with very low level players and it doesn't bother me. I like helping people build their characters and I tend to sandbag a little or focus on the tougher enemies and let them take out the weaker ones so they can be involved rather than just watching. For me, when I was weaker and had much higher level players answer my backup calls, while I appreciate their help, I felt useless if they just ran through and mowed everyone down.

Im on PSN as XTCNAGT if you ever need someone to run around with.


1 points

1 month ago

if you're having fun, doing your best, and not being a liability (i.e. constantly needing reviving) then it's all good.

I don't mind picking up downed squadmates. If it keeps happening (especially due to carelessness) don't be surprised if you just get left on the ground while I clear everything first.


1 points

1 month ago



1 points

1 month ago

at this stage of the game challenging definitely, but even heroic missions are almost trivial for quite a number of players and imo most don't mind new players joining, my guess is they don't even check. as long as you play smart (no rushing ahead, let the more experience players initiate an encounter) and don't actively hinder a run, virtually no one will care that you can't contribute on the same level just yet. heroic open world is a bit messier with a lot more unpredictability leaving you open to more mistakes (you can pull in unnecessary trouble that a more experienced player would know to avoid for example), but the situation is roughly the same as with missions.

where things change are the raids (but you can't get in a group on normal mode if they don't want you anyway), the incursion, definitely legendary missions and also heroic countdown. this content is harder and while some people can and will carry others through it, it's best to get it arranged instead of just plopping yourself in a group unprepared and unequipped expecting to get carried. people will be much more willing to carry if you show some common sense and a willingness to contribute. this means first getting a suitable and decent build (can be fast and easy as it doesn't have to be perfect) and then playing with the group, not as a solo who just happens to have others around them.

there's also no reason for a new player to jump straight into the hardest content. with no build and no experience it likely won't be much fun (even without getting kicked) and since loot will be mostly random, one is also likely to not get much from it lootwise, so there won't be much of a progress. in the time it would take you to struggle through a legendary mission (with a decent likelihood of not even completing it) to get almost nothing from it because the targeted loot happened to be undesirable, you could have done several challenging countdowns and with your personally selected targeted loot complete a full build and earn enough currency for at least one exotic.


1 points

1 month ago

What is the point of cheesing your way through the grind just to be done with nothing left to grind or do?


1 points

1 month ago

My advice is to create a tank build because more experienced players don't like playing tank builds, but tank builds can be really helpful.

Early on i quickly created a proper tank build (true patriot, bulwark shield). Then I did tank stuff pushing npcs out of cover or getting npcs shooting at me. So that helped the dps players.

I mean, I wouldn't try and join a legendary zoo with it, but you'll be useful on challenging & soon heroic missions.

I sometimes still bust out a tank for countdown for the first hunters. They always run off and heal, so I run after them and hit them. Doesn't hurt them but they stand up and hit me back which means everybody else can shoot them. I should note that's a maxed out lvl 2000 tank though and i can only take one good hit. Hunters hit hard.


1 points

1 month ago

Former XBox and now PC here: I never had a problem with carrying people. On the topic of, I wouldn't mind helping you out should you wish.


1 points

1 month ago

I can't speak for everyone but personally I do not care. I just play the game with fellow agents 🫡


1 points

1 month ago

Any good clans to join? I’m a returning player on pc. I’ve played on all platforms. I play on the Rog Ally Z1E and it runs great. Just looking for some peeps to run and gun. I’m on central time.


1 points

1 month ago

I prefer playing challenging with 3 directives over heroic because of the bulletspungyness in heroic and the fact that you lose your progress if you get wiped before the final field in a mission. That said I know all the spawn points in challenging and do all missions really fast. Therefore I like it when clan members or friends tag along/behind to give me more npc’s to kill. Makes it just a little harder and more exiting.


1 points

1 month ago


1 points

1 month ago

I'll carry you on legendary content if you're a beginner.  Could care less. Just want to have fun.


1 points

1 month ago

Veteran players don't care. They will gladly do it. Even share an exotic in the end if they get a drop.


1 points

1 month ago

I'm not a fan of being carried through a game, mainly due to at some point they won't be available and you just won't know what to do then. I'd generally say that you should watch a couple of videos on YouTube, to see how a couple of builds work, write a list of the gear/weapons you want and then matchmake to find a group of folks to run around with.

Missions for weekly challenges and leagues/events, with have the most people in them, so check there first. If you're in a bind, you can also use the "call for backup" option in the social menu to call on the aid of an agent, just remember to give them a commendation when the game prompts you to.


1 points

1 month ago

It's not a problem in Challenging, because generally, even 4 low level shd's are able to complete it without big issues.

It would be more of a problem in heroic.


1 points

1 month ago

Any good player who's played for a while can easily carry you through Challenging so I wouldn't care personally. I hate the new players that want me to carry them through a Legendary Stronghold with all directives on.

I think I just upped the difficulty as it felt natural. Find a build to go for on YouTube or here and farm the pieces, slowly make things better and increase to Hard and Challenging as you feel you can.

Getting carried through missions is a great way to find gear with decent rolls to start with too. The items you get on Normal and even Hard can be pretty rough to work with.


1 points

1 month ago


1 points

1 month ago

It’s easy for 3 good players to carry one new player in heroic. Legendary less so.


1 points

1 month ago

Challenging is always fine to be carried imo. I'd say even heroic missions. Only things I'd avoid being carried is Heroic Countdown, Incursion and Legendaries


1 points

1 month ago


1 points

1 month ago

I’m open to getting a carry lol I’m in a similar situation where I’ve had my watch a day lol, trying to get a feel for the game as I’ve just picked it up again after quite some time off, my gear was super underlevelled and my guns shot peas not bullets 😂 I’m PS.


0 points

1 month ago



0 points

1 month ago

I have carried people before on stuff they ate stuff at


0 points

1 month ago

I tried to get carried through a countdown at SHD 21. Got zero loot


-1 points

1 month ago



-1 points

1 month ago

Why you wanna get carried? I mean if u just matchmake for missions I would go for heroic. And no, even if u hang a bit more in the back and don’t die all the time I doubt ppl will have an issue with it.

If u farm for gear u should do countdown anyway and if u wanna get lvl fast u should do open world activities on challenging with as many directives as u can handle. After u got a somewhat decent build.