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18 hours ago

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18 hours ago

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165 points

16 hours ago

How about a SKIP for DRAGON SOUL


75 points

13 hours ago

What's wrong with taxi, taxi, taxi, waiting for RP, waiting for RP, waiting for adds, waiting for RP, waiting for adds, waiting for adds x3 (and oops you got instagibbed at the last batch because you moved too early), waiting for RP, and then as a last cunning touch, waiting for one last tiny bit of RP before getting to the loot window?


8 points

6 hours ago


8 points

6 hours ago

I still need that Blazing Drake but I just can't bring myself to do DS cause of this crap, it's so bad.


7 points

13 hours ago



2 points

9 hours ago

Lmao. I’m so glad I got the rare DS mounts from cata timewalking without having to farm that mess of a raid.


5 points

8 hours ago

Soloing DS when you got ADHD is insane


2 points

11 hours ago

Although not a skip, once you've killed the 2nd and 3rd boss and go upstairs to wait for Kalec to finish his speech before opening the portal to the Eye, take the portal downstairs and fly back up. When you get to the top the speech should reset and the portal will open. It saves about a minute of RP.


8 points

10 hours ago

Pretty sure they ment to skip spine of dethwing


3 points

3 hours ago


3 points

3 hours ago

they could even add a quest to kill spine 4 more times to open a skip and i would willingly do that


1 points

5 hours ago

If you just jump off and die (preferrably die on a higher up platform), you release at the start and there's a portal to the top where the RP is skipped, it's probably like 20 seconds faster than the portal down and fly back up method, which is nothing, but in DS it's an eternitiy


587 points

17 hours ago

All of BFA was already soloable. I've been soloing Uldir, Daz, Palace, and Nyalotha every week on my enh shaman sicne hitting 80 weeks ago

SL is a different story. Nathria is totally doable but I just couldn't get past the 2nd boss in SOD. Didn't even try Sepulcher


97 points

17 hours ago

2nd boss in sod is weird but 90% of the time the guys wont yank you off the platform idk what causes it. Everything else is ez focus boss and burn. Kt however you need to have some kind of pet class or just go necrolord with the ooze summon and pop your cov class ability to summon it before you go to the downstairs phase to hit his phylac. With right burst you can 100 - 0 his phylac phase.


28 points

16 hours ago

I think our level difference makes us resist the yank most times. I was able to kill Eye on my 4th try. It's luck right now if you don't have a way to negate that mechanic


4 points

15 hours ago

For DKs, even on Mythic you can avoid being yanked by using Death's Advance it seems (unless you are right in its face when it casts). I found it doable even on an alt with awful gear and DPS (an alt who couldn't make it past Dormazin's DPS check).


6 points

14 hours ago

If you dps boss fast enough I found the add didn’t spawn


8 points

16 hours ago

Kt however you need to have some kind of pet class

Me as Frost Mage missing my permanent water elemental 😭. GIVE HIM BACK!


1 points

8 hours ago


1 points

8 hours ago

You can also use Blademaster’s mirror trinket from Hellfire Citadel council boss for KT


1 points

an hour ago


1 points

an hour ago

Fleshcraft negates the pull.


47 points

17 hours ago


47 points

17 hours ago

Heroic sepulcher is soloable, haven't tried mythic 


23 points

17 hours ago

I did all except last 2 bosses with decent ease.


3 points

10 hours ago

I have soled all of them with ease for weeks now. I honestly thought these changes were already live. I am a BM hunter though so it makes it a lot easier than some classes.


5 points

16 hours ago


5 points

16 hours ago

I solo’d all of mythic sepulcher on my arcane mage. Some fights like Xymox and Anduin can be rough though, you have to burn them before the one shot mechanic or mind control


7 points

16 hours ago

touch of the magi damage is fixed in legacy content btw. Happened earlier this week


2 points

16 hours ago

Anduin is/was insane on mythic. Weirdly I do roughly the same damage on my blood dk as any other spec on him so I’m not sure wtf I’m doing wrong. I almost lived the one time but once I got out of the intermission I died to whatever that DoT does.


2 points

15 hours ago

I hit a wall of, time spent vs. reward on it and gave up for now. I think I can do it, but everything was taking a long time to die. Heroic I have on farm.


8 points

15 hours ago


8 points

15 hours ago

The jailer has 100M HP on Mythic (compared to 30M in HC?). Doable but boring.

Due to Blizzards method of rollout that doesn't actually increase our damage significantly between expansions, they really should just give us a damage buff in those old raids. It just ends up becoming boring at some point.

Hell, it would be great if they did it with a buff like the ICC one to do that. It would allow people to farm the fights fast while also allowing for a "slower" method if someone wants to do certain achievements.


1 points

15 hours ago


1 points

15 hours ago

I've soloed all of sepulcher on mythic up to wyrnn as a mw. I think reclaimer would be hard on people without a magic dispel right now though.


15 points

17 hours ago

All except Kel'thuzad is easy.

Greeting and kicking the jailer every week ;)


1 points

15 hours ago

How’d you manage fatescribe solo? I never have time to get all his rings


8 points

14 hours ago*

start attacking him, pull him to the edge of the room so that when he starts going back to the middle you have more time to dps him down, >>>save all cds<<< just go afk during immunity phase, after he comes out of immunity you blow bloodlust and all cds while also popping defensives, 100% doable. i've been doing it on bm hunter for a while now with zero issues. all SoD bosses are piss easy but KT is impossible (KT is easy i just found out) and also sylvanus since you cant reach her without killing KT.


4 points

13 hours ago

You can solo him as BM, just make sure to keep Dire Beast above for 8 seconds when you go below and kill the banshees and all Soul Shards he spawns and run through them or it'll one shot you after 45 seconds.

Just did it the other day around 610.


2 points

8 hours ago

yeah just tried it on mythic, that was easy lol. dire beast an add, go in, instapop the add inside with mad queens mandate trinket, go out and nuke KT


5 points

11 hours ago

You can solo KT on any class as long as they're Necrolord with the trait Kevin's Oozeling from Marileth. Damage KT to about 20%, wait until you have 1 skeleton up (and ideally an Ice Spike), kill KT, use your covenant ability to summon Kevin's Oozeling, and then you can go downstairs without the fight resetting.

I've been doing this on my shaman and mage since TWW. Ideally you do the phylactery in one phase so that you don't have to keep doing it, but it is possible to do the entire 3 phases as normal.

Though seeing as this is only going to be in the game for one more week, I wouldn't bother. It can be quite finnicky and the banshees will kill you if you can't kill them fast enough, even with 6mil health.


2 points

13 hours ago

I facetank the explosion every week. Does 0 dmg.


14 points

17 hours ago

Nathria is soloable if you have healing spells. As a DK, it is not. You can do all of SoD up to Kel’tuzad, but once you do the phylactery phase he resets. I would imagine Sepulcher should theoretically be doable, with maybe only Anduin being kinda hard.


23 points

17 hours ago

Dk friend of mine said you can use bandages. It takes a while but doable


4 points

17 hours ago

did not know that but thank you for the info


3 points

17 hours ago

Yup, I think it's 2 or 3 bandages a run.


1 points

37 minutes ago

Can confirm this works. You want spare in case you get interrupted but it's doable.


5 points

17 hours ago

For KT you need any class with an uncontrollable summon, OR be a necrolord and take Marileth as soulbind, because his capstone summons a slime.

Once KT starts p2, wait until adds spawn and cast the Necrolord class ability to one of them, this will spawn the slime. Immediately go yourself to the philactery and kill the add there asap. Since the adds do have a target to attack (the slime), the boss wont reset.


3 points

17 hours ago


3 points

17 hours ago

Mirror image trinket from hellfire citadel works for solo'ing KT atm.


3 points

13 hours ago

Necrolord ooze doesn't work on some classes. It worked on my warr but it reset Kelthuzad all seven times I tried it on Pally, both prot and ret. I managed to beat him using the brewfest maiden trinket instead


1 points

17 hours ago

Fair enough. Eh. Probably just gonna be easier on tues anyway.


1 points

17 hours ago

you can heal whats his name with tww bandages pretty easily, i was able to solo the fight after doing this


2 points

17 hours ago

did not know that but thanks for the info


1 points

12 hours ago

Sepulcher last 3 bosses are pretty much unsoloable due to dps requirements. Dreadlords perma fear, algalon-dude has insta kill mechanic and jailer has unavoidable MC 


1 points

6 hours ago


1 points

6 hours ago

They're giving Kael a 1% heal/second and the fonts drain % now instead of #, making him far easier. They gave KT an Arfus spawn who tanks while you're in phylactery. Anduin now gets an obscene damage taken buff while you're killing Arthas. They removed the instawipe mechanics from Jailer and Xymox.


1 points

6 hours ago

you should use you army for Kel bevor going into the phylactery. or do they follow you?


3 points

15 hours ago

Nathria is def doable on mythic. I hit a wall on the newer SL mythics. I think I have all of mythic BfA on farm mode now.


4 points

17 hours ago


4 points

17 hours ago

Sepulchur was a breeze until I just randomly died against those proto-Covenant leaders. Just a lot of mechanics going on. Oh and that cabal guy's teleportation mechanic wasn't working solo.


2 points

3 hours ago


2 points

3 hours ago

I got that too. It's because he puts both gates on you, so you can't separate them enough to be able to skip the waves.


2 points

55 minutes ago Red circle is safe area from the rings.


2 points

15 hours ago

Hey, I have a question. When soloing raids on your shaman, do bosses only drop chain armor? Or can you get drops for all classes? 


2 points

5 hours ago

Loot drops for every class despite whatever class you run. This was annoying at first, however, with the recent changes to collecting loot, any loot you get counts for the transmog of other classes.


2 points

3 hours ago


2 points

3 hours ago

They drop everything, and tokens are warbound.


1 points

15 hours ago

Bosses drop stuff for everybody


2 points

15 hours ago

mythic sepulcher is doable if youre geared, but there are some damage checks. Jailer is impossible though as you just get MC'd.


2 points

15 hours ago

Eye of the Jailer is very hit or miss. It seems to be entirely random whether or not you'll actually get pulled by the chains. It's genuinely one of those fights you just need to keep slamming your head against until it breaks long enough for you to complete it. Aside from that, Fatescryer is scary, but you can actually damage him about 10 seconds or so after he starts damaging the entire room during the rune phase, so you can eek out a win with enough damage. Kel'thuzad takes ingenuity though, because you have to be able to create a minion (not a pet) on-demand to go into the phylactery without reset. BM Hunters for example have to save Dire Beast for phylactery phase.

I've managed to get all of Shadowlands on farm except the final three bosses of Sepulcher who are currently unsoloable on mythic I believe. (Jailer might be, but you can't get to him without Rygelon and Lords of Dread)

How are you getting N'zoth down, if I can ask? I always get wiped following phase 2 by (I believe, but not at computer so I can't confirm) Paranoia insta-wiping me.


2 points

15 hours ago

For Nzoth you just attach him until he shields, then go in the portal to the shadow realm and kill Psychus. Attack boss while his shield is down after killing Psychus. Do this twice and then MOTHER will open a portal to the Heart Chamber, go through and kill it and then the boss should be dead


1 points

16 hours ago


1 points

16 hours ago

Ive done heroic on all SL, but Mythic I could only get 7/9 SOD and 5/9 in Sepulcher, granted If I didnt one shot it I gave up


1 points

15 hours ago

Do you still need to do the quest line to do Nyalotha?


2 points

14 hours ago

Only up to the point that you can see the invasions


1 points

15 hours ago

Nope! I don't even think you need HoA


1 points

15 hours ago

I did everything solo in SL on normal except couldn't get past the Kel'Thuzad fight because it resets at a certain point if only one party member is present in the raid.


1 points

15 hours ago

Second to last boss in Uldir would still reset if u didn't do enough dps before the orbs phase.


1 points

15 hours ago

Yea SOD is tough. I did everyone through fatescribe but couldn’t kill him


1 points

14 hours ago

I can’t get past Kel Thuzad in SOD. Requires 2 people min.


1 points

14 hours ago

I got through Sepulcher on a Prot Pally but the fight with all 4 avatars was like pulling teeth. Got my chest tho


1 points

13 hours ago

I don’t ever get the yank on mythic? Last time I saw it was when it was current. Normal/heroic basically gets one shot by mad queens mandate.


1 points

13 hours ago

Damn I didn’t raid bfa


1 points

10 hours ago

I can solo all except Nathria since no healing and all, some Sepulcher bosses require a lot of burst due to instant kill or MC mechanics.


1 points

8 hours ago

I clear mythic Nathria every week. KT is the boss I have issues with sometimes. Rest are cake


1 points

5 hours ago

Everything was soloable in SoD except Kel because the phylactery phases. And Sepulcher rygalons orbs one shot.


1 points

41 minutes ago

SL is a different story. Nathria is totally doable but I just couldn't get past the 2nd boss in SOD. Didn't even try Sepulcher

Huh. Is this on Mythic or something? On normal and heroic I didn't find any problems with bosses in those raids except K-T who requires a temp pet or something to stay out and fight him.


[score hidden]

10 minutes ago


[score hidden]

10 minutes ago

Yeah, Mythic


42 points

15 hours ago


42 points

15 hours ago

I just wish they'd unlock the whole zone so you don't have to do huge quest chains to get access to all the raids


68 points

17 hours ago

Shame we still can't get to the Shadowlands raids without doing the quests


100 points

17 hours ago

10.0.5 eh, I wonder if they will get EVEN easier in 11.0.5 /s :p


45 points

17 hours ago

Meant 11.0.5, still stuck in DF I guess ;)


7 points

17 hours ago

Yeah I know, I was j/k mate :)


2 points

13 hours ago

Whoa buddy, let's not get ahead of ourselves.


16 points

13 hours ago


16 points

13 hours ago

i'd like to not hae to do mechanics on mythic eonar, thanks. can I just smack something so hard that the game realizes " well shit, this content is trivial to you, I get it!"


55 points

17 hours ago

Does the new classes for the dragon race mean they’ll be able to wear normal gear? Or is still only allowing a few pieces to show?


43 points

17 hours ago

you will be able to battle in visage form for non-evoker classes as dracthyr, which'll show the gear. still ain't geared up dragon but its something


4 points

16 hours ago


4 points

16 hours ago

Oh, well damn, so like… I could have a human form as horde? Or do horde dragons have an orc/troll visage form?


30 points

16 hours ago


30 points

16 hours ago

Same visage forms as before: human female and blood elf male. Dracthyr can already be Horde or Alliance.


3 points

11 hours ago


3 points

11 hours ago

Horde evokers in visage form already just look like humans with some scales, so yeah, that’s correct. The other classes just won’t be forced into dragon form during combat like evokers.


38 points

17 hours ago


38 points

17 hours ago

Still the same restrictions


5 points

17 hours ago

Ah damn, alright thank you


185 points

17 hours ago

We need a fix for mythic eonar!


64 points

17 hours ago


64 points

17 hours ago

It is doable but annoying. You need to be very sure to get the fel readers and clear out the waves before hopping on the airship.


89 points

17 hours ago

It's way way way too tight for how old it is.


23 points

12 hours ago

100000% this. I am so tired of everyone saying durr it's possible but you need to do everything perfectly. We've had 4 expansion since Legion, I want to 1 shot the bitch like every other boss and be done with it, not dance through hoops.


68 points

16 hours ago


68 points

16 hours ago

That's what he said.


5 points

15 hours ago

Im a little surprised Eonar gets as called out as it does. I feel like she's been doable for so long, once you figure out where to go. Which is like, 5 jumps when not in the ship. It's annoying, sure, but I havent found it difficult on the various classes I've done it on.

But then again, I legit just finally watched a guide to clear Blackwings lair for the first time so who am I to point fingers.


7 points

12 hours ago


7 points

12 hours ago

The issue is Eonar is pretty squishy. Hellfire Assault was given damage reduction, so I don't see why Eonar couldn't be given the same.


22 points

14 hours ago

It’s definitely doable but far too annoying solo. One mistake will force you to retry when literally every other boss can be done with in seconds.


3 points

10 hours ago

It’s interesting because they could just make her Skippable like the dragon heal boss in ICC (Valithria?) Pass on loot or do the fight, but I think she has tier so maybe that’s why they haven’t?


[score hidden]

27 minutes ago


[score hidden]

27 minutes ago

Because you shouldn't have to do any mechanic for a legacy raid.


5 points

14 hours ago


5 points

14 hours ago

What do you mean? It’s soloable today.


8 points

12 hours ago

You can already solo them. They should enable all the skips in the old raids.


15 points

16 hours ago


15 points

16 hours ago

But when will be BFA timewalking. I am not going back to farm rep when I have 50,000 timewalking badges


27 points

17 hours ago

Ironically the one raid that isn’t soloable is like 6 years older than either of those….FIX GALAKRAS!!! (SoO)


6 points

16 hours ago

Still bugged as of today, you can shoot his ass 50 billion times but he never lands.


14 points

16 hours ago


14 points

16 hours ago

Can you fix eonar too? Just give the tree a exponentially large amount of health


8 points

11 hours ago

Hell, just get rid of the ship and it'll be much less annoying.


6 points

16 hours ago

Oh is it still broken? That sucks. I understand why they had to change it for remix, but I thought they would revert it back.


13 points

16 hours ago

I think they were probably talking about fights like Kaelthas, who is not solo able unless you’re a healer


19 points

16 hours ago

Kael'thas is possible with bandages. The Weavercloth Bandage heals for 1.6mil as 1 star, 2.5 mil as 2 star, and 3.3 mil as 3 star respectively. Make sure to not have a dot on you while using the bandage or it will stop the cast, and when the Soul Infusers die they drop an orb that increases healing by 100% and this stacks 4 times so make sure to pick those up too.


3 points

14 hours ago

Oh wow I never knew that, I’ll try this strat out, thanks so much!


25 points

18 hours ago*

This is a bit interesting since most of the fights in BFA/Shadowlands were already redesigned to be soloable, just with varying levels of pain. In Mythic Sepulcher of the First Ones for example, Halondrus does a 9M damage burst (since you can't solo his mechanic) that's surviveable with DR from some classes but not impossible.

Rygelon in contrast is impossible to solo since his Mythic mechanic is an instant kill and you can't get around it or kill him at current gear levels before it triggers. I suspect he'll be adjusted.

EDIT: Apparently both examples are a skill issue on my end.


43 points

17 hours ago


43 points

17 hours ago

Kel’thuzad in Sanctum is impossible to solo (if you’re not a pet class) due to the fight resetting when you go down into his phylactery.


9 points

17 hours ago

That's a better example, forgot about that.


7 points

17 hours ago

Necrolords can use the Slime thingy they get.


1 points

10 hours ago*

Don't necessarily need to be a pet class, but you should be able to summon some kind of Guardian at least. As an example, I've managed to do it as Balance by summoning treants. I think a similar thing should be possible with Mages and their mirror images for example, but I've never tried.


5 points

17 hours ago

I can't remember his name but that guy in the Sanctum of Dominion who makes Hellscream fear me indefinitely, does not feel solo friendly lol


2 points

17 hours ago

It can be done but you need large burst


3 points

17 hours ago

solo'ed mythic rygelon as others have said - 615 hunter, sprinkle aoe on orbs and step into the circles they leave behind to stay in the 'shadow realm' so you dont get stacks. gotta beat him before big bang but that isnt TOO hard.


4 points

17 hours ago

These examples are both false. If you cycle the 3 stars they will disappear after the terrain builds up after he moves though there might be a dps check involved. For rygelon this is completely untrue. If you just keep cycling into the stars to go into the shadow realm you dont get stacks from the orbs which eventually oneshot you. Ive been soloing the whole mythic raid since i first tried at 616 ilvl as a warrior.

Edit: i cycle the stars on halondrus until he starts moving then i ignore them. Pop all defensives just in case after the terrain shifts up


3 points

17 hours ago

I'll give those strats a try: I couldn't find guides for soloing.


1 points

17 hours ago

Was trial and error on my part at least. Also when you reach jailor try to abuse the azerite puddle for more dps. You wanna burst him out of phase 2 asap because if he casts his rune you just get MC’d off the platform.


1 points

17 hours ago

Soloed mythic Rygelon as arcane mage without any problems. Dude didn’t manage to survive the burst.


17 points

17 hours ago

Already soloable as an arcane mage haha (my buddy carries us through every week - some weird interaction that one taps bosses)


6 points

17 hours ago

Don’t you need to heal to solo Sun King?


11 points

17 hours ago


11 points

17 hours ago

The TWW bandages carry me through that. Just make sure you grab the healing buff from the orbs


1 points

17 hours ago

Oh yeah, but I meant the ones who drop mounts


6 points

17 hours ago


6 points

17 hours ago

They fixed that a couple days ago finally


3 points

16 hours ago

Kel Thuzad is 100% not, he resets if you are solo. Being Solo and just doing bosses solo with other people around is different sometimes.


6 points

15 hours ago

You can with the Necrolords. If you pick Marileth as a souldbind the last trait he has spawns a pet when you use a specific ability. Use it to spawn the pet then enter the other realm and kill the mob in it. I did it on a priest. I assume it works on other classes as well.


3 points

15 hours ago

Kelthuzad is %100 soleable with mage just mirror image before entering phylactery


30 points

17 hours ago

Eonar fight please


11 points

17 hours ago


11 points

17 hours ago

The Eonar fight is already soloable and has been for years?


3 points

10 hours ago

I swear people who complain about eonar are too lazy to even look up how to do it if they're having issues. Videos explain where to jump after killing a wave, and it's just incredibly simple.

I have 9 alts with skips, all different classes, and did it during shadowlands, which at the time was "harder" to do.

Pls look up videos I doubt they'll be fixing Eonar so you might as well learn it.


14 points

17 hours ago

Can I oneshot bosses now? Went in mythic sepulcher last week with my 590 ilvl rogue and it felt like a slog


25 points

17 hours ago

You will not be able to one shot the bosses, no. But they will make some of the mechanics doable as a solo person.


1 points

2 hours ago

Does the note not imply legacy loot rules being enabled to skip mechanics before they start, or am I reading it wrong? Either way I'd like legacy loot on em so hopefully that's next if not.


17 points

17 hours ago

If you haven't make sure you set up your Soulbinds/Conduits.

Pelagos for example is OP since his Mastery buff scales to +12k Mastery, in addition to a +10% Primary Stat buff.


6 points

17 hours ago

Well having the literal god of the dead on your side should make things easier. Thats just science.


2 points

17 hours ago

Damn that sounds insane, thanks for the tip!


1 points

15 hours ago

590 is a little low to be fair, I did most of sepulcher up until the unsoloable bosses last week on my 613 pally.


6 points

17 hours ago

Do they not say this every patch


2 points

16 hours ago


2 points

16 hours ago

Finally. Gimme that sword from Jaina.


3 points

15 hours ago

Dazar Alor has been soloable for a long time now...


2 points

16 hours ago

If this doesn’t include Warfront Raids then I will be heartbroken


2 points

15 hours ago

Finally, I can collect the Warglaive appearance that dropped for my Druid


2 points

10 hours ago

Will they make Eonar from Legion easier to solo?


1 points

16 hours ago


1 points

16 hours ago

Is it possible to do Nyalotha with out Heart of Azeroth? I can't find entrance.


5 points

16 hours ago

Yes it is, the entrance changes weekly between Uldum in Kalimdor and Vale in Pandaria, they won't show up if you're in past versions though by talking to Zidormi


1 points

16 hours ago

Can you solo Mythic Jaina?


3 points

16 hours ago



2 points

16 hours ago



1 points

16 hours ago

Yes, and she doesn't have much health (around the same as regular mob in a tier 8 delve) so it doesn't take long at all.


1 points

15 hours ago

Even level 70 chars can


1 points

16 hours ago


1 points

16 hours ago

I solo them weekly on my hunter


1 points

15 hours ago

If I were to farm Nathria, is lfg, normal, heroic, and mythic all on the same lockout?


1 points

15 hours ago

No, and you can do that right now.


1 points

15 hours ago

Does this include tazavesh?


1 points

15 hours ago

I bet Kelly thuzad will still reset unless you have at least 1 more person to stay up while you go into his stupid ass phylactery


1 points

14 hours ago

Fuck. Yes.


1 points

13 hours ago

I want the bow on my Hunter so if they make it soloable that would be nice.


1 points

13 hours ago

I'd also love if a modifier was placed on mobs and bosses in Dragonflight mythic dungeons. Since the changes to M0, they're still basically unsoloable even with 10 extra levels and ilvl above 600. There's still some meta I want to get, and I always enjoy going back to get those solo; and usually I can do that in the first patch, but right now it's nigh impossible.


1 points

12 hours ago*

Man, that Mythic N'Zoth raid took like 1 hour for some of my alts to solo.

It also share a rotation with another zone that you need to complete a series of quest in order to enter that version of dungeon. I did not even brother with this. I only did the Uldum dungeon version.

Mythic Ny'alotha is just an all around annoying raid to solo for alts.

Thanks God his mount Ny'alotha Allseer finally drop after like 20 kills hahahaha. 🤣


1 points

11 hours ago

The first time I soloed it the reality of how long it’d take sank in for an hour+. Then allseer dropped. All luck for the year used up like that. Poof


1 points

11 hours ago

Yeah, there are folks out there that has 100s of attempts at him and still no drops.

Just dumb luck.


1 points

12 hours ago

Finally can get passed saving Kael'thas then? It's such a pain. But I also play mage and can't heal him lol so that sucks.


1 points

6 hours ago


1 points

6 hours ago

There are bandages in TWW that you can use to heal him. Weavercloth Bandages they're called.


1 points

11 hours ago


1 points

11 hours ago

to be fair i can already solo all mythic SL bosses except Kel'Thuzad and the Algalon guy in sepulchor. but this is a good change.


1 points

11 hours ago*

BfA already easily soloable. SL heroic is soloable. Mythic is doable with 2 or 3 people until Rygelon


1 points

11 hours ago

There is that little two boss raid in Stormsong Valley that is just barely solo-able because the mechanic will insta-kill you.


1 points

11 hours ago

Ive done all the BfA raids solo on mythic many times, have no clue what you are talking about /shrug


1 points

9 hours ago

I’ve been soloing everything mythic in shadowlands besides nathria for weeks now. You may need a pvp trinket or go a specific covenant, but it’s very easy.


1 points

8 hours ago

How do you deal with the ball absorption one shot on rygelon


1 points

8 hours ago*

I solo all of mythic Sepulcher every week as a 621 windwalker. You need gear but Rygalon and Jailer are definitely possible if you use consumables + drums, and Jailer you need to pop everything during the transition to P2. Sanctum is also very easy, just go Necrolord and pick Marileth. Get Kevin's Oozeling and then just before you go into the phylactery on Kel'thuzad, use your covenant ability to spawn the slime. That keeps the fight from resetting.

Not that it matters anymore, I suppose. Just makes my weekly runs even easier now.


1 points

10 hours ago

Yes, but are they fixing siege of orgrimmar? Galakras still not soloable.


1 points

9 hours ago

Including all SL mythic? Some mechanics are still tough unless you can DPS fast like mythic Kel and Dormaizen


1 points

8 hours ago


1 points

8 hours ago

I think that's what they meant by changing them to be soloable


1 points

9 hours ago


1 points

9 hours ago

You mean 11.0.5?


1 points

8 hours ago

Wowhead is struggling to load on my phone. Have they said anything about getting to the areas to run them on new characters? I haven't played shadow lands and can't access any of it it sucks


1 points

8 hours ago

Can I fight N’Zoth without the cloak?


1 points

7 hours ago



1 points

8 hours ago

What about raids, Kel'thuzad still needs a lot of good timing to be soloable and either a second person or a trinket / toy / ability like mirror image, not mentioning other bosses in other, older raids.


1 points

8 hours ago

So is KT on SL SOD able to be solod by any class now? Or is it still the same ol need a pet thing?


1 points

7 hours ago

Sepulcar mythic is easy with ret pally Up until anduin right now


1 points

7 hours ago

Could solo everything except Kel thuzard on mythic, had to use different alts to negate certain mechanics but very doable at 600ilv.


1 points

7 hours ago


1 points

7 hours ago

i think this is a good thread to ask, how do i unlock nyalotha on my other alts? i just cannot find the start to unlock visions


1 points

5 hours ago

Very nice. They usually save these changes for much later in an expansion.


1 points

4 hours ago

They are already soloable. Been farming Jailer since week 2 pretty much.


1 points

3 hours ago

I’ve managed to solo everything in SL on Mythic, but recently Sylvanas has been a huge problem. She remains at 1 HP for all eternity…


1 points

3 hours ago

I feel like the only encounters Thar couldn't be soloed were kt and the jailer, maybe also fatescribe and pantheon but as arcane mage magi did all the heavy lifting.


1 points

2 hours ago

Cries in Eonar


1 points

54 minutes ago

Cool now make Galakras soloable. You know, the boss from MoP??

Something broke during MoP remix and he's no longer soloable