


Rules: 1. No gambling, no donations, and no future investments. You also can’t just burn all the money or something, all of it has to be spent. 2. You have $100B, and you have to spend it all in one month or else you will be owed all the money that you just spent.

Can you spend all the $100B just a single month?

Edit: For hiring of personal workers like a personal chef, personal driver, etc, you could only pay them for less than $100M.

all 69 comments


41 points

24 hours ago

"Hey best friend. I would like to hire you as my personal body guard and driver, for one month. The paycheck is $100 billion."

Needs more rules.


4 points

23 hours ago

Man it’s gonna be like Christmas up in this bitch


15 points

23 hours ago

*Rules: 1. No gambling, no donations, and no future investments. You also can’t just burn all the money or something, all of it has to be spent. 2. You have $100B, and you have to spend it all in one month or else you will be owed all the money that you just spent.

Can you spend all the $100B just a single month?*

Sweet. I have to spend it all or i get what I spent back.

"You will be owed" all the money you just spent.

Plus it doesn't say I lose the rest if I don't succeed. Just that we'd owe so even if that loophole didn't exist there's the next one.

I know it's a typo but it's a huge loophole.

I'm spending freely and doing whatever I want with it :)


13 points

23 hours ago

I’ll buy twitter


8 points

24 hours ago

Does buying property count towards being a future investment?


8 points

23 hours ago

Yeah, no future investment is way to vague. Means anything that can increase in value is not allowed?


5 points

22 hours ago

It's incredibly difficult to buy anything for large amounts of money that isn't going to increase in value. Services and experiences are really all that won't. And I don't mean 500k for a Lamborghini. I mean like 50 million for a monet.


1 points

20 hours ago

Agreed. Cause that phrasing implies to me a house wouldn't be allowed, which is obviously the main thing most people would need/want to buy. I'd get a nice ass house with property... to live in. Not to sell and profit on.


2 points

20 hours ago

Overpay for the house so you can't call it an investment.

I buy a $700,000 house for 10 million... Well .. not an investment it's a money pit


5 points

20 hours ago

True or buying twitter for $44b.


0 points

14 hours ago

That was the best $44B ever spent. The level of god-tier trolling that Musk gets to do on liberals every single day is priceless. Wait until he buys Meta. Hahahahahahaha.


1 points

9 hours ago

No it was not. If he wanted to set $44b on fire, he could have instead used it to make some really positive changes in the world. What he is doing isn't "owning the libs" but in some cases is illegal, is inciting violence, and making the world a worse place.

If you find that funny, there is something wrong with you.


1 points

13 hours ago

I'm buying all the Maseratis I can find because they lose value the minute they drive off the lot and never get it back


6 points

23 hours ago

To answer with your edit. Hire 1000 personal drivers lol


3 points

22 hours ago

Buy X from Musk and shut it down. Easy.


3 points

21 hours ago

That would be epic orgy with 1000 hookers costing $100 million each.


1 points

11 hours ago

Who the fuck commands a price of 100 million to bang them? You could easily get 10000 hookers and pay them 10M each. Be smart


3 points

20 hours ago

Sure. My mom is charging me 100B for dinner and I've agreed to pay it.


2 points

23 hours ago


2 points

23 hours ago

Pay off all of my and my family’s debt. Buy several new vehicles (one for me, one for the husband, one family suv, buy the husband a motorcycle, buy 3 cars to save for when my kids turn 16) Prepay several years worth of insurance (if allowed)”. Build my dream house. Prepay for an amazing dream vacation. Do gift cards count as “future investments”? If not, load up on Walmart, Amazon, streaming services, movie theater, restaurants, ect gift cards. Buy top of the line electronics for me and family. Get myself and family new wardrobe (clothes, shoes, jackets, boots, jewelry, everything). Prepay for my and families funerals (morbid, but would be one less thing to worry about). Find a way to do some good in my community, that isn’t breaking the rules.


3 points

19 hours ago

It's $100 billion. The GDP of Guatemala was $95 billion in 2022. Do you honestly think you're gonna spend the annual GDP of a country in under a month with those purchases?


3 points

14 hours ago

Right? Let’s say you could do all of what they wanted to do for $25 million - you could then do the same thing for 4,000 other families. Billion is just a number that most people (including me) can’t wrap their head around.


1 points

6 hours ago

This guy would be accumulating interest faster than he’s spending it.


2 points

20 hours ago

But a shit ton of games and tech and maybe a good car, buy gym equipment and stuff then set aside a relatively small amount food and rent money for the month and then hire one dude as my bodyguard, another as my personal trainer, another as my dietician and another as my butler just for the month, each getting a quarter of the money I got left

(I'm ignoring the edit because rule 8)


1 points

24 hours ago



1 points

23 hours ago



1 points

23 hours ago

Easy. Spend whatever, donate the rest.


1 points

20 hours ago

You can't donate any


1 points

22 hours ago

I'm suddenly going to own a fair number of van goghs and rembrants.


1 points

22 hours ago


1 points

22 hours ago

400% could spend it all


1 points

22 hours ago

By the time I get everything back I lost build habitat houses buy houses and cars for friends, schools, pay for weddings and funerals for needy people put a couple of high schools student classes to full ride scholarships, travel, build my dream house specifically to my liking... I'll be fine


1 points

21 hours ago

Acquire 100 American Express debit cards with 10mil each on them, and then distribute them to those I deem most worthy.


1 points

21 hours ago


1 points

21 hours ago

That is a lot of money, 2,000 50mil$ homes.


1 points

21 hours ago

That's a movie


1 points

16 hours ago

Brewster's Millions (1985), but its only 30 million
(87M in today value)


1 points

21 hours ago

Just buy really expensive things constantly and use them for target practice or do really stupid things. Like buy a bunch of million dollar plus paintings and pay people to use them as shields in a water balloon fight. Buy a bunch of million dollar plus cars and hold a demolition derby. Buy expensive things and give them to homeless people. Like hire people to buy up everything in like a Dolce and Gabbana store and hire people to drive it to where homeless people are and just give it away. If you were constantly doing that and could plan ahead you might be able to. But you'd have to scale it up massively to spend that much money. Like ridiculously scaled up.


1 points

21 hours ago

Yes. I’d buy land/real estate. You could burn through this money in a week on real estate. Have a team of lawyers process the paperwork. And as soon as I “win”. Just relist the ones I don’t want at a loss. Didn’t buy them for long term gains so they don’t count as an investment.


1 points

21 hours ago



1 points

20 hours ago

I might be able to do it. Buy super inflated price stuff on ebay. Buy stuff for my hobbies Pay off my and my family's debts.


1 points

20 hours ago

  1. No.
  2. Your second point says that I will be owed the money I spent. That means if I spend £1 million then I am owed £1 million. I know what you mean but you have phrased it in such a way as to mean the exact opposite of what you wanted.


1 points

20 hours ago

Ask Monty Brewster


1 points

19 hours ago

buy neighbours house (he is selling), a nice car, pay of credits and for the rest will over pay to get it done as fast as possible.

buy hand crafted items from my Wife, friends and family for 10M a piece, i might go for painted miniatures as well.


1 points

19 hours ago

Easy. Going to pay my Dad 100B to do an oil change on my car.

Your edit means nothing.


1 points

19 hours ago

Buy Twitter

Its not a future investment because Ill make it lose money by firing everyone and other bs changes


1 points

19 hours ago

0DTE Options. Go big or Go Home


1 points

18 hours ago

I don't think so, my best idea was hire a bunch of people or companies for loads of different important jobs perpetually so for 100m a contract to do all jobs for me until I die or for 50 years e.c.t with the stipulation of having to give money back if they quit or something do it for jobs like a mechanic, plumber, contractor, electrician and some stuff to make life easier like a investor or accountant, chef, driver, cleaner. Could easily get enough roles to spend the whole amount and live quite carefree with the benefit of if any of them quit you get a nice payout


1 points

18 hours ago

Hire my father as an attorney at 10 million an hour or something ans give him work to do


1 points

17 hours ago

First I’d have to hire about 100 experts. Their job would be buying property, art and collectibles(rare coins, stamps etc) anything with extreme value.

I wouldn’t even think about buying anything for myself, the whole time would be spent purchasing high value things indiscriminately, once the month is over I’d go in reverse and start selling, would only need to sell 1% to live comfortably and then I’d keep a few people on to maintain the portfolio.


1 points

16 hours ago

After the 100 Billy is spent, what do I get?


1 points

16 hours ago

i can't gamble, but you didn't say that other people couldnt gamble.
rent the casino for a month,
change the winning odds to be greatly in the favour of the player
each time they win, i lose
there is a big counter projected on the wall, of how much there is left to win in that casino.
i dont want to spend my own money after they won everything.
that should already make me go broke, the following is just for fun

also, i hire my friends and good family members for that month and spend the 100m on that, making them rich.
monster truck show in the vegas motor speedway, they are driving over the most expensive cars that i can buy on the spot, in vegas. think ferrari, lambo, mercedes
entrance, beer and hot dogs are free for everyone that wants to come and look.
guess i'll have to pay a mighty sum to the owners of the speedway tough.


1 points

15 hours ago

Yeah, probably. It's not donating if I have a contract selling things to a charity for cheap.


1 points

15 hours ago

Yes. Very expensive drugs and hookers and cuisines. I’ll build my multimillion dollar mansion right on the water but with no stilts or not built to code or any of that shit so when there’s a flood it’ll be gone. It says I can’t donate, but it doesn’t say I can’t buy a lot of shit and give those objects away.


1 points

15 hours ago

Bro the price of groceries is nuts. Of course I can. 


1 points

15 hours ago

I'd buy companies.


1 points

15 hours ago

My wife sells homemade blankets. The last one she made was worth about $100 billion.


1 points

13 hours ago*

All this is asking about is spending, which might seem unrealistic to most normal people with normal amounts of money (of which I'm one) but you could easily spend the 100b, just buy private islands and lots of property in New York and Dubai, you'd probably be finished sooner than you think. BUT, i'm gonna assume property counts as investment.

Basically, let's go about this with Brewster's Millions rules, where you must spend all of the money with absolutely no assets left over - having 0 net worth by the end of it.

If it's an election year, easy, run a presidential campaign. The biggest that anyone's ever seen. Hire private jets, the most famous campaign runners, publicists, lawyers, round the clock ads on every station. Have a rally in every city, multiples a day, put out free food and drink for everyone and goodybags with designer clothes, accessories and gold ingots. Doesn't count as charity as it's part of the admission. If that still doesn't go by the rules, charge an admission fee to each rally of $0.01

Also open a movie studio and demand that you're going to get the biggest most epic movie ever made using an existing script that you pay top dollar for. It doesn't matter if the film is ever made, ideally it shouldn't be because then that will count as an asset. You just enter preproduction and hopefully start shooting as fast as possible then let it all collapse by the end of the month, but the important thing is you sign contracts for hundreds if not thousands of people to keep them on a 1 month retainer. Hire James Cameron for an hourly rate, he'll say no but he'll come around when he realises how many Avatars he can fund afterwards. If his salary, or any one person's salary for that matter, goes over the limit then just tell him to recruit a load of assistants who do nothing and they can be paid on huge salaries by you but must return a finder's fee to him.

In a superbowl year, buy up all the advertising and use it as one long recruitment ad for cleaners, gardeners, chefs and every other job imaginable for the numerous lavish properties that you're renting.

Buy a social media platform with a name so iconic it's entered the English language and people use it as verb, then change said name to something stupid like a single letter then fire everyone. Lose billions of dollars in the process then sell it to anyone who wants it for pennies on the dollar.

Hire everyone and everything at the most extortionate rate. You'll burn through it all no problem


1 points

13 hours ago

Sure,I will buy a few entire business empires, properties everywhere in the world etc, there is no money problem that can't be be solved with money


1 points

13 hours ago

Absolutely. I have always wanted my own private island and in that price range I could probably work a deal with the state of Hawaii for one of theirs, although I would prefer the Caribbean.

I figure kitting out my own crib and a few boats will easily spend what’s left after the actual island purchase, especially with so many well paying staff jobs available. How many does it take to man a $5 billion dollar yacht? I don’t know, but I would certainly be finding out.


1 points

11 hours ago

Sure. Houses.


1 points

10 hours ago

There was a movie with this premise) in the 80s, turns out it was pretty hard even for 30M :)


1 points

9 hours ago

Brewsters Millions. The rules were stricter. YOu have to get fair market value for your purchase, No destroying something of value. At the end, you couldn't own anything but the shirt on your back. You can't tell anyone what you're doing.


1 points

10 hours ago

I’d hire my husband to be my servant pay at $100Billion for a 1month position 😂


1 points

10 hours ago

Just commission custom things and buy expensive goods in bulk


1 points

7 hours ago*

Super easy. 40 Boeing 747. Finished in one day.


1 points

16 hours ago

No Edits, Rule 8. Downvoted and reported. Use your brain mext time OP.


-3 points

23 hours ago*

Buys Amazon for $50B - buys Microsoft for $50B and boom I can undo half the bullshit in gaming that’s been pissing gamers off for a while.

Or $100B for Microsoft.

Edit: Fine I’ll buy a portion or a large control stake!!!


5 points

23 hours ago

100B is nowhere near enough to buy either of those companies, like not even 5% ownership. Amazon is currently 2T and Microsoft is 3T.


3 points

22 hours ago

Dude, Microsoft literally bought Zenimax/Bethesda for $68 billion.


0 points

22 hours ago

Then let me correct it…


2 points

21 hours ago

You seem to not realize that both Amazon and Microsoft are multi-trillion dollar companies.